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Roast Beef, He Falls. Fine. Wednesday, August 5, 2009 • read strip Viewing 364 comments:

I hate it when you fall onto a biplane.

I hate it when you fall onto a biplane.

Look, I've already apologised for that little incident, ok? IT WAS A MISCALCULATION!


In Soviet Russia...


A comment left by aperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lonis, ppccd, tibcoolbreeze, re5urgam, MortisInvictus, johnald, deovalente, lovelibeam)

I understand, aperson. All ironically commenting on a photoshopped post's unnecesarry placement near the top, all getting lamed by folks who think you're the one to blame. But me, I understand. Have a chubby for your wit.

all the lames are for comic sans

oh dude, good call.

Je ne regrette SANS.

Sans une police adéquate, point de salut.

that's because the disease is inside of you

that flick was filmed in my hometown. Dennis Hopper started dating my grandmother's roommate at the time. and we're not talking the subdued world weary Hopper we know and love. we're talking coked out Dennis "ILL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOOOOOOVES" Hopper.

i think that's cool.

Was he dating the 'housemate' that was her long suffering and previously taxidermied Lhasa Apso Choong Choong?


That's a triplane.

Don't be a dick about planes to a stranger.

It is even worse when you fall onto a tri-plane.

And interestingly enough it is worst of all to fall through a monoplane. The value progression is non-linear.

He has fallen through this plane. He is free-falling. Fine.

GREAT. Look what you've done to my brain. Someone needs to go back in time and strangle Tom Petty. As for the Heartbreakers, well... do with them what you will.

Death is not a one planer.

Can't talk now, bro. I'm three-fallin'.

Great. Between this reference and the above Tom Petty gripe, I'm never going to be able to hear that song again without thinking "And I'm THREEEEEEE.... three-ballin'."

I now hear Murderface singing "Free-ballin'"

"I'm getting acquainted with a distinguished ol' gentleman sitting atop two dufflebags... i'm FREE... DOWNSTAIRS."

What about William Murderface, Murderface, Murderface?

I would have guessed a quadplane would have been next. F-f-four sets of wings.


Hey, would a double triplane be a sextuplane? Sexxy.

All this talk of topology is giving me quite the normal vector.

Though this is taking things off on a bit of a tangent.

yeah, and I bet you're the guy who's only got one nut on your cell phone. ELITIST

I would disagree. Coming from a hardcore wrestling background, tables break the fall. If the fall is twenty feet, you want a fuckload of stacked tables - or, in this case, stacked wings.

From the same height, a tri-plane would be significantly less painful. Except the whole propeller thing.

I think falling onto a helicopter might be the worst.

not if the blades are sharp as HELL


so, anyway, mom

Falling onto a Fano plane is kind of fun, though.

I hate it when you fall out of a biplane.

She fell out of a biplane and became a lesbian.


how long until someone says something about avatar/comment synthesis, i wonder.

About that long.

It took you 3 hours.

That's what your mother said.

how do goombas reproduce anyway?

are their kibbles and man bits somewhere on there?? are they asexual and just sort of... mitosis their way into existence?


I'd guess spores... from pores... ores... res... es. s.

People just can't stand German Shepherds around these parts, it's true

A comment left by notcool was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sonofkong, blacksheepboy, bradypalvarez, SPECTRE)

Chubbied for truth.

More love for the sheps. Mine's some kind of mix, best guess she has some akita in here.

So friendly, intelligent for the most part. Except her tendency to walk into things...

I can think of a certain number of acceptable [url="https://www.discogs.com/artist/Shep Pettibone"]Shep-Pettibone Mixes[/url].

I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.

See that space between Shep and Pettibone in your url? That's where Assetbar inserts its penis. Bend over and enjoy.

It's the quotation marks. This ain't XHTML.

it is the plus sign.
and the quotation marks.

Looks to me like the plus sign got converted to a space, which necessitated the quotation marks. But gettin' at the root cause don't matter, man, 'cause miaou's gettin' Assetbar's manroot either way.

yes. it just means he's gettin' it twice.
double foul.


how long until TANGLES says something about avatar/comment SYNERGY, i wonder.

Speak it! They are the 5 tool players of the dog world.

What do German Shepherds have to do with lesbian erotica? Would this excerpt make more sense if we had read the first part of the sentence? Or could it be that the writer was so distracted and confused by Mary that their trail of thought was interrupted, leading them from thoughts of lesbians to dogs?

Answers on a postcard, please.

Well, for his research Ray was asking about how many German Shepherds would fit into a car. I guess he showed Teodor his notes.

But... but... what does that have to do with lesbian erotica?!

The joke, I think, is that perhaps one can imagine a certain subset of rather butchy lesbians who drive utility vehicles packed full of dogs. Perhaps a parallel to crazy old single ladies with dozens of cats and coordinating tea service for said dozens of cats.

Today I am the worst kind of feminist.

Well, you aren't bombing NFL stadiums for not including women, so to be more accurate you are he second worst kind of feminist.

Well, not that it much matters for the purposes of comedy, but what I meant was that I actually fancy myself a feminist, and the above post was a pretty rotten way of being so.

Feminism doesn't mean you're only allowed to make "acceptable" jokes. It's just that everyone thinks it does.

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?

...That's not funny.

Aww, you know feminists can't change anything.

What do you call a lesbian feminist flying a triplane?

A pilot, you heterosexist tool of the patriarchy.


I fancy myself.

Myself? I'm fancy.

As long as you fancy yourself in private.

Hardcore feminists should definitely be allowed to play in the NFL. God, please let them....

All sports, in my mind, should be gender neutral. As long as you have the equivalent skill I see no reason to segregate things.

Military too. Where, I think, there are some very scary Israeli women who will quickly prove you wrong if you think that women ought not serve in combat alongside men.

That I significantly dislike both the military and sports is entirely secondary to the point.

Unfortunately, your significant dislike of sports has apparently vastly effected your understanding of them. In football, baseball, basketball, soccer and hockey equivalent skill would mean very little. There are physical realities at play here. Listen - I love women, and that's exactly the reason that I would be very much against their participation alongside men in any sport which may lead to player-on-player physical contact. It would not help gender relations and it would be physically harmful to them. I don't care how pro-equality you are - if you think any woman in the company of men would survive four quarters of NFL-level football, you are fooling yourself. It is a dangerous idea.

As for the military side of your argument, I wholeheartedly agree. Any woman can shoot as well if not better than any man, as was proven again and again in Russia in the '40s and Vietnam in the '60s and '70s. That's entirely different.


Are you doubting women's power?

Fix that code and I'll let you know.

I'm not quite sure what you mean so here's a picture.

I'm not quite sure what you mean....

Did you intend for there to be a little picture saying "TV Tropes Wiki" above your previous comment? If so I don't get it.

Lastly, is that drawing by Quentin Blake? I think it must be, but I don't know what story it's from (although I assume it's something by Roald Dahl...did Blake even do anything else?).

It is a Quentin Blake illustration of the Trunchbull oppressing Mathilda from the book of the same name.

It was a similar but not the same picture, I guess tvtropes doesn't allow hotlinking images.

A comment left by wozzeck was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sardoniclaconic, Vee, Aki, BlueLoggy, QuietWyatt, foea)

There were a million women in the Red Army during WWII when it brought Germany to its knees. Their biggest concern?
Dying in a dirty uniform.

Sweet Electric-Sliding Christ, wozzeck, I hope you're joking here.

I am, although I was tweaking the usual suspects a bit with how I worded my last point.

Political "correctness" does not override physical reality, including the sexual dimorphism of human physiology. Ditto the most basic drives of male psychology.

Even if I grant the supposed 'naturalness' of sexual dimorphism (which is never, of course, a strict binary, at least in the sense of being an uncrossable divide), I strongly disagree with the assumption that the "most basic drives of male psychology" are a real thing at the bio-physiological level. This is clearly not the space to be a Judith-Butler-botherer, but the biological distribution of sex organs does not cleanly map to the socially constructed distribution of gendered identities.

I don't really care about intervening in the debate about gender and the military, because I do grant your point that there are certain physiological differences (though these are probabilistic differences, not absolute, such that there are certainly plenty of biological women capable of ripping out the esophagus of biological men, or whatever else it is we expect of our military folk these days); my real point is that it's one thing to say that our shared and socially constructed reality treats gendered roles as foundational and immutable, and an entirely separate thing to claim that those roles are actually (choose your preferred totalizing adjective) objectively real/essential/Natural/whatever.

TESTOSTERONE in your cry cry face.

These things may be of concern to first-world armies. I'll grant you that. But I don't think any of that mattered to the aforementioned Russians or Vietnamese, who in their hours of darkness were entirely less than human (which obviously had everything to do with why they won their wars). Once that sentimentality was stripped away, their woman were indispensable killers. I don't believe either army would've fared so well without them.

If by "the Vietnamese" you mean North Vietnam and the Viet Cong, militarily they got their asses handed to them. That war was lost only because politicians pulled the plug on it, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as it were. Even General Vo Nguyen Giap admitted that the Tet Offensive, a last big push orchestrated out of desperation, was a crushing failure. After that, however, and a certain newscaster's... creative retelling of events, all the North had to do was stall for time and let the American anti-war crowd hand the South to them on a silver platter (much to the dismay of the millions who would be killed by the communist regimes in Vietnam and Cambodia as a result).

Russia, like North Vietnam use female soldiers for one overriding reason: They didn't care about any given unit's effectiveness or survivability. Human life was nothing to these governments and a dead woman was no more or less a number than a dead man. If you were a warm body that could hold a rifle, they would use you.

I should also add that sending that segment of your population whose numbers are utterly essential to your nation's reproductive potential into war generally is not the greatest of survival strategies.

As for the Israeli's, they use women in combat roles largely not only because they need every person they can get, but also due to the fact that if the enemies which surround them ever succeeded in an invasion, those women would likely be killed (or worse) anyway.

"what type of bear is best?"

That is a ridiculous question. There is no proper metric...

I think we're getting off the subject a tad here, and possibly veering toward a line of conversation that would have no end and would not be enjoyable for anyone else here (as opposed to speculation as to how many hundreds of at bats it would take a woman to get a clean base hit off of Tim Lincecum, which is a topic simply everyone can have fun with!), but I think that calling the Tet Offensive a "crushing failure" is a patent oversimplification (no matter who said it). Movements which negatively sway morale on your enemy's homefront are never failures, no matter what they played out like on the ground (which wasn't exactly a slap fight). That shit is louder than bombs, as the old fella said. And I think it's fair to assume that at the rate we were going, if we had stayed the course we would've been pluggin' away at tunnels and paddies well into the late '80s with hella undesirable results.

How ever you wanna say it, whatever rationales you wanna throw it, the North Vietnamese whipped us as decisively as we whipped the Japanese. They just did it in a different way.

sit the fuck down you don't have the first clue I hope you're joking

wozzeck-- I'd just like to answer your last two points. First, as a woman, I've had experience with both female and male genitalia. I can tell you, man parts can get just as nasty as lady parts when not subjected to proper washing and grooming. I have learned this through long sessions of wilderness camping. Second, as for carrying feminine hygiene products, one solution might be hormonal birth control. Using this, a woman can forgo having her period for months at a time.

Ok, so the military says women can become frontline soldiers only if they take hormonal birth control... that would provoke just as big a backlash as not letting them in the first place.

yeah, I didn't mean to imply that I think women in the military should be required to take birth control. I was just saying that if a soldier were really concerned about carrying supplies, it would be one option.

Not to toot Frank Herbert's horn (though I am about to do just that), can anyone deny that an all-female army is a nurturing disciplinarian, whereas an all-male army will always turn upon its populace in the absence of an enemy? (See: History)

and at certain times of the month, the all-female army would become a rampaging, unstoppable juggernaught of death and destruction, ruthlessly conquering neighboring territories

But.. but there's so much more to PMS than progesterone rage! Couldn't you have worked something in about the chocolate craving? Or the horniness?

i was going to say that Hershey's and Nestle would suddenly experience a booming rise in their shares, but then I didn't want the hardcore neo-feminists to curbstomp me for implying that women eat when they're unhappy or irritable


for some reason i forgot to mention that in my first comment

Cheers. I am of the opinion that you should make whatever jokes you like, as long as they're funny. "Hormonal changes make women emotionally volatile" I've heard before (and btw it is true of not only women). Dare to blaze a new trail.

the problem is that the PC police don't like it when you do that

and hell YES dudes get raw when their hormones fluctuate, one example is RRRRRRRROID RAGE


when life gives you lemons you


All throwing pots, breaking dishes, hella stamping their tiny feet and breaking into tears.....

scorpio_nadir, is everything all right at home? Just sayin'.

"Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal. Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Who is this? What's your operating number?

Boring conversation anyway.

Be the change you wish to see in this thread. Don't just make it even worse that it already is.

scorpio, jeff, i chubby these two comments.

i even chubby them as my father.
but i do not chubby my father.
because he is dead.
(don't even. kthxbai.)

Waiting for collateral damage report.

This is control. Please lodge collateral damage report before inquiry begins.

German Shepherds are also the dog that fits best into this image. They aren't ridiculously man-style, like a Pit-bull, and they aren't specifically toy or show either. Just serious and threatening enough.
They are awesome dogs, and I can't fathom why Chris would be on such bad terms with em, other than run-ins with the law.

Perhaps Yard-Dancer was based on a true story.

Baaaaaaad hips!

Only the German Shepherd Dogs bred for conformation showing and not actual working have the heinous hip problems. GSD's from working lines aren't bred for that retarded slope that causes such severe issues. Also the ones in the UK, which mostly come from working lines.

Dogs, man. I know some shit about them.

congratulations, philophobe

you are the

joke actualiser of the week

Up yours if this was actually meant to be an insult (but not up yours if not).

No! I liked your interpretation and chubbied you!

I... I'm sorry that I am a dick...

Not cool, dude. I chubbied your "joke actualizer" comment because I thought you were being a dick. Now you've revised and apologized. I feel used.

But what does this have to do with eating shit?

You had an opportunity and missed it.

WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH NOT GIVING A SHIT ABOUT YOUR CRY FACE!? (I would interrobang that last bit, for the hat trick, but I hate ASCII and Unicode)


But what does this have to do with eating UR CRY CRY FACE?

Looks like Roast Beef fell for that door.

Whoever designed that building should be fired. It's against code to have an exit door that opens in.


it is now a thing.

Official authorized version first used against me:







(your call is very unportant to us. please wait while we ignore it.)

"customer satisfaction is way the fuck down since we started employing that dalek guy."

(all with a tie on a magnet stuck to his neck plate)

Dark Helmet stylez.

the tie, that is.

Yours might be, that's why I learned to cry the weepy-weep way.

i'll hit you if i have to.

That, and opening into Cartilage Head's triplane via third-story fall couldn't be up to code.

But that was a Cartilage Head-created door. Man is old school and bases his construction on pre-Cocoanut Grove fire codes. You can bet that when he makes a revolving door there's no regular door to be found within twenty feet.

Chubbied simply for the Cocoanut Grove reference.

Why a duck?

Man, fuck the fire code. What about zombie codes? Why do we not have those? When a ravenous pack of the undead is bearing down on you, you want the door to the last house on the street with windows intact to open in . You can throw a sofa behind it later.

Our government has such the wrong priorities.

Last winter while taking out the garbage, I realized that my house is not zombie-safe. Windows everywhere, rather flimsy garage/basement doors, plus shared walls with houses on either side, so the roof and skylight are easily accessible. It's basically hopeless.

So I went upstairs and told my wife the house is not zombie-safe. She's been having nightmares ever since.


neither is my future house.
maybe my future-house will be; all laser cannons around the perimeter, hella android sentries...

not Andy, though. he wouldn't do shit. get the brobots Lie and Vlad up ins. reconfig them to microbrew so we can get our slant on and really rail some undead.

Man, as long as you have a second story with a bathtub, a decently can-stocked cupboard, an ax and stairs which can be easily destroyed by an ax, you'll survive anything less than a class 3 outbreak.

If you don't have those things, you might consider relocating.

yup. got the book. and the shirt's in the mail.

Then you'll be fine.

Man, zombie survivalist jokes are so 2003 .

Jokes? I ain't hear no jokes.

Declaring what year a given trope is from, in a condescending tone, is very 1991.

Exit stage right even.

Heavens to Mergatroid!

This is not an exit.

Cartilage Head's favorite video game is Silent Hill: Homecoming.

Cartilage Head only plays "video games" when he watches TV on a somehow Victorian-era television and tries to guess how long each of the actors has to live.

He watches Dumont Network programs on reels, on a 14 foot wide projector screen made of silkworm-spun silk and names the diseases Art Carney and Jackie Gleason and the rest of the gang will contract.

I think if Cartilage Head were a gamer he would only play the Atari 2600. He would own ET: The Extra-Terrestrial and cry over the futility of playing it.

Seriously, what a shitty game.

> a comment made by newspaperdrone was removed from the thread by Atari, and buried in the Arizona desert.

"Dig deeper. We don't want Mary coming out and digging the unnecessary comment up.


just a 1970's Zenith System 3 19" Console Television Set, complete with Space Phone and Space Commander remote control.

i have one of these in my basement. it's so rad.

I had one of those -- it was terrific! Then it died and I had to have the CIA dispose of it. True story.

I remain of the opinion that AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Beef should be used to dying by now, I'd think.

Perhaps the Lash of Thanatos indicates permanent death?

No I think CH is being helpful, in some way.

Oh Yes.

His tears cure depression

'scared straight'.

Well he is an entertainer. Entertainer of the macabre .
In the way he entertained Ray and then showed him a deeper, darker part of himself, I'm sure he will do likewise for Beef.

Is that possible?

Permanent, Incredible Death.

The last time he died, he discovered that heaven had been burned to the ground and he had to have the Murder act perpetrated on him by two scary dudes. He might not want to have to go through all that again.

Yeah, this is the most I could figure. It's clear that CH is trying to save Beef from the.. curse of the Lash, but it's unclear why Beef thinks this death will be more permanent than the last two or three.

Unless he's more scared of No-No than he is of death.

The least acceptable dog in the world is, in fact, a chihuahua.

Or a West Yorkshire Terrier.


Fuck this motherfucker.

Look at this sweet little thing and tell me he is not acceptable: [IMGS OFF]

WHOOPS, I meant this one: [IMGS OFF]

As a dyslexic, I don't know who is worshiping who.

Ha! Ha!

As a pedant, I know who is worshiping whom.

If you don't want to get word-nerded you're in the wrong playground. I suggest you take your copy of Strunk & White and go home if you can't handle it.

I do, however, apologize for being a dick to a stranger, especially on Fuck You Friday.

The least acceptable dog in the world is called Himmler. He lives in Basingstoke. His hobbies include biting vicars, and eating cigarette buts, sicking them up, and eating them again. His farts smell like hot sewage.

In fairness, what creatures on this earth have farts that don't smell like hot sewage?

There are, in fact, a number of exceptions to the hot sewage fart rule:

Vampire farts smell like tepid soup.

Tom Cruise's farts smell like an alien probe.

Robot farts smell like ozone.

Vegetarian farts smell like someone emptied an outhouse into a salad bar.

Bill Gates' farts smell like the souls of those who dared to oppose him.

Steve Jobs, despite being a vegetarian, has farts that smell like new electronics.

Oprah Winfrey's farts smell like sulfur and brimstone.

Sarah Palin's farts smell like microwaved hot dogs.

Paris Hilton's farts smell like three-dozen penises.

If this world were just, this post would make this page the top google result for Bill Gates Three Dozen Penises.

What a world we live in.

It is now. Perhaps your comment made it so.

A comment left by spazdor was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by parkerah, tgies, Dybrar)

I suppose it is possible. I do not know what nine thousand penises smell like when roasted in the fires of hell.

On a related note, Dr. Phil's breath smells like Oprah Winfrey's penis.

You have made a big assumption that Oprah like penis.

sigh...likes not like. My excuse is that Oprah is big enough to be plural.

heh! yeah! like when she sits around the house she sits around the house

lazy half v-chub because whoever sent her the "over nine thousand penises" thing was mad lame in the first

Beer farts usually smell like grilled cheese and shit.

Oddly enough, so do grilled cheese farts

How does one grill a fart? Furthermore, how does one know when a fart is properly grilled?

You ain't grill no fart, boy, it just smells like it. Shit.

Peper it squarely.

The fart muft sizzle.

its like middle school, dude.
self-appointed intellectuals
fart jokes
penis jokes

all were missing are wedgies...

Yeah, we need to get us some state-appointed intellectuals up ins.

all were missing are wedgies...

. . . and apostrophes.

i dont miss apostrophes at all.


would it be easier to grill the fart after it has formed into a skin?

Molly Kazenzakis would know a little more about that than me, sorry.

Jesus. I was going to say poodles with brown goo matting the fur around their eyes, but Himmler just sounds like a terrible dog.

I genuinely laughed so hard at that comment merlot came out of my nose. It's sprayed all over my keyboard. I am typing through inappropriately viscous merlot. Chubby for you

With a second from The Arbiter of Chubbies, Master Tekende, I would like to nominate hatstand_mcq Poster Of The Week. You have made me laff often.

Aw, I dunno about that. I always wind up feeling kind of bad for chihuahuas. They didn't ask to be appropriated by silly people who don't understand canine nature and who overindulge them to satisfy their own emotional inadequacies. Chihuahuas are like the Che Guevara t-shirt of the dog world.

How about we just say that no species or breed or even genus of animal is inherently evil.

Okay, agreed.


yell YEAH.

I have always had reservations about the entire phylum Platyhelminthes . Not that they are evil, but perhaps that they are not truly necessary, and the would would be slightly more joyous and filled with wonder without them.

Biology peeps, back me up? AAAIIIIIGHT!

*the world

But what would the world be like without penis fencing ?



I wish Assetbar had a Preview button.

Don't worry. If they were gone, the Bonobo chimps would pick up right where they left off.

Bonobo chimps: Humanities role-model.

Wait, that makes it sound like I'm into penis fencing...

En Garde

I guess we will never know.

this didn't make me laugh until the nut sacks at the end.


That's what she said.

I thought it was universally acknowledged that the world would be better off without mosquitoes. It may not be intentional, but they're very evil.

Judging by your avatar I would have thought you would be quite partial to mossies and/or their larvae.

I eat them purely out of contempt, in the hopes that I can help contribute to their eventual extinction.

Man, Roast Beef is going from judging a contest of voyagin' Sapphic erotica, to just plain voyagin'.

okay its a sineufendo thats cool thats cool


I understand this information.

(Not really at all though.)

And so it goes.


So why does the Sineufendo talk like a 1930's era Bowery Boy with a cigar stub stuck in his jaw? Hiss, you. See? Why I oughta...

Cartilage Head plans these things well in advance, so I believe the function of the Sineufendo is to terrify Roast Beef into falling upon Cartilage Head's triplane.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Banjo of the Damned was sent straight from Cartilage Head in order to remind Ray of the ultimate destiny of his musical soul, and to have Pat get puked on by a squirrel, licked by a dog, and say good things about Ray's dick, for being a Dick.

I just keep getting Tom Petty in my head looking at that final panel.

I diagnose tompettyphrenia. There are drugs for that.

I thought it was the drugs that *caused* tompettyphrenia in the first place...

You see, I got two cats inside me.

there's Mary Jane...

It was a beautiful day...sun beat down...


I am so upset. All I wanted was a damned image of the nerds waiting to spring into action for a devious prank to become readmitted and the Internet failed me. It failed to find an image from one of the better episodes of the Simpsons so I could make a visual pun that probably will be even more abstruse than the original conception.

I am incensed with nerd rage.

The pun, for those still left wondering, would be "running down a Dean". I had also considered a Venture Brothers concept for it, but doubted that there even was a good image to support it.

Whoosh like CH in a triplane.

P.S. I missed the free falling thing and figured octafish was referencing the Running Down a Dream video. Which is what slightly retarded me imagined.

What's with all the filler strips lately?

hella cribbin' from Dragon Ball Z.

Whats with all your filler posts?

Oooooooooooooooh. No you diiiiiidn't. Girlfriend, you best step off.

P.S. I wish it still told you who lamed you. I have plenty of lames saved up to give away...

It works the same as it always has. Set your lame limit to one. The truth will be revealed.

yo. and i have to stand by the aforementioned "lame".

filler strip ?

I'll give you that not 100% of Achewood strips are home runs, some may even hover around pop fly-status but to refer to the beginnings of a new Cartilage Head arc as "filler" is simply criminal.


Thats no TRUTH thats just a memeory hole.



this post. is just like French Fry...who somehow learned how to speak in the few years he's 'been away'.

You mean after the roller skate incident?

yes. 'cos he died.


roast beef adventure

aw man is beef going to heaven again??

No, he will be saved by Doc Andretti and have yet another organ replaced with something.

If the world is good.

Yeah, maybe a LAN router for his internal wifi internet connection, so Ray can easily update the 'Pull My Finger' app on his iPod Touch.

Beef will transcat it up over the next three years and teach us all a little about singularity.

When you say it like that, Beef could give Stelarc a run for his money.

No, it is Roast Beef's turn to face Cartilege Head's test, and he won't fail like Ray did.

this is what i'm worried about. i'm afraid that Beef's going up for real this time and gonna leave Molly all alone goddammit they just got married . they got a future] . what the damn hell you doin, O...

Cartilage Head has a bit of a hero complex.

Cartilage head is not a coward. He will not desert a dying man.

and a " creepy as all fuck " complex.

Cartilage Head doesn't wear a helmet because his head is made of cartilage.

I demand that the next strip simply be a depiction of Roast Beef landing in a huge catcher's mitt.

Followed by a cry of "out!" and a cheer.

This is exactly what I thought!



The triplane has long been my favorite type of plane. In a just world they would be the only plane around, and actual efficiency be damned.

chubby for Tom Waits.

Well, I suppose that's okay.

it's like all of your comments have a tom waits inflection to them, this is fantastic!

welllll uh sappose thass okay
*trumpet sputter, cymbal crash, growlmuttermuttergrowl*

totally not trying to sound like a dick...

If your dick makes noises like that I guess maybe you should be worried.

Do or do not, there is no triplane. The do not plane is kinda curvy though.

The Title says Everything.

I'm awful with anagrams, but I know there's something fish about this title. Can anyone figure it out.


A Feline's Throes Baffle?
A Freebase Felon's Filth?
Fetishes For A Befallen?
A Befallen Reef Of Shits?
Erasable Filth Offense?
Fashionable Feels Fret?

The title sounds like Uncle George to me.

Or maybe a Simon and Garfunkel song. I was thinking of something and found April Come She Will , but that's not right.

Maybe it's a sonnet or biblical verse that's ringing that bell, but I can't place it.

As a naturalist and an active proponent of aquaculture, I truly bemoan A Befallen Reef Of Shits. I think I've seen one.

A strip of true beauty.

hello new wallpaper.

This arc is turning into one hell of a hail mary. Every day that I load up a new strip, I feel like I'm watching a ball sail further and further down field. "Who the fuck is going to catch that?" the crowd asks.

awwwww hell yes. Getting EXPERIMENTAL up in this bitch.

I always loved stuff like the original C. H. and when Ray goes to Hell and all that good stuff.

and all that stuff

why'd he take his elehat off revealin' hisself? stupid stupid

the contestants must be dressed in identical elephant costumes. the emcee ain't got no edict for it.

When the soul eater comes to your door, you'll take your hat off too.

are all building corrugated tin in achewood realm

(clap. clap)

And the last horse finally finishes the race.

if first were vag, second ass, and third mouth i'd cum in second eerytime

you stole that from the Golden Girls and you know it, sir.

u callin' me unorig? snitch-bitch? i EARNED MY REP u piece o shit. fuck you

bitch comin' in here actin' like he know me

fuck, I'm out of chubbies to give.

check this still from season four, closed captions on.


all i'm saying, b.

I'd say, from left to right, no, yes, hell yes, maybe if I were drunk.

if i macked with Betty White... i just feel like my entire life would pale in comparison. and i'd become like a guy who never got over 'Nam or high school.

"Yeah that was a pretty good night. Not as good as the night I got six types of all up in Betty White. You guys ever hear that story??"

Booty White to her intimates.

But what of her unmentionables?

Sue Anne Nivens!!!

if there was a confirmed betty white sex tape... who here would watch it? is that absolutely a no-go thing or are we looking at a Zach & Miri "There's a sex tape of Rosie O'Donnell? Fuck yes I want to see it and why aren't we watching it now?"

She and her husband would do serious role play. But you could only give hints as to the "safe word."

oh dude, it'd totally be "St. Olaf"

it's mad depressing how much i remember that show.

I was thinking of the show she did with her husband:

Wigs.... chihuahuas... kleenex?

Cartilage HEAD what are you UP TO!

That has to be Ray talking about second chance at life German shepherds.

No it does not.

Well, it would appear that you are right becasue RAY AINT EVEN FUCKIN THERE BRO!

It is not so bad to be wrong if you are this enthusiastic about getting called out on it. That is a fine spirit with which to approach things.

onstad is so scared of the feminist lesbian backlash of writing bad erotica (though hella props for trying to make "gams" sexy) that he has gone and jumped out a window on that arc! it was mostly boring but worth it for the elephant suits and T coming out of the closet.

cartilage head & sineufendo will not fail us!

T coming out of the closet? where?

this strip was 5'd for beef's relative ease at elephant-suit-wearing-emcee-ing.

wait a minute

this is the second time Beef has been dressed as a Republican MC

Man Ray ain't talkin' about german shepherds he ain't even there. Ray is probably smokin' a fat one and watching HGTV. "Yeah man... fountains!"

Whose turn is it to post a picture of Man Ray?

1 2 3 not it!

let's just all go with theguitarhero, poor guy hasn't posted tonight and subsequently cannot defend himself.

this is the watered-down type of honor we use here on the internets.

Damn it! Alright I'll do it.

That's not Man Ray. It's Fay Ray, or one of her kids.

Whatever happened to her?

Got her delicate, satin-draped frame thoroughly ape-raped.

Fay died of leukemia in 1995. Wegman wrote a book about her, Fay (1999), and when he gets to the part where she gets sick and dies, I get very sad and cry. Every time.

'Cause you wanted to be dressed just the same?

No. It was the ape-rape I envied. I did hell of admire her flexibility and sense of balance, and her preternatural patience. Since no one would ever describe my frame as 'delicate', I feel draping myself in satin would be in less than perfect taste.

Did someone say man/ray %u203D



Ah, but what's in a name?

'I also do not understand how CH's airplane's butt is off the ground with no wheel back there.'

Sorry myfirstpost there is no wheel back there!

Someone please photoshop either a skate/surf/snow board onto Beef's legs in the final panel. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw him in what looks like a pretty controlled freefall.

If I was a dog I would be a German Shepherd.

would you marry me anyway?

Should "second chance at life German Shepards" be hyphenated? The way I'm reading it, it seems like it should be. Then again, I have been pretttty crazy with my hyphens, lately.

... second-chance-at-life German Shepards

ZweiteLebensChanceDeutscherSchäferhund is the correct term; no hyphens.

If you mention the problem Unicode character, my assetbarista install will auto-convert your post into a barely audible buzzing noise.

Or just sub in the ol' "ae."

Guys, I just figured it all out.
Cartilage Head is the founder of Williams-Sonoma!
It all makes sense now. CH has got to be about 100 years old, and I'll bet he is upset that his elephant stand-in is battling against Ray's elephant stand-in.

You're welcome.

and then it turns out they're both Tyler Durden.

And she has a dick.

Sine-notevengonnatrytheaccent-ufendo got madd hiss-yews at Beef.
Beef got beef with it, too.

does the reaper look different for everyone?


this is a dark day. RIP john hughes.

oh please God no not today.

"the only game in town."

fucking sigh.

No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food.

It's as if Joyce died again.

You mean...
...John Hughes?

With Jackson and Hughes dead, Macaulay Culkin is a prime suspect.

or he could just be the next one on the list, like fate is playing out some sort of FINAL DESTINATION thing to hype the new movie.

and by "fate" i mean "Satan"

"You know him too? That fucking guy. Made this flick "16 Candles" right? Not bad it's got tits in it, but no bush. Of course Ebert over here don't give a shit about that stuff cause he's all in love with this John Hughes guy and rents every one of his movies. Fucking "Breakfast Club" all these stupid kids actually show up to detention, fucking "Weird Science" where this one chick wants to take off her gear and get down, but aw, no she don't cause it's a PG movie, and then there's "Pretty In Pink" which I can't watch with this tubby muthafucker any more, because everytime we get to the part where the red head hooks up with her dream guy, he starts sobbin' like a little eight-year-old with a skinned knee and shit. And nothing is worse then watching a fat man weep. "

Unlike Smith, I weep for Andrew Dice Clay and Jon Cryer when watching Pretty in Pink. Poor losers, they think they have careers ahead of them.

I like how everyone's so busy fawning over Cartilage Head's return that they overlook how Onstad derailed the arc in the process. Potentially good idea, bad execution. Isn't this the type of thing he usually gets criticized for?

"The Lash of Thantos" would've been better as a one-off gag about how bad things happen to Roast Beef.

No, I was upset by how that happened as well, but I just didn't have a good way to say it.

He probably would have been better off just writing this as a later arc unless it somehow wraps back around and makes more sense this way.

That, or he just wrote himself into a corner and didn't know how to end things.

duh it will.

I'm going to start showing this strip to people totally out of context. Then I'll just LOOK at them, expectantly.