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Color Monday! Monday, February 11, 2002 • read strip Viewing 73 comments:

A comment left by amok was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, NeoNaoNeo, scifigrl47, softerworld, tttt2, mrblank91)

A comment left by wulvaine was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ummerr, fakead, Deusoma, Satyr)

A comment left by girlandagun was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, lobster_mobster, riotdejaneiro, kenthegod, scifigrl47, Anniqu3, LordPretzel, miaou)

Otters reach sexual maturity at a different point than humans.

According to The Internet, river otters reach sexual maturity at around 1.2 years of age. Also according to The Internet, male otters are called "dogs". When people call Philippe Dogg they are being etymologically correct, I guess.

So is Ray, at this point in the strip.

Philippe has been five since the Coolidge Administration.

This is possibly the most common comment on this board, or at least in a tight race with "...boned?"

I believe you have forgotten THESE KNIVES!


For some reason, I don't see Ray having a problem with giving Ketel One to a five year old.

to a five year old stuffed otter

i don't think there are laws against that

So it's the dog playing baseball argument?

I don't think they could cover that much ground when it comes to regulations. Takes hell of time to get anything done in government.

there are circumstances in which this should happen.

this is one.

Ray, at this point, was also a whole hell of a lot creepier.

I think he just can't imagine someone not being crazy for the Ketel.

I really dislike Achewood in color. In my mind Ray is a white cat.

Same here. Beige just isn't Ray. It isn't... jazzy.

In my mind, Ray is an orange cat, and Beef and Pat were always grey cats, Beef being a darker shade than Pat.

All cats are grey.

In the night.

In the chair

[w]thats an otter[/whipser]

Also the "all cats are grey in the night" is something an old inventor and founding father once said. Cuz those old chicas know how to bone.

It is also a saying in both German and French.

I have much French in my ancestory, we know how to make the sexy times.

...with older ladies?

...with my ancestors?

With anyone, as long as it's dark enough out.

In the caves.

Yes, I know it is silly to like the Cure.

He sits tight.

I always see him as kind of a dark tan color, and Roast Beef and Pat as a slightly lighter tan. They all look strange to me colored grey.

A comment left by mighty_pit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by envika, Wolfslice, I_Love_Kate)

I only see cats.

I think Roast Beef would pimp-slap you for saying that.

Well he's whiter than Roast Beef, and that's all I ask of Dr. Onstad.


Everybody likes Ketel One.

Ray knows what you need, even if you don't.

It's because he pays attention.

He wasn't simple he was just in shock.
This one is on my wall.

5'd for color and ketel

i wonder what convinced chris to try color.

conversely, i wonder what caused him to switch back to black and white.

(need i bother saying that i prefer the stark simpleness of the black and white? less is more!)

On the whole I prefer the black and white, but the color does a lot to show the passage of time in the first three panels.

I think it was the other way around. Chris: "what's something I can do in color but not in b&w?... I know! Show the passage of time through an incrementally darkening background!"

hell yeah. good point.

pretty colours... that's right colours ...

Hooray England.

It could be Australia! Why shouldn't it?


You know those times when you're reading a black-and-white strip, and it goes into color, and you get really excited? Somehow it went in reverse for me on ths one.

A colour strip went into black-and-white, and you got upset?

No no, I guess I mean to say "opposite," as in this strip was in color and I was less happy with it than I would have been if it was in black in white.

's okay. I was just being silly.

"We had to use a spatula" as a punchline is almost on par with "here are some of their hands".

What did the spatula do? Was he lowered into the little coffin on it?

He wasn't "lowered" so much as "scraped." :-(

Does Phillipe take an olive or a twist?

Heh, heh! How'd you know he was out of olives? You crack me up, vice.

Philippe's days are busy.

a spatula! ha.

Ray is terrible with children.

The color of Philippe's pants upsets me. It seems wrong to wear condiment-colored clothing to a french fry's funeral.

Why did Ray change color?

he went inside where there was a light on

I'm giving this a five just for Ray's contibuting to the delinquency of minors. Hell yeah I want some kettle one!

I don't think Philippe will know about olive or twist...

Ah well, the server is acting oddly tonight, and didn't show any comments for this strip until after I posted...

Hello green skies.

Doesn't that mean a tornado?

The last panel, framed. I must have it.