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Lie Bot redux - Wednesday, October 24, 2001 • read strip Viewing 83 comments:

Oh lie bot!

that was a pretty elaborate lie, even for him!

These days Mr. Bear would find even the suggestion of his interest in a low-class pop icon such as Mr. Flav to be abhorrent and offensive, and he would surely guilt the accuser into an apology, not unlike a Jewish grandmother.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, TheGrouch, theoneyouwant, AJESTERONLY, chatterjee, Afkpuz, littlefatdog)

Why can't that really happen?

Oh, but it did. Verily, it did.


A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lamboyster, fakead, reburn)


This is probably my favorite strip.

Continuity error: Cornelius Bear fies upon rap persons and their braggadocio.

EVERYONE wants to meet Flavor Flav.



if I'm fie-in', I'm dyin'.

Agreed. I hate country music but if Billy Ray showed up at my diggs, I wouldn't miss a chance to see that mullet close up.

You could put a arm on the bench top and say "Listen, I need a little money".

The joke is he and his daughter are obscenely wealthy!


Not any more. Not even Public Enemy want to meet him these days. Cornelius Bear will not run for the man who starred in Flava of Love.

O how the sands of time degrade that which seemed most permanent.

Do not make statues to the living for they may still sully the stone.

I see you've been to Thuringen , woodenteeth

Monuments to the living... disgrace the stone. I tried to remember it off the top of my head.

Given the events in Achewood circa June 22, 2010, I am significantly worried that this strip will come soon to be a portent of Teodor's doom.

i DID meet Flava Flav. Well, not really, failed to meet him really. He was playing a gig at the Metro down the street from the store i used to work at, and he popped in for lollies and drinks etc during the day, sporting a casual clock, massive goon in tow who dealt with all the transaction business from his oversized bumbag (fanny-pack). Too shocked to even say a single thing.

L--lollies? Am I meant to imagine Flava Flav enjoying a piece of round hard candy on a stick?

Or underage girls?

They come in pairs, don't they?

Flavor Flav isn't your typical rap persona, being a classically trained pianist and all. Maybe Cornelius sees him as an atypical face in the game that he could connect with.

Although as for continuity, Cornelius doesn't sleep on a crappy mattress or say things like "That's so awesome!"

Thank you for the info on Flav being a pianist!

For a second, I thought you might be joking. The fact that it's true fills me with joy.

I imagine him and Andrew W. K. performing a duet at the Opera House both in character costume. Many old ladies swooning.

Flavor Flav is a very strange looking human being.

All short and scrawny when I met him.

Also, he broke the glass on his clock that night during his cracked-out antics. Whataguy!

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked as spam and excluded. centipede_damascus: What a douche. (reported by stevegt500, Magb, alejandroadam)

Lie Bot is harsh.

The real Cornelius Bear cares not for your blinking tooth, Flavor Flav!

I love liebot, can't still get over on Cornelius acting like he's 20 years old.

He does show a sense of wonder here that doesn't quite make a reappearance later on . . .

This is the best strip.

i do not share the bear's enthusiasm for flavor flav.

No one in science would.

He is not falisfiable.

CB matured rather quickly and his vernacular diversified

Anyone will forget their fancy words when faced with the prospect of meeting Flava Flav - he is just awesome.

...Or, the realization that The Man With The Clock On His Neck was not there sobered up Mr. Bear into the fine gentleman he is today.

Even aging Italian gangsters trying to kill black samurai love Flava Flav.

The question is: "How many times can you be tricked by a guy named 'Lie Bot'?"
The answer is: "Wait, what?"

i fisted flavor flav at a show once.

i say that, but really what i did was just bump my fist against his, and get a little of his sweat on my forearm.

oh god, i'm not going to get arrested for libel now, am i?

I think you should use the internet to find out what the common usage for 'fisted' brings to mind, before you tell anyone in the real world your tale :0

Heavens, the imagination is a terrible thing at times.

yeah. really.

I just started rereading all of Achewood and it is incredible how it has changed since these olden days comics. The idea of Cornelius blurting "That's so awesome!" in any situation, let alone in reference to Flavor Flav, is preposterous. However, Achewood is like sex; when it's bad, it's still pretty damn good.

You'd think Cornelius would know better. The characters weren't really fleshed out yet, I suppose.

You are half-asleep, and suddenly you are informed that a person of fame has shown up at your home to request a personal audience with you, and not only that, but he is currently wearing a rather amazing dental accessory.

Who could resit the excitement?

What's funny is when I first read this going through the archives, before I knew Cornelius was a classy English dude, I still thought this strip was weird and out of character, because even before his character had been established, he looked very much like an old fussy guy. It's like Chris always meant for him to be old and British, but didn't bother making him *act* that way for a while.

Cornelius using the word "awesome"? It must be an early strip.

It is[i/] actually an early strip, you can tell by the date (10/24/2001). In fact it's number 18.

When it was published though, it was the [i]latest

(It was still #18, though. Even back then. Faaar out)

Man, I wish self-laming would be implemented. My letters in this post lean way to many times for it to be good and proper enough. ;_;

I can't even understand how that could happen. Your mistake is incredible.

I love how happy Mr.Bear is to greet Flavor Flav.

He is overjoyed to fie on him in person.

A personal fie on a fool or a foe is so satisfying and fine.

Teodor could be exchanged with Cornelius and the dialog wouldn't need modification. The old strips are awesome for their throwaway gags.

"He has a blinking tooth!"

As per lie-bot's modus operandi, this is the one true statement he makes today.

I love how Lie Bot wakes Cornelius up with a "thud" on the bed.

This is all simply an elaborate lie concocted by Lie Bot to make us think Cornelius Bear is saying "That's so awesome!"!!!

I prefer this interpretation; this whole strip is Lie Bot's lie, and the patsy is not Cornelius (who was on vacation in Wales at the time) but US, the readers!

I will believe anything Onstad puts on paper that looks vaguely like a stuffed animal or small mammal. I think this is a weakness?

THUD. That is exactly the sound a dishonest robot's hand makes when it hits a mattress.

Put some sheets on the bed, Corny!

modern-day cornelius bear would have NOTHING to do with flavor flav

Cornelius lost some classy here

That dialogue is no longer in line with who Mr. Bear is, but it's still a great strip because of Lie Bot's effectiveness.

Cornelius is really the only character who truly changed in any significant way over time from here. Phillipe and Lyle were both pretty well-established early on and merely became fleshed out, Teodor's always been enough of a John Everyman character to get away with most kinds of characterization, and Lie-Bot's whole purpose is so straightforward that he really COULDN'T change over time. But Cornelius is really just a second Teodor in these early strips. His interests, his behavior, his style, his manner, his life, his way of speaking...nothing is yet as it will be.


silly lie bot... you must teach me!

Everytime I think I can definitively say who the biggest asshole in Acheworld is, something comes along to challenge. You'd think it'd be easy to isolate such an individual in a social circlhat includes Lyle, but then you've got under-the-radar asshole Pat, and Nice Pete's brand of "I will fuck and kill and fuck you" assholery...

It's possible that Lie Bot is actually a dick.

Lie Bot is not an asshole, he was programmed that way. Also his name is Lie Bot. Its your own fault if he tricks you.

Cornelius has matured at a pretty rapid rate over the years. 1 year = 10 stuffed bear years?

Anyone thought of how a Cornilious/Liebot redux might look like? All with Cornilious' current settled persona?

Man, I'd love to see that.

Mr.Bear's guilty pleasure, Flavor of Love.

This and the original Saddest Thing are by far the most important works of LieBot's career. Also, has anyone else ever succeeded in tricking Cornelius?

This strip is so awesome!