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Geometry Thursday, June 13, 2002 • read strip Viewing 55 comments:

this is one of my favorite strips - i have a signed copy of the alternate-punchline version

Which is here , since Acheworld doesn't seem to link to it...

Ooh, I remember this version! But yeah, the new one is better.

New url for the original version: Voila!

Ray is the sort of man who can recognize his flaws. He is willing to grow and learn.

He is willing to state that he has been meaning to grow and learn

someone give this to their geometry teacher and expect nothing less than an A

damn I wish I knew about this comic when I was still in high school learning geometry.

A comment left by autrepoupee was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, ishuta, VictoriaW)

What shirt is that?

I swear such a shirt used to exist, and I used to pine away for it. I can't find it in the shop anymore, though. Boooo!

Yes, it exists; my friend (about to get her PhD in Math Education) has it in green. I think she got it as one of those "close out/limited supply" sales that Onstad did a few times last year. He tends to bring some older shirts back into production every once in a while, so it might return.

That reminds me: I really wish Chris would make some of the logos on the shirts (with centered logos on the front) a little smaller. I like that Dude & Catsrophe shirt, and the Todd crest, but the logos just look too big for my taste. I'm thinking a little closer to the Cartilage Head logo.

Maybe he's afraid that images won't work if they're too small, I dunno.

I own that shirt.
Love it.

Geometry is like a gun. Use acute angles to protect yourself.

You'd think Roast Beef would at least crack a smile when doing something he likes.

No, it's pretty darn Roast Beef-esque to enjoy yourself with "sad eyebrows" and a frown.

It is pretty accurate; when people enjoy themselves at intellectual tasks they usually do not smile while they do them.

Thank you! I cannot tell you how many times I have people ask me if I am sad, when I am simply thinking about something.

That does happen often, interrupting me when I'm in deep thought, but to be positive about it at least it means you have someone who cares if you seem to be sad.

Great thought. Something to be grateful for in my life. Sometimes I get so involved with what is going on in my own head I forget. Thanks.

the why do you drink so much at night ray....why...

Maybe if Ray learned some geometry, his pool game wouldn't be a melted down chili pepper nailed to a board.

lesser panda!

A comment left by thicker was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, madnes, Overmedicated, equinn2006, Conn, cheeks_jd, SPECTRE)

It was "Fuck Algebra" actually

Actually it was Fuck...Algebra!

how do you know he didn't also write "Fuck Geometry?" "...Algebra" was just the album title.

I guess there are all types of things that people don't know

B-Side: Geometry can Suck a Dick

Or possibly G-Ommetri Suxxxzzz Tha Piece

/. .\
{/ \} does this look like roast beef?

it could almost be ray's entire body if you stuck a head on top

wow that did not come out

Yeah dude you should have used more geometry there.

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tetrisattack, ralgnar, STUART)

A comment left by spectre was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tetrisattack, ralgnar, STUART)

Beef is too depressed to put an argument after his tangent function, or use the angles he was given or the area to use Heron's formula to find the length of the 3rd side.

It would be much easier if he just used the Pythagorean theorem.

Neither of those are right triangles.

Ohhhhh geometry burn

Damn, check out Beef standing his ground.

In the second panel Beef is trying to find the length of the base of a Toblerone.

A comment left by lawbot was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, LaserBlade, ralgnar)

He has that one available, too, and has since 2002. If you go to the comic WITHOUT assetbar, you will see a link to it. The problem is that assetbar does not allow for his clever linking....

"censored" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you think Onstad censors Achewood? That is pretty silly.

i think it's more subtle this way

Forty-five degress.

A comment left by steerpike66 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, theplaidknight, bixschmix, hawaiian_robot, libelandslander)


Be thankful that Assetbar won't let me lame you because that pun surely deserved one.

Basically, Roast Beef is extremely awesome.

What the fuck. I totally don't remember this strip, but it is so damn good.

Do you think geometry is rad, Roast Beef?

Achewood was particular golden around this time. Lots of Level 5 Beefs going on around here.

My interpretation of this strip is that Roast Beef reminded Ray of his alleged "surgery" with that comment. Hence the shocked expression, then the change to an accepting attitude. He's trying to play it off, and make it look like he's not missing out on use, due to not having something.

Man, fuck geometry. It just sucks!