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The Visible Heel of Adam Smith Monday, January 12, 2009 • read strip Viewing 2392 comments:

Oh man I've been searching for the teacher's edition for basically forever

And what wouldn't I give for mint condition '96 1040s?

(I sincerely hope Onstad's lying about not making that dude up.)

I have often wished I could get a second chance on my 1996 1040s. I have many regrets.

That man is a lucky man.

But wait - what happens if you microwave cash? Only the internet knows...



A comment left by wolfensti was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Gumfish, carlos, aHatOfPig, usversusthem, valuedan, motts)

For $400 I'd want that fucker to blend a CAR.

I've always wanted to see them put one of their blenders into a larger one and see if their own product will blend.

A comment left by theguitarhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tasteful, Marcus_Brody, wallabeechamp)

I always found it nice when the LHC is mentionned, it is the first time i've heard mainstream media talk about a high science experiment, except a possible cure for cancer/HIV or warfare. Even if we dn't find the Higg's Boson, i think it is worth it.

Meh... particle physicists have too damn much money. We need more for basic genetic research. These massive apparatuses are just getting out of control.

Well, i do agree, as a soon to be bio-chemist, that more funds should be invested in genetic research. But particle physics is by definition a money waster, since it harly develop any technology outside it's own field

Exactly. Particle physics is cool and while I love science with no direct practical application much of that realm of physics is not likely to ever yield much. Basic level biology, however, might not have direct benefits, but it will have long-term benefits once other researchers use it to complete work with more direct benefits.

Yet, if they find the Higg's boson, it will be :awesome:

They found Higgs the bosun though. Does that count for anything?

How about the Higgs bosom?

That is on the bosun's wife.

I believe the better joke would have been to say it was on the bosun's mate .

I do love the sailor's humor. Though it's even better since all three of our officers are female and they all are just as raunchy as the rest of us.

Why, that would be on heccibiggs.


Drunk as usual. What were they expecting to find?

Yes it will be awesome. What would also be awesome is if you guys would quit apostrophe splicing the damn thing before it is even observed. It is named for Peter Higgs, not Higg. Even if it were HIS boson, it would be Higgs's. Has Achewood alt text taught you nothing? Y'all some Higgs bozos.


Higgs' bosun.

That is all. We now return you to your regular scheduled programming.



Particle physics is cool ... [but] ... that realm of physics is not likely to ever yield much

Nah, just control of gravity, nuclear fusion, time travel, and blowing up stars.

Pogo, i can say that that more we study physic, the less any of these things become probable. The everyday benefits of studying physics are becoming much more sparse, while my lovely chemistry is more "open"

Chemistry is merely the aspects of biology and physics that nobody else wanted to study so it got spun off. We both still have valid claims to our respective portions. Now politely keep doing it so we don't have to.

Ya'll some scientists.

I agree there's no hope for time travel on large scale, wolfie, except for maybe tossing some particle forward in time. But once the Higg's boson is indentified, control of "gravitons" will not be far behind.


A comment left by coldfrog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, bunkzilla, Deusoma, gingerbreadman, Scorpio_nadir, aHatOfPig, I_Love_Kate)

Lamed for having a ridiculous reason for laming.

MMmhmm yeah open to making more old dude boner and high blood pressure drugs and anything else marketable to the wealthy, not cures for dengue fever or malaria. Also yes I am cranky today.



Man, YouTube comments. YOUTUBE COMMENTS.

"makes me wanna play some tetris while smashing peoples heads in. in a good way of course..."

The media talks about abstract science all the time if they can misinterpret that shit to make people think the world is gonna blow up.

Yo dawg, we heard you like blending so we put a blender in your blender so you can blend while you blend


jigga whaaat?

Yo dawg i heard you were pretty confused so we put encyclopedia's on the net to help you learn.

Did i get it right ?



A comment left by dew_n_o was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, tibcoolbreeze, ntopp, IronDave, aHatOfPig, SurelySmack, biff)

Fuck you for putting that motherfucker's face on this board.

Fuck You.

How dare you speak that way about the Mustache of Wisdom?

Some motherfucker who thinks killing civilians in war is a good thing needs to be fed his own testicles.

Tell us more about your feelings:


A comment left by biff was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mercuri0us, pettytyrant, SurelySmack)

Aw, c'mon, you don't really mean that...


What if I dressed up like a pirate?


So you're just going to ignore me now, is that it? That's fine. I see how it is.


I ran out of chubbies, so let me congratulate you, Mr Elbow, on advancing the art and science of communication by using Mr Friedman as a series of emoticons. Well done.

Thank you. I was hoping that Biff would respond further, because I had a lot more queued up. I'm just going to dump them all now, and you can imagine them being used in context:

Biff, calm down! Get a hold of yourself!


Shhh... it's okay.

Whew! Looks like you've got some WMD's of your own!

And finally...


so are you a charter member of the thomas friedman fan club or what

because if so

he blows

**takes dramatic drag of cigarello**

I'm pretty sure that anyone who has been subjected to my political rants on here could not mistake me for a fan of Mr. Friedman. I am, however, a fan of his mustache and the effect that his visage produces on Biff.

just making sure, because he totally blows.

And yeah, this exchange lolled me up~!~!~ w2g elboxXx

Seldom has the use of the word moustache/mustache been so prolific on a single webpage.

Too bad that Ctrl F does not consider graphical moustaches.

Yes, well done. Classic Absurdism.

Classic achilleselbow.

Also, I was very pleased to find out that I had enough chubbies for all of that.

Who is that?

I don't know, but I love what's going on here.

I regret that I only had one chubby to give to Achilleselbow for that.

Some goofy looking douche who'll always look like a goofy-looking douche.

He is the main guy in some country in the middle east I think, with crazy ideas about shit also.

I'm pretty sure it's Paul Krugman. Land sakes, I don't think I've ever seen Biff so agitated.

Biff does not like the right-wing shill.
Chanting like the fool on the hill.
We'll look for WMD's, and we will kill.
We'll find those WMD's willy-nill.

Day after day,
Alone on a hill,
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see that he's just a fool,
And he never gives an answer,

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down,
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning 'round.

Well on the way,
Head in a cloud,
The man of a 1000 voices talking perfectly loud
But nobody ever hears him,
Or the sound he appears to make,
And he never seems to notice,

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down,
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning 'round.

And nobody seems to like him,
They can tell what he wants to do,
And he never shows his feelings,

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down,
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning 'round.

Biff does not like my shitty rhymes.
Not quite as bad as NY Times.
He cannot bear even having seen
The Mustached Mouthpiece of the Machine.

Amazing the things people can get themselves worked up over.

You don't think it's a concern?

What a writer for the New York Times (that I didn't even correctly recognize) thinks about anything?

No, I don't think it's a concern.

Oh. I thought I read in previous comments that he was a "main guy" somewhere O/S (which I interpreted as meaning political figure). Carry on.

You did read that, but that was someone who was even more wrong about the subject's identity than I was.

This will be the last post that will clutter this flurry of wrongness.

Not if I do this.


(Polite, subdued yet appreciative applause)

I really thought it was some hilarious sequence of posting by Master Elbow, but alas, we seemed to have lost biff thereafter.
And whaddayaknow, the Mustache is now the voice of Approval for the Obama administration.

That some goofy shit there.

It's Thomas Friedman. Paul Krugman is quite the opposite of a war cheerleader.

Holy fuck. I read From Beirut to Jerusalem not too long ago and I didn't even recognize the guy. The picture on the back of the book must've been from the '80s or something.

Thomas Friedman, NYT writer and mustache enthusiast, author of The World is Flat.

Mitt Romney's hair often plays a disturbing role in my dream life

I look forward to the next Achewood strip in February.

I was wondering where you were! Have a lame!

Hey, it's the guy I've come to refer to as First Post Lamer Guy.

It's the guy I've come to refer to as Mr. Complainy Mouth Jones.

Y'know, he did totally call it.

Just sayin'.

That's rather beside the point, I think.

If someone can eat a tractor, they can blend a car.

Alternatively, *Insert divide by zero joke here*


SSI, you magnificent bastards.

Wow that thing is scary looking.

In an unrelated thread, while doing a youtube run through things going into the microwave I accidentally stumbled onto "Goldfish in the microwave". I thought at first it was about a box of delicious cheese crackers, but no, it was an animal.

I started dry heaving even without actually having watched the video.

Isn't YouTube supposed to take stuff like that down?

Or better yet, trace the fucker's IP and have the cops show up?

i am sorely dissapointed in youtube. it leaves videos of douchebags torturing cats, microwaving fish and burning bugs, but it bans my account for posting unlicenced "Traders" clips. that show aint out on DVD you know. Fuck.

Those douchebags torturing cats were original content and they were in keeping with the egalitarian ideals of an internet where you can express yourself.

But stealing episodes of "Traders"? Don't you know that illegal downloading is just like raping your own grandma?

You sick fuck.

Except that raping your own grandma is allowed on youtube.

itym 4chan. meh. splitting hairs, really.

Not going there for a few day. To hell with Boxxy

it is a waste of time, money, and effort to involve the police because a goldfish has died.

Sometimes you just need to shred a mofo.


Is that an extremely belated handface pic? Wow.

Whoah, I thought you were gone. I was sure your legacy would be just a bunch of Boo Diddlies forever floating back and forth throughout the distant archives.

I missed you crazy mofos.

I guess it is a handface, but mainly I look good in that picture.

I say "mofo" way too much for a tiny white girl.

You ain't no women, Florida.

How tiny are we talking, here? Like, scary tiny?

You know, if you are about 4 feet tall, you could do some quick buck at the cost of your physical and psycological equilibrium.

This photo is actual size.



I just imagined you climbing out of my screen holding a knife and grinning.

I just wanted to share this cake with you...

Really? You seemed much bigger to me. Actual size, believe.

Squares may look distant in her rear view mirror, but they're actual size.

Does she have all the money money couldn't buy?

I heard she hit person man on the head with a frying pan.


man, it's so loud in here.

She's really just a man in a white dress .

What's that blue thing doing here!

Something grabbed ahold of my hand. I didn't know what had my hand.....yadda yadda yadda.

I can never resist these but I'm not really feelin' it right now.


I missed you crazy mofos.

This brings a tear to my eye, to be understood as both crazy and a mofo, and yet to still be attractive to barely legal women, that is what we all strive for, are you feelin' me bros?

Strictly speaking, she didn't say anything about "attractive."


Strictly speaking, how can you miss something if it is not attractive?


I am not attracted to you, Pogo. Sorry for the confusion.
Linguistic ambiguity strikes again.

I am intensely attracted to Pogo.

Maybe you could give him a chubby? Dude deserves it.

I think he already takes pills for that.

No need for the pills yet, thankyouverymuch.

I meant electro-magnetically.

I think he has some sort of... device in his pocket or something. It's not natural.

insert device/pocket/chubby joke here

insert chubby here

That's what she said.

psst achilleselbow fucks robots and some more advanced forms of office stationery no ti ssap

You are the Fattest Man!


At wat point do you get so bored as to say "Fuck it. Let's blend a car, because we can."

Everyday of your goddamn life.

word. this is america. we just destroy shit in creative ways for the hell of it, all being compulsively impulsive.

After watching The Brave Little Toaster millions of times in my younger days, videos like that make me depressed.


you watched it. you get it.

A small single AAA batteried fan could blend Chuck Norris.

No really Fuck Chuck.

oh you are SO SCREWED!


When i lie weak and immobile on my deatbed(natural causes i hope,far FAR into the future)

He will probably have enough guts to take a plane and a cab to the hospital, stand outside my room window and call me names before he rushes away, into the cab and tries to offer blowjobs to the cabdriver to convince him to ignore speed signs and red lights just to get away faster.

Fuck chuck, lets make facts about The Man With Blood on His Hands!

Every night before he goes to bed, Chuck Norris reads through every message board on the internet for any derogatory use of his name. He then finds the poster's IP address and writes it down on his list of brutal beatings for the next morning.

(actually he just scans through 4chan and Something Awful. He can't get himself to read all that irreverent crap)

Chuck norris thinks internet is the work of the devil, and he wants mandatory prayers in school.

and thats no lie

Oh man what a great Chuck Norris jok-



i cried a little when they blended an ipod. i am poor

i can relate to that sentiment.

Don't breathe it!

Don't breathe it!


Microwave American money and it'll blend for you.

For instance, toss in five Jacksons and set it for 40 minutes and you're cookin yourself one smokin Benjy.

Never tried making alternative bills like a $19, but I'm sure it would work.

If you throw in some nickels you can get a $1.30 bill but it's only legal at Burger King.

You can use them at McDonalds, because no one there cares what's happening.

Don't thank me, thank Anarchy!

Speaking of Burger King, did anyone catch this ? They have a Facebook app where you "sacrifice" 10 of your friends (remove them from your friends list) to get a coupon for a free Whopper. Unfortunately it only works once. I shed 10 unnecessary college acquaintances and I didn't even have to touch the Assetbar people.

As much as I hate commercialism, a major corporation using a human sacrifice-themed marketing ploy is possibly commendable in some way.

Or a worrying sign of what's to come!

"What achilleselbow doesn't know, is that his free Whopper will be made from the 10 people he sacrificed!"

"Hey, how come my Whopper tastes like cheap domestic beer and failure?"
"Gawd! I'd sacrifice my mom for some fries..."
"Oh, there's my fries!" nom nom nom nom

"Hey, how come my Whopper tastes like cheap domestic beer and failure?"

This....is a line that deserves immortality.

The answer is: "because it is a Whopper"

I have plenty of free Whopper coupons. Now I wonder what I can get people to do for them....


I will blend sj457 for a Whopper coupon.

I'm tempted to ask for cock pics with a sign saying "V-Chub", but I'm actually afraid that if I did that people would actually post them.


Who would blend what now, pogex?

i have had whoper

also if you sacrifice an 11th friend you get a medium order of fries and a coke

free refills? this is important

Burger King has almost always had free refills. It seems that most fast food places nowadays do unless they're limited for space and in a mall or such and McDonald's rarely does. But Burger King and Taco Bell and such are pretty big on the whole "get your own damn drink" model. If they don't you might be able to just ask at the counter.

Not only do we rarely have fast food around here, but most of the places that do sell cheap food tend to only sell soda in cans at a markup ($1-1.50 a can on average). Even better places often only do cans. It's annoying as hell. I mean, the taqueria selling Mexican soda in bottles I can get behind, but so many other places are just seemingly dicks.

McDonalds upsized drinks are only like 6 cents extra anyway, so if you need more to drink just order it.

As horrible as Wendy's burgers are to me, I have to give them props for having medium sizes that are the equivalent of larges at other restaurants, so I only guess their large sizes are the size of SUPER AWESOME ULTRA BIG GULPS and that you can swim in them.

i live in australia and it is the stuff of legend here that in the glittering jewel that is the US of A, medium cokes at macdonalds are equivalent to our large sizes. the same goes for our supersized, which equals the US large. i would like to think that this means australia is moderate and self controlled but i am sure the truth is we are just getting schisted. as one of the fattest nations on earth i doubt we would have any issue in washing down our cardboard burgers with even greater amounts of liquid carbonated sugar.

No, it means that Americans are lardasses who don't understand the concept of "small" and whose average portions are at least 1.5x what any normal person needs to eat.

There is an Animaniacs episode where Dr. Scratch n' Sniff goes to the movies:

"I'd like a small popcorn please."
"We don't have small."
"Then I'll take a medium."
"We don't have medium."
"Well what do you have?"
"We have Large, Super Chubby, and Double Super Chubby!"
"Then isn't a large a small?"
"Uhhh... I have to go ask my manager."

He ends up getting a large, which he has to carry with both hands.

While this is true, I have noticed that McD's, BK AND Taco Bell have smaller medium sizes in comparison to Wendy's. Maybe it is just me, I don't know.

Well, that would explain why I always have to order the kids meal so I can finish my burger...

Why do you not eat stuff that can be measured in inches ?

Hey, Wolfensti, what do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?

(Or Quebec, I forget. Don't ruin this for me.)

We call it a "Royal with cheese"

oh please HAMSCOUT! Royal with CHEESE! The potential for BUGGERY is overwhelming!

Just try, funny little man

Have you seen a Quarter Pounder before?

Does it LOOK like a bitch?



Warm, sloppy, delicious. I really can't tell!

Gives you problems pooping...

*wake up* whaszzah?
>picks up assetbarphone< what, woodenteeth?
aww, just...
>pantomimes hastily replacing Henry VIII's hat with giant reggiano wheel.<
I'm tired! I'm trying to buy a house...
*falls gently back to sleep*

>woodenteeth goes back to playing charades with himself

>Is it a walrus?
>You're just terrible at everything aren't you.

You know what they call cottage pie in France?
Hachis Parmentier.

But it's a drink! I need more because I'm fucking thirsty here. Gluttony doesn't really apply to drinks. Plus, if you're drinking diet soda you're actually consuming far fewer calories than if you were drinking juice or milk or something else typically considered "healthy".

A lot of juice is pretty calorically equivalent to soda.

Calories aren't a bad thing

You need them to live

Also diet cola makes you want to consume more calories. I forget why this is, but it's definitely true I promise.

Not to mention Nutrisweet, which'll put some holes in yer brain for ya.

True...but I learned how to cook for a family of 5 , then learned how to cook WELL in bulk.

A small meal for myself usually involves over 5000 calories. I eat a lot of carrots and drink a lot of water in between binges.


The Wendy's near me has incredibly tasty and cold -- nay, crispy Coca Cola.

It is the only thing I order there.

I feel the need to mention once again that Wendy's burgers turn my poo green.

Nice-on-water: Wendy's burgers turn his poo green.

restaurants wouldnt lose money if they all gave free refills, but since this is capitalism, some dont.

*Americans think its our real money.

My money has the queen on it. And some hockey players, and a dude with funny hair! I love Canada.

What happens if you microwave a Nokia? The results will astound you, children, but do not look away...

Cell Phone in Microwave

In Australia it will result in you having minature sized cash. Like when you put chip packets in the oven and they go all small.

Just like old-times!

Hell yes, I remember doing that as a kid! And then I would go, "Fuck, that was five dollars I could have spent on two and a half Magnums." Magnums used to be two bucks, but now they are like 3.50. Times have changed.

Shit, magnums hadn't been invented when I was a kid. (Note to those unfortunate enough not to live or have lived in Australia a magnum is a pricey icecream on a stick).

We have Magnums in the States too. Or... I know I've seen them before. Might have been in Germany, though.

We have them in the UK too. When I was a kid "do you want to be an astronaut or have a double caramel magnum" would have been a dilemma .

Magnum Ego. One of the main reasons for living.

Magnums in the US are oversized condoms.
This put a whole new taint on your story.
I was all ready to believe it, though--young boy all seeing the world in terms of condom prices...
Yeah, the Whopper was good, but it wasn't "Ten Magnums Good".

Magnums in Hawaii are private investigators with oversized moustache.

He's ok. Watches AND cellulars were waterproof in the 80's.

The real cover from Beef's Playgirl

Apollo! Zeus! Wipe that smug look off his face!

They can't - he's moustache-protected.

Moustache provided immortality and ninja killing abilities back in the 80's
Nowaday they provide embarassment and lack of intimate touch appart from maybe a flirty Barber

Man, you kids and your Salmanazars!

I'd say that a Whopper is worth at least a Methuselah.

Wait if magnums in the US are condoms, what will the americans think of our Golden Gaytimes?
They are delicious, but embarassing to ask for as an adolescent. You usually had to buy some straight porn as well to butch up your purchase.

Looks like what we call a-- get ready-- roasted almond Good Humor bar. Gaytime, Good Humor: same thing basically, but they can mean oh so many different things.

Australians must be much more secure in their sexuality. That would never be a name of a food in The States in a million gay years.

Please listen to Golden Gaytime by the Bedroom Philospher. I won't find it for you however. It is a hilarious comment on what degree Australians are comfortable with our sexuality.

I just heard an interview the Bedroom Philosopher had with the inventor of the Golden Gaytime. He said that they originally wanted to put fudge in the Gaytime. No word of a lie.

Imagine the decades of horrible innuendo we've missed out on! The Entendre!

Surely they originally wanted to 'pack' the fudge in?

A Fudge-packed Golden Gaytime. On Christmas day. On Bondi Beach.

Come on Aussie!

A gay year is seven regular years, right?

That would be why sixty year old gay guys still dress like they are 23 ( nine years after they came out)

$6.49 for a four pack! What the hell is going wrong with the economy? This must surely be the catalyst! THAT'S OVER A DOLLAR A GAYTIME! I WILL NOT PAY OVER A DOLLAR FOR A GAYTIME!

You will have a poor quality Gaytime for under one dollar.

For under a dollar a man will leer knowingly at you on the train. Two bucks if you want him to "accidentally" rub up against you first so that you are able to feel his hard cock pressed up against you. The imprint of it lingering for the rest of the ride.

But I just wanted a biscuit (cookie) covered icecream. *sobs*

But no fudge?

My last gaytime was circa 2003. Times are sad.

I mean Gaytime.

I guess you have a lot of gaying to do, then. Get to it.

did you ever hear those terrible icecream related jokes? no? well, here you go:

what were the two boys doing behind the ice cream truck? having a gay time.

what were the two girls doing behind the icecream truck?
licking their splits (a split is another australian icecream delight)

man do i ever regret posting that.

I would watch the girls licking each other's splits and then slowly saunter in asking, "Hey ladies, looks like you need a banana to go with those."

Bow-Chika, Bow-Wow

That's awefully nice of you :)

Also puts a whole new taint on the line 'Do you feel lucky punk'?

...you said "taint".


Wait! So did you!

But he said it in quotes. That changes things. He was only referencing it.

i don't see a bibliography

It wasn't a citation. None was needed.

This article could be improved by moving relevant items to the main text and linking citations.


...you said "taint".[ 1 ]


1.^Assetbar. (2008). The Visible Heel of Adam Smith . comment 621. Smallblackdog.

Oh fuck Wikipedia. Bastards think they invented providing proper credit.

Australian money is made of chips? That is awesome.

The coins are little fish.

Thomas' makes BAGELS?

nooks AND crannys?

I couldn't believe it either!

Alcoves? Are you sure this is the right word?

Alcoves! What news from the north?

Plenty of alcoves in Bruges.

And noice, medieval bildins. with alcoves.

"They're makin' a Movie about Midgets!"

What're we doin' in fuckin' Bruuuuuge!?

Dim-dims? Is this the word?

tim tams plus milo equals fun game called tim tam slam.

sip the heated milo through the tim tam and the wafer in your mouth before it falls into the milo.

good times.
good times.

Americans don't get Tim Tams. Fuck you Aussies!

i've never seen them in stores. i really want some now. bleh.

There's an English/Irish import shop vaguely near me. I might need to head by there. I can probably find some along with some Branston pickle and HP Sauce. Damn. Now I want me a proper bacon sandwich pretty bad.

Do they also have MP Sauce?

Greg Barker is selling his own private reserve, but I think that's about it.

you need to mine for mana, silly

Oh man I am so late on saying this I am so sorry but this isn't true at all. Target sells them. They sell them so hard.

they offer them in our country now(at least a year later).


I know, KNOW there is meaning hidden somewhere in this array, but it sounds all Bill Cosby to me.

That is Canadian money. I'm not sure if it counts.

Indeed, our money as a lot of denim in it. Also, different colour for different value. Yet, i tought that australia was entirely fabric, making it un-forgeable

If by fabric you mean nigh-indestructible and nigh-unforgeable polymer (the way it seems lots of countries are now wanting to go as well, including Mexico):


It's the way of the future, I tells ya!

(if you like old-school "How Things Work" kids' shows, you will like that video)

Ok now i have a total melancholy strike. Did you watch «Il était une fois...l'homme» wich would translate as "Once upon a time there was....man". It was a telling of the human history, both totally 80's while being educative. I don't know if it was translated in english or anything, but that is seriously a thing in my province.

Alas, your diacritics are bunk, so I don't have the luxury of knowing what you're talking about. Just Google it, IMDB it, and potentially YouTube it. Surely it'll be around the place.

I already found the DVD, first time Wikipedia is THAT helpfull

yeah man, i could never get most of those business statistics problem sets. teacher's edition, there would be WORKED SOLUTIONS and everything! sweet manna from heaven, i could die a happy man.

That breaks my heart.

You just gotta ask an irresponsible adult to get it for you, just like you were getting booze. They don't ask for your secret teacher's ID or anything.

Just like ordering the cheap African/Asian textbooks from eBay. They don't care if it ships to an American address .

..but ain't you have to pay much money for shipping and all?

don't cry for me, rowboat...the truth is i never took business statistics...

Thank God.

I took it and got an A biyaaaaaaaaaaaatch
Sorry. Sorry everyone

This is a great strip. I feel like I was just handed the Achewood Teacher's Edition, fresh from the shelves of the book room with the corners still sharp, after spending a semester with "diagram of a cell" mimeographs.

A definite return to form. The break did do Onstad good.

My cockles are definitely warmer. It was creative in that good Achewood way, a minor classic.

Always good to see Roast Beef doing something well. This could also have been four or five separate good strips, but that's a quibble.

I hate you.

A comment left by theguitarhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lolsworth, dizneedave, chivalress, paigejay, Lumus, Hidden_7, AidenS123)

Eeeebony and Iiiiivory!

In perfect harmony etc.

I am confused as to this current turn of events. TGH is yelling and I don't know why. Where are my slippers? Damn it all!


Also, I wasn't the one who lamed him, for the record. I felt insulting him was enough. I'll take my lames but you all know it's true.

.....the stupid thing was claiming that the comic could have been 4 or 5 separate strips? Really? Sorry man, but unless I'm missing something, that's a bit of an over-reaction.

It's a stupid thing to complain about something frivolous like that. Maybe it was a bit of an overreaction but sometimes you have to burn down your house in order to clean the carpet.

Holy shit, I don't even remember saying that. That last sentence is fucking genius though.

Go me.

Yah. You seem a little on edge.

Everything cool?

A cursory glance at Facebook reveals that... Yes, it is as I feared. His girlfriend has stopped putting out.


No actually, she had to go back home for Winter Break so...

Find a whore, I mean, besides you girlfriend.

HEY. Not cool, bub.

Of course its not cool, he's about a million years old.

Yeah, but I got the new Graveyard CD and you don't.

Here's an idea.

Read one row of panels a day.

Then get back to us.

Finally someone gets me!

He's just trying to get rid of you for six days.

game, set, match.

This could also have been four or five separate good strips.

You know, I have been saying that over and over, but today, I changed my mind. That's because I enjoy the discussions as much -- if not more -- than the strip. And if we only had a day to bullshit and hate on each other and post gnarly fucked-up crap from the innernets, that would NOT be as much fun as these multi-day cluster fucks. Am I right, men?

I don't know if I'm allowed to respond to this, due to my lack of manhood, but I agree with you.

My penis would too, if I had one.

This being the Internets, you automatically have a e-penis. Use it wisely

*has sex with a 12 year old, three asians, and another woman pretending to be a man*

Being the internet, i congratulate you for your spoils. Man points for the 12 year old

Watch where you point that thing!

You could poke someone's e-ye out!

Sorry, goodwill, I meant to add "and ladies," but I was too in love with my swearing and stuff. Thanks for agreeing.

DiSaGrEeMeNt BoX

Regicide was the case that they gave me .

I have actually been thinking that due to the hiatus maybe we should take a group trip back through the archives starting at the first strip.

Substantive posting only though (or humorous riffing off of what others have said). Let's leave the fun, petty stuff in the current strip.

judging by my inbox, people are way ahead of you

Really? I'm going to go look, save my place.

I have been doing this for several weeks. I'm about halfway through 2005.

2005 brings me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Dangit, I am not going back there. Pretty much all of my early comments were terrible and consisted of me being a pedantic and boring dick*. I was hoping that no one would ever see them again.

*This is an opportunity for someone to say something like "all of your early comments?"


all of your early comments?


I was drunk and feel terrible. Please lame this idiotic response, lame it to hell.

Baldur's Gate?



This is a great strip. I feel like I was just handed the Achewood Teacher's Edition, fresh from the shelves of the book room with the corners still sharp, after spending a semester with "diagram of a cell" mimeographs.

Oh crumbs.

It was a really great strip.

But was it this great?

fifty bucks dude. you have paypal, right?

i have to thread-jack here. sorry. i think this could be important. or i have to at least sate my paranoid tendencies.

anyone here near any military base?
if not, has anyone else noticed increased military air traffic?

i saw a group of four helicopters flying low to the deck and fast as the dickens in a perfect diamond formation past my house earlier. a second group passed by like five or ten minutes later. it isn't possible for the same group to have circled around and come back the same direction in that amount of time 'cos i would have seen their orbit.

it was weird wacky.

plz r/r. kthxbai.

Possible reasons:

- Drill
- Air show
- Everything you fear

I take (c). Is probably most basic reason.

- Guantanamo detainees en route to new digs near you
- One World Government getting ready to assert itself
- 8 military helicopters conducting routine training flights

Calm yourself, please.

dang. it is worse than i thought.

they got the doctor. and irondave

ohhhh shiiiiiiiiit

I am from the resistance. Come with me if you want to continue to correctly use the word 'abstruse'.

Funny you should mention it, Cap'n. I was out smoking a cigarette on my balcony this mornin' when here comes two F-15s just cruisin' low right over my neighborhood like it was nothin'. No shit, man. Somethin's up.

I love legal tenderness.

And im a socialist.

One order of LTLC for the jerk at table 3!

HAHAHAHAH....uh what?

And wash your invisible hands before you come to the table. Ain't no tellin' where they been.

Man, that chick is definitely hiking my interest.

Ooh! She may be weary-
Young girls, they do get wear-eh!
Wearing that same old funky
Dress. Yes, yes, yes.

But oh, won't you try....
try..some legal tenderness...
Oh, my, my yes...

I feel a little cheap for getting chubbies for repeating concept on the achewood strip.....

then again keep 'em comming.

HA! Silverfish! Ha HA!

Did Onstad find silverfish in his cashbox after a pre-move garage sale? The alt-text implies this is primarily based in reality ...

Silverfish are fucking disgusting and weird and probably the man reason I'm never doing garage sales again.

Just the silverfish? Sure it has nothing to do with, for example, attendees wearing hooded sweatshirts with a snack in the little kangaroo pocket? And here I am not thinking of things like trail mix so much as tuna salad, etc.

Actually my experience with an all-day mass garage sale was not as horrible as moving boxes from storage and finding a swarm of silverfish.

They are so damn...unnatural.

Silverfish Rush?

Yes, they definitely look like something Peter Jackson would sketch on the leftover wrapping from a Big Mac and then hand to the guys at WETA. Nasty.

I was moving some boxes at work one time and a big sucker spilled out the bottom. He was huge. Like a frigging novelty comb skittering around.

Peter Jackson is mucho skinny these days, no more sketching ideas onto Big Mac wrappers for him.


Oh ho ho, oh dear me.

"Is your kid mixed race"?

Half silver, half cu-ca-ra-cha . Fuckin' bastard never called me back. *great pains to hold back tears*

Half silver, half cockroach, all bastard.

Half silver, half cockroach, all



Holy moly, when I lived in Russia, I swear to god those things bred in my bathtub!

In Russia, bathtubs breed in you!

Do 26-year-old women know who Yakov Smirnoff is, or is the structure of that joke now embedded in pop culture, inviting general use? Or, maybe you live in Branson. Handn't thought about that. Anyway, do tell.

It's sort of just everywhere. I think that I know who Yakov Smirnoff is because of that joke.

In Soviet Russia, Yakov Smirnoff knows me!

In fundamentalist Iran, assholes attack gay guys.

In capatalist America, you watch Big Brother!
Hyuk hyuk hyuk!

In Soviet Russia, cheezburger can has you .

My girlfriend who turns 26 next week did not know who Yakov Smirnoff was nor was she able to recognize him by sight (I had to explain who everyone other than Stalin was on the Colbert Report's Cold War intro thingie the other day).

So in this case, at least, no. She was also not familiar with the joke because she uses the Internet like my parents do, but not even quite that often.

She's the kind of person who has five bookmarks and doesn't surf around for fun. I think the only people she knows online are people she knows IRL.

Your girlfriend is clear evidence that the "six degrees of separation" theory is wrong .

She's not good at culture. She didn't know Hendrix was black until a few years ago.


That's ok, for a while in the nineties I firmly believed Celine Dion was black.

Only her heart

CFT(chubbied for truth)
i love you

I can't recognize him by sight either . . . .
I have to say, most people aren't such extreme internetters like us. Mot people my age use the internet only to go on Facebook, play flash games, research for papers, and watch an occasional Youtube video. They haven't heard of /b/, webcomics, or forums.

No offense young one, but you're also from a different generation. He had already had his time in the spotlight and was becoming astoundingly annoying by the time you were born.

In Post-Soviet Russia, Smirnoff is more popular after 1990!

I'm not sure eight years counts as a different generation. I do know who the man is though. He's the guy who sells Oxyclean, right?



I'm not sure if it's the vicodin I'm on for my wisdom tooth extraction, or if this is legitimately funny, but I just laughed at it so hard that I thought I might stop breathing.

I'm pretty sure it was the Vicodin, I didn't even think it was that funny.

(ok maybe a little...)

I think it was because you love theguitarhero with the entirety of your vicodin-infused being.

Close enough. Generation is tricky, but in many cases the era you experienced childhood in seems to be the best rule to me.

We were children at the same times, you know. Not the whole time, though. And my sister who is three years younger than me . . .we were children at the same times too, but not the whole time.
A generation is at least 10 years, I think.

i've always heard 15 years for generation.It allows most pregnant women to be in a different one than their daughter. Maybe not in India, but what the hell !

OK, I think we need to deal with the fact that cultural generations are often very different from biological generations. A shift as small as three or four years can put you well out of step with other youth growing up. Trends are different and influences change.

Biologically though, yeah, it's closer to 15-18 years at a minimum. The problem there, however, is that you need to use an even wider range in order to take into account the births occurring from people in the previous generation over a wider period of time as well as their varying ages.

So let's just choose to agree that these are clearly two very different concepts and move on from there.

Okay. But three or four years is not enough to put you out of step. You can't even tell if anyone is four years older than you in college. In high school, all the different ages like the same music, same fads. Even in elementary school, sure there is still difference between fads and stuff, but they are still little kids. My brother and sister are fives years apart (22 and 16--he just had his birthday) and they are definitely the same generation, especially since my brother hangs out with people my sister's age, and has been for four years.

Cultural generations are a very subjective thing I think. But there has to be more difference than that.

I think I've said this before, but it depends on when a cultural trend changes or a major event happens. 3 or 4 years makes a huge difference when it falls along certain lines like the divide between people who can remember what life was like before cellphones or the Internet and those who can't (I'd say anyone born more than 3 or 4 years after me probably can't).

I was born more than five years after you, and I definitely can remember.
You have a point, though. But I think we need a little more time than 3 or 4 years.

I've noticed that my girlfriend and some of her friends are a bit more out of step with me and that's only two years difference. I've seen this with other people in the range of three or four years fairly often.

It's not necessarily who you hang out with always, but there will be interesting differences in how you see the world and interact with it. It can be a lot more subtle.

A generation is properly 20 years, the span between birth and breeding. Due to the rapid advancement of technologies and ever-changing fads/subcultures, a pop culture "generation" tends to be much shorter. My ex, six years the younger, and I nonetheless recognized far more of each other's pop references than otherwise. Of course, she was a precocious lass, and came from a part of the country which perpetually wallows about a decade behind the rest.

If you watched a lot of Nick at Nite and read Mad's "let's reprint stuff we've had around forever" special issues quite a lot combined with reference-heavy programming (Animaniacs, The Simpsons, etc.), and classic rock radio you can actually be fairly conversant in previous generations as well. Not perfectly, but it is still somewhat odd at times.

Yup. I grew up scared of the commies; people just four years my junior did not. There's some fundamental ways in which I observe and address problems that, despite my pacifistic politics, seem paranoid and reactionary to those even slightly younger than I, and they're probably in the right.

On the other hand, I can find my way to the grocer without a GPS, and then remember what I was supposed to buy there without calling my woman.

Is it rad to have Alzheimer, Boredom_man ?

So, um, yeah. Good luck on your SATs.

We don't have that here. Thank you anyway

So answer me this then belgand, I am barely 20 which is closer to sje46's age, whilst my boyfriend is 27, which is closer to you, so this makes us a different generation? I mean, I may be biased but I dont think im dating an old man. Not to mention that the perception of generation is itself highly subjective and it depends on what you like, and what people around you like. There are many, many subcultures nowadays and I dont think that you can describe any one of them as belonging exclusively to a single generation anymore.

On a completely unrelated note, my boyfriend was also, until recently, my boss.


Wait, who was fired. Fix'd

I was fired. I was NOT fired for fucking my boss. Though i probably should have been.

There's been some... unsanitary situations created at the workplace.

Yeah man, fucking in the workplace can become unsanitary, especially in a McDonalds.

Wait what.

you insult me, i worked at a print shop.

"/ sorry.

I'm assuming you didn't have sex in the workplace, although that would explain all these smudgy posters I've been getting.

I think that on some levels there may be a cultural disconnect that arises from growing up in different decades.

It's not that you're dating an "old man" so much as, say, someone on one side of Gen X and someone on the other side of Gen Y. It may only be a few years, but the border is still there. Borders are often tricky things like that.

I have something like that with my girlfriend and she's not even two years younger than me.

It is a very subjective and difficult thing, but, in general, I think that we tend to place generations, from a cultural perspective, as being far too long at the present.

My girlfriend is five years my junior. The only noticeable differences between her and I are that she listens to a bunch of indie bands that I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole and that when things are bad she sometimes forgets that they will eventually get good again largely because nothing that happens could possibly matter, ever. But in a lot of other ways, she is much more mature than me, so even those differences are pretty offset.

Also, I think that upbringing factors in much more than moderate age differences ever could. We were both brought up by single parents in the lower middle class. Because of that we see eye-to-eye on most real-life issues.

In the end, I just don't think generational differences matter that much.

That's right, Belgand - I disagree. Predictable, I know.

See, that is another problem I have! We have nothing in common in terms of upbringing... He was brought up by a nice, supportive middle class jewish canadian family, and I am russian with crazy ass drunken atheists for parents!

Crumpet my child, you have no idea how short this unbalance relationship will be, or maybe you, and who cares? As for generations, in anthropology, they are about 20 years, but in American, we are all in the Rock'n'roll generation, far as I'm concerned. We all smoke dope, fornicate like rabbits, and don't give a damn about anybody else.

well i kinda give a damn about my old man boyfriend <3

All I know is, if I make a fart joke and he laughs, I have nothing to worry about in terms of a wide maturity gap.

(aside from the fact that in russia yakov smirnoff is actually not popular at all)

In Yakov Smirnoff, Russia is unpopular!

Man, I never have riff raff at garage sales, it's mostly just weary-looking mothers dragging along kids rooting through boxes of junk on a Saturday afternoon. Basically what my childhood garage sale experiences were (me, my mom, some aunt or aunts or family friend with their respective brood) are what I usually encounter.

And after these outings, did you ever retire to the park with your mom and aunts and tuck into a nice ... tuna salad sandwich??

No but I think you're right. The average garage sale patron is what you're describing: Families in station wagons, the neighbors ambling over from mowing the lawn, kids on bikes, enough silverfish to fill a grocery bag ... but it's the crazy weirdos who stick in your mind, and come back the next day looking for the rest of the set to match the chipped teacup you sold them.

I don't tuck; I dive.

Garage/yard sale days were fun and non-threatening at best, if you planned your route correctly and could stop at the ice stand before going home and looking over your useless loot. I never remember weirdos but it's possible I just accepted them as part of the environment. In fact I'm sure I did. There were weirdos everywhere where I grew up but I never regarded them as weirdos.

I don't know how common this is elsewhere, but in the numerous rural areas of my state there are small towns that just up and turn into one huge door-to-door garage sale for one day each year. These are glorious days filled with smells that will surprise you.

No silverfish, though. We have house centipedes.


Sweet sodoming frogs, that thing is beautiful.

I am forever astounded at the continued unenlightenment that grasps forever those gentleman who haven't yet the pleasure of meeting man's greatest achievement in the areas of arthropods.

Honestly, it's been over two centuries since the great R.R. Mallory published his practices of individualized miniature servitude and the Crete Vat-Birthing Institution was chartered. I do realize that his exposure has suffered under the fine grind of time, but even excusing the loud defamation that we owe to those damned Evolutionary Naturist, you would think that Mallory's Marvelous Domestic Insectovorian Patrol would have attained ubiquitous deployment in the houses of the civilized world. After all, we've managed to electrify the entirety of the West -- Cultivating so-called "house centipedes" is much easier than laying all that wire! And nothing can please a mind that likes to see things in their place more than searching those damp, dark areas and finding a neat little S. coleoptrata humbly on the lookout for the next household pest up for extermination. Why, if only the common people of America could just get over their strange preoccupation with how "icky" they are, we would be naught for even a mention of the outmoded silverfish!

I know, I know. They are A-1 badasses. Don't think I don't appreciate the fact that I haven't seen a living cockroach in any of my apartments in the last decade. I know it's not a mistake. I know these guys are rulin' the roost down there.

Still, I can't help but recoil a little when I find one. They're just....just too badass.

My friends all freaked out one day when one crawled up from behind my friend's bed in his dorm, becuase apparently centipedes are poisonous? Or whatever bug it was. Never heard that in my life; maybe the city pollution internally fumigated the bugs by me growing up. Long story short, they were all too afraid to kill it. I don't get how anything smaller than a tarantula scares people, except bees and whatnot, but even those, just don't bug it (no pun intended) and you'll be fine.

They are without question poisonous as all hell. That's why they're such efficient killers. They're brimming with the stuff. In the rare instance that they bite a human, I've heard that it's not much more than a bee sting.

Still, I grant them a wide berth.

Fie on them! Pfah! Little shits.

Yep. They're venomous (poisonous is not quite the correct term), predatory carnivores. You don't see centipedes that often in most parts of the US though.

Millipedes, however, depending on where you live those aren't terribly uncommon. They're totally benign though... just scary as hell.

Maybe it was a millipede then. SHRUG

Silverfish are sexy. I gotta be honest I wish I had one for a pet. Sadly this climate is too chilly.

Yet another reason to move to SF!

You're wrong there. It's cold as hell here most of the time. Summer? Summer here is a cruel joke where the temperature is lucky to rise above 65. That is, not including the fact that the summer is usually very foggy and that if you're ever not in the direct path of the sun it's usually ten degrees or so colder.

It's basically always in the 60s here. Winter is low 60s or high 50s and Fall (which is actually our Summer, since Summer is astoundingly cold) is closer to high 60s and occasional low 70s.

We have occasional spurts of actual summery weather about a dozen times a year or so and everyone complains because 75 is apparently way too hot for them.

it is -22° celcius up here without the wind, But we got a hotter summer than you ? Where de hell are you living ?

San Francisco.

It's nice when the winter is never particularly cold. I mean, it gets cold, but it's usually more like chilly Autumn than Winter. The problem is that it often doesn't get much warmer than that. It's pretty much eternal Autumn and Summer is one of the colder seasons because of all the fog. The hot inland air hits the cold coastal water and we get fogged in. But at least we don't get rain outside of late Autumn/Winter.

50's-60's is not cold as hell by any measure, not even if you have a vagina. Gah! Californians!

indeed. We're stuck with 3 mont under 0 farenheit. SOme people don't know their luck

Hey, I'll gladly agree that winters are a lot better than before I moved. I no longer have to put up with the horrors of snow either. At the same time it's a trade-off where you're going to be chilly all the time and you'll need to own a summer coat.

No, I'll agree with you in principle. We don't get snow, but we do have pretty tremendous windchill most of the time and as soon as the sun starts dipping in the sky or you're on the shady side of the street it gets notably colder.

The winters are nice. I mean, it's not Southern California nice, but it's better than living someplace with actual cold weather most of the time.

The problem is when you have to keep your heat on during the summer. It's not so much the coldness itself as it is the cognitive dissonance. It's supposed to be warm and pleasant outside, but instead you're bundled up in a coat and sometimes you don't see the sun for a week because of the fog.

If anything it's more than it's consistently cold. Plus, well, once you get down to a certain level it's hard to get much worse without turning scary cold to the degree that you're afraid of going outside. There's a lot less difference in how it feels between 32 and 55 compared to 55 and 72.

Well, and I hate cold weather. I like it to be closer to the 80s most of the time. I should be able to wear shorts all the time. Instead my shorts just sit in the dresser all year mocking me.

at 32 i'm in T-Shirt. Man up a little.

I have to agree. I wear T-shirts year round, including during this cold snap that's about to hit us.

Oh, I do that too. I just never leave the house.

Then how can you complain about the temperature when you're in a climate-controlled environment? YOU SON OF A BITCH HOW DARE YOU HAVE OPINIONS AND PREFERENCES

Well, before I moved recently I had no control over the climate. The thermostat was in our neighbor's portion of the house.

Now our bedroom is just rather drafty due to really old windows in there that keep out neither wind nor noise. Like last week when some people next door (not the next apartment, but another building) had a rather loud party. I asked them to please keep it down after my girlfriend went to bed at 1 AM or so, but sadly more drastic responses were needed in the end.

Amusingly related was how as I was returning from asking them to be a bit quieter someone drunk decided to piss on my girlfriend. Or more appropriately, at her. As she reports it she heard a rain-like noise and opened the window shade to find a dude with his rad chillies in hand micturating upon the window from above her (our place is just below ground level in back where there is a parking lot). Apparently he didn't realize it was a window. Still doesn't excuse pissing on someone's house when you're standing right next to a party. I was a bit upset that she didn't make a disparaging remark about his wang, but he was apparently embarrassed regardless.

Someone drunk enough to pee on a window had enough sense to be embarrassed? Must not have been very drunk.

Yeah. It's kind of below ground level though. There's one of those little concrete retaining walls and a small ditch then the window so I don't think he knew it was a window at all. Just a building. I mean, despite it obviously being a window and having bars on it and everything.

Still enough of a dick to piss on a building.

I can't begin to count how many houses I've pissed on while standing right next to a party. Don't think I've ever pissed "at" someone's girlfriend, though.

But why? That's the sort of thing that means you deserve to have someone hit your erect cock very hard with a whiffle bat.

Just go inside. Don't piss on someone's house. At the very least piss on the house where the party is being held if they are the same sort of people.

I don't get this: my friend has several times pissed in a parking lot or something, not even drunk, just after leaving a store or something, and I totally don't get it, because he won't use the bathroom in the restaurant or whatever because it's dirty but he'll whip his monsieur in the middle of January in a Dave and Buster's parking lot (we got dragged along) and let loose. I can't get on board with public urination, uromysotisis or not.

Monsieur is a nice term, but I initially read it as, and prefer, Monsignor. Plus, if there's a hat involved it's also a bit closer in terms of looks.

Now I gotta take stock. Monsignor is good, but what about other church staff terms? Vicar? Pastor? Reverend? Then think about modifiers: the ol' vicar, the naughty revered etc. It's a can of words going down a slippery slope.

Bishop. As in "Buffing the Bishop."

That is an established term.

Still, "appointing the Deacon" has a certain ring to it. Just as much as "hoping the Vestry gets to see the inside of her Narthex"

Exactly, let's get some new euphies out there.

"Confessing to the father"?

I'd kneel in HIS confessional.

I'd erect a steeple in His honour.

I'd fuck that choirboy.

Wait, I don't think I did that right.

It's hard to tell. Is he on his knees bleeding profusely from the rectum? That could mean you either did it very right or very wrong. It's wide open.

If it's wide open, then you did it right.

It's wide open? Then you did it right.



This need so many more chubby

Eh, it's not an original. I've seen it around many times before and heard the phrase even more often.


Beaten fairly chubby.

belgand, dude, if you want it to be 80 all year 'round, just move to San Diego.

The problem with that is that I'd then have to live in San Diego. I'd rather just live in San Francisco and complain.

Cold is when your snot freezes into icicles. 50s are not cold. 70s are not cold.

Now that I think about it, San Francisco might be the most pleasant place to live weather-wise. 50s-70s is my Temperate Zone of Pleasure.

70s are not really common. It still feels like 60s.

I'd say that it feels like late Autumn year-round getting significantly colder as the sun sets even on warmer days. Nights, even on warm days, are always cold. Restaurants with outdoor seating normally have heaters because otherwise nobody would sit there at night ever. No warm, pleasant summer nights at all.

You're a sick deviant. I need 70s to 80s and even when I've been in the middle of say, a mid-summer Kansas heat-wave in the 100s I haven't had a real problem with it. Yeah, it's hot, but you have air conditioning and it's not a big deal. Better it be blazingly hot than slightly chill.

Still, at least it's never really cold and we don't ever have that horror of horrors... snow .

On a warm day it is beautiful and amazing and you love that it's warm and sunny in the middle of winter. But then you get a cold, foggy summer where you just see grey skies all week and it's in the low 50s with a lot of bitter, damp wind and you start to believe that there must be a god because he obviously hates you.

I'm uncomfortable above 80, and 90 is "hide in the shadows" weather.

San Francisco in the summer is quite cold, at least subjectively, but it's really easy to get somewhere toasty on the weekend if you want. In the middle of July you can get on BART in the city at 59 degrees and get off in the east bay at 105 degrees. That's kind of fun.

Yeah, if you go to the East Bay or down near San Jose or such.

Going out to the water park in... Concord(?) on BART and then coming home to chilly fog and no sun or spending a day down at Great America near San Jose is just... it's weird.

It is, however, rather refreshing. Like you just stepped into a big pool. Providing it's not too cold and you get back before dark.

Both are DAMNED cold. 80 to 100 is prime, and up to 110 is bearable if you carry water. I go to ASU in Tempe ( part of the Phoenix metro). I've been back home in the mountains for the holidays, and I've not been warm, inside or out, for a month.

The problem is that you have to live in Phoenix.

I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Phoenix!

::laughter from Bluth clan::

My girlfriend's sister used to live in Phoenix. I thought of that line often.

Now she lives in Wyoming. I drove through Wyoming once. That was more than I ever hope to experience again.

Lamed for dissing Wyoming. The part on I-80 is pretty bad, (Kansas without any redeeming features, but if you get up amongst the foothills, forests and mountains it is as pretty of country as there is anywhere in the world. With herds of elk at your back door. Have you ever eaten an elk steak? Like cow only without all the nasty hormones and cholesterol. How you feel after eating an elk steak is why man became an omnivore in the first place.

I had Elk steak quite often, my father being what would be a park ranger in the US. Thy give illegaly hunted Elk to poor familly, but they get to kep a few steak. Always found they tasted a bit like pine gum, sadly.

Laramie in this case. True though, I was coming along I-80 and it was hellish. Then again, I'm a different sort of person. I loathe rural areas and the outdoors. I cannot understand why a person would seek to leave the city for basically any reason.

Elk, now that I would like to get in my mouth. That is, if I want to get Chronic Wasting Disease. Prion disease for the fail.

Now bear, that's what I want to try out. I mean, human meat as well, of course, but bear sounds nice too.

I've come to realize that you are basically a low-rent Paris Hilton.

Why I never!


I demand satisfaction, sir!

Fortunately human tastes like bear and bear like elk. So if you'd like to start with my landlord that would be most appreciated.

Indeed! *Ahem*
Could everyone please stop talking about cold, like they know what it is?


Tommorrow's high temp will be: fucking ZERO
With wind chills dropping to 40 below .

The temperatures you complain about would be swimming weather for me.

[/self-righteous snowman]

Do they have you tied down? Are they holding your mother hostage? Are they paying you exorbitantly just to stay there?

Cold is cold, but that is just fucking insane.

Agreed. I mean, below 0 I'm used to. Kansas could get rather chilly with a lot of wind, but that is truly insane.

We're having a warm period right now and breaking record highs. Monday I believe it was supposed to reach 70. It's been at least high 60s all week. Still, it's abnormal. But at least it's possible.

I understand though. My girlfriend spent most of late September through November up at Ft. McMurray in Alberta. Working the night shift at the oil sands.

No way you could have paid me to do that.

I can tolerate wind chills of minus a few degrees (don't ask me how, Long Island usually isn't that cold but we've had years like that) but I agree, that's bad. Not as bad as the -60ers in Alaska, but pretty bad.

Cold snap up here. Max is -20, with with we go fdown to minus 35 during the day

Greeting's from Canada

I meant wind, but my finger backstabed me

I assume you also didn't mean that apostrophe either?

Please assume that i would normally only do minor screw-ups. Also, i'm typing here while talking with snobby bitch-ass clients on the phone.

This is in Celcius but I think it's about the same.

I don't know exactly what "Real Feel" means, except "don't go outside Friday night or you are fucked"

Oh right. For anglo-saxons, It was -31 today.

Minsc feels not this wind chill, for Minsc is strong. As for Boo, well... he is furry.


Boo is getting antsy, If we are adventurer's, Let US ADVENTURE

Until just now, I pretty much honestly thought that Wolfensti's avatar was of Ron Perlman taking a hit off a weed pipe.

You mean it's not?

I just found out last night that Ron Perlman is the narrator for Fallout 3, all the more reason why I'm dying for the price to go down to get it.

I recommend it. Now i only hope they will make a 4th one, since it seem they decided not to put new content for the PS3 version.

I've been playing the PC version and I've been pretty impressed so far. I never played the first two, though.

you definitely need to play the first two... they're probably some of the most fantastic games in existence.

he was the narrator for the first two, as well. if Fallout 3 didn't begin with him saying "War... war never changes," thousands of angry fanboys would have marched on Bethesda headquarters with red ryder bb guns.

You can do that in-game. Highly NOT recommanded due to the "neighboorhood".

I await any commentary saying i mispelled something.

I lost the urge to critique your English long, long ago, Wolfie.

That's a good attitude. Rowboat. You are Rad

Wolfensti, I enjoy your English, it is much better than my French, and reminds me of some fond Quebecois acquaintances of the past. To understand you more fully, I would like to administer a short quiz. Please do not take offense. It is only 2 questions:

1. What is a "Hab"?
2. Who own da Chiefs?

Hab is the short for habitant, wich is one of the nickname of the Montreal candians. I will watch the game in exactly 8 minute time

For the chiefs, i will assume that you are talking about Slapshot, the classic movie, then the owner is a bitch whose kid is a soon to be fag. I doN't know the exact quote in english

THIS IS A HOMEBOY (which I think is a fair translation of "Habitant".) I just could not be more pleased with your answers.

I have been wondering about that "H" in the Canadiens logo since before the internet. My mind, it's blown.

I will let Wolfensti confirm, but I understand the "H" there stands for "Hockey" not "Habitants."

It stands for "Hepatitis"

You stand for hepatitis!


At least he stands for something.

Stands for Habitants, it was the name of the team at the start. But, it was t least 100 years ago, so i may be worng ( i highly doubt it)

I'll back you up. I was reading about them in the bathroom just a day ago, in a thing about the greatest sports teams of the twentieth century. Sports Illustrated does not lie.

indeed. 100th years this season, 25 stanley cup and a good bunch of the greathest player ever. Maybe another one this year , but i say that every year

I stopped paying attention to hockey a long time ago, but I loved it as a kid. I always respected goalies most and Patrick Roy definitely stood out as the biggest badass in the game.

Had you said anybody else, i would have come to your house, knocked on the door, sinked my hand in both of your sides then opened you up like a dictionnary.

Or like a goatse.


According to wikipedia, it does actually stand for "Hockey":

The 'H' does not stand for 'Habs' or Habitants; this is a misconception. It actually stands for 'Hockey', as in 'Club de Hockey Canadien', the official name of the team.

Of course, this is wikipedia, so take from it what you will.

But, yeah, I always that it was for Les Habitants Canadiens or whatever.

Hey, wolfensti, do you remember the Molson Miracle? That was awesome.

I remember the time when I didn't immediately vomit while drinking a Molson. Kind of a miracle.

I do remember and it was NOT awesome.

What i remember more vividly is the Rangers game last year when they came back from a 5-0 deficit. I also recall the 1993 stanly cup, but i was young back then

Funny how I disagree.

The only thing that may be more awesome was Cory Stillman's overtime goal in Game 6 in 2006 (not that it was that awesome of a goal, but...you know). Oh, and I bet you guys are happy that Erik Cole got traded to Western Conference, huh? 21 points in 20 games vs the Habs?

OK, enough bashing the Habs fan.

Frankly, i don't care about Cole, as much as i doN,t care about your bashing. They weren't redy to win, they lost, so be it.

But i care that you are being a dick. That suck.

I'm just razzin ya, wolf. If it makes it any better, I hate the Leafs a hell of a lot more than I hate the Habs.

Well duh, the only place i can see the leafs is skating on cocytus.

Yes, and not being that cold was certainly a reason why I wanted to move here, but just because it could be mind-destroyingly worse doesn't mean I can't say that it's still not colder than it ought to be here.

"Greeting is from Canada"

"Greeting: it's from Canada"

Totally legit.

Bienvenue au Canada ! Bienvenue au Québec !

I'm doing my best

Damn assetbar think i'm a chinamen

Dude, "chinamen" is not the preferred nomenclature.

Well it's certainly not chink.


Someday I hope to return to Montreal.

It's not there anymore. Sorry.

You can't have another pet. You know you always end up eating them.

one of these was haunting me for a couple of days. when i saw it the third time, it was about 5 inches long.

I killed it with my cane.*

*it's not a metaphor. i used to work at a horrible family pizza restaraunt and there was a miserable old man who would come in with a cane and order 1 slice and smoke the most awful cigars for 3 hours. he left his cane there once and i stole it. i have a stolen cane that i hit things with. you are jealous that i stole a cane from an old man.

I read his comment, and he read me.

House would give you SOOO much props.

(i love that show to death.)

[insert hilarious House macro here]


The best stencil I ever saw was Hugh Laurie's face on a bridge with the caption "IT'S LUPUS." New Brunswick graf totally redeemed itself for me with that one...



And there's a reason for that.

House centipedes feed on silverfish, firebrats, carpet beetle larvae, cockroaches, spiders and other small arthropods.

Firebrats! Delicious!

Just the other day my wife was bemoaning that Craigslist has probably killed the grand old garage sale of yore, where folks would hang onto some really nice items and complement those with assorted dreck.

Now they just C.L. the nice objets, and the Craigslist pros and hunters swoop in on them like buzzards.

That was your wife that be moaning on Craigslist?

His wife be moaning on Craig Slist.


Don't dream it's over

There must always be those ready to say that after someone says "hey now." I will follow you into battle, Tekende.



i just realized that looks likes 'eyes' printed over and over

I thought it looked like 'yes' printed over and over

i was advance-apologizing to the dyslexics. because i'm really that great of a man

i chubbied both yours and tekende's comments.


Don't dream it, be it.

chubbied because i love tim curry

I love tim tandoori

I love lamp

i love whoper

also pizza


"Have it your way," I guess.

[IPs blocked]

Excellent spin on the original.




Calm down gentlemen.


Stop it, all of you

Bunch'a cum swapper


You delightful gentlemen.

Time to shelf this

No really

Useless? I think all my clothes and toys for my first three or four years in America were from garage sales. They were perfectly fine. The only thing was that I never got to have a full matching set of Ninja Turtles. I had to assemble a team out of Head Droppin' Raphael, Samurai Leonardo, Sewer Surfin' Michaelangelo, and Storage Shell Donatello, which forced me to come up with extremely convoluted and improbable playtime scenarios.

Aw yeah, dude! I got the matching turtles but that was it. So basically my best version of Krang was the cap from a bottle of Gatorade stuffed inside the cut-out belly of my Stay Puft Marshmallow Man action figure.

God, what a terrible use for a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man action figure.

I'll never forget the OshKosh b'Gosh kid overalls in perfect condition my wife found years ago, about 3-year-old size.
It had a non-standard label sewn neatly on the mid-front bib.
When she removed it, revealed to light again in oh-so-perfect embroidery was SHITHEAD

I wonder what happened to those...

No doubt hastily applied when Social Services pulled into the trailer court.

You have to understand the pride factor in relation to the money factor. Yard sale clothes = unkosher. Hand-me-downs = general issue.

the only hand me downs achilleselbow ever got were shoes, glasses, and clumps of hair.


As an only child I never had any hand-me-downs. Actually, I also never got rid of any clothes because my mother wouldn't (and still won't) let me. Over time my dresser became full during elementary school and then my chest of drawers filled during middle school until my closet was filled during high school and if I hadn't moved out for college I'd probably have completely run out of space.

My mother has absolutely no ability to throw things away. I mean, I don't want kids and I was both an only child and the only person in the family even remotely around. There is no reason to have an entire dresser full of old clothes that will never be worn again.

They have this odd thing called Big Brothers Big Sisters and now we give away our old clothes to those people but before that I had clothes from toddlerhood in my closet and boxes down in the basement. I still have a little sailor's uniform that can be seen being worn by me in a picture in our dining room at age, oh, 2 maybe?

[anger]Cue the fucking stupid fucking jokes about dead babies or pedophilia, do it you fuckers, I know you want to you sick fucking fucks.[/anger]

Sick Fuck, eh,
What's the best way of making a little girl cry 2 times.
You wipe out your bloody dick on her favorite doll.

Ahaha I haven't heard that joke ever and I especially never heard it in 9th grade.

I'm sometimes not able to distinguish irony on the internet, is it a good example ?

Yes and you might've meant sarcasm but that's ok, they're basically the same thing.

Irony would be if nice-on-water had actually done this the other day and was now freaked out that someone was making a joke about it.

Are you referring to something, penis?

Irony is when the little girl you are about to do that to tells you that joke.

Sarcasm is when she tells you that you're so much better than Daddy.

Tragedy is when you chafe your dick.

Comedy is when the girl dies from blood loss.

When she dies from blood loss is not comedy. It is pride .

Coen Brothers is when you trip over her inert body and tumble naked, breaking your neck.


(hint- the Internet is)

The verdict was Regicide!

No, not in boxes. In the dresser. Ready to open and wear at a moment's notice in case I suddenly have an inverse-Big scenario (I'm in a good movie starring a great actor that doesn't make me vomit?) and happen to be at my parent's house at the time or am just living about a decade or so in the past.

You're more prepared than the Boy Scouts. Incidentally, do you have a Boy Scout uniform in there?

Several actually. Plus my merit badge sash, handbook, shorts, neckerchiefs, etc. I have a whole drawer devoted largely to Boy Scout clothing and ephemera. At least, I did last I checked. My mother was a very active Cub Scout Den Mother, my father was somehow roped into two or so years as our Webelos leader and I spent a number of years in scouts until early high school.

Scout camp was great. Largely an excuse to play AD&D and Magic: The Gathering. I learned about a lot of geek culture through scouting and no camping trip was really complete without at least one RPG. Hell, it's the only reason I ever played Twilight: 2000.

Today I strongly disagree with the ideals behind much of scouting and if not the scouts personally then the leadership due to their policy of discrimination. If I had actually made Eagle (it's complicated, but basically I was never given leadership positions despite having training for them due to political reasons that kept people in them for lengthy periods of time... I believe I had enough badges to qualify for Life when I left, but not the leadership requirement) I would have returned it in protest.

I remember one incident at camp where I was told that only way I was getting out of going to church on Sunday was if I was an atheist. I avoided pressing the issue because I was familiar with the court case that was happening around that time. I feel a bit bad now for not telling them that that was precisely the reason I didn't want to go.

A number of my friends from my hometown were in as well, but none of them in my troop. I'd say that about half of my male friends from that group are Eagle.

I remember one incident at camp where I was told that only way I was getting out of going to church on Sunday was if I was an atheist. I avoided pressing the issue because I was familiar with the court case that was happening around that time. I feel a bit bad now for not telling them that that was precisely the reason I didn't want to go

Cowards don't make Eagle. Plus, no one cares about this or the weather in San Francisco.

Next time you have a story, see what belgand says.

I'm trying to get the Real story out of him. My theory is he posts banality as a cry for help, and really has gory and unbelievable tales he's repressing with all his might.

Probably won't work.


If this place isn't (or has become on its own) a place for banal anecdotes, I don't know what is. We have two weeks till the next comic; it's gonna be a long two weeks if you tell that to everyone with a story not immediately related to the comic.

I have had sex.

What...what's it like, then?

in an airport?

Not related to the comic =/= banal anecdotes about your daily minutia

I don't understand why people keep making this jump in logic.

Not related to the comic encompasses banal anecdotes. You have to accept that someone can relate to a comment with a real-life story. Ignore it if you want, that's what the ignore button (or just scrolling past the comment because a random story from real life does not warrant ignoring) is for.

True, but I also wanted to spur debate about the exclusionary policies of Scouting International (or is it just the BSA that's causing the problem and other countries are cool?) towards atheists and homosexuals. Specifically that they claim that both are fundamentally immoral and at odds with the values they want to impart.

Here I thought it was mainly about learning rope use (Dex., no modifier), fire building (Wis., -1), and survival (Int., no modifier). About camping and having fun at summer camp. Nope. It's about being a dick and trying to force your conservative mindset on others.

I was also hoping to discuss other people's past stories about their scout days and, well, I have a tendency to ramble.


You did not train Orientation (Wis) or Knowledge: Geography (Int).

What a waste

1) It was just a sampling
2)2nd edition only please. Nothing exists after 2nd edition. Just a clear area that forces you to use minis all the damn time for the freakishly overcomplicated combat system with its crazy stupid powers for everyone and idiotic system of multi-classing. A fighter does not get special powers. He just has better THAC0 so he can actually hit people and more hit points. That is the proper way.

Personally I've come to greatly prefer skill-based games like GURPS over class-based ones. The problem arises, of course, when you want to do things like magic that aren't best handled as just a skill or some classes that maybe should have unique powers that don't translate well into skills. Not to mention how different classes should maybe advance in different non-skill areas (e.g. hit points, to hit) at different rates. Still, I think the flexibility is generally worth it as long as you have a competent GM and players.

The other issue, for me, is whether you should only advance in skills as you use them (hard to level up less commonly used skills like maybe healing spells or such that are crucial, but not used as often as perhaps combat skills) or an allocated experience based skill system (less realistic? requires more work tracking experience and such).

Been playing at 2nd and 3 for now 10 years. While i liked the 2nd edition, my avicon can present. I prefer the 3rd a bit for the balancing, making most class worth playing. The clerc is not the designatd healing bitch, the thief can survive (but not for long) etc. You can just tweak the game a bit. I'm currently the DM of a game, we've got 2 players (i play the cleric/mage, but i got only supportive, restorative magic on. They do the hero, i do the background). I keep the xp they won to myself, and when i fugure they have learned enough i make them lvl up. If they used their skill a bit, they put the point, but if they didn't (like crafting) they most train a few days or week to get the increase

Just give it a chance Belgand, It is different, but with a bit of imagination you can do wonders. Lately i've invited former DnD friends, but they play the enemies, i give them ressource (boss, minions, "lair" and so on) and the basic knowledge of the heroes, who goes increasing since they start getting know (popularity system from BG2). Seriously, it works wonder

Nope. I played a game of 3rd a while back. The entire session was combat. Just moving around minis because you have to take distance and facing into account so much more now, using special powers and attacks and other nonsense. They're trying to turn it more into MMORPG combat and I hates it. If you want to do cool special attacks in combat you have to come up with them on your own and have the DM do it as a spot ruling.

And this switching to prestige classes nonsense? No. Just no. You pick a class and stay with it. Maybe you multi-class a bit, but that's it. Kits? OK, but none of these millions of classes nonsense. Fighter, Mage, Thief, Cleric. Paladin, Ranger, and Bard too, maybe magic specialization or such (which is more about playing style and spell selection), but that's it. Psionicists is even pushing it a bit for me.

I can't see why it would be MMORPG style combat. It simply takes mobility much more into account, wich is helpfull for many classes. Prestige classes are mostly to do extremly specialised character. Remove them if they don't fit you. Frankly, ionly know a buch of prestige class that are better than the base class.

Also, feats is really the thing. It allows a fair bit of customisation. a 2nd edition fighter would specialize in a weapon, wear a full plate then hack away... Not many way to be imaginative.

The imagination was in the player. I find feats ruin the game. From what I've seen of 4th edition rules they just expanded the whole concept and now it's all about powers and daily powers and at-will powers and all sorts of nonsense.

It feels like it wants to be a computer game. You don't need everything codified. When I asked it I could have my ninja do a spin kick to take out multiple foes it was the DM just doing a quick ruling on the spot that resolved it, not a detailed work out of whether I had that feat yet, was close enough, etc. No shuffling papers or dicking around, just "Make a Dex -2 roll to pull it off and -5 to THAC0 on each enemy." You kept track of where people were in terms that were rough, but worked well enough to keep it from becoming a mini game.

It felt cooler because it was you, not just pulling some feat off your sheet. A good DM should have no problem at all making whatever you want happen with only a few checks and some creativity.

I don't understand your point. Most of the feat make you more proficient in doing a certain action. If a character want to disarm is opponent, he can do it, he don't need a feat or anything. If he want a fencer whose classic move is this, well he should take it so to be better than other character at it. Zone of effect was a nightmare in 2nd edition, especially with spell like lightning bolt or fireball. . Quite often they find move that arent in the book, so i quick rule appropriatly. If he find a gaping flaw in my setup, hell he can use it, he found it. If he look for some random amulet, he can ask a mage or priest to de a locate object spell. Fuck me, i did not think about it, you win . Without creativity and strategy they get crushed pretty fast

Zone of Effect was only a problem if you let it be a problem. The best way of dealing with those things was to not worry about them too much. Play it loose and fun rather than getting bogged down in the details. Did he shoot a fireball at some dudes? Were they reasonably close to each other? It hit them. Was one of the dudes on the other side of the room? Was it a big room? He probably lost his eyebrows (if he rolls his save he was able to turn aside quickly enough with a loud expletive in order to keep one of them), but is otherwise fine. See? Easy!

Did we need a 3rd edition? Definitely. There was tons and tons of errata and various rulings and such over the years. The change in THAC0 to a sane positive number was a simple and reasonable change. But it should have been left light and simple. Too many rules create problems and leads to rules lawyering.

But, it maybe me, but i don't mind a good set of rule if they are easy to remember. 3rd edition goes for a simple principe, the more competent your are, the bigger your modifier is high. The harder a task is, the harder the difficulty check is. RUles for the movement are kinda hard at first, and so are opportunity attack, but after a lil while you get the habit. Also, Strategy is much more proeminent. A good position and perception help a LOT. A good monk can go trough the enemy line with acrobatic, knock out the mage/sorcerer/archer in 1-2 round then get away before the big dudes. Mobile character are much more fun when you can see clearly your position and the enemies.

I think the combat, however, is too strategic. I like the quick-and-dirty combat of the past. Swing some swords, cast some spells, you're done in 15 minutes or less.

Agree to disagree ?

Well I think we...


... can do that.

Although in another, truer way, no, not really. It means I have endless problems trying to get a game together and the whole industry is changed into a form I dislike. I can agree that we disagree on how things work best, but it's not something I can just ignore easily and keep on playing. All the groups are basically into 4th these days.

Not, i maintain a healthy 3.5 edition game. We pretty much did everything there was to do with the 2nd, then got ahead when 3rd started. Right now i have a complete campaign from lvl 1 to lvl 22 ready, with a few epic quest ready if they want to try it out. Seriously, much more way are opened wit the 3rd edition. Fuck 4th edition, it's good for 13 years old otherkin that want to play a dragon

I'm not happy with Wizards at all. Yes, TSR made some very dumb moves, but they didn't fuck with it nearly as much nor did they basically take over the entire fucking industry to the same degree.

3rd edition Shadowrun was still good, but what I've read of 4th just sounds awful. Mainly the way they elminated decks and made decking entirely wireless so they go along inside more often on the run. Yeah, it was a pain in the ass running deckers on missions before, but this is just... this is not the right way to fuck with my favorite archetype.

Well, i always prefered to keep my decker out of the way. Stay in a safe enough spot, following them on the Matrix fucking up security cam and drones in the way. Also, if they get stuck in a firefight, you are 100 miles away. You survive another day !

It feels like Wizards killed off or helped kill off all the smaller companies (yes, D20 allowed even smaller companies to flourish, but not in the same way, they're selling accessories, not competition). No more FASA, WEG, GDW, etc. Now it's mainly just WotC, Steve Jackson, Palladium (too crazy to die), Chaosium and... hmm... are White Wolf still going? Plus a smattering of even smaller companies.

Rowboat hasn't said it yet so I will:

Y'all some nerds.

Nerd's that like the same comic as you. Coincidence ?

Yes. We like the comic for different reasons (as evidenced by the fact that The Math and Ray Gets Kinda High are the highest rated strips, & I don't really like their style).

Nerd is.



I feel like we can have intelligent sharing of ideas alongside banal anecdotes (or blur the line between them) and have the dumb references and smart-ass comments that we all (read: me) love so much.

Wasn't the founder of the Boy Scouts gay? Or is that yet another Internet mith?

No solid evidence exists. It's all basically conjecture and hearsay. You tend to hear the same thing about almost anyone who spends a lot of time with young boys or significant amounts of time with children.

Now now Belgand, there are differance between Child Rapist and Gay people, unless a guy is raping little boy

Trivializing rape is NOT COOL.

Hey, my logic is good. I have no further commentary of this.

This well known Shakespeare poem concerns an ancient Roman woman who was allegedly responsible for the overthrow of the monarchy and establishment of the Roman Republic?

Ironically "Rape Me" came up on the stereo just as I started writing this.

*sje46 wrote this having only seen the comment above it*

True and I would never want to imply that. My statement was that in each case a sexual interest is often implied by outsiders be it gay or straight.

In this case, well, it is the cause for a lot of the baseless speculation. Just how a lot of people will make similar speculations about Scoutmasters today (although not as much as they did in the 90s after that highly publicized molestation trial).

"Ten Seconds on Assetbar"

By Rowboat

"...competent GM..."

scroll scroll

"...healing spells..."

scroll scroll


scroll scroll

"...boss, minions, 'lair'..."

scroll scroll


scroll scroll

"...2nd edition fighter..."

scroll scroll

"...do a spin kick to take out multiple foes..."

scroll scroll


scroll scroll

"...shoot a fireball..."

scroll scroll


Furious scrolling until yellow boxes go away.


You're just jealous that you can't do a spin kick to take out multiple foes. I bet you can't even cast Magic Missile!

Yeah, but I once saw a skin flick that took out multiple hoes!


Oh yeah ? So do I!

Wait, not really.

Ladies who are into role-playing are also often far more interested in role-playing .

It's been very, very rare that I've played in a game without at least one woman in the group.

Normaly, the womyns in my groups are always girlfriend or sibling of palyer's . It mostly always end up with break-ups (2 separate occasion) or creeping the lady entirely. It's harder to get player nowaday's. Damn you WOW!

Saturday afternoon! Fuckers turned up at 5.30am last time I held a Garage sale. My ad said starts at 9.30am NO EARLY BIRDS. I had to threaten to call the police to get them to leave. They did not get the worm (Glo-worm nitelite in mint condition).


That always freaked me out. I mean, a lot of sales I've seen are like 6 AM - 10 AM. Who in the fuck is awake at that time of morning on a weekend? Afternoon or nothing for me.

Seems like Mr. O is a bit of a classist. People above the bottom socio-economic rung go to garage sales. Sorry if we all can't buy everything new from Hammacher Schlemmer.

yes, which is understandable, but you can also just go ahead and not write checks for fifteen dollars worth of ceramic garden baubles at Walmart

or a check for a pack of Marlboro lights at the gas station that's within walking distance of your out-of-gas RV

Off topic - are you going to explain your impossibly small new avatar, or are we to assume that it's something unknowable?

it is a g---ggg---ghost!

holding an original copy of The Fiddler on the Roof (Broadway Cast!) to cover their ghostly head

so I guess now we are on the small and avant garde avatar cycle? delightful

We doin' this.

I killed all my friends. :(

You have missed a fine distinction. There are people who go to garage sales before they are scheduled to begin.

Middle-of-the-day garage sale patrons run the gamut from young families who kill two birds with one stone by getting bargains AND not spending money on real entertainment on a saturday afternoon, to the hipster types looking for retro decor. People who roll around residential areas in cars older than they are in the wee hours of the morning looking for garage sales are not what you would call normal.

It does not matter what you do, they will find you. You can put up signs, you can park your friend's van diagonally across your driveway to try to block the view from the street, but they will squeeze between the front bumper and your alley fence to finger your musty assortment of wares, hoping to get the "good" stuff before the recently retired couples who don't have a routine down meander in.

The best part of this strip is the truth it represents - those kind of people ALWAYS have a surprising amount of cash on hand ...

In other words, "real M&M people"?

Man do NOT let Salies finger your assorted wares.

not for free anyway

I worked in an antique store for over a year. These people are so real it's not even funny. They just love useless shit beyond belief.

I have a bad feeling I'm gonna be one of those guys in 20 years.

I thought you were in college?

I am. You can't be younger than 40 and be a yard sale freak.

You can't have been educated in the higher ways and end up being one, either. You may well go to yard sales. Maybe you'll even get there crazily early and all that. You'll probably amuse yourself by thinking of yourself as one of "those people." You'll talk to your friends and your wife about it. Everyone will laugh.

But you will not be one of "those people." "Those people" didn't go to college.

Ah, but what you all don't know is, I am an English major.

Oh. I...I'm so sorry. I should've considered that possibility before I spoke up. In light of this, I realize that there's a very real possibility that you basically already are one of them.

Except I haven't been to a yard sale in a good ten years but I promise, next time I go to one, I'll take a picture of myself and post it here so you can analyze my situation and affix the appropriate label.

Except nothing, yard sale TARD!

Anyway, don't you have to be in some vomited-on dumpster in Poughkeepsie at four in the morning tomorrow so you can beat back the other toothless sons of prostitutes and get first dibs on that pair of ultra-rare '70s Tony the Tiger velcro shoes? The ones that show him making an awesome slapshot in a hockey game even though nobody EVER would wear velcro shoes while they were making an awesome slapshot in a hockey game!



Have you never heard of street hockey?


Friggin' white kids from the damn suburbs with their popped-ass collars and their goddamn ice -ass hockey. Where we come from? The streets ? We do shit real . All shoes , tennis balls , no limits , and boy you best believe you ain't want to be the goalie.

Fuck, man, whiffle ball without a catcher, and without a whiffle ball (tennis balls worked better). First pitch of the game, strike one, everyone takes off down the street chasing the ball, driveways be damned. That ain't Circumstances but it's Character.

We call that fuzzball 'round these parts, and we still play it today.

The only Circumstance involved is the wrath which has descended upon my knees and pitching shoulder. It is a game for the young.

My knees have been shit since 8. They click every time I bend them and when they don't I bend them till they do. Ain't no excuse, old timer.

I haven't played in too long. I think last time was when I still lived in the city. One time after I'd been out here for a while, I was playing with some kids I met from my street and I had to explain why a tennis ball works better. They thought a handball would work as well and first hit, we lost it in someone's backyard (in the city that would be no problem because no grass would obstruct our search and the yards were about 20 feet square anyway).

I did not play anything with those kids again.

I've heard that handballs or "pinkies" are more favored in the East. Tennis balls are the tradition here, and so they remain.

We would call them Spaldeens and use them for handball specifically. 99% of the time I used a tennis ball (in the Northeast).

They called them Spaldeens when my dad was a kid in the Bronx, Mr. Durante. But you already knew that.
He's in his 80's.

I guess that makes it impossible for my 50 year old dad to have imparted that knowledge on me and for me to have adopted it, huh? Yeah it must be.



Crazy. I was told not to play in the street and I was intelligent enough to understand why this was a very good thing not to do.

Well, that and my backyard was about an acre or so.

There was no where else to play, unless we wanted to trek to a park, and if we were gonna do that, we might as well have scrounged up 18 players and gotten real bats and balls, and we didn't want to do that because 3 months of the year we played Little League ball anyway.

If your backyard is an acre, the street is probably not busy anyway. If you don't have a backyard to play in, the street is probably hella busy. Such is the conflict I faced in my youth.

The neighbourhood I grew up in had a few 1 block long streets, they were easily quiet enough to play games on.

Exactly, but everything was a grid by me. Swing and miss and you're running for blocks to stop that if you wait one half of a split fucking second.

Works best if you play in a school yard with a big brick wall for a backstop/catcher.

Yeah, as if they'd let us have a whiffle bat. Pshyah. Yeah.


Whiffle bat? We use a stickball bat.


Yeah sure, buy a fake one from a store that costs twice as much as a regular wooden broom, or to beat both, but a ONE DOLLAR YELLOW PLASTIC BAT instead of buying that or breaking your mother's broom.


I grew up in 5 acres of highway wilderness. The most memorable game I played were Run In Terror From The Rotting Deer Carcasses Your Dog Has Hauled From The Forest. I played it alone.

Boooooorrrring. I have many Hey Arnold-esque stories that I couldn't get from rural or suburban life. FUCK YOUR FIVE ACRES AND DEER CARCASS is what I'm saying.

I get the feeling that Nice On Water's moved onto the red wine.

It was either that or the turpentine and even I know where to draw the line.


Oh hell, don't you know. It was Meth-Awareness last night in Oklahoma. Word up, my hickbilly.

I saw a billboard for that. It annoyed me because it said something like "METH: THE CRYSTAL DARKNESS" and I was like you stupid fuckers. There is a much better word that rhymes with meth you could have used. I mean, seriously. How do you overlook using METH: THE CRYSTAL DEATH?

But whatever.


I think they skipped that slogan because too many people would laugh uncontrollably at it. I know I would chuckle. It'd be just like that anti-meth commercial that played back in the nineties, the one with the really catchy song. "I can't sleep... I can't eat... but I've got the cleanest house on the street! Oh, meth! OOOOOH, METH!"

Although "The Crystal Darkness" isn't much better. Sounds like something out of a Final Fantasy game.

That commercial was so awesome. Best commercial ever. Although the one with Rachel Leigh Cooke in it was pretty great too. Actually it was only great because Rachel Leigh Cooke was in it, and she was smokin' hot back then (I do not know what she looks like now).

If Rowling ever decides she misses making millions of dollars from Harry Potter maybe she could write Harry Potter and the Crystal Darkness

Earth in the Balance and the much more popular Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth .

Dark wizards desperately want our crystal darkness.

Red wizards, on the other hand, need food badly.

There needs to be a black market for Assetbar Viagra, because I am out of chubbies. :(

Blue Archer shot the food.

My shift keys aren't working. I can kinda cope with CapsLock, but I can no longer quote, get excited, or say things emphatically.

That was actually for heroin, I remember because I watched it 10 times two days ago on Youtube, also she is still smokin' beyond belief, and I know this because I watched an interview with her from 2004 on The Late Late Show (back with the other Craig). Still smokin', and surprisingly real, quirky and cute.

Harry Potter and the Crystal Darkness would be a great premise for fanfic/slashfic. Poor little Harry with his teeth falling out, hanging out in bad parts of Diagon Alley trading blow jobs and rough pants-around-the-ankles fucks for dime bags.

Maybe because it sounds like a Judas Priest album?

I believe in a thing called meth,
Just listentotherhythmofyourheart!
I believe in a thing called MEEEE-EEE-EEETH!


My fiance and I are walking down the aisle to I Believe In A Thing Called Love at the end of our ceremony. True story!

A friend of mine did the ending throne room, award ceremony music from the end of Star Wars. It was actually a bit creepy.

Now, Imperial March for the processional. That I could maybe get behind.

Have you mentioned this before? That sounds familiar.

Probably. I tend to repeat my limited number of anecdotes rather often.

We just had a ton of signs aimed at the gay community in the Castro station about "I Lost Me to Meth". It was part of a huge media blitz with TV ads (though Joel Schumacher did them, no Meth Nipples), coasters in bars, and all sorts of other media.

Apparently the PnP (Party and Play) scene is really a big problem and there are a lot of meth problems out here as a result.

We had deer in our yard all the time, but very rarely did they drop dead there.

The running in terror was more reserved for the copperheads that would come up from the creek and lurk in the backyard. Or getting a two-inch long black locust thorn in the bottom of your foot (I do not walk outside barefoot, I find both concrete and grass too rough and pointy respectively).

Watching Your Mother Decapitate A Deadly Snake With A Shovel is a two-player game, but it's still not much fun.

Ok that is much cooler than the dead deer.

Despite all of this (and the presence even of a creek) it was not in any way rural, but a wealthy area of an upper-middle class suburb at the vanguard of current development trends. Still, we had to chop the heads off of snakes.

I am still very, very afraid of snakes. I think my fear of spiders may have come from the time when we had an infestation of wolf spiders in the basement. Those things are unnaturally scary.

I have nightmares about snakes every so often. They're horrible, and always eventually involve lots and lots of very large snakes all over a room or the backyard of the house I grew up in.

Does John Rhys Davies turn to you at that point in the dream and say "Asps. Very dangerous. You go first."?

I do not walk outside barefoot, I find both concrete and grass too rough and pointy respectively

God dammit , belgand

Hey, my feet are sensitive. They are gently clad all of the time and have never known laboring or cares.

Damn pampered soft-footed so-and-so.

Much easier to clean up the set if it's brick, also

Any balls down there?

It gives their lives......meaning.

A great proportion of the unpleasantly eccentric spend their days hanging from the bottom socio-economic rung

amazing what you can learn about a person from the way they treat their shoes

Are we meant to assume that people that put their heels inside of their shoes are the normal ones?



Visit CreepyGif.com to view this GIF animation.

Ohhhhhh. The fail she is epic. I am sorry everyone. I was just trying to flesh out the whole racist experience.

I'm trying to visualize T-bag's statement in the second to last panel but I can't. Does he mean when people shove their feet into their shoe without untying it and the back folds under their heel? SOMEONE HELP ME UNDERSTAND

Yes. And I only picture every lazy girl from ninth grade at my old highschool and their brown colarados. I don't think this is what I am supposed to imagine?

You just imagine whatever you want, dear, and the good lord will provide.

It is exactly what you are supposed to imagine, except the girls are middle-aged.

Yard sales. One step above a lemonade stand, but without the cute factor, and a much more committed following. Dudes make up maps and plan itineraries around the chance to dig through strangers piles of junk. Just not my scene. But glad to see Beef knows how to squeeze every dollar out of the trollers.

Circumstances prepare you for fiscal responsibility better than any economics course, assuming you survive/ aren't a meth head.

600 bucks an hour makes a damn good garage sale.

Did not even got that for my old car

You sold your car in dollars per hour?

That is also why i would have liked a that Nusiness Statistics math book..

You need to take a nap.

From now on I am imagining hearing all of wolfensti's posts in a ridiculous stereotypical French accent.

My calculus teacher last term had a ridiculous French accent. I enjoyed it.

There was also the substitute who said "right" instead of punctuation. I counted approximately 10 "right" per minute through the hour long class.

My math professor did smoething similar to this right thing. He would use "uhh" as a comma and "right" as a full stop.

First class he came in and started doing it, people began to laugh. Mofo turned and gave us a this look, one of those looks that if looks could kill, I wouldn't be here typin. Nobody laughed again all semester.

Based on his avatar, I can't help but hear them in the grandiose, slightly addled voice of Minsk from "Baldur's Gate."

Indeed, he's easily the most endearing character of the cast

Anyone that's as "Butt-Kicking FOR GOODNESS!!" for a battlecry is worth admiring. Jan Jansen would have been my second choice, obviously

Tiax is amusing, too, mainly for the way he insults all the other NPCs. "Ha ha! Smart guy dies!"

You have a good Bg2 knowledge. let's test it, Who said:
I'm so smart , S-M-R-T !

Homer Simpson.

No, that was your mom.

Can you microwave money? Is there a certain temperature at which a dollar bill bursts into flame?

In response to your first question: assuming you have money and a microwave, yes.

Second? Yes. You are clearly not a fan of Ray Bradbury.

Book paper =/= American dollar paper. It's made out of a composite of not only paper but cotton and pieces of thread. I don't know anything about its burning point or whatever, but I imagine higher than 451 degrees.

If you put it in water and set the time for maybe 10 seconds it'll sterilize it and also not flame.

But the real question is...will it blend?



Also hey don't hold that against me, I was JOSHING you, pal, because I knew you'd be a sport about it. Hugs?

Who are you calling pal, friendo?

Not you, Anton.

I'm joshing you as well N-O-W. You are my buddy.

what about earlier?


Actually you said "DOES IT BLEND" which is in fact inaccurate.


Dude, don't diss the guy that freed all the slave. That's Dicky.

We need to invade your country and teach you proper American History.

With who ? HIllary ? I'm sure she won't declare war, she a women after all.

The correct spelling is womyn.

Pronounced as: hoo-uhr

Either this was sarcastic or you don't know nearly enough about her.

Sarcasm. Glad some people fell for it.

Like how Washington had a pocketful of horses, fucked the shit out of bears, threw a knife into heaven and could kill with a stare?

And was a cannibal.

And something about having thirty goddamn dicks.

He'd save children.

But not the British children.

After I toured the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington DC, I delighted in being such the pedant and pointing out that it wasn't "Paper" money.

Paper in the sense that leather is a fabric.

Isn't there a strip in metal in American money? We used to have an anti countfeiting strip in our paper money before we got with the times and switched to plastic. Now you can just wipe it down with garage sale grade disinfectant.

There is a strip, but it is not metal. It does hold magnetically encoded information.

With the right detection machine, they can tell how much money you are carrying as you walk past.

This is off topic but always strikes me as funny. American money is backed by nothing other than the fact that it is American money. That's what "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" is all about, I'm almost positive.

That's what makes it a fiat currency.

If you want to make an issue out of this there's plenty of libertarian literature on moving back to a currency backed by specie that I could leave with you.

Oh, don't I know it's out there, but I don't want anymore opinions than I can get from a casual peruse through this site and Facebook statuses.


hey, i hate jews.

Who is this SUleman ? Maybe we could cooperate

It may or may not be the name of a friend of mine.

George Washington was a jew. He changed his name from Grigori Washingtonskivitch.

Decidedly, some people don't understand sarcasm on the internets.

I like you, but feel it necessary to inform you that your attempt at non-partisan political satire smacks of the same sort of banal and cowardly moral equivalency as South Park. One of these things is not like the other.

You don't want to fuck with Fiat money anyway. You just end up giving it all to the mechanic. Those damn cars are always breaking down.

You know what Fiat means? Fix it again, Tony.

it's so true... my first car was a 1982 Fiat Spider turbo.

I always favored a slightly more specific joke that implies that it is only a car in the sense that it was deemed a vessel of personal conveyance by force of law.

ONLY Newton's Laws of Motion make it a car.

Theoretically. It has to actually move under its own power at some point.

Isn't this true of all other money? I mean, nobody who uses Pounds Sterling really believes that "Her Brittanic Majesty shall assuredly reimburse the bearer such a number of cloven-hooved livestock as doth constitute an alike value".

man i am out of practice round here

It might be true, but there are plenty of us that are not happy with it and want a move back to having our money backed by precious metals.

True, that's also a massive illusion, but it's a slightly more stable illusion and is more universal.

A friend of mine has really gotten into the Austrian School of Economics and is now willing to go on about the evils of fractional reserve banking at the drop of a hat. Dude has a very, very good point, but still.

I don't know enough about it to comment, but will elect to take the opposite position from your good self.

Backed currency seems like a good idea especially now, but I can't quite wrap my head around this: wouldn't going back to it severely limit our ability to conduct international trade unless every other country adopted it as well? Or do I just really suck at abstract mathematical reasoning? Someone explain this to me.

It's impossible and insane. Wtf is gold worth anyway? It's just a commonly agreed on value arbitrarily used as a standard.
The only thing every country has enough of to back currency with is dirt or humans. Or Whoppers made of dirt and/or humans.
The fact that it's legal tender is the Government's word that it will pony up equivalent value.

Is this Burger King Metaphor Week on Assetbar?

Also Human Burger King Week?

Well at the outset you would agree on a given value for gold, so that the gold we did have was equivalent to the amount of money in circulation. The whole point is that it would prevent inflation on the national level. But like I said, I have no idea how it would work in a global economy, that's what I want someone to explain to me.

Here's the thing I have never understood about the gold standard: How does the money supply grow to reflect the increases in value that occur through innovation? If the money supply does not grow as value is created, there is risk of deflation, which is very bad, worse than inflation from what I understand. Value is not mined out of the ground, it exists in and is created by people's minds. So one goal of the central bank is to ensure that the money supply grows to accommodate value that is created. I ASSUME (knowing next to nothing about banking) that they do this in part by allowing a modest rate of inflation. That would tell them that they are actually adding too much money to the economy, but since there is no way to know the exact amount of money to add, and modest inflation is the lesser evil, that's what they do.

So a gold standard or some other commodity backing of the currency would seem to be pointless for enabling the necessary growth in the money supply. I suspect that the people who are hell-bent on the gold standard may have an answer for that, but I don't know what it is. I have kind of regarded those people as cranks.

I don't know quite enough about it, but I still regard inflation as a bad thing. Especially since salaries often do not rise in accordance with inflation. It benefits people at the top and who are in control of the financial industry much more, it would seem, than anyone else.

Actually, a friend posted the following from What You Should Know About Inflation by Henry Hazlitt

Today the method is a little more indirect. Our government sells its bonds or other IOUs to the banks. In payment, the banks create "deposits" on their books against which the government can draw. A bank in turn may sell its government IOUs to the Federal Reserve Bank, which pays for them either by creating a deposit credit or having more Federal Reserve notes printed and paying them out. This is how money is manufactured.

The greater part of the "money supply" of this country is represented not by hand-to-hand currency but by bank deposits which are drawn against by checks. Hence when most economists measure our money supply they add demand deposits (and now frequently, also, time deposits) to currency outside of banks to get the total. The total of money and credit so measured was $63.3 billion at the end of December 1939, and $308.8 billion at the end of December 1963. This increase of 388% in the supply of money is overwhelmingly the reason why wholesale prices rose 138% in the same period.

I haven't read it entirely for myself, but I do find something published by D. Van Nostrand (Dr. Van Nostrand?!?) to worry me. It's from 1960 though.

In the end, however, it seems more logical that inflation is generally bad because it tends to help those who deal with the money first (banks, large corporations, the financial industry, the government) and hurts those who deal with it last (workers, the poor). Prices tend to rise more rapidly than wages do and at the lowest levels wages rise even more slowly. Minimum wage laws almost never keep pace with inflation... at least at the federal level, some states and municipalities have laws that do keep pace or try to account for areas with higher costs of living. Locally our minimum wage is the second-highest in the nation (behind Santa Fe, NM) and is linked to the Consumer Price Index. This year it goes up to $9.79. If you have more than 20 employees you also have to pay for health insurance. It's complicated, but there's a city fund for it and such and basically it means a lot of restaurants now have little notes saying how they'll be charging you 8% more on your bill because you voted for it and they fucking hate you now... including the high-end places that probably clear a good profit and were most likely just dicking over employees. Still, would you expect otherwise from a city that has both a high cost of living, increasing gentrification, and (often) very liberal politics?

Now, increasing value due to innovation? WTF? This is not something that is making any sort of sense to me. Please explain.

Constant inflation seems untenable to me and a generally bad idea. I would think that keeping things more or less stable is the better idea. Inflation also seems to encourage a "buy it now even if you have to accrue debt to do so" sort of attitude that is very problematic and got us into all this trouble now. We should encourage people to save money reasonably and live within their means.

Now, increasing value due to innovation? WTF? This is not something that is making any sort of sense to me. Please explain.

"Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door."

The first Viagra tablet cost (say) $800 Million. The second one cost a fraction of a cent.

The processor running the computer you use to pester Assetbar is made from the same stuff as sand.

If I lend you one of my improved spear points that I have developed, I want first dibs on the mammoth you kill.

We make steel now mostly from scrap metal instead of from iron ore, because we learned how and built equipment that could do it. What did that do for the value of scrap metal?

How'm I doin', Belgand? Any light bulbs coming on?

I'm not getting how this has anything to do with monetary inflation though. That was more my point.

Inflation has to do with too much money chasing too little value. The usual way that happens is that too much money is printed. Deflation is what happens when too little money is chasing too much value. I am given to understand that the latter is worse than the former, within reason. I am trying to help you understand that "value" is difficult to define and changes constantly for reasons that are not always apparent. Stop concerning yourself with the minimum wage, which doesn't have anything to do with anything, except making it hard for the least productive workers to find honest employment.

Except at Burger King. Whooper.

My point is that people who make less money are generally hurt far more by inflation. Wages tend not to keep pace with inflation nearly as much the further you go down the line. Even into the middle class inflation often takes a lot longer to affect wages than it does to increase prices.

Why does the name Van Nostrand sound so familiar to me...

OH! I just remembered. It's the fake name Kramer gives when he's trying to get Elaine's medical chart in that one episode of Seinfeld.

It wasn't Vandalay.

Art Vandalay, Vandalay Industries.

Inporting and exporting.

Nor Pennypacker.

Also when he performs a skin cancer screening at Kruger Industrial Smoothing and is then recognized by this name later by Kruger at Festivus dinner.

Hey all there is a street in New Jersey called Van Nostrand Drive or Avenue or whatever. I know this because after a Yankee game we got confused and found our way into New Jersey and had to turn around and we passed Van Nostrand so yes.

What was Jerry's name during the Puerto Rican Day parade when they all went into the open house to watch the Mets game?

Well, George was Art Vandelay, Kramer was, IIRC, H.E. Pennypacker, and Jerry was Kel Varnsen.

A good question as that rarely re-runs. I know NBC got some flack from Puerto Ricans about it and I don't know if it's part of the syndication package as a result.

Now I require the full names (not just last names) of Jerry and George in "The Limo".

Dave, the amount of gold is not a fixed constant. It would still be mined, refined, stored, etc. So it would still allow for the sort of necessary consistent inflation that you speak of. In fact, if too much gold was mined, it could lead to overinflation. But the point is that it would still provide a tangible standard against which to measure this, as opposed to having uncontrolled inflation based on speculation and interest rates upon interest rates. At least that's my understanding.

Anyway, I didn't mean to defend the gold standard - I just had a question that Wikipedia had no answer for. I guess I'll just have to go back to college and major in economics.

I take your point, but that method seems just as arbitrary as what's being done now.

"Speculation" is just a scare word.

There is a school of thought within the Federal Reserve, by the way (championed years ago by the president of the Dallas bank, I believe, and maybe completely out of fashion by now) that the Fed should not set interest rates at all, only the money supply, and let the interest rates come from the market (auctions of the money, basically.) Paul Volcker won out against this process way back when. Maybe read about Volcker on Wiki and it will lead to a description.

I kind of wish I had studied more Econ, it's fascinating at times. I could probably be the Treasury secretary.

Can't inflation happen even without the government printing too much money? A great deal of the money in circulation exists only in a virtual sense. So what happens when you have billions of virtual dollars being invested in ways that supposedly add value, but actually don't? This is what happened with credit default swaps.

But yea, I'm also not sure what method they use to determine how much gold to produce. I think the point is just that it would provide a steady gradual increase as opposed to cycling between extremes.

Yea, I also wish I knew more Econ. I know someone who majored in it, but she mostly knows micro, which is basically pure mathematical analysis.

I don't think you are describing inflation, but I'm out of my depth by now.

You know who we need to hear from? Hedonismbot. He is in finance. He may have jumped off a ledge or something, though.

This is not mathematics*. It is finance .

*I understand mathematics a little bit.

Don't come here with a total non-sequitur that you're almost positive about!
Don't you DARE!


Your grandmother has a spice-garden guy? All banging your grandmother with freshly-picked basil clenched in his teeth? All sprigs of mint behind his ears and shit?

Dang, dude, that's not the kind of information you should be spreading around about your grandmother!

Well no she doesn't, that part of what makes it a non sequitur. Go be crass elsewhere.

Whether she has a spice-garden guy, or if he is just a truck-garden guy or a wild-flower-plot guy, has no bearing whatsoever on the non-sequitularity of the statement.

And I get to be crass innywear eye wanna.

Spice-garden-,-guy. I get it now. Still, fuck you.


subtitles in Hindustani

Did...did they have a 1st Edition Fahrenheit 451 and I missed it?

I kid. Technically, money is made mostly of rags, so the temperature of ignition would have to be different.
For a good primer on making money the old fashioned way, I recommend To Live and Die in L.A. Doesn't show the exact composition of the paper, iirc, but it's still a hoot of stylin' and a young Willem Dafoe.

And if memory serves William Petersen. Early William Friedkin is awesome.

Yard sales attract the wrong kind of people.

And silverfish? Those things are damn creepy. Imagine you're going to sleep and you look up at your ceiling.

You see this skittering around directly above you.


Your mattress must be pretty close to the ceiling.

They are 12 feet in length.

Have you seen Cloverfield ?

JJ Abrams wrote that after doing a garage sale.

I never get any chubbies, but the replies to my posts always do.

What the hell, guys?

It's a conspiracy. We want to make you feel bad.

Mission Accomplished

Take that banner down!



get the money dollar dollar bill yall

You are the guy who sucks.

Why ever that happens, I can assure you that pointing it out is not the way to fix it.

You may be right. In fact I'm pretty sure you are.

This is one of the six things I know.

may we have a list of those six thing ?

Also, i would like to give you a hug since all your friend's are dead.

I actually have that album. Got it at a thrift store. Good ol' Freddie Gage. He knows how to talk about his dead friends.

Hey Deadpool, is this album good? I had no idea who it was even by. I just found the cover and fell in love with it.

Stay away from Tino. It may cause you "prejudice"

Sure, man.

1. Bending over and shitting on a railroad track in the dead of Winter is much easier after drinking eleven pale lagers and one rum and Coke which you found sitting untouched on the tank of the toilet you were using earlier at the bar. It is so easy.

2. Like it or not, blue jeans are the reason that everybody in the world basically looks like shit all the time.

3. Pieces of French toast were meant to be used in the manner of sandwich slices. Throw some bacon and sriracha between those fuckers, dude.

4. Calling attention to the fact that one doesn't get enough chubbies on Assetbar will do nothing to increase the amount of chubbies one gets on Assetbar.

5. Running to catch an early bus is the lowest most of us will ever sink. It's pathetic.


6. The average adult female can survive for over four months eating only pages from the O.E.D. Add the covers and the glue and you're looking at up to six months of hot, wet, hardcore survival.

Re: #2

DiSaGrEeMeNt BoX

Girls in tightly fitting blue jeans are hot.

Skirts are hotter.

Cargo pants are hotter plus they hide the shitstains

I gotta tell you, I was there for everything but the railroad part of #1, so I'm pretty sure this dude is telling the Truth. Though I gota disagree w/ #2, as most of that night I was rather focused on the contents of some blue jeans I wanted to take off a hot young art chick.

Alright, everyone. What I mean with Fact No. 2 is not so much that people look bad in jeans. Almost everyone wears them and some of them look decent or even OK. What I'm saying is that the rise of jeans in world culture marked a corresponding decline in fashion overall. Down the years, folks have adapted and made the best of it. And yes, some peoples' asses look hot in them. But jeans are basically at the root of why people no longer where bowler hats and ties to baseball games anymore. That's just one example, but it kind encapsulates what I'm talking about.

First came jeans, then sweat shirts, then jean shorts and white sneakers and then everyone everywhere looked like shit. The end.

I ain't never seen no silverfish that close up. And I would like to never see that again.




ha HA


...Nice Pete?

See, now that is where I would have said (if I were you)

"Yes boy, and there's gonna be layoffs at the mine again."

"Th'mothman done bin spotted round th'mines agin...'spect a cave-in or pois'nin' soon. Gon' be another sparse Chursmas."


I remember reading some really wierd statistic that said 80% of domestic spiders are killed by falling into the cavernous mouths of sleeping humans.

I heard we eat 8 spiders a year in our sleep. Both of our facts muft be wrong.

How do they research these things anyway? This seems like a difficult thing to observe.

Not if it was done in the United States. They have cameras everywhere .

Like this:


Bah! Everyone known Snopes is part of the global left-wing atheist terrorist Nazi immigrant conspirazy to hide the truth! Only forwarded e-mails from people who glances at the subject header and thought it looked important can be trusted!

Conspiracy theorists are so cute! :3

People that do :3 are so fake-Asian! :{

Did someone say WEEABOO?

No, someone said "Before 4chan stole that it was a funny comic on pbf but now it's a shitty Internet Thing" and it was me who said it.

Man it seems i only disapoint people today, i guess i'll go eat some ice cream and leave you alone.

It's too cold for ice cream. You never learn.


Spank me. I'll even say weeaboo if that's what it takes.

I'd spank you just for that avicon ;)

If someone would post the Say Anything/John Cusack Not Gay pic, it would be much appreciated.


I'd let him hold me upraised any day. And I would sing to him... and his fair maiden.

Thank you very much, but I was more referring to the one where he has the sign. I didn't want to make one. Not that it's not appreciated, mind you.

Don't worry, nice...


I got your back.


[love]I love you[/love]

falseprophet: he's got black back

YOUR back. now I look racist AND stupid, instead of just racist.

As long as you do so in a profoundly homoerotic fashion only.

Oh wait....

the joke is that my name is stereo



God DAMN it. I pride myself on dumb jokes. Why did I not get that?


I've cut down to 5 spiders.

Try what I did. Only 10K - try breathing through your nose when you sleep you strange bastards .

You can't account for spontaneous nocturnal orifice openings, or SPOOs.

Most SPOOs account for the 5 times per year you get teabagged in your sleep.

Shit, and here I thought those were spider legs stuck in my teeth.


I have a deviated septum and other nasal problems that largely preclude my ability to breathe through my nose... you bastard!

Entemologists! Book Now! Guided tours through the Belgand Deviated Septum. An arachnophiles heaven!

This could be a Thing man. I'll illegally immigrate some sherpas.

You see this skittering around directly above you.

:look around

(Come on guys, let's get this thing going!)

Sorry, I can't find "around"


You see a silverfish. It moves in a tight circle, deciding whether to attack now, or wait until you are asleep.

Directly in front of you is a door. Directly behind you is a bed.

You are perplexed by the lack of windows.

:talk to silverfish

You speak to the silverfish. Hope you weren't expecting an answer; silverfish can't talk. You feel a bit silly.

Directly in front of you is a door. Directly behind you is a bed.

:get silverfish

You can't get ye silverfish.

:bugger silverfish

The silverfish backs up and disappears "inside" you.

Directly in front of you is a door. Directly behind you is a bed.

You didn't see the pipe cleaner before.

:take pipe cleaner

You lunge for it, but the room spins nauseatingly away. The floor gives you a light tap on the forehead.


You cry like woman. A group of nearby jocks laughs at you.

The jocks are at the window which wasn't there previously. Another window opens beside them, your father is at it, the glass pane is broken, he is yelling and blaming you.

Directly in front of you is a door. Directly behind you is a bed. Attached to a ceiling lamp is a noose.

:l noose

Ceiling lamp breaks and you fall to the floor, because you can't even kill yourself correctly. Directly behind you is a door. Directly in front of you is a bed. Under the bed there is a Quran.

:throw Quran at father

Dudes are hella laughin'

Quran divides into two identical copies of itself, and forms a islamic new romantic band called Quran Quran. Directly behind you is a door. Directly in front of you is a bed. You have: Pocket Lint, Car Keys.

:Open Car Keys

I didn't use the noose, I looked at it. Why was there no description of the noose? This game is buggy! Where are my box pack-ins?

I thought you said, "I noose." Which I thought was just your way of trying to be simple.

I knew I would be the one to fuck this up!

In that case you should have said "I don't understand "I noose"".

But I thought I did understand, don't you see?

No, I mean that even if you thought you understood what he was trying to say, you would have had to say you don't understand, because he did not use proper syntax. Text adventure games are serious business.

Exactly. Except almost all of them correspond to such basic abbreviations as "l" or the cardinal directions.

But yeah, he missed a chance to make a pendantic joke as if he were a a strictly programmed computer.

Listen, I just got really into the idea of revealing a Quran. These things happen.

It was still wrong. Now put the burqa back on the Quran.


Hello my baby, hello my honey
Hello my ragtime gal
Send me a kiss by wire
Baby, my heart's on fire
If you refuse me, honey, you lose me
Then you'll be left alone, oh baby
Telephone, and tell me I'm your own...

Roast Beef may be from Circumstances, but that doesn't stop him from being a rude capitalist!



why the crap does that look like comic sans?


Roast Beef may be from Circumstances, but that doesn't stop him from being a rude capitalist!

And a REALLY rude , at that

Adam Smith's dad died when he wasn't even born, and was also kidnapped by gypsies. Thems is Circumstace, yo.

How could you die when you weren't born? The invisible hand?

Not only that, but he managed to have a kid in the process.

Indeed. Ray is not the only one who gets things done.

He's not a capitalist, the rent is due. He's....

he's a Necessetarian!

Of all people, why is Beef the most apt to be a confrontational, bartering savant?

I'm not saying it doesn't make complete sense...I'm just wondering why it DOES.

I would say that is circumstances forced him to live with bit's and scratch of everything, giving him the perception of value for those thing. Anyway , These guys are easily from circumstances too

Beef probably had to do this at least once a month with stolen goods so that Corliss could make the rent and have enough money to support a trendy meth habit. Beef is definitely not the guy who sucks at garage sale.

He knows these people.

Yard sales are really just transactional trash-gazing. He's in his element.

Because Beef, through his family, knows these people.

These people also buy meth from the piano player at Nieman Marcus.

this is not the first time we've seen beef in his element.

See also:

Beef writing greeting cards.

Beef writing a personal ad.

Beef as the Notorious L.I.N.C.O.L.N.

Beef combines the wedding program into the invitation he is the graphic designer of the AGE

For a guy who sucks plus he's got depression Beef surely doesn't suck.

In Beef's defense(?) the greeting cards and some of the rapping centered largely around depression (and sucking).

Depression is not really a rational thing.

I have lived this strip from T's standpoint. Every blessed moment of it.

I never went so far, but perhaps that was only because I didn't see musty-smelling hoody trolls being particularly interested Herodotus' Histories or Clausewitz's On War , etcetera.

And I'd be damned if I was selling the coffee table my parents bought in 1978!

I would be interested in a copy of the Histories . I lost ours and the library doesn't seem to have any.

I applaud you on your interest at such a young age when many other girls are otherwise lifting their skirts to every passing breeze as revenge against inattentive fathers.

Please keep up the good work and try to refrain from selling your virtue on the internet .

Also, your library is terrible.

oh godDAMMIT, and she is not even that cute.

regrets. i've got 'em.

I believe "It's real shame I've never whored myself" is a regret it is better to live with than without, but maybe that's just my old-fashioned, dueling pistol-wielding ways talking.

yeah, someone really should've offered to buy her a shade of lipstick other than semen-frosted pink.

She looks a bit better HERE. I mean, I'd go there, sure.

But still, not $3.7 million dollars worth. If you wanted to pay for sex that bad, for that much money you could totally do at least 4 high-class night-ladies, at the same time, every night for a solid week or two. For $3.7 million worth, you could start a freaking HAREM.

In that first picture there she looks better, true, but her face and body are clearly different colors. That's not right.

Regardless she's not my type. I probably wouldn't give her a second look.

While it's overpriced I think part of it is because of some craziness about her being a virgin. I don't understand the point though. I'd rather have sex with a girl who knows what she's doing. Well, but still young enough to have some youthful enthusiasm and curiosity.

For $3.7 million you'd be better off just funding some porn where you could not only have sex legally with a good number of women for a lot less, but you'd also be able to sell it and make even more money... that could then be turned around for more of the same.

For 3.7 mil, you could probably get a small army of pros to take care of you for the weekend.

Well, that's my plan. Except mine not only gets you sex, it lets you turn your money into both more sex and more money.

Just paying for the sex is not the wise move at all.

holy airbrushing, batman!

It is better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.

Oh, and by the way if you should see your mother on the weekend be sure and tell her...


Lucifer? I hardly knew 'er!

Sorry, everybody.

Oh, don't be sorry, dear. You knew her. And now she's in a better place.

So are you saying you would approve of me wringing a baby like a bath-towel?

Because I haven't done that.


Klaus Kinski is not a Butthole Surfers fan.

Which would be why I don't know what it is you are alluding to?

"Sweat Loaf"

She said she had had a lot of attention from a wide range of men, including "weirdos", "those who get really graphically sexual about what they want to do to me"

Yeah, how dare these weirdos offering up money to deflower me get detailed about how exactly they're going to rip my hymen to shreds!

I mean seriously, the nerve of some people! Here I am, an innocent girl of twenty-two, just selling initial entry to my mucus canal off to the highest bidder, and some guy has to come around and start talking about anal!

Yeah she is saving that for a house deposit.

You don't get it, poupee! She's being "liberated" as per what she learned in her Women's Studies courses. That means that she gets to be as careless as she wants, until she suffers any sort of negative consequences, at which point she gets to be an innocent and helpless victim once again.

sheesh brah were you raped by a third wave feminist or something

because they can do it, ya know
sis-ters are doin' it for them-selves!

Treating themselves like animals and objects, so we don't have to!

I'd think it would be much better that way. I mean, then you're able to screen things since you'll know exactly what the guy is interested in doing to you.

Maybe she doesn't want to ruin the surprise?

Every little girl growing up wants that special night when she at long last becomes a prostitute to be spontaneous and passionate, for years she fantasizes about the thrill in his eyes, the gleam of his knife, the struggle against her bonds, the frenetic darkness of his trunk, the mystery of her final destination.

How did I miss this by like a half hour? Anyway...

Actually this one has some good one-liners but didn't thrill me.

What is happening in the ninth panel? Is he eating ferns? I am trying to understand this.

I assumed it was a cold morning and that was his breath billowing out in excitement.

Or he is eating ferns.

I also contemplated lobster claws and a ghost moustache.

I also couldn't tell if the silverfish in the photo higher up on this page was sitting on plaster or some kind of delicious cake. There is... something not quite right with my mind today.

Illegal ghost moustache?

More like 'Ghost Boobs.' As in, it was a part of you once, but you made some bad choices and so it comes back to haunt you in your sleep.

I don't understand what's happening here.

Bad breath

That was my interpretation. Check out the dude's teeth and general state of dress. He is most definitely the sort of person who has to have their breath rendered to express the demons that dwell within it.

I would only give a humdo for the Oingo Boingo album unless it has Dead Man's Party...that is the effing jam!

Who could ask for more?

It is always nice to see Beef take charge; he is in his Element here. Beautiful.

Capital Letters.

Wait, so Onstad is saying that he ACTUALLY SOLD A SIGNED OINGO BOINGO ALBUM?
If I had one of those I would feed dog penis medicine to a hundred construction workers before I DREAMED of selling it, wouldn't matter how destitute I was.

Why? Do you like, LIKE that band or something?

Oingo Boingo kicks ass.

Is Weird Science on that album?

Weird Science and Dead Man's Party are on the same album, yes.
coincidently, that is the only oingo boingo album I don't own on vinyl :(

Insanity and, dare I say, Little Girls are also quite good.

yeah Insanity is my favorite song by them. Actually 'Boingo' is my favorite album of theirs on the whole.
Little Girls is my best friend's song; last year for her christmas present I went to Build-a-Bear workshop and made her a Danny Elf-bear that sang that song when you pressed it's tummy.

From the blog: Quote:
"After seven full and happy years, though, production of the strip has had to find space for itself among other projects. Book development, animation development, and most recently, the rapid relocation of my little family to another state."

Animation development

Animation development

Animation development


damnit so close

What Autrepoupee is trying to say here is that there will be an Achewood comic.

CARTOON. Fuck me.

Be careful posting in this thread... on JUDAS PRIEST MONDAY

I've already burst into flames once today.

I heard the lead vocalist had a flaming problem too.

Reading this, I see your eyebrows going up and down rapidly.
Is this accurate?

Yes, but it may be a seizure.

You're thinking of Queen .


Yeah, that's the one.

A lot of people did not know that Freddie Mercury was gay . Naive people mostly.

I thought he was bi?

He was pretty gay, but if you diss him i will end you.

Diss your dogg, fluff his hog?

I like Queen, don't worry.

He's moftly dead.

You mean the lead singer that I... boned?


This picture was from before he was "out" (although he ain't keepin' much in).

No way, man! He's just tough as HELL! Just 'cause he dresses tough don't mean he likes dudes, dude! I think you're the queer! Get 'im!

I was going to say "Dude, it was the 80's, every band dressed like that," but now that I think of it the studs and policeman cap were fully his own. Plus, look at the limp-wristed way he's holding the mic.

I actually met Rob Halford once. He was very nice and soft-spoken, and he did not at all try to touch me in inappropriate places.

You were "nice, not his type".

Then he must be secretly straight.

Well, from what I'm told he was the one who made it a Thing.

Rob Halford wouldn't wear a police hat in the shower! Applesauce!

You've showered with Rob Halford?

I thought it was a bad idea to get your leather harness wet.

A lack of attentiveness to the author of the blog quote post led me to believe you were despondent over failing to achieve an animation development-fueled orgasm.

I have filth for a mind.

little from column A, little from column B

Because we all know the female orgasm is a myth anyway.

A myth and a mythuth.

Oh that is just terrible.

I already told you about The Butterfly. You may be doing it wrong. Did you ignore my advice to not speak?

Onstad couldn't get a battery for his flange, so he sold it.

I'm just pissed he's out of chipped egg cups.

I've heard of chipped beef -- how do you prepare chipped eggs?

Very carefully HYUK YUK

With cups silly.


btw; lowercase can be funny too.

Not really jeff.

Finally. This is classic Achewood humor right here.

a fantastic return to form


I have a feeling you meant A plus.

Wow. This sums up every garage sale I've had the misfortune of experiencing from the seller's end. Damn freaks.

Typical capitalist -- you spit on the proletariat even as you conspire to take their money. You have no trouble taking money from these "freaks."

Typical socialist -- portraying every fuck-up with a quack as a victim.

We are all victims of the system.

Even I don't like quack-less fuck-ups.

system system system death in liiiife
system system system a surgeon's kniiiife
system system system hacking at the cord
system system system, a child is boooorn!

Say I says to him , "Fuck no, I won't do what you..." Oh, excuse me, is this the line for bread, or the line for toilet paper?

autrepoupee you do not know me but someday i will marry you

well i suppose someday we will be a couple viewing wreckage, and dreaming of home sweet home

you know we almost paid the mortgage
before the system dropped its booomb
~~~guitar note~~

Maybe play that one again in a little while

You keep your bill out of this.

I'm glad I don't have any friends who are real M&M people.

I tried dating a real M&M person but it didn't work out. We were both always more concerned with whipping ourselves than each other.

Is that some newfangled rave-up thing?

beef steals ray's material

(ray does not mind)

So um I made another of these things


I'm assuming everybody likes The Wire I mean it is basically one of the best television shows ever

I'm working on a third installment; hopefully with an official Achewood hiatus looming nobody will be averse to seeing some more comic strips even if they are fan-created and unfit to touch the hem of Onstad's garment oh my goodness how could I be so presumptuous

Oh god, it's a Thing, it's totally a Thing.

Basically this joke was done basically seven or eight years ago in Ghost World

Basically, yeah .

Yes EXACTLY that is it

Careful. If I am not mistaken, you will soon be contacted by Mr. Onstadt's solicitor, bearing a cease and desist letter.

That there is intellectual property son!

If you stay within the parameters of the fair use doctrine and/or parody; you can crumple the letter and throw it back at said solicitor (screaming "you weren't late with this, were you").

Wait. Is this jeffspaulding talking, or Otis B. Driftwood?

"Ah, you can't fool me! There ain't no such thing as a Sanity Clause!"

Oddly enough, it's Rufus T. Firefly. He ain't qualified for NOTHIN'!

How could anyone not love Bunk and McNulty

If you continue with this series you should consider calling it ACHEWIRE instead?

After I spent all that time making a custom Fakewood logo? Sheeeeeit .


Post this again on the next strip's comments so I can chubby it, you wonderful man.

I actually found that to be incredibly annoying in the Wire. I would always shudder.

You are my hero, echidnaboy.

Unfortunately my harddrive AND my iPod are full from recently downloaded Veronica Mars (it's like The Wire but in highschool!) that I can't really watch anything else right now...

Next time I see him, I'm going to ask Santa if my ex-wife is going to be a crazy piece of shit.

But I think I already know the answer...

[quote]...if my ex-wife is going to be a crazy piece of shit.[/i]

Wait, what? You mean she isn't already?

Or. Or. Or... YOU CAN'T TELL???

Let's just say she ain't yet come into full bloom ...

so you're saying you married a prepubescent girl?

Nah, he don't know what it means.

Maybe he's not even married yet and just planning ahead.

Better to consult Saint Patrick, then ask her yourself.


This strip is disappointing.

It's pretty much a repeat of a previous concept (Teodor sells unlikely things to silly people in a last ditch effort to pay the rent).

Roast Beef is completely out of character. When did he turn into a hard ass, no nonsense salesman?

The dialogue is nonsensical for the most part, no jokes really.

I'm sure this is gonna get lamed to hell and back, but this strip is not funny. Fire away, kids.

Admittedly, I did like the guy buying the outdated tax form to redo it. That was clever.

Okay, some of the best strips have been "repeats" of previous concepts. The Saddest Thing? Ray OKing a really stupid invention? Todd ruining his life?

And Beef isn't out of character. He needs to help get rent money, and he has dealt with stupid tweakers his entire life. He knows that you can't talk to them for long periods of time (nor should you want to), so he hurries them away before they ruin anything.

The jokes are in the various characters of each tweaker. I mean, the tax-form guy calls Teodor an amateur -- insinuating that he is a frequenter of garage sales...and that there are people in the world who are considered skillfull and experienced garage vendors. That is a joke. I laughed.

Still, despite the total whiffs in your commentary, you don't deserve lames. People are entitled to have opinions. Anyone who lames you is an overly opinionated charlatan.

Thankyou for having a civil reply. It's all I ask for.

You don't know how much these means to me.

Side note:

Anyone else having those little bios that popup when you mouse over a person's icon stick around permanently? Makes it very frustrating when you can't see what you've written.

I'm using Firefox 3.0.5. Anyone know a fix?

There is no known cure. Scientists are still figuring it out.

Assetbarrista is a Greasemonkey script that will take care of that problem.

It decreases the frequency that it happens. It does not solve the problem, though.

Actually, it only ameliorates the problem. It never quite goes away.`

Clearly no one sees what I did there.


And yet it was pretty self-explanatory.

After reading the previous, I went and looked again.

Now I see what you did.

Without clicking on the links I'm guessing that I'm never going to give you up?

Also without clicking on the links - no way Tekende would stoop so low!

The actual link:
By the way .. . .the Assetbarrista site is not friendly to epileptics. Featurevoid is a douche like that.

I haven't clicked that either, mainly because I misread the link as feltchowns.net

I just misread that as "felchclowns"

Is that dudes felching clowns? Clowns felching? Or just some dudes who are the jokesters of felching. All doing it with silly faces, comedic sound effects, fast-motion, and sometimes elaborate felching skits.

I don't know what the url means. The link is safe from anything gross thouugh. But it is almost gaurenteed to give you a seizure if you have schizophrenia/bad trip if you're on acid.

I saw a new god in that page.


Uh, actually Zant was just some weird sorceror and Ganondorf was his god AMATEUR.

I know. I couldn't find a picture of Ganon in god form, so instead I just decided to illustrate who would be saying that line, DICK.

Must we fight?
I think you should all chill out and let some nice shoothing, come-together-brother music wash over you. This song has changed my philosophy of the world, and hopefully it will for you too.

Sadly I agree with a YouTube comment. It sounds like it's being played backwards. Or, well, more like The Man from Another Place.

I have to try playing it backwards. I bet it will end up being te most beautiful song in the world. It will make rocks cry. Adn then all will see the genius those three homely yet earnest girls from Fremont, new Hampshire really are. Tuly "greater than the Beatles"*

*Frank Zappa

Are you drunk right now? You cannot be drunk, you are five.

Can milk make you drunk?
I don't think I'm drunk . . . .Why do you think that?

Milk is ok, you just be sure and stay away from that terrible milk-plus, that stuff will sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence.

Also, it comes out of cow boobies

It's a Firefox 3 thing. I think Assetbarista might fix it, I'm not sure. I downloaded and installed Assetbarista once, but nothing happened, so I don't have it.

Fair complaint. Beef as hard-ass doesn't ring true.

Or, did he finally find people he feels superior to?

Hooray for Captain Spaulding!

Yes, I believe you have hit it on the head. People he feels superior to.

Well done.

Beef has found the one demographic he can thoroughly dominate: garage sale bargain monkeys. And Beef was a passable badass during the Great Outdoor Fight, I think. Plus he helped kick the shit out of Comic Sans Guy.

I won't fight to the death defending this strip, but however apathetic I am toward it (which is only a little - I think it's pretty good) it's got nothing to do with Beef being "out of character." That notion has been thoughtfully discussed and already dispelled further up the page. Beef is in his element. He's a different man down here.

And I get so few lames to work with these days, how dare you assume that I'd waste one on you?

How dare you imply my comments aren't inflammatory enough. I wish to speak to your supervisor.

(Hint: If you have a controversial opinion, stating that it's likely to get lames is a sure-fire way to deter them. People hate being predictable.)

Definitely true.

But seriously - I get, like, two lames per month or something, and there are usually a set couple of people for whom I save them.

Rate more strips.

That will get you more lames even on a page where you have been told you don't have any more.

I've seen every strip, most of them twice or more. I have always habitually rated strips. There just can't be that many more....

Interestingly, over the weekend I came to realize that I somehow forgot to rate most of 2007. I have no idea how that happened, but I've fixed it and I can only hope that I now have a bag full of beautiful lames. Now I just need some motherfucker to piss me off.

Um....how 'bout Onstad's crazy schedule lately, huh guys? What do think of that?

I find it okay since he got a family now and stuff.

Man... no! You're just not getting it. You're supposed to bitch about the schedule. Then I give you a lame because I hate when people bitch about the schedule. See?

Just...just no.

Just relax about it man. It's not like we have nothing else to do with our time. Onstad needs to get his life in order, and then provide us with another of his excellent strips :)

I don't think people understand this "joke." Good thing it doesn't matter. Good thing it never possibly could.

I still love you :)

You seem to have a problem with Onstad's schedule. I find you a fucking cunt.

Did I do it right?

Well, I went out and found you a fucking cunt. But now I want to keep it for myself.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Damn it.

Is there any other kind of cunt?

Cunts are very much multifunctional.

No, man. You have the problem with his schedule. I call you a cunt and so forth, and then I lame you.

This is harder than it looks.

I have certain opinions about politics.

I share his opinions!

It's OK, everyone. Someone finally unknowingly indulged me further up on this page, so my lame seed has been sown. Thanks for playing.

I thought there had been a strip with a similar theme before, but I can't find it when I search. You don't happen to have a link to that strip or know the month/year it appeared, do you?

It's the one where Teodor decides to sell to order sandwiches to construction workers to make rent money. Horseradish and dog medication are involved, it was a good time.
Is there an actual hidden search function somewhere or are you playing archive roulette?


If you go to https://www.achewood.com/ and scroll down, there is indeed a search function.

Thanks. I never would have found it all hidden away under the bewildering title "Search for strip dialogue" next to an inexplicable "Find" button.

Why do I fail at everything I do?

Yeah, I don't remember when Teador sold stuff to people for rent before?

I agree with someone who said this above, the best Achewood's are the ones that are rehashed concepts from prior. Also this is semi based on a true story.

Hooray for Chick Corea and Oingo Boingo references! With the exception of the stats book and tax form, this could totally have been my garage sale.

absolutely over the top, this is the brightest, smartest wittiest of all. Reminds one of H.L. Mencken

ow ill i no ib ma ballz hab dorped? cuz lik i dunno ma dick is tiny 2

gladdi8or is a tone poet now.

I like to imagine glad is like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.

Shit, YES.

I imagine that he would be very comfortable with a role in Gummo .

In this very special Glad comment, glad takes on the tough subject of puberty and feeling inadequate about your dick size.

i found out because my mom cried

When I was 6 years old, my family and my best friend's family held a garage sale. The owner of a nearby candy store, Sugar Mountain, wanted to purchase a Lite-Brite to make a sign for his store's window. He offered the adults a free Slush Puppy for each of the five children present in exchange for the ware, which we greatly enjoyed. Two weeks later, the store was out of business. I have never forgiven myself.

This is a sad thing.

Hurray! I am glad to read this fine production! BTW, I said "is it starting to suck." not "this sucks" This was a few days ago and goodness, so much seriousness! I am glad that some understand, to have an account means I LOVE achewood. I was just getting antsy for a new read. Thanks for defending my 2nd amendment! I am glad that Achewood is not starting to suck.

You sure are... gun -ho about your Achewood!

Assetbar has always been a front for the NRA.

He's exercising his Constitutional right to Shoot his Mouth off about it.

I know a real M&M person.

At my office's secret Santa exchange, a middle-aged woman who sits at a nearby cubicle received a plastic statuette of a red anthropomorphic M&M and a yellow anthropomorphic peanut M&M sassily leaning on a race car plastered with M&M logos. Amazingly, she reacted with enthusiasm that seemed genuine: "Oh, you knew I collect M&Ms! Thank you so much!"

They're out there.

I worked for an M&M guy for a while.

I could always depend on him for M&Ms after he got me high.

Nolan, can I ask why you're buying all the "Great For Baby" items?

So begins the Great Achewood Hiatus. I'll stick around for a few days then probably disappear until next comic; this helpfully coincides with the start of second semester so I won't be distracted immediately. But I will ironically be turning to the archives to help myself along with my writing class (inspiration, not plagiarism). Ay-dios in advance, Assetbar.

Speaking of ways to pass the time in the absence of Assetbar, there is a hot new installment on Theguitarhero's Livejournal. I hear he likes it when folks contribute to the sexy fun!

Username: atheguitarherob
password: achewoodrulz4

- contributions ghostwritten by William S. Burroughs

The hero of the war, that hero of guitars looked up at the walls of the cabana, slinky boys slithering across the head of his penis, and he saw the centipedes crawling, crawling, crawling

he felt them over his staff and began to wriggle with delight


I love that this whole idea will end up with someone getting really offended and possibly deciding to leave for good or close to it. It'll suck when it happens, but the anticipation of it is g-damn delicious .


Someone changed the password I think.

Ok seriously, whoever wrote the most recent post on there needs to get a life. That was disgusting and entirely unnecessary.

I don't generally complain about shit on the internet, even if it is vaguely directed at me, but for the interest of the rest of the world can we kindly delete that livejournal and, idk, maybe make our own to post our dead-insect-jerk-off stories?

Yeah, it kinda sucks now that it's happened. (see above)

The idea was fraught with potential for someone to find something funny, and the person they are using as their fetish story incarnation won't find it as funny. I mean, the danger of it all going awry was kinda what made the idea exciting. But the person being lampooned totally has the right to pull the plug on it when it goes too far in their minds, if ya ask me.

Ah well, chalk another incident up for the AcheHistory Books. I hear the teacher's edition is hard to find.

God dammit, I wanted to read that.

whaaaat damnit now where is the world going to read about my pussy crook ideashhh

What the fuck, people?! I was actually proud of that last piece! If you were going to get incensed about either of the two it seemed like the first one was much more asinine. And, GH - what are you talking about "dead-insect-jerk-off stories?" I don't remember any dead insects in either of my posts. Or did a third one appear which I didn't get to see?

Well, I knew it was going to end sometime. I just wish I'd had a little warning. Seriously, Rode Hard and Put Away Wet was a little piece of my erotic soul.

It must have been a new one, it ended with eating a smooshed up insect mixed with jizz.

ok well yes that is actually quite gross

whoever wrote it though, get at me, i've got an exciting business venture that will benefit all of us

Well that wasn't me. Mine were love stories. I mean, the Wet Boys did break your asshole in one of them, but it was all in good fun.

Ah, memories....

I didn't say it was you.

But you God damned well thought it was, though!


If you repost these blogs here, I will chubby you so hard .

In fact, I'm saving my chubbies. So you better do it.

That's why I'm saddin' so hard - I just wrote them straight onto Livejournal and never copied them anywhere else. I didn't think anyone would ever actually erase them.

I never understood the concept of being "offended". Is theguitarhero afraid that someone will actually think HE wrote that post and likes to jerk off on dead insects? Now that we're all discussing it here?

For the record I didn't delete anything, nor was I aware someone deleted it. I was just going to log in on there and post that picture of that infected penis elbox put up here the other day.

That would've crossed the line in my opinion.

That would've crossed the line in my opinion.

The cauliflower penis picture or the insect jizz eating?

TGH, I question your logic of a picture of someone's medically messed-up, warty knob (which is a hard thing to get out of your head) being categorically less offensive than a story of jacking off on a dead insect and then eating said concoction.

Surely you can stop reading half-way through and be on your merry way, something you cannot do with a picture of someone's warty knob.

I was going to post a picture of Achewood porn that I found in the usual places. But the password was changed and everything deleted by then.

The penis picture in question crosses so many of my lines.

The point was to get you guys to stop posting there, by posting something so offensive and shocking no one could top it.

And I was beat by insect-jizz eating porn.

You could have just asked us to stop posting there, if it pissed you off that much (it could be argued that the social situation would have resulted in this tack not actually working).

I read the insect-jizz eating porn just in time - it was gross, no doubt, but I'd rather read it twenty times than see that picture once. I was a particular fan of the sentence "the roach's soul blessed mine in panvertebrate sexual gastronomy".

I found it a clever commentary on our times and the situation at hand and yeah ok I wrote it. The whole defense up there was just for funsies.

Yeah, it was gross. It came about by reading the previous posts and wanting to crank it up to that level of "HOLY FUCK MY EYES ARE BLEEDING" - I first thought of bestiality, but that's too obvious, so I thought and thought and when I found something that disturbed me I ran with it, and then I added in some intimacy and pseudo-spiritual connotations which are always a sure-fire to make it that much more unsettling. I was disturbed, so I considered it a success.

Disturbing slash fiction was pretty much the point, I thought, and I figured you were up with playing along - apparently I was incorrect, so I totally respect that you pulled the plug on it when you felt the line had been crossed for you and how you're feeling and whatever.

That all having been said, it wasn't that gross. I mean, well yeah actually it was, but wasn't that the point of it all?

Now let's put all this silliness behind us. I think we all grew from the experience, now shut up everyone.

Wait, so you one-upped my post about fucking a sheep? I missed it. Oh well.

How is trying to up the ante not playing along?

I was cool with it but that didn't mean I wasn't going to try and turn it around on you.

How is trying to up the ante not playing along?

I was cool with it but that didn't mean I wasn't going to try and turn it around on you.

Your emotional flip-flopping confounds me. Didn't you previously make a big song and dance about "the most recent post is utterly innappropriate and offensive" further up the page here?

If you were/are being sarcastic, your delivery needs work.

Yeah it was inappropriate because it was about me.

Tragedy is having people right insect-gut-fetish stories about you.

Comedy is forcing those people to look at infected cocks.

Tragedy is when I use the wrong word.

Comedy is when you use the wrong word.

A comment left by stereo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jthm_guitarist, cunty, Thorfinn, Wolfensti, oingoboingirl, falseprophet, rowboat, snidedk, Scorpio_nadir, atticusonline, leche-botte, sje46, SomeDarkHoller, sncether, PopeDragunov, mrblank91)

I lamed you , I lamed you SO MUCH

Stereo, that directory of horrible images that I linked to was meant to be used for good, not for evil!

Well it made me happy.


There certainly seems to be a fountain of that coming out of that poor mans genitals.

That doesn't look like pus so much as a frosting made with orange zest.

Also, what in the fuck happened there? What is that huge growth that split open? I mean, it doesn't look like his sack... I'm confused much more than I am disgusted.

Medical horrors don't do too much to me.

I'm glad the images didn't load until after I scrolled past, but I'm going to chubby you stereo for taking up my challenge.

Didn't take long to find a place for one of my nice, new lames. Nothing personal, Stereo. That just can't be on my screen.

wow, how did i scroll past this picture for a few days without even noticing it

am I really that desensitized? I bet that guy is really unhappy about his johnson. I bet it is sort of desensitized, just like me.

Ur so cool u dont get offense Lbox can u teech me??

Yes. Look at all the images here and then get back to me.

I will never click that for as long as I live.


Wait, this is a mean thing right?

Only if you're afraid of true love.

Fuck you guys.

Not me, I didn't do anything. Fuck THOSE guys.

Tuberculosis is my friend for life. *Cough*

Roast Beef is a man who knows how to run a garage sale.

this is the first time i've laughed out loud for 5 minutes at achewood in months

i'm exhausted. but it feels good

5 minutes of LOL'ing. That is very good LOL'ing.

I am Troubled by the notion that these characters are based on Chris Onstad's recent Real Life Experience.

Troubled because I recall that the Onstad clan were based in Palo Alto at the time of their garage sale.

The people who wandered into that garage sale and inspired these characters weren't refugees from the underprivileged classes. The only people who can afford to live in Palo Alto are rich Internet people.

The people who design our Facebooks and Macbooks are the same people who shopped at Chris's garage sale. And they're Damaged, very Damaged.

Onstad moved, so don't worry.

The number of people I see who used to be rich and functional is kinda staggering.

dude, that's colorado to the t.

there is no t.

NOT TRUE. my ex-boyfriend and his family lived in Palo Alto for some time a few years back, and they are anything but rich and successful (well, i think they had a bakery that did alright for a while). In any case, I wouldn't be surprised a bit if the person buying the M&M and the headband were based on his sister.

Meh... not really. East Palo Alto is apparently an absolutely terrible place. Like East St. Louis.

Yard sale hounds can smell a deal from miles away.

They will congregate regardless of how rich your neighbourhood may be.

Damn, for a non-confrontational dude, Beef sure plays hardball with these clowns


You can take the boy out of circumstances, but you can't take the circumstances out of the boy.

But you can take your circumstances out ON a boy

All over his chest and face.

Molly has put him through yard sale boot camp. Teodor has never gone bargain shopping with a lady.

And a BRILLIANT return to form. I hope the rest of the year is this good

And now, for something completely different ...

What's you guy classic Chrono Trigger team. Every non-soulless monster has one.


I wanted to know what the poster of a cartoon about cat took in their team at the recently released to DS criticlly acclaimed Super Nes game called Chrono Trigger, knowing that team are made of 3 character.

Oh ok.

Crono, Frog, Magus. Anything else is just silly.

I disagree , Chrono is easily replaced with Ayla, giving more strenght, charm, and nubile women.

Ah, but no Triple Magic Techs. But more heals! Oh god now I am conflicted

If you really want Triple tech, replace Magus by Robo. Still think it's better having Magus.

Choosing Frog over Robo is just plain silly. Robo is superior in almost every way.

lack of speed, lower magic. It can make a big difference.

I don't think I had a particularly stable lineup - I just remember that I barely ever used Luca or Robo.

Sometimes I wonder what my Oingo Boingo collection would fetch. Probably a few hundred at least. Probably more than that.

You knew you'd never sell it. Not when it went

wherever you

did go.

Wait. If the sale is from 9-4 per the sign, do people really show up almost 3 hours early to peruse the goods?

Man I am NEVER having a yard sale.

First, you have to have a yard.

And did you notice how it's the same guy at 6:21 and 8:55?

Tacodor already pissed away the $100k Ray paid him for (not) catering Beef's wedding, and has to sell his bullshit to cretins in order to make rent.

Get a job, dickhead.

And apparently the effects of having an MP3 of his ass on the internet have worn off.

While I have been in states in the same solar system as Teodor, i never stumbled around naked in front of children with a tiny erection peeking out from under a deflated sack of pilfered foie gras selling off the last vestiges of my dignity.

I wore boxers.

I didn't like this comic. Maybe I'm stupid.


Yes. Thats it. Lame me for expressing my opinion. Faggot.

I didn't do it turk, so I hope you aren't yelling at me!

I wouldn't shout at you. Not over this.

I don't know, are you a Faggot?


You mean, like flaming?
No, we're not homosexual, but we are willing to learn .

Don't be hard on yourself -- you could like it and still be stupid.

I see the eyebrows on theirateturk's avicon moving up and down now, yet yours are motionless.

I wonder if that's a symptom of onset diabetes?

maybe they think it's lame to think you are stupid

Weekend Blogs

Onstad: Achewood State of the Union, 1/2009

This is a great strip -- it's good to see some quality material during this dearth!

However, while I'm sympathetic to Chris' ordeals, I have to take issue with his reasons for not producing the strip as often. A move is one thing, and nobody is going to suggest that he not focus on his family, but to say that the strip isn't being produced so that product orders can be fulfilled, and premium content can be delivered, is angering. The answer to that situation, in my view, is not less of the main content; it's less of the premium content and longer shipping times.

The thing is, as fucked up as it seems, that's where the money is for him.

This is not some weekend thing he does in college this is his career . He has to keep the income flow coming or else buyers will not buy.

Also I don't think he was stating outright that that was one of the main reasons he's not producing more strips for a couple of weeks (seriously guys it's only two weeks or so, not months or years). He said that more to reassure customers that are actually PAYING for content that they will get what he paid for, because as stated above, this is a BUSINESS.

And now for the obligatory fanboy rant:


^What this dude said.

Oh good. This whole time I thought I was enjoying a comic written by an artist, but now I realize that I am an admiring audience member at a virtual business convention.

Even artists have to get paid.

The point I was trying to make was that Chris doesn't have a side job, his job is making this comic for us. And believe it or not, us simply viewing this comic probably doesn't pay the bills for him.

Yes, and my point was that his business practices and material needs are of no concern to me. As a fan of his comic , all I care about is the finished artistic product, which there has been less and less of. It would probably be even more profitable for him and his family to quit doing the comic altogether and go to law school, but that doesn't mean that we as fans would have to appreciate and support that decision.

He's not CANCELLING the comic though. He wants to make sure the most quality comic he can produce CAN be produced, otherwise he'll lose fans and income.

Run guitarhero! It's a trap!

Holy Christ, Elbox, shut up. Let the man be able to get his life together.

I'm grateful to have four great strips in a row. I can handle getting them sporadically. It was nice of Onstad to blow our minds with nearly perfect comic strips every couple of days, absolutely free, for years. Now he's slowed down. Maybe it's for the best: these last few strips have been stellar.

On the other hand, elbox has a point about...

Nah. Fuck that.

Logically as a fan of an artistic "product" you should be more concerned with quality and integrity than the frequency of updates.

In that case, shut up and sit on your thumb until the next comic.

Looks like someone could use some more water!

In elbox's defense Penny Arcade is able to not only produce three strips a week (including when they're traveling or going to conventions or such) consistently for years, but they also both make a living off of it, do other projects, support a staff and families, and manage a charity and an annual convention.

Does PA require quite as much work as Achewood? I doubt it. Even though it is colored and such the jokes are generally more topical and related to an area with cycling content to discuss, the writing is not as sharp or literary, and the format means only 9 panels a week where Mr. Onstad will often spend that on a single strip in recent times.

At the same time Achewood doesn't have ads, a business manager, outside work in related industries, or nearly the same size of fanbase. Chris also labors over these jokes. He doesn't just talk to his friend while playing video games and reading gaming news until he comes up with a good idea (as we've seen in the podcasts).

My point is that it is most definitely possible. Not only possible, but they do it without much in the way of a lead given how it is topical.


The thing is is that, as mentioned, Penny Arcade gets advertising AND gets money from gaming companies to shill their products on the site.

Oh no! There's a single ad banner at the top of the page! It is so painful to look at! I would so much rather pay $3 a month because I just hate ads so much and saying that makes me sound cool and full of anti-commercialism!

Did I say that advertising was a bad thing?

And yeah, that actually do get paid to shill video games on their site, like Assassin's Creed, which they drew an actual comic series for.

That wasn't directed at you specifically. I've just heard several other people make the ridiculous argument that they'd rather pay $3 a month than look at an ad banner.

As for Penny Arcade, about all they do in terms of commercialism is take banner ads, and even then, I remember reading that they pick and choose which ads to run. That is, they actually won't run ads for a game that they think is shitty. As for the promo strips they do, those are on a separate section of the site, unrelated to the main strip.

I agree. I wouldn't be opposed to ads, especially if it will ensure the continuation of the strip. And if it doesn't really slow down the site. On the main achewood page, it shouldn't.

Exactly. They agree to do outside work. They post it on the site because they think (correctly) that their fans would be interested in it. It's just work-for-hire really that's going to be used to promote the game. It's not like Tycho is being paid to push products in his posts or give favorable reviews or that they do product-placement in the strip.

It would be like if any other artist did, say, album art.

I'm not saying that Achewood should be like PA, I'm not saying it would even be possible. I'm just saying that they do manage to run a business plus other ventures and still put out strips three times a week consistently even when they're traveling or otherwise not able to do it in their normal, topical fashion.

It is possible is what I'm saying.

Onstad wants to do, say, more work for the New Yorker? I think that would be awesome if it helps him bring in more money and allow him more time to focus on the strip as opposed to business. I think it's closer to what PA does with their promo strips, but for Achewood.

But they get paid for it, is my point.

AFAIK Gabe and Tycho probably have a way steady income flow than Onstad does.

I'd certainly agree. I tried to make that consistently obvious. I was just saying that you can make a solid income from comics supporting even more people and still not have any problems producing on a regular schedule without even breaks that most people would probably OK with.

The argument I'm trying to make is that Gabe and Tycho just happen to do comics making jokes for a well-established medium that earns a shit ton of money. The more niche comics (like Achewood and a few of my other favorites that I won't mention here) have a harder time breaking out. Granted, like Perry Bible Fellowship before him, Onstad has found a way to the surface but I sincerely doubt that it's been enough that he can alienate paying customers or cut out that aspect altogether.

It's the nature of the beast, TBH.

I haven't followed Goats in a long time either, but it seems to do fairly well and I know it used to update regularly the last time I followed it.

Dinosaur Comics, Wigu, Diesel Sweeties, and Scary-Go-Round are all popular, but fringe as well and they make plenty of money on t-shirt sales without seriously impacting production.

Honestly the main reason I mentioned PA is because they run a very good business and they almost never, ever miss a strip.

Sometimes it feels like Onstad is alienating those fans who don't subscribe to the premium. Sometimes. I understand that $3 is not a lot, but I have to prioritize my expenses. It sucks being in Grad School. Sometimes. At the same time, I have no complaints about the irregularity of the strip. I just want the pay content without paying. That's just me. Sometimes.

Plus they made that videogame. Did anyone get that? Was it as quality as it looked?

Reviews I've read say it was funny, but as a game it wasn't that great. You're playing more for the story than for the gameplay.

I can live without it and have done so.

No one here was saying anything like this; they just pointed out that Achewood doesn't make money from ads, and Penny Arcade does.

I'm too lazy to find and link to specific comments in this vein, so I'll just concede the point.

Look, a unicorn!


You would see strips about crying. You would see shakily-drawn strips about cantaloupes with wedges missing, in a half-hearted attempt to ape that whole Shel Silverstein thing.

Am I the only one who thinks that this would be awesome and possibly better than most of the 2008 strips?



I'm a little surprised, however, that Chris hasn't commissioned some guest strips. They weren't THAT bad last time around.

Maybe he could have gotten some commentors to post some of those photoshopped strips. I'd LOVE to see Achewire, Ghostwood, or whatever else people could come up with.

Umm not sure if that will work but fuck it.

Ahhh too big, but you get the gist. Open that sucker in a new tab/window if you really want to see the exact same image of Blister in the other frames saying cocksuckers.

You are a genius, thank you.

I love you. I want to sex your mind and make brain babies.

Wu peed on his rug?

I love most of the Assetbar-produced Achewood mock-ups (especially the one which I have reposted below, which I think should stand tall among the greatest real Achewood strips of all time), so no one take offense, but I think the place for those really is down here. There's something to be said for the integrity of the archives, and I think it may start getting dicey if too many of these (even the very good ones, of which there are many) were to be posted as actual strips.

And don't even get me started on the guest strips. I understand that there may be some consideration for comic artist community solidarity or something, but seriously - 90% of those were fucking awful and you know it. I would rather the archives be a little thin than to have them be fat with that tripe.

[I want to stress that I did not do this. Unfortunately, I forgot who did. Something tells me it was Echidnaboy, but I could be wrong. Whoever you are, please stand up and be counted, you beautiful bastard.]

We should have our own site for these mock-ups, for I find them pretty hilarious. That's what the "Making xkcd slightly worse" thread over at forums.xkcd.com did. I think this would be a most delighul idea.


Well. Godaddy offers sites for like nine bucks. Someone should start one (I don't have time.)

I'm sure there are free ones too, but the site wouldn't have its own URL though. I wouldn't be too opposed to this. I might start one if I knew a little bit more about HTML and CSS and stuff. It actually seems like a good project. I am going to take a class about the internet this coming semester, and we are learning these languages. I don't know if we have to design a site for our project, but this sounds like a good one.

"assetfans.info" is available for 99 cents.

I'd say a "fan art" section or such would nicely provide for these. They should be made available off the main site. I mean, he obviously is going for creating a bit of a community here.

A selection for your enjoyment, during this long, cold drought:





Best of Ray's Prank Phonecalls

The Maths (Starring Cornelius and Polly)

Teh Gr8 Owtdoar Fake

Teodor's Love, Actually

Philippe Productions

HA! Love the Great Outdoor Fake one, that is hilarious.

Thanks for putting these links together!

Chubby for these, I hadn't seen the CSI one before.

Yeah, Phillipe Productions is my favorite. It's the only one that had to actually be animated and done rather well.

You're missing the link to the animation that was up a while back though. That was... that was crazy good.

You must mean this godly creation by Shmorky:

Some of my 'shops
Achewood Z ( context )
Garfield as Lyle ( context )
Ruined Junk ( context )
Freudians ( context )
AcheWire: Trace Evidence ( source )
Sweet Dreams ( context ) (Yes, Rowboat, it was me)
Hiphopapotamus vs. Rhymenoceros ( context ) (this page is a good one for Hastily Photoshopped Buggery, featuring Flight of the Conchords and The End of Achewood)

And while we're at it...

Cat and Girl
Fib Bot and Martine (I just found this today)

Animated gifs from the Achewood thread on Something Awful
1 2 3 4 5 6

Edwell's comment history is, of course, a golden hole, as is Doc_Rostov's . Basically any comment that begins with [ img ] is bound to be awesome.

Hopefully all those slashes and square brackets are in the right place. If not, well...

i didn't read 'em all, but did you make up that joke for the "Freudians"?? it's possible, but i doubt it.

fucking good shit man. as a standalone joke, it's good. Cornelius' "oh dear" seals the deal.

Uhm... not only is this entirely correct, but it's also insightful and on-topic. Something is wrong here.

What have you done with the real Belgand?

No, don't answer, I don't even want to know.

Well, I meant that the Freudian joke was rather good and he said so in his own terrible way. With very little of being a total dick.

a big hot fat throbbing freudian chubby for you.

Someone please start "assetfans.info" for 99 cents at Go Daddy and put all this stuff there.

Why don't you do it if it's so important to you?

That's what she said.

Because I'd have to rape her and we have all agreed that that is a terrible, terrible thing and not something we should be making jokes about.

*rapes Belgand*

Why don't you do it if it's so important to you?

Because you lazy kids make me do everything around here, and I'm tired of picking up your shit ... oh, wait, I was channeling my late mother there. Basically, I have never run a website and don't have time to learn. I'm the idea guy, not the doer guy.

That's the flash! Even the music was great in that.

These are great! I don't have the links to mine, but I've made 3 or 4 fakewoods :-D

Cheers, dude. I took a look at your previous comments. If you won't blow your own trumpet I guess I'll have to blow it for you:


Go, my fellow Assetbarbarians. Give this man his rightful chubbies.

Haha always good to be appreciated. There's nothing better than seeing a good doctostov and echidnaboy 'shop!

Hey! That's me!

Thank you very much for mentioning me.

(I don't actually have anything substantive to add to your very nice post, but thanks! It is always rad to see one's name somewhere in connection with "awesome" in a non-facetious way.)

[URL="https://tinypic.com/player.php?v=34j7tab&s=5"]The Miracle[/URL]

ooooh assetbar BURN

The Miracle

The what?


At first I was against this idea, having a strong dislike for seeing people rehashing the works of others... but I confess that the "The Maths" brought some measure of warmth to the cockles of this blackened heart.

Thank you for being Hammy, Hammy. I hadn't seen a lot of these. The South Park and the Connie Maths are particularly amazing.

You would see scabrous comics%u2014literally injurious to the eyes%u2014anxiously uploaded from a laptop in a stall at the Mount Shasta Bathe-n-Shat. You would see strips about crying.

Is This What You Want? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?

Actually, I'd read it.

Hell, I live it!

Shat is past tense. It should be "Bathe and Shite."

Makes you wonder if Shatner is a pseudonym.

I don't know where she got it from but my little niece used to call out "Shatner!" frequently when she was running around in the yard playing. As an thing to yell out it is surprisingly rewarding, particularly in the way she did it, "Shat-nerrrrrr!".

Man no it's already a month wait for my pint glass.

Is anyone else having problems with the Achewood RSS feed?

Also, I posted a comment on Onstad's facebook status referencing the blog he posted but I deleted it pretty fast, because I was so embarrassed.

Yeah, the RSS feed has reverted to May 2007. He mentioned the feed in his blog; maybe he's using it in lieu of re-runs?

Real M&M people?

Why not, a cat and a bear with turtlenecks just had a yardsale.

How they got into those turtles' necks, I'll never know!

Probably one arm at a time then pop trough the head.

The neck got stuck above their mouth but after poking the hands through, pulled it down under the chin, then pulled it down over the hips and patted it flat against the stomach. Yes.


The man with the atomic hat has a face that does not want to resolve or coalesce.

A nice bit of wordsmithy, there, 2008 remake Gort.

Gort! What Klaatu Nictho Barata from the North?

Klaatu Barada Nikto, I think.

Klaat-whoa Barad-whoa Nik-whoa.

(Point Break is one of my favorite movies, and I love Keanu Reeves as an actor, but I've heard that his turn in TDTESS was horrible. I am also never going to see the Matrix.)

You love Keanu Reeves as an actor???

Are there any movies where he acts? Keanu Reeves couldn't act wet in a hurricane.


I was trying to say that while I appreciate Keanu Reeves he didn't do too well in that movie.

There's tons of great movies where he acts. Luckily, he's not in any of them.

Keanu Reeves was actually pretty good in The Lake House.

I'm a Keanu Reeves fan and I think Sandra Bullock can be competent when need be but The Lake House was horrible.

Bill and Ted without Bill meet a babe from a different time?
I thought the Japanese original was pretty good, but spare me the Hollywood remakes.

You actually watched that movie?

Any movie starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bimbo immediately shoots to the top of my Never Gonna See list.


Uh, The Matrix is a pretty important film.

It's pretty impordant if it has sat at all.

Not to be a douche but how is The Matrix anymore important than say, Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs or even the Kill Bill series?

That is to say all of those films rip off the better parts of most of the movies in their genres.

I didn't say that. It's certainly not as important as Pulp Fiction. Why are you comparing it to Tarantino films?

Also, I've yet to see definitive proof that the plot of the Matrix is in any way derivative.

Maybe people think that because it reminds them of Descartes. Despite the fact that pretty much everybody has had the "LOL what if everything isn't real LOL" idea before.

Yeah the whole "What if what you are seeing isn't real" idea AND the whole "Average person sent to save the world" concept has been done to death. Total Recall anyone?

I compared it to QT Films because both have been called derivative.

That wasn't the plot of the Matrix, though, that was a theme in the Matrix. The plot was about crazy robots drinking our life force. And yes, while the themes in both the Matrix and Quentin Tarantino's films may have been done before (Don't you know that there's nothing new left under the sun to write?) their style is, to my inexperienced eye, very original.

Also, badass action sequences.

The Matrix was poorly conceived, unimaginative, adolescent tripe. It's the Myth of the Cave for club kids and chubby goths.

As for Tarantino... Pah!

I think you mean the Allegory of the Cave. The Myth of the Cave is the vaginal orgasm.

Wait, did I make that joke on here already?

Apparently the last original concept was the one in Flatland, a concept I had developed indepedently.

if you give me a few hours i just might be able to find a certain Science'd Fiction book written at some point pre-Matrix that was pretty much totally that plot

(Also, Keanu Reeves. Why for? Why did that weirdo tranny and his moderately average brother decide to cast Keanu Reeves? I know it is so done , but not enough can be said about how terrible that guy is. Why does he ruin movies I would've otherwise loved? The Devil's Advocate, The Day the Earth Stood Still remake...that's about it. Brodddddyyyyyy!)

Constantine? Although he wasn't particularly inappropriate in that. Not that I ever read the comic.

Coming soon: Descartes- the Definitive Story. What he was, what he wasn't, I think.

Look, maybe he didn't say every single little tiny syllable, but basically he said 'em, okay?

I thought it was a daisy (although an atom is much cooler).

The Trivial Pursuit lady stayed for over 2 1/2 hours. I don't care if this has been mentioned before.

I was sure it was a man with a hoodie.

I agree. I think it is a man.

I concur that is a man, but I think that is a crazy freak unkempt haircut, not a hoodie.

Panel 15. That is a woman.

I disagree.


Not necessarily. They certainly do fit into that creepy fat, ugly can't tell gender sort of place that these terrible people often exist in.

Stop talking about achilles that way!

That's funny, because your mother could certainly tell my gender well enough WHEN I HAD MY COCK IN HER.

Were you wearing... your glasses?

Having mentioned above that his mother was late -- you better do the honorable thing.

Late for what?

She is late like a broken typewriter.

Your mother is a very nice person, Pogo. I think wath make hr so special are the attention to little thing, and her caring nature. LIke most "model" mother she is ok with making the food for the familly, tidying the house, taking care of the lunches,etc. But not all mother would prepare a ploom cupcake who is both delicious and good for your gastric tracts (a mother know). A normal mother will go get her kid at the bar, totally hammered on Vodka-RedBull at 3 in the morning, but your would make you a bed breakfast just to be sure you can recover faster. She also do that marvelous thing with her tongue.These are only a few examples on tip of my hat.

this is a most marvelous sodomizing of the English language.

Je peux l'écrire en francais sans aucune faute si tu préfère, mais je crois que se serait injuste considérant que peu de personne peuvent me comprendre. Tout de même je te remercie de ton opinion et je tenterai de faire plus attention à l'avenir.

In substance, Screw you, FUCK you !

Quoi? It was a compliment , s'il vous plait!


Sorry, sodomizing something still as a bad ring to it for me.

Seriously, i don't want to rock the english language can.

I would have to agree. Rocking the French can or even the German or Italian cans are probably a lot more fun. I mean, while the English can is likely to be pale and beautiful it's also likely to be pretty lumpy. We won't even deal with rocking the American English can.

English ladies can be astoundingly hot and the accent certainly only sweetens the deal, but the can of the language? No way man. No way.

*irony* Nothing is sexier than a Lancastrian lass. *irony*

I think wolfensti is saying: "I can l' %u98F2 anger in French without any fault if you Pr %u99A8 Re, but I believe that consid %u9CA1 NT would be unjust that little of anybody can include/understand me. Very for m %uAB65 I thank you for your opinion and I will try to pay attention %u082C ' more; future."

He's probably using Babelfish or something similiar like I just did to mangle (or sodomize) his French.

Please don't sodomize my french, that's utterly uncool.

- "prefere s "
- "peu de personne s "

Let me be that dick (makes me feel weird, in the middle of all these phallic references).

Tu es natif du Québec?

En effet

Mom would have appreciated your humor, Frenchie.
Votre mère est belle

That's funny, because your mother could certainly tell my gender well enough WHEN I HAD MY COCK IN HER.

Dude, you're fucking a dead woman!

The lesser-known sequel to Dude, Where's My Car?

You mean, Nekromantik?

I don't think a woman would be surprised at a headband.

Must... resist temptation... to confront innocuously sexist generalisation...

Resist harder, that was a poor attempt.

Does your mother know you have such sass?

And such fertile, eggbearing hips.

I think (maybe) you'll find that the eggs are not borne so much in the hips.

Stereo is supposedly a woman, so she must know better than you.

If Stereo is a female, I'll kiss your ass in the middle of Main Street.



Perhaps Stereo is a hen?

Stereo is a man.
I know it.
I know it.

I think maybe it's not a literal statement of fact. Just a phrase.

I love how you answered the least pressing question possible.

but you are still cool to me, stereo, you are awesome!

Stereo is a gorilla. Duh.

I think Stereo means to say that ample hips are a necessity if a single-cell egg is to develop into a human bowling ball and be propelled down the alley of life.

You may grow up to be a strike, you may become a gutter ball, Lord help you, you may even be a gibbering 7-10 split- but those hips are not to be dissed.

I give you fiddy cent for the silverfish

Do his arms and legs move, yo?

Who needs strips when you can buy limited-edition Achewood shirts and basketballs and premium content?

Oh and, by the way, have you donated recently?

I would totally give all the kidneys in my body for an Achewood Basketball.

And I don't even LIKE basketball.

But we've been through this before, THE MAN HAS A FAMILY TO FEED, his sole job in life isn't to entertain us, it's to provide for his family.

We may not agree with his methods but thems the brakes kid.

I need to put the brakes on your misspelling of "breaks."

Signed, A Dick About Words

I wasn't sure which one was the one used in that saying. I had suspicions that it was "breaks" but I didn't want to risk it.

Thank you for setting me straight.

Themf the braykef.

I've grown a long, white beard in the time since the previous comic - and now, here I am, reading a new Achewood comic - and it turns out this one is actually pretty good. A welcome surprise.

sry but i jus took shits on ur e-pinion. lam so lammed

Multiple shits, people

Yeah, sorry I enjoyed this week's comic. That was wrong of me.

Don't take Glad to heart. He is a fake person.

I wish there was some sort of service where you could hire Roast Beef to sell your useless junk. If there was some way I could hire someone to sell everything I own I would totally jump on that. Just stash the crap you want to keep first.

I wonder if I can just fake my own death and hire an estate sales person.

Why rummage, when you can Beef It On eBay?

I'm trying to purchase the boots, but you're making it extremely difficult for me.

Probably Jonah Hill's best role.

Too bad it was for like 2 minutes, probably less.

Jonah Hill is really only good in small doses.

He was awesome in Walk Hard but I felt he detracted from Superbad, and he was decent in Knocked Up, which was really not that great of a film to begin with.

All in all this was a fine start for him, and if he stuck with that deadpan delivery he would have been much better in the aforementioned films.

I thought he was great in Superbad . He and Michael Cera had really good chemistry.

I think if he toned it down a bit he would have contributed a bit more. Micheal Cera already is one of the chillest most awkward actors ever, and Jonah Hill's zany funny man act was almost too much of a polar opposite.

I disagree, and agree with tekende on the Superbad comment. I thought they had a good balance, him and Michael Cera. But of course Mikey blew him away because he is the best thing ever.

oh my God the lastest firefox update LOST ALL MY BOOKMARKS

(i am furious.)

It's possible to fix

(They're still somewhere in your computer somewhere.)

i couldn't find them in about a weak five minutes of searching so i windows restored to two days before.

crisis averted!
..then i exported them just in case it happens again.

i read a few of the comments here and i get the impression that there are more than a few folks here that assimilated these characters into their DNA. like this strip is part of them. this is a big deal to them. there'd be physical pain during withdrawal from it. :|


I love in panel 15 how beef is so angry with the woman(?).

I noticed that some folks think it's a man with a hoodie, but I think it's a woman wearing a turtleneck sweater. There's are lines on either side of the head which seem to suggest layering of her hair in panel 13.

If only I was this observant in real life.

Men have their hair layer too you know. However apon close inspection there do seem to be some bosomy lines in panel 12, not that having breasts precludes them from being a man.

Of course that is panel 15, not 12. FUCK!

number dyslexia is fairly common.

I thought it was a woman from the very first. Not that I analyzed any details, it was a gestalt thing.

Now that I go back and analyze the details, the eyebrows look car too bushy to be a woman's eyebrows. Nonetheless, in gestalt, it looks like a female to me.

Ooh, good band name: Gestalt Thing.

Damnit people,get back here. it's only 4:30 a.m


Oh hi.

people in my town still right checks at the gas station. so heinous. of course, most of those are just gonna bounce, fake, stolen or otherwise written under nefarious pretenses.

you still get these fucksticks that right 'em in the grocery store as well. they are so fucking "traditional" (old folks) or "stupid" (retards) that they think they still need to do this. that the banks very own check card (atm) will actually fuck up their check book balancing method. i mean.. wtf? how is the type of stupidity still in existence today?

i haven't balanced my checkbook in 15 years. NEVER had a single discrepency.

My girlfriend does that. She uses her card, but carries the checkbook to write the expenditure in it. So, uh, fuck you. Even though she never balances it and I find it unnecessary, fuck you.

i used to keep a running total on the most recent account balance receipt i had. then i set up mobile banking where i can check my balances and get alerted if i go below a certain amount. 'course, the charges have to post for me to see them, but still...

it's really cool.

your girlfriend sounds like an even dumber kunt than you. that sux. :(

You are absolutely write.

I had too much time on my hands today

I am seeing this merged with Hieronymous Bosch's famous painting of Hell.
Now you have a goal in life.

I haven't been able to find a good quality picture of the painting.

My goal...will it never be accomplished?

You are young. Do not be discouraged. Wait until you're in college to be discouraged.

But I...am in college.

Super discouraging

I will likely be this automn if i dont screw up again.


Lovely edition of the 'Doast Deef'.

Hakuna-mah-chubbu for you, madame.

Haha, thank you.

"¡Doast Deef Edicion Especial: Dos Discos!"

Man, the alliterations! (Not sure whether the E-words count)

Oh, Spanish. You comical, comical language.

Es verdad.

You know what's not comical in Spanish? Beetlejuice. The movie.
It was on the Spanish language channel the other day, and Michael Keaton'ss much more creepy in Spanish. Muy creepioso.
I think the whole ghoul thing works so much better in Spanish.

Is it weird that I also watched that? In Spanish?

Maybe joo and me are sympatico. Hey! We even use the same tailor!
Didn't he say something like that to the Alec Baldwin character?
I confess we only watched about 10 minutes, but it was a weird hoot.

No worries, I only watched about ten minutes as well, and that was because I was testing a handheld LCD tv at work, and the Spanish channel was the only station that I could get reception on. However, when I found it, it was the dining room scene. I could not look away.


Okay, now , this is getting weird.

What is really weird is that one time I saw Goodwill girl at a Market Basket but neither of us remember this happening.

Neither of you?

Neither of us. An angel told us.

How is the Beetlejuice cartoon in Spanish? I need to know now !

I doubt either would be as interesting in Danish.

Rafiki should be a Sith Lord. Check it. Now you won't be able to imagine Rafiki as NOT a Sith Lord

I can't...even think of him as a Sith Lord right now. I think I'll be ok.

Once more, Wolfensti's point is lost in translation. WOLFENSTI! RAFIKI - IS - KIND AND SAGACIOUS!






Also, Simba is Luke, Zar is Vader, the hyenas are the stormtrooper, Nala is Leia, Timon is Han Solo and Pumbaa is Chewy

Lion incest is so wrong but so inspiring.

I've just realised that I have no idea what the title of this strip means, and that goobling "Adam Smith" would not assist at all in my understanding. Help a brother out? Or if none of my siblings are here, just anyone's help would do.

Adam Smith = Capitalism = "Invisible Hand" of the market.

Visible heel, of course, referring to the crazy heel-smooshing customers.

Goobling? Gooble-gobble? I think Adam Smith is regarded as the father of modern economics- or one of them.
It's Onstad's sodomizing of the English language here. He's goofing on Beef and Teo being able to magically conjure up cash on demand to satisfy the pressing economic issue of "roof over head".
Was my take.

He's calling Google Gooble this year.

Yes, and their stock shares took such a hit for it. Damn him!

I'm doing my bit! For... something.

It's the circle of life really.

The circle is an analogy on how everything stay "in family"

fuck that comment is supposed to be higher

What I can really appreciate about Achewood is Onstadt's insight into depression.

Shit I meant to say that for the "Because I got Depression" strip.

What I can really appreciate about boheeka is his tireless attention to detail.

oh hee hee man!

What I can really appreciate about hamscout is that he is a ham that is waving.

What I can really appreciate about thegoodwillgirl is that she is a girl who gives goodwill, and is also a dude staring at the user name?

Did..Did I do that right?

What i can really appreciate about theguitarhero is that his avatar is a picture of two people but one of them has a guitar so it's like it's a picture of his band or something.

...did i do this right?

what I can really appreciate about cpnglxynchos is he likes one of the few animes I like and he is also confused for an Elder Thing.

What I can hardly appreciate from guitarhero's two posts is that he didn't seem to know that the dude staring at thegoodwillgirl is Orson Wells, radio and film titan and all-around great guy to have at party.

It's better than that one time when I mistook Orson Wells in Citizen Kane (one of the "greatest movies ever") for Simon Pegg.

Oops! I forgot the joke!

What I can really appreciate about pogo is that his Larry King eyes pierce into my soul and give me nightmares.

What I can really appreciate about sje46 is that he's using an avatar I made him and that his fears about Larry King are not totally unfounded.

But I'm smiling!

What...what is it you want? In the depths of your ignorance.

What I can appreciate about achilleselbow is the way he holds it in until the worst possible time, then unloads all over the place. It's like a tragedy in my pants.

What I can appreciate about stereo is that he/she/it is constantly misleading us about his/her/its gender.

As if you don't think the name "Stereo" itself is a poorly-disguised pun on hermaphroditery.

I'm not misleading, just vague.

It is whatever we want it to be.

What I can appreciate about Elbox is that he somehow manages to keep his glasses on despite not having a nose or ears.

Id say an elastic is the secret

Like a stretchy cock ring?

I now demand a "Because I got Depression" strip remade to be set in the 30s. The pun would please me. As would seeing them in hats!

It would be like old-timey Strong Bad. Those were always my favorite.


Fluffy Puff air-puffed sugar delights!

You buffoon! You... carpet-bagger! I'll give you what-for!

The Sneak! How do you like that? I just told that poor sap I'd give him what-for! ...Yes. Now go, and steal me fresh jam!


Those are indeed astounding. Damn, I haven't watched Homestar Runner in years now for some reason. I must rectify that at once.

get all up on that jazz, homestyle.

Shit I meant to say that for the "Because I got Depression" strip.

I will never, ever understand how this happens to people.

You try to comment, you realize you aren't logged in then you hit enter to soon, man.

Oh. That's cool. Still weird, though. Weird as hell.


You all seem to know about really cool music and stuff, so I need your Opinions:

I want to get into The Clash. not because it is a hip thing but because I think it is Time. What album should I start with?

London Calling. C'mon, I don't even listen to them and I know that.

(Also, I'm not just belching random, uninformed decisions. I have a friend who loves The Clash, and she regards it as the best album of all time.)

Yes. It is regarded as one of the main albums of all times. Unless I'm mistaken Teodor even parodies it's iconic cover once.

You also need to get into the Dead Kennedys. Start with Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables.

Belgand, trust me, you aren't the first to want to get me into the Dead Kennedys. I'm slowly working my way through early 90s/late 80s punk (I just started listening to The Replacements) and I'm worried once I hit the 80s I'm going to run out of space on my iPod.

I can't listen to DK the way I used to. I still have a lot of respect for them and I'll always love Ray Pepperell's style, but their appeal just didn't really carry over into adulthood with me the way, say, Fugazi did. When I was sixteen I used to listen to Fresh Fruit at least once a day. Now I don't think I've heard it all the way through in a decade. There are still some individual songs which I'll always love ("Moon Over Marin" is pretty fucking timeless), but there's just no way that I'll ever live my life around them like I used to.

(GH, I am in no way hinting that you shouldn't seek out the Dead Kennedys. Please do. But start with The Clash, for sure.)

I started with the two most influential hardcore bands I could find (Black Flag, a band whose love I've attested to many of time here, and Minor Threat) I THINK THE ONLY WAY I HAVE TO GO IS UP.

Yes, London Calling. It has a good diversity of musical styles, which I've found makes me more likely to listen to it end-to-end. And in contrast to some other best-albums-ever, most of the songs are catchy and accessible. London Calling isn't content to simply impress the listener with The Clash's expanding musical palette--an ambition that, all by itself, could have resulted in an album full of phoned-in reggae. Nor is it content to impress the listener with the novelty (for the time) of being a double album in the world of punk rock--which could have led to a lot of boring filler tracks. Instead, there are a lot of good songs that can stand on their own, as well as a few great songs.

I am glad to hear someone else says so. I wasn't sure if Clash aficionados regard it as their masterwork or not. And the Achewood image of Teodor mimicing the cover is an homage, not a parody.

I got your frikkin' homage between my legs, dick about terms.

Thank you, but no.

Very true. I am now filled with shame. And some other emotions that are weird and deeply confusing to me.

Start with Celebrity and work your way back to No Strings Attached.

Hey rowboat, this is completely unrelated, but we were talking about Zelda games a while ago and I kind of discouraged you from playing Wind Waker; anyway, I just played Twilight Princess and think you and anyone who hasn't played it should do so immediately.

Seriously dude, why would you discourage someone of playing Wind Waker ? You really are a dick if it is cinfirmed.


Funny you should mention it. A couple of days ago I decided to finally sit down and give Wind Waker a proper go. I'm fucking in love with it. Yeah, the fighting is kind of too easy, but that seems to be its only obvious flaw at this point. I see that Twilight Princess is supposed to be kind of the sequel to WW, and that they released a version for the Gamcube. This could be a Thing for me in the near future.

I had a really unhealthy addiction to The Ocarina of Time for a long while, and then I played Twilight Princess and loved that as well. I never played Wind Waker, but I'm sure I have it around here somewhere. Maybe that will be my next Zelda adventure!

This has been another installment of thegoodwillgirl not being able to mind her own business.

Hey! Mind your own business over there!

She can't do it!

That is what your dad said

so I took your mom

Ocarina of Time didn't do it for me. That whole N64 era was basically made largely of really bad ideas. Especially ones relating to making good games into very ugly, blocky 3D games that the technology could barely handle for no legitimate reason other than shouting "IT'S 3D!!!".

Link to the Past is still the best game in the series. This is largely true of most major Nintendo franchises and the SNES. See also: Super Metroid, Super Mario World.

You've said this before, and I told you that you should play Majora's Mask, which was better in every way and was the darkest, most interesting, and saddest of the Zelda games.

I will have to say that after playing Twilight Princess, I can no longer confidently say that MM is my favorite. Twilight Princess is basically everything that Ocarina should have been, and then some. The combat alone puts it at the top - the sword skills you learn are fucking awesome, and did I mention HORSEBACK COMBAT? The part where you joust against the orc on the broken bridge was near orgasmic, and I'm not even going to get into the final battle. The overall atmosphere is still not as dark as Majora's Mask, but having Adult Link back, a complex storyline, and somewhat more mature dialogue after having to endure Wind Waker is a blessing. The whole wolf thing was not much in terms of gameplay, but it was beautiful aesthetically. And one of the best things that I hope they keep for later games is the way that a lot of the important fighting story-wise, and even some awesome boss battles happen outside the dungeons in the overworld, making the game much less linear and formulaic.

So yea, go play it.

Oh yea, and I hear the Gamecube version is actually superior to the Wii one. From YouTube videos I've seen, it looks like the aiming reticule is ridiculously picky, the camera controls are a mess, and then there's that whole thing about how they decided to make it for Wii at the last minute and had to mirror-flip the entire world when they realized that Link was left-handed.

I'd love to get a Gamecube copy, but I presume they're ridiculously expensive considering how few copies they made for the 'cube.

They're going for around 30 on ebay. Or you can do what I did and move in with a friend who has it.

Try what I did, only $10k up front.

How much for up the back?

I own Majora's Mask on the anniversary collection disc. I just haven't played it yet. I also heard that the emulation caused a few minor problems with it.

A few problem with the music, but really, i got it also, and i can say that you won't see it. Also, i agree with Achilles, Majora Mask always has been better to me than Ocarina of Time. The 3 days game made somepeople angry, yet i found it fun to see the different way thing unfold depending on your action.

But you also have a point, A link to the past is one of the game i play 2-3 time a year just to be sure to remember it perfectly, along with chrono trigger and final fantasy 6.

Also, Mario RPG

I've never played Mario RPG. It's probably the only Mario game I haven't played. (You know, other than that crappy CD-I piece of malarky. Mario Hotel, was it?) Maybe that will be my next endeavor.

A good endeavor. The best game to initiate anybody to RPG ever. Also, Geno Rocks.

I played it through on the Cube Collection and didn't have any huge problems with it that I recall. First time I got all of the masks, actually. Protip: Don't run out of Bombchus in the fourth segment of the Moon dungeon. You will have to do all of that shit again.

Twilight Princess was great, and I get WHY you don't like Wind Waker but I don't really think it would apply to most people. It was very much a fairy tale-esque game and story, which fit the graphic style and dialogue, whereas Twilight Princess is more a myth or, dare I say, legend and deserved the darker tone. MM and OoT are the same way but in reverse (MM is more a dark fairy tale and OoT is more a lighthearted legend).

Let's just get to the elephant in the room and acknowledge that the damn sailing was incredibly annoying and stupid and made the overworld a dull chore where you go from pointless island to pointless island instead of enjoying the overworld. Not to mention the triforce nonsense at the end. That took the worst aspect of the game and made it the entire game.

Exactly. Not to mention the combat being laughably easy.

I won't say that I exactly agree with you, but I will say that just last night I actually fell asleep sitting up while sailing. I did have a little buzz on and it was two in the morning, but yeah - it's probably not a good sign when you fall asleep during an action game.

That having been said, I will reassert that Wind Waker is filling me with joy right now. I haven't had so much fun with a nerdy sword game so much since Fable.

I love it so much that I'm so much giving up on grammar so much.

Before I got the ability to warp, I would set my course, eat breakfast, and come back 5 minutes later. I would leave the volume turned up in case I got attacked and knocked out of the boat, but if you were sailing with the wind, that usually wouldn't happen.

I would just sit there practicing my cursing.

I would have been entirely happy with it, had the islands been more populated. As it was, it was basically three islands with people to talk to and twenty odd-shaped ones with a single puzzle on them.

Hey, while we're still talking about games, can someone tell me what was so great about Brave Fencer Musashi? People have made references to it on here, and all the reviews on GameFaqs were like "BEST ACTION RPG EVER", but all I see is awful puns, simplistic gameplay, and characters that consist of three polygons. I mean I know it's PS1, and I kind of missed out on that whole initial 3D era since I went right from a Sega Genesis to a PS2, but seriously, there are enemies that are just a sphere on top of a cube. I've played N64 games, and I've never seen anything this bad.

So far I fought the first boss and did the first quest. The boss fight was okay, but it took me at least half an hour of throwing the dog and having it fall in the water to get just the right angle so that it lands on the other side of the river. Then I accidentally went a step too far while not holding the dog and I was back in the village, dogless. I just want to know if there is any reason I should continue to endure this buffoonery and that lascivious librarian's gay voice any longer.

I still wouldn't have been happy with it, but yeah. That was definitely the case. Most of the islands were completely worthless. The bigger problem is that unlike previous games the overworld wasn't seemless with the underworld. You didn't really fight any enemies on the overworld unless you got off your boat. It actually took away my desire to explore because not only was it such a pain in the ass and incredibly dull, but there wouldn't be anything worth doing when I got there.

I really don't mind it too much. To be honest, I kind of enjoy the downtime. See, I've been playing nothing but Animal Crossing, Rock Band 2 and Harvest Moon for the past six months. After all that, even a game like this - in which even the really dangerous enemies are kind of cartoony and cute in a way - seems kinda really harrowing to me. Having a few pastoral minutes on the open seas with happy music in the air is kind of nice after fighting through a dungeon.

In all honesty, my stress threshold when it comes to games is basically that of a 12-year-old girl at this point. I was always kind of a pussy, but Silent Hill ( The Room, to be specific) pretty much took my spine from me and has not yet returned it.

I love Wind Waker ok? OoT popped my Zelda cherry but WW will always be my one true love.

You know what popped my Zelda cherry? The Legend of Zelda! Bah! All you damn kids and your OoT love because it was the first fucking Zelda game you ever played.

Get off my virtual lawn and go back to your damn talking sailboat!

Yes. I keep thinking this too. I'm like what is all this bullshit about Zelda this and Zelda that? What about just plain old fuckin' Zelda. All gold cartridge, all your friend gettin' super pissed cuz you didn't hold down Reset when you turned it off, all getting infuriated by those god damn pinwheel things.

What happened if you didn't hold Reset?


I think maybe it didn't save your game? I can't be positive without using the interweb to cheat and find out. (My original-Zelda experiences didn't start until later in life with emulators and the such. My early Nintendo memories consist more of Super Mario Bros. and playing Dr. Mario with my mom.)

Yeah I started with OoT but I have the original on the Collector's Edition disc.

You have a lie on that disc is what you have. It's not nearly the same as owning the original.


Must...resist...perfectly set up...mom joke........aaAKJAJasDKja

Also yes it would sometimes* not save your game.

*this seemed to be the case whether you held it down or not

My mom and I played with pills and tried to fit things into holes - LOL!

It didn't necessarily do anything, but it was indicated by the manual that you should do it to be certain that it didn't have problems with the battery back-up. I'm not even certain how it would cause a problem.

I did it every time because it told me to. I am conscientious like that.

Hey, a Link to the Past was both a handsome AND gentle. I have no regret

Since our discussion, I have learned The Ballad of Gales and I'm pretty happy about it. The novelty of sailing really was running out pretty fast.

Having to go out and waggle around just to change the wind so I can change direction... then wait forever to get where I'm going across a vast expanse of nothing. Well, that's what did it to me. Almost immediately upon starting to sail.

I have to assume that Wind Waker just isn't for you.

Twilight Princess isn't so much a sequel as it is an alternate timeline running juxtapose to Wind Waker .

It takes place in the same era (100 years after Ocarina of Time but Twilight Princess exists in a world where Ganon didn't break out of the Shadow Realm, causing the Hyruleans to pray for the flooding of Hyrule.

This has been another installment of theguitarhero knowing way too much about shit.

Oh, I think I just read that it was a sequel somewhere. I believed it, in my innocence.

Thank you. Wind Waker is an unsung treasure which I am totally playing again when I get back to my beloved Gamecube.

That said, I would recommend that you don't get your hopes up with Phantom Hourglass. I know that quite a few people hailed it as the best Zelda in years, but in my opinion, pretty decent touch-screen use aside, it's very much Zelda Lite. No style nor substance to the thing.

The Gamcube was an awesome system, but I still find that over time I've largely preferred the Breaststation. Both are a lot better than the AssBox.

That's nastee.

I used to not like the Clash and all my friends tried to make me like them. It was indeed London Calling that finally turned me. In particular the tune "Spanish Bombs." Just give it a few listens and that album has a total creeper effect.

a nice buzz and wonder whens the new achewood..

An aviticon from one of my favorite films. Good work!

Ooooohh. Mine too.

Wings of Desire?

I'm not going to tell them about a girl, I'm not going to tell them about a girl...
Let me tell you about a girl.

Der Himmel über Berlin should be: the sky (heaven) over Berlin.

Nice movie. Gotta like smoking angels. (Peter Faulk too -- despite that ad-lib about his grandmother)

The American re-make sucked.

A Philosophy Degree gets you a job in a cartoon warehouse.

It gets you a job?

For a time.

That is the saddest thing.

Also, who puts their SAT score on their resume?

Really. And all those short-term jobs don't look good, either. There's a huge gap as well. This resume makes me uneasy with this guy. He seems like a floater, some kind of hippie.

Oh, come on .

That gap, much like the one on my resume, is because I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A FUCKING JOB!!!! . The short-term jobs are because I was a goddamn college student and I only worked in the summers when I could find someone willing to hire me knowing that I'd only be there for the summer. You'd be surprised at how many crappy jobs expect you to stick around longer.

my resume is actually currently just a picture of me taking the SATs with a self-satisfied look on my puss

You're asking for it, aren't you?

wozzeck, have you been reading my resume? That is the subheader!

"A Job:
I'm Asking For It! "

then it is a picture of me smiling up at the camera, and a teacher with a ruler is near by looking sort of gruff

that is how my future employer will know that I am Up to Today's Challenges!

-Trouble with authority
-Good, strong teeth

Is it OK if mine says "Birch Beer" in place of Moxie? Nothing against it, but I just prefer the former.

Can you put it online and sing it?

Job! (Good god, ya'll) Huhn!
When will I get one?

Absolutely Idunno!


Autrepoupee skips beneath blue skies to the tune of Francoise Hardy giving people sass.

Autrepoupee is twenty.

you and me wozzeck

two extremely delightful peas in a decidedly musical pod


Shocking discovery:
Profile Intersections

You and autrepoupee have 3 matches between your profiles.
You have 42 words in your profile, autrepoupee has 101.
Shouldn't you have more?
Matches with your Profile:

* great
* with
* music

where can one find that sort of chair, outside of some futuristic film set from late 1960s? One of my dreams is to a dramatic spin in such a chair, with or without a robotic Persian cat on my lap.

also crispin glover's film series makes me sad, just because I know it will never come to my area, and will probably never see the light of DVD release.

why did i just decide to not use verbs or articles in that post

They only seem to sell them in Britain, except for the inmod , which sell at evil genius prices.

Sad? But, It is Fine... EVERYTHING IS FINE.

A friend of mine back in Jersey had a chance to see a screening, but had already committed to a Necromantics show, both in Asbury Park. Coincidentally, Crispin walked past him as he stood in line.

"You should have yelled at him", I said.

It's the "my puss" he is hinting about.

oh god that is so depressing

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time and pick a different major

But as a philostopher you don't need a time machine; you can just construct a teleological, epistemological, eschatological, bullshitological argument that then might as well be now (or never was and never will be again).

Or you can become a warehouse manager.




McCain doesn't do Internets. It must have been Sandra Palin. Or Roberta, I forget her name. You know, that sore loser bitch.

Did you know that there were 8 million more women voters for Obama than male voters?
Jesus Christ, I wish he'd have acknowledged that.

Yep, that Palin was a smart move.

This has been an unsolicited editorial by someone other than Thomas (The Douchestache) Friedman

I watched the second half of that speech. Not underwhelming, but I desired a solitary tear to be rolling down my cheek by the end, and none came. Could have tried harder, Obama. I still trust that you write your own lyrics, though.

Here is my take (sorry it's long):

Welcome to our 44th president of the United State of American, Barack Hussein Obama. Mine were among the millions of eyes and ears focused on your inauguration an hour or so ago. Being a wordsmith, I listened for the killer phrase that would be quoted forever, and couldn%u2019t find one. Now I%u2019m pouring over the transcript, and still the sound bite eludes me. Perhaps I should wait for the rest of the media to decide, but then, what good am I?

First, the tone and delivery: Obama spoke in long, multi-part paragraphs, rather than in sound bites. In that regard, much of the speech sounded stilted, and you seldom took your eyes off the teleprompters. That tells me these words were overwrought, and not the way you would really speak to us.
Now the words themselves: Right away, a nice turn of phrase in the second graf, %u201CAmerica has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears.%u201D I like that he includes himself in %u201Cwe the people,%u201D that stirring and revolutionary phrase that began self-government and began the beheading of those who considered themselves too noble to obey common laws.
Later he said that our time of %u201Cprotecting narrow interests%u201D has surely passed. Much better than continuing the beat the dead horse of %u201Cspecial interests,%u201D since all interests are special to someone, but it%u2019s those narrow interests that strangle and distort so much legislation. Broaden your interests, people! Stop voting based on one issue.

Then he spoke on my favorite topic, economics: He dismissed the question of %u201Cwhether the market is a force for good or ill,%u201D and acknowledged that, %u201CIts power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched.%u201D But there%u2019s always the caveat that, %u201Cwithout a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control.%u201D I would add that without some humility and willingness to share, greed can make any market balloon out of control in a speculative frenzy. How to prevent that is a very good question. We%u2019re talking basic human nature here, it seems to me.

Then the speech got tough, and as I was near our airport, it was symbolic that two flights of F-14 fighters did their takeoff and circling maneuver, their jet engines booming through the walls. %u201CWe will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense,%u201D he said, challenging the Islamic extremists who preach against the ways of the West and the equality of women. %u201CFor those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.%u201D I have already seen that last part quoted in a news story.

Two more quick comments, then I need to get back to my day job: I really liked the line, %u201Cwe have tasted the [bitter] swill of civil war and segregation.%u201D I think he skipped %u201Cbitter.%u201D Relating the civil war to segregation is a proper legacy for the former Confederate states.

And finally, something to ponder %u2013 what did he mean by %u201Cthe lines of tribe shall soon dissolve%u201D? I have spoken often of tribalism and how it must pass way on the journey to nationhood. Especially in Africa, but also in the Middle East %u2013 the former Iraqi leader was from the tribe of Tikrit, for instance.

With %u201Cfaith and determination,%u201D we will carry the journey of freedom and democracy onward. Amen to that, brothers and sisters.

If I had to call a soundbite, I'd say it was his promise to "extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

Or saying that leaders are remembered for what they build, not what they destroy.

That second one sounded really familiar to me, actually.

And finally, something to ponder %u2013 what did he mean by %u201Cthe lines of tribe shall soon dissolve%u201D?

Racism. That's my take on what he meant.

Also, Mr. Dick About Words n' Grammar, it's poring , not pouring.

Also, Mr. Dick About Words n' Grammar, it's poring, not pouring.

Unless you meant you were crying really hard. Yeah, you could have meant that.

Remember that whole discussion we had not long ago about not posting really long, uninteresting, unrelated-to-Achewood comments?

you guys

i'm bored

lets talk about the song "Murder She Wrote" by Chaka Demus and Pliers.

What do you guys think about that song? I think it is pretty sweet, I like the grooves and the words. Sometimes I think that song in my head, when I am doing other things, not neccesarily related to the song "Murder She Wrote" by Chaka Demus and Pliers. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like for someone to cover that song. Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to be a murderer.

Listen to Nick Cave's Murder Ballads , then get back to me, amateur.

it is I, autrepoupee the curse of Assetbar
i've struck horror in the heart of this strip
like my posts ain't chubbied and my feelings aren't con
it's more like the other way arooouuund
I've got a pretty little handface underneath all the porygon2s

the worst thing is that last line would've sort of rhymed had I not had to be so damn accurate about my Pokemon avatar

Okay, without the "pic" suffix, the word handface is conjuring all kinds of unsavoury images in my mind. I take this is a signal that I need to stop reading synopses of horror films on Wikipedia to pass the time.


Yes, thank you. That's it. That's exactly the image I didn't need to see.

I've already posted this on the original handface thread, but here you go:


UGH how did I not spot those horrible bingo wings when I watched the film for the first time. Not to mention BAAAAAAAAAAAAD TIIIIIIIITS

This chick has some RUUUDE TITTIES!


Won't you be surprised when you find out that she has, in fact, heard Murder Ballads.

That is... odd. I swear it appeared someone else made that comment when I responded to it.

I know she listens to Nick Cave. I know this.

My musical compatibility with lollinoutloud is SUPER .

I'm at least now aware of Nick Cave, and heard his part of the Wings of Desire soundtrack, as well as The Proposition . But I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Start with a crippling heroine addiction.

I recommend Greta Garbo.

But is she crippling?

You mean you don't know what really happened to Virginia Rappe? Oh my.

Was her Virginity Raped?

Who's Afraid of Virginia Rape?


That is bary very bad of you.

From: Strange Walls

Date: Jan 20, 2009 12:31 AM
Subject: Nancy Spungens killer, This will be deleted soon.

Body: This will be deleted soon.
It was a Slobby junky from new jersey, possibly a cop, Going by Stevie Sadist.
That's All.

OK, so still no new comic to talk about. So I want to talk about this.

Gran Torino.

What. The Fuck. Was that.

I've never seen worse acting in a movie in my life. Eastwood wasn't bad -- but he was almost a static character. Everyone else in that movie was goddamn horrible.

The parts which required actual shows of emotion? Incredibly fake and laughable. I actually could not stop laughing when the boy pretended (note I say pretended) to break down after being locked in the basement.

It was like a high school video project done with some rich kid's dad's high quality camera and a lighting crew. Jesus Christ.

Am I the only one revolted by the movie?

Yeah apparently. You also don't like puns so no one takes your opinion seriously.

nobody insults eastwood

I never want to hear thee things again.


Art thou a Quaker?

Have you seen Unforgiven? Classic Eastwood, classic Western, horribly horribly depressing.

Unforgiven is one of my favorite movies, along with The Outlaw Josey Wales, Pale Rider, and my absolute all-time best--High Planes Drifter.



Yeah, Pale Rider is a class act as well. And the Dirty Harry series must be mentioned. Because real police officers have the surname Callahan.

In heaven Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Sergio Leone, and Ennio Morricone form the ruling body of Westworld.

In heaven Eli Wallach and Yul Brenner are very disappointed in you.

Sam Peckinpah is also planning a rather violent assault on your cozy little ideas of what Westworld means. He will be wearing John Ford's head as a hat. It gives him powers .

I listen to Morricone on my i-pod during my commute. It adds drama to the L.I.E.

Listening to The Ecstasy of Gold is more dangerous than not using a hands-free.

I run to Ecstacy of Gold! I have a dangerous tendency to pretend I am Tuco searching for the tombstone when I do it but I always increase my speed.

If you get hit, just sing out... we'll slap iron to it.

Did they not release the musical version in England? I never knew Clint and Gene Hackman could sing gunfighter duets with such blithe innocence.

I haven't seen it yet, so I may be revolted, although I doubt anything Clint could go, including throwing up a hamburger in the shower, would revolt me.

I should reiterate though -- it is nothing Eastwood. He is fine, the subject matter is fine, the direction is fine (but not great).

But the supporting cast is absolutely the worst I've ever seen. I kid you not when I say I have seen stronger performances out of the Wayans brothers.

Go back to your cell, monk and contemplate further on your naive misconceptions.
No mistakes were made in the casting or the apparently paper-thin performances.

i will admit that i have not read 99% of the comments posted on this strip, and i am Sorry.

however, i received a (long) text message from a certain Mr. Colin that had to be shared.

the message reads:

I had this really hot dream about you on Thursday morning. I woke up hungover and decided to take a shower to do something about the hangover and to do something about the dream. But, when I went to do the deed in the shower, I discovered that I wasn't hungover but had food poisoning. Instead of jacking off to you, I wound up puking a hamburger all over myself in the shower. I want you to know this is not your fault.

i can't decide whether i am more amused or uncomfortable. uncomfortable, i think.

I can't decide if I want that cat to bite your penis or your nose off for posting this.

It already got her penis, she is a lady now!

IS it the whole jacking off thing that is making you uncomfortable, or the puking in the shower thing. I would think that the fapping would be a compliment, although to be honest, he probably shouldn't have told the girl he likes. And he definitely shouldn't have told her that he puked on himself too. I don't think you guys find that attractive, do you?
{Yeah, he sounds like a huge creep though]

uh, it's not a compliment in the same way someone secretly installing a camera into my bathroom and watching me shower isn't a compliment.

i thought the puking part was pretty funny. i don't know. i don't have a lot of experience "flirting" so it's weird when people say things to me and i'm weirded out but i'm not sure if i should be or if i'm the weird one and it's just such as a basic thing to say to a lady.


Daedale_x, I ws wondering... I was wondering if you'd like to go see, see a movie with me sometime?

I knew Johnny Hinckley in grade school.

Was he a "quiet boy, who kept mostly to himself", scorp?

Well, he'd just moved to town that summer and had no friends yet. He was a couple years younger than us, and we regarded him as a pest. So we ran away whenever he showed up.
You know, the whole gestalt thing, how kids are....

Good God this thread makes me feel old. And fearful for my three daughters. Would it really be cruel for me to lock them away (without access to SMS messages) until each was in her mid-twenties?

(at which time they would be transferred to a convent.)

This is why I don't plan to have children. I think I would really do that.

Oh, and because I would honestly hate them as people if they got into bad music.

That is definitely one of the many reasons I couldn't have a child.

I could deal with having a daughter who dresses lasciviously and has quite a lot of sex. Frankly, I'd be proud of her.

But if I had some meathead jock of a kid who listens to a lot of nu-metal and wants to join a frat? I think I'd have to murder them myself for the good of society.

You have chosen wisely not to procreate at this point

But would that not say more about your failure as a parent? I have often wondered whether it is possible for kids to turn out that way even if the parents take every precaution.

Apple don't fall far from the tree. The education you give to your children is what they will become. If your not interested in their education, society will provide itself a new slut/hooker

I have no way of really knowing. I'd like to think I could control the tastes and habits of my hypothetical child through diligent brainwashing. God knows I'd try. But when the kid hits school I think it's probably kind of a crapshoot.

I mean, you try and you try to make your kid realize what is awesome and what sucks. But there's still the chance that they're going to walk through that front door one day wearing a tie-dyed Led Zeppelin t-shirt, a wooden cross necklace and jean shorts with white sneakers and you'll realize that it's all for naught in this evil fucking world.

Yes. I don't have kids for a reason.

Are you harshin' on the Zep?!?

What?! Who's harshin' on the Zep? Lemme at 'em!!

[I'm the one harshing on the Zep]

He's also harshin' on denim and white sneakers a lot recently. I probably agree on the latter.

Yeah, I'll definitely agree on the latter. If he wanted to go after bad musical taste he should have picked him listening to Creed or coming in wearing a Dave Matthews Band shirt. That would better complete the image.

I once worked with a guy who wore, so far as I could tell, nothing but Dave Matthews Band shirts. He scared me even though he was one of the few competent employees.

The Dave Matthews Band were very good once.

That was a long long time ago.

Considering they haven't released anything new AFAIK for 5 years, yeah.

That's what's made the last five years so great!

If this hiatus lasts long enough, I'll probably end up eventually harshing on just about everything except oral sex and shrimp pizza.

I'll harsh on all ya'll.

Even cacti, and the Obama administration, and good, clean drinking water? I fie on these claims, sir.

What about pizza with clams or mussels? Or even a pesto pizza topped with delicious bay scallops?!?

Jesus Christ that sounds terrible.

Pizza is not a seafood.

You must not have tried it.

It is like God. The food is like God.

Mozzarella and spinach pizza is pretty much untoppable. (Apart from with mozzarella and spinach as I just implied.)

Ha ha ha you said "untoppable" but you were talking about pizza

Spinach goes wonderfully with some really top-rate Italian sausage on a nice cornmeal crust. Or with much of the seafood mentioned earlier.

The ideal pizza, however, is covered only with meats. Pizza vegetables are basically the absolute worst vegetables that could be considered food. Mushrooms?!? Those are an abomination and probably the most disgusting thing you can put in your mouth.

Would the cheese be made of meat?

I think you just invented the best food imaginable.

Cheese is a kind of meat
A tasty yellow beef
I milk it from my teat
But I try to be discrete.

I love tommyzola pizza, but do I really love tommyzola pizza?

Mushrooms: yet another issue on which Belgand is wrong.

I'd agree with him that there's no place for them on pizza, but to say that there's no place for them at all on the table is folly.

Risotto with porcini is an absolutely awesome dish. And a lot of Thai food would be nowhere without good oyster mushrooms.

Mushrooms are a fine and delicious thing to put on a pizza--the right kind of pizza, and the right kind of mushroom. I'm talking *good* pizza, the kind you go to a real restaurant for. Not, you know, Domino's or some shit like that. You get what you pay for.

It doesn't exist?

It's like if God was a fish.

God is not a fish.

I do not like fish pizza.

There is no God.

If my child walked into my house dressed in such a manner, I would leave him to raise himself because WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS I AM OUTTA HERE.

Not good enough. You must kill them for the good of all society. How could you live with yourself knowing you unleashed such a thing on us all?

As a general rule when a child hits puberty their peers have far more influence over their behaviour than their parents. However, it depends on what values you brainwashed them with before that time.

I could deal with having a daughter who dresses lasciviously and has quite a lot of sex. Frankly, I'd be proud of her.

Sometimes I think that people on Assetbar are just trying to infuriate me.
Okay, I can understand if you think sex is not inherently wrong. But a girl who dresses that way is most likely doing it so that she can be viewed as an object, and guys would be more attracted by her looks than her personality, and a lot of sex increases the likelihood of pregnancy, STI's and emotional issues, especially if she is too young.
I see no reason to be proud about this.

Its never too early to be a bad parent. Most girls that act that way are seeking validation from males because daddy didn't show affection.

Girls with daddy issues were always easy marks.

Or maybe she's doing it because she has great breasts and wants to show them off? Maybe she wants to have sex because it's fun, not because she loves someone's personality.

Sometimes fucking is just fucking. It's not always an expression of your deep love for each other. It's about pleasurable friction on your genitals with attractive people.

Not being hung up and instead being able to just enjoy sex for what it is is something that a vast majority of people in this country simply aren't able to do.

You're right. I am one of those people.

But anyway, I can think of other reasons why having a daughter like that would not be preferable. I'm not sure I really feel like getting into a discussion about incestuous urges though.

I do enjoy sex but I couldn't imagine doing it to anyone who wasn't my girlfriend at the time because I'm so fucking awkward I would barely be able to get it up in front of a stranger without enough alcohol in me to kill a buffalo.

If you had that much alcohol in you you wouldn't be able to get it up. Oh, how ironic!

Or maybe she's doing it because she has great breasts and wants to show them off?

The thing is that it is a lot more likely that men will view her as a tramp and treat her accordingly.

Yes, sex is sex, but I am speaking from a health stand point. Pregnancy and STIs. But most importantly, emotional health. The girl may get emotionally attached to a boy who does not love her back. Or perhaps the boy will feel attached to her, sees her sleeping around with other guys, and shoots someone in the face. I don't know. Maybe your daughter will be so ugly no one will even touch her, and she gets depressed that no one wants to have sex with her. She will also be viewed like a slut if she did have a lot of sex.
My point is that sex is a thing for mature people. If mature people want casual sex, okay. But a fifteen year old girl probably can't handle it.
I'll say this: sex is a horrible thing. I'm not speaking from a Christian viewpoint either. Sex is largly resposible for depression, suicide, jealousy, rape, sexism, bullying, anxiety, self-esteem issues, guilt, and mistrust. I'm not talking about the act itself, but the drive. Humans are not animals, which are social idiots compared to humans; they can handle sex. Humans can not. If we were asexual, humanity would be a lot better off.
Sex is enjoyable, sure, but there is a lot of pain involved as well. And it is definitely not a beautiful thing.

Wait what are STIs? I mean the "I" part? My mind is racing with possibilities. With sexy possibilities.


How did I not see this before I decided to be a sex teacher?

Apparently the word disease is out of vogue. It is now known as a sexually transmitted infection.

I should be a teacher about sex illness!

Soon it will loop back and we will be referring to it as "Prostitute's Complaint" and such.

"Pardon me good Doctor Pseudonym, but I seem to have a bit of the genital flu . Possibly from rogering that comely mulatto lass."

Ah, classy!

Alternatively: I have a whoopsie on my pee pee.

Sinner's Lament.

Wow... dude has got hella problems with sex other than just... the juices .


Awesome. Psychoanalysis of your hypothetical daughter's widely-varied and totally healthy sex escapades. Apparently posted in deadly earnest. Does it ever occur to you that you are completely full of nonsense?

it has occurred to some people.

Aww, c'mon, irondave, can't you see that belgand is cool and counterculture ? He's just advanced beyond our primitive morals and ethics and stuff. He's so much better than we are!

I hesitate to join in the snide ranks of those above me who think convention is its own justification. I just don't think it's really possible to argue this. If you are actually able to look at sex as purely physical and fun, untinged with any sort of guilt or degradation, that's great for you. As you yourself acknowledge, it's abnormal, though it's becoming less so. There's really no rational argument I can offer against that, as with many things relating to human emotions, especially where sexuality is concerned. All I can say is that from my standpoint, that association seems like something fundamental and intrinsic. And given that both me and sje are staunch atheists, you can't just dismiss it as the result of Christian morality. I was not raised with any sort of religious morals, nor did my mom try to instill any sort of shame in me. Perhaps if you psychoanalyzed me, you could find some deep-rooted justification, such as the fact that several girls I liked during my formative years turned out to be sluts who seemed to give it up to anyone other than myself. Regardless, the fact that I continue to feel this way despite my best efforts is justification enough for me.

How dare you be reasonable about this while still maintaining your own principles, yet without demonizing others!

You go back and express some short-sighted, knee-jerk reactions right this minute young man!


(see what I did there?)

If you give your kid a soundproof room and lots of privacy, I don't think either of those things should bother you.

Is it alright with you if I try to make that message a meme? It's a terrible thing to write, but still funny.

FApping is a compliment by the way. IU would feel good about myself if a girl fapped (wait . ..do girls fap?) to me. However, it is creepy how he told you. That is a secret between a MAn and his Hand.

of course girls don't fap, they have erotic fantasies

It's not a fap, it's schlick.

At least, according to Sexy Losers which popularized "fap" in the first place (although he stole it from Heartbroken Angels ).

The word schlick makes me never want to even consider touching myself or anyone else ever again.

Not even a handshake, I am swearing off human contact forever because of a word on the internet.

I was going to say fip makes more sense for a lady tending to her delicate parts, but then I remembered Sexy Losers and knew that the answer was already there all along.

Man, Sexy Losers isn't even slightly good.

It was 2000, times were different then. We read Stile Project before it just turned into the creepiest porn site ever.

They have "the humors"

It is a compliment to your physicality sure, but would you really want to marry a guy who is like, "hey what is UP I'm just masturbatin' n squirtin' to the thought of having some sex-style things happening to us together in tandem, genitals all akimbo"

It is not a way to start a long-term relationship--but if that isn't what you want, who k n o w s . . .

Yeah, but I said it was creepy to tell a girl you fap to her . .. especially that way. It is not bad if a guy faps to a girl and doesn't tell her.
ALso, it doesn't have to be just physicality, I think.

I know, I think we can all agree that it is a bad idea to tell a woman that you are jerkin it to the idea of her current breasts. It is one thing to do it, another thing to say it. I think I've made the statement before on here, maybe even to you, that I just will never be convinced that a man will masturbate to a woman's personality.

He can't put his penis in her college degree, or stick his fist in her childhood dreams, after all. That's life!

I masturbate to girls' personalities all the time. I imagine their listless disinterest, their guilt-tinged regrets, their disappointed parents, and their half-abandoned career aspirations. Sometimes I just watch the introductory "pick-up" part of the video and skip to the very end when they are looking uncomfortable and cleaning themselves off with a tissue.

Damnit damnit I ran out of chubbies days ago!

I've got your back. I've been hoarding my chubbies lately. With the break, doubly so.

"uncut" kinda has a double meaning in porn film context, but yours keep going to the cleanup? The ones I've seen always stop when the guy leaves the room.

A man can jerk off to a nice not-so-nice-looking girl over a hot jerk, thinking all the while about how much he loves her . .. or something. I don't know. I'm too manly for love.

Hot jerk? Hm. Never explain that to me, please.

Oh. Now I understand. You meant a hot bitch. An attractive dragon lady with no fucking heart. I see.

I don't curse. It's a thing about me. Sorry.

Fuck that shit. Damn.

I may be killed for revealing this carefully guarded secret of the male gender, but suffice it to say that if you are a reasonably attractive girl, it is almost certain that someone you know is fapping to those Facebook photos of you at the beach or of that night out where you jokingly stuck out your tongue or pretended to make out with your friend. I know this.

I have never fapped to Facebook. I'm sure most dudes do, though. Or at least file things away for the ol' Jack-Off Rolodex. It's not that I think there's anything wrong with that. It's just that my Creep Reflex kicks in too hard. Real bone-killer, dude.

Oh my God what am I doing I am terrible this is so creepy I am such a sinner. Sister Margaret was right about me.

I ain't cathligious.

And just to clarify, I can and will "spank it" to a lot of things on the internet. Just not people I know in any capacity.

How is that creepy? It's not really different than fapping to a girl while just thinking about her or fapping it while you're on the phone with her and she's talking about how she kept falling asleep during class today and you're just all like "Hey is it slutty to wear a bikini around the place I mean, not even at the beach" and she tells you and you're all trying to hold your breath and then when you let it all out you didn't open your throat quite enough and a weird sound comes out and you have to explain that it musta been just the phone can you hold on please I have to go to the bathroom.

I think we've all been there before.

(Not really you're a weirdo.)

[i]I had this really hot dream about Sarah Palin on Tuesday morning. I woke up registered to vote and decided to go in the voting booth to do something about the election and to do something about the dream. But, when I went to do the deed in the voting booth, I discovered that I wasn't a Republican but a Democrat. Instead of voting for Sarah Palin, I wound up going on welfare and getting an abortion in the voting booth. I want you to know this is all Obama's fault.


I find it to be slightly complimentary, as long as it's not someone that is gross to me. I mean, I wouldn't want to hear about it in detail, but to know someone thinks I'm worth thinking about during magic times is kind of neat.

I can see where daedala_x is coming from though. Especially if it's someone that is gross to her.

I think the part where "instead of wanking to thoughts of you I vomited all over myself" is what makes it a big problem. Not as bad as "so I intentionally vomited all over myself to aid in the self-pleasuring process because I'm into that sort of thing".

Vomited all over myself, used it as lube when I fapped to you

That's probably best. Keep it brief, so the text doesn't run to two pages.

You can't decide?


I've spent my entire life living in constant fear that if I so much as looked at a girl too directly, she would laugh in my face, call me a creep, and completely ruin my life forever by communicating my dreadful impropriety to every other girl in the vicinity via the secret telepathic link that all females share. But apparently it turns out that I should have just been going up and waving my junk in their faces, because it would at worst elicit a confused giggle.

well i did respond "how DARE you! how DARE DARE DARE you!" but he kinda shrugged that off, which made me think i was the weird one for taking it too seriously. i think your approach is right though. i mean after this i don't think i'll ever take the guy seriously again, if i ever did in the first place. we can't all be as tortured and painfully self-aware as yoooooouuu.

Although I guess now that I think of it, you did basically laugh at him and post his message on the Internet, which is kind of what I was afraid would happen before the Internet even existed. Thank you for reaffirming my worldview.


i hear you do a good George Costanza.


If a young lady does not comprehend my monstrous sense of humor, I find the best thing to do is stare at her for three or four seconds before turning away as if she had just began to soil the carpet in unmentionable ways.

waggling junk is actually how I met your parents

It was a swinger's night, just so you know.

Your parents are swingers, and I have boned them both.


This is like a Roy Lichtenstein painting occurring naturally.

robin that is basically a dick move don't remind a guy of his dead parents.

Eventually, I had to kill him. The first life I ever took.

And damn if it didn't feel good.

What cracks me up about this is how someone gets a hangover mixed up with food poisoning. I haven't been hungover but I did battle with food poisoning and AFAICT they are not similar.

Uh, I'd say that an extremely major hangover is in some ways similar to a minor case of food poisoning. But the guy's obviously a dipshit, so what's it matter anyway?

Amused. Be amused. That's the greatest thing ever.

A comment left by parsifal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by flaxplus, Wolfensti, rowboat, ActualTaunt, Scorpio_nadir, TheGoodwillGirl, IronDave, imhere, sje46)

Normally I don't feed the trolls, but I'll make a wee exception for parsifail here.
1.) The sporadic updating was a result of a tour. So that he could leverage this whole shindig into a livable income, so that he can keep dancing for our delight.
This comic is so good. It is the goodest. This comic's formula seems to be "there is a frame. This frame is better than frames drawn by other artists. Then they say something that is better than it is in life, or worse, but in a better way. Then there are characters you can identify with, and their actions are well conveyed."
Fuck along now.


I love Achewood.

I think that Chris Onstad is a rad dude. He is a rad dude that lives a life. Every once in a while, drawing a comic is a part of that life. Every once in a while, it is funny. Every once in a while, it is not. Sometimes the comics are character-driven and specific. Sometimes the comics are drawn for the sake of a joke that is not related to the main characters at all. There have been weeks with multiple strips. There have been weeks with no strips. When I wake up and there is a new strip, I am happy. When I wake up and there is not a new strip, I go to work or kiss my fiance or play Fallout 3. I understand that Chris Onstad is a man with things to do. If he can supply me with a comic, I appreciate it. If he has not supplied me with a comic, I do not feel as though he has cheated me out of something that I am owed. When he does not meet a deadline, I do not get angry, because I often miss deadlines as well. Also, I often feel that Onstad sets deadlines only to placate those who are on the brink of nervous breakdown due to lack of new content. I am also confident that he attempts to meet the deadlines that he sets. I am also confident that he does not owe anything to anyone, so get over it.


That's the least douchebaggy thing anyone has said, ever.

Oh. Alright, good then.

Yeah, that is the right attitude to have :)

Not all of us lead such rich and satisfying lives.

As me or as Onstad? You may not have a fiance, but jobs are easy to get, and you can buy Fallout 3 at the store!

Out of chubbies, sadly.

do we not have an "average rating" anymore?

How will I be able to gauge my opinion against the general public's? IS THIS A 4.6 OR A 4.3
will the world EVER BE SURE AGAIN

What the dilly? This surely defeats the entire purpose of rating. Plus it's disappeared from the older strips, too.





If two minutes good times replaced all two minutes hate, I might give Big Brother a try.

If I have to watch Good Times I will form a revolution right here and now to see that this horrifying dystopia never comes to be.

I don't think that the society they lived in was really that bad of one.

Let's have a dialogue about this.

It is not okay to fall in love, have a picnic, keep a journal. How is that an okay world to live in?

You are allowed to think it is an okay world to live in, I just want to know why.

As long as they're happy, it's fine. If you don't know what love is, you won't be unhappy about not being able to fall in love. If you do not want to keep secrets (which the government almost succeeds in doing), then you won't feel unhappy about not being able to keep a journal.
A better example would probably be Brave New World, but I haven't actually read that, although I know what it's about.

Living in totalitarian poverty and being tortured, re-educated, and machine-gunned for having a girlfriend or incorrect thoughts is okay, because you will be happy.

You will be happy, or else .

Yes, as long as you are happy.
. . .that's what I said.
(again, Brave New World is a better example)

They weren't happy though, in 1984 , even the people just going along with the motions weren't truly happy because they knew, vaguely, what it was like before. It's mentioned in the book. How do you not know that?

Brave New World would be a better example, yes, because none of them knew better , but one could argue that the absence of knowledge of another way of life is not true happiness with your life.

I haven't read Brave New World, but I can't imagine a world with the absence of the knowledge of love.

I am a hippie girl with rainbow colored dreams of the world I guess, but even if love isn't something that's supposed to exist, I feel like it will happen no matter what.

Well one character knows there should be love (he falls in love with a female) but the rest have it surgically and medically removed at conception.


Yes, that's the only way that it's acceptable to me. Scientifically. I have to read that book now.

sje46's grasp of the human condition leaves something to be desired, and it's this sort of moral relativism that often causes me to despair for generations to come.

Love is just scratching the surface. Everything, everything that makes humanity great is subverted and perverted in the societies of 1984 and Brave New World .

One of the most powerful underlying themes of 1984 , for example was the need of collectivist ideologies to ultimately destroy the personal bonds of families, friends and lovers because personal bonds mean personal ideals, personal loyalties, personal moral codes, personal ambitions... all of which undermine the State as Supreme Being.

And Orwell didn't just pull it all out of his ass, as anyone familiar with Antonio Gramasci's vileness would know.

"Everything that makes humanity great"=all values that have served us well in order to create a happy life in this particular society.
I Think that the destruction of all these things that we value is worth it if we it will make us happy, which one can argue is the reason we have those things anyway, that is, if utilitarianism is correct.
I don't know if it is correct. The main thing that is bothering me is tha people just accept these societies as bad because, basically, it involves practices that we have been conditioned to believe are bad a priori.

These are the things which have enabled us to not only survive, but thrive. These are, furthermore, the things that have made survival worthwhile; without them life is reduced to the stagnant ticking of pointlessly complex mechanisms.

"Happiness" alone is not a sound basis for any morality. In Islamic there are men who will happily throw acid in the face of young girls who seek an education, relish sawing the heads off unbelievers, proudly indoctrinate their own children into becoming suicide bombers. Following your logic, this would all be fine and dandy... if they simply happened to attain a blissful majority.

In all seriousness sje46, you may harbor some misguided belief that this sort of solipsistic nihilism renders you more a more sophisticated individual, but all it makes me do is seriously wonder what hell your father was up to when he should have been trying to make a man out of you.

Perhaps, if they were a majority (it is unlikely that the amount of pleasure gained by disfiguring others would be more than the pain received, but whatever) it would be moral. It all depends how you define morality, really. I'm a bit of an emotivist myself.
As it is, we view these societies as dystopian because they do not synch with what we value. We say boo to them. But if we lived in those societies, we would say yay. Why? Because we are happy!
What it all comes down to is basically what we prefer. I would like everyone to be happy. And I think that everyone else wants to be happy too. HEre we come to psychological egoism, which is the belief that everything we do we do for self-interest, or happiness. And I think that it is possible for people to deny great amounts of happiness, but in doing so, they gain a little bit of happiness, or at least think they will. But it all depends on your definition of happiness I guess. The will is irrational though. I'm just saying that I think you'd be pretty . .. well .. . happy in happy land.
As I said before, I don't know what my moral beliefs are. I was certainly not interested in seeming like a more sophisticated person when I realized it was possible that I was a brain in a vat; I was nine at the time and didn't particularly care if others liked me. I'm just a philosophical person who likes thinking about things, does not simply accept ideas, and is too lazy to actually read any philosophy.

Wozzeck, that's not the same thing. In the example you give, the girls and unbelievers are very clearly being made unhappy . Greatly so, in fact. We are talking about a hypothetical society where everyone is happy with their given state of existence, whatever that may be. The question is what outside basis do you have for deciding whether that society is moral.

I am not necessarily endorsing sje's view; see my post below. I would try to keep character attacks and personal speculation out of this. I realize that anyone's chosen philosophical views are basically a form of ego gratification, and therefore require some level of disdain for those who think differently, but let's at least try to stay conscious of that.

They do, however, have a lot of promiscuous sex. They overly value promiscuity though. I mean, what if you find something that really works for you? Crazy.

In a similar vein, primarily the enforced casual sex, The World Inside is something you should take a look at.

I disagree with the idea that people would know that they are not really happy, that they are lacking something. I think I agree with the philosophy of newspeak, that people won't understand the concept of freedom if there are no words to describe it.
I disagree with the whole thing about real happiness and fake happiness.
And about Brave New: from what I understand of it, the author is just biased about the ideals of society of his time, that freedom is The Greatest Good, and that lack of free will is bad. Well, it is true that free will is essential for happiness in the society we live in today, and if it was just taken away, we'd be unhappy. But if there is a way that happiness is given to us, then what is the problem? People are just supposed to be shocked because they have been conditioned to hate the lack of freedom. Besides that, there is no substantial argument.

tl;dr: utilitarianism

I think sje has a point. But the problem with the relativist definition of happiness is that it can basically be taken to absurd levels. If you take the very narrow definition of happiness as pleasure, it is basically a physical feeling based on endorphins going to your brain, with no higher mental or philosophical significance. So a person who is tied up for his whole life, drugged out of consciousness, and fed endorphins through a tube would be considered "happy" under that definition.

Which isn't technically wrong, because he would feel happy. But this reduces human existence and its significance to a sub-animal level. And in order to value our humanity we at least have to believe that there is something more to our existence. It is hard to say what that something is - I would express it as self-awareness and the expansion of consciousness.

The question, then, is whether totalitarian societies actually restrict consciousness in some way. I would say that this is the case for 1984. With Brave New World it gets trickier, since they were actually making individuals naturally predisposed to behave in certain ways and prefer certain ways of existence. It is immoral to destroy or restrict existing consciousness, but is it immoral to simply create beings with a naturally limited capacity for it, such as the Gammas and Epsilons? As opposed to not creating them at all? How is it different from breeding animals? (Note: I am assuming the lack of any sort of spiritual essence)

What ultimately happens with Bernard in Brave New World is based on the presupposition that despite all social conditioning people will still have natural tendencies towards love, modesty, and individual attachments. If this presupposition is wrong, then there would really be no problem. So it all depends on your assumptions about human nature, or the lack thereof.

That's very sensible. Totalitarian societies by definition restrict consciousness. External control = restriction.
But most societies we've seen so far do the same thing for one reason or another using tribalism and mythology.
And if one equates personal consciousness to freedom, there are no free societies.
The ones like our own that encourage morons to trumpet We are Free! at every chance are chillingly similar to these literary ones.
Where does personal morality leave off and societal morality start?

Except as proved by heroin, that just doesn't work. You can't be happy all the time, because your brain is self correcting. If it detects abnormal levels of endorphins, it starts destroying them.

The other problem is that in 1984 the party leadership are clearly happier than the rest of the population and they know it. Even the regular people know that the leaders enjoy greater comfort and prosperity and are easily able to appreciate it when presented with it.

The bigger issue most people also seem to have with Brave New World is the heavily enforced class system (though it would keep us from having to deal with those filthy Gammas and Deltas... I mean, I presume that just about everyone here is an Alpha or Beta) along with the social conditioning. Unless I'm mistaken there was also some sort of nonsense about rejection of conventional religion in it as well and their crazy cult of Henry Ford.

It definitely wasn't really as much of a dystopia and it continued to perpetuate the myth of the noble savage. Was it great? No, not really. I mean, there were still serious problems with it as a society, but it wasn't anywhere near 1984 .

sje46, please don't ever, ever vote in any kind of political election. Please.

I voted Obama.

I wouldn't vote for a government that is going to take away my privacy, because I have been conditioned to enjoy my privacy.
It either of these societies came into being, there would be much discomfort. I do not want to be there when it happens.

That's not going to help much when all this change fails to materialize. I prefer a candidate who doesn't ask me to hope, but provides concrete solutions.

I still voted for Obama, but I've been strongly critical of such a centrist candidate for a good while now.

Kucinich/Paul in 2012.

We'll see if he goes against Uncle Teddy and his mega-rich Cape Cod neighbors( including the Bushes who've been NIMBY'ing the windfarm project with their misinformed crap about birds being harmed by those giant, slow-moving rotors.
Maybe John F. Junior would fly into one, that's about it.

Wind Energy

So good, they had to think of really shitty reasons to delay its popularisation.

They even complain about the deactivated rotors. Somehow, and I forget the specifics, they'll shut them down due to environmental pressure and then leave the blades up, but that's not good enough because even having the blades on there causes problems somehow.

I don't understand why they can't just put a big mesh over it. I mean, it works for house fans, shouldn't it work here?

They don't need a big mesh over it. Actually, when they announced that plane went down in the Hudson due to birdage, that was my thought for the umpteenth time about jet engines. Why not....?

If you've ever seen the big windmills they're wanting to build off Cape Cod, they're about the same speed as the Big Wheel at the amusement park. Which brings up another visual.
Now, a bunch of the way smaller wheels, I could see some bird issues.

I just had to pop in here and say that this boy is saying things that make me want to hit my own hand with a hammer to distract from the rage I feel inside.

He fails to grasp that totalitarian societies exist, and that even after generations of total control over media, education, immigration, etcetera the populations within them still lead nightmare lives and experience extremely high rates of suicide and insanity.

But aren't the highest suicide rates in Sweden and Japan?

Do you seriously believe that nations such as Cuba or North Korea tell the truth about the suicide rates of their idyllic Marxist utopias? When would they find the time between blaming all their citizens ills on America and in the same breath denying that anything was amiss within their borders?

We're talking about a country where the population is self-narcotizing itself just to make life tolerable (Cuba), and another which has suffered so much government-induced famine that it is expected that they will soon face great difficulty in conscripting enough males fit for service in their military... because so many of them were starved retarded .

No, I am speaking from a utilitarian point of view. I am saying that the main goal we should reach for is happiness, not freedom, since the reason we value freedom is because it makes us happy. Obviously these societies you mention are wrong, because they lead nightmare lives.
If the government watching me didn't make me unhappy, then why would I care? I wouldn't.

ARRRGGGH but not everyone is like you, you moron! Everyone has different criteria for happiness, which is why freedom is the only way for as many people as possible to be happy, do you GET IT?

You are THIS CLOSE to being put on my ignore list. Shut up. Shut up now. Every time you add a post to this thread you become more and more irritating.

I'm sorry, that was a little harsh. I shouldn't have called you a moron. But you are being really irritating and you are pretty close to being put on ignore.

Much an overreation.
I don't know why you think I'm being annoying.
I can argue against what you said about he criteria for happiness, etc, but instead I'll just point out that I don't necessarily believe all I said, and I'll also link to this page, which shows that it is a scientific theory, which, if a little doubtful, is still possible.

So please don't call me a moron anymore

You're being annoying because the point you keep trying to argue is naive, irrational, and frightening.

How can you argue against what I said about criteria for happiness? You honestly think everyone has the same criteria? That's ridiculous. Some people would be happiest being in a stable marriage with two kids. Others would be downright miserable in such a situation. Some want the marriage but not the kids. Some want kids but can't stand the idea of being married. And these are just two things that might differ from person to person.

I don't see how psychological egoism contradicts anything I've said, or repudiates anything you've said. It's a theory I believe to largely hold true, by the way.

I won't call you a moron, but I don't understand how any rational person can make the arguments you're making seriously.

Okay .. .but please don't ignore me >_<

If you reduce happiness to chemicals in the brain, and if you keep these chemicals at the optimum (which the brain does not allow, by the way, but let's assume we fix that), then a person will have to be happy, even if you are raping him. SO yeah, in this society, people get the happy chemical from different things, sure. But if you ignore outside stimuli, and just give them the happy chemical direct, then they'd simply always be happy. In that case, they would not argue that their rights are being violated. Why? Because happy people don't complain. They are too happy. All I'm saying is that if this society were to exist, in which the happiness for all is ensured , then I would not protest against it. Other people would protest it, and that is what I have a problem with, because I don't think they thought things out, most of the time. IT is only wrong to them due to socialization, being taught that it is wrong for your freedom to be taken away, which I don't think is a priori true. And I especially think that they wouldn't complain in the state of eternal happiness, because that is a contradiction. Because people will always choose what they think will bring happiness, they will choose to stay in the happy land.
But yes, the government taking away rights is wrong, but that is only because it makes people unhappy. Freedom makes people happy, but not necessarily so. This is what my point is. And I do doubt such a siocety is possible, and I would not advocate such a society because I doubt we would have the ability to do it.

It's like the Matrix. I would have chosen to be in the matrix instead of outside it. But it would have been better if instead of this life, the world in which everyone is constantly happy would have been better. I believe they covered this in the film. Was it that the humans didn't believe in the world, the reason why it failed? I don't think this makes any sense. Even if they didn't believe in the world (which I doubt, since reality is constructed by all your perceptions since you were born. In order to judge a reality as false in an emotional or logical sense, you need contact with the "realer" reality), they would still be happy, and wouldn't wish for anything else. They would continue to remain slaves.

I apologize if my knowledge of neurology and The Matrix and psychological egoism leaves something to be desired.

As someone who even sort-of kind of believes in psychological hedonism, I've got to say it doesn't really side with what you are saying about freedom vs. happiness.

I don't think what you were saying is like, the most heinous and unbelievable thing I've ever read, but I do disagree, yeah.

some people are happy being controlled, but that is hardly the norm, you know? And they are happy when they have made the choice to be controlled. You know what I mean?

I couldn't force someone to be happy living under my thumb; but it is feasible that someone may choose that, because that is where they feel comfortable. So, you aren't entirely wrong; some people even seem to subconsciously choose to be controlled. But at some level, they made some choice.

I get what you are saying, if you never know any diffeit rent, you'll be happy doing whatever it is that is defined as happiness/pleasure-causing by your culture. The thing is though, some things are basal, and sort of common themes in happiness for all people. Not being physically injured, not being controlled, not being killed, not being imprisoned. There are outliers, of course, but they all make a choice , using free will , to give up those basic sort of human rights of happiness.

That sounds like a sitcom to me!

If it is possible to force someone to be happy, then the person who is forced will be happy with that. One can argue a la The Underground Man that free will transcends all, but I am having my doubts about that.

I just found an awesome thing. I'm going to read it tomorrow. Maybe it will change my mind.

Hey guys, go easy on the kid! Everyone has stupid opinions when they're 19, and that's fine, cause that's okay. He'll grow out of it eventually!

Nope. By 19, you are an adult and wholly responsible for your own stupid opinions. If he were 14, which I actually kind of thought he was until you said otherwise, it might be a little more excusable.

Why would you think I was 14?

No, see, because I'm 14 and I think sje is wrong (and wouldn't make excuses for anyone else my age who thought that). I can't say for sure, obviously, but it seems like he's just in over his head and doesn't even necessarily believe what he's saying. Sorry to be condescending, sje, but that's how your posts come across.

I've said that I don't necessarily believe what I'm saying a few times now, bud. :) It's just hat no one has convincingly explained to me why I'm wrong.

I think it's because your definition of happiness is too narrow. Sure, there are pleasure centers of the brain. But happiness is impossible to define. It means different things to different people. Is happiness contentment, or excitement, or infatuation, or something else? Some people aren't happy unless they're upset about something! Even providing you could cause "happiness," that doesn't justify robbing people of their freedom.

Okay, before the whole board hates me, let's end this. It's all going in circles now.

I agree with you. People will be happy with anything. You just have to convince them they want it.

See, though, I'm saying the exact opposite of what you are saying. You can't force someone to feel happy, no matter how pleasant you might think the situation is. They need to be able to choose their own situation to feel happy.

If I abduct someone, and keep them in my underground bunker, no matter how convinced I am that they will be happy there (I've got all their favorite foods, media, and have more or less made it exactly perfectly specified for them)--they won't be, they didn't choose to be there. Meanwhile, if by some freak occurrence you meet a person who wants to be locked up in a dank bomb shelter, they will be happy when they choose to do engage in that sort of activity.

And even they wouldn't if it was just some random abduction that they had no say in. This just seems like the simplest allegory to me, even if it isn't perfect, you know? Basically, and this is quite basic --but then again, Occam's Razor-- people need to have available the choice to decide their own happiness. The state can't decide for you what happiness is, you, natural man, has certain conditions that need to be met for you to feel "happy".

I . . . .
My example wasn't a bunker underground, though. Of course no one is going to be happy because of that. The person won't be happy because he is used to freedom, and is taught that lack of freedom is a bad thing.

Okay, just imagine that there is a part of the brain which if you attach a small electrode to, it will cause the person to be indefinitely happy, even though it takes away their freedom. WOuld you say this is wrong if the government forces everyone to do this?

Also, Matrix example.

Well, I suppose if such a thing existed, it would be wrong for the government to do it, yes. Mostly because government and civilizations, it isn't their place to be implanting electrodes and forcing emotion. They exist only to provide security, basic, life-enhancing infrastructure, and representation of the populace's wishes. At least successful governments provide these things.

It would be wrong for the government to start putting electrodes into the heads of people who had not consented to being implanted with them, no matter how "happy" it made them in the end. I think you know this, and you're just being a contrarian. I don't get why everyone is being so mean about it though, I've seen some even more ridiculous opinions espoused on Assetbar without boo being said.

Whether it is right or wrong for the government to do it, or if it's not their place, is irrelevant though. To me, all statements that say something is right or wrong are just "Yay" or "boo". So whether it is immoral or not is irrelevant, or, if we go by utilitarianism, what is good or bad is anything that causes the most happiness, and this would be my scenario, no matter what the means are.

But I really think this argument is going in circles.

I could be a contrarian, but I don't think that that is necessarily a bad thing. I don't really think I know anything really; I haven't encountered a philosophical that I 100% agree with, so I don't accept any of them. And I just find pleasure in debating different philosophical views with people. Not only is it fun, but I learn more about different theories and understand the views better, and others learn the views I am espousing better. I am doing a socratic thing here, not a trolly thing. I'm not meaning to annoy anyone.

I totally understand where you're coming from. I've got a lot of the same characteristics; I like to argue about things that I don't necessarily even agree with. Devil's advocate, and all that. Usually you might want to preface it with something like, "Not that I really believe that," or "it could be seen like this, too"...If you want to, it helps me from being yelled at by people.

No beef here, SJE! I just disagree with your assessment of happiness vs. free will.

That bunker you were talking about actually sounds pretty sweet. Do I have to, like, pay bills or call my grandparents or anything?

all you have to do is fall in love with me, Miranda


Sweet Autre, you play me false.

daaamn rowboat all pickin up what i'm putting down, we should take this show on a boat!

WOuld you say this is wrong if the government forces everyone to do this?

Goddamnit, YES! Why do you keep arguing this position when you are so clearly and completely wrong?


Dang it boy.

Fuck, not gonna lie buddy-boy, but you are getting super fucking annoying. I think it's the lack of new comics but I feel almost like you are arguing and being a dick just to do it.

That's what they said to Socrates before they made him drink hemlock.
Did I just compare myself with Socrates? Well, we are both known for corrupting children.


You know what else Socrates is well-known for? Only being well-known because Aristotle couldn't get enough of him!

We don't know the real Socrates, just Aristotle's opinion of him.

FUCK! I meant Plato. Don't know how I screwed that one up. Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle.

Who taught Alexander the Great.

Who schooled you. Rectally .

I thought it was from Plato we know everything about Socrates.

I posted that correction barely a minute after I fucked up. I noticed it right as I posted and only took a quick second to confirm that my brain wasn't lying to me again for its own amusement. You got in fast to point out my brief slip.

Sorry. I'm a bit of a ninja like that.

Fuck Utilitarianism. I want the greatest good for me. I'm smart enough to include "pissing everyone off because I'm a total dick to everyone else just to get what I want" under the list of things that will actually be a bad thing along with the need to not just immediately gratify what you want, but keep in mind long-term goals.

But in the end it's about getting what I want. Having friends who like me because I'm not constantly screwing them over for my own ends is one of the things I want as well. It's all about intelligent, rational self-interest with an understanding of consequences.

The problem with the Matrix is that there was no oppression. OK, technically they're in some sort of entropy-defying energy tanks or something, but otherwise they just lived normal, late-90s lives. Compared to living in a dank ship in a grim, scorched future hiding in the cold from machines that want to kill them (a bit of an inversion of the Gnostic principles the film worked from)... hell, why not stay in the Matrix? It isn't real, but it's a hell of a lot better than the real world and there's no real downside. You're not under any form of social control.

Hey, someone agrees with me!

No, I'm saying your example was wrong and doesn't apply to the situation you're describing. I still disagree with you.

Except about the Matrix. Morpheus was a dick and should have just explained what the Matrix was (which he could have easily done) and offered Neo a real choice. The sensible thing to do was to stay in the Matrix though. It was basically a symbiotic relationship.

Okay, you disagree with me for my whole argument as a whole, which I dropped, but you agree with me if we just take that post. I would stay in the Matrix for the same reason.

The thing is that this is only fine if you don't realize you're in the Matrix. Once you do, choosing to take the pill that makes you forget is essentially a lesser form of suicide.

This is why I basically disagree with sje's main point - above all, the human consciousness seeks freedom and choice through self-awareness, the narrow definition of happiness being a secondary goal. Of course, this is an ideal form. The weaker among us (like that bald guy) would choose an imaginary, induced happiness that has no connection to reality. In our world, these people are called drug addicts.

Cypher, dude. His name was Cypher. I don't know how you can expect to have a serious discussion about philosophy if you aren't aware of these simple facts.

We also would have accepted "Ralphie", "Teddy 'do not trust his lies' Gammel" Francis Fratelli, Guido the Killer Pimp or just plain Joey Pants.

also Cosmo Renfro

You forgot Norby.

Baby's Day Out was undoubtably the finest film to ever combine Joe Pantoliano, Joe Mantegna, and John Hughes. It is a classic of the mid-90s. I weep for your apparent ignorance.

Oh! I forgot about that movie!

Nostalgia .

I'm not in that situation, but I think I could agree that staying in the Matrix would be fine. Even if I was aware of its nature.

Does it matter that it's virtual? Does it matter that this conversation about the validity of virtual spaces is taking place on a message board on the Internet? Does that somehow make it any less real? Does it mean I can't find you to be the rad, rude dude with the 'tude? That SJE can't be a dick about totalitarianism? Not at all.

I see your correlation to drugs, but I disagree with it. It wasn't an entirely manufactured hallucination in that sense. That would be fundamentally solipsistic. This is a consensual, social experience taking place in a virtual space. Nor was it an artificially-induced happiness. It was just a normal life before we fucked everything up.

I guess the issue is going to be one of whether you're aware of the Matrix and OK with it or not. I don't see why you wouldn't be fine with it, but I guess I can see your issue about the freedom of consciousness and wanting to know you're in the Matrix being crucial. Self-awareness is a valid goal, but at the same time I feel that the anti-Matrix people put too much emphasis on the body (again, they got their Gnosticism backwards). Guess which way the brain in a jar feels about this?

That SJE can't be a dick about totalitarianism?

You'll regret that statement when my minions are skinning you alive.

Hmm, you make a good point about it being a social experience. I hadn't accounted for the fact that there were multiple consciousnesses in the Matrix rather than it just being a forced solipsism.

The problem is by what means you would choose to define it as consensual. It would be one thing if we all got together and created an awesome virtual world that everyone could choose to plug themselves into or even spend their whole lives in. But this is a world in whose creation we had no saying. Given that the film specifically states that it wasn't a utopia, and if we all had knowledge of the Matrix, wouldn't we blame all the major ills of the world on our overlords, and wouldn't we be technically correct? Wouldn't we be afraid that they were constantly changing shit without our knowledge, like in Dark City? Wouldn't we wonder if we couldn't create a better world if only given the freedom to do so, even if we ultimately turned out to be wrong? It comes down to a matter of curiosity. If I knew there was another world out there, I would want to see it.

This is the point where this whole thing breaks down due to the incomplete and possibly even contradictory nature of the information we have about the Matrix. I wondered these things when I first saw it: How are new people formed? Do the machines create babies in test tubes and then plug them into the Matrix? But then how would people fall in love and have children? Would the Machines have to monitor who was virtually boning whom? Does the Matrix include an entire late 90's planet, complete with African genocides and Mideast conflicts, or is it more like The Truman Show, just being confined to America? So many questions.

I kind of assumed that it contained artificial intelligences as well as human minds. And although my memory of the time frame of the Matrix isn't clear, I assumed that characters like Neo must have been living in the Matrix their whole lives... Thus, I assumed that it must have some means of artificial insemination and birthing and sustaining newborn children. And why not? Didn't it have a bit where it showed a baby being fed, actually? Whether these births corresponded to the virtual children of their parents, though, is an entirely different matter. I would guess not. Machines don't tend to be that sentimental.

England, at least, exists. I believe there was a news story about Morpheus evading police at Heathrow when Neo was researching him. Otherwise it looks like everyone lives in Chicago.

Truly a dystopia where you are ruled completely by powerful, sinister forces that you can do nothing about.

See, though, I'm saying the exact opposite of what you are saying. You can't force someone to feel happy, no matter how pleasant you might think the situation is. They need to be able to choose their own situation to feel happy.

If I abduct someone, and keep them in my underground bunker, no matter how convinced I am that they will be happy there (I've got all their favorite foods, media, and have more or less made it exactly perfectly specified for them)--they won't be, they didn't choose to be there. Meanwhile, if by some freak occurrence you meet a person who wants to be locked up in a dank bomb shelter, they will be happy when they choose to do engage in that sort of activity.

And even they wouldn't if it was just some random abduction that they had no say in. This just seems like the simplest allegory to me, even if it isn't perfect, you know? Basically, and this is quite basic --but then again, Occam's Razor-- people need to have available the choice to decide their own happiness. The state can't decide for you what happiness is, you, natural man, has certain conditions that need to be met for you to feel "happy".

*blood pressure... rising*
I keep going back and forth as to whether you actually believe the stuff you say or if you just say things intentionally targeted to make my head go asplodey.

I'm actually trying to turn you on.

Epic fail. Please go read a lot more, gain some life experiences, and befriend a wide variety of people. And stop arguing something so facile that I am not even going to take the time and energy to post a response with the amount of sarcasm, research and vitriol it deserves.

You're kinda a joke, then.

If I'm wrong, convince me I'm wrong. Otherwise, just stop saying I'm wrong with nothing to back you up. I'm willing to believe in something if I think it is true.

Dear sje46, the large hole shaped hole in your argument is that people don't always want to be happy and it is not a goal in and of itself. Constant happiness would not make anyone "happy" but burnt out and dead-like. Thereby being imprisoned. I hope this helps. Time to reconceive your notion of happiness perhaps?

I don't see how someone can be simultaneously happy and dead-like inside. And even if that was possible, I don't see why it matters, as long as you are happy.
If psychological egoism is true, then every decision a person makes they do for some sort of pleasure of some sort.

I don't see how someone can be simultaneously happy and dead-like inside.

You're obviously ignoring the clear warnings of the Happy Helmet.


I guess it depends on how you define "dead-inside". We may look down upon Ren's behavior, and he may be disgusted with himself afterwards, but I don't know if maniacal joy counts as dead inside.

Joy has nothing to do with it. Ren is in hell here.

I just realized that tickling is simultaneously happiness and torture.

Sje46: The Ticklish Totalitarian

sje46//The Ticklish Totalitarian

You hear this, Becci?

I'm guessing she doesn't, as she doesn't come on the recent strips anymore.

Oh, you know she's out there somewhere. Just watching.

She only comes to the old strips.

It's kinda like Sunset Blvd., but with a lot more fingerbanging.

I disagree. Happiness is my one and only goal in life.

Existentialism tells me that life in meaningless and absurd. Hedonism then tells me that in response to the lack of meaning, enjoy yourself as much as possible.

That's only part of existentialism. The important part is that along with the fact that existence has no inherent meaning comes the realization that you are not only free, but in fact inescapably required to choose, create, and live your own meaning, with no universal guidelines to tell you how to choose correctly, that knowledge coming only after the fact if at all. Hedonism is certainly a choice, but it is no more a 'natural' consequence of nihilism than any other philosophy.

I am required to choose?
I have to choice whether I want to choose or not?
Can't I choose to choose?

Don't you see what you are saying? At some level, you have to make a choice. If you choose not to choose, that is also a choice. If the thought of unlimited freedom is frightening and overwhelming, and you choose to give up this freedom by accepting voluntary slavery, or adopting a strict moral code, that is still a choice. No matter through how many such layers you defer responsibility, at the bottom level, you are always making a choice.

Of course some people are less free than others, but there is almost always a choice. For example, if you are a slave or a prisoner, you have the freedom to attempt escape or fight against your captors. Even if you have no chance of winning and it would mean certain death, it is still an option, and if you choose not to do it, that is a choice you are freely making.

At least that's what Sartre says. To me it brings up the problem of suicide, since by this logic, suicide is also an option. But Camus had this whole argument about how suicide is actually the negation of freedom, or the flight from responsibility - I don't remember it exactly. Also, neither of them account for a situation where even suicide weren't an option, say, if you were chained to wall. But anyway, such extreme cases don't really apply to us in this conversation.

I think we can agree that while such extreme situations are certainly choices they are Hobson's Choices and thus it's kind of a dick thing to say that you chose to be a slave by not trying to free yourself.

OK for Spartacus, OK for philosophical discussion on the nature of free will, but still kind of a dick thing to say to people. Richard .

I agree with everything you say. Would you believe me if I told you I'm an existentialist myself? Just a confused one, is all.

If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.

It's time to quote Rush at the boy. I have been waiting for this moment. I've been on tenterhooks.

If you choose, if you choose, try to lose
For the loss of remain come and start

Start the game I che che che che I
Che che che ka tak koh
Choose to choose
Choose to choose, choose to go

Velvet Underground. A superior band.

Tough call as I love them both very much. They are both very with it when it comes to matters of philosophizin' as well.

It's okay if you like Rush better. I don't know too much of their music, and I've only recently discovered Velvet Underground. Capital group.

Well, yes, that would be the essence portion of "existence precedes essence". I wasn't stating hedonism as an absolute, but a personal choice. Even then I dislike using the term "hedonism". The manner it is so commonly used popularly has a connection to the philosophic meaning, but it really takes it too far.

I prefer it in the "happiness is the ultimate goal" manner. Well, living as long as possible is the ultimate goal, but doing so in the most pleasing manner possible is the close follow-up. Hence why, among many other reasons, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs or many other things that would commonly be ascribed under "hedonism".

I do recline on a chaise lounge and eat grapes fed to me by a beautiful woman while being fanned, however. Who doesn't though?

Where the hell is hedonismbot when you need him?

He promises to be back once the strip gets more regular and stops spawning these godawful 9000 comment threads. Also I've been banging all your moms, and my gentleness is in traction

I fear that has required a moderate amount of necrolove. I still support your insistence on doing a job thoroughly though.

Okay, that's it. You're clearly just trolling for arguments now. On my ignore list you go, pal.

Okay, bye. :)

Sje, I think assetbar just isn't the place to have these sorts of discussions. You ever been to reddit.com? There are usually interesting discussions happening in the philosophy section. I have an account (same username as here) and bloviate about all types of things over there. Plus there's internet memes.

Thanks. I'll probably take that advice.

Ah, argumentum ad hominem. Delicious.

No but really, there's no way I can type a response to this without it going into multiple pages and possibly a reference page. So I decided not to. **Backs slowly away from argument, devises old-timey identity, drives a car to the coast**

No, I wasn't using an insult to prove anything. It was simply an insult for insult sakes.

But ignore that. I was a jerk that day.

I think I sat next to square-glasses once for 6 hours on the window side of a cramped Perkins booth. Claimed to be allergic to corn, gluten, certain oils, and pretty much anything that's food staple. Offered me smelly edamame from a baggie and petted my hair.

Allergies: Always a sure sign of a crazed soul, hated by god.

Allergies! What news from the North?

We have some



Black kid watching White monitor
with awe. I wonder what will he will become later

:Wink: :Wink:


A badly conveyed in english way of saying that niggers. Shame to me it's pretty easy to say normally.


Yeah only black people, John Lennon, and Patti Smith can use that word.

I, for some reason, cannot help but think of a white couple with the last name of "Nigger" now. Or perhaps, in the modern parlance, "Nigga".

All mailbox out front reading "The Niggers". All calling a restaurant and saying "Yes, I'd like to make a reservation. Nigga, party of two."

Even funnier if it is actually pronounced differently and people are not certain how to deal with it.

All getting in trouble for being the second person to mention a Chappelle's Show reference here.

I never saw nor wanted to see Chappelle's Show. I was entirely unaware of this.

That is really quite a coincidence.

All mailbox out front reading "The Niggers". All calling a restaurant and saying "Yes, I'd like to make a reservation. Nigga, party of two."

Both these things, if I recall correctly, happen in the skit.
Dave plays a sassy black milkman who really likes saying the family's last name. HE is the only one who thinks it's funny. Everyone else plays it straight.
Chappelle's Show, although junk, is still 50X better than Mind of Mencia. Don't get me started.

Chappelle's Show is so not junk.

And it's the Niggars, not Niggers, that's how he got away with it on cable tv.

I think Belgand might be lying because that is just TOO coincidental.

That's how he got away with it on cable TV?
He says the N word all the time. Are you suggesting that everytime it was pronounced with an a?

You can say almost any swear or slur you want on cable now.

You always could. You can air hardcore fetish porn on cable if you want. There are no FCC regulations because you voluntarily choose to get it in your home rather than have it sent in over the air.

The reason they're still complete pussies is because they're afraid of advertisers pulling out. I still don't get this with censoring films though. I mean, people want to see the movie. Not a censored version of it. There's no reason for it. It's just a very weird disconnect in our culture.

That is true, actually. I have heard you can show porn on Cartoon Network.

I was talking about the network, and social norms. Comedy Central allows you to say most swears and slurs on its network, depending on the time, though, of course. And the advertisers are obviously okay with it.
IT is not as though they said "Oh, well Mr. Chappelle said the N word, but he spelled it with an A, so it's perfectly alright; we'll still endorse you."

You can say it, yeah, but they usually bleep it out (he said fuck alot too but they bleeped that out).

They never bleep out the N word on Chappelle's Show.

They bleep out the F word, but they don't have to. Also, have you seen The Stash (or whatever it's called. The uncensored things they show on Comedy Central on saturday or Friday nights)? Pretty much the only thing they don't show is frontal nudity.

Yeah but that's at almost 3 in the morning (I know because I watched Zack Galifinakis' stand up special from The Stash).

And yes, they never edited out the N word. Thats my argument.

The success of South Park, despite its mature content, encouraged the network to continue to push the limits on adult language. Every Saturday and Sunday morning at 1 A.M., a movie, comedy special or animated program is shown unedited for language. This is called the Secret Stash. It premiered on July 4, 2003 (with the unedited cable television debut of the South Park movie). Though no language is censored on the Secret Stash, most nudity in the programs is still edited out, with the exception of limited nudity allowed in animated programs (such as Drawn Together) and the occasional topless scene.

In my experience, at 3 (or maybe 4) they show infomercials.

Your argument was that they did bleep it out.
You can say it, yeah, but they usually bleep it out (he said fuck alot too but they bleeped that out).

You can show porn, or whatever you want, on any non-network television. The FCC has no regulatory control over those broadcasts.

Which is why I absolutely hate Chiller. I can't tell you guys how a horror television network had been my dream since I was but a wee, small, childperson, and how that dream was deferred upon viewing fucking Chiller.

Chiller edits out cusses, nudity, and get this...GORE.

It is a horror network, not even on basic goddamn cable. It is a special premium network, and they don't even show sideboob and beheadings.

And I'm sure Viacom is scratching their big, collective noggins, wondering why Chiller has such a low viewership. I'll tell you why; because horror fans aren't just going to be content to watch twenty hours of Millennium a day, with an additional four hours dedicated to debt consolidation commercials.

It makes a man wonder just what kind of child Autrepoupee was.

"And what would you like for Christmas, little girl?"
"A television network dedicated entirely to horror films and programs! And without any stupid censorship! I wanna see popped eyes and rolling heads!"
"That's great, kid, now get the hell off Santa's lap. You patted this one down, right?"

(Thank me for opting to make this joke over the comparatively easy "As if you don't consider four hours of debt consolidation commercials true horror! Aha, aha, ahaha.")

I am absolutely serious. I'm not lying at all. I've never even been made peripherally aware that this happened such as someone else referencing it or such.

This is actually kinda scary.

Was it you who was talking about some band (I think it was the Milkmen), and then I referenced The Shaggs, and you said thank you for the reference, and I asked what you were talking about?

I think it was you, but my memory is faulty.
That was a pretty decent coincidence.

That was me, Sje. Now I know how little it meant to you....


[sobs like a bitch ]

Oh no!
Please don't cry!
What do you want me to do?!?!

Too late. I died. I died because you forgot me. I died in your mind.

fuck that I am out of chubbies for this!

For you, TGWG, I have given my final chubby to rowboat. Your Dog Warden at work!

everything about this is awesome!

I've always got a chubby for you.

Sick, man.

It's love.

What is sick? A man is not allowed to have a chubby for a lady? What have genteel manners and good breeding come to in this day and age?

I thought you were talking to me. And I was kidding. It's OK if you have a chubby for me. I'm pretty irresistible.

You need AssetBarrista then.

I was upset merely that GWG wasn't more offended/disturbed/aroused.

What was there to be offended/disturbed/aroused about? Begland, you are in love with having a chubby for me, this is not news!

Is this just an accepted thing for men in your relations to them? I have previously expressed no other interest.

Not to burst your bubble, but I unlike some posters I have never had vivid and persistent sexual fantasies about any posters other than Pogo. And even then it is more intellectual than basely physical. Our mind-sex would be scorching.

I do not mean to suggest that you legitimately are in love with having a chubby for me, nor that it is an accepted thing for men in my relations to them.

I meant it more as a "I will say this as an excuse for not noticing that people were talking about me as soon as I should have."

It's okay that you do not want to sex me, Begland. You are rad.

I fell in love with you while we were texting, thegoodwillgirl.

Or am I merely joking...? Find out next time, on Assets of Our Lives.


(actually plot to actually soap opera. General Hospital to be precise. They've blown up almost every landmark in the town, had a kid accidentally shoot himself by throwing a gun, had a mad strangler roaming through a castle that may or may not be haunted AND unleashed a virus in the hospital.)

Best thing ever.

How do you know this though?

A man's gotta see his stories don't he?

Yeah, growing up in a Puerto Rican household spending alot of time during the summer with my Puerto Rican grandmother, a man learns that if he wants to find entertainment in a pre-internet world and in the afternoon of summer, you must do unthinkable things.

Clearly no offense intended but what does being Puerto Rican have to do with anything?

They love their stories.


I saw that one, but my mother watched her stories (she called them her soaps) when she was a stay-at-home mom and she's Irish, and my grandmother watches some at night and she's Italian so I see no racial correlation.

Well, my family is mostly Puerto Rican and they all watch soap operas, except the ones who live in Puerto Rico, they watch telenovellas.


No one likes someone who corrects someone else.

I love that term; nothing on TV is "stories" but soap operas. It's just got a kind of plastic-covered-couch grandmotherly quality about it.

Now he is Mrs. Potato Breasts and he is married to God.

Chapelle's Show isn't any better than Mind of Mencia. They both flounder around in the same stupid racist mentality that everyone needs to get over. It's like Chapelle and Mencia are both seven years old and have just realized that some people are different colors and maybe talk differently and isn't that hilarious?? tee hee hee tee hee titter


Chapelle's Show is maybe a step up from Mencia, but yea, you're pretty dead on. Another thing is that both of them (but especially Mencia) seem to try way too hard to push this idea that what they're saying is just so outrageous and if you don't like them it must be because you're offended rather than because they're just trite and not that funny. The first couple of episodes of Chapelle had some good sketches, but that was it. I think a lot of white people really try too hard to give it more credit than it deserve.

I agree that they both have the terrible mentality about race, etc, but the reason why Mencia is worse is just because his comedy is so much more .. . mean-spirited. So is Dave's, but Mencia is such a negative person, I can't stand it. And his jokes. HE is all angry about the stupidity of humanity in general, and pretends to be a voice of reason, but he is not. HE is the voice of foundless cynicism. "Have you ever noticed how the number for Hooked on Phonics is 1-800 ABCDEFG? But I thought that they couldn't read!!"
[cue laughs]
First off, I'm sure that 99% of the people who benefit off Hooked on Phonics are below the age of 12, and you are not even allowed to order a thing on the phone unless you are 18. The phone number is obviously for the parents of those kids who are struggling. Secondly, that is not phonics. If learning how to read is as easy as reciting the alphabet, we'll be all set. I'm sure almost all alliterate people over the age of 10 know the alphabet. The problem is putting the letters together into meaningful sounds.
So right, you made a small, tenuous connection. Hey look, slight incongruency, let's laugh. That's annoying enough without him ranting on about what retards they are. DEEDEEDEE. Shut up, Ned Holness .
I don't care if you steal jokes. I care about the fact that you are just not funny, at all, and you can't deliver. A comedian can be cynical, sure, like Carlin, but he has to actually have a good reason and good jokes.
Chappelle actually has a few clever ideas for skits. True Hollywood stories with Charlie Murphy, and the KKK one come to mind. But they make it seem alright to say discriminatory things.

But all in all, the worst comedy is in the movie How High, featuring Method Man and Redman. Do not support them by buying this movie.

I am going to make the argument that Chappelle's Show is better than MoM because Chappelle made fun of pretty much everyone. He was like a swear-laden version of Cosby's stand up.

I think that they both make fun of everyone.


Hey man, don't completely repost xkcd comics over here, just provide a link.

I fail at life.

Carlos Mencia-- sorry, I mean Ned-- is the lowest common denominator of humanity.

Say what you will about Chappelle's Show. I essentially agree with most of what has been said here. But at the end of the day, flawed or not, Chappelle makes me bust a gut - actually laugh with my entire body - at least once an episode. I can't say that about many other shows.

It's a comedy show. It makes me laugh. I won't ask for anything more.

Exactly, beyond any argument about racism or whatever, it boils down to this; Dave Chappelle is a funny guy, Carlos Mencia is not a funny guy.

His name is Dave! How can you not like him?

I think if there was a republican presidential candidate named Dave, and the liberal was named Steve, I would vote Dave no matter what his actual political views were.

That is how much I trust Daves.

Do you like to eat at Wendy's?

Yes! It is the only fast food burger I will eat.

You would open the pod bay door and step out if Dave asked you to.

Republic of Dave ?

I prefer The Democracy of Rosie!

President Daddy?


That's a big claim, CBS Radio.

It's true. First Kid is 11 time better than Blank Check .

But nothing tops Jingle all the Way .

I loved Blank Check. RETRACT.

It made me feel like I could do anything if I just got my bike run over by a bad rich man, including getting a kiss from the hot reporter or whatever she was.

the last scene of that movie, where the kid is playing that shoot-'em game and that guy is trying to whack him but Sinbad gets him? my dad asked me why i liked playing that kind of game.

...i didn't have an answer for him other than 'cos it's fun' so i didn't say anything.

he's in Heaven now.


I've long thought that amusing names for dinner reservations were a source of potential comedy. Such as giving a child the last name of "Sodomy". I long for a day when someone requests or calls out "SODOMY, PARTY OF SIX?"

Now let us discuss how we can almost never use the quite reasonable word "niggardly" any more. Despite it having absolutely no relation whatsoever.

Ryan North's done it before.

FUCK! I totally didn't read that one either.

Everyone is taking my ideas through telepathy while I sleep at night and then making them popular so I look like I've stolen them.

But they do it in the past too, which is a neat parlor trick.

Nah, I've been talking about that one for almost a decade now.

Ryan North has already illustrated pretty much every original thought that can ever feasibly exist.


Chapelle's Show already did this? Goddamnit. I hate that show so much.

I smell a sitcom!

This may shine some light on the subject.

This is how BLACK PEOPLE watch their monitor!
This is how WHITE PEOPLE watch their monitor!

Black people wait for the new Achewood comic like THIS.

And white people wait for the new Achewood comic like THIS.

I think allergies are fake. Man up, already! Sheesh!

Or are you allergic to courage ?

I'm allergic to being judged.

Ain't nobody allergic to being judged it is one of the basic things of no offense to anybody

On the last day of Bubble Boy's life he asked to be judged by Simon Cowell.

Used the cold words to pop his own bubble.

Last thing he said was

Awesome thanks for judging me I loved it so much.

It was the only pleasure I ever knew.

Is this deja vu or have I seen this before?


It is proper etiquette to link here instead.

Thanks both of you and your Assetbar etiquette is sublime, sje.


What a terrible movie that was.
(Click, not Bubble Boy)

I pitied Chris Walken so hard after that movie, that I almost wrote him a letter saying "I am so sorry the economy is bad and you had to make this and also Balls of Fury."

Clearly you haven't seen New Rose Hotel.

One shot, one kill...

Hey Assetbar , why won't you let me chubby whoever i want ? What the hell dude ? I tought we were able to cohabitate ? You know, me reading comment you showed, giving chubbies to those i loved. But then, you fucking spit in my face and say " Nah man, stop being nice. Fucker" What the hell man, what the heeeeelllll!


So was it people who like M&Ms or people who are like the grumpy M&M depicted? This part really confused me.


When Achewood returns...
Teodor finds out if It is a silverfish.

Hey you guys, guess what?



Wait, what? I thought he just had a tan!

I am so retracting my vote.

I seriously don't get people caring or making such a big deal about it. How can we move past racism if you all keep acting like race is still a Thing? It is not!

It is only a thing when you are searching for porn or hiring a prostitute and even then it's more about aesthetic preferences.

It is still a thing. Are you crazy?

Belgand is Crazy.


Belgand is racist about prostitutes

He's positively Looney Tunes.

man you've been such as internet diagnosed this is a diagnosis based on the main lunatics and this is mostly a thing which means you are crazy


I don't want to get in one of these bottom of a really long assetbar page philosophical arguments, but WHAT? OF COURSE race is a thing. And OF COURSE it is a HUGE deal that we have a black president. Racism can't be defeated by being one of those people who "doesn't see color," but by accepting differences and education and role models and subtle unconscious changes in attitude and shit all kinds of tiny and huge things but it sure as hell MATTERS. When my dad turned 18 this would have been just the vaguest tiny possibility. When my grandfather turned 18 it was out of the question. When my great grandfather turned 18 I think it may have even been, like, illegal. I'm not making a big deal out of it, it IS a big deal.

Sorry, I just get riled when people confuse talking about race at all for racism and imply that you should just somehow sweep race back under the rug like not recognizing it will solve all the problems.

Don't you get it? Obama solved Racism with Hope. Now, because there's no Racism anymore, we're all treated completely equally by Society, so it's rude to even mention there's such a thing. Yep, thank goodness we took care of Racism.

It was like the end of that X-men movie when they had those guns that shot those needles that had the Cure in them. Except it was Hope.

Someone photoshop Robert Smith into a syringe, please.

I saw this the other day while reading through my local free (leftist) weekly; it's from a listing of public "Inaugural Parties" happening around town. It seemed straight out of something Pat would read:

Contemplative Vocal Toning for Obama

An offering in consciousness to our new leader and our reclaiming of unity, 6:30-7:30 pm. Free.

That last word is my favorite.

God dammit. This really is the kind of thing that gives conservatives fodder for their rants. Sometimes I wonder whether their boogeyman of the wacko hippie leftist is less of a straw man than I think. I mean I haven't met many people like this, but maybe it's more of a Thing on the west coast?

FYI, I live on the east coast, in a state that traditionally votes Republican for President (though it traded in its red shoes for blue this past election), though the area I live in is generally more center to left-leaning.

So, it's not necessarily more of a Thing on the west coast.

I live in Haight-Ashbury and I find that pretty crazy. I'm sure most people out here would. I don't even think that would fly with the majority in Berkeley.

I mean, yeah, there are some people into that, but they're like Pat. We have them, but, well... it's like Pat. Everyone else knows and acknowledges that Pat is a dick.

Exactly, but it isn't like Pat is going to kill somebody because they don't believe in our loving Earth Mother Science Abortion HomoGod, he's just going to blog about it. I'd rather be surrounded by a bunch of guys chanting about silly spirits than a bunch of guys with guns chanting about Ruby Ridge.

although I feel I should add, I think both sides of the political aisle can agree that 9/11 truthers MUST BE STOPPED


seriously though guys lets stand together for this, left-leaning crytarts and right-leaning guncarts

That would be the best Red Alert game ever.

Sometimes I wonder whether their boogeyman of the wacko hippie leftist is less of a straw man than I think.

How on Earth will you ever find out?

...and then I remember that to some people, everyone to the left of Augusto Pinochet is a wacko hippie leftist.

It's the circle of life.

Some fellow calling himself JackBauersomethingorother on that Big Hollywood blog left a comment recently referring to Bill Kristol as " a moderate Liberal himself ", in reference to some proposed fight between him and Matt Damon.

I walked all night that day...

God, if Bill Kristol is a liberal then everyone else is a fucking pinko commie.

I know you're not talking about me. I never conflate hippies with more dangerous sorts.

Out here we think that Gavin Newsom is a wealthy, pro-business conservative. And honestly, he really is. The gay marriage thing is just a sham. It's an issue where he knew it would get him plenty of attention, buy him political capital at home while being almost entirely non-controversial locally, and it would cost him basically nothing to implement.

So to conservatives across the country he's a dangerous leftist radical. Hell, even to a lot of the scaredy-cat Democrats out there, but locally he's a do-nothing Conservative that just wants to push business interests and have flashy press conferences.

Yeah, God forbid anyone in California do something to promote business. They have so effectively promoted business interests that California led the nation in numbers emigrating last year. Good luck to you all.

I took his election as an invitation to be racist. Am I reading this wrong?

I see what you're saying, but it's also an issue of "I am voting for someone to be president. I do not give a damn about their race. I care about their policies. Shouldn't we care a lot more about that than race?"

I would vote for a furry if he had solid political views and a proven history of acting on them in a manner I agree with.

If it happened in the 60s maybe it would be more important and shocking, but now it feels about as big a deal as having elected our first Hawaiian.

Times have changed and are changing still. We've pretty long ago reached the point where you can't be a dick about race without people pointing out how you're a massive dick and hating the fuck out of you for it. We're moving further into the point where you can't be a dick to someone about their sexuality, but it's still a solid ways off. At least a generation or so I'd say. We definitely aren't anywhere near the point where you can't be a dick to atheists though. It's more subtle, but people still hella hate atheists. I believe the last time I heard we were one of the least liked minority groups.

I heard that too. I think it depends where you live and how vocal you are about your atheism. I've recieved no discrimination.

Yes and no. First of all, it greatly varies according to your locale and your socio-economic stratum. The people I meet at NYU are obviously PC to ridiculous extremes. But the Russian and Polish immigrants and white trash kids I grew up with around Paterson, NJ would regularly and casually spout off the most vile racist shit, unrebuked and unaware that there was even anything wrong with it. People from the South can tell you many similar stories. And didn't you see the frat guys in the Borat movie? There are many places and social circles where racism is still pretty acceptable. SF and NYC are not the whole country.

But that's all largely beside the point, because racial problems in this country are largely systemic rather than the result of conscious discrimination - a combination of historic, economic, and unfortunately, cultural problems. Just look at it this way - up until now, the most visible role models for black kids have been rappers and basketball players. Many of them didn't even see the road of college and professional success as being open to them, whether this perception was correct or not. And suddenly, the most famous person in the whole fucking universe is a black guy who is intelligent, professional, and by most indications actually wanting to do good in the world. From that standpoint alone, I'd say it's pretty damn important.

But you're right, I am pretty tired of hearing this same thing reiterated in about 50 different article-length ways, which is why I've stopped feeding my news addiction since the election.

Yes, all this, and also unconscious discrimination. People have biases that they are not even aware of, and act off them unconsciously. To learn more about this, I recommend reading the book Blink.

As long as you keep doing the menial labor of the nation and move to the back of the bus when asked, all's fine.

Oh, and entertain us with your amazing, soulful rhythm.

Wait. Atheists You got no soulful rhythm.

Really, belgand, it's you. Don't drag atheists into it.

Maybe it differs in other areas, but here everyone is asked to move to the back of the bus. There are signs.

Hmmm. I could go with:

Signs? Signs the End is Nigh?


Everyone there is atheist? That presents a conundrum on a bus, doesn't it?

Eh, up north whe still have our stucked up conservative white queen butt-licker. For now

That's what the news is, I take it?

Man, smokin' Jesus is on a damn ROLL today.

Guys, did you hear about these guys that ripped off Phillipe?

Get your own ideas, losers.

Asians? I'm surprised there were still two left when the helicopter found them.



Here's the LINK , for when Assetbar eats the sides of the image...

"Airwolf to onstad, they are still at it, require proper explosives, over"

I just linked to this the other day on the airwolf strip, but did you guys know there is a dude who fucking FUCKED AIRWOLF? Check it.

I think it was already brought up on one of the Airwolf strips, but thanks for catching everyone else up.



You can create half-decent images using MS Paint.
Thanks :)

but...why Papyrus?

When this computer was set up at my house I suspected that my sister used Papyrus for some Myspace picture and didn't change it back. I didn't know how to change it to something better, and I didn't think it was that offensive.


sje wants to taste the fuckin' curb !

seriously dude? the list goes like this:
1. Comic Sans
2. Papyrus

it's cool. you didn't know. (you right-click in the text box and select the 'text toolbar' option.)

also, you can automatically double/half the scale of whatever you have selected by hitting ctrl and plus or minus. my life changed the day i found paint could do cool stuff like that. (also you can clone selections by holding control and moving said selection around. just make sure it's where you want to drop it when you let go of the mouse. ctrl-zing that biz mucks up your picture hardcore.)

(#3 is probably Arial.)

and that is a shame...'cos i really like Arial.

I truly despise Arial, and purged it from my computer.

daaaaaaaaaaamn. get some hate on ya!


How do you know Trebuchet MS is bad?

5 because Roast Beef hella takes charge of that garage sale, in an almost -mystic- sense





Wait, I didn't say that!


Dude, seriously! I'm in the process of buying a house, and I still had time to hastily photoshop a couple things into this forum! Enough with the excuses, and please to make with the funny right now!



In 52 years you will, apparently.

You can tell it's all a fantasy becuase theguitarhero's post has 2 chubbies.

I'm proud to say I brought the two of you knuckleheads up to 2 chubbies. Bravo!
(Also, theguitarhero is rad.)

I have NOT given out enough chubbies on this page. Fuck you, Assetbar.

God damn you! This is never going to stop being in new comment yellow! You've fucked me over for life, you know that?

I_Love_Kate assumes that he will die naturally before the next strip is put up. Ha cha cha.

Hey elbow dude, your browser resizes his avatar using a different algorithm than mine, and it ruined your comment for me.

what can i do

I really should've made it Dollar Arcade. Dammit DAMMIT why am I always so STUPID?


Whoa please nobody give me any more chubbies, I am sitting at 911. NEVER FORGET.

No chubbies? Whatever you say, chief .

Nah, I'm kidding, I chubbied you.


A warning to all newcomers, this bespeckled streetwalker is not easily removed. I have changed my icon yet she remains, like a bad case of Tinea Cruris. How do I scrub her from my image?

Wait an hour or so.

You know what I could do instead of reading all of these comments?

Learn another language.

Tu peux faire les deux !

Je suis un fromage.

guys i have a confession to make:
my name aside, i am not very good at French :_(

in other words:

Muzzy menti, gens est mort!

Soylente verde est gens d'mort!

(I don't know french either)

All you need to know is, " Je me rends! "

Fou de fa fa!

et maintenant le voyage a la supermarchet!

la discoteque!


thanks for the help everyone!

De rien

Pour ma part, Muzzy fût mon professeur d'anglais!
I can remember that aesthetically, he was probably as nasty as the big-green-nosed villain...

Xinnian kuaile!

Bonne année du buffle à toi aussi, and to all y'all! :-)


My poor brain is melting. Let's forget about that pls.

Mais est-ce que je peux me changer?

Vous cannot pas changez moi. For vrai.

Vous pouvez vous changer dans la salle de bain

A comment left by myfirstpost was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by IronDave, theguitarhero, Cremlae)




No No.


Now, I'm not the type of person to throw these sad, sad television memes all willy-nilly. I hate it as much as you do, but I saw an opportunity; and I took it.

Look, Internet memes and 4chan are one thing. They are part of our heritage, like it or not. But there's no need to bring the kinds of things liked by fratboys and other such undesirables into the mix.

elbox, just because a fratboy likes something doesn't mean it is bad. Just because you don't like how they talk about their bros doesn't mean they can't appreciate good comedy. Sure, they probably couldn't write their way out of a paper bag. But last I checked it takes a lot more effort to come up with a good idea than to know when someone else's idea is good. It's just like when everyone loved Family Guy and all of a sudden fratboys liked it and then it finally got another season and the new season sucked and then people "realized" the first seasons were never that good. I'm already seeing some douchebags saying that Arrested Development isn't that good after seeing some fratboys enjoy it.

It's not really fair to call a dude out on something he said almost a year ago, but I happened to be on this page , and noticed this:

overmedicated » neu 10 months ago
Don't quote Family Guy, people will give you heck of lames.

achilleselbow » neu 10 months ago
This is true, because they're snobbish hipster douches who will stop liking something the moment that undesirable persons such as frat guys start liking it, regardless of how funny or clever the actual material may be.

This is true. The difference is that "RICK JAMES BITCH" was never funny, and I hated it from the moment I first heard someone repeating it.

Also, I have become a snobbish hipster douche after a year of living in Williamsburg.

Well la-ti-frikkin'-da. Do you dress up in colonial garb?

Buckled shoes and hats are the new hipster thing.

Dear falseprophet. In my innocence, I laughed very very hard at that sketch. But then I live in a country where people don't constantly quote it and was very rarely on the Internet to know that it had become A Thing. In short, I agree.

I agree, as well. That particular line was obviously over-quoted, but once you get past that, the Charlie Murphy stories were pretty funny (be it with Rick James or Prince).

I loved loved loved the idea of Prince playing basketball in a blouse and kicking everyone's asses.

Yeah, and then he took em all in the house and served em pancakes.



With raspberry sorbet?

Fuck yo couch

I'm Rick James' bitch.

MS Paint buggery time!
Probably should've added a comma.

It was a reference to misinformer.com.

Get with the 10 years ago.

That's not even clever.

Your mom's not even clever. I would like to know what you think about that.


(let deh bodies hit deh flo)
(let deh bodies hit deh flo)

i marks ma ratrun whiff and thot puzz' c ib u cun fine deh rite answar.

use can only due 1 o dese, dose u:

I: gets mil bux
II: sav ur bro form parlysis
III: sav and omeless mangs libe
IV: licenz 2 kill
V: 400 lyal frends
VI: bcoam immortal skeleton

lets me hears ur answars i M curious oh dis

** i choose the skele 1 2 b onest

I...I can't even explain what's going on here.

Dude, the immortal skeleton for the win. You can frighten others out of their money.

Although saving a bro's life is pretty darn noble. But no way would I save a homeless mang. I mean, God made them homeless for a reason.
I suppose it would be cool to be able to kill as many homeless people as you want though.

Okay, I'm going with IV.

If my brother was paralysed, at least he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else. Skeletons are pretty freaky to me, too. Fie on this leftist scientarians who say that I have one within me. The only thing holding this body up is a spirit of iron.

D. cer8 teh g chile.

I choose option one.

I also choose option 1.

I don't really know what it's like to have a brother, so maybe I'd choose that if I did and had more information. Would he have already been paralyzed and learned to live a reasonably comfortable life? Or is it that he would be paralyzed now if I chose any other option?

Saving a homeless man's life isn't so great if that's all you're gonna do. Most likely he'll just drink himself to death or simply prolong his suffering in some other way. Besides, a small fraction of that million dollars could drastically and permanently improve, if not outright save, the lives of several homeless people.

There aren't that many people I would like to kill, at least not so far. Besides, it would probably get me tangled up in all sorts of international spy intrigue.

I don't know how loyal my friends would be if I couldn't even remember who all of them were. And I definitely wouldn't want every single one of them calling me to hang out every weekend.

Immortality would be nice, but I saw Pirates of the Carribean and being a skeleton doesn't seem that great.

Yeah, I'm totally down with the immortality option. I can make a lot more money that way over time and none of the others really interest me even remotely.

Plus, 1 million? That's nothing. I couldn't even buy a decent house out here for that. The sort of places that in Kansas were going for maybe $100,000 or less are more like $700,000.

Also, instead of being a skeleton could I maybe be a lich or something? I'd be much more into that. Just a skeleton is better than nothing, but I'd still prefer to eat and fuck.

I don't like that gladi changed his icon between my page refreshes and that I noticed it.

Agreeing with some on the skeleton thing; there's really no point in being immortal if you can't live it up for the rest of eternity with the pleasures that require having a body. Since I don't have a brother, I guess I won't feel too bad about taking number 1.

I'd like to be an immortal skeleton. As long as I could reassemble myself from components and stuff.

All leaving my arm in a closet, rattling on the door knob, scaring the shit out of people. All flushing myself down the toilet and reassembling covered in poo and rampaging through Macy's. All baring my chest in the middle of New York and nobody even noticing

I love how everyone is taking this question so seriously.

MY real answer, actually, is probably V, believe it or not. Friendship is really important to me.

you could have a million kids, that way no one could ever say no to being your friend

That is my favorite moment of that show, actually.

Oh man, that was such a depressingly funny moment of that show.

"That's your last name? Poop?"

Dwight Poop, dammit.

Alright. There goes Mr. Poop. Now, who likes Dane Cook?

VI, most definitely. Can I still have hair, though? Sort of a Crypt Keeper scenario.

Skeleton. Then i get a saber and a shield and change my name to spinal*.

*Not to be confused with the band.

is that from Killer Instinct

oh my god i am totally changing my answer to velicoraptor with a tude, then

Then, it means a fight, Poupée !

i wood lik 2 thx 2 pepes 4 deire thots an amswers plz gib me and chuppy ib dis woz elpfull 2 use

Ok, I can't work out who is pictured in Gladiator's avitaricon. Is it Eddie Izzard not in drag?

It's Jimmy Carr. Doy.

I thought it was Maculay Culkin in Saved! .

It's Michael Pitt in Funny Games, y'all.

Whoa wait he's fucking with us

Did everyone else know this?

It's a hot dog in a hallway.

Thank you, I saw the original when it came out and there was no way I was going to put myself through that again, so I didn't recognise it.

It's Morgan Freeman in drag.

It's Alexis Arquette out of drag?

It's a drag racer on Tommy Lee Jones?

Speed Racer with Ricki Lee Jones?

Crash with Ricki Lake and Star Jones?


Number four, hands down. I subscribe to the Joseph Stalin School of Problem Solving - No man, no problem.

dats saddamn hussein, ok bud?

gladi8orrex... maybe I'm giving you waay too much credit, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you are the big Onstad man in disguise.

I mean the Little Nephew and Lyle blogs are both written in an impenetrable, yet highly refined, gibberish.

And you're funny, kind of like how he is.

Some music to listen to while we wait for Onstad to complete his house move:


here are some really excellent british rappers:


haHA for real though friends here is an excellent video from an era and sound too soon let g o o o :

Inexplicably, no one in the studio audience rocked out or otherwise got their groove on during that selection.

that we could see, anyway! These are my favorite audience reaction shots ever, though:


Only the Germans could avoid being charmed by France Gall. How deft!

Man, if you got some camera shots of below the seats (like some reputable music shows of that era that I could name) you'd see just an orage of scarily-coordinated toe-tappin'.

That music is much less angry than the description promised. I guess grime is just not a very angry genre.

It is pretty funky though.

No thank you.

staying strongong



Can we get to 2000 comments? Dang tooting we can!

489735 views.. must be the best strip ever.

Who's tooting?

Dang is. He's the King of the Chinese Hillbillies.

maybe we can get Obama to fix this.

and man taks is wife of man years to and rest ront to eats fute an dey sits don an deh w8ress coams up an asks
"k wat u havin?"
an deh manusband saiz
"K i will hab cowsteak"
an deh w8ress saiz
"aren't u worried abot mad cow dis e's?"
an deh husman sauis
"nah, she's can ordan 4 herselb!"

lols @ deh yoke i mad

Damn. Have I been outsmarted by Gladi8orrex?

Is funny because the man does not like his wife! Oh ho ho hooo!

is thing which most husman relates bestly!

Is it possible that Onstad just pulled a huge Leave on us? Because I would respect that.

i just finished the Assetbar Archives.


Recently, reading the archives has become necessary.




Can someone help?!?!
My child is Missingno!

Did you know that everytime you go to school I Rhydon your mom?

I'm not going to Raichu a love song!


Your mom Rhydons me, rather.

I was trying to think of a sentence in which I could use Squirtle , but I got too grossed out and had to give up.

I could write a sentence that would incorporate the name of every generation one pokemon, but it would be too much of a tongue Tangela.

My math teacher was explaining the use of certain variables in the field, and he explained how theta, alpha and beta and chi were used in certain equations in different fields. In the middle of his sentence one girl stood up and said "And Mewtwo!"

There are way too many motherfucking comments here. I don't care if it's been two weeks - if everyone's out of chubbies, there are too many comments.

I stake my claim to the propriety when it comes to the numerance of posts purely based on the arbtirary standard that the Assetbar programmers assigned. That's right.

I love that someone chubbied this. It's like, they thought he had a good point, and then without realising it proved his point wrong by demonstrating their approval.

It's like irony or some shit!

2000 comments and I can still rustle up a chubby. It's not hard though. Just thick.

I'd also like to say that on Jan 28 2009 I have 666 chubbies and 66 lames. That's tite yo.

I just gave you a chubby purely to screw up your synchronicity, partly out of good old fashioned malevolence.

Now that's irony.


arhg! Babyfur!

Don't let it v-chub you!

(sorry, I just learned of the existence of babyfurs the other day, and I'm still adjusting)

God, why did you have to tell me about this.

why did i need to know this today?



I do apologise.
But I only mentioned the term, 'twas you that googled it, sir.

And now you can't un-google it!

i did not google it, i just let my imagination go to a place it shouldn't have been.

Then it may be even worse than you think...

If it exists, there is somebody, somewhere that wants to fuck it.

But not necessarily to clean its shitty diaper.

(sorry again, cpnglxynchos)

Hedonismbot told us that if you have a baby daughter, sometimes you have to get your fingers all the way in her vagina in order to scoop poop out.

That sounds like a most problematic design. I'd expect a lot of UTIs. Irregardless of having to incestuously fingerbang your own infant daughter.

That is, however, the ideal time to take pictures. Soon everyone will think you're an incestuous coprophilliac paedophile.

Louis CK has a jolly routine that explores this very topic. No one warned him.

He's an awesome comedian.

Irregardless of having to incestuously fingerbang your own infant daughter.

It says something that the thing I hate the most about this sentence is the use of the self-defeating word "irregardless", which naturally just means "regarding". The "i-" cancels out the "-less", for shit's sake.

FUCK ME DEAD I hate it when people say that word.

I'm glad somebody said it.

But that's why I love it.

My mom hates that word, but I never minded it. Wait, are you my mom?

What word? Sodomy?

I miss Cooper Black, Vista ain't got it.


Your profile currently claims that you have 666 Chubbies, but your comment has a chubby, providing a contradiction. Unless you lied when you posted it, knowing that someone would chubby you thinking they were ruining your synchronous chubbies, only to inadvertently fulfill your post.

Aha! Devious .

Either than, or there's some weird time travel stuff going on.

Yeah, I had 664 and I was thinking "some douche is gonna chubby me if I post it at the exact time I have 666" so I went in for it early.

Holy shit I've just been played like a funky piano.

Played like one-note song on tiniest violin.

vchubs for skrad n' scorpio.
this is wonderful!

I still have chubbs because I never chubb anyone so I will chubby you.

man I wish I lived in the achewood world sometimes
not that they don't have their own problems but they're all solvable by sitting under special lamps that help with your Depression or selling chipped egg cups and gummy scissors to people who squashed the backs of their shoes down with their heels instead of working their heels all the way into their shoes and admitting you've stuck your own finger up your butt.

A comment left by parsifal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by IronDave, wallabeechamp, miaou)

what if he did

then wouldn't you feel like a real douchenheimer

then wouldn't you


Nooooooooo... did you really say that?

I still got some lame left. here, have one (but you deserve like 80).

Are you like opposed to any usage other than your preferred "dooshbag"?

cheese n crackers desert_donkey you sure are a grade-A King Dorkenheimer!

ps you are too old to be the sort of person that you are


This has been previously noted .

Re-chubulated. I cannot abide that guy.

parsifal is a perfectly normal guy with some problems.



That one Octopus Pie panel evoked more amusement and catharsis in me than pretty much any other single strip in the last three months or so.

I think that it is a photoshop though.

I meant the sad Meredith one.

Meredith? Fuck me.

The sad EVE one.

Returns Monday



Here is a thing!

It's official - Achewood comics return Monday, February 2nd. ("Why were they gone?")


as if it's showing all of last year's comments.

Now it's showing comments from 2015, so that means SUCK IT MAYANS YOU WERE WRONG.

They predicted you would say that.

Waaaitaminute - 'Onstad' moves house at the same time Barack Obama moves into... the White House.
You don't think.......?
Could it be......?
Will we be waiting 4 years for a new strip?

Onstad isn't black, lives in California, and as far as I know only has one kid.

But their names both start with an O....
Also, they are both secret Muslims.

I think Onstad was moving to Washington state or something.

Oregon. I remember this because if he were moving to Washington I would be very excited.


...except that Onstad is not Obama.


I don't know about that, man...



A challenger approaches!

i think it would have been the 'rad-assity', but what do i know.

It took me 18 minutes to scroll all the way to the bottom here. Thank for visiting my bottom message.

It took me 20 seconds to scroll all the way down to the bottom here.

And an extra 20 to type this and think it up and hereby invalidate your bottom message.


It took me 1 second.

lrst pots?

It takes a few minutes for me. But my computer has been quite slow lately.
Overman, get assetbarrista, and use Control F "[ unread ]"
Without the spaces.
(what a pal I am)

I was so sure that "what a pal I am" was a palindrome or something... I feel let down
ma, I lap at a hw?

Whilst looking at the "My Comments" page, I saw the first part of your comment, and whilst waiting for the page to load, I tried to make an anagram of that in my head.

I just press "End" and it takes me here.

Thank for visiting my bottom

Overman is actually an underman?

I give up, there's too many posts here. See you guys in Feb with a new avaticon and account. Pogo is done, and will leave his original handface behind.

Why a new account?

Pogo is rebooting his franchise.

All these things will be lost like tears in the rain. Time to die. Pogo exeunt.

[i]Handface....in the wind
All you leave is Handface in the wind...[/]


That is OK, I appreciate what you tried to achieve here.

As long as Pogo doesn't bring on a quirky cousin I think we are all ok.

it's too bad she won't live!

but then again, who does?

also, scorpio, you probably know it's 'moments', not 'things'.

Man, would you believe that I just watched that again on Thursday? This needs to stop happening with AssetBar.

Deckard: Replicant or not? I say replicant.

I say no. I don't really have any evidence, I just don't think the movie would be as good if he's a replicant.

Depends on which version you hold as gospel. Seems like there's 3 or 4 in the box set. God, in a hundred years will people be killing each other over it?

The version I watched had Deckard dreaming about a unicorn. Then in the last scene, the police officer who states cpnglxynchos' mentioned line has left an origami unicorn in his flat after apparently sparing Rachael's life. I took this to mean that he had some insight into Deckard's mind and memories in the same way that Deckard had into Rachel's.

Just my theory...!

Gaff? Gath? Edward James Olmos either way, the man could teach some math, also he was approached to be the captain of the Enterprize in Star Trek the next generation and also portrayed Lorne Greene in Battlestar Gallactica.

I'm so honored that my not-now-last-but-really-you-won't-see-me-after-this post generated a thread to Bladerunner[i] and [i]Battlestar Galactica. Long may sci-fi rule.

I think he is a replicant, but I'm not happy about it.

I think the book was significantly better and not even remotely concerned with the possibility that he might have been a replicant.

This is actually why it took me a number of viewings to begin to appreciate the film. It's only vaguely related to the novel.

I think Ridley Scott thinks he's a replicant, however. That doesn't necessarily make it so.

I've been meaning to read that for basically my entire life. I work at a library. This book is rarely more than twenty feet from where I sit. What is wrong with me?

I just started watching the Blu-Ray last evening as it showed up just briefly before this conversation.


Anyhow, I read it a long time ago. High school, freshman year IIRC. After re-reading a detailed summary it was closer than I had thought, but it still cut out very important aspects and themes.

In the end it was more about what it means to be human. Not that Deckard might be a replicant, but that the replicants might be more human or equally human by means of actions and feelings than he is. About the nature of what makes us human and them merely robots. A common Dickian theme that the film still explores, but in a somewhat different way.

Also, the title is unrelated and makes absolutely no sense. Scott just ripped it off (i.e. bought the rights to only the name because he liked it) from a William Burroughs screenplay where it was about people selling black-market surgical equipment. Y'know, where it actually makes sense.

It still cuts out the very important aspects about why people own artificial animals, care so much about real animals, and place such a high value on empathy. Those never get explained in the film, but are integral to the novel.

I eventually learned that the film is doing its thing and that is cool too. I need to re-read the book though. It's been a long time.

When the title is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? it's a pretty big hint that the narrator might be an android. Maybe he wanted to be more subtle for the higher class theatre audience (everyone knows movie-goers are higher class than readers)

Not really. I mean, if you want to get specific at one point in the book they actually test him and, no, he isn't an andy.

It also depends strongly on Dick's view of "androids" as people without empathy or human emotion and how he felt they were to be reviled and perhaps there might one day be a war between humans and them. The issue was that by killing them was Deckard gazing into the abyss and becoming like them?

Both book and film address very different sides and aspects of fundamentally Dickian concepts about what it means to be human, but do it in very different ways.

That said I feel that the issue of whether he is or isn't is actually better than if it was explicit. Both have profound and relevant meanings to impart on the film and its themes. In this respect I view that both are correct in that they provide shading and meaning.

Objectively? Dick never intended him to be, the screenwriters it seems never intended it, but Scott felt he was and tried to strongly imply as much.

heh heh. "Dickian."

Well look who's using a term about Dick.

Yeah, still not clever after the millionth variation.

(It totally was though.)

I believe that it is pogo exit.
Unless I'm wrong.

Hard to say, since it's pogo doing the exiting. Once he's de-pogo-ised, he could be pogo-bits. Or bites, perhaps.

pogopogopogopogopogopogopogo (bounce)
pogopogopogopogopogopogopogo (down)
pogopogopogo (up)
pogopogopogo (jump)
pogopogopogo (bounce)
pogopogopogo (up)
pogopogopogo (down)

What? It goes:
pogopogopogopogopogopogopogo (bounce)
pogopogopogopogopogopogopogo (down)
pogopogopogo (up)
pogopogopogo (jump)
pogo (bounce)
pogo (up)
pogo (down)

And I'm not sure about that last "Pogo".

you hear it said just once more between that and the verse.

I say excellent. System of a Down and Achewood, Together at last !

(I don't really like them that much anymore.)

A spot of bother with the FBI, I think.

Pesky Feds, they swore my new identity was tight. Fucking liars!

Fresh start, new personality, not as much like my real one. And I got tired of the name "Pogo" even though it was one of the greatest of the old-school newspaper comic strips. See if you can guess who I am starting Fed. 2. I'll be very limited in posting ability for a while.

Next two strips will feature Liebot (or possibly Vlad) and Connie and Lyle.
Apparently not continuing the arc.

I'm not seeing any robots, just Lyle and Connie, then Ray and Teodor.

Ray too.
Okay, the top strip contains Lyle and either Teodor or Connie, but most likely Connie, and the bottom one has Ray behind either a table or bar or counter, and Teodor is walking up to him. He's Teodor because he has the T sweater on that Penny made him.
That is definitely Lie Bot though. On the lower left hand side. Compare the figure with this . As you can see, the sunglasses and the nose match up. It is definitely Lie Bot. It could be a flashback, although I have always thought that flashbacks had darker backgrounds. However, it is an unfinished comic.

NEvermind. That is Ray in the bottom left, when you zoom in even further, you can tell. It also looks a lot like Liebot though, don't it?

You guys are crazy, that's totally Lyle and Teodor in the first panel. Cornelius' head isn't that... long. Plus he's in front of a computer.

oh god what has this board become.

Right, it is Teo.

Next two strips are teodor strips. I'm guessing that this is the upcoming "Teodor is raped by Lyle arc" I've been hearing rumors of.
Just look at Lyle's body language as he approaches his quarry.



i'm photoshopping a hilarious comedy using this fuzztastic business as source.

Oh man. I can't wait. :)

it turned out not so good.


hahaha epic fail. serious hat swap at the end.

No, it's funny! I love the reference to this thread at the beginning. Although he should have called him LieBot instead.

see, if you wouldn't have said that, I would've thought it was artistic license--to show the passage of time. Lyle revisiting this conversation days later.

that is so much funnier!! let's go with that. seriously.

maybe i should go ahead and make with the second one, too.

i think i like this one better.


i mean like this:


I don't see the difference.

Good show, however. Chubs, if I still have one.

white space to the right added so people could see the whole thing and not have to copy target into a new tab.

I love panel 2, and the fact that Ray produces a meal from thin air and turns it into a martini, and then a beer.

Continuity errors were not just promised but expected .

anyyyythiiiing can happen in a dreeeeeaaaaaammmm~

it makes dreamsense in that they're all things you could conceivably order at a bar. they're interchangeable. his necklace changes styles on and off throughout, too. another subconscious surreal bit i didn't notice until i posted it.


But today's Yahoo crossword is doin' a thing.

View image to see it. It's the highlighted clue on the....right. Right. It is your right hand because it does not make an L. Right.


even the Y!Bots are gettin' privy to the ultimate comeback.

Is it...is it an omen that Achewood is D.O.A.?

p.s. I know the Tony Randall hint. Dr. Lao. A cinematic masterpiece.


Oh man if Achewood were Dead Or Alive Ultra Peanut would be fighting Kasumi and some tits would be jigglin man.

I knew Francis Heaney would be a cultured man.

Someone has saved up enough lames to lame every single post at the bottom.

In the spirit of healthy literary competition


Rabbit is dead.

I did not enjoy Rabbit is Rich . That book irritated the heck out of me. The heck .

Congratulations. Who's the lucky goil?

10 lames in the last 11 posts -- seems like an unusually high percentage. Have things gotten that bad or is someone on a lame spree.

The latter.

We must all lame wallabeechamp every chance we get.

Or at least I will.

I will not join this hunting party solely because of the Ghostface reference that is his screen name.

Hey, have people seen this interview with Onstad?

Yes :)

Watched it. Fairly insightful, nice to see he's a normal bloke and not as some might have expected, a Doc-Brown mad scientist type.
Did I hear Onstad right? a Great Outdoor Fight live-action film? Innnteresting.

The interviewer and audience made me mad though.

"Huh...that is interesting...very interesting..................."

You guys I step away for ONE MINUTE (19 days) and suddenly there are 2203 comments? And many of them are by commenters I have come to like and whose opinions/senses of humor I have come to respect/adulate? Damnit, here goes Saturday.

Just ctrl-f "Kate", it's what I do.

You're just beggin' to have sje, zapatos and theguitarhero start using the word "kate" in every post

I'd do it too I think.


I'm a knife... katekatekatekatekate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWQnUFr9Kbc

...six times?

Of course not! How dreadfuly immature of me if I committed to such a thing.

(Did someone not see the irony in this post, or was I just being punished for spawning a new possible meme?)

Today is February 1st, and if I had given in to the strong urge to have a garage sale every single time I read this strip, I would have no material possessions left.

This might be a little late but fuck you:
Any hourly comickers in the audience tonight?

I'm doin' hourly comics!


I am posting every time I fill up a page, so about every three hours.

The Tekende of Assetbar fame?



Considering how long it takes me to do everything, if I did hourly comics, every comic would just be about me trying to make a comic.

If you recursive enough you might fold time and space.

Someone does not like us talking about Hourly Comics Day and has lamed all of us. What-EVER

'twas Wallabeechamp, once again.
HE is a Douche.

I find it funny that he lamed every comment going up until he got to mine, which says we should lame every comment of his.

Someone can kiss my grits.

That did happen once or twice but overall it is The Best Thing.

so many mens wash soup bowl, lol 2 wash is 4 women cum on guys

In this comment Glad talks about the potential homoeroticism of American Football.

Either that or female ejaculation.

Wow. Actually that is a pretty clever pun, glad. Almost Joycean.

I think you're mixed up glad, guys cum on women

Cum on Eileen.

Portia Di Rossi: Cum on Ellen.

I haver waitied newarly an hour, anidt id t is newarly a hour of me waitng her efor a new comic

I am druhnik as hell and i want my new achewwodood comice. I waqs ready for this! This is blasaehphoemy! Onstada wll burn for thios!get your thorches broterhs! IN eed my fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111

what dum fux. plz go wit ur incoerante bbable gah deh nrves of sum peeplse

ain't never been filled ain't never been filed it's mint A-1

a tumbleweed passes through the streets of achewood...

Ok so basically I'm going through the archive in random order and it isn't random at all. I've got the "Lyle puking on a football" strip 4 times already and I keep getting the new strips.

maybe it does it by rating.

wouldn't that be weird?

This is the new trashspotting.

There were folks in Onstad's recent interview's comment section saying that Achewood is past it's prime. I almost believed them. Almost. But then I remembered this strip, which is from 2009 and is now the most viewed and 3rd most commented, beating out things like Comic Sans. Ain't nobody in the place would step to Onstad if he was sippin' real nearby. They just like being on the internet.

you do realize all those comments were Himself, right?

if it really is past its prime, it's gonna go out with a bang, 'cos what you say is true. the facts will still be true until O goes on another vacation-trip where we'll all refresh for no reason and comment like Harper's 27 Women.

Agreed to both. Chubbied!
I admit I had to look up Harper's 27 Women, but now that I get it, it is funny.

You should have seen the guano crazy that showed up to my last yard sale. There was this crazy old mexican lady who spent, no shit, two and a half hours sitting on the lawn counting the old vhs tapes for sale and rearranging them on the racks. I don't think she had anywhere else to go.

so judgmental!

This certainly deserves to be among the most viewed.