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Nice Pete's Lullaby Tuesday, November 11, 2003 • read strip Viewing 46 comments:

The Atmosphere. Oh god.

Helped along by the patented "Is the damn strip a parallelogram or are those just the damn dividers" format.

I was wondering the EXACT same thing. I think it's an optical illusion caused by the angle the rain is falling, but I'm too lazy to test it.

Optical illusion. Tested with multiple CD cases, a Post-It notepad, and finally a ruler (all based on the angles of my monitor, which is rectangular of course.)

I think it's meant to convey urgency.

They're square. I checked because it was making me crazy.
it's probably beautifully symbolic of Nice Pete as a character, in ways I am not English-major enough to articulate.

By square I mean they're not parallelograms, not that their sides are of equal lengths, just to be irritatingly precise (so someone else doesn't have to be)

I could say something irritatingly precise here, but I won't.

My thoughts exactly. I think this arc is the first time Achewood has given me honest-to-god shivers.

I felt the same way. The first time I read this arc each strip unnerved me a little more. This one more so than the rest.


These are much better lyrics than what he came up with for Mr. Band

I suspect he was sung this song at a very young age.

I like to imagine that, if I were a serial killer or were I to write a movie scene including a serial killer, the song to slowly, menacingly chant would be "Buffalo Gals," and the beat of the line "dance by the light of the moon" would get progressively slow down.

Thank you so much for thinking about things like this.

I second.

If I had to think of a cool affectation to play a serial killer in a movie, it'd be a constant goofy smile, but with a quivering lip.

...Actually I totally see Nice Pete doing that at beef's wedding.


As am I.




Oh god. Yes. And then when they get to "of the moon" it ceases to have pitch and becomes a whisper.

This is something that I could imagine him learning as a child in rural WV.

It's not that Nice Pete wants to kill children, it's just that their deaths are inevitable and weigh on his mind. Check out his sketchbook . The alt text on that one speaks the truth; the intransitive "to die," the impersonal compelling power of the big bell... in Nice Pete's world, something bad is gonna happen to those children. Nice Pete isn't that bad thing, but he knows it's coming, and that could be part of why he's Nice Pete.

Unless I am stupider then I think, serial killers in general don't focus on the killing itself, but rather some other facet that compells them. Onstad shows he is a smart man, once again.

Either that or he is a serial killer.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

True. Most serial killers are/were pretty damn smart, actually.

which is how they're able to hang long enough to establish said 'serial'.

Sweet Jesus the box is a parallelogram!

There's not a word of that strip that wouldn't be awesome in a Clutch song.



Funny, but I don't remember that particular hymn from my days of childhood.

I actually googled these lyrics, as I would enjoy hearing an apocalyptic spiritual not sung by Peter Paul and Mary.

The way these are framed is just too beautiful. The different diagonal lines make it literally difficult to tell which way is up. It's so well done.

Optical illusion: the slant of the rain makes the inner edges of each panel look kind of diagonal.

I just spent like 5 minutes of my life measuring the distance from the edge of each leftmost panel to the edge of my laptop screen. Then walked a few feet back to get a different perspective.

I'm sorry for not believing you. Here's a chubby for all being right.

Is it just me or do the panel borders in the bottom row slant eeeeever so slightly?

the diagonal lines of the rain are creating an optical illusion.

Man, can I not read the comment directly above me? Sheesh.

This arc is hella great

This reminds me of the scene in Jackie Brown where Ordell (*SPOILER ALERT*) kills Beaumont. Just the one, long shot.

I imagine the sound of this strip to be Nice Pete's slightly off-key singing, wavering faintly over the crushing blanket of rain sounds.

this is the beauty of achewood right there >.< made me shiver DON'T GO IN PHILIPPE DON'T! NOOooooooo!

I read all the comments about the panels actually being square, and still, STILL I had to get out the protractor and check for myself.

Is this bell possibly at the Bell Market in Theadville? OOOOOOHHHH SSHHHHIIIIIIIIIT!

God he's terrifying in this arc. I kept hoping that he really was taking the kid out for ice cream and was just being super creepy about it.