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Success! Wednesday, June 9, 2004 • read strip Viewing 95 comments:

The Gravity's Rainbow of Achewoods.

If Pynchon ever left his house and read that, he'd fuck you up

Right, like Pynchon ever leaves his house. Or knows what a computer is.

A comment left by qatipay was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pwb, rhino, sumisueme)

just internnumber's luck that a computer-store clerk that happens to regularly serve thomas pynchon happened to be perusing these comments


I am hoping so hard that this is true.

it would be a really boring story for me to have invented, frankly. even as truth it's kind of lame!

Not at all, indeed. I can only imagine the shenanigans Thomas Pynchon gets into on the internet.

So is Lie Bot CELEBRATING the murder of Roast Beef?

Because that would be pretty damn COLD.

But then again we just saw him lying there in the costume... so was that doppelganger also a doppelganger of Lie Bot himself, who then orchestrated the entire scenario remotely?

Because that would be DOUBLE COLD.

Maybe he's lying about celebrating the murder of Roast Beef.

It would not at all surprise me to find out he's masquerading as Dr. Manflesh.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, Overmedicated, tttt, DiamondMonster, GeyserShitdick, Koremora, antecen, edgy, SoManyWhales, lk, littlefatdog, heatbag, SotiCoto)

Beat me to it.

I mean, I know Asherdan sucks, but there was no reason to lame this comment. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

I would give that one comment a thousand and one lames if I could... NOT because it was Asherdan... but because we seem to have some sort of a stuck record around here perpetually replaying lines from a particular early strip ad infinitum ... and it was only funny ONCE.

Just once.
And that once was when Onstad did it.

And you should be ashamed of yourself for defending Ashy doing such things.

SHUT UP it's still funny

As I said, it was only funny when Onstad did it originally.
It has not been funny since then.

Actually, I agree.

"Why find out" has a better application range anyways.

How do you know that a robot's ass is bad?

Seriously, dude, why find out?

Just some fun times with the dudes

SUCCESS! Whoooo!

C'mon, this is how everyone feels when they are totally pumped. (Ass exposed or not)

I don't know why the robots had some grand plan to get Roast Beef killed. Real mean of them. Wouldn't have expected this of Vlad.

Dogg, they know he'll come back. He always comes back.

Mama always told me I'd be killed by a robot's ass assin'. I think that's what she said.

no. Mama told you not to come. She said...

that aint the way to have fun


Mama always told me not to look into the eye's of the sun/But mama, that's where the fun is

So are they collectively celebrating Lie Bot's Culpepper caper?

It always seemed to me like kind of an unrelated interlude before the plot was resolved.

I figured they had been planning this particular caper a good long while. Lie Bot considers it successful because only the presence of the real Uncle Culpepper could expose him.

I always assumed that it was a success because Lie Bot made it with Tina.

Holy damn I never even thought of it like that. Tina got it on with a robot, that is ill.

Ha ha! WHOOO!


Even Andy's there.

andy is such an enigma. id like to see more of him.

You're already seeing his ass

That is actually Lie-Bot's ass.

Andy is the rectangle dude, all lookin like the monolith from 2001 a space odyssey.

Oh shit! Feel free to lame that comment. I Totally did not see his weird tiny buttcrack. I see the error of my ways. I chubby mattfish to atone for my sins.

i do not know you, yet feel we will become friends, due to your avatar. do not prove me wrong.

Okay, the robots have been celebrating for about a week now...

It's easy when you're a robot and don't get tired.


This strip is so awesome, that it took the preceding one just to get warmed up.

Have you ever met a lady friend who had a behind like Andy's?

I have.

Oh damn, I've read this strip dozens of times but, somehow, I'd always missed that Andy DOES have an ass.

Try to think of any other context where you'd say "Oh damn, he DOES have an ass."

Go on. Try.

I'm at a loss.

But a friend of mine was once at a political rally/free concert a few years back with his girlfriend. Still, that didn't keep his eye from wondering a bit, and it eventually made its way to the stage between acts. He saw a fine, fine ass, as he described it, in the tight jeans of someone bending over to fiddle with an amp or something. He kept his on this ass for several seconds, until the rest of this body upped and turned around. It was Jon Bon Jovi.

Still, he doesn't deny it. To this day, he'll always admit that JBJ has a fine ass.

Good lord . Ewwwwww.

(Not "ewww" at homosexual possibilities, "ewww" at Bon Jovi's ass.)


haha "homosexual possibilities"

for some reason this reminds me of "secret dachsund ideas."

That is an awesome story.

This deserves more chubbies. This is amazing. THE ASS WAS JON BON JOVI'S

Fire, Police, and EMT all talkin', not going out of their way to move quickly anymore.

Happens more than you think.

Andy has white boy ass.

<--- White boy.

What song are you hearing when you read this strip?

I hear Steppenwolf's Margic Carpet Ride.

I hear a different Steppenwolf song, a certain song about wildness and birth that normally accompanies being with dudes in a truck.

Ah, I presume you're referring to Birth Wildness, the B-side to Magic Carpet Ride

Kick ass, dude

I hear 'Europe' The Final Countdown. Also, lie-bot is a robot. He can't make stew, so even his ass is a lie. Stone.

Naw. Born in the U.S.A. Them's just good ole' bots.

Does anyone else imagine Lie Bot making sounds such as a squeaky mattress makes in that last panel when he is wiggling his robot butt?

My mind is getting blown! Look at Andy's square little robot asscrack in panel five!

To this day I thought Lie Bot's was the only robot ass we'd ever seen.

It is a shame that no cameras are recording them as they harass a community in their car. That would make it a truly rad day.

does anyone else get the idea that they are driving around waving their moons in the middle of the night when there is nobody awake to moon?

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I was busy staring distractedly at your avatar.

Damn, they did it more This certainly qualifies them to be in the running for being the new dirtiest dudes in town.

Robot buttocks baffle the mind.

They're more efficient. Get used to it.


I'm going to say a big ole' "no" to fucking robot ass.

Oh, god; I love this strip so much.

The pacing, the wanton silliness, the Success. So great. Thanks, Onstad.

How this and the previous strip are rated under 5, I will never know.

Robots have no inhibitions. This much is clear. Maybe LieBot is a recycled still and the residues from years of cooking moonshine inside make him a total dickhead.



You're gonna say it anyway.
Everyone seems to be saying it these days.
Seems folks can't go more than about 5 minutes without saying it.
So why not just let it out while you can?

... Y'know... I rated this strip a 5, but that is on the condition that I separate it from the mass of people endlessly repeating "BOO TO THAT" and other such related remarks all the way down the motherfucking page.

Yeah, boo to that, man.

I saw that coming a mile off.

Okay, good. I'd hate to startle you or something.

Aye. That could make me spill my booze... and wasting booze is never a good thing.

Is the booze why you've replied to like a dozen of my posts?

(i was going to make a job about my inbox not seeing this much activity since I tried to screw a website and my dick went to the wrong URL, but I'm tired and am sure I'd regret making such an awful joke in the morning.)

(Christ. *joke)

Nah. Boredom.



I hear the intro of a song by Golden Earring Radar Love as the soundtrack to this strip.

Chucklebot is pretty entertained.

You can probably guess why.

Is it because his mouth is a rigid, smile-shaped metal aperture?

Oh...I thought it was because of all the robot dude ass flying about.

But, yeah, you might have a point.

Or could it be that he finally killed his girlfriend?

He is Chucklebot - I suppose he's always pleased by definition.

I only just recently noticed (maybe I noticed and then forgot) that in these Robot Ass/Datsun strips Lie-Bot is probably celebrating his hugely successful Culpepper lie here.

Chris: for two days in a row you are using robots being "back in town" and for this i am ever grateful. Way to rock the mother out.

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