If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Ramses is a Master of Many Crafts Monday, November 19, 2007 • read strip Viewing 180 comments:

get this sticker in the store, stat

seems like it might be difficult to live up to. i'd have to take my time considering the purchase.

A comment left by bovine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kbhoyt, unklmnky69, Klondike, chris80x, Thorfinn, Ariamaki, ESwrathwright, Semiquaver, tommycrashwreck, behka, ringwoodcomics, starforth, CloseFriend, grayfox)

Freud calls this "projection."

That was the best possible reply.

I'm not so shocked that my head explodes (accompanied by an onomatopoeic 'splut'), but it's still true.

A comment left by sortelli was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, rowboat, atticusonline)

Second only to the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense.

It's "I know you are but what am I" after a stint at finishing school .

They made it walk around balancing a big book on its head and now it acts upper class.

Are you suggesting Freud wouldn't have something to say about the astonishing success of the GOF arc? That there's nothing suspect about all of us vicariously undergoing a primal test of worth and virility played out by anthropomorphized virtual cats? That the closest we can come to experiencing the validation of masculinity that a concept like the GOF offers is to reiterate just how raw the part where the dude's face got ripped off was?

I ain't disagreeing with you or meaning to deny the awesomeness of the GOF, but as Dostoevsky wrote, "psychology is a knife that cuts both ways."

MLA Conference 2008
Symposium: "Sexual/Textual Anxieties: WebComix in the Post-Comedy Millennium"

2 PM, Ponderosa Ballroom

Panelist 3 (contrasoma, Rutgers U): "Them's Fightin' Freuds: Psychoanalytic Interpretation of the Audience Reaction to the 'Great Outdoor Fight' Arc"

Jung, C. (1923) Oedipal complexes, latent violent urges, and the archetypal shadow: a review of the Great Outdoor Fight story arc.

Comment left by towl ignored.

Fascinating. Do you have any quotations or links supporting this?

Comment left by towl ignored.

Comment left by towl ignored.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, rowboat, PopeDragunov)



oh hilarity :-)

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, blastradius, goocifer, troutman, YossarianLives)

Bovine's having a bad day there. Chin up, Bovine!

I object to this because I frequently read online comics while getting laid. I find it saves time for kicking men's asses.

Getting laid is overrated, as a matter of personal opinion. That said, the body tends to go for it even when the mind isn't so sure... hence my doing so three times yesterday.

Such a bumper sticker does make a promise, but one you only have to fulfill occasionally or even just once, if you fulfill it hard enough.

Really, you ought to be taking your time kicking other men's asses.

if onstad doesn't put this in the shop, i will flip a bitch.


you fuckin' know it.

You actually cannot legally flip a bitch in any state except Texas.

If you're making out with Billy Gibbons, and it's after midnight, you can flip a bitch in Nevada.

Provided, of course, that you're the bitch, you're driving, and you indicate at 100 yards. It doesn't matter what Billy is doing.

Article XVII of the Texas State Constitution (I know since I grew up there):

Section I: All powers are hereby granted to the citizens of the state to flip bitches.
Section II: Law enforcement shall play no part in the activity of bitch-flipping within the state boundaries of Texas.

My uncle lives in Texas and he's a lawyer. He can back up that law with force! =)

my uncle was a lawyer in texas but he was traveling with captain america and billy in louisiana and the locals beat him to death for his counterculture ideas

And even then, said bitch must be on your landed property without permission.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, dwodles, atticusonline, YossarianLives, Zem, dj)

you mean make a u turn? those are mad looked down on in texas. we all drive ford broncos or f150s so making a u-ey could mean sudden death for all parties in the "bitch" that is being "flipped"

actually, you can in Oregon, provided that there is a sign saying that you can.

Not true. We hold fast to our constitutional right to Bitch-Flipping in the state of Arizona as well.

Comment left by towl ignored.

To cast light on the shady past of Ramses Luther Smuckles?

And even if it didn't cast light on the shady past of Ramses Luther Smuckles, so what? Why does the character need to seem useful to you?

He exists because Onstad created him. He exists because he exists. That's all the reason he needs.

Have you never read Achewood before?

Dornheim's character exists because someone glued aviator glasses and wax novelty teeth to a coconut.

YOU seem kind of useless, you one-trick ASS.

Comment left by towl ignored.



Many people care about things in a way that will never matter, but few know how to express that by leaving.

Sounds like something the ghost of Ian Curtis would say.

The two manliest activities: participating in democracy, and destroying other men.

Also silence.

Silence is manly.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by YossarianLives, Zem, Ikrizzle, dj)

Leaving with silence: the motto of the one-night-stand man.

Wasting food and punchin' stuff.

Voting is definitely rad.

A comment left by professorhazard was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sortelli, Afkpuz, nbray)

Comment left by towl ignored.

Please use this time to count the lames you've accumulated on this page.

Don't encourage him. Towl reacts to getting a lame the same way you or I might react to finding a twenty in your wallet when you thought you just had a few ones.

A comment left by afkpuz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, Boredom_Man, arborwin)

I guess all the people who lamed you either don't actually know about the electoral college, or know but somehow still cling to the fairy tale that their vote matters!

"I care about you in a way that will never matter."
Someone paraphrased that when they broke up with me.

oh but it is a manly pain

too close to home !

Yes, in that order.

What other form of government besides democracy could allow such rudeness?



A comment left by sabata00 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by YossarianLives, clembot, retinarow, Darthemed)

No. He is the Louis Kahn.

Or the Snagglepuss.



Mostly sure I'm the only one here who gets this reference. It is so sweet, the knowledge that others do not have.

Did you ever see My Architect?

dornheim makes me feel weird

Perhaps it's the black pen, red pen, swizzle stick combination.

i'm not sure if i can trust him.

It's the teeth. They...aren't right.

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chivalress, shoethings, gbeaton, rustmouth)

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by YossarianLives, gbeaton, QuantumCasaba)

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tweakzers, YossarianLives, gbeaton, QuantumCasaba)

are you okay up there?

That is not Dornheim in that strip, that is one of the critics from Pat's concert.

Oh, god....dude, they just look similar. Look...never mind.

Jesus, you're right. It's Lyle.

Usually I vote a "5" whenever the strip makes me laugh out loud; a "4" when it makes me smile. I am unclear how to vote when the strip leaves me feeling touched by the emotions felt by the two cartoon cats who do not know, but deeply respect, their father.

I hit that 5 button with a sense of quiet pride.

Ray is desperate for news from his dad. I feel depressed. This reminds me that I watched a cat kill a rat today. The rat was all crawling in a circle from a broken leg. All squeaking and getting no mercy. I don't think I can lift my head off the desk. Someone get me a light box for the S.A.D... Or don't, whatever, I'll just be here with my face in the keyboard.

how did you type?

My guess is with his tongue.

I am a woman. On the internet. Most of what I do is a sexy mystery.

A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Spoon, YossarianLives, gbeaton, Zem, QuantumCasaba, ovenface)

Connoisseurs would never lame this.

At least one Connoisseur would, apparently, which is fine. But the other guy just lames everything I say because he loves to. That's fine, too.

Wow, even that comment got a lame. That's some rough business, pal.

I said some things they weren't ready to hear.


A comment left by hardcorebrat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by unquotable, thebarbarian, YossarianLives, Zem, Boyd, lazarusloafer)

I think your user icon owns my soul.

"His silence was articulate." This is one of those moments where I realize I have been missing a phrase from my repertoire, and didn't even know it until now.

A comment left by download-this was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, jerkface, YossarianLives, mista_b, lastlarf)

You don't have to do that anymore.

A comment left by kbhoyt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by silver_lake, ohmygooses, YossarianLives, retinarow)

A comment left by dropkickpikachu was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by unquotable, shogun, YossarianLives, rustmouth)

woah woah there fellow

Wow. After reading this comment, I'm unsure if laming kbhoyt's comment would increase the lulz or not. Maybe instead I should chubby the comment, just the counteract the jerks who lamed him. Unless they also did it for the lulz. Oh man this is complicated.

What are "white knight lames?"

An internet "white knight" is a person who rushes to the defense of others because they are so rad and they hope it increases their social status. Usually they are rushing to the defense of a fat girl who looks sad in webcams because they want a piece of that.

In this case they would be the kind of people who want the Achewood comment section to be a happy place where people only ever say good things and quote the strip they are commenting on while wondering why it's not a perfect five. They are people who will post a link to another strip in the archives while fucking up their BBCode and for an encore they make a post about how they fucked up their BBCode!

They are every person who chubbied starforth's comment up thread while angrily thinking "I'm not a virgin!"


You... DIDN'T find external combustion funny?
What kind of barely wrought wretch of a human are you?

The fact that he was preparing homemade whiskey sours immediately following an aviation conference is not helping me understand Dornheim.

I think it's exactly what Ray would do, minus the fabulous wealth and boundless joie de vivre:


I wonder what it'd be like to meet your father for the first time in a liquor store, only to have him say two incomplete sentences and care about you in a way that doesn't matter... that's heavy shit.

I am so into this storyline so far.

Your avatar verifies it. Very into.

How many candidates are there that support ass-kicking initiatives? However many there are, I'm certain that we need more of them.

I agree. We need more Jesse Ventura's running for office.

Minnesota's governing "Body"


There oughta be a Tom Waits song about initiating ass-kicking.

There might be one that I just can't think of at the moment.

It's mentioned in "Jitterbug Boy."

Right, he fought Rocky Marciano.


There's a lyric from the Nighthawks album: "Kickin' your ass in / in a cold-blooded fashion."

I wonder how Ramses feels about having an engineer for a son.

Ray won the GOF, so there is something he can be proud of. But an engineer seems antithetical to a man with that bumper sticker on his car.

Maybe fighter jet engineering is OK.

He's clearly pretty proud of Ray, as the first thing he thinks of when meeting a heretofore unknown son is "He should meet Ray."

or not.

i dig on ramses luther, but after three strips i have decided finally not to like dornheim.

too 'sitcom guest of the week' for the kind of quality i look forward to from achewood.

mind you, this particular strip is awesome in that if cats were ever truly anthropomorphized, this is how they would discuss their fathers. cat dads just kind of wander from one street to the next, impregnating females and never looking back.

"You know how long the average cat relationship lasts? Three minutes. The first minute's fine. The second - you feel trapped! The third - you've got to leave."

The Purina website (of all places! thanks, Google) says "[male cats] . . . have a barbed penis, which will be painful for the female during mating."

Maybe that 3 minute relationship thing is all for the best? Maybe the girl cat is happy to see the boy cat go, so his barbed dick will never darken her door again?

I am glad this aspect of cat anatomy has not made the leap from the real world to Achewood. It would add a whole new uncomfortable layer to the Molly-Roast Beef relationship, among other things.

you googled cat cock. admit it.

Actually it's still in Firefox's little google search bar! I went for accuracy over homage. I googled '"barbed penis" cat.'

Before clicking 'search,' I said many prayers to the internet gods that they protect me from all evil. I mean, searching '"barbed penis" cat' is like the internet equivalent of drawing arcane symbols on your body with fresh goat's blood while lighting candles and chanting latin backwards. Except demons aren't real and sanity-scarring fetish porn is .

That is honesty in it's purest form

I like that it says that mating "will be painful" for the female. There's just no question whatsoever that it's going to hurt.

I wish I wasn't out of chubbies. Have a pretend chubby for the Red Dwarf reference.

Glad someone caught it. Don't have the book handy so I had to go from memory.

Some humans do that as well.

I once had a landlord who was exactly the same.

I have to agree with the sitcom guest thing. Moreover, I have to call shenanigans on Dornheim. "True master of leavery," is not in the idiom of an engineer who would repeat "lunch or a beer" and specify that he would go up to five miles in his Honda. It sounds much more like the banter of Ray and Roast Beef, forced between Dornheim's bared teeth by the bitten and bloodied fingers of one Chris Onstad. Do not make a cat eat words, friends; it ain't pretty.

I dunno, man. You say that "true master of leavery" sounds like Beef, but "lunch or a beer" doesn't?

I think the dialogue in today's strip resembles that of Ray and Beef because Dornheim is opening up to his brother. As he gradually sheds his engineer facade, his speech is naturally going to come to resemble Beef's. The bond that Ray and Roast Beef share is pretty much the ultimate in friendship and camaraderie.

I beg to differ.

The verbatim repetition of "lunch or a beer" was the issue, not the phrase all by itself. Several others commented on the oddness of this last week. The long-standing characters play with their phrasing, as in "But Pat, The Cure is silly! It is silly to like The Cure!" By repeating the "lunch or a beer" utterance, Onstad started to establish a distinct and somewhat rigid persona for Dornheim. I didn't think "leavery" was consistent with that voice.

The characters up to now have all had unique voices, Roast Beef most of all. That feature is approximately the first one that is singled out in just about every review of Achewood, with immediate reference to the character blogs. In other words, it is a prominent and non-accidental feature that helps to define Achewood as Achewood. In that context (or in the real world, take your pick), I can't see that there's anything natural about sounding like Roast Beef, whom you've never met or even heard of, just because you're talking to someone that Roast Beef likes.

Glad we could disagree, hope to do it again someday.

I kind of agree. Many of Dornheim's lines have that over-literal, unnecessarily-detailed quality that characterizes unsocialized nerds. But I think Onstad also had this great (rather poetic) concept he wanted to get across and put it in Dornheim's mouth, even though I don't think it quite belongs there.

I guess Ray gets his loquacious happy-go-lucky King of Parties demeanor from his Mother.

Which is odd, because Mrs. Smuckles always struck me as a marm of sorts, despite occasionally rocking the Chablis.

Achewood is climbing to aching chubby levels.

You want to find Ramses? Find out where he's registered to vote.

Ramses Luther votes absentee, even when he's been in Sandusky, Ohio for half a year.

Ah, confounded leavery!

i thought of like 5 things to say about how bad-ass ray's dad is and they all started to sound like those chuck norris things. which is cool, i guess, but also real lame.

I Had this same issue Tim Simmons... Did any of yours involve 'honorary doctorates in leavery', or perhaps something prepared in this format: "When Ramses Luther Smuckles leaves _____ __________: ___,____,__-__,_____. _____ __ _____."

There's somthing familiar about the back end of Ramses' vehicle. No mudflaps, dual tail out the bumper, perhaps an El Camino? Any takers?

what's going on with that big tent-looking thing they're in? inquiring minds want to know.

They're getting lunch or a beer in that building.

I happen to like dornheim. a good addition to the cast. where he'll end up, we'll find out as we go friends. we're in the backseat of this wild eccentric ride and Onstad is at the wheel. also there is bulletproof glass between us and the front seat. so buckle up, kick back, and enjoy the ride. no need to love or hate or overanalyze everything here. nowhere else you get to go to have cartoon cats delineate the intricacies of leaving

Dornheim has so many sharp teeth, and he was never young.

Anyone here an X-Files fan? Imagine Dornheim talking with Byers' voice.

nobody is an x-files fan

i will pretend like you are not

Voted 5 for "I care about you in a way that will never matter."

it does spark the imagination, causing you to wonder exactly how a man can do a thing. i think that when Dornheim was born, Ramses just looked at his new, meowing son, nodded, looked at Irene through a window and walked out of that hospital never meaning to look upon either ever again. *prays his bbcode works*

An ass-kickin' in every pot.

If only being a master of leavery was a trait one could learn. . .

Dornheim's teeth frighten me. He looks like Magreaux dog.

What if Dornheim is actually a cleverly-concealed version of Ray's Magreaux dog? That plot thread got dropped like a bad habit. I guess he'd have to be a dog supergenius, capable of conversing about fighter jets and eating hamburgers without being literally disgusting.

That plot thread was resolved. It was all a set-up by Butters.

it could be. Butters could have stepped up his game and being just the damnedest little fellow who doesn't know when he's beat. however i don't really see the likelihood. Bensington was out to scare Ray outright that first time...what would his motivation be? etc.

I can't decide whether Dornheim shows his teeth a lot or whether he just has extremely chapped lips.

Dornheim shows his teeth a lot. With all that beard, how else are we to know his mouth is open when he is talking?

I assumed that it was foam from his beer rather than teeth.

Oh wait, it is his teeth. They're there when he first meets Ray, too.


I like the fact that Ray talks with Dornheim about cars and his movie script before they get around to talking about their Dad. When Dornheim mentioned the whiskey sours along with Ramses in panel 2, I was sure Ray was going to want to discuss the art of mixing a perfect whiskey sour first. I'd like to think the slight stutter in panel 3 was Ray pausing to shake off that impulse.

Today is my birthday, and this comic is perfect. I wonder what brand tire Ramses likes ?

I see the arc going the way of "A boy named Sue"

At first I didn't like this arc, but I've reconsidered. Insights into Ramses are too precious at this stage of the narrative development of Achewood to be spoiled by an actual substantial Ramses sighting. Instead, we get glimpses from other bystanders. He's probably the most interesting character that's undeveloped. (With the possible exception of Cartilage Head). I've wanted to know more about Ramses since I read the GOF arc. He was a delicious enigma then, and instead of peeling back layers Onstad is just adding to the mix. I hope he leaves Ramses alone for a few months and then Ray's mom brings Ramses back in.

You know what, I'd almost rather never see Ramses in the present day again until we know Achewood is coming to a definite end for some reason. After his brief showing during the Great Outdoor Fight, it would almost seem to make him less amazing if he became anything more (or less) than a collection of second-hand accounts. We know more about Ramses from his bumper stickers and leaving abilities than we know about Todd from a couple years' worth of appearances. Let's keep it that way.

The first time I saw Ramses, in the recollection of Ray's mom that lead to the GOF, he was such a badass. Then, in the GOF arc when he talks to Ray and Beef, I considered whether he was real or a ghost, because he was still too much of a badass. There is something very deeply important about Ramses that we should have to wait to learn.

Great, based on the alt text, Ramses is voting for Mike Huckabee.

Actually, the ass-kicking initiative is kind of like Mike Gravel's national initiative, but it allows people to kick the asses that affect their lives.

Somebody please punch Dornheim in the face.

Punching Dornheim in the face indisicrimantly has a high probability of cutting your hand all up on those jagged teeth.

Take care.

He heard about Ray a year ago. Ray desperately wants Dornheim to like him. Sad and yet humorous.

Ramses leaves in a way such that when the door slams behind him he becomes a freeze frame that suddenly turns into a pastel pencil drawing, full of life experience and ugly wisdom not okay to discuss on The View, shakuhachi music all playing in the background and ...

This makes a lot more sense now that I realised the first panel isn't of a half-opened VHS cassette case and some of Todd's shit.

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Teodor: Thanksgiving appetizers 2007