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Quebec Thursday, January 24, 2008 • read strip Viewing 413 comments:

A comment left by theargentinian was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, wittyname, ersatz)

Why is everyone else going there? I want to! :(

This strip is backwards! The punchline is in the first panel!

dear god youre right! you can even read it backwards and it makes perfect sense!

Wow, I was thinking this strip was just so-so but reading it backwards it is clearly awesome.

I... I need to go think about things.


See, when the above comments got made, at first I was like "em morf yawa teG .seman tiurf! haHA I'm so trendy that I understand how hilarious this comic is backwards! Heh heh. Myes."
Then I scrolled down to your comment and said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yes that is actually very funny."

I am not going to brave the failure of posting a link, but the strip wherein Blister fixes Todd's van also reads well enough backwards.

A comment left by jordstar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by alexhhhh, DeimosRising, Panserbjorne)

This comic is a snake-head eating the head on the opposite side.

Man, that song was completely in my head when I woke up this morning. CREEPY.

Cousinted, you are just full of barely-relevant references which none the less make me happy.

Feebl, Beef.

Ya, Ray!

(do not chubby me those were *awful*)

Go hang a sausage, I'm a lasagna hog!

Chubbied because i just bought a book that contains your avatar. You are obviously a man with taste.

also it's hang a salami, unless this was somehow intentional.

Nope, I'm a moron.

No sir, away, a papaya war is on!
Sun at noon, tan us.

I have unintentionally memorized a number of palindromes by listening to "Bb" by Weird Al Yankovic just the right number of times. It is a song I would chubby if Assetbar ruled the world.

Ten animals I slam in a net.

Obviously you didn't read the book that his sausage ref came from, from the author of Sit on a Potato Pan, Otis.

I'd link to Amazon, but I'm sure Asset Bar would implode or something. Blame Cousinted, which by al that is holy I can't turn into a palindrome.

Nor spell 'all', apparently.

Your avatars both remind me of the issue with Bill Hick. That issue was so goddamn awesome!

Are you referring to the Ouroboros , perhaps?

A comment left by myrrdisparo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, cavebaby, radishes)

Sometimes people just say "bullshit" after thinking of things they don't care for, I guess.

Yeah, but... Does Ray?
Actually, he seems exactly the kind of guy to do just that, now that I think of it.

I mean, we all do it, right? Heh heh, right guys?

People do this. You say something, and then you pause to reflect for a moment, and then begin your next remark with "bullshit" even though it actually applies to what you're going to say next.

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, riotdejaneiro, kylank, nutmeg, gowerski)




A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by radishes, mer, slalvation, baseballfan)

If you reverse Ray and Beef's lines in that panel, it works.

yes this is how i assumed everybody read it backwards until they got all angry nuts about reading it backwards-forwards-backwards.




A comment left by baryonyx was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, Spoon, BillyLK)

someone help me out here...as i type this, the only person to chubby idsyen's comment above this one left by a very dapper man in a gas mask is myself. why hasn't Philippe's rad exclamation not been as loved as the one from such as a movie? i do not Get it.

To be honest, it was late and I was tired. My quip was in dull humor and uncouth. I ain't proud of what I done.

but then again we ain't got much to be proud of.

i forgive your comment because i was able to quote Roast Beef in this.

Well, technically, if we're reading the comic backward, wouldn't Beef's comment come first? If you do that it, like me, makes incredible sense.

I was about to say this. Somebody should re-photoshop it with Beef's comment appearing above Ray's. Works a little too perfectly.. (shifty eyes dart about)

Just change the intonation of Beef's sentence so it sounds like HE expects Ray to hold Canada to be "pretend", then Ray saying bullshit and just using "pretend" because Beef used it too.

Somehow, Beef manages to make hold and sipping a beer into an anxious and shameful production. Marvelous.


You have to admit, it would make Strange Brew even better.

Impossible, Strange Brew is a brilliant piece of film making, donchaknow.

Strange Brew isn't a drink? Oh my god then what did i just give those orphan kids!?

And here I thought it was a boring Cream song.


A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Spoon, fallow_fields, Doc_Rostov, gowerski, SPECTRE)


A comment left by rowboat was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by morypcaina, rajib, biff)


On the other hand, The Who are completely boss.

Who isn't boring? ....oh, forget it.

Only the Boss is boss.

Ooh! A pun train! Lemme on!
......a pun is the lowest form of humor.
But poetry is much verse!


I disagree. I think the Cream are extremely awesome.

Funny. I always thought your avatar was sarcastic. Ginger Baker was pretty dope, but it's just not enough to make the rest of it OK with me.

I'm not a raving Clapton fan, but for some reason I have been representing myself online with this image for years. It's a mystery.


oh, gotta love that Engrish..



hurrah, it worked.

Mr. Crapton, your guitar.

I always thought it said "Clifton is GOD" which made me think of that Kool Keith lyric: "Clifton! Santiago, Keith Telavasquez, PSYCH!"

to rehash a tired, tired old drummer joke..

"What do Ginger baker and coffee have in common?"

"They both suck without cream"

Cue vaudeville piano to play me out..

I'm sorry..


Heard a good one that a 5-year-old told his mum today.

"Mummy, why do women wear make-up and perfume?"


"Because they're ugly and they stink."

Buh-dum. CHING!

In my capacity as a member of the Society for the Ordination of Future American Gays (S.O.F.A.G), this comment has been heartily approved.

I...I'm not sure what is meant by that. Thanks?

You take that back! My black coffee is a Saint!

"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this special message... How's it goin' eh? Todays movie on the Universal National Network is a classic. Starring in it, are two comedic geniuses of North American cinema from the 20th century, Bob and Doug McKenzie. Entitled "Strange Brew", it chronicles the heroic adventures of two latter day renaissance men, or, to use the correct 20th century terminology, hosers. We give it, 3 thumbs up."

chubby for the Del reference

What would?! Rick Moranis already pisses tons of beer out his dick in Strange Brew!

Ray is already trying to dress the part.

I'm from Canada, I know a lot about Ray.

motherfucker you don't represent no canada

I represent Canada and I come correct,
I'm true like a nation without a prefect.
I got beavers, snow, and lax marijuana laws,
You actin' like the south without mardi gras. (aww)

I break my leg, the gov'ment's got the bill,
You still tryin' to pull your tooth on a window sill.
It's cold in the winter, there's snow on the ground,
Come round summer there's honeys to be found!

I drive a car not a dog-sled or ski-doo,
and yeah, it's a house not an igloo!

You either had that prepared or wrote in ten minutes. Either way, props.


yeah, dope

Never before have I felt so proud to be Canadian.

Are you part of Achewood's Queblowmian constituency?

I cannot tell a lie: yes.

That is some serious flow. Wish I had flow like that. (Though the last line could use a 'motherfucker' at the comma to keep the rhythm up.)

whut's it all aboot, motherfucker, eh?
and other stereotypes..

... tite, tite...

Dat is tite finkin', Moraiat.


A comment left by mendenbar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, apocowarg, Spoon, Thorfinn, Jimjams, RogerGS, Moraiat, mike24, RitardoMontabum, epitaph, smugairle, nutmeg, sncether, gowerski, slalvation)

Leave it to the professionals, son.

Hey I gotta get started somewhere.

Here is a mop.

I think you have a record number of chubbies, good sir.

Nope, he just has a very impressive number

I'm pretty sure the record for most chubbies is held by one of the many pictures of Salma Hayek's good tits. And it is just.

She did have pretty good tits.

Right now, good tits is edged out by Garfield's dog shit eyes 255-250.

For reference:
Good Tits
Garfield's eyes

But if you add the chubbies for Teodor's-face-on-Hayek's-tits, then Good Tits comes out way ahead.

Granted, many of the extra chubbies came from people voting twice on essentially the same graphic, but how many people would have given a second chubby to a variant of Garfield's Eyes?

Currently, it may be the highest-ranked non-Photoshopped post. And justifiably.

Until someone can make a picture of Salma Hayek's titties entirely out of 1's and 0's, it will be hard to beat with a text-only post.

Uhh.. I know this doesn't count at all, but you too can make selma hayek breasts out of 1's and 0's!


I used this picture and it worked out pretty well:



The following is for research purposes.


A comment left by bjorntd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, Thorfinn, atticusonline, gowerski)

Ah, FUCK! Stupid non monospace.


Yeah, that was my problem with it. I was thinking about screenshotting and hosting it. But i'd take the link down eventually and people would get pissy.

I am out of chubbies, sorry. Just tell folks to copy and paste it into a simple word processor, then select a monospaced font like Courier. Or tell them to fuck along on this auspicious day.


Why did assetbar throw up?


You guys are straight-up players

The only other one I can think of is my James Brown Bible, but I think that was 122. Is it moraist's and my Canadian mystique that makes it possible? In any case, I tip my hat to you, my Canadian brother.

Moraiat got ahead of rogergs, but how much of that is because the massive wave of newcomers have not seen url=https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuab9ZWCr#comment_14]this comment[/url]? Let's find out.

Let's try again:
this comment

Dang, looks like I'm third place. That's all right, I'm just happy to be in the picture somewhere.

In a certain computer sciencey sense that's what all of these images are made of, but that's nerd shit.

Perfect description of our country in rap form!

I would love to chubby this, but I hate breaking 69s. Someone else do it.

That is so awesome I'm sittin' here all "O Cana-WHAT? There's a new anthem up here!"

Canadians coming correct, peep this, eh?
My brotha Moraiat, yo, pass the mic this way
I'm rockin' the floor, not lockin' my door
You paranoid, sleep with a shotgun or four
I'm Maple Leaf sportin', exportin' Tim Hortons
Your mortgages crashin', the greenback I'm shortin'
Don't test my accent, that shit drips with class
Played-out "about" jokes earn "aboot" up your ass

whats it with you Canadians and rap?

your rhymes are all so fresh

fresh and crisp like a Canadian spring.

Damn, I thought you were going to say "fresh and crisp like a Canadian beer."

Daaaaaammmmmnnn boooyeeee. Your flow be all too fresh, I...I don't think I can handle it right now.

i gotta go take stock.

The poster, Rachel, has clearly been served here.

You can now do the Charleston. That was Rad.

I lift a bowl of poutine to you, sir.

Or, if you don't live in whatever province eats poutine, I drunkenly spill syrup all over my hand as I prepare my waffles.

There, I managed to rope you all in there, didn't I.

The Arrogant Worms - Proud To Be Canadian

...yes i am a Yank and this song is still awesome. also this one.

I don't mean to be the sole negative voice, but I should point out that dental care is not covered under the Canada Health Act. Almost all dentistry in Canada is paid for privately -- and thus it is possible that we, Canadians, could still be tryin' to pull our teeth on window sills.

Rachel, how foolish you feel now!

Yeah! I speak for all of Canada when I say that Canada knows Ray just fine!

Here you go:[IMGS OFF]

Ray: Not Into Canada.

He engaged me in some friendly ribbing about Canada when I wrote into Ray's Place asking if he thought a Kir Royale cocktail would be a good drink to mix for a lady houseguest. Maybe his opinion has slipped since that time.

In that same response he also nailed my people pretty thoroughly. We will indeed rassle to the death if someone looks at us the wrong way. Come on, Canadian, let's high-five for getting friendly-dissed by a cartoon cat!

What, you're too good to high-five me? THEMS' RASSLIN WORDS!

It's good to have priorities.

A comment left by mrclarinet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, mg7810, flazisismuss, sigmacoder, Wulvaine, Audhumla, Ikrizzle, gowerski)

Ray Smuckles: Exceptionally good at taking notes? I would not have thought so.

Canadians on average masticate greater than the garden-variety slug.

They master-

oh you said masticate...

Masticate--which means to chew. So it still makes no sense.

Do you think a garden slug chews more often than an average canadian?

I think you mean mastur-

I noticed that right away. I blame the jazz cigarettes.

Your jazz cigarettes are laced with Drain-o, apparently.

A comment left by philosophe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, mortshire, streever)

Change your avatar this instant, young man. The image of Philippe should never be associated with the kind of pompous pedantry you ply. God, the internet is gay.

Chubbied so hard for the alliterative smackdown of plying pompous pedantry.

Ha. My 'develope' post probably would have proved to avoid its pile of lames had I not previously posted this pedantic paragraph. Interestingly, it is infrequently that I insist on irritating users of incorrect grammar, and indeed that was not my intent there.

Humbly, I hope my harsh harangues can be swept aside so I may start with a spotless slate.

It's cool. I'm a closet pedant, myself. But that was a harsh personal attack. Unless you're drunk, that's not too cool. If you are drunk - carry on.

Dude just shut up.

Of course, good sir. Forgive my previous lame. You are forgiven.

no, the Internet is for Porn.

even Avenue Q says so.

I love Avenue Q, so you get a Virtu-chubby!

gotta love them virtu-chubbies.

oh yea, that was lamed.

I didn't see it as a smack-down but just pomposity.

I think Ray would like Mounties if he'd just give them a chance. They seem up his alley.

In a map of Ray's mind, there is Canada. Next to it there is fruit. He is running for president.

God Bless America.

A comment left by tsrts13 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JohnnyLandmine, TapaidhNaomh, Conn)

Jesus Ray, don't be a dick to America Jr.

Especially because it is a stranger.

Get Away From Me.

A comment left by smog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Thorfinn, wittyname, Moraiat, Paco, weapon86, abendsonnen, smugairle, huskemonge, killerlimpet, RicNine, Wulvaine, mista_b, kenyot)

No, fuck you.

yes. as an australian. fuck you. canada has Whistler man. fuck you.

A comment left by drskradley was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wittyname, cavebaby, theoneyouwant, scottobott)

The last sentence came out more aggressive and less playful than I intended. Ah well. It's not like Australia doesn't get made fun of enough, as well. It's what living in a global community is all about. Yay! Happy time!

Wait, "I do like your breakfast foods" came out more aggressive than intended?

drskradley, you were once a reasonable man! Where is the incessant rocking motion I once knew and loved? You've changed.

A comment left by sortelli was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cavebaby, RicNine, zulko)

I disagree, and would venture to say that as a whole, we have a better sense of humour than America. In fact, just like a stereotypical jewish comedian, we spend a lot of time making fun of ourselves.

My observation is not born from animus. I like Canada.

But it remains, if someone says "Blame Canada" and someone else follows up with another line from the song (my favorite is "They're not even a real country anyway") there will be shouts of umbrage and complaint 100% of the time from anxious Canadians.

To break my personal rule about referencing Achewood within Achewood to make a point, when Little Nephew releases an album titled Fuck. . . Algebra! there are no angry or defensive algebra teachers as a result.

A guy with a cat sausage avatar says it about Canada though, and oh maaaaaaan. C'mon, Canada. It's okay to be you. You're special.

Of course, contra my point this entire strip is about teasing Canada and everyone's been cool with that so you know, nevermind me.

Don't be saying "What's up with Canada?" if "never mind" is what you mean.

...if "never mind" is on your mind, then baby, just come clean.

You are not South Park, and you are not funny.


Truth be told, there's a case to be made that South Park isn't funny either.

Exhibit A : every single episode of South Park ever aired

Exhibit B: That god-awful movie

Exhibit C: The people who think it is funny.

AKA the people who lamed this thread.

All's I'm sayin' is 'fuck canada'.

Ray is sporting hell of sass in regards to Canada.

I imagine that with Ray as President, WWIII and WWIV would break out simultaneously.

On separate worlds?

Just to spite you.



The media scrutiny sure picks up when you're running for Master Chief. That's what the President is also called, right?

A comment left by philosophe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jeofredo, wittyname, Moraiat, littlefatdog)

Hey everyone, this is a dude to listen to. He'll let you know how you messed up.

A comment left by bluejay was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thumbfinger, Dezufnocosem, Thorfinn, Moraiat, theoneyouwant, Wulvaine)

We're fucked, just enjoy the ride

Dude, if I were fucked I wouldn't be complaining. It's the stressed position, sleep deprivation, and waterboarding that get me down.

Ray had better be careful. He risks offending the bloc of voters who know about Canada.

From where else would Rick Moranis piss tons of beer


chubbied for the capitalization. imagining that dialogue in a conversation made me chortle.

Your avatar is trying to make it happen.

Ray: paw on the pulse. Still surprised he hasn't been done in by the 'Blubbering Cat Dance' video on Drudge Report though.

Oh yeah, if Hillary got scrutinized for a tear and a half, that video could RUIN Ray's presidential bid.

Ray sent some men to have a certain relationship with Matt Drudge.

What kind of relationship?

What? Oh. A death relationship.

Ray is not too far off from the attitudes for the last four U. S. Presidents (Carter was pretty tight with Trudeau and could even identify six or seven of the provincial flags).

Has anyone else noticed that Ray has been CRAZY pissed-off since two panels ago, after being asked about newspaper solicitors? The man has some serious anger management issues. I bet it's because he's not wearing his medallion.

Remember what he did to that solicitor who came to his door? Cat hates paper like a ... like a cat hates paper.

Everyone noticed this.

why does ray gotta dis on my country so hard?

That's why I keep calling the capital of Canada Ottawapricot.

My brain stores canada in a vast lobe next to NoMeansNo, narduar, Strapping Young Lad, Voivod, Gorguts, D.O.A., Shotmaker, Dayglo Abortions, and Cryptopsy.

We had a golden age of metal here in the mid-'90s. Also look for Sacrifice and Disciples Of Power.

Rockin' Under Satan's House

Where is Manflesh.

Man, exactly . If memory serves me right, this stuck-up, arrogant and petty mannerisms of Citizen Ray would irk him to no end. You know, when I clicked the comic to be transported to the magical world of AssetBar, I was half expecting to see a well thought-out tirade against upper class snottism by the good ol' doctor. Now, I feel sort of empty. I guess disappointment is hard to cope with.

Manflesh is a douche. Maybe you're forgetting that last time he posted, it was 3,000 pictures of a dog. Not exactly "well thought out."

Now I get lamed.

Isn't that the point of myrrdisparo's comment? Isn't it like... sarcasm?

I find Manflesh amusing, but I can see how he is something of an acquired taste.

Actually , the last time he posted it was a short message about it being his birthday and fisting someone's sex hole.

So there.

I like that posting.

I also liked the 3000 pictures of the small dog.

But it doesn't matter, what I like--what's important is that it is ART, and ART is important .

Art is important.

what we need more of is Art.

what we need more of is art

art is important

Chubbied for not describing what anyone ever expects of Dr. Manflesh.

What can I say? I'm a classy guy.

Well this strip and these comments have told us one conclusive thing. Canada is apparently not pretend.

Is canada-bashing the national sport of america? or is that the one where you have to drive a humvee across a football pitch collecting roast turkeys?

Please. That would require sustained, strong feelings about Canada.

Much of the Canada-bashing is carried out by transplanted Canadians. See Canadian Bacon , in which all the stars are from Canada, if memory serves.

But Canadian Bacon was written and directed by Michael Moore. He is an American. And the stereotypes of Canada he uses aren't nearly as negative of the portrayal of the American administration. It's both Canada-bashing and America-bashing at once!

And John Candy was the only starring actor in that film who happens to be Canadian.

The best part about that John Candy played an American.

Bashing of the People's Republic of Canadia only seems anti-Canadian. It's actually a sophisticated way of critiquing our collective lack of education, nuance, and good taste, since what else separates Canada from America? It's just those things, hockey, and lame spelling. The latter two are minor.

If you think about it, if Canadia were the 51st state, as clearly intended by God and Nature, Bush would not have been elected under the electoral college in 2000. Therefore all the sins of the Bush Administration are really Canada's fault, and by implication, the fault of every individual Canadian. Sorry. Just saying.

It's the turkey one.

Man, Strange Brew was an awesome movie.

Hey, Canada, let's compare the size of our GDPs.

And then compare them to yams.

Canada's GDP is bigger than Spain's (7) but smaller than Italy's (9). No matter how you work that, it is a raging Mediterranean stallion underneath the Polartec(TM) snowsuits and fetching baby-blue long underwear.

Oh shit I fucked up my numbers oh goodness oh no.

There's a reason I stuck to the humanities after high school.

So it's behind California?

Actually, I must have been looking at some hell of bad resources earlier, because upon further research I find that Canada's GDP is actually roughly equivalent to Mexico's and well below Italy and Spain's. Lesson: don't never trust wikipedia for nothing.

So yeah, well behind California's.

I have a job that does not require much of my time or my attention.

OK I think I was actually right both times. the CIA World Factbook has GDP (purchasing power parity) and GDP (official exchange rate). Countries rank way differently depending (let alone GDP per capita).

I had no idea.

I will never be cavalier when speaking of GDPs again.

You've been wrong before, but I like your decisveness.

Please tell me what I am supposed to think, clearly, and without preamble or explanation. Canada: Raging stallion, or humble farmer?

Humble farmer who has a pair of leather pants at the back of his closet behind all the flannel and plaid?

The question mark at the end killed it for me. It was your deciseveness that spoke to me. Now I see you as a flip-flopper.

I think this is a perfect description of Canada's economy.

I was wrong! Disregard the above! My blatant sexual ethno-stereotyping is rendered void!

I'm surprised that Beef seems to care so much about the frozen north.

P.S: Ray is almost right about the capital of Quebec.

Ray makes for a very angry politician.


A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, fallow_fields, mer, henrythecad)

Ray seems angrier than the situation warrants. But I guess Canada is that seemingly perfect neighbour who's so nice, but actually he is smug and passive-aggressive probably without even knowing it.

Although I disagree with most of Ray's statements I do have a theory that Canada is pretend. I mean it is a political and legal entity but it is not a nation in the emotive, symbolic, or spiritual sense. It is rather a loose conglomeration of 10-15 semi-formed nations (the only one to ever be legit is the former Dominion of Newfoundland 1855-1949. Suck on THAT, Quebec!)

Ray would have thrown me out of the house around 'semi-formed.'

A comment left by lost_buoy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, ZedPower, zulko, henrythecad)

Or rather, we want to secede because the rest of Canada thinks we are predominantly angst-ridden, faux-French, northernly displaced Cajuns. Thank you for justifying my political affiliation!

"I guess Canada is that seemingly perfect neighbour who's so nice, but actually he is smug and passive-aggressive probably without even knowing it."

So you're saying Canada is Ned Flanders... which would make the USA Homer Simpson.

Basically yes, except a Ned Flanders who is extremely liberal, what with his gay marriage and his lax marijuana laws. Vermont Ned Flanders.

I'm sorry that I called your country Homer Simpson.

Don't be sorry. We did re-elect W.

Who's "we?"

Hey, I didn't vote for him either. I was referring to the US as "we".

And I chubbied you for your technically correct punctuation, even though that convention has always annoyed me and I continue to put my closing punctuation mark outside of the quotes.

ever since this Issue was brought up here, i have begun to occasionally punctuate outside quotations in shorter things like "this", but "to me it makes sense to do it this way when quoting whole sentences."

How we feel about it matters not. We are bound by laws. We must abide them all, lest we descend into the hell of chat acronyms and emoticons for all eternity.


Hey, languages can die from being too strict & unchanging ('high' Latin) just as they can die from being too lax with rules (vulgar Latin!)

I stole the above from a shameful source. Or, "I shamefully stole the above." I'mma split my infinitives (and write "I'mma") no matter what The Man has to say about that.

this is True. i have read a Book about this. i can't remember the title...but i do know this Happens.

Seems like a sound theory to me. But I'll just be the guy who keeps doing it right. I'll do that for me.

Japan is getting ready to announce that they invented hockey.

Canada will always have curling, thankfully.

Didn't the Scottish invent curling?

My god, you're right. In my attempt at wit I snubbed the country of the Highlanders. The specter of William Wallace will appear at the foot of my bed and entreat me with a barbaric yawp:

"Ye may take our lives, but ye shall never take... our CURRRRLIIING!!!"

I shall rectify this grievance by purchasing single malts and fried Mars bars.

Well, they may have invented it but Canadians perfected it, so I guess it makes sense.

Ray would make a better President than Philippe, but only just.

Ray/Philippe '08. Beef is so tied to Ray he's kind of like First Dogg, so VP would be redundant.

A comment left by rastaban was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wittyname, mer, zulko)

If a man should never be dick to a stranger, how much more should he not be a dick to his best friend?

For shame, Raymond Smuckles.

A comment left by snowman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bluejay, Tragic_Johnson, wingspan)

Me and my running mate used to say that drowning in beer would be like heaven...

i hope this code works...


backstory: somebody earlier said that this works backwords as well as forwards, and that is true

here's a link to just the picture:

right here

Someone had also done it before you, up there.

god damn it

Sorry dogg. You did a good job, though.

...and, to be fair, yours looks much nicer (no dead white space). Still, if you were groping for chubbies (*chortle*), looks like you made a bit of a boner (*snigger* *cough*).

'twas merely a moment of self-indulgence, though i won't pretend i don't like the chubbies

also i never pass an opportunity to play around in photoshop

So! They laugh at my boner, will they?! I'll show them! I'LL SHOW THEM HOW MANY BONERS THE JOKER CAN MAKE!

I can hear Gob Bluth declaring this before he rides off on his segway...

Your avatar makes me...a TINY bit sad.

Are you the mayor of Tiny Towne?

Being from Montreal, i found this fucking awesome.

Canada knows about you, Ray. Canada knows .

i think Ray lost his medallion.

Canada is really sweet
Canada is filled with meat
We've been eating Canada!

Moose! Beaver! Snow! Hockey! Curling! Syrup! Scales! Fun!


What he said.

You two need to watch more Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Heh, our comments must've been mere seconds off. PSYCHIC LINK!

Whatever, you chumps are obviously too young to remember the heyday of MST3K. Back when Comedy Central had a mind-blowing afternoon line-up (Kids in the Hall, Monty Python, Absolutely Fabulous, Dr. Katz, classic SNL, etc.)

I was there.

Wow...Gamera really IS full of meat. Looks like I owe Frank Coniff 50 bucks.

"And what's in here?"

Sorry for butchering that,there don't seem to be any transcripts of that segment

Fuck me that is the greatest picture ever

i really miss KitH. remember the "Big Bucks" sketch? loved that one. LOVED that one.

30 Helens agree.

If President Smuckles makes it to the White House, the Canadians may burn it down. Again.

They did, you know.

I think Queblowme has potential as a fruit name.

surely he doesnt feel the same about europe

I found it odd that on the same day Ray shows disinterest in Canada, the Bank of Canada announced it was lowering its 2008 GDP estimate. It's almost as if Ray knew something about Canada that the Markets didn't and then they reacted to it. Spooky.

Ray's attitude towards Canada dissapoints me. Has he never seen a Hockey Fight? Has he never enjoyed the sweet sounds of Neil Young? I'm glad he has Beef there to set him right; Ray will be drinking Molson's soon enough.

I know he likes Neil Young's look. Or at least, half of it.

This comic perfectly represents the inner struggle felt by myself and all Canadians. So irrelevant, such a large GDP.

Ray is being a cock to a stranger. That stranger is Canada.

As a Canadian, I have no national pride due to the fact that America can slap us around and walk us around th park. We are, in essence, America's bitch. And I am no great fan of any of us asshole industrialized nations, especially when they kow-tow to the biggest asshole of them all. But I must say one thing: our beer is vastly superior to that watery swill you Americans call beer.

You're too hard on yourself (and your nationality). Most people I know (Americans, that is) have a fair amount of Canada envy, actually. All the comforts of a first-world country without having to think about the fact that the entire world hates you. Nice summers, and yes, better beer. Why worry what we think of you? So you've been a bit lacking in substantial cultural contributions. You gave the world The Kids In The Hall and Leonard Cohen. You've done your bit. Chin up, Canada!

Also Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and Feist!

I dislike the Arcade Fire so they are not counting on my scorecard. Also, Canada has given the world Celine Dion and Shania Twain, which is like simultaneously shitting and pissing yourself in public.


Triumph and Rush!

I likeD the Arcade Fire. Their first album was really really good. But the follow-up was just shockingly horrible. I was very disappointed.

I feel I should like them but I do not. Something about the lead singer. He sings every song exactly the same way. Like he can only ever express one emotion. Even Trent Reznor can handle 2 or 3, and he's made a career out of singing the same 5 or 6 songs.

Also, Canada has given the world Celine Dion and Shania Twain, which is like simultaneously shitting and pissing yourself in public.
More like pissing and shitting on the public. It doesn't necessarily have to be on yourself.

People say this, but really, the US produces tens of thousands of beers, and Canada probably produces hundreds or thousands. What you're really saying is that the Canadian beer you like is better than the crappy American beers that nobody you or I know drink. I think American macrobrews exist only to fund Superbowl commercials.

This is true, but I think that a country isn't necessarily thought about in terms of it's microbrews. Let's stay above the table, here. While some of those nice Milwaukee products often happily grace my gullet, I'd take a Moosehead over a High Life on at least five days of the week.

man, i'd take a coca-cola enema over a highlife seven days a week..

shame nations can't be defined by their microbrews, though: we'd have a "Malty, well rounded with hops and a hint of blackberries" sort of future..

High Life is tasty! I ain't got to defend that to you!

Yum, man!

(i do not drink. i just thought this fit in.)

I'll have to side with rowboat on this one. Though I usually drink the expensive stuff, you can't knock High Life.

I can, and do, knock Miller High Life. I imagine if I pissed in a bucket, added some yeast and barley, and fermented the mixture, it would probably taste better than Miller High Life. The label is an outright lie, it is not the champagne of beers. It is not even, as I have illustrated, the champagne of piss. If you want to get drunk on cheap beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon is the way to go.

I'm sorry, but this statement is just indefensible. "The Lady in the Moon" is a good cheap beer. PBR is a prank played on fraternity pledges and other people who don't know anything. I'm no snob about beer, but PBR is the only thing I won't drink.

(Personal aside: When I was a college man, I spent an absurd amount of time sucking down High Lifes at the greatest bar in the world -- Toddy's Backdoor Tavern in Knoxville, Tennessee. After I graduated. I moved away from Knoxville, and it was about two years before I made it back to the old watering hole. But this is why Toddy's is great: After that two-year layoff, I walked in the door, and just as I made it to the bar and planted myself on a stool, Catherine had a cold, crispy High Life open and waiting for me, before I ever even asked. God, I miss that place.)

I thought it was the champagne of beers simply because it's in a bottle shaped quite like a champagne bottle:


Miller High Life

Champagne bottle

Note: using URLs instead of pictures so I don't needlessly make this page even longer with big images.

Wait! You're all right! Except for the poor fool hating on High Life. I was going to quietly respect your opinion originally, but when you started in on the superiority of PBR I felt I had to step in. Don't get me wrong; I love the Ribbon just as much. Know why? 'Cause they're exactly the fucking same, dude! You're just critiquing the design of the bottle and the various cultural implications. In light of this, how many hot-ass witches does the label of PBR feature? I rest my case.

and here i sat, thinking PBR was only a Colorado thing...

Wherever there are middle class kids who want to look homeless, there is PBR.

Dude, no. High Life is terrible. It is TERRIBLE. High Life is what you give your kid when he asks for his first taste of beer, because you know it will keep him from asking again for a longass time. That is the only reason for High Life. It is basically a Punishment that a handful of people are inexplicably drinking on purpose of their own free will.

Miller High Life sponsored the Jackass movie. You know why? Because the only time anyone could ever drink High Life with an expression of relief on their faces would be after taking a bath in pig shit or getting stung on the junk by a scorpion.

Plenty of US microbrews give our microbrews a run for their money. But comparing Canadian macrobrews to US macrobrews is like comparing dog shit to slightly runnier dog shit.

True. But why argue about dog shit when, in the end, the whole beer world bows before a good Bass. I don't want to over-inflate too many limey heads, but the waste water on the floor of the most vile English brewery is sweeter than the best finished product of any other country in the world.

*shrug* We like to drink.

True as that is Czech/Polish lager or a good irish stout trounce the sceptered isle when it comes to a delectable beery beveredge.

As a Briton myself i know the last thing we need is inflated egos. for gods sake there are still w*nkers going on about the falklands war! (explanatory note: the falklands war was the war THAT SUCKED)

anyway Beer preference fight!

Oh Ye Gods That Be, I love me some Lech Premium.

Ahem. Crispy Stellas.

Enough said.

Belgium? Yeah - a close second.

Dude, the Brits totally kicked ass in the Falklands!* That was awesome, guys.

* - Sincere apologies to any Argentinians in the house. You guys did good, too.

Sigh, it's not about how much ass you kick, it's about why you are kicking it. That is what makes a war worth having.

Bass is good stuff. However, having spent most of the last ten years drinking progressively better beers, I can say without hesitation that there are dozens of better beers from the US West Coast. All of this is just personal preference, of course. I think that we should endeavor to drink only good beer, from as many different places as possible, as often as possible.

Fat Tire, Speakeasy, and Anchor Steam come to mind.

Bass is not representative of English beer, to the extent that it's fairly difficult to get Bass ale in a pub here. I've only ever drunk Bass in the US.

I did not know that. How about Newcastle? Is it also an imposter?

You mean New Castle Brown Ale? 'sfuckin' everywhere these days.

Thank the lord.

Are you kidding? Newcastle Brown is horrible. It comes below Guinness as an option in bad pubs.

That doesn't answer my question.

OK, Bass and Newcastle Brown are both brewed here. Whether your local supply is, that I cannot answer.

They are also both drank here. Newcastle Brown is moderately common, Bass less so. That said, I don't like Bass as much as I like Yuengling. That is a nice ale.

This is really funny. I like Bass, an English beer which is apparently rare in England, and you like Yuengling, an American beer which is definitely rare in America. The world is hilarious.

Fie on you. Not only is guiness delicious but it is also beautiful.

Guiness is a steak in a bottle and you sir are a COMMUNIST.

Your mother is a steak in a bottle.

Wait a minute.

You cannot really say that all Canadian beer is better than all American beer, because it's just not true. Both Molson Canadian and Labatt are shameful things to drink; I believe that I've pissed liquids that taste better. I wouldn't use Kokanee to bathe a dog, let alone to drink. Rickard's is to beer as Radiohead is to alternative music (passable, but best used as an introduction to better things). And while we do have many competent microbrews, we don't have nearly so many as the U.S.

I am going to get lamed out the ass for the Radiohead comment, I think.

I am out of chubbies, but your Radiohead analogy is spot on. They are like the training wheels on the White College Student Music Fan Bike.

Well shit, sorry for aping you down there; note to self: don't post something if you haven't refreshed the page in 2 hours.

Exportin' Tim Horton's is still the funniest thing on this page, by the way.

No need for an apology. It's flattery that we as Achewood fans think alike.

And thank you for the compliment on exportin' Tim Hortons. I overdid the internal rhyme a little, though. I might have to pay Rakim some royalty money.

I'd give you a chubby, but this is the first time I've ever had the 'run out of chubbies' thing. I agree with you totally on Radiohead...and this coming from a long-time listener of said band.

Chubbies all around for lukewarm Radiohead sentiments!

I won't lame you, tropicana, but I do call "shenanigans" on the Radiohead business. That's OK if you don't care about them, but it seems as though it has now become fashionable to diss them in front of other people, and that is lame. It's like how all hipsters were so quick to disparage The Darjeeling Limited - it became cool to nonsensically call out a rightfully respected artist just for the sake of doing so. Just for the sake of being different. In kind of the same way in which you used to tell people that you really liked Radiohead; because doing so felt new and interesting.

Well, we'll let the chubbies and lames decide who speaks the truth. I gotta tell you - the smart money's on you.

Oh, and yeah - beer is good.

I am 100% with you on this one.

I have given you a chubby. I cannot give lames to our opponents, however, because I only give lames to people who are being assholes, not people I disagree with. It is my Code.

Chubbied for living by a Code. A thing far too little done now, times being what they are.

In much the same way, hating hipsters has become much more fashionable than being one.

"A hipster walks into a bar. He says, 'This place sucks. It's full of hipsters!'"

I chubbied you for having a good opinion!

I think Radiohead is okay. But I am sick of hearing so many people talk as if Radiohead is the ultimate musical experience when it's just not. Saying that Radiohead is the best that music has to offer is incredibly naive. It says that you don't know that much about music.

I hate it when my opinions become trendy. It makes people accuse me of having an opinion just because it's fashionable, and it's almost never the case.

I'm glad that we have come to an understanding, here. It's really interesting to me that as of right this moment, neither of us have garnered a single lame. I don't know how much that has to do with this being so far down the page, but here's to bloodless battles and efficient diplomacy!

Bad grammar, however, will probably get me a few lames. And it is just. Dang. I had a pretty good errorless streak going, too.

Indeed. It appears that we didn't hold such different opinions in the first place. Beer is good, after all.

And never mind those prescriptive grammar elitists. They're just trying to control your idiolect!


I like...I like wheat beer? I drink Blue Moon and Boulevard. They are the only beers I have tried and liked. I don't know what country they are representative of.

Wheat beers are associated with Belgium, which is where the most popular wheat brewing process was developed. However, Blue Moon is made by Molson! What Irony!

Boulevard is from the country of Kansas City, which is the "other city" in the state where I dwell.

Kansas City is hell of weird, what with being in two states simultaneously and all.

Yeah. Someone messed up. St. Louis is like that, too. The key to thriving in these disjointed places is knowing on which side you are least likely to get shot at.

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about St Louis.

To be fair, I rarely remember St Louis in any circumstance.

I'm sure you're not alone in that oversight. And that's OK. We're the sleeper hit of the country!

What is sad about this is that Ray has the same attitude that most actual candidates have.
Time for the signature Beef "what can I puke in that is within arms' reach" move.

I posted essentially the same comment early this morning. Did it get lamed out? Because I can't find it. It didn't use harsh language or anything. I just said I didn't like this "ray running for president" bit. I don't feel so good about participating in this forum if you guys are going to delete lightly critical comments. Especially since the comment was pretty light-hearted. NOT EVERY STRIP IS A 4.5 DOOOOOOODZ

Alright, it's there. 3 chubbies, 5 lames.
All caught up in the internets...

It probably had more to do with the political nature of the post than the fact that you said you hoped the storyline wouldn't last long.

Strange Brew is one of the greatest movies ever.

ray's brain is a small angry quantum computer.

Chris's comic >>> the fan rework

I think Ray would change his tune if he listened to Broken Social Scene.

I kind of like Broken Social Scene, but, man, I do not see Ray enjoying them at all.

Man, I want to see the ensuing shenanigans when a covert CSIS agent infiltrates Ray's mansion after Ray junk-jingles Harper. Or Rick Moranis.

Vive le Queblowme libre .

Ray should read the "Weird Canada" articles in Uncle John's Bathroom Readers. He'd be a lot more interested if he knew that a man was pulled over on Highway 400 in Toronto because he was playing the violin while driving, or that a history professor at the University of Prince Edward offered a work-free B-minus to any student who agreed not to show up for the rest of the semester so his class would be less crowded.

Someone gets sassy when they are running for president. (bonus points to you if you remember the strip thats from)

This one.

that was a great storyline

wow that was really harsh ray...

Reminds me of a game we used to play up in Montreal... Gay, or French Canadian. I guess if the capital is Queblowme, the answer is "all of the above?"

A comment left by eatmorekix was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, InspectorGadget, scottobott)

I've mostly enjoyed Achewood recently, but I agree that this strip gives the impression of being ghostwritten by Onstad's nephew, who will graduate from highschool aged 17.

Out-of-chubbies virtual chubby for bringing the strong sack.

and it's not even a new strip! I won't lame you, sir, lately Achewood has been a little weak. I really enjoyed the Chris Ware diversion--I actually wish he'd keep doing that, rather than these mayor/president Ray strips that have a continuity which isn't very strong or compelling. I'm not that excited about what happens next....

the ongoing strips can be really good (cartilege head, GoF, Roast Beef being shot... over and over again, etc) but sometimes they just don't take off...

I think they sputter our sooner or later more often than not. I don't really care much, though. When it's at its best, achewood achieves great story arcs, character development, etc. At its worst, it is a slightly disappointing diversion on the road to the grave. About 80% of the time, though, whatever's going on plot-wise in the strip is just a vehicle for the humor. Whenever Onstad feels like the vehicle is out of gas, he jumps out, stuffs a long sock down the gas tank, lights a cigarette with a match, throws the match casually over his shoulder, and saunters away, silhouetted by the thunderous plot explosion behind him. In my mind, he's wearing a cowboy hat.


i'm a miss, and not a sir, but i appreciate your solidarity all the same.



it's not even friday's strip :)

today is friday
today, phillipe is five

It was Friday when I posted it.

damn, man. yes. watch him give it to all the blowhard journalists with their kabillion microphones.

"You a crazy person Beef, go to a dungeon."

That's what Ray says in the next panel.

A comment left by abbazaba was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, huskemonge, streever)

that is a dog's reason to comment, and you deserve so richly the lame I am granting you.

Best arc in months, I hope chris keeps this up all the way through November

i wouldn't dig every strip being about this but yeah, the occasional one every few days or maybe once a week would be choice.

What I've learned today is that nine out of ten Acheworld regulars are Canadian, apparently.

Any strip where Ray reads a newspaper and adopts a pose of not wanting to be bothered is a good strip.

Panel 4 is a thing of beauty.

Quebec is my favourite Ween album