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Waiting for Penny Wednesday, December 19, 2001 • read strip Viewing 31 comments:

A comment left by roastbeet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, ButterMoths, lamboyster, Overmedicated, Deusoma, Manxome, Bielebog, jfenserty, rowboat, syrupykeyboard, TheLoneliestMonkey, NDCaesar, Sargasm, the_dingle, luckypyjamas, rotinajanitor, likeiwassaying, ravindra108, sncether, littlefatdog, ANinasaurusRex, Sabacc)

It's ok. We all say things that aren't true and make everyone hate us.

It is an okay strip. I am sad, but I want to say: "Man, it is a hard thing, but you need to get beyond. A bottle is a falsehood."

Yeah, it's sad - but it ain't Circumstances. Regardless, I'm shocked that it got such a low rating. It's one of only a handful of 5's from me at this early stage of the strip. Say what you will about this arc, to me it's an early glimpse into what would eventually make this strip great. And Téodor shakily trying to pour more wine when it's obvious that too much has already been poured is among my favorite panels.

I always figured he was reading the label--like, "Wait, what did I buy? This wine has too much sorry in it."

Also I like how he drains both glasses.

oh god, it's making me FEEL. *tear*

Yeah, this strip is brutal, in its own way.

Low ratings are not deserved here.

Yeah, it's a feely strip

Super sad :(

Ah character development. So painful and poignant

Poor T.

Very very serious movie...

Look at that wine go.

Did that the other night after a date. But it was a good date. I just drink a lot.

Do you think he really met her or that the first five panels are just a dream sequence?

Interpretation: yor doin it rong.

No, it's in the title of the strip. He's waiting for her to show, reheasing all the smooth shit he's gonna say to her, and drinking.
It's a Sad Thing.

Grrr, ReHEARSing. dammit

In the first two panels he does that thing where you make your eyebrows all jaunty to be charming to the ladies. In the fourth panel he does that thing where you close one eye to try to focus when you drank so much wine. Then they both close, then they leak because he has feelings. Shit, wait, that's not a comment, that's like a recap for a blind person.

Yet you still clicked the post button. Chubby for you.

A blind person who can read? I feel ill.

Saying "There, there" while patting T's pillow is the highest level of comfort offered by Mr. Bear . . . It's all I would need.

Don't forget the wine.

I feel you, Teodor.

As evident by his wink, a rousing conversation about Rain Man is the key to any successful endeavor with the opposite sex.

I don't know why, but when the last panel exhibits a crying character I instinctivly 5 it.

Me too!

Teodor has experienced the saddest thing...

Oh, T.

The saddest thing is that, over the course of the entire strip from this to current, his life has not risen much above this .


I like how his hair gets progressively messier.