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A Frank Conversation on Pornography. Thursday, June 12, 2003 • read strip Viewing 69 comments:

Well....It's true.

Hands tend to block the action. During money shots most directors want as much of the cock showing as possible. You'll see actors gripping just the base for the same reason.

Thanks man. Cleared that up.

I, I err, just wanted to say Mr. apocowarg, I'm really looking forward to your next film. You are a visionary.

Weeds reference perhaps?

Not seen an episode I'm sorry.

I can jack off simply by adjusting my underwear in such a way as to brush briskly against the very tip of my (flaccid) penis. It is an extremely valuable ability to have on long bus rides, waiting in lines, etc, but I do have to wear underwear capable of absorbing my output. I sent a letter to Marvel Comics proposing a new X-Man with this talent but have not heard back from them as of yet.
What were we talking about again?

I think it's so their hands look smaller, hence their penises look bigger in comparison. Think like how Bob Fosse tucked in his middle and ring fingers in a lot of his dance routines.

In my experience, wank technique mostly depends on if they're just maintaining the knob while the chicks make out or whatever, or if they're in the process of spooging on the chick's face. Ray's exclamation suggests the latter, which seems odd.

Just like Fred Astaire. OK, Fred wasn't trying to make his penis look bigger but anyway...

Fred Astaire didn't need no gimmicks to make his penis look huge.

It's incredible how long and hard I thought about what Teodor says at the end. I bet Onstad could teach a master class in porno appreciation.

Heh. "Long and hard."

Heyo! Money shot!

Meyo! Honey shot!

M... mayo?

It turns out Huggins' Picnic Panic series resulted from a tragic spoonerism.

And then proceeded to result in a whole bunch of spooning.

Not to mention the schooner punt.

The pooner's cunt

The cunning poon.

The African-American who employed word-play.

Sometimes I do.

Ditto. I have large hands, foot long hand span. Yeeeaaah... HAND span.

Oh! Were you in The Science of Sleep?

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nipsy43, Nlaw, theplaidknight, SpiceRice, ovenface)

Your mother that I.... BONED?

She was so nude.

My girlfriend's nephew is named Max Bohn (pronounced bone). The kid is doomed to star with the likes of Candy Canyons and Peter Dudewood with a name like that.

i have a friend named John T. Long and who's middle name is Slade. topnotch pornstar names imho.

John T. Long and his middle name is Slade??? Wouldn't that be John S. Long? Or John Tlade Long??

i forgot to add the word "one" after the "and" in that sentence. it's two different people.

Fair enough.

I like the first one better.

That's like that Jonah Falcon guy that has the known largest penis. JONAH FALCON. Tell me he wasn't pidgeonholed. THESE KNIVES. Just name your son/daughter a name that belongs on the back of a low-cost american sports car and they too will be the captains of (the porn)industry.

The winner of this will always be the notable Mr. Love who dedicated some monies to Duke and resulted in having it named after his wife giving the world the fabulous Gay Love Auditorium.

I am told that the sign has since been changed slightly to read as "Gay and [husband's name] Love Auditorium". Way to dick over the GBLT club when they finally felt officially included.

The husband's named is Alan, but there's a typo on the sign.



think of the most obvious anagram of "Alan" and then put that in front of the word "love"

Ohhhhh hahaha. I was going "Lana? Naal? Laan?" for fucking ages.

I went to highschool with a guy named H.A. Johnson. Nobody thought much about it until his little sister started at the highschool and explained that his first name was actually Harry.

We thought his parents cruel for that one... then we learned he was a Junior.

Harry Johnson Junior.

Oh 'itchy'. Took me too damn long to work that one out.

God, a knee brace would be so distracting. I would just keep looking at the damn knee brace the whole time.

Am I.... gay?

of course!

To answer that question, you must gaze into a mirror at midnight and speak the name of retardo thrice.

Then he will tell you that you are gay, whether you actually are or not. I didn't say it would be a good answer.

A lot of sub-par pr0n has wierd stuff like this. Knee braces, poorly placed scars, etc. the distraction level depends on how high a quality you're used to and how, erm, in need you are.

Finally, a chance to share your expertise!

Gay for knee braces.

Not unless you are also a knee brace.

of the same gender

why's teodor capitalize "You" in "Oh, You watched it already?"

Complex power dynamics are at play here.

i am chubbying this as hard as i can

Ray is a god to him.

Teodor's slightly frustrated expression in the last panel NFTAWA.

(That's "Nominated for the Annual Win Awards".)

now, everytime i watch porn, i think to myself 'Heyo! Money Shot!'

it is distracting.

the money shot is my least favorite three seconds of any porn film or clip i watch.

i don't like a lot of biology in my porn.

I suspect my series of pornographic videos that attempt to teach the details of DNA repair mechanisms will not be of interest to you then. A shame as the production values were rather good.

This is a completely necessary conversation.

I've been known to just use my fingertips

I dislike money shot. Get some new ideas porn producers. Can't a man enjoy his orgasm in a warm hole anymore?

Well, no, you can't really enjoy his orgasm.

I am sorry about that.

Well, whenever that happens it has to be relegated to a fetish just like everything else in porn. Hence the wide availability of "creampie" videos. Not to mention authorial interpretation when it comes to swallowing videos.

You do, however, make an orgasm seem like a nice glass of fine cognac. Regardless, I still think I'll stick with moistened genital friction.

Authorial interpretation makes me think of a bunch of New Criticism types discussing 'Deep Throat and the Intentional Fallacy.'

Anyone notice how it's mostly men who are commenting on this strip/ HMMM???

I call bullshit. I always use just my fingertips. But I have the advantage of having a foreskin .

If even a guy who's hung like a cranberry uses his whole hand, there's no excuse for the rest of you.

Was Teodor disappointed when he found out that Peter Dudewood wasn't actually in this film? Is he a fan of Mr. Dudewood? Is he a fan of dude's wood in general?