+0 -0
Has anyone played/recorded this?
If so, mad chubbies.
Has anyone played/recorded this?
If so, mad chubbies.
+1 -0
I gave it a go but my finger-picking is much crappy
I gave it a go but my finger-picking is much crappy
+1 -1
I believe the term is "hella weak".
I believe the term is "hella weak".
+3 -1
one can't look at a guitar tab and play the piece without any further information, since tabulature only illustrates what notes to play, not details like note value (half notes, sixteenth notes, etc.) and time signature,
one can't look at a guitar tab and play the piece without any further information, since tabulature only illustrates what notes to play, not details like note value (half notes, sixteenth notes, etc.) and time signature,
+0 -1
addendum- in the next to last bar, that's a B minor, not a B major.
addendum- in the next to last bar, that's a B minor, not a B major.
+11 -0
correction - that's a B minor 6th (B-D-G#-D).
correction - that's a B minor 6th (B-D-G#-D).
+7 -0
You could assume the music is correct, and that the tabbed notes are meant to be played against a Bmaj accompaniment. The class of the minor 3rd against major 3rd could be interpreted as the sound of a child going insane as he stares into the eyes of the bear and dried bird.
Or you could be right and Onstad fucked up.
You could assume the music is correct, and that the tabbed notes are meant to be played against a Bmaj accompaniment. The class of the minor 3rd against major 3rd could be interpreted as the sound of a child going insane as he stares into the eyes of the bear and dried bird.
Or you could be right and Onstad fucked up.
+0 -0
also, the following bar is an A5add9, not Am
also, the following bar is an A5add9, not Am
+0 -0
Look bub, the written notes are not meant to be read a broken chord. They are the melody, and the chords are noted for the accompanist (and/or a soloist who's faking it.)
In any case it wouldn't be A5add9. It starts out Am, then the minor 3rd becomes a suspended 2nd. At the end the octave lowers to a 7th, which takes us into the Em on the next bar.
Look bub, the written notes are not meant to be read a broken chord. They are the melody, and the chords are noted for the accompanist (and/or a soloist who's faking it.)
In any case it wouldn't be A5add9. It starts out Am, then the minor 3rd becomes a suspended 2nd. At the end the octave lowers to a 7th, which takes us into the Em on the next bar.
+0 -0
that's min/maj 6th, to be specific.
that's min/maj 6th, to be specific.
+5 -0
just wing it man
just wing it man
+8 -1
Well every measure has 8 notes in it- I'd suspect they are eighth notes.
Well every measure has 8 notes in it- I'd suspect they are eighth notes.
+1 -1
What in hell? Who lamed this?
That's a good assumption. Most of the bars would be played in eighth notes, using an alternating bass pattern with the thumb (thumb all bouncing off the three bass strings, index and middle all making great trebly notes, Blind Joe Death all noddin' his head). The picking patterns are pretty usual even if that Am chord is getting all lazy and taking a rest mid-bar. A minor <shakes head> .
What in hell? Who lamed this?
That's a good assumption. Most of the bars would be played in eighth notes, using an alternating bass pattern with the thumb (thumb all bouncing off the three bass strings, index and middle all making great trebly notes, Blind Joe Death all noddin' his head). The picking patterns are pretty usual even if that Am chord is getting all lazy and taking a rest mid-bar. A minor <shakes head> .
+1 -0
True, but in this case, it seems pretty safe to assume that the notes are all evenly spaced and played at some kind of mid-tempo.
True, but in this case, it seems pretty safe to assume that the notes are all evenly spaced and played at some kind of mid-tempo.
+2 -0
Man some guy played Ed E Haskell's TITS song and it sounded good. You think someone can't play this damn thing in a halfway decent way?
Man some guy played Ed E Haskell's TITS song and it sounded good. You think someone can't play this damn thing in a halfway decent way?
+2 -0
I got a bit of spare time today (waiting for a phone call) and I recorded a quick version. Hope you guys like it...
[url=https://www.last.fm/music/RadioElectric/Achewood/Sullivan%27s Bear and Dried Bird]Streaming Low-Quality LastFM Version[/url]
https://www.last.fm/music/RadioElectric/Achewood/Sullivan%27s Bear and Dried Bird
High-Quality Downloadable Version
I got a bit of spare time today (waiting for a phone call) and I recorded a quick version. Hope you guys like it...
[url=https://www.last.fm/music/RadioElectric/Achewood/Sullivan%27s Bear and Dried Bird]Streaming Low-Quality LastFM Version[/url]
https://www.last.fm/music/RadioElectric/Achewood/Sullivan%27s Bear and Dried Bird
High-Quality Downloadable Version
+1 -0
Bugger, well I guess you can get to the last fm version if you navigate from my artist page.
Bugger, well I guess you can get to the last fm version if you navigate from my artist page.
+23 -0
So I've been working on this since I uploaded it earlier and have added a few other parts to it. I think they make it a lot more interesting, have a listen.
Last FM Page
https://www.last.fm/music/RadioElectric/Achewood/Sullivan%27s Bear and Dried Bird %28Appointed Version%29
High-Quality Download
So I've been working on this since I uploaded it earlier and have added a few other parts to it. I think they make it a lot more interesting, have a listen.
Last FM Page
https://www.last.fm/music/RadioElectric/Achewood/Sullivan%27s Bear and Dried Bird %28Appointed Version%29
High-Quality Download
+1 -0
This deserves so many chubbies for its awesomeness.
This deserves so many chubbies for its awesomeness.
+0 -0
Thanks, I was just amazed that nobody had done it already.
Thanks, I was just amazed that nobody had done it already.
+0 -0
+0 -0
helluva dark strip - 5!
helluva dark strip - 5!
+0 -0
well there are a lot of minors... 6ths and 3rds are dark.
well there are a lot of minors... 6ths and 3rds are dark.
+0 -0
A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by karljw, Hipjiverobot, salvagebar, jollysaintpete, atticusonline, fakedaisies, theplaidknight, unsentletter, Milo)
A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by karljw, Hipjiverobot, salvagebar, jollysaintpete, atticusonline, fakedaisies, theplaidknight, unsentletter, Milo)
+1 -0
Well, the finger-picking in this strip is the exact same pattern as in this strip . The songs are very similar in structure, tone, and feel, except this one is to played softly, rather than with anger in your heart. Both very nice pieces.
Well, the finger-picking in this strip is the exact same pattern as in this strip . The songs are very similar in structure, tone, and feel, except this one is to played softly, rather than with anger in your heart. Both very nice pieces.
+0 -0
Apparently i fucked up that link. Here is the good one:
Apparently i fucked up that link. Here is the good one:
+0 -0
Holy Chris Ware.
Holy Chris Ware.
+3 -0
"Strips Viewed: 666"
From my stats, upon viewing this one. Swear to god.
"Strips Viewed: 666"
From my stats, upon viewing this one. Swear to god.
+0 -0
I wonder if this is genuine, and included for the reference to achewater.
I wonder if this is genuine, and included for the reference to achewater.
+0 -0
Man achewater is not real. This is certainly not genuine.
Man achewater is not real. This is certainly not genuine.
+2 -1
I just kind of played all the notes with equal value to get a feel for the melody, even though with tabs it's impossible to get a rhythm. But it's pretty enough
I just kind of played all the notes with equal value to get a feel for the melody, even though with tabs it's impossible to get a rhythm. But it's pretty enough
+0 -1
Chubbied for the Jeremy icon.
Chubbied for the Jeremy icon.
+0 -0
Hell of sad chords.
Hell of sad chords.
+0 -0
Might this be the Saddest Thing?
Might this be the Saddest Thing?
+0 -0
The tits song was just numbers; this strip is actually a nice song. Think Dust in the Wind but bouncier. (Fingerpicking in Am, uses several of the same chords.)
The tits song was just numbers; this strip is actually a nice song. Think Dust in the Wind but bouncier. (Fingerpicking in Am, uses several of the same chords.)
+1 -0
those F#s are totally Bm7s, Chris. Not cool makin a brotha think you were goin III - ii - i on him.
those F#s are totally Bm7s, Chris. Not cool makin a brotha think you were goin III - ii - i on him.
+0 -0
+1 -0
Maybe Cornelius is the stuffed bear.
Maybe Cornelius is the stuffed bear.
+0 -0
bear and bird=banjo/kazooie?
bear and bird=banjo/kazooie?
A glimpse at Achewood's dark heart.
Yeah I'm like disturbed and somewhat ponderous