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Onstad has a birthday Tuesday, June 14, 2005 • read strip Viewing 53 comments:

"from circumstances" is the best line I've ever picked up from Achewood, I've been using it since this comic first ran. Wordsmithing at its best.

"From circumstanstances," and "Vegulon" are both things I say all the time.

Circumstanstances; Way worse than regular circumstances.

This strip is pure Roast Beef. He gives a gift to Onstad while thinking of himself as being selfish.

It's amazing that circumstances gave him an overdeveloped ethical code instead of making him like lyle or pat or *shudder* nice pete

or a Showbiz (who came from pretty much identical circumstances)

there is good in all of us, as demonstrated by roast beef.

Beef was probably treated as more of a runt than Showbiz
What with his parents not knowing if he was a dude or a lady
Once you name your son Cassandra it's pretty much downhill from there

I think it just goes to show that even the slightest change in circumstances changes a man so much. Beef is who he is because he had Ray as his friend growing up, and unlike Showbiz didn't channel his depression through tequila and car stereos.

Nah, I think this is more of an innate thing with Roast, maybe the moral gene skipped a generation.

Except that Showbiz didn't have Showbiz as a brother. They probably would've killed each other.

What I love is that Showbiz is basically an impoverished Ray. Dude's got no ways, no means, and only a sign and some ketchup packets to his name, but he's always partying. Compare to Ray who has the same demeanor but has crazy luck and the Net Worth of Eurasia.

Then compare how Beef selected Ray to be his best man to how he threatened to bludgeon Showbiz with a chair as the first dance.

Or me.

A comment left by quantumcasaba was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by worldbelow, TonyHighwind, shammack, Ravigotte)

I will not punish you for not knowing at the time, since the strip just ran a few days ago. But Nice Pete is not from Circumstances. Peter Cropes is from Considerations .

Never pay retail for bitch supplies.

man i said that line to EVERYBODY when this comic ran.

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by glorify, Scorpio_nadir, Zem)

This weekend at Bitch Supplies: 50% off cunt pills!

I was once in a position where we had to plug a hole in a boat with one of those yellow things. They are good for bad luck on lakes.

I love that Circumstances is capitalized.

Those little yellow foam things are awesome actually. I do like them.

The last panel sums up why I love Beed so much.... awesome.

Ah, the Venerable Beed . . .

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, glorify, goocifer, chivalress, Connellingus, DigDugz, aesop_punk, cailetshadow)

oh beef, my heart bleeds for you :o(
he makes me so sad, such a good guy, just tryin to do the right thing.

This is sad and funny and beautiful all at once, like a puppy with wooden legs finally getting up to a decent speed on two pairs of roller skates.

My question is.. who put the roller skates on the puppy?!

I don't know but that puppy is having the time of its life now so it's a good deed right?

Philippe will be so disappointed if the puppy was tricked into wearing roller skates.


Those things are hell of dangerous; they never show up unless someone's goin' down. Things don't look good for the puppy.

Things are winding down for the puppy.

He loves the little cat Roast Beef.

My only disappointment with this strip is that Onstad doesn't pick Roast Beef up in the last panel. Still, high marks.

I like to think that my cat comes from Circumstances. She was a rescue cat. They were going to put her down because she wasn't a cute kitten anymore. She says 'motherfucker'. A lot.

I like to think that Onstad probably picked up Beef later, in private. Because privately is how you should snorgle a cat like Beef.

Snrogle sounds so bad it's not even good.

i would'a said "...the lake" not "...a lake" because to me "... the lake" means any lake is "the lake" once you're there and you've dropped your damn keys in it.

but that's just me.

Beef laments about his Circumstances. They are so terrible.

I love Beef's little shudder, and then the odd look on his face in the very next panel

It's actually affecting; it looks as though the mention of his upbringing has made him think about things he prefers to never think about, and at that moment he's about a hair's breadth away from a complete emotional breakdown. Fortunately he manages to rein it in.

The dude is from Circumstances.

This strip made me want to put Circumstances as my hometown on Facebook.

Sure, Circumstances, Pennsylvania, right near Intercourse .

also, near Bird-In-Hand and Blueballs.

Screw Comcast.

And I know everyone says this, but I so want to say panel 3 to someone, replacing 'bitch' with the appropriate word, such as jerk or something like that.

from circumstances: pretty poetic.

this gift is so selfish

aw man, Beef is so cute in this strip. He jus' a leeeetle kitty in the first panel. Crazy to think that he was handing dudes' asses to them just not too long ago.

i love how this strip is not so much funny as it is developing the character we know as roast beef.

I love how, after Beef agrees that he went through a lot of shit, he pauses, as it to reflect on the fact that Onstad, as his cartoonist, is the sole reason he actually came from Circumstances. At least that's how I saw it.