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Hat week draws to a close Friday, June 7, 2002 • read strip Viewing 68 comments:

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robobogle, tttt2, teenheat)

I once phoned an ex to tell her I'd been using one of her old bras as a hammock.
I found it in the cupboard after she left.

Why would you come this far back into the archive to comment on what somebody wrote.... Oh shit.

Ray has had an awful lot of martinis.

Does Ray have a server who brings him Martinis? Why does he have so many glasses? Or does he just one-use them?

If you only had one glass, you would have to keep getting out of the bath to mix yourself another drink and fill it up. This way, he can premix 7 martinis and get smashed without leaving the comfort of the tub!

Good point, Sir.

I have done this with wine, beer, and scotch. Just sittin in the tub, reading and getting a little slanted.

I have not gotten drunk in the shower, though. I'd like to say it's because I'm environmentally conscious but really the time just never came up.

Also it is more likely that your drink would be watered down in the shower. Unless you were drinking from one of those sippy-cups.

I just might.

I think that usually when shower beer is had it's with the can placed on the shower rack, out of the way of the water.

Also, how neat is it that you have a Wilde avatar and I have Stephen Fry?

Yes, it is great. Anyone who likes Stephen Fry is automatically a good person. This is one of those pesky facts.


What do you think those little umbrellas are for? Decoration?

One birthday, my girlfriend at the time allowed to fulfil my dream of boningin the shower whilst smoking a jay and having a beer.

Pretty much the best combination of delights.

Sounds...logistically complex.

Agreed, but some of the best things in life are logistically complex.

I really am curious how you kept that lit, sir.

He never said that the water was on, only that he was in the shower. The man has strange cares.

I haven't been drunk in the shower, but I have been horrifically hungover. As in, I couldn't actually stand up and basically sat on the floor of the shower cubicle for like ten minutes.

It was actually pretty good.

Yeah, sitting in the shower is terribly underrated. And sitting makes it just sliiightly goth to take a shower.

Sitting in the shower IS awesome. Also, if you're really bored, re-enacting all the great dramatic rain scenes from your favorite movies is also a lot of fun.

Another thing I do in the morning shower sometimes - I crouch and bow my head, assuming the Arnold Schwarzenegger pose from when he first gets sent back in time in Terminator, and then I slowly rise to a standing position while going " BA DUM BUM BADUM. BA DUM BUM BADUM."

Life would be so much cooler if I was a robot.

I like to get into a Shawshank/Platoon-pose while urinating in the shower.

In the shower yesteray, I dropped the lid of my shampoo and bent to pick it up, and as I did I remembered this comment, so I TOTALLY did a dramatic standing-up-in-the-rain-post-battle type thing, and it was fucking awesome.

Rain is almost always bad ass in movies.

HUGE exceptions:

1.) Singin' In The Rain: good scene, I guess, but not bad ass

2.)Four Weddings And A Funeral: Andie MacDowell ruins everything she touches. "Is it raining? I hadn't noticed." FUCK YOU FOR RUINING GROUNDHOG'S DAY!

...what were we talking about

You got chubbies for this because reading it caused people to imagine you wet and naked.

And bent over.

Seriously, though. Now that my inbox is useful again and I've been reading a lot of responses to comments I wrote ages ago, an uncomfortably large number of them seem to involve me getting chubbies for my "cute" avatar or whatever. I really wish you'd all stop that. It makes me feel cheap and objectified.

Don't worry your pretty little head about it.

Dear god, this comment made me laugh far too much for my own good.

Welcome to the internet, lady. We don't get many of your types around here.

is it impossible for you to be a hot piece of brain AND be easy on the eyes?

To be fair, everything becomes cooler with robots.

I've been trying to spread a rumor: lying down in a shower while you masturbate will make you ejaculate twice as much, because the jism is trying to defeat the force of the water. Also, if you have sex with a pig, the orgasm lasts for half an hour, and all black people really like riding faster buses and will run for the faster bus.

Totally different direction, but you know what else is awesome? Lay down in the shower and let the tub slowly fill up. It is a very pleasing sensation to go from little pellets of water hitting your skin directly to the pellets hitting the accumulated water along your skin.

This was one of the few comments I remembered when I went through about a quarter of the archives about a year-and-a-half ago, to the point where I even referenced it on a separate forum about shower beers and the art of drinking alone in general.

Um, this is Ray we're talking about: it's entirely possible that he's just lounging about all soakin' in gin and vermouth and just gets out when the tub's empty.

I especially appreciate that they're perfectly spaced and lined up like a shooting gallery.

What an amazing drunk dial. And just imagine, knowing what we know now, how uncomfortable Pat must be.

Man, people make a lot of comments like this on old comics, but I'm pretty sure Pat's curse-induced homosexuality has less to do with his terseness than the fact that he's an uptight punk, yes?


I have just found my next drunk dialing method.

Did yyyyou leave a comment? It's ok, yyyou can tell me.

I want I bath tub like Ray's, it's big and has a ledge wide enough to hold a martini glass.

He's also a cat. It's not as big as you would think.


sometimes my room-mate will phone me from a different room in the house can ask "did yooouuu steal my laundry?"

I can never seem to remember the exact right response though.

Alt text: "That was Hat Week, everyone! How'd you like it?"

Did yyyou steal the cookies from the cookie jar?

dang do people even have cookie jars anymore what with resealable chips ahoy and the like?

Perhaps, and stop me if I go too fast here, but perhaps people bake their own cookies and would like such as a place to keep them fresh.

And they put them into soulless tupperware so they stay fresh. Ain't no room for an honest-to-goodness cookie jar these days.

I have one in my house

But I don't have cookies :(

Best thing ever?

A Cookie Monster-shaped cookie jar. From, like, the early 80s. And I think it might have been a housewarming gift from when my parents bought their first house.

It truly is a Thing.

There have been a few scenes with panels like the last, and I always have the same question: Why have a multiplicity of Martini glasses? Why not just have one, and a shaker or pitcher to replenish?

Maybe that's more of a practical issue, and would not convey the image of drinking to excess as well in a visual sense.

Ray considered a glass once used spoiled.

Ray has monogrammed towels!

I read this strip while wasted.. and then proceeded to call several people to ask if they stole my laundry.

It was me! I stole your laundry!

Are you drunk again, Flaaron?

Only on dryer fumes.

pixie meat's avatar makes this comment that much more funny

Roast Beef takes it as a genuine question.

This strip bumped my strip views to 666.

Oh hells yes.

Todd strikes again!

Roast Beef can't bring himself to rule out the possibility that maybe he did steal Ray's laundry and just doesn't think he did. Roast Beef has extremely low self-confidence. He's the guy who sucks. Plus he's got depression.

Onstad, I fucking LOVED hat week.

WTF is with Pat's y's? Do yyyyou know?

I stole Ray's laundry!

Jesus. I didn't realize how long this comic had been in production until I saw the date on this. I turned twelve the day after this was printed. Holy shit I feel young.

I wonder whether Roast did steal his laundry..