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He Meets Him. Tuesday, November 13, 2007 • read strip Viewing 166 comments:

If that was a film I know I'd go to see it.

Mr Onstad - are you reading this? Cash cow right here, buddy! You know you need to make this.

A comment left by bovine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by KilroyWasHere, kenthegod, BoscoStacy, robstrong, werthog42)

Kind of like Nascar?

it's only neat because it could be cataclysmic.

its like a big, loud orgasm in the sky.

Ramses Luther was too badass to just have one kid.

There's a reason for the phrase "cattin' around". Wait is that a phrase?

A comment left by chuvak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, lemnlime2, SPECTRE)

Tom-cattin' . . I think.


The fact that little nephew's surname is Smuckles strongly suggests that we already knew Ramses had another kid. So I guess now he has three.

Unless Little Nephew is a cute nickname. Not that it's an exceptionally cute nickname or anything.

For the record, "Bigg" Snoop Dogg has on occasion used the word "nephew" as a substitute for the infamous "N-Word." Food for thought.

necrotizing fasciitis?

Yeah, I was thinking about that. This must not be LN's dad if Ray has never met him.

As boring as a "Family-tree Friday" sounds, maybe Onstad should put one together to clear up this mystery.

The problem with actually making such a thing would be that it would reduce Onstad's flexibility of storylines in the future.

I think it's quite possible that Ramses got a divorce from Ray's mom and got re-married, probably a few times. The man with blood on his hands doesn't sound like a dude to settle down with a lady for too long. This is also considering that the guy called himself a "half-brother".

When did we find out LN's last name? I thought there was never anything explicitly stated about his parents, but I'm probably forgetting something.

His blog is named "Charley Smuckles" and the televised suicide attempt also used that name. I don't know which came first.

That dude has imported hair from the 70's as well as the 1890's and perhaps some B.C. era. It is not a basic thing to look at.

Dornheim has rad facial hair.

He has Canadian Animator Beard, which consists of a full beard and teeth. No lips.

It may also be a mid-70s post-space age beard. The kind you wore when you hoped to work at NASA designing propulsion systems, only to find that the past five years had been spent creating a bed that you could put a glass of red wine on and jump up and down without spilling the beverage.

Your tax dollars at work, folks.

I thought they outsourced that one to Sweden?

The research and development were done here. They outsourced the profits to Sweden.



Did he have that grey patch on his chin earlier in the day? Also, wasn't there a link to Molly's blog that isn't there now?

Well, the blog link is there, now; can anything I see be trusted?

No, this is the Internet.

electric eel?

A comment left by methadone was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, NeoNaoNeo, Jesler729, ohmygooses, mortshire, morbo)

Daaaaaaaang. The plot just got like eight layers thicker in a single strip.

Also: ok, so the Hornet's hardpoints can't function in zero gravity, but what about the missiles themselves? Couldn't they head out into LEO-land and totally ruin that orbiter's day?

Also also: what about the cheese ?

The cheese could possibly of been put on Ebay by this "brother"...

Zero gravity isn't a problem. Even at 400km up - the orbit of the space shuttle (which, by the way, means that, at a maximum altitiude of 15km and a maximum missile range of 180km, means the F/A can, indeed, never hit an orbiting space shuttle) - even at that altitude, Earth's gravitational pull is at about 90% its usual strength. The only reason orbiting astronauts feel weightless is because they're freefalling. (No, seriously. Go look up how orbit works.)

I think what he's saying is that the missile's hardpoints can't function in zero gravity. Think of how a missile navigates, turns, etc. Also I'm not sure that they use the right kind of fuel, (space) rocket fuel is not the same as what's used to propel a missile.

*missiles are attached to the hardpoints of the plane* My bad. Even though the wings are usually hardpoints, hardpoints aren't wings. I get those confused.

Now, the internal weapons bays of an F-22 Raptor might well function in microgravity, because they use hydraulic rams to push the missile free of the airframe. But the Raptor can't make orbit under its own power either.

Ideally, the Blue Angel would have to trade in his F/A-18 for an F-15 equipped with a Vought ASM-135 antisatellite missile. The Blue Angel would most likely have to invert his aircraft over the improbably-equipped Eagle, shoot the Eagle's pilot with his sidearm, and then leap from plane to plane while in midair. Oh, and he'd have to be wearing a pressure suit to deal with the low air pressure at the altitude at which the ASM-135 missile can be fired, since the F-15's cockpit won't pressurize with a bullet hole through the canopy.

Eat your freakin' heart out, Tom Clancy.

Yes, eat your heart out, with a light cream horseradish and sea salt . . . the best way to eat a heart, but Nice Pete uses too much horseradish, and the cheap kind.

Someday, Nice Pete will just come to terms with the fact that he is Low.

Chubbied for at least trying to mix science and webcomics.

Chubbied for mixing science and webcomics!

Y'all some nerds.

At one point in the film, Nicholas Cage will make a clever remark about angels being bad in a deadpan voice. Then something will explode.

"Angels, devils. Just flipsides of the same coin. I'm about to call heads."


Shouldn't you be on strike? That is on point and scriptworthy.

thank you for identifying the final line in the trailer

I'm willing to bet that there wasn't a camera present in panel one.

And don't you think Ray painted the "2008" while he was sitting right there inside the cooler? It really comes across that way, to me.

I think he painted it in his childhood.

This may be - no, it absolutely is - the only strip which has garnered a 4 based solely on the strength of the first two panels.

I am still trying to figure out just what is going on with Dornheim's facial hair.

Probably easier to work out what isn't going on with it.

Process of elimination is the only way, in this overwhelming case.

I'm trying to figure out how going for lunch or a beer around noon turned into some kind of all-night camping trip involving the destruction of space shuttles.

Nicholas Cage ensues.

Not the bees! THEY'RE IN MY EYE!

Despite the fact that I like Cage, I think this line should enter into my daily lexicon. It just so perfectly denotes a film of a particular sort.

What the hell is a 1903 Hellerbach? Old school typewriter?

Widely considered to be the very finest of the Hellerbach series, the 1903 model was nevertheless plagued by numerous problems throughout the design process, most notably cheaply-obtained typing keys, later discovered to have been originally produced in Mexico. As such, all models from the first production run would inexplicably begin to run out of ink whenever one attempted to finish a page, after which the distinct scent of floral perfume could be detected.

While replacement keys were issued, investors were so distraught over the failed first run that they pulled support for the company, in spite of the many advances in typing technology the 1903 model made otherwise. Board of Directors chairman James Fitzgerald Smuckles would famously state of the debacle, "there is no market for a typewriter that will not obey the commands of an honest man."

I have to chubby this comment because I can;t tell how much of it is made up.

No, but really, what the hell is a Hellerbach?

There doesn't seem to be one difinitive answer that Google supplies, but here are the two funniest results, in my opinion.

Anita Hellerbach appears to have been a woman's right activist who, in 1969, yelled "Take that cross and shove it!" to a bunch of anti-abortion activists. The internet appears to know nothing further of this woman.

Dan Hellerbach along with Janet Fonda coach the Roland Park Middle School Girls' Basketball team. He also helped establish a boys' intramural squad for that same school.

Apparently I'm not allowed to give anymore Chubbies on that page, but rest assured that I absolutely love this quote of yours, especially if you look at it when it's isolated:

Anita Hellerbach appears to have been a woman's right activist who, in 1969, yelled "Take that cross and shove it!" to a bunch of anti-abortion activists. The internet appears to know nothing further of this woman.

Well, your earnest support is appreciated.

Ink? INK?

Cornelius can spot the 1903 Hellerbach just by looking at the typeface on the envelope. So yes, that makes it old school, and a typewriter.

Does the way '2008' is written on Ray's cooler remind anyone else of Mr. Saturn's speech from Earthbound?

Furthermore...do you think he's actually going to try to work the cooler into his card, or is he just sitting in it for ideas?

I'd thought he was just sitting in it for shits and giggles. That's what I'd do.

Or maybe he's cooling his "berries," to keep them slow but alive.

Ray has no "berries," son.

Sorry. His "rad chiles," then.

It was just a vasectomy.

You're a fool! Stop perpetuating this rumor! It was only a vasectomy!

I'm thinking he had a bet with himself to see whether he could make a better Olympic Games logo.
Also, I just can't shake the feeling that Dornheim is someone in disguise (not necessarily Dornheim).


It did! B0iNg!

Hell of chubbied. I knew SOMEONE out there had to agree.

Yes, Nicholas Cage has been ensuing a lot in movies, recently.

I think Cage has found himself in Circumstances lately.

A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, professorhazard, NYU)

A comment left by coldfrog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, NYU, wargasmic)

Ramses must have banged a sewer rat.

I'm thinkin bulldog.

Childhood drums, childhood coolers , what else did Ray and Cornelius experience that I missed out on? My childhood cooler was a coleman flip-top that smelled like salmon guts.

The closest I ever got to a cooler was a paper bag with an ice pack in it. Why they gotta rub their fancy storebought memories in my face?

Alls I got is a childhood floppy disk. It has sci fi stories I wrote about a genetically-engineered rock band drummer who fights evil naked women who turn invisible. The only way to beat them is by grabbing their boobies and paralyzing them.

Did you get sent to the school psychiatrist a lot?

Yay! I remember the school psychiatrist! That's where I got those tasty pills that helped me lay down! Yay!

Aww, man...what about Mrs. Smuckles' cheese?

This strip, while awesome, felt way rushed to me. I mean, it could easly have been two strips - one finishing with the letter (and what a " holy crap " finish it would have been) and the other with Ray/Dornheim banter.

But what's done is done. And Stadders Onstad is the cartoonist-genius here.

I get the feeling the very efficient rushed feeling of the strip is going to point to something in Dornheim's character. He already comes across as someone who doesn't mess around. Check that letter, "You're my bro, you didn't know, see ya in a mo".

this is a tite analysis yo.

I think it's more that Dornheim, who is obviously an adjunct professor at Caltech, simply lacks all human nuance or ability to read anything into a social interaction beyond the literal denotation of the words.

Or, in other words: dude's a fucking nerd, yo.

I have a sneaking feeling that Dornheim's efficient, to the point manner hides deep insecurities.

But this is Achewood, so it's a pretty safe bet that any character, new or old, is hiding Deep Insecurities. Except Philippe, and even he isn't so much hiding them as putting them off until his teenage years.

Which will never occur.

Here are some thoughts that I had.

That's a lot of plot advancement in a short six panels!

I want to send out Holiday Cards this year. Maybe I should take a cue from Ray in order to make them Special.

Nobody ensues like Nicky Cage.

Only people close to him get to call him Nicky, and they also call him Coppola.

Whenever Dornheim mentions his car, he takes care to ensure others know it is a Honda.

This is a Thing He Has.

Also, Lunch or a beer. One cannot have lunch AND a beer, this is unwritten heresy.

Using math and calculations, Dornheim has determined that 5 miles is always the maximum distance worth traveling for these things.

Dornheim's calculation of the distance that is precisely short of a Basic Move demonstrates that nerds are keenly aware of what it takes to be cool, bu they do not recognize it as such. Instead, their value system is inverted in relation to that of cool people: Practicality > Image. They (okay, we) will always choose the logical over that which will impress, and are constantly bewildered by the popularity and success of those who consistently make the wrong choice.

What an elaborate justification for not getting laid!

Have you read Good as Gold ? In it, the nerd protagonist asks his old classmate, who is now a powerful muckity-muck in Washington, why it was that the nerd would write papers for himself, then write papers for the future powermonger, and the papers written for the powermonger would get better grades. The powermonger simply replies, "I'm smarter than you."

A comment left by mrflunchy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, gbeaton, sncether)

I'm going to give you a chubby, because the last time I tried linking from waffleimages, I got lamed into oblivion.

I'm here for ya man, even if they all laugh at you .

"Also known as E, Everett is known for writing intensely personal songs tackling such subjects as mortality's toll, mental illness, loneliness, and unrequited love, as well as mustering the courage to continue living in spite of such things."

Re: Wikipedia.

It's Nicolas Cage, not Nicholas Cage. Man, no one ever gets that right. No wonder that guy is so bananas.

hooray! this looks like the beginning of a new arc!
also, i'm assuming the childhood cooler is the possessional sibling of the childhood drum.

The childhood cooler is the sister of the childhood drum. The drum, in turn, is the nephew of the childhood blanket. The blanket, you know, is the cousin of the childhood bicycle. The bicycle functions as a sort of caretaker for the childhood skates. The skates share an apartment with the childhood tire. The tire is a strange bedfellow with the childhood musket ball. The musket ball shares a casual acquaintance with the childhood laundry hamper. The laundry hamper has nothing to do with the childhood binoculars. The binoculars are the son of the childhood medicine ball. The medicine ball is the tenacious enemy of the childhood weighted companion cube. The weighted companion cube is the dear friend to the childhood collectible Jäger bomb tumbler.

When these guys talk about fond childhood memories, they don't mess around.

Chubby for the weighted companion cube.

It is a box of love.

too bad this comment was further down the page than all those other chubbies

Alternate story arc ending -- we discover that, with congress deadlocked on new military spendin, the CEO of Boeing decides that drastic action must be taken to preserve sales. Looking wildly for a new business model, he strikes on the model employed with much success by other companies such as LEVIITRA and the dodgy mortgage refinancer -- namely, spam. Howere, in a strange twist of events he manages --the horror!-- to get ahold of the Ebay Platinum Reserve userlist. Now, knowing the names and addresses of the world's richest, least scrupulous impulse buyers, he puts his plan into motion...

Months later, having finally succeeded in replicating the 1908 Hellerbach typface, this mysterious man looks at the first name on his list -- the man who bought Airwolf...

You'd be surprised. They can do anything these days.

'Dornheim' sounds like a track listing from the CD of a German electronica outfit, perhaps Mouse on Mars or Pole.

A comment left by morelaak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, madnes, phthoggos, Zem)

I'm scared Dornheim is going to bite my throat out.

If this were Heroes, we would be waiting to find out what Dornheim's secret power is.

If this were Heroes, I wouldn't be reading it.

this is the internet

A comment left by earendil was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, Carpetbag, Zem, thatcrazycommie, Darthemed)

Chubbied for making me laugh so unexpectedly I snorted.

fuck you man

I suppose that "internet" is sometimes synonymous with "madness".

If this were Heroes, Onstad would be on strike.

also that.

Is Ray just the only one in his family who doesn't wear a shirt?

A comment left by stopdropand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, daidai, flazisismuss, gbeaton, nutmeg, billypooter, Boyd, davidbowie, philosophe)

Great Outdoor Fight.

Belated kudos for kicking the ass of the Great Outdoor Fight. I'm link-challenged, but a site search will get you there easily.

Wow, a childhood cooler. I wonder what he did with that cooler as a child. . .

I know Dornheim. I might be Dornheim, myself.

Does anyone recognize the building in the last panel? For some reason it seems familiar, not sure why. I'm probably imagining it.

Perhaps you're thinking of the lab of Lonis Edison?


We never find out if they decided on lunch or if they decided on a beer.

This moved quickly.

Cornelius was on the way in and picked up/screened Ray's mail for him. Now that is a dude .

Oh shit. Cornelius is totally Ray's secretary. Nice pick up gobacktostereo... go back to stereo? Is mono in fashion?

quadraphonics, dude. wave of the future.

Two stereos, two CDs...


Yay! BBcode failexperience!

Dornheim repeats his inquiry about "lunch or a beer" word for word. The man is very specific about what the circumstances for a first meeting with a half-brother should entail.

...And am I the only one whose only previous contact with the term "hardpoints" came from all-night "Shadowrun" sessions.

A chubby for you from the Sixth World.

Ray has several bottles of soda in his childhood cooler.

A better Christmas card from Ray:

I was just going to mention that...

i like the lack of coherency between the first three panels and the next three.

A comment left by shades was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Contrasoma, ButterMoths, morelaak, loneal, Phy, abe)

Right after I finish reading the GOF arc, and wonder if we'll hear anything about Ramses again, Onstad pulls this.

I do believe he is connected to my mind.

dornheim's straightforward-ness leaked into the transitions on this strip.

Check it out Ray's half brother is tv's Richard Karn.

Just kidding. That is not tv's Richard Karn

Is it just me or does Dornheim's mouth look like that of a Magreaux dog?

I can relate, as I've found a long-lost half-brother while preparing for a Holiday.

I too have a Childhood Cooler. Mr. Onstad always hits the nail on the head.

childhood cooler, eh? aka: whelping box?


I first misread this as Space Needle, as in Seattle.

Childhood cooler indeed. That was his Skinner Box.

Hooray for putting children in confined spaces for science!

If I don't get to use the phrase "Nicholas Cage ensues" in conversation at some point I swear I'll die.

!!! I found Dornheim !!!!!!


Today's Blogs


God, what a terrible character.

I would be content if this strip was composed of only the first panel.