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The Party: Day XII: Names Wednesday, March 27, 2002 • read strip Viewing 82 comments:

Memorable first date.

One of my first faves. The last panel kicks my ass and makes me laugh every time.

Yeah, Philippe as the voice of reason is damn funny.

I just noticed that Philippe in the last panel has a beer belly. Adorable.

And still not wearing a shirt. Oh Philippe, do not not wear a shirt if you ever grow up.

He won't grow up. Phillipe is five.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by MyrrDisparo, c_dizzle, farqussus, NDCaesar, I_Love_Kate)

The second last panel is soooo underrated... The slightest mental image of Ultra Peanut carefully adding this very sheet of toilet paper to the drawing makes me laugh for a thousand years.


Holy crap I never noticed that. Its SO GODDAMN FUNNY

Ultimate truth. Guys if you need me any time in the next thousand years I will be with miaou, laughing

It's those little details that make it so special.

every time i watch the video of otters holding hands i think of them as Phillipe and Ultra Peanut


I meant this. I do not know what is up with me and buttons today, frankly.

This made me go "Awwwwwwwwwww..." more than should really be allowed.

I don't doubt that the mutual tension caused by the publication of that video has since caused those otters to seperate.

This made me go Awwwwww but in a depressed way

probably because one of the otters is now dead from leukemia.

I'm entirely serious.

the belly!

Is she wearing a nicotine patch in the last panel?! I guess it's just a regular patch.

Why would she wear a nicotine patch on her skirt? Clothing smart enough to eventually be addicted to the user's nicotine won't be invented until 2500, according to Lie Bot.

Her hair and dress are shitty because she is a shitty otter who hates babies, apparently.

Why does her hair look wet in the last pannel? it is a mystery.

she just finished wrestling with the baby in the bath tub

The funniest thing ever.

i love how he signs his name with a little picture of himself

the chinese character that ultra peanut says in panel four (%u8A18) means 'scribe/account/narrative'.

i know very little chinese in particular, but in japanese that same character can be pronounced "shirusu" (%u8A18%u3059), meaning 'to note/to write down'.

Up to the 7th Panel, that's how it goes every time I know a girl. The last panel is what got me into Achewood.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I used to think it was weird of me to imagine stuff like that. Especially because I knew nothing about the girl upon meeting her, and had no positive or negative feelings toward her.

But I'll be damned if the first thing that popped into my head wasn't me proposing.

I too often imagine marrying a girl after only the slightest assessment of her character.

Maybe this is a thing of us dudes in general.

This is quite terrifying to learn!

Be terrified, Xiaomimi. Be terrified of men.

I have just now realised that your icon is Filthy Assistant II. This in itself has been enough incentive for my mind to concoct a fantasy world in which you work as a physics journalist in Sweden, while I live at home and care for our twin daughters while working on my novel.

We are not married or together in any such way in this fantasy, those are just our separate stations in life.

Sometimes I confuse myself, too.

That sounds pretty fun.

How do you feel about owning some dachshunds.

this reminds me of Miike's Audition. she gonna cut philippe's legs off.

shaken baby syndrome otter: cute as hell

I like the extra touches in the last panel showing Ultra Peanut's decline: patched clothes, messed-up hair, and that whole subtle laughing-at-the-dead-baby thing.

Instead of walking away, he entertains the idea of a broken marriage.

I like how Philippe has a little paunch in the last panel.

Alt text: "That's the kind of thing I like to write."

I'm curious whether the "kind of thing he likes to write" is the strip itself, or "wipe my ass".

She just met the guy, and she already wants him to take care of her shit. So typical.

he's picturing them in the future. when they have been married and have a child together. and how horribly wrong the language barrier could lead them.

Truly two epic last panels. Bravo.

I like the way Ultra peanut has not only inserted that off-colour command, but furnished Phillippe with a cloth with which to obey.

Oh. Wow. Damn. YES.

Tis the way of women from my experience.

heh heh what is up with urtra peanut and saying cusses

The way Onstad drew the baby on the floor is priceless. I love this strip. Hilarious.

This strangely reflects my relationship with my fiance, except that we both both otters. We're like the transitive closure of juvenile otters. Except that my fiance's from foreign parts, and I'm not.

Dude. Did she change Philippe's self-portrait to add a piece of toilet paper or something in his hand?

Rather wrestles the "she doesn't know what she's talking about because English is not her first language" theory down, doesn't it?

It could just be the piece of paper they're writing on. We cannot rule this out.

Whoa I never noticed that till now. Good eye.


Why ARE you laughing? Laughing out LOUD?!

Phillipe's imagination is always good. Once he starts daydreaming he sticks it out, even to the bitter end.

And notice that he keeps calling her Frances, although he still doesn't know her name.

Yes. Even when he realizes that his imaginary marriage was a big mistake, he still tires to make it work for the sake of the imaginary baby.

This reminds me of that guy who picked out some random kanji and thought it meant "strength", but instead it said something like "underneath it all this is an ugly boy".

I think most of us have experienced moments like this, without the illusory comfort of thinking "she just doesn't understand the language."

Poor Phillipe :(

The baby isn't breathing? Probably a roller skate accident in the sink.....

That is pretty much how my first-ever date went.

Nice middle age stomach phillipe's got in the final panels thought bubble


bah -

My God, it's like it's half kitten half puppy

Also does anyone else get the whole "Michael Jackson dangling his baby over a balcony" vibe from this?

Must squeeeeeeeze baby -- so cute!

Jesus Christ that mommy otter loves its baby!

Hehe, in the last panel, Philippe has a small jutting belly. Even is falls apart in that dream of his.

*Even he falls apart in his own dreams. (Sorry for my grammar, very late at night, heh.)

Wasn't this the beginning of Trainspotting?

I didn't know what to say but I felt an overpowering need to comment this strip. It might be the last panel, Ultra Peanut's neverending grin or Philippe's little reverie but I simply must put a comment here.

I love Philippe so much

I've been dishing out a lot of 5s, but this one really deserves 5^5