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Piano Prodigy Tuesday, November 5, 2002 • read strip Viewing 41 comments:

Ray never moved to Hollywood.

I believe Ray meant that he was moving into a Hollywood state of mind.


That's because Achewood is a far better place my man.

Teodor must have come up with that cd title, "a Sojourn into Destiny"

It's better than 'I Want To Eat At Your Classy Restaurant' by Charlie Sheen.

I think you'll find that it's a private restaurant that Chuck wants to eat at.

I wonder if Ray actually posed for the album cover, or if it was photoshopped

despite aspirations of graphic design, Teodor's skills are limited to Clipart and Powerpoint.

That last panel makes it all worth it. He looks like a fat Mozart with a cape.

Don't forget to mention the thong!

Quick! Name that tune Ray's playing!

is it Maple Leaf Rag?

Elite Syncopations

Your mom

Classical Powdered Wig Thong=Classically Sexy

Is he taking the apple, putting it down or presenting it to us?

He's a virtuoso.... perhaps all three?

you go back in time to comment. you are so crazy!

Dr. Whoooooo! Hey! The Tardis, Dr. Whoooooo! Hey!

I have an MP3 of what Ray is playing, where can I put it?

may i suggest rapidshare or something like this?

Your mom

This is the last strip I haven't seen.

The apple represents achievement

I'm not quite sure what those dots are doing in mm. 1, 2, and 5.

They do look impressive despite putting too many beats into the measures

Ray is rewriting the laws of music here. What you thought you knew about beats and measures and whatever else is a colossal pile of lie.


The rudest!

I think those are really short ties, not dots. Ray is straight syncopatin'

if they were ties that would make so much more sense!

love the three notes with the exclamation point

Ray is contemplating the hell out of that apple.

it is stone cold hard to pronounce "hellllll-o"
that abrupt o at the end is rough.

Most people lengthen the 'O' in hello.
Ray lengthens the 'L'.

This is because "hellllll" is where he's going.

I love that this makes Ray ultra rich, yet he is so cavalier with his cash.

Ray Smuckles
811 Via Vera
Achewood, CA 94526

94526 is actually Danville, CA.
Someone mail something to this address and get back to me STAT.

it's impressive that an eye-less man-cat can tickle the ivories in such a manner. ray is a homeboy indeed.

every great composer must be candidly shot reaching for something. like a piece of fruit on a column.


Nobody ever posted what ray is playing here so i put it in a midi composer and then it was pretty fun so i kept on writing.