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Second Anniversary Wednesday, October 1, 2003 • read strip Viewing 51 comments:

Clicking 'rand' often enough will eventually turn up a strip I only red once, and I can enjoy it rejuvinated. This I have learned.

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sneeeeeeeeeeeze, rowboat, VictoriaW)

EDIT: Insert "Tina" after Mantonio.
I had to fuck up somewhere.


EDIT: Nice Pete goes after Little Nephew

A comment left by andyk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by HSE, aquamuffin, Nessotron, Flaaron)

I appreciate your excellent sentiment but saying jaykay makes me think of bad things

Dude! Don't be dissin' on Jay and his killer wardrobe.

I've just realised that by saying "Nice Pete goes after Little Nephew" I have pretty much invented a decent story arc right there

This is the first comment I ever actually laughed out loud at. You do win a prize. You do.

I too physically lol'd. I know I often say that I lol'd at something, but reading "Nice Pete goes after Little Nephew" drew a nervous giggle from me.

Nope, he goes after Phillipe.

Naw, he goes after Teodor .


Notice that both Roast Beef AND Notorious L.I.N.C.O.L.N are here...


Didn't doctor kisses get killed before this? To give roast beef a lung?

It's his ghost.

And wasn't it most of his organs that went into Beef?

who is the person between little nephew and the dog?

Nice pete

Nice Pete wears tube socks and tank tops during a murder AND NOTHING ELSE

Excellent job, catachresis.

I might also add that Ultra Peanut holds Click Robot.

I also see that Little Freddie the squirrel is missing.

"Missing" as in "missing from the picture", not "missing from your list".

Sorry, but Dr. Kisses has been "put down" at this point. The correct answer is Bite-Bite.

Runner ups receive a small statue of a dolphin jumping over a rainbow.

In all fairness, Molly is dead at this point too.

Roast Beef is from the panel when he tells Todd about getting audited, "The man just looks at you, He looks at you and he knows that you lied."

Do I win a prize, If My Birthday is also October the First?

Even Scrambles!

What the hell is Nice Pete about to do to scrambles?

He's going to win a basketball game.

This is why we never saw Scrambles again.

"Into the van, you chemus whelp"

Wonderful to see Nice Pete's arse again

I love that he included both Beef and the Notorious L.I.N.C.O.L.N.

It is a rite of passage for a strip to include an anniversary montage (though more for the strip itself than the actual artist).

Vlad even made out with Charles Bronson. It was 'Delicious!'

My bad guys. It's from his subway's "Wall of Tough Guys". I know you were all getting furious and up in arms about this mistake, and I am truly sorry. I have failed you.

I never noticed before, but Andy the robot wears some pretty nice sandals.

Achewood's birthday is my birthday, and I only just noticed this? Hell of mortifying.

I have a compulsion to dance to this strip.

Is that possible?

Give it a shot.

I really don't like what's going on with Nice Pete and Scrambles up there.


I wonder how Andy the robot feels about having his nuts dipped in Lie Bot's beer.

Dang! Ray is pretty tiny. Pretty real tiny.

I never noticed before, but it really looks like Pete is about to take a freestanding dump into the skate with the Fry in it.

Andy wears flip-flops eh?

it looks like Tina is feeding a carrot to Mantonio.

Lyle's middle finger and Pat's hat get this a 5.

very much like the cover to "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"

mark twain looks like he wandered in from a mike judge cartoon

I miss Ultra Peanut. :(

Marking this page to continue the archive trawl tomorrow.
And you can think of that whatever the hell you like.