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Pete has Music Hair Friday, December 22, 2006 • read strip Viewing 54 comments:

happy holidays! watch out for pete's "criticism"

Man, hair like Nice Pete's is strange and particular in this day, but it is rude to call a man on it. It is also rude to threaten a man, even if he is rude back.

I liked that Pete, during the threatening process, appeared on the other side of Lyle. I suppose our perspective could have switched, but I like to think Pete is that powerful.

I'd love to get a Christmas card like that: all uncomfortable moment of impending violence, all hilarious facial hair of two dudes.

I could stop laughing at the last panel. Only Nice Pete can sass poor old Lye like that.

That is not sass. A death threat is well beyond sass.

Sass is more like chiding. Chiding is a few miles away from straight up threatening genital mutilation. You do not playfully pass such a comment among friends, but type it out on an old typewriter on yellowed paper and leave it on a doorstep accompanied by photos of the recipient with his eyes blacked out with marker.

Sass does not arrive in such a medium.

Extra points if one letter on the typewriter is extremely misaligned.

I'm still absolutely convinced that "sass" is a synonym for HUUUUGGGGSS.

I can stop laughing at a lot of things.

Damnit, for a little I thought nobody noticed, and my mind was just swimming with potential snide comments.

It is easy to forget that Lyle is the Achewood resident most sensitive to bad hair decisions! Now I've been reminded.

are you referencing some previous strip?

man, I couldn't remember what I was referencing for a second. I still don't remember if it was ever in a strip, but it was in Molly's blog: https://mollysanders.blogspot.com/2004_07_01_archive.html

oh here, here is a strip that brings up Lyle's haircuttery a little: https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uuaLHGX73

I knew there was at least one somewhere.

My feelings on this asset are: hilarious

Junie B. Jones Is A Beauty Shop Guy.

For those of us that don't live in California: Smogged means gettin' your car emissions-checked, and 'ese' means like homeboy; the person to whom you are talking. The More You Know (rainbow!)

Yeah I cold had to look these things up.

SOME of us have heard Cypress Hill, thank you!

I saw a movie with a Mexican in it once.

was he a mexican, or a mexican't?

He was stoned as shit so you tell me.

I love A) stumbling upon comments which I don't remember writing at all and B) when those comments make no sense whatsoever. I love that.

Were you stoned as shit? Tell me.

No. I was stoned as fuck. Important difference.

Earlier this week, my sister texted me when she was SO stoned. I assumed that she was stoned as fuck .
I asked her just how stoned she was and her reply was:


I'm pretty sure that animorphs is the most stoned you can be.

It's generational. I was a kid in the '80s, so Pee-Wee's Playhouse is the most stoned I can be, just as Howdy Doody is the most stoned my mom can be.

Are you thinking of Animaniacs?

Also note the chalkboard counting lyle's infractions, which grows loner as the arc progresses!

Any idea what Lyle's infractions are at this point in the story? I'm guessing that one of them was for playing that one 'A' note at the beginning of their first song. Not sure about the other one.

Maybe It's a "reverse countdown" where Lyle has three strikes, each check being a strike. When his name is erased, then he will be Taken by Nice Pete.

Reading a few strips ahead, I see that the opposite of this is true. Whoops! Move along, now. Nothing to see here.

5 for the last two panels

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Connellingus, pitseleh, Darthemed)

'Welcome back from the record label negotiations...". Anybody else notice that with the new hair and the mic in hand that Pete is looking a lot like a news presenter bringing us back in from an ad break?

When normal people say things like panel #5, they are using hyperbole to express how angry they are. Nice Pete, on the other hand, actually will cut you to rags and feed your salted dick to a dog.

Nah, if he's verbal about it don't worry. He either says it or does it in a fugue state.

I can only hope for something so golden this year

The last panel is Lyle's sense of self-preservation fighting its way back out of the whiskey-induced haze only to learn that Lyle has been making really bad decisions in its absence.

Nice Pete looks like Nick Cave here.

He does , chubby for noticing.

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of

God before I only half-saw it, now it's just... god.... A chubby

Aw, crap, you've all beaten me to it...


As ah took the sickle up in ma kill-hand...

(For those not in the know, read And the Ass Saw the Angel .)

Assetbar, it has been one month. I would like to chubby this again please.

Is it insane that I didn't even notice anything strange about Pete's hair until Lyle mentioned it?

I'm afraid of Pete, I can't look that dude in the eye.

Lyle has way creepier eyes. they're so... hollow.

Lyle finally got his holiday comeuppance for punching Philippe in the stomach.


OH my god I'd never laughed as hard as I have with this strip on my way through the archives.