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Yelling at Ray Thursday, April 18, 2002 • read strip Viewing 37 comments:


this is great cus its like right at the turning point of the first year style.


love ray's signature.

Van Ray-len.

Penny's sweater has outlived the character.

And his hair.

woohoo for origin of the T-sweater!



I totally forgot that Teodor's sweater came from Penny.

I love the Ray life-sized poster cut out.

For a genius, Ray has a hard time spelling "by" vs. "buy"

Ray was not the model of sobriety when he wrote that letter.
The genius of any man fades to geenus with a healthy dose of hooch.

If Onstad sold lifesize cutouts that made it look like Ray was in your house, I would probably buy one.

hell yeah

Same here, I've got a bunch of squirrels that keep hitting me up for cash.

Probably nothing!

i already bought one


How big would 'life' size be? Cat size or person size?

I guess life size for Ray would be cat size, yet if that were true of said cutouts then not many would notice them. I'd say human sized Ray is the way forward.

Alt text: ""The deal is that the humans aren't usually around. But the question is, how would the animals be around a human?""

I like that he's sort of talking himself through the strips logic there.

It happens a lot.

I need a cardboard cutout of my frowning self to help me deal with my stepdaughter.

Not quite sure how that would keep todd away

it's like putting a statue of an owl on your roof to keep away scavenger birds and rodents.

of course, it DOESN'T work usually, ever, because woodpeckers end up destroying the owl, and your sleep.

It keeps todd away from the actual Ray.
Ray can go about his bone while todd lays out unconvincing, high-pitched business plans in increasingly desperate detail.

Ah, back when Teodor had visible hair.

I wonder if Penny will ever be brought back in some capacity.

i'd put money on no

Am I crazy, or have other people noticed this? I always got the sense that Teodor was in the closet in strips after this... any other gaydars flashing?

Also, love the cutout.


** "N o p e !" **

Hey, doesn't Ray use that face when he reads the Nugget article in the SaniTaco ark?
(was that even an ark I can't remember)

i am just cracking up watching that cutout stare téodor down