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The Mile High Club Wednesday, April 23, 2003 • read strip Viewing 28 comments:

Ray's dedication to the mile-high club knows no bounds.

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mr_lostman28, KaMeT, Plurabelle, GMM)

Well, it's a hobby.

I don't want Larry King telling me that.

Another thing Ray and I have in common: We have allowed people to masturbate in our planes.

My investors are interested in this.

chubby for PA reference

Mile High Club: Solo Aviators Division

I just noticed the acronym to that is SAD.


Go the Solo Aviators Division!
hello fellow member (tee hee member!)
last flight i was on i joined just for bragging rights
now i just need some people who would be impressed by that

by 'some people' i assume you are excluding women.

Yes, he is.

interesting condition to put on the mile high club

Now here is a classy place to take a lady.

This one just sums up perfectly why we never again Ray's Mile High venture.

yeah except for the next strip


The Experience Affected Todd So Much, He Went On To Have His Own Airline.

I give this one a 5 for the alt text alone, much less how funny the rest of it is.

I love Ray's resignment when he's putting on his cap.

It's so great that in a later strip the sign has a "Couples only" poster pasted on.

And by "later strip" I of course mean the very next strip.

Business is so slow.


It was SO slow I let a squirrel masturbate in my plane! Hey-o!

son of a bitch. I thought a fly landed on my screen, and started blowing really hard to get it to go away before realizing it was your avatar.

I think this meets the criteria for becoming an hero

Ray really reminds me of Royal Tenenbaum in this strip, except he's a Mile High club pilot, not an elevator operator . . . It's the glasses and the hat.

This actually makes me wonder something: How many people do you suppose masturbate on plane flights? Especially long ones, like trans-Atlantic flights? Probably a lot.

happy belated birthday, Beef.