+0 -0
Are special men special boys who have grown up?
Also, I love Philippe's face on panel three.
Are special men special boys who have grown up?
Also, I love Philippe's face on panel three.
+13 -2
All of Philippe's faces are pretty good.
All of Philippe's faces are pretty good.

+0 -0
Sorry for the low quality. My tools and skills are both limited. I am a shame to people who actually know how to do these things.
Sorry for the low quality. My tools and skills are both limited. I am a shame to people who actually know how to do these things.
+21 -0
Okay, this one turned out better.
Okay, this one turned out better.

+0 -0
I could be wrong, but I don't think his expression in panel three has ever been used before.
I could be wrong, but I don't think his expression in panel three has ever been used before.
+0 -2
I think you are right. That face supports my hypothesis. That is not a "5" face.
I think you are right. That face supports my hypothesis. That is not a "5" face.
+0 -0
I could quite easily imagine a constipated five year old making that face. The thing about faces is, they're just faces.
I could quite easily imagine a constipated five year old making that face. The thing about faces is, they're just faces.
+0 -0
This was actually how I was potty-trained.
I could quite easily imagine a constipated five year old making that faeces. The thing about faeces is, it's just faeces.
This was actually how I was potty-trained.
+0 -0
Faeces are faeces whatever your species.
How did you find out about how the British spell things?
Faeces are faeces whatever your species.
How did you find out about how the British spell things?
+1 -0
Through reading?
Through reading?
+0 -0
Sshh that's supposed to be secret.
Sshh that's supposed to be secret.
+0 -0
What exactly is in a Constipated Five Year-Old? I'm guessing it has Bailey's.
What exactly is in a Constipated Five Year-Old? I'm guessing it has Bailey's.
+0 -0
Shame on you, for feeding liquors to small children!
Shame on you, for feeding liquors to small children!
+0 -0
That's my favourite expression of them all.
That's my favourite expression of them all.
+1 -0
That's my writing face too. Minus the happy ones.
{: [
That's my writing face too. Minus the happy ones.
{: [
+0 -0
I wish I knew even how to do a gif.
I wish I knew even how to do a gif.
+0 -0
Yeah, I'm sure it's simple, but I'll be god damned of I know anything about it.
Yeah, I'm sure it's simple, but I'll be god damned of I know anything about it.
+0 -0
I didn't know how to do one until I made these. I pretty much just did a bunch of copy-pasting in ms-Paint and then googled "gif editor." That's why the first one turned out so badly, I basically had no clue what I was doing.
I didn't know how to do one until I made these. I pretty much just did a bunch of copy-pasting in ms-Paint and then googled "gif editor." That's why the first one turned out so badly, I basically had no clue what I was doing.
+0 -0
That was bold.
That was bold.
+0 -0
This man has wicked sack.
This man has wicked sack.
+3 -0
We must get him to the hospital immediately.
We must get him to the hospital immediately.
+1 -0
It's not the same thing, but my uncle died of crotch-dot.
It's not the same thing, but my uncle died of crotch-dot.
+0 -0
His crotch got all spotty and nasty? That must have been terrible for everyone!
His crotch got all spotty and nasty? That must have been terrible for everyone!
+0 -0
Simpsons reference.
Simpsons reference.
+0 -0
Only if it was crotch rot would it be a reference and I believe that was a severe case of butt rot to boot. Please come see me after class young man.
Only if it was crotch rot would it be a reference and I believe that was a severe case of butt rot to boot. Please come see me after class young man.
+0 -0
No, crotch dot, definitely. Can't remember precisely which episode, but Bart is pointing a laser pointer out the window, hitting SKinner in the crotch. Skinner notices and pulls down his pantsw, and it's there. Clancy Wiggum comes buy and said "You better get that checked out. My uncle died of crotch dot".
A reference to an assassination.
No, crotch dot, definitely. Can't remember precisely which episode, but Bart is pointing a laser pointer out the window, hitting SKinner in the crotch. Skinner notices and pulls down his pantsw, and it's there. Clancy Wiggum comes buy and said "You better get that checked out. My uncle died of crotch dot".
A reference to an assassination.
+1 -0
Hey, hey, whoa. My father actually died of crotch dot. NC,NF,NAGC
Hey, hey, whoa. My father actually died of crotch dot. NC,NF,NAGC
+0 -0
I'm so very sorry!
(What do those acronyms mean?)
I'm so very sorry!
(What do those acronyms mean?)
+0 -0
Not Cool, Not Funny, Not A Good Comment.
Either that or she's in a heartattack and it's all your fault.
Not Cool, Not Funny, Not A Good Comment.
Either that or she's in a heartattack and it's all your fault.
+0 -0
Hmm, you are right. How could I have missed that!!? I AM NOTHING NOW!!
Hmm, you are right. How could I have missed that!!? I AM NOTHING NOW!!
+0 -0
You are something to me. Something special to me.
[/obscure reference]
You are something to me. Something special to me.
[/obscure reference]
+0 -0
You stole my joke from the last strip. Not cool.
You stole my joke from the last strip. Not cool.
+1 -0
No no no. I referenced your joke from the last strip.
No no no. I referenced your joke from the last strip.
+0 -0
Hmm... fair enough. I can see how that is a valid reference.
Please add "Wicked sack: Get to Hospital Immediately" to the list of approved references. I think it ought to go after "That 70's Show: Donna is ridiculously hot"
Hmm... fair enough. I can see how that is a valid reference.
Please add "Wicked sack: Get to Hospital Immediately" to the list of approved references. I think it ought to go after "That 70's Show: Donna is ridiculously hot"
+0 -0
But only as a redhead.
But only as a redhead.
+0 -0
Very true. As a cheaply bleached blonde she just looks like, well, a cheap late-70s bleached blonde skank.
Allyson Hannigan had a similar problem when she changed her hair color, but it wasn't anywhere near as severe. Personally I think her "college" hairstyle was also far less attractive, but just about everything on the show had problems then.
In general, but not exclusively, saying that someone is significantly hotter as a redhead is like saying that the sun plans to rise tomorrow morning.
Very true. As a cheaply bleached blonde she just looks like, well, a cheap late-70s bleached blonde skank.
Allyson Hannigan had a similar problem when she changed her hair color, but it wasn't anywhere near as severe. Personally I think her "college" hairstyle was also far less attractive, but just about everything on the show had problems then.
In general, but not exclusively, saying that someone is significantly hotter as a redhead is like saying that the sun plans to rise tomorrow morning.
+0 -0
Damn right.
Damn right.
+0 -0
That is, it's a popular cliche with no real relation to reality - the sun doesn't plan anything, it's a giant ball of chemicals. For that matter, it's not rising - the Earth is just rotating to face it.
That is, it's a popular cliche with no real relation to reality - the sun doesn't plan anything, it's a giant ball of chemicals. For that matter, it's not rising - the Earth is just rotating to face it.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I shall revise.
Empirical evidence seems to indicate that pale redheads are amazingly hot to the same degree that observations appear to support the claim that the Earth will rotate in such a way as to cause photons from the Sun to strike the surface at approximately 6 AM local time. I suggest further research to confirm whether this consistently happens every rotation and the relative effects at various points on the Earth.
I shall revise.
Empirical evidence seems to indicate that pale redheads are amazingly hot to the same degree that observations appear to support the claim that the Earth will rotate in such a way as to cause photons from the Sun to strike the surface at approximately 6 AM local time. I suggest further research to confirm whether this consistently happens every rotation and the relative effects at various points on the Earth.
+0 -0
I'm a pale redhead, why am I not swarmed by lovers :(
I'm a pale redhead, why am I not swarmed by lovers :(
+0 -0
because of the first half of your sentence.
because of the first half of your sentence.
+0 -0
Stereo is actually Conan O Brien.
Stereo is actually Conan O Brien.
+0 -0
Are you a female? Oh... then HAW-HAW! Joke is on you. Property is found to be effective only in females. In males is considered perhaps not great. At best is not remarkable.
Actually, "Why am I not swarmed by lovers?" "Are you female?" is typically the solution to just about every such exchange.
Are you a female? Oh... then HAW-HAW! Joke is on you. Property is found to be effective only in females. In males is considered perhaps not great. At best is not remarkable.
Actually, "Why am I not swarmed by lovers?" "Are you female?" is typically the solution to just about every such exchange.
+0 -0
Dang, everywhere I turn it's women women women. I'm sick of these genders, I want out of this racket.
Dang, everywhere I turn it's women women women. I'm sick of these genders, I want out of this racket.
+0 -0
If you were a lady and not particularly ugly (and maybe even then, depends) you could have a pretty decent amount of sex if you were not especially picky or shy about being very forward. People will call you a slut though. I think this is wrong. We should commend such women and encourage this behavior.
If you were a lady and not particularly ugly (and maybe even then, depends) you could have a pretty decent amount of sex if you were not especially picky or shy about being very forward. People will call you a slut though. I think this is wrong. We should commend such women and encourage this behavior.
+0 -0
You're overlooking the fact that the whole reason there's a 'double standard' is because of this imbalance of power. A dude slut is gross, to be sure, but there's still the sense that he's achieved something difficult. If we eliminate the shame factor, the vast majority of girls would just end up boning the top 10% or so of the hottest dudes and leave the rest with nothing.
Society works the way it does for a reason !
You're overlooking the fact that the whole reason there's a 'double standard' is because of this imbalance of power. A dude slut is gross, to be sure, but there's still the sense that he's achieved something difficult. If we eliminate the shame factor, the vast majority of girls would just end up boning the top 10% or so of the hottest dudes and leave the rest with nothing.
Society works the way it does for a reason !
+0 -0
Hmm... so you believe that shame alone is the reason why ladies are not just totally gangbanging the top 10% of dudes? I'm not so sure about that.
I think we also need to define the important difference between sluts and skanks before we continue. Skanks, I feel we can agree, are gross, low-class disgusting people regardless of whether they are avowed sluts or not. The crossover, however, does tend to be abnormally high to a degree that would suggest a correlative effect, but does not prove one.
The way you phrase man sluts though, I think that works. It is like playing a really terrible game and getting really, really good at it. Yeah, the game is horrible and you have no taste for playing it, but you are really good and you can't ignore the skill involved.
Hmm... so you believe that shame alone is the reason why ladies are not just totally gangbanging the top 10% of dudes? I'm not so sure about that.
I think we also need to define the important difference between sluts and skanks before we continue. Skanks, I feel we can agree, are gross, low-class disgusting people regardless of whether they are avowed sluts or not. The crossover, however, does tend to be abnormally high to a degree that would suggest a correlative effect, but does not prove one.
The way you phrase man sluts though, I think that works. It is like playing a really terrible game and getting really, really good at it. Yeah, the game is horrible and you have no taste for playing it, but you are really good and you can't ignore the skill involved.
+0 -0
I agree and disagree, says the man who still plays Mario 3 and Link to the Past. I play them so well.
I agree and disagree, says the man who still plays Mario 3 and Link to the Past. I play them so well.
+0 -0
Dude, Link to the Past was the best Zelda game. Fuck the people who say that Ocarina of Time was better. It was not! OoT was just a terrible casualty of the problem of that generation where people suddenly decided that everything needed to be 3d - even if it would look terrible - just because the hardware could kinda barely do it. It was OK, but LttP was vastly superior. Just like Super Mario World was much better than Mario 64 where they decided to basically make it into a puzzle game rather than a platformer.
Dude, Link to the Past was the best Zelda game. Fuck the people who say that Ocarina of Time was better. It was not! OoT was just a terrible casualty of the problem of that generation where people suddenly decided that everything needed to be 3d - even if it would look terrible - just because the hardware could kinda barely do it. It was OK, but LttP was vastly superior. Just like Super Mario World was much better than Mario 64 where they decided to basically make it into a puzzle game rather than a platformer.
+0 -0
Among folks who care about Zelda games, what's the verdict on Wind Waker? I kind of like it, but I am in no way someone who cares about Zelda.
Among folks who care about Zelda games, what's the verdict on Wind Waker? I kind of like it, but I am in no way someone who cares about Zelda.
+0 -0
Oh my god. I just finished that game a couple of months ago, and my verdict is that it is a tedious piece of crap. The graphics look cool for the first few minutes, maybe. The story is simplistic and the dialogue is lame. 95% of your time will be spent sailing from place to place. The other 5% will be spent fighting monsters who, even with their strongest attacks, take off no more than a quarter heart, and solving repetitive, time-consuming puzzles. Of course, it's still a Zelda game, so it was somewhat enjoyable for that reason alone, but it is definitely the worst out of the ones I've played.
I agree that Link to the Past was awesome, though I also think Ocarina was pretty great. But my favorite is the much-overlooked Majora's Mask. Better graphics than Ocarina, the darkest and most serious tone of all the Zelda games, and an awesome overall concept.
I have Twilight Princess, but after the tedium of Wind Waker, I need a long rest before starting another Zelda game.
Oh my god. I just finished that game a couple of months ago, and my verdict is that it is a tedious piece of crap. The graphics look cool for the first few minutes, maybe. The story is simplistic and the dialogue is lame. 95% of your time will be spent sailing from place to place. The other 5% will be spent fighting monsters who, even with their strongest attacks, take off no more than a quarter heart, and solving repetitive, time-consuming puzzles. Of course, it's still a Zelda game, so it was somewhat enjoyable for that reason alone, but it is definitely the worst out of the ones I've played.
I agree that Link to the Past was awesome, though I also think Ocarina was pretty great. But my favorite is the much-overlooked Majora's Mask. Better graphics than Ocarina, the darkest and most serious tone of all the Zelda games, and an awesome overall concept.
I have Twilight Princess, but after the tedium of Wind Waker, I need a long rest before starting another Zelda game.
+0 -0
Well, you probably just altered the course of my gaming life. I was just starting WW. I thought it seemd OK, but I was really just holding out for the moment in which it became awesome. You say that this doesn't happen, so I probably won't waste any more time on it. I need to find something, though. I only have a Gamecube so my options are pretty limited. I think I've just about wrung every drop of joy I could from Animal Crossing. Don't get me wrong - it was a hell of a lot of joy. It was a fuckload of joy. But it's time to move on. I really think it's just a matter of time until an Xbox must enter my life. Then no one will ever see me again.
Well, you probably just altered the course of my gaming life. I was just starting WW. I thought it seemd OK, but I was really just holding out for the moment in which it became awesome. You say that this doesn't happen, so I probably won't waste any more time on it. I need to find something, though. I only have a Gamecube so my options are pretty limited. I think I've just about wrung every drop of joy I could from Animal Crossing. Don't get me wrong - it was a hell of a lot of joy. It was a fuckload of joy. But it's time to move on. I really think it's just a matter of time until an Xbox must enter my life. Then no one will ever see me again.
+0 -0
Hmm, well I didn't mean to completely steer you away. If you've never played a Zelda game before, I think you'll still enjoy this, though it's not the best bridge into the series. I'm not like wishing for all the hours I spent playing it back, only maybe 75% of them.
Hmm, well I didn't mean to completely steer you away. If you've never played a Zelda game before, I think you'll still enjoy this, though it's not the best bridge into the series. I'm not like wishing for all the hours I spent playing it back, only maybe 75% of them.
+0 -0
Just to neatly wrap this thread up - in the days since this conversation I decided to buy a $3 used copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. So far, it seems good. I mean, the story and the writing are for shit, but it's definitely just as fun as the first one.
Oh, and I won't give up on Wind Waker. I'm just not feelin' it right now.
Just to neatly wrap this thread up - in the days since this conversation I decided to buy a $3 used copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. So far, it seems good. I mean, the story and the writing are for shit, but it's definitely just as fun as the first one.
Oh, and I won't give up on Wind Waker. I'm just not feelin' it right now.
+0 -0
I...I don't know what to say.
I love pretty much all the Zelda games, and Wind Waker was basically my bridge into the series. I love Wind Waker.
If you think WW is tedious though avoid Twilight Princess. It is MASSIVE, as big as Wind Waker's world, but more expansive.
I...I don't know what to say.
I love pretty much all the Zelda games, and Wind Waker was basically my bridge into the series. I love Wind Waker.
If you think WW is tedious though avoid Twilight Princess. It is MASSIVE, as big as Wind Waker's world, but more expansive.
+0 -0
My girlfriend and I got a gamecube so we could play windwaker.
It was our first joint purchase that was more spendy than a good bottle of wine.
We played it together, and loved it.
We then moved in together, got a Wii, and played Twilight Princess. (Also loved it.)
She is now my wife.
20 GOTO 10
My girlfriend and I got a gamecube so we could play windwaker.
It was our first joint purchase that was more spendy than a good bottle of wine.
We played it together, and loved it.
We then moved in together, got a Wii, and played Twilight Princess. (Also loved it.)
She is now my wife.
20 GOTO 10
+0 -0
5 FOR X=1 TO 1000000000000000000000
20 GOTO 10
5 FOR X=1 TO 1000000000000000000000
+0 -0
Weirdly enough, my two favourite Zelda games are Majora's Mask and Wind Waker. In my opinion, you're right about the combat being far too easy in WW, but if you removed that factor and stuck in some more populated islands (The one factor in which Phantom Hourglass beat it) it would basically be a Perfect game. It's just so stylised and beautiful (Partly the same reason I loved MM, really.) but yeah, it could have done with more depth and difficulty.
Majora's Mask, however, could not possibly be improved. The three-day system was purest genius, there were enough side-quests to last a lifetime, and the difficulty was pretty well balanced throughout, as well. Also, GORON LINK. And yeah, it's pretty much the quintessential Dark Zelda game. Twilight Princess can take several hikes.
I've never played Link to the Past though, sadly.
Weirdly enough, my two favourite Zelda games are Majora's Mask and Wind Waker. In my opinion, you're right about the combat being far too easy in WW, but if you removed that factor and stuck in some more populated islands (The one factor in which Phantom Hourglass beat it) it would basically be a Perfect game. It's just so stylised and beautiful (Partly the same reason I loved MM, really.) but yeah, it could have done with more depth and difficulty.
Majora's Mask, however, could not possibly be improved. The three-day system was purest genius, there were enough side-quests to last a lifetime, and the difficulty was pretty well balanced throughout, as well. Also, GORON LINK. And yeah, it's pretty much the quintessential Dark Zelda game. Twilight Princess can take several hikes.
I've never played Link to the Past though, sadly.
+0 -0
I really liked Link's Awakening too. Sadly I have a French copy, and I do not speak French.
I really liked Link's Awakening too. Sadly I have a French copy, and I do not speak French.
+0 -0
Link's Awakening was pretty darn special.
Link's Awakening was pretty darn special.
+0 -0
It was SO good, you all switching out your weapons and shield, getting a Roc Feather.
Oh man... months given to that game.
It was SO good, you all switching out your weapons and shield, getting a Roc Feather.
Oh man... months given to that game.
+0 -0
One of the many contributing factors to my discovery: I am a pretty lady.
One of the many contributing factors to my discovery: I am a pretty lady.
+0 -0
only applies to women
only applies to women
+0 -0
That might only be true for pale white girls though.
That might only be true for pale white girls though.
+0 -0
Is she pale?
Is she a redhead?
Bugger that hot girl.
Is she pale?
Is she a redhead?
Bugger that hot girl.
+0 -0
Oh yuck.
(no offense)
Oh yuck.
(no offense)
+0 -0
What is it you object to? Attractive women? Buggery? Male-on-female buggery?
What is it you object to? Attractive women? Buggery? Male-on-female buggery?
+0 -0
Pale redheads =/= hot.
Pale redheads =/= hot.
+0 -0
You have issues. Tans are disgusting. It is damaged skin!
You have issues. Tans are disgusting. It is damaged skin!
+0 -0
I don't see what it being damaged has to do with anything.
I like tans. They look nice. But it really wasn't the paleness that I don't like. I don't mind if a girl has pale skin, but I do mind if she has red hair as well.
I prefer blondes.
Also, my mother is very tan.
I don't see what it being damaged has to do with anything.
I like tans. They look nice. But it really wasn't the paleness that I don't like. I don't mind if a girl has pale skin, but I do mind if she has red hair as well.
I prefer blondes.
Also, my mother is very tan.
+1 -0
I'm sorry, but we find your tastes to be pedestrian, likely informed by mindless American pop culture, and possibly Freudian.
I'm sorry, but we find your tastes to be pedestrian, likely informed by mindless American pop culture, and possibly Freudian.
+0 -0
My mom is really tan though. Once her dye was weird and turned her hair blonde. I told her she looked like a negative photograph of a normal person. Then I realized how mean that was.
Anyway, I gave a lot of thought over whom I prefered. The answer is blondes, always.
My mom is really tan though. Once her dye was weird and turned her hair blonde. I told her she looked like a negative photograph of a normal person. Then I realized how mean that was.
Anyway, I gave a lot of thought over whom I prefered. The answer is blondes, always.
+0 -0
Man, I don't get you sometimes.
Man, I don't get you sometimes.
+0 -0
What about me don't you get?
Also, Elbox, I do not have an Oedipus Complex.
What about me don't you get?
Also, Elbox, I do not have an Oedipus Complex.
+0 -0
I think the Oedipus Complex is kinda off. Basically its a boy wanting to kill his dad and bone his mom yeah? Basically.
Okay wait. Oedipus did not kill his father and bone his mother. He killed the King who happened to sire him, and boned the Queen who was rockin hot anyways.
His mother and father were in the city he left to avoid the curse. I'm saying OC is only applicable to adopted children.
I think the Oedipus Complex is kinda off. Basically its a boy wanting to kill his dad and bone his mom yeah? Basically.
Okay wait. Oedipus did not kill his father and bone his mother. He killed the King who happened to sire him, and boned the Queen who was rockin hot anyways.
His mother and father were in the city he left to avoid the curse. I'm saying OC is only applicable to adopted children.
+0 -0
You think tan blondes are hotter than pale redheads. This concept it just totally foreign to me and I don't understand how you could feel that way.
You think tan blondes are hotter than pale redheads. This concept it just totally foreign to me and I don't understand how you could feel that way.
+0 -0
this is what happens when people spend too much time on the internet. Most Anglos in America like tan blondes, with some variations on that theme. You enjoying pale redheads is really the outlier here.
this is what happens when people spend too much time on the internet. Most Anglos in America like tan blondes, with some variations on that theme. You enjoying pale redheads is really the outlier here.
+0 -1
Most Americans have terrible taste to begin with. The average American would find the cheapest sort of skank such as Jenna Jameson or other nasty, unpleasant women to be "attractive". They are not. They are scary ugly.
Most Americans have terrible taste to begin with. The average American would find the cheapest sort of skank such as Jenna Jameson or other nasty, unpleasant women to be "attractive". They are not. They are scary ugly.
+2 -0
+0 -0
i mean seriously, doesn't it just mean more pale redheads left for you?
i mean seriously, doesn't it just mean more pale redheads left for you?
+0 -0
No because he has a girlfriend and some of those redheads know me.
No because he has a girlfriend and some of those redheads know me.
+0 -0
chubbied for all the right reasons.
chubbied for all the right reasons.
+0 -0
Wow... why am I being singled out here? I didn't start this alone.
Wow... why am I being singled out here? I didn't start this alone.
+0 -0
+0 -0
The only blondes I like are ganguro.
The only blondes I like are ganguro.
+0 -0
That has always frightened me to an amazing degree. It is how I imagine people from other cultures think of America and I can see how they are entirely correct in thinking that. It is a grim parody of the things that scare and disturb me about many popular notions of beauty in our culture.
That has always frightened me to an amazing degree. It is how I imagine people from other cultures think of America and I can see how they are entirely correct in thinking that. It is a grim parody of the things that scare and disturb me about many popular notions of beauty in our culture.
+0 -0
Your are scared of:
- Ski lifts
- Open toilet lids
- The popularity of tan, blonde women
I don't think there is even a name for that, yet.
Your are scared of:
- Ski lifts
- Open toilet lids
- The popularity of tan, blonde women
I don't think there is even a name for that, yet.
+0 -0
Those are basically my main daily fears, yes. Also add in "anti-intellectualism in American life", but that's not so much a fear as a it is a constant source of pain.
It should also be clarified that I am not afraid that ski lifts exist . I have no problem looking at them. I'm just afraid to go on them. Sort of the same with toilet lids. I find it disgusting and I'm afraid that something will fall in. Perhaps afraid is too strong, very concerned might be more appropriate.
Those are basically my main daily fears, yes. Also add in "anti-intellectualism in American life", but that's not so much a fear as a it is a constant source of pain.
It should also be clarified that I am not afraid that ski lifts exist . I have no problem looking at them. I'm just afraid to go on them. Sort of the same with toilet lids. I find it disgusting and I'm afraid that something will fall in. Perhaps afraid is too strong, very concerned might be more appropriate.
+0 -0
He also thinks tattoos are gross, which suggests to me that his taste in girls has been shaped entirely by television programs about spring break and other low elements in our society.
In the interest of helping our Assetbar Philippe, I'm going to make a generalization: Sje - a fairly smart and quirky non-douchebag guy like you who decides to only like tan blonde girls is basically setting himself up for a lifetime of disappointment. If you really insist on your preference, I suggest you make some drastic changes in your life. These are the guys that tan blonde girls like.
He also thinks tattoos are gross, which suggests to me that his taste in girls has been shaped entirely by television programs about spring break and other low elements in our society.
In the interest of helping our Assetbar Philippe, I'm going to make a generalization: Sje - a fairly smart and quirky non-douchebag guy like you who decides to only like tan blonde girls is basically setting himself up for a lifetime of disappointment. If you really insist on your preference, I suggest you make some drastic changes in your life. These are the guys that tan blonde girls like.
+0 -0
I'm not a fan of tattoos either. I've seen some cool ones, but ultimately I do not think that you ought to be putting permanent markings on your skin or piercing it. Sadly the types of girls I often like seem to think that this is a rather boss idea. It is a dilemma.
I'm not a fan of tattoos either. I've seen some cool ones, but ultimately I do not think that you ought to be putting permanent markings on your skin or piercing it. Sadly the types of girls I often like seem to think that this is a rather boss idea. It is a dilemma.
+0 -0
Don't be so mean to all the blonde girls, some of them are hella rad chicks. Aka: my baby sister.
She dates some cool guys and some douchebags. She's with a pretty cool guy right now. I'm just saying... I don't know what I'm saying. LOOK AT MY FAMILY
Don't be so mean to all the blonde girls, some of them are hella rad chicks. Aka: my baby sister.
She dates some cool guys and some douchebags. She's with a pretty cool guy right now. I'm just saying... I don't know what I'm saying. LOOK AT MY FAMILY
+0 -0
I'm not THAT into tans, guys. They are okay. Generally they improve the looks, but not always. And I'm not THAT into blonds either. I love brunettes too. And some red heads are really pretty too, but usually not . . .I don't know. Sometimes certain hair colors just look better to me.
I do hate tatts, and I hate big boobs too. I hate them incredibly much, and I think a lot of porn stars are ugaly and mostly unattractive. Well, often attractive, but not something I normally fantasize about. I'd rather have more of a girl-next-door kind of chick, with morals and personality and what not. And cuteness over hotness (blond hair is cuter). I would be totally willing to fall for a girl with brown hair.
Also, I can't stand those Spring Break Break shows. Trash.
I'm not THAT into tans, guys. They are okay. Generally they improve the looks, but not always. And I'm not THAT into blonds either. I love brunettes too. And some red heads are really pretty too, but usually not . . .I don't know. Sometimes certain hair colors just look better to me.
I do hate tatts, and I hate big boobs too. I hate them incredibly much, and I think a lot of porn stars are ugaly and mostly unattractive. Well, often attractive, but not something I normally fantasize about. I'd rather have more of a girl-next-door kind of chick, with morals and personality and what not. And cuteness over hotness (blond hair is cuter). I would be totally willing to fall for a girl with brown hair.
Also, I can't stand those Spring Break Break shows. Trash.
+0 -0
Cute is definitely better than "hot" but that's also generally a factor in the type of douchebags describing someone as "hot".
Personality is also important, but morals... hmm... I think that's a touchy area. I rarely think "I want a girl with MORALS!" so much as "I want a girl who will want to engage in all the perverse things I think would be fun basically all the time and who will be the one to suggest them in the first place. She will be a fun classy slut in public as well as in the bedroom because who wants some virginal lady who acts like she can't possibly enjoy a good necropederasty joke?". When you say you want a girl with morals it usually implies that you want someone who is, hmm... very religious perhaps? That sort of person.
Cute is definitely better than "hot" but that's also generally a factor in the type of douchebags describing someone as "hot".
Personality is also important, but morals... hmm... I think that's a touchy area. I rarely think "I want a girl with MORALS!" so much as "I want a girl who will want to engage in all the perverse things I think would be fun basically all the time and who will be the one to suggest them in the first place. She will be a fun classy slut in public as well as in the bedroom because who wants some virginal lady who acts like she can't possibly enjoy a good necropederasty joke?". When you say you want a girl with morals it usually implies that you want someone who is, hmm... very religious perhaps? That sort of person.
+0 -0
Oh . . .not religious. Not that I wouldn't date a religious person or anything; it's just a thing I don't really want. By morals I guess I mean a girl who is kind, doesn't offend people, doesn't steal, swear too much (my sisters swear way too much for the shock value . .. I hate that) and is .. . well .. . .it's more of her attitude towards the word I guess. If she doesn't live to be overly rebelious to assert herself or to just always challenge people, or doesn't care about her future or her body . .. you know. That is what I meant. If she is into sodomy or whatever, that's cool I guess. I don't really care.
There are a lot of girls who are just . . .blagh.
Oh . . .not religious. Not that I wouldn't date a religious person or anything; it's just a thing I don't really want. By morals I guess I mean a girl who is kind, doesn't offend people, doesn't steal, swear too much (my sisters swear way too much for the shock value . .. I hate that) and is .. . well .. . .it's more of her attitude towards the word I guess. If she doesn't live to be overly rebelious to assert herself or to just always challenge people, or doesn't care about her future or her body . .. you know. That is what I meant. If she is into sodomy or whatever, that's cool I guess. I don't really care.
There are a lot of girls who are just . . .blagh.
+0 -0
If a girl does not swear I would probably be unwilling to date here. Her ability to offend people is also something I would prize. Kindness I can do without, but sodomy seems pretty important.
We basically seem to want the exact opposite. Have fun with your Mayberry sweetie though.
If a girl does not swear I would probably be unwilling to date here. Her ability to offend people is also something I would prize. Kindness I can do without, but sodomy seems pretty important.
We basically seem to want the exact opposite. Have fun with your Mayberry sweetie though.
+0 -0
I didn't say I want a girl who doesn't swear.
I didn't say I want a girl who doesn't swear.
+0 -0
It is, however, not possible to swear too much. Frankly, I don't understand people who make any sort of distinction. Words are words and all, in my mind, are equal and deserving of use. Even weirder is when it's factored into ratings of films or such usually "to prevent children from hearing these words that scare me so" without any regard for the fact that the same children already know and use these words on a regular basis.
We need an end to all censorship and bowdlerization.
It is, however, not possible to swear too much. Frankly, I don't understand people who make any sort of distinction. Words are words and all, in my mind, are equal and deserving of use. Even weirder is when it's factored into ratings of films or such usually "to prevent children from hearing these words that scare me so" without any regard for the fact that the same children already know and use these words on a regular basis.
We need an end to all censorship and bowdlerization.
+0 -0
I'm just saying that it's a bad personality trait to try to offend people just to offend them. My sister says the most horrible, racist, sexual things. Out loud. With relatives around. With a certain relish. It's horrible. I don't care if people swear, but it does get really annoying really fast if they are doing it for the wrong reasons.
I'm just saying that it's a bad personality trait to try to offend people just to offend them. My sister says the most horrible, racist, sexual things. Out loud. With relatives around. With a certain relish. It's horrible. I don't care if people swear, but it does get really annoying really fast if they are doing it for the wrong reasons.
+0 -0
Depending on how she does it I might laugh and encourage her. Some people do do that sort of thing for the wrong reasons and take it from being fun and amusing to just being crass and cheap. Kind of like the difference between the Simpsons and Family Guy.
Depending on how she does it I might laugh and encourage her. Some people do do that sort of thing for the wrong reasons and take it from being fun and amusing to just being crass and cheap. Kind of like the difference between the Simpsons and Family Guy.
+0 -0
Crass and cheap variety, I believe. Gross, really.
Crass and cheap variety, I believe. Gross, really.
+0 -0
By morals... I mean a girl who...doesn't...swear
+0 -0
. .. .too much .. .
+0 -0
sje, i think i'm starting to understand why you don't like tats-- you think they indicate trashiness and lack of morals. i will agree that in many cases this is true, but tats are ironic now, and lots of nerd girls get them too, not that nerd girls can't also be trashy, but usually they're not.
also, belgand seems not to understand what you mean by morals being desirable, but i think i do. like.. maybe a chick who hasn't banged a whole bunch of dudes, or will flash her tits in public?
i remember being at a stupid music festival (one that was more about getting drunk and high than the music itself), and one chick from our group was riding on her bfs shoulder during a set(performance?). the crowd was huge, there were so many people all around us, and at that moment, someone else from our group shouts out "hey ashley, show your tits!", and to my surprise, she DID. i'll never forget how they looked. tan and somewhat underdeveloped, a few veins barely perceptible, slightly jiggling as she forcibly made them, and areolas that protruded from the main breast itself, creating smaller mounds all their own. everyone in the group, not to mention audience, thought it was awesome. her bf, far from objecting, seemed proud. later, she and another gf of a dude from our group flashed some guys at a pronto pup stand for free pronto pups. and the dudes were all trying to get me to do it too, and i was like "no, i don't want any" and they were all "i know, get us some" and i was just thinking "FUCK YOU WHY AM I EVEN HANGING OUT WITH YOU I HATE YOU PEOPLE SO MUCH" but i didn't want to say anything because i didn't want to insult the chicks in our group for being huge sluts. afterwards i was wondering if this made me a prude, but i realized that i didn't do it because i didn't feel that anyone there deserved to see my boobies. eventually i stopped doing things with the popular crowd.
i also take the number of guys i've um.. you know, done it with, pretty seriously, just because i tend to find long term relationships more fulfilling and don't want to give any random guy the satisfaction of getting in my pants. so considering that I've only been in one serious long term relationship, my number is.. less than two. i like to think of my first as 0.5, becuase it was one time, and it was just because i watched this movie "Girl"(great movie btw) and it said the average age girls lose their virginity is 16, and as i was 16, i decided i might as well get it out of the way before the deadline. after that once, i didn't do it for another like 2.5 years. shit, this is getting really personal.
but i think morals are pretty important. most girls at my school, and i'm at a really intellectual college, think that the hottest thing is to go to europe and have lots of guilt-free sex with attractive foriegn men you'll never see again. they think that's artistic or something. but that's not appealing to me at all. it just sounds gross, perhaps even awkward. i mean, people always assume i'm kinda slutty because i guess i'm uh.. "hot" and i have tattoos and sometimes dyed-red hair and i'm generally loud and make lots of abortion and rape jokes, but no.. i'm actually pretty "principled". belgand seems to think a girl with "morals" will be religious and boring. hopefully i've demonstrated that this is not true.
sje, i think i'm starting to understand why you don't like tats-- you think they indicate trashiness and lack of morals. i will agree that in many cases this is true, but tats are ironic now, and lots of nerd girls get them too, not that nerd girls can't also be trashy, but usually they're not.
also, belgand seems not to understand what you mean by morals being desirable, but i think i do. like.. maybe a chick who hasn't banged a whole bunch of dudes, or will flash her tits in public?
i remember being at a stupid music festival (one that was more about getting drunk and high than the music itself), and one chick from our group was riding on her bfs shoulder during a set(performance?). the crowd was huge, there were so many people all around us, and at that moment, someone else from our group shouts out "hey ashley, show your tits!", and to my surprise, she DID. i'll never forget how they looked. tan and somewhat underdeveloped, a few veins barely perceptible, slightly jiggling as she forcibly made them, and areolas that protruded from the main breast itself, creating smaller mounds all their own. everyone in the group, not to mention audience, thought it was awesome. her bf, far from objecting, seemed proud. later, she and another gf of a dude from our group flashed some guys at a pronto pup stand for free pronto pups. and the dudes were all trying to get me to do it too, and i was like "no, i don't want any" and they were all "i know, get us some" and i was just thinking "FUCK YOU WHY AM I EVEN HANGING OUT WITH YOU I HATE YOU PEOPLE SO MUCH" but i didn't want to say anything because i didn't want to insult the chicks in our group for being huge sluts. afterwards i was wondering if this made me a prude, but i realized that i didn't do it because i didn't feel that anyone there deserved to see my boobies. eventually i stopped doing things with the popular crowd.
i also take the number of guys i've um.. you know, done it with, pretty seriously, just because i tend to find long term relationships more fulfilling and don't want to give any random guy the satisfaction of getting in my pants. so considering that I've only been in one serious long term relationship, my number is.. less than two. i like to think of my first as 0.5, becuase it was one time, and it was just because i watched this movie "Girl"(great movie btw) and it said the average age girls lose their virginity is 16, and as i was 16, i decided i might as well get it out of the way before the deadline. after that once, i didn't do it for another like 2.5 years. shit, this is getting really personal.
but i think morals are pretty important. most girls at my school, and i'm at a really intellectual college, think that the hottest thing is to go to europe and have lots of guilt-free sex with attractive foriegn men you'll never see again. they think that's artistic or something. but that's not appealing to me at all. it just sounds gross, perhaps even awkward. i mean, people always assume i'm kinda slutty because i guess i'm uh.. "hot" and i have tattoos and sometimes dyed-red hair and i'm generally loud and make lots of abortion and rape jokes, but no.. i'm actually pretty "principled". belgand seems to think a girl with "morals" will be religious and boring. hopefully i've demonstrated that this is not true.
+0 -0
The tits flashing thing, I hate it. On my girl's 21st we all went out drinking. I was in the bathroom trying not to kick down the bathroom stall, becuase she had just slapped me on the ear. Unprovoked, just *wham* I can't hear or keep my balance. Anyway I come out and everyone hushes up, "What the fuck guys?"
Oh I was just going to flash the bartender for free drinks.
I am not happy with this news, but it is her birthday and I am not going to be a prick about it. "hell as long as I get to see them, and I get a drink too."
She does it three or four more times, gets some dude to agree to take body shots off her (i told him to fuck off and if i saw him talking to her again i'd fuck him with a tequila bottle) and is basically just a loud annoying whore. She gets her bra stapled to the ceiling, right next to another of my X's, and god dammit.
Morals are not a bad thing to have. Giving a shit about yourself is not a bad thing to do.
Good job on not putting out all the time D.
The tits flashing thing, I hate it. On my girl's 21st we all went out drinking. I was in the bathroom trying not to kick down the bathroom stall, becuase she had just slapped me on the ear. Unprovoked, just *wham* I can't hear or keep my balance. Anyway I come out and everyone hushes up, "What the fuck guys?"
Oh I was just going to flash the bartender for free drinks.
I am not happy with this news, but it is her birthday and I am not going to be a prick about it. "hell as long as I get to see them, and I get a drink too."
She does it three or four more times, gets some dude to agree to take body shots off her (i told him to fuck off and if i saw him talking to her again i'd fuck him with a tequila bottle) and is basically just a loud annoying whore. She gets her bra stapled to the ceiling, right next to another of my X's, and god dammit.
Morals are not a bad thing to have. Giving a shit about yourself is not a bad thing to do.
Good job on not putting out all the time D.
+0 -0

+0 -0
That tat thing. . .that's part of it, but even if a girl totally wasn't trashy, I don't want tattoos on her. I just really don't like how they look.
I must say I hate sex. A lot. I also hate making out, and holding hands, etc. I never done any of those things, which may be the reason why I hate them. A big part of why I hate these things is because it's attention-grabbing whorishness, but also jealousy is a HUGe part of it. I hate when people have sex while I can't find a girl to kiss. And it annoys me when people are like "sex is not bad, sex is a beautiful, natural thing" as an excuse to have orgies. Typically the type of people who say this are 55 year old men who post on webcomic discussion boards. I do not see how sex is beautiful . .. it probably feels good, but there is a lot of guilt and juices involved, and no, it is not beautiful at all. Neither are nipples or vajajays. The whole thing is very gross, actually. What is nice are girls wearing bikinis, but even that is sometimes too naughty for me, because it reminds me too much of sex.
I mean pretty much what I want the most is to not to be different, and to want affection. So that I won't be different, I want a girlfriend and sex. For affection I want . . .a girlfriend. Either way that girl you hang out with is a slut. I was flashed one(1) time, at my house, when my brother goaded his friend to show me. I remember no nipples on her. I don't know if it is because she had very wide and pale ones or if I experienced a localized, temporary blindness.
I dig that you don't show guys your goods. Pretty much all I want is a girl who doesn't alienate me with her morality. You seem like a pretty cool chick.
A moral girl can make a lot of abortion and rape jokes. I do and I bet I am the most morally principled one here (I don't even swear).
That tat thing. . .that's part of it, but even if a girl totally wasn't trashy, I don't want tattoos on her. I just really don't like how they look.
I must say I hate sex. A lot. I also hate making out, and holding hands, etc. I never done any of those things, which may be the reason why I hate them. A big part of why I hate these things is because it's attention-grabbing whorishness, but also jealousy is a HUGe part of it. I hate when people have sex while I can't find a girl to kiss. And it annoys me when people are like "sex is not bad, sex is a beautiful, natural thing" as an excuse to have orgies. Typically the type of people who say this are 55 year old men who post on webcomic discussion boards. I do not see how sex is beautiful . .. it probably feels good, but there is a lot of guilt and juices involved, and no, it is not beautiful at all. Neither are nipples or vajajays. The whole thing is very gross, actually. What is nice are girls wearing bikinis, but even that is sometimes too naughty for me, because it reminds me too much of sex.
I mean pretty much what I want the most is to not to be different, and to want affection. So that I won't be different, I want a girlfriend and sex. For affection I want . . .a girlfriend. Either way that girl you hang out with is a slut. I was flashed one(1) time, at my house, when my brother goaded his friend to show me. I remember no nipples on her. I don't know if it is because she had very wide and pale ones or if I experienced a localized, temporary blindness.
I dig that you don't show guys your goods. Pretty much all I want is a girl who doesn't alienate me with her morality. You seem like a pretty cool chick.
A moral girl can make a lot of abortion and rape jokes. I do and I bet I am the most morally principled one here (I don't even swear).
+0 -0
just because you don't swear doesn't mean you have morals. just because you have morals, doesn't mean you're super great.
also... are you maybe gay?
just because you don't swear doesn't mean you have morals. just because you have morals, doesn't mean you're super great.
also... are you maybe gay?
+0 -0
1. My lack of swearing is not a moral decision. It is a thing I do that is without reason. I don't think it is immoral to swear.
2. I don't think I'm super great. In fact, I have horrible self-esteem.
3. I couldn't be less gay.
1. My lack of swearing is not a moral decision. It is a thing I do that is without reason. I don't think it is immoral to swear.
2. I don't think I'm super great. In fact, I have horrible self-esteem.
3. I couldn't be less gay.
+0 -0
Your lack of swearing may not be a moral decision, if it is something you do without reason, it is part of your character but has pretty much been formed by your morals. There is a reason though, you don't swear because you don't swear. If you did swear then you'd probably feel bad.
You say you have low self esteem, but you should probably stop flexing your nuts.
You can always be less gay.
Your lack of swearing may not be a moral decision, if it is something you do without reason, it is part of your character but has pretty much been formed by your morals. There is a reason though, you don't swear because you don't swear. If you did swear then you'd probably feel bad.
You say you have low self esteem, but you should probably stop flexing your nuts.
You can always be less gay.
+0 -0
It was a moral decision, but now it isn't anymore.
I don't know what I'm bragging about. I am expressing psychological problems here.
No I can't.
It was a moral decision, but now it isn't anymore.
I don't know what I'm bragging about. I am expressing psychological problems here.
No I can't.
+0 -0
Maybe low self esteem and self loathing offend me, I don't know. It is strange.
Buck up kiddo.
Maybe low self esteem and self loathing offend me, I don't know. It is strange.
Buck up kiddo.
+0 -0
I am not being particularly sel-loathing. If I was I would be posting "I hate myself and I can see why I have no friends I never get any chubbies and I don't even really belong here . .. .blahblahblah" But I am not doing this. (Although I am like this quite often).I wasn't even sad last night at all.
I am not being particularly sel-loathing. If I was I would be posting "I hate myself and I can see why I have no friends I never get any chubbies and I don't even really belong here . .. .blahblahblah" But I am not doing this. (Although I am like this quite often).I wasn't even sad last night at all.
+0 -0
Well good for having a non sad last night. Also self loathers dont really post stuff like that, they usually talk shit about themselves ironically and chat about how often they get laid.
Well good for having a non sad last night. Also self loathers dont really post stuff like that, they usually talk shit about themselves ironically and chat about how often they get laid.
+0 -0
I never get laid tho. =[
I never get laid tho. =[
+0 -0
but i do.
wah wah waaaangk
but i do.
wah wah waaaangk
+0 -0
Are you John Wayne voting for Reagan on a horse? No? Then you can be less gay.
Are you John Wayne voting for Reagan on a horse? No? Then you can be less gay.
+0 -0
Sje, a lot of people are going to think you're really weird for saying all this. But for what it's worth, I understand.
I've come to believe that all deeply-held moral beliefs are manifestations of the ways that people deal with their own cognitive dissonance and the internal contradictions inherent from the very moment you first begin to form your identity. This is not to discount morals as invalid - it's just being honest about how they're formed. That you are aware of and acknowledge this about yourself already puts you way ahead of 95% of the population.
Basically, your view of sex pretty much mirrors my own. But while you acknowledge that, on some level, you do actually want the very things you claim are disgusting, your self-repression is still strong enough that you can convince yourself that these things are actually disgusting. I, on the other hand, am too far gone in my perversions to be able to believe this. Or rather, the word disgusting has lost some of its meaning to me, as I want these things, and consume them whenever I can, regardless of what I morally think of them.
So basically, I think I am more okay with being a moral hypocrite and keeping the forbidden desires fully within my conscious mind, whereas you, for the sake of moral and logical consistency, have partially submerged the conflict in your subconscious. Maybe I'm wrong, and you actually are a more pure person than I am. But I think it's also very likely that as time goes on, you will be less and less able to suppress these 'disgusting' desires, and if you continue to suppress them even harder, they will manifest in other, weirder ways (see any of Freud's case studies).
I do think that the people who claim that sex is no big deal or that it's just a natural, guilt-free thing are blind to an entire moral/aesthetic dimension of life, and the entire body of art and literature dealing with the subject contradicts them (I would particularly recommend Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata to you). But on the other hand, they are happier and less conflicted. Can I say that this is better or worse overall? Or do I just get some deep aesthetic satisfaction out of being tortured and conflicted?
I don't know what my point is, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not that weird and give you some things to think about.
Also, none of this means you are gay, unless I am gay as well, and I think it would have manifested in some way by this point.
I do think that you are mistaking some of the superficial indicators of morality (swearing, tattoos, etc.) with actual morals, as Daedala pointed out. But that's the kind of thing that can only change with time and exposure. We still think you are rad.
Sje, a lot of people are going to think you're really weird for saying all this. But for what it's worth, I understand.
I've come to believe that all deeply-held moral beliefs are manifestations of the ways that people deal with their own cognitive dissonance and the internal contradictions inherent from the very moment you first begin to form your identity. This is not to discount morals as invalid - it's just being honest about how they're formed. That you are aware of and acknowledge this about yourself already puts you way ahead of 95% of the population.
Basically, your view of sex pretty much mirrors my own. But while you acknowledge that, on some level, you do actually want the very things you claim are disgusting, your self-repression is still strong enough that you can convince yourself that these things are actually disgusting. I, on the other hand, am too far gone in my perversions to be able to believe this. Or rather, the word disgusting has lost some of its meaning to me, as I want these things, and consume them whenever I can, regardless of what I morally think of them.
So basically, I think I am more okay with being a moral hypocrite and keeping the forbidden desires fully within my conscious mind, whereas you, for the sake of moral and logical consistency, have partially submerged the conflict in your subconscious. Maybe I'm wrong, and you actually are a more pure person than I am. But I think it's also very likely that as time goes on, you will be less and less able to suppress these 'disgusting' desires, and if you continue to suppress them even harder, they will manifest in other, weirder ways (see any of Freud's case studies).
I do think that the people who claim that sex is no big deal or that it's just a natural, guilt-free thing are blind to an entire moral/aesthetic dimension of life, and the entire body of art and literature dealing with the subject contradicts them (I would particularly recommend Tolstoy's The Kreutzer Sonata to you). But on the other hand, they are happier and less conflicted. Can I say that this is better or worse overall? Or do I just get some deep aesthetic satisfaction out of being tortured and conflicted?
I don't know what my point is, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not that weird and give you some things to think about.
Also, none of this means you are gay, unless I am gay as well, and I think it would have manifested in some way by this point.
I do think that you are mistaking some of the superficial indicators of morality (swearing, tattoos, etc.) with actual morals, as Daedala pointed out. But that's the kind of thing that can only change with time and exposure. We still think you are rad.
+0 -0
Thank you. We really live in a sex dominated society . . .or at least college is a lot more sex-oriented than other realms of life. And assetbar . .. a lot of people here have a lot of sex, and I get jealous. I'm not imposing my morality .. .I'm just saying I get very uncomfortable. And I'm glad you understand that.
I do think that sex is dusgusting, but I get the feeling you think that I am abstaining from it or something. I would have sex, I think, if I had a viable chance. I want it very badly, in fact, but I am also disgusted by sex because of the juices, mostly. I mean, I do look at too much porn., It is disgusting, and I think I would still be disgusted even if I was getting some. So I'm not really sure I'm repressing anything. My dissonance about sex is front and center, where I love watching people do it, I want to do it, but I hate hearing people talk about it. It makes a man go mad. And I'm still not really sure even sluttiness is immoral, if it's not harming anyone .. .but I still feel as if it is immoral. And with the swearing. .. I don't care if other people swear. I don't think swearing, in itself, is immoral, unless you are trying to offend or swear way too much or something. Basically what it is is that I have not sworn in 19 years, so I won't now. I don't want to break the streak, I suppose. If I did, I would feel bad. I find solace, I guess in not swearing. So maybe it is not a moral or anything, but it is still a principal, I guess. And the things with tats is only an aesthetic thing.
So pretty much what I'm saying is that I'm not really talking about morals, but my feelings towards things and heavy cognitive dissonance.
Thank you, it is highly probable I will read that book, because I want to get into Russian Literature more.
If we want to have sex with naked women, we are not gay. I don't care what Freud or zapatos has to say.
Thanks dude.
Thank you. We really live in a sex dominated society . . .or at least college is a lot more sex-oriented than other realms of life. And assetbar . .. a lot of people here have a lot of sex, and I get jealous. I'm not imposing my morality .. .I'm just saying I get very uncomfortable. And I'm glad you understand that.
I do think that sex is dusgusting, but I get the feeling you think that I am abstaining from it or something. I would have sex, I think, if I had a viable chance. I want it very badly, in fact, but I am also disgusted by sex because of the juices, mostly. I mean, I do look at too much porn., It is disgusting, and I think I would still be disgusted even if I was getting some. So I'm not really sure I'm repressing anything. My dissonance about sex is front and center, where I love watching people do it, I want to do it, but I hate hearing people talk about it. It makes a man go mad. And I'm still not really sure even sluttiness is immoral, if it's not harming anyone .. .but I still feel as if it is immoral. And with the swearing. .. I don't care if other people swear. I don't think swearing, in itself, is immoral, unless you are trying to offend or swear way too much or something. Basically what it is is that I have not sworn in 19 years, so I won't now. I don't want to break the streak, I suppose. If I did, I would feel bad. I find solace, I guess in not swearing. So maybe it is not a moral or anything, but it is still a principal, I guess. And the things with tats is only an aesthetic thing.
So pretty much what I'm saying is that I'm not really talking about morals, but my feelings towards things and heavy cognitive dissonance.
Thank you, it is highly probable I will read that book, because I want to get into Russian Literature more.
If we want to have sex with naked women, we are not gay. I don't care what Freud or zapatos has to say.
Thanks dude.
+0 -0
tl;dr-My disgust with sex won't prevent me from doing it.
tl;dr-My disgust with sex won't prevent me from doing it.
+0 -0
Okay, you're right, I did have a misconception and now you've clarified it. That is pretty much exactly how I feel.
My dissonance about sex is front and center, where I love watching people do it, I want to do it, but I hate hearing people talk about it. It makes a man go mad. And I'm still not really sure even sluttiness is immoral, if it's not harming anyone .. .but I still feel as if it is immoral.
Okay, you're right, I did have a misconception and now you've clarified it. That is pretty much exactly how I feel.
+0 -0
It's quite all right.
Feels good to know I'm not the only one like this.
It's quite all right.
Feels good to know I'm not the only one like this.
+0 -0
speaking of people having sex making us uncomfortable, perhaps you are fortunate enough that college hasn't forced other people's sex-having sounds upon your unsuspecting ears, but i suffer this on an at least weekly basis. one of my roommates has his gf over all the time, and our apt is really small so when they do it, everyone hears. i heard them just now. i've gotten to the point where it only makes me uncomfortable when i overhear people who are attractive, because only then might i actually get aroused. my roommate and his lady do nothing for me, so i just regard their sounds as if i were overhearing flatulence-- unpleasant but not too distracting. i still think it's rude though. like they should really wait to do it when nobody's home. i try to be obnoxious about it, like when they come out i'll be like "hey was that GOOD SEX?? because it sounded pretty LAME." and she'll get embarrassed and just not say anything and he'll say "ok, we get it" but uh, no, they don't get it. assholes.
speaking of people having sex making us uncomfortable, perhaps you are fortunate enough that college hasn't forced other people's sex-having sounds upon your unsuspecting ears, but i suffer this on an at least weekly basis. one of my roommates has his gf over all the time, and our apt is really small so when they do it, everyone hears. i heard them just now. i've gotten to the point where it only makes me uncomfortable when i overhear people who are attractive, because only then might i actually get aroused. my roommate and his lady do nothing for me, so i just regard their sounds as if i were overhearing flatulence-- unpleasant but not too distracting. i still think it's rude though. like they should really wait to do it when nobody's home. i try to be obnoxious about it, like when they come out i'll be like "hey was that GOOD SEX?? because it sounded pretty LAME." and she'll get embarrassed and just not say anything and he'll say "ok, we get it" but uh, no, they don't get it. assholes.
+0 -0
I haven't experienced it myself, but I heard stories. If my roommate was with a girl, I would tell him to leave, and if he didn't, I would punch him mid-coitus.
I haven't experienced it myself, but I heard stories. If my roommate was with a girl, I would tell him to leave, and if he didn't, I would punch him mid-coitus.
+0 -0
I am being facetious about the gay thing. I don't appreciate having one of my favorite activities called disgusting.
I am being facetious about the gay thing. I don't appreciate having one of my favorite activities called disgusting.
+0 -0
+0 -0
If I did it too, it would probably be one of my activities as well.
If I did it too, it would probably be one of my activities as well.
+0 -0
I'm sorry man, I know you don't mean any offense by it... but that almost makes it more offensive. It is as though you understand the words you are saying, but not the context conveyed. Then again I could just be looking for a fight and see whatever catalyst I need.
I'm sorry man, I know you don't mean any offense by it... but that almost makes it more offensive. It is as though you understand the words you are saying, but not the context conveyed. Then again I could just be looking for a fight and see whatever catalyst I need.
+1 -0
man the kid wants to do it. just be glad it comes so easily to you. i mean, it comes really easily to me too, just due to being a mildly attractive girl, but it makes me sad that someone who wants to hold hands and have kisses has never gotten to. cuz all those things are really nice, and sex is too. i'm pretty sure sje would realize that sex isn't so disgusting once he actually does it. it can be playful, it can be cute, and it can be totally nasty, but it doesn't have to be. i'm just soft-hearted, i guess. once i got really annoyed at this bullfrog making loud sounds in our backyard and i told my mom i wanted to go out there, find the little jerk and pop his throat bubble so he'd shut the hell up, and my mom was like "it's probably calling for a mate, but it's all alone out there" and i started thinking about how the bullfrog will never find a bullfrog lady and how its entire life will probably be spent in our backyard, all alone, and i got so sad i started crying. i thought about finding it and taking it somewhere where there'd be other bullfrogs, but i had no idea where that would be, which made me cry harder. this was like 2 years ago, haha. not that sje is a bullfrog, but ya know. he'll get a lady friend if i can help it! i'm not sure how i'd help.. but i think self esteem is probably the place to start. sje, you are rad. you hear me? YOU. ARE. RAD!
man the kid wants to do it. just be glad it comes so easily to you. i mean, it comes really easily to me too, just due to being a mildly attractive girl, but it makes me sad that someone who wants to hold hands and have kisses has never gotten to. cuz all those things are really nice, and sex is too. i'm pretty sure sje would realize that sex isn't so disgusting once he actually does it. it can be playful, it can be cute, and it can be totally nasty, but it doesn't have to be. i'm just soft-hearted, i guess. once i got really annoyed at this bullfrog making loud sounds in our backyard and i told my mom i wanted to go out there, find the little jerk and pop his throat bubble so he'd shut the hell up, and my mom was like "it's probably calling for a mate, but it's all alone out there" and i started thinking about how the bullfrog will never find a bullfrog lady and how its entire life will probably be spent in our backyard, all alone, and i got so sad i started crying. i thought about finding it and taking it somewhere where there'd be other bullfrogs, but i had no idea where that would be, which made me cry harder. this was like 2 years ago, haha. not that sje is a bullfrog, but ya know. he'll get a lady friend if i can help it! i'm not sure how i'd help.. but i think self esteem is probably the place to start. sje, you are rad. you hear me? YOU. ARE. RAD!
+0 -0
That poor little froggie, that is really sad. Trying to find a mate is a real challenge.
I am glad the confidence, quick words, and easy smiles come to naturaly to me. I am not happy about the one night stands so much, it sucks when I thought she would call me back...
I was just upset last night, I got stood up again.
That poor little froggie, that is really sad. Trying to find a mate is a real challenge.
I am glad the confidence, quick words, and easy smiles come to naturaly to me. I am not happy about the one night stands so much, it sucks when I thought she would call me back...
I was just upset last night, I got stood up again.
+0 -0
I haven't been sure whether you really have that much sex or if you've just been really committed to the joke. I guess you really are a man-slut?
But I'm sorry to hear about being stood up. It's alright.
I haven't been sure whether you really have that much sex or if you've just been really committed to the joke. I guess you really are a man-slut?
But I'm sorry to hear about being stood up. It's alright.
+0 -0
It comes and it goes.
I wrote more, but have deleted it.
It comes and it goes.
I wrote more, but have deleted it.
+2 -0
oh noes! you want me to beat her up for you? i also got mad stalking skills. you want me to make friends with her and drug her up so you can get your rape on? or i can like go shopping with her and feed her all these stories: "man zapatos is the DUDE, this one time, we were walking on the street like it's some basic day, and he saved a kitten from getting hit by a car, helped a crying child find a bathroom, and then bought me an ice cream sundae, all in the span of 30 minutes!" and she'll be like "whoa, that is boss, like hell if i stand him up again". i will continue: "he also gets progressively better in bed, so it would be unwise to sleep with the man only one time. he is like a dr. scholls gel shoe insert. it makes you feel good the first time, but gets even better once it memorizes your curves, you get my meaning?" and she will be like "dang, that is hot. i am all turned on now. hey you wanna get off this carousel and go in the family bathroom with the large stalls and lez out?"
to be continued
oh noes! you want me to beat her up for you? i also got mad stalking skills. you want me to make friends with her and drug her up so you can get your rape on? or i can like go shopping with her and feed her all these stories: "man zapatos is the DUDE, this one time, we were walking on the street like it's some basic day, and he saved a kitten from getting hit by a car, helped a crying child find a bathroom, and then bought me an ice cream sundae, all in the span of 30 minutes!" and she'll be like "whoa, that is boss, like hell if i stand him up again". i will continue: "he also gets progressively better in bed, so it would be unwise to sleep with the man only one time. he is like a dr. scholls gel shoe insert. it makes you feel good the first time, but gets even better once it memorizes your curves, you get my meaning?" and she will be like "dang, that is hot. i am all turned on now. hey you wanna get off this carousel and go in the family bathroom with the large stalls and lez out?"
to be continued
+0 -0
I need to find you, so I can propose.
I would feel weird about doing it online.
I need to find you, so I can propose.
I would feel weird about doing it online.
+0 -0
I actually have saved a kitten from freezing to death in winter, a crying child find his parents in the grocery store, and bought ice cream for some kids. Well the kids only needed to borrow five bucks, but I told them to keep it.
Also this wasn't within thirty minutes.
I actually have saved a kitten from freezing to death in winter, a crying child find his parents in the grocery store, and bought ice cream for some kids. Well the kids only needed to borrow five bucks, but I told them to keep it.
Also this wasn't within thirty minutes.
+0 -0
Please continue.
Please continue.
+0 -0
This is basically the assetbar equivalent of making out with a girl at a party for attention.
Carry on .
This is basically the assetbar equivalent of making out with a girl at a party for attention.
Carry on .
+0 -0
That does sound like a perfect day.
I am also happy to see other people saying "boss" more often. It is poised for a comeback. We can make this happen if we try.
That does sound like a perfect day.
I am also happy to see other people saying "boss" more often. It is poised for a comeback. We can make this happen if we try.
+0 -0
+0 -0
You are such a sweet girl .. you really are. That is truly the saddest thing.
Thanks. =)
Although you really don't have to worry about me. I can take care of my own problems.
You are such a sweet girl .. you really are. That is truly the saddest thing.
Thanks. =)
Although you really don't have to worry about me. I can take care of my own problems.
+0 -0
I meant the frog thing is the saddest thing, not how sweet you are.
I meant the frog thing is the saddest thing, not how sweet you are.
+0 -0
All he needed was some of this:
All he needed was some of this:

+0 -0
My feelings on this asset are GODDANGTHATSHOT
My feelings on this asset are GODDANGTHATSHOT
+0 -0
Only if the yolk is still runny.
Only if the yolk is still runny.
+0 -0
sje, i would let you hold my hand any day. :)
sje, i would let you hold my hand any day. :)
+0 -0
Haha, thanks.
Not to embarrass you, but I would probably faint if I did that.
Haha, thanks.
Not to embarrass you, but I would probably faint if I did that.
+0 -0
Because I remember what you look like, and you are very pretty.
Because I remember what you look like, and you are very pretty.
+0 -0
This is true, she is amazingly attractive.
This is true, she is amazingly attractive.
+0 -0
Dude she is all moving in for the kill.
Dude she is all moving in for the kill.
+0 -0
Hey, everyone, I think sje is actually Morrissey.
Hey, everyone, I think sje is actually Morrissey.
+0 -0
Explain this reference please?
Explain this reference please?
+0 -0
It could be something really specific that I'm missing, but basically I believe that Tekende is likening your internet "game" to that of a famously effeminent pop star.
Also, "Not to embarrass you, but I would probably faint if I [held your hand]" is a sentiment basically at the heart of, like, 75% of songs by The Smiths. I mean, it basically could be a Morrissey lyric.
It could be something really specific that I'm missing, but basically I believe that Tekende is likening your internet "game" to that of a famously effeminent pop star.
Also, "Not to embarrass you, but I would probably faint if I [held your hand]" is a sentiment basically at the heart of, like, 75% of songs by The Smiths. I mean, it basically could be a Morrissey lyric.
+0 -0
Yeah, I think that is what I was going for. I don't really remember at this point.
Yeah, I think that is what I was going for. I don't really remember at this point.
+0 -0
Ah. I don't listen to The Smiths .. . so yeah.
Ah. I don't listen to The Smiths .. . so yeah.
+0 -0
I have no problem with any of these things. I also have no problem with people who choose not to do them for reasons that are sensible.
The important thing is the manner in which they are done. There is definitely a fun, sexy way to flash people and a cheap, low, crass way to do it as well.
There's nothing wrong with having a lot of casual, foreign or even domestic sex, but don't try to pretend that it's artistic or special. It's because you would enjoy having a lot of sex. If you're that concerned with justifying it then, yeah, you shouldn't be doing it.
I have no problem with any of these things. I also have no problem with people who choose not to do them for reasons that are sensible.
The important thing is the manner in which they are done. There is definitely a fun, sexy way to flash people and a cheap, low, crass way to do it as well.
There's nothing wrong with having a lot of casual, foreign or even domestic sex, but don't try to pretend that it's artistic or special. It's because you would enjoy having a lot of sex. If you're that concerned with justifying it then, yeah, you shouldn't be doing it.
+0 -0
My X and I had a necrophelia RP. It was fucking awesome.
My X and I had a necrophelia RP. It was fucking awesome.
+0 -0
I...I have to ask. Which of you played the corpse?
I...I have to ask. Which of you played the corpse?
+0 -0
Well we were fuckin and she got on top, but she was pretending to be mad at me.
"Oh I don't know Stu you're being really mean... So mean I think I might die... oh no i'm dead!"
Then she went all limp. I just laughed and put my hands on her breats, pushing her back up.
"Oh yeah this dead bitch is still warm, oh that's so fucking sexy *rape rape* yeeah"
She was kind of giggling, but had her tounge sticking out pretending to be dead. It was awesome... I need to remind her of that next time I see her.
Well we were fuckin and she got on top, but she was pretending to be mad at me.
"Oh I don't know Stu you're being really mean... So mean I think I might die... oh no i'm dead!"
Then she went all limp. I just laughed and put my hands on her breats, pushing her back up.
"Oh yeah this dead bitch is still warm, oh that's so fucking sexy *rape rape* yeeah"
She was kind of giggling, but had her tounge sticking out pretending to be dead. It was awesome... I need to remind her of that next time I see her.
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
That's actually really adorable, like I'm picturing it in my head and it's pretty sweet.
That's actually really adorable, like I'm picturing it in my head and it's pretty sweet.
+0 -0
thank you sir, I thought it was two. Not just something I could do with anyone.
thank you sir, I thought it was two. Not just something I could do with anyone.
+0 -0
two? I thought the action was too, also. What the hell...
two? I thought the action was too, also. What the hell...
+0 -1
Perhaps we need to trade. I am with a blonde. She looks significantly better when her hair is red or green. Blonde is dull and uninteresting.
Tan is... well, tan is just awful. Asian girls get a pass here, but nobody else does. Pale skin is vastly superior.
Perhaps we need to trade. I am with a blonde. She looks significantly better when her hair is red or green. Blonde is dull and uninteresting.
Tan is... well, tan is just awful. Asian girls get a pass here, but nobody else does. Pale skin is vastly superior.
+0 -0
why do asian girls get a pass? because they are suitably alternative for you?
why do asian girls get a pass? because they are suitably alternative for you?
+0 -0
If you have black hair, you can usually pull off deeper skin tones. Hair lighter than skin has always looked terrible to me. (except white hair, which is rad! I love you gramma!)
If you have black hair, you can usually pull off deeper skin tones. Hair lighter than skin has always looked terrible to me. (except white hair, which is rad! I love you gramma!)
+0 -0
Poupee, are you getting, like, offended? You may be blonde, but from what I remember of your pictures you're not very tan. Certainly not the type that is meant by "tan blond girl".
I'm just piping in because no man should ever be forced to justify his liking of Asian girls. There are some things that just cannot be explained.
Poupee, are you getting, like, offended? You may be blonde, but from what I remember of your pictures you're not very tan. Certainly not the type that is meant by "tan blond girl".
I'm just piping in because no man should ever be forced to justify his liking of Asian girls. There are some things that just cannot be explained.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I'm not offended for myself, necessarily. But to hate on women who happen to be tan is just ridiculous, and to act like your taste in physical appearances is the One True Path is insane. If you like a certain type, that is perfectly fine. Just don't act like people who don't fit that "look" are disgusting or some sort of monstrous subhuman.
For what it's worth, I'm pretty much the color of milk.
I'm not offended for myself, necessarily. But to hate on women who happen to be tan is just ridiculous, and to act like your taste in physical appearances is the One True Path is insane. If you like a certain type, that is perfectly fine. Just don't act like people who don't fit that "look" are disgusting or some sort of monstrous subhuman.
For what it's worth, I'm pretty much the color of milk.
+0 -0
I'd like to pour me a nice tall glass of Autre... good and cold.
I'd like to pour me a nice tall glass of Autre... good and cold.
+0 -0
I feel like you're telling me that I'm not allowed to express an opinion. I'm not saying we need to have camps for really tan people, I'm just saying it's not a look I like. I find it odd that other people would be into that. I find it odd that much of popular culture pushes it as the desirable look.
If anything our popular culture is the one guilty of saying that people are subhuman. How often are people described as being pale in a negative light? That being tan means you are healthy and good?
I will reserve the right to hate on people with brittle, straw-like hair and viciously orangey skin in the middle of winter in a place where it is cold during that time. I think that is something we can all agree on.
I feel like you're telling me that I'm not allowed to express an opinion. I'm not saying we need to have camps for really tan people, I'm just saying it's not a look I like. I find it odd that other people would be into that. I find it odd that much of popular culture pushes it as the desirable look.
If anything our popular culture is the one guilty of saying that people are subhuman. How often are people described as being pale in a negative light? That being tan means you are healthy and good?
I will reserve the right to hate on people with brittle, straw-like hair and viciously orangey skin in the middle of winter in a place where it is cold during that time. I think that is something we can all agree on.
+0 -0
Yeah, I mean, my girlfriend is naturally blonde (though she's been losing it lately and he hair has started to turn more brown) and I have no problem with that. It is actually somewhat interesting to me as, if I only went by my stated preferences she would not necessarily fit in such a rigid definition, but that doesn't matter. It's never been an issue.
The point, I guess, is that love knows all kinds and you can find that, in reality, your choices don't always conform to what you think they might.
Yeah, I mean, my girlfriend is naturally blonde (though she's been losing it lately and he hair has started to turn more brown) and I have no problem with that. It is actually somewhat interesting to me as, if I only went by my stated preferences she would not necessarily fit in such a rigid definition, but that doesn't matter. It's never been an issue.
The point, I guess, is that love knows all kinds and you can find that, in reality, your choices don't always conform to what you think they might.
+0 -0
No, if they start getting tans then I'm turned off, but otherwise the fit within the limits of what I generally like.
I guess it's also fundamentally just something I can't explain. It's a personal preference.
Why does Ray like to see ladies sitting on cakes? He just does!
Also, in this town being Asian is not even remotely alternative. They're a third of the population.
No, if they start getting tans then I'm turned off, but otherwise the fit within the limits of what I generally like.
I guess it's also fundamentally just something I can't explain. It's a personal preference.
Why does Ray like to see ladies sitting on cakes? He just does!
Also, in this town being Asian is not even remotely alternative. They're a third of the population.
+0 -0
Hey, Belgand. Me and some of my friends think you're a pretty awesome guy. Do you want to be High Wizard in our club?
Hey, Belgand. Me and some of my friends think you're a pretty awesome guy. Do you want to be High Wizard in our club?
+0 -0
Belgand would totally try to point out how so not racist he is, but that would probably require that I have more than two or three friends to begin with. Or didn't grow up in a very white suburb or something else.
Does it count if one of my two local friends is gay and the other is Israeli? Can I trade that for "not a bigot" points? What about going out and marching against Prop 8 (which amended the state constitution to ban same sex marriage in California) twice in the past few weeks? I don't even want to marry anyone myself, but I spent a Friday night and another Saturday morning going out to support the rights of other people.
I do not think I would be a good member of your club. I do not have either a wizard hat or robe.
Belgand would totally try to point out how so not racist he is, but that would probably require that I have more than two or three friends to begin with. Or didn't grow up in a very white suburb or something else.
Does it count if one of my two local friends is gay and the other is Israeli? Can I trade that for "not a bigot" points? What about going out and marching against Prop 8 (which amended the state constitution to ban same sex marriage in California) twice in the past few weeks? I don't even want to marry anyone myself, but I spent a Friday night and another Saturday morning going out to support the rights of other people.
I do not think I would be a good member of your club. I do not have either a wizard hat or robe.
+0 -0
only racists try to point out how non-racist they are.
only racists try to point out how non-racist they are.
+0 -0
So that time when you asked the Indian stripper if she tastes like curry... that was what?
So that time when you asked the Indian stripper if she tastes like curry... that was what?
+0 -0
Not racist, just an insensitive joke.
Not racist, just an insensitive joke.
+1 -0
Ah, so I ought to have brought up the time he started researching his genealogy to see if he might have had an ancestor who owned slaves at some point so he could bring his research to african-american prostitutes and demand freebies?
Ah, so I ought to have brought up the time he started researching his genealogy to see if he might have had an ancestor who owned slaves at some point so he could bring his research to african-american prostitutes and demand freebies?
+0 -0
+0 -0
The man wishes to prove that a prostitute's ancestor was, at one time, the legal property of his ancestor in order to demand that the prostitute service him sexually free of charge.
This seems incredibly racist to me. It was just the first most amazingly racist thing that came to mind.
The man wishes to prove that a prostitute's ancestor was, at one time, the legal property of his ancestor in order to demand that the prostitute service him sexually free of charge.
This seems incredibly racist to me. It was just the first most amazingly racist thing that came to mind.
+0 -0
I chubbied it, because I thought it was hilarious.
I chubbied it, because I thought it was hilarious.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I was curious, didn't want to get into something it was something else.
Also I really wanted some curry.
I was curious, didn't want to get into something it was something else.
Also I really wanted some curry.
+0 -0
Red hair is damaged life.
Red hair is damaged life.
+0 -0
You'd better believe that I have wicked sack, Zapatos.
You'd better believe that I have wicked sack, Zapatos.
+0 -0
+1 -0
That's what I said to your mom after she had you.
That's why the first one turned out so badly, I basically had no clue what I was doing.
That's what I said to your mom after she had you.
+0 -0
Pogo basically fathered half the people on Assetbar.
Pogo basically fathered half the people on Assetbar.
+0 -0
That Pogo is a son of a bitch!
Best damn salesman in the office!
He named the group Sha-Na-Na. They did not want to be called that.
To Pogo!!
That Pogo is a son of a bitch!
Best damn salesman in the office!
He named the group Sha-Na-Na. They did not want to be called that.
To Pogo!!
+0 -0
Tin Men? Glengarry Glen Ross? The Office? SNL skit parodying one of those? Google is not very helpful with this.
Tin Men? Glengarry Glen Ross? The Office? SNL skit parodying one of those? Google is not very helpful with this.
+0 -0
I think an SNL skit parodying Mad Men.
I think an SNL skit parodying Mad Men.
+0 -0
SNL, yes, but from back in the Will Ferrell days : To Bill Brasky!
SNL, yes, but from back in the Will Ferrell days : To Bill Brasky!
+0 -0
I never understood the appeal of Will Ferrell.
I never understood the appeal of Will Ferrell.
+0 -0
-_- you just hate everything deep down inside, don't you?
-_- you just hate everything deep down inside, don't you?
+0 -0
I like the first animation better, as it includes the loveliest details of panel six and (IMHO) the strip - the folded flipper-fist punching the air in triumph/relief, accompanied by an unequivocal "Yes!".
This one might even beat out Philippe's " Yes! " from the Walk-Around Butt strip.
I like the first animation better, as it includes the loveliest details of panel six and (IMHO) the strip - the folded flipper-fist punching the air in triumph/relief, accompanied by an unequivocal "Yes!".
This one might even beat out Philippe's " Yes! " from the Walk-Around Butt strip.
+1 -0
You are the back-alley Tijuana surgeon of Assetbar animations. This is a noble calling. What you lack in ability and tools you make up for in spirit. Be proud. But not too proud. There is a lesson here after all.
You are the back-alley Tijuana surgeon of Assetbar animations. This is a noble calling. What you lack in ability and tools you make up for in spirit. Be proud. But not too proud. There is a lesson here after all.
+0 -0
...But will Philippe have an ego when he's eighteen years old?
...But will Philippe have an ego when he's eighteen years old?
+0 -0
A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mattbeetee, rival, mystkmanat, betwixt, tessebatt)
A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mattbeetee, rival, mystkmanat, betwixt, tessebatt)
+0 -0
A comment left by theguitarhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, ActualTaunt, Sweetlips, mystkmanat, clembot)
A comment left by theguitarhero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, ActualTaunt, Sweetlips, mystkmanat, clembot)
+11 -0
What? Gormster said a quote from Achewood .
Can't you... SEE!
What? Gormster said a quote from Achewood .
Can't you... SEE!
+0 -0
It also clearly takes place in an alternate future where people are playing Dreamcast again.
It also clearly takes place in an alternate future where people are playing Dreamcast again.
+0 -0
That would be an awesome future where we did not have to subject ourselves to the heresy of playing a Sonic game on a Nintendo system.
How do you know it's a Dreamcast though? I can't even make out the controller.
That would be an awesome future where we did not have to subject ourselves to the heresy of playing a Sonic game on a Nintendo system.
How do you know it's a Dreamcast though? I can't even make out the controller.
+0 -0
The cord is coming from the bottom of the control.
IMO Sonic has been bunk since the Genesis days, but I've heard that the RPG is actually really awesome. I'm not a huge RPG fan but I've played most of the Mario ones and it's made in the same vein.
The cord is coming from the bottom of the control.
IMO Sonic has been bunk since the Genesis days, but I've heard that the RPG is actually really awesome. I'm not a huge RPG fan but I've played most of the Mario ones and it's made in the same vein.
+0 -0
Actually, I have read exclusively bad reviews about the Sonic RPG.
And yeah, if the cord is coming from the bottom it's a Dreamcast. After seeing this is becomes more obvious that it's in roughly a Dreamcasty shape.
Actually, I have read exclusively bad reviews about the Sonic RPG.
And yeah, if the cord is coming from the bottom it's a Dreamcast. After seeing this is becomes more obvious that it's in roughly a Dreamcasty shape.
+0 -0
Really? I heard good things, haha. It's made by the same people that made the Knights of The Old Republic games, right? I heard those were good too.
Really? I heard good things, haha. It's made by the same people that made the Knights of The Old Republic games, right? I heard those were good too.
+0 -0
Sorry, I don't know if this will be sorted out eventually, but I'm at an airport right now and the internet reception is horribly bad and that somehow fucked up the order of my posts.
Screw you, TIA, fuck you!
Sorry, I don't know if this will be sorted out eventually, but I'm at an airport right now and the internet reception is horribly bad and that somehow fucked up the order of my posts.
Screw you, TIA, fuck you!
+0 -0
Ok it got sorted out...
Ok it got sorted out...
+0 -0
Bioware made Baldur's Gate which was instrumental in bringing back RPGs from being a dying genre in the mid to late 90s to being a pretty popular one. They are not just people who made KOTOR (which you damn well better play on the PC and not the fucking XBox! Fuck the damn XBox, it's ruining PC gaming!).
I may need to check reviews again, but it was doing badly last time I checked.
According to GameRankings it currently has an aggregate of 74% with most sites giving it a 6 or 6.5. That is terrible given the current system of ratings inflation. Almost nothing worth playing ever scores below an 8 or maybe a 7.5.
Bioware made Baldur's Gate which was instrumental in bringing back RPGs from being a dying genre in the mid to late 90s to being a pretty popular one. They are not just people who made KOTOR (which you damn well better play on the PC and not the fucking XBox! Fuck the damn XBox, it's ruining PC gaming!).
I may need to check reviews again, but it was doing badly last time I checked.
According to GameRankings it currently has an aggregate of 74% with most sites giving it a 6 or 6.5. That is terrible given the current system of ratings inflation. Almost nothing worth playing ever scores below an 8 or maybe a 7.5.
+0 -0
They also made Jade Empire, which I thought was pretty good.
They also made Jade Empire, which I thought was pretty good.
+0 -0
You cold got caught with your Achewood nerd pants down, gh.
You cold got caught with your Achewood nerd pants down, gh.
+0 -0
Man I'm the guy who sucks and has Depression.
Man I'm the guy who sucks and has Depression.
+1 -0
Who's the guy who sucks the guy who sucks and has depression?
Who's the guy who sucks the guy who sucks and has depression?
+0 -0
I don't think Molly's a guy?
I don't think Molly's a guy?
+0 -0
My girlfriend's not a dude...
My girlfriend's not a dude...
+0 -0
Who are you calling dude, rear admiral ?
Who are you calling dude, rear admiral ?
+0 -0
who you calling rear admiral, private ?
who you calling rear admiral, private ?
+0 -0
Who are you calling private, dick ?
Who are you calling private, dick ?
+0 -0
Who are you calling dick, fucker ?
Who are you calling dick, fucker ?
+0 -1
Who you call fucker, cuntwhorebagslutdograper ?
Who you call fucker, cuntwhorebagslutdograper ?
+0 -0
Dick Fucker
private dick . Here's my card-
( if I were hamscout or dai-dai, I would whip out a wonderful card gif here- I'll leave that to the graphic geniuses[who've got the time] to decide if it's worth the pain)
Dick Fucker
private dick . Here's my card-
( if I were hamscout or dai-dai, I would whip out a wonderful card gif here- I'll leave that to the graphic geniuses[who've got the time] to decide if it's worth the pain)
+0 -1
one of the big jokes in the script for my final project revolves around Private Investigator also being called Dick.
one of the big jokes in the script for my final project revolves around Private Investigator also being called Dick.
+0 -1
That's a terrible and obvious joke. If I was grading your project I'd probably mark it down just for trying to pull something like that. Maybe only a percentage point, but it would definitely be a negative.
It just smacks of "I think this is so clever", but without really being clever. Like when someone says "That's what she said!" because we all know how obvious and not at all clever that really is. It is pained.
I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I would strongly urge you to amend that.
That's a terrible and obvious joke. If I was grading your project I'd probably mark it down just for trying to pull something like that. Maybe only a percentage point, but it would definitely be a negative.
It just smacks of "I think this is so clever", but without really being clever. Like when someone says "That's what she said!" because we all know how obvious and not at all clever that really is. It is pained.
I'm not trying to be a dick here, but I would strongly urge you to amend that.
+0 -0
That's exactly what she said.
That's exactly what she said.
+0 -0
Well, the joke is one character is a private investigator/college student ala Veronica Mars (oh I'm sure every single fucking person on this site has heard about VM already and probably knew about it 1000 years before I found it...) and he offers his services as a PI to his friend for 50 bucks plus expenses, to much the friend says "That's what I get for having a dick for a friend", the PI character corrects her and she rebuts with "I'm not talking about your hobby."
Well, the joke is one character is a private investigator/college student ala Veronica Mars (oh I'm sure every single fucking person on this site has heard about VM already and probably knew about it 1000 years before I found it...) and he offers his services as a PI to his friend for 50 bucks plus expenses, to much the friend says "That's what I get for having a dick for a friend", the PI character corrects her and she rebuts with "I'm not talking about your hobby."
+0 -0
I wouldn't call that a hobby per se. More like a necessity.
I wouldn't call that a hobby per se. More like a necessity.
+0 -0
I'm guessing the PI character says something along the lines of "Actually, I'm a private investigator."
I suggest making a running gag where someone later goes:
Character A: "People are dying, and meanwhile, you're just hanging around, playing with your dick."
Character B: "That's just vulgar."
Character A: "I'm not talking about your hobby." (points to the P.I. character hiding in the bushes)
I'm guessing the PI character says something along the lines of "Actually, I'm a private investigator."
I suggest making a running gag where someone later goes:
Character A: "People are dying, and meanwhile, you're just hanging around, playing with your dick."
Character B: "That's just vulgar."
Character A: "I'm not talking about your hobby." (points to the P.I. character hiding in the bushes)
+0 -0
That actually made me laugh. Good show. Now go shoot a Japanese politician.
That actually made me laugh. Good show. Now go shoot a Japanese politician.
+0 -0
If you're referring to my avatar, you're dead wrong. I don't bust caps in asses. I straight run at them while they're giving a speech and stab them with a samurai sword on national television.
If you're referring to my avatar, you're dead wrong. I don't bust caps in asses. I straight run at them while they're giving a speech and stab them with a samurai sword on national television.
+0 -0
True, but I was willing to accede a bit for convenience's sake. Times have moved on a bit.
Also, why do people still say "samurai sword"? Has "katana" not reached significant enough penetration (this would be correct, it is a slashing weapon)? Are people concerned that they might be accidentally misidentifying a wakizashi, kodachi, or tachi?
I'm not trying to be a dick to you personally, I just never understood that.
If you were really hardcore you'd do it old school style and shoot them with an arrow while on horseback. I'd also be willing to give style points to anyone willing to bring it with a naginata even if that does tend to be more associated with the ladies.
The naginata totally gets made fun of by the other polearms. The Bec de Corbin, Voulge-Guisarme, and Guandao all got together and formed a clique to exclude it for being totally girly. They don't listen when it claims to have been popular with totally badass warrior-monks.
True, but I was willing to accede a bit for convenience's sake. Times have moved on a bit.
Also, why do people still say "samurai sword"? Has "katana" not reached significant enough penetration (this would be correct, it is a slashing weapon)? Are people concerned that they might be accidentally misidentifying a wakizashi, kodachi, or tachi?
I'm not trying to be a dick to you personally, I just never understood that.
If you were really hardcore you'd do it old school style and shoot them with an arrow while on horseback. I'd also be willing to give style points to anyone willing to bring it with a naginata even if that does tend to be more associated with the ladies.
The naginata totally gets made fun of by the other polearms. The Bec de Corbin, Voulge-Guisarme, and Guandao all got together and formed a clique to exclude it for being totally girly. They don't listen when it claims to have been popular with totally badass warrior-monks.
+0 -0
Upon better inspection of the photograph it does appear to be a wakizashi. Definitely what would make the most sense.
Upon better inspection of the photograph it does appear to be a wakizashi. Definitely what would make the most sense.
+0 -0
I'm pretty sure he used a tanto or something cause he straight up stabbed the guy in the chest.
I'm pretty sure he used a tanto or something cause he straight up stabbed the guy in the chest.
+0 -0
Yes, the video of that is just plain psycho and brutal. A man is speaking, a big blur from the side of the screen and everyone is running around.
I think it was absolutely terrible and ought to be completely condemned, but I can't help but note that it was also straight up bad ass.
Yes, the video of that is just plain psycho and brutal. A man is speaking, a big blur from the side of the screen and everyone is running around.
I think it was absolutely terrible and ought to be completely condemned, but I can't help but note that it was also straight up bad ass.
+0 -0
Man, why couldn't this comment have stopped with Quote:
Man, why couldn't this comment have stopped with Quote:
significant enough penetration
so that I or achilleselbow could have responded with "That's what she said!"?
+0 -0
It is called a Samurai Sword, because it is not a ninja sword. Duh.
It is called a Samurai Sword, because it is not a ninja sword. Duh.
+0 -0
There is good historical evidence that there may not even have been dedicated ninja swords.
To anyone considering Kendo out there it is a great way to get terrible blisters on your feet and have stern Japanese men tell you how you are doing everything wrong all the time. It is really hard. Much harder than karate. When you finally do get it right though it is still not quite as cool as maybe it could be due to being contorted into a sport. It is also very expensive.
The dudes at seem to be doing something fairly awesome though. I might be able to get behind that.
I might just go back to kendo though. It is seriously crazy hard though.
There is good historical evidence that there may not even have been dedicated ninja swords.
To anyone considering Kendo out there it is a great way to get terrible blisters on your feet and have stern Japanese men tell you how you are doing everything wrong all the time. It is really hard. Much harder than karate. When you finally do get it right though it is still not quite as cool as maybe it could be due to being contorted into a sport. It is also very expensive.
The dudes at seem to be doing something fairly awesome though. I might be able to get behind that.
I might just go back to kendo though. It is seriously crazy hard though.
+0 -0
kendo is a sport kind of, but you don't hate it.
how come
kendo is a sport kind of, but you don't hate it.
how come
+0 -0
Cold slicing up a dude is not a sport. It is an essential skill.
Cold slicing up a dude is not a sport. It is an essential skill.
+1 -0
you say it is not a sport...
but that is exactly what i see here
you say it is not a sport...
due to being contorted into a sport
but that is exactly what i see here
+0 -0
I'm just saying that some people are trying to make it into a sport. You are still learning essential skills on how to make a person better acquainted with their internal organs. It is only a sport when you allow it to be treated like a sport. Dude got to know where to draw the line is what I'm saying.
I'm just saying that some people are trying to make it into a sport. You are still learning essential skills on how to make a person better acquainted with their internal organs. It is only a sport when you allow it to be treated like a sport. Dude got to know where to draw the line is what I'm saying.
+0 -0
The little Japanese psycho comes correct.
The little Japanese psycho comes correct.
+0 -0
His come is correction fluid.
His come is correction fluid.
+0 -0
At some point maybe we need to acknowledge that the Pulitzer prize in photography might perhaps be better awarded as the Pulitzer prize for being lucky as hell and having a camera. I'm not saying this is always the case, but it does seem to make up a good number of notable and award-winning photographs.
That was still a pretty amazing photograph.
At some point maybe we need to acknowledge that the Pulitzer prize in photography might perhaps be better awarded as the Pulitzer prize for being lucky as hell and having a camera. I'm not saying this is always the case, but it does seem to make up a good number of notable and award-winning photographs.
That was still a pretty amazing photograph.
+1 -0
You may not be trying to be a dick, but jesus christ belgand you're really kind of dicking out all over this particular asset.
The "unread" gag whinging, the "UR JOKE SUX", the "UR PRODUCTION LOGO SUX", the "UR TASTE IN BREASTS SUX", and of course, who can forget, "YOUR FIELD OF STUDY SUX".
Sometimes it is better to just let it go, you know, when you are presented with an opinion other than your own. I do it up asshole style myself on occasion, so no big whoop.
You may not be trying to be a dick, but jesus christ belgand you're really kind of dicking out all over this particular asset.
The "unread" gag whinging, the "UR JOKE SUX", the "UR PRODUCTION LOGO SUX", the "UR TASTE IN BREASTS SUX", and of course, who can forget, "YOUR FIELD OF STUDY SUX".
Sometimes it is better to just let it go, you know, when you are presented with an opinion other than your own. I do it up asshole style myself on occasion, so no big whoop.
+0 -0
I've found that everyone eventually falls into an Assetbar 'role' that they half-consciously exaggerate and perpetuate, and belgand's happens to be that of a mildly irritable and sardonic pedant. I kind of enjoy it, probably because it is how I imagine I am perceived, though I don't think I'm as consistent or as good at it.
I've found that everyone eventually falls into an Assetbar 'role' that they half-consciously exaggerate and perpetuate, and belgand's happens to be that of a mildly irritable and sardonic pedant. I kind of enjoy it, probably because it is how I imagine I am perceived, though I don't think I'm as consistent or as good at it.
+0 -0
Is it a role...or is that just people's personalities going on display?
Is it a role...or is that just people's personalities going on display?
+0 -0
I was going to make a joke about how I have sex, but I couldn't think of anything funny. Sorry.
I was going to make a joke about how I have sex, but I couldn't think of anything funny. Sorry.
+0 -0
Hey zapatos, you have lots of sex.
How come?
Hey zapatos, you have lots of sex.
How come?
+0 -0
because I was high and suck at golf man, so I gotta have sex instead.
because I was high and suck at golf man, so I gotta have sex instead.
+0 -0
Oh, oh! What am I?
Oh, oh! What am I?
+0 -0
You are Five.
You are Five.
+0 -0
A mildly irritating and sarcastic man-child
A mildly irritating and sarcastic man-child
+0 -0
+0 -0
Pederast, perhaps.
a mildly irritable and sardonic pedant
Pederast, perhaps.
+0 -0
No, that's you.
No, that's you.
+0 -0
Oh wait, I got pederast confused with pedophile. I meant to make a huge slam on Pogo, but not an inaccurate one.
Oh wait, I got pederast confused with pedophile. I meant to make a huge slam on Pogo, but not an inaccurate one.
+0 -0
A pederast is a pedophile, just a specific type of one. Traditionally, at least.
A pederast is a pedophile, just a specific type of one. Traditionally, at least.
+0 -0
Now we just need to get into a creepy discussion of ephebephilia.
Now we just need to get into a creepy discussion of ephebephilia.
+0 -0
Hmm... that does seem to be a fairly accurate take on my personality most of the time. Assetbar does not often allow my natural humor and casually joking nature to shine through so much as it does my nature of being strongly opinionated on everything with a fairly fierce pedantic streak.
I shall try to restrict myself more closely to joking and lessen the degree of schooling people who are Wrong.
Hmm... that does seem to be a fairly accurate take on my personality most of the time. Assetbar does not often allow my natural humor and casually joking nature to shine through so much as it does my nature of being strongly opinionated on everything with a fairly fierce pedantic streak.
I shall try to restrict myself more closely to joking and lessen the degree of schooling people who are Wrong.
+0 -0
Maybe I have been coming off as a bit stronger and angrier than I really am. Much of my anger is comically overstated. I tend to express myself a bit in extremes and I can see how that might not work out very well when the inherent "I disagree, but I am taking it to ludicrous levels for both emphasis and comedic value" is not as easily displayed.
With regards to the production logos thing I wasn't really angry so much as I thought we were going to be doing a Thing, but then people started just bringing up newer logos and not classic ones from my childhood. It was just so not what I thought was going to be going on and felt much less interesting. Still, I was not really upset about it. I thought the gif appropriately encapsulated the level of feeling (i.e. nobody is that serious about enforcing silly hat rules... it is humorously over the top).
I did not see that I was supposedly being more strident than any others, but I shall nevertheless apologize. I do not wish to be a jerk.
Maybe I have been coming off as a bit stronger and angrier than I really am. Much of my anger is comically overstated. I tend to express myself a bit in extremes and I can see how that might not work out very well when the inherent "I disagree, but I am taking it to ludicrous levels for both emphasis and comedic value" is not as easily displayed.
With regards to the production logos thing I wasn't really angry so much as I thought we were going to be doing a Thing, but then people started just bringing up newer logos and not classic ones from my childhood. It was just so not what I thought was going to be going on and felt much less interesting. Still, I was not really upset about it. I thought the gif appropriately encapsulated the level of feeling (i.e. nobody is that serious about enforcing silly hat rules... it is humorously over the top).
I did not see that I was supposedly being more strident than any others, but I shall nevertheless apologize. I do not wish to be a jerk.
+0 -0
oh no oh god no i meant to lame guitarhero but i lamed you instead im so sorry
oh no oh god no i meant to lame guitarhero but i lamed you instead im so sorry
+0 -0
Nice avatar/comment synchronization.
Nice avatar/comment synchronization.
+0 -0
god mystkmanat, who do you think you are?
[i] you are so conceited! [i/]
*buries avatar in the backyard*
god mystkmanat, who do you think you are?
[i] you are so conceited! [i/]
*buries avatar in the backyard*
+0 -0
+0 -0
This is exactly why I have my lame threshold set to maximum.
This is exactly why I have my lame threshold set to maximum.
+7 -0
It does not matter, Philippe will never be eightneen years old. He is five.
It does not matter, Philippe will never be eightneen years old. He is five.
+4 -0
How that is going to surprise the Special Men when they come to give Philippe his scholarship and find out he's still five.
How that is going to surprise the Special Men when they come to give Philippe his scholarship and find out he's still five.
+1 -0
Oh noooo Philippe will never get the scholarship which he has earned!
Oh noooo Philippe will never get the scholarship which he has earned!
+0 -0
The KID who went to COLLEGE
The KID who went to COLLEGE
+0 -0
The KID who learned about BINGE DRINKING and CHLAMYDIA
The KID who learned about BINGE DRINKING and CHLAMYDIA
+1 -0
I love how the title tag says "The Boy Who Saved The Airplane" but the actual title of the story is "The KID Who Saved The Airplane".
I love how the title tag says "The Boy Who Saved The Airplane" but the actual title of the story is "The KID Who Saved The Airplane".
+0 -0
Do you really love it though?
Do you really love it though?
+0 -0
I...I love title tag.
I...I love title tag.
+0 -0
I wrote eightneen. Philippe should be my editor.
I wrote eightneen. Philippe should be my editor.
+0 -0
But he's only fnive!
But he's only fnive!
+0 -0
These fnives?
These fnives?
+0 -0
These fnives!
These fnives!
+0 -0
Oh my hearts fexplodin!
Oh my hearts fexplodin!
+0 -0
A comment left by gowerski was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, daidai, mattbeetee, farqussus, Shankley, jeffreyquah, rachel)
A comment left by gowerski was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, daidai, mattbeetee, farqussus, Shankley, jeffreyquah, rachel)
+1 -1
Yes, yes, we can see that, thank you.
Yes, yes, we can see that, thank you.
+0 -0
Is it just me, or has Assetbar travelled back in time about a year?
Is it just me, or has Assetbar travelled back in time about a year?
+0 -0
Weird, about a year ago was another short-story comic
Frank always was the calm, brunette one.
Weird, about a year ago was another short-story comic
Frank always was the calm, brunette one.
+0 -0
A year and 2 days ago
A year and 2 days ago
+3 -0
Also, a crop circle has just appeared around my feet and the lights in the sky are drawing closer.
I don't know why I was reading Achewood in a field anyway.
Also, a crop circle has just appeared around my feet and the lights in the sky are drawing closer.
I don't know why I was reading Achewood in a field anyway.
+0 -0
It's time to do the time warp again.
It's time to do the time warp again.
+0 -0
It's just a jump to the left!
It's just a jump to the left!
+0 -0
I don't want to leave you hanging, however, I also don't want to turn this into a thing.
I... I'm sorry.
I don't want to leave you hanging, however, I also don't want to turn this into a thing.
I... I'm sorry.
+0 -0
it had to be done
it had to be done
+0 -0
Yeah, I went to Rocky a lot in high school too, but there's a time when we have to realize that it was a lot like the Cure in basically every way.
Yeah, I went to Rocky a lot in high school too, but there's a time when we have to realize that it was a lot like the Cure in basically every way.
+1 -0
In the end, they both get a worse rap than they deserve.
In the end, they both get a worse rap than they deserve.
+3 -0
Your mom gets a worse rap in the end than she deserves
Your mom gets a worse rap in the end than she deserves
+0 -0
Huge slam on your mom outta tekende's beefy right arm
Huge slam on your mom outta tekende's beefy right arm
+0 -0
You been rappin' my mom's end? Is that what I'm to believe?
You been rappin' my mom's end? Is that what I'm to believe?
+0 -1
It is an unread statement.
It is an unread statement.
+0 -0
I see what you're doing here and you can go fuck yourself for doing it.
I see what you're doing here and you can go fuck yourself for doing it.
+0 -0
+0 -0
It doesn't matter though. You've been intentionally trying to seed this crap throughout the page repeatedly. It's annoying and juvenile.
It doesn't matter though. You've been intentionally trying to seed this crap throughout the page repeatedly. It's annoying and juvenile.
+0 -0
I don't know what the hell is up with you tonight. It's BARY annoying, ONYXLY.
I don't know what the hell is up with you tonight. It's BARY annoying, ONYXLY.
+0 -0
If you go back you will see that I was very against that as well.
If you go back you will see that I was very against that as well.
+0 -0
I didn't tell you to do it per se. I merely pointed out that you could.
Hey, you know, I bet if you held out a pair of scissors and ran around with your eyes closed, something cool could happen.
I didn't tell you to do it per se. I merely pointed out that you could.
Hey, you know, I bet if you held out a pair of scissors and ran around with your eyes closed, something cool could happen.
+0 -0
+0 -0
It'll only work if you really keep your eyes closed.
It'll only work if you really keep your eyes closed.
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
That be a heck of a good ambulance.
That be a heck of a good ambulance.
+0 -0
Yes, an ambo with Wi-Fi.
Yes, an ambo with Wi-Fi.
+0 -0
True, but it's also rather true that there is really a lot of overlap between the Cure and Rocky Horror. Both stylistically and in their fanbase.
True, but it's also rather true that there is really a lot of overlap between the Cure and Rocky Horror. Both stylistically and in their fanbase.
+0 -0
I think that's pretty correct.
I think that's pretty correct.
+0 -0
As someone who likes The Cure but not Rocky Horror, I'm not so sure about that. The Cure is just good music that is at times a little silly but overall can be appreciated directly. Rocky Horror seems like one of those things that you have to approach with several layers of self-conscious irony/character-playing. Boo to that.
As someone who likes The Cure but not Rocky Horror, I'm not so sure about that. The Cure is just good music that is at times a little silly but overall can be appreciated directly. Rocky Horror seems like one of those things that you have to approach with several layers of self-conscious irony/character-playing. Boo to that.
+0 -0
Hmm... you can appreciate it almost directly, but yeah, not entirely directly. You have to at least appreciate it for being campy and intentionally over-the-top. You don't need to take it to the full in-theater floor show and callbacks level though.
It also helps if you appreciate Tim Curry.
Let's just all agree to instead appreciate the movie Clue because it was pretty damn awesome.
Hmm... you can appreciate it almost directly, but yeah, not entirely directly. You have to at least appreciate it for being campy and intentionally over-the-top. You don't need to take it to the full in-theater floor show and callbacks level though.
It also helps if you appreciate Tim Curry.
Let's just all agree to instead appreciate the movie Clue because it was pretty damn awesome.
+0 -0
I like "Painted on my Heart" but I think it's only on a movie soundtrack or something. Too bad for those Cure suckers, now I'm not gonna bother pirating their music.
I like "Painted on my Heart" but I think it's only on a movie soundtrack or something. Too bad for those Cure suckers, now I'm not gonna bother pirating their music.
+0 -0
I appreciate Tim Curry big time. But I also genuinely loved some of the songs from Rocky Horror. I mean, "Science Fiction/Double Feature" basically is T. Rex. Yeah, it's campy as hell, but it also very tangibly touches on a very glam vibe, and I've always had a weak spot for that sort of thing.
And just to get this out there - I was never one of the dress-up-and-go-to-the-art-theater-at-midnight-to-shout-dialog-at-the-screen types. I mean, I have nothing against that, but I didn't want you to think that this was coming from one of them. I thought it'd cheapen it.
I appreciate Tim Curry big time. But I also genuinely loved some of the songs from Rocky Horror. I mean, "Science Fiction/Double Feature" basically is T. Rex. Yeah, it's campy as hell, but it also very tangibly touches on a very glam vibe, and I've always had a weak spot for that sort of thing.
And just to get this out there - I was never one of the dress-up-and-go-to-the-art-theater-at-midnight-to-shout-dialog-at-the-screen types. I mean, I have nothing against that, but I didn't want you to think that this was coming from one of them. I thought it'd cheapen it.
+0 -0
I could appreciate both sides of it. It seems that not everyone can do that. I remember going with a friend who couldn't stand it in the theater because he thought they were ruining it.
I'm the type of person who enjoys shouting obscenities in public for no adequately explored reason and seeks to do so basically whenever possible (I do not require the assistance of alcohol for this either) so it appeals to me for that reason. At the same time, yeah, it's glam as hell and has some legitimately fun songs if you can appreciate their camp awesomeness.
It's also a film that is fundamentally about getting the stick out of your ass and being able to enjoy camp and socially-acceptable vaguely kinky sex.
It is also about how a change of filter can make your oral sex seem exciting and new.
I could appreciate both sides of it. It seems that not everyone can do that. I remember going with a friend who couldn't stand it in the theater because he thought they were ruining it.
I'm the type of person who enjoys shouting obscenities in public for no adequately explored reason and seeks to do so basically whenever possible (I do not require the assistance of alcohol for this either) so it appeals to me for that reason. At the same time, yeah, it's glam as hell and has some legitimately fun songs if you can appreciate their camp awesomeness.
It's also a film that is fundamentally about getting the stick out of your ass and being able to enjoy camp and socially-acceptable vaguely kinky sex.
It is also about how a change of filter can make your oral sex seem exciting and new.
+0 -0
Tourette's? Maybe just a little?
shouting obscenities in public for no adequately explored reason and seeks to do so basically whenever possible (I do not require the assistance of alcohol for this either)
Tourette's? Maybe just a little?
+0 -0
Probably a kids' soccer or Tee-ball coach, even though he hates kids and sports.
Yeah, definitely. That's the best part of coaching.
Probably a kids' soccer or Tee-ball coach, even though he hates kids and sports.
Yeah, definitely. That's the best part of coaching.
+0 -0
No, not so much angrily as in a fun, jovial way. Such as you are playing trivia at the bar as you do every week. As answers must often be shouted a little bit in order to be heard you sometimes also shout various other jokes and rudeness such as is fitting. Everybody laughs. Is good time for all.
No, not so much angrily as in a fun, jovial way. Such as you are playing trivia at the bar as you do every week. As answers must often be shouted a little bit in order to be heard you sometimes also shout various other jokes and rudeness such as is fitting. Everybody laughs. Is good time for all.
+0 -0
Dude, Clue was way, way better than any movie based on a board game has any right to be. Shit was so cash.
Dude, Clue was way, way better than any movie based on a board game has any right to be. Shit was so cash.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Clue was pretty bitchin.
I could totally go on a tirade of listing out my favorite lines from that movie but lets not and say we did
Clue was pretty bitchin.
I could totally go on a tirade of listing out my favorite lines from that movie but lets not and say we did
+0 -0
and a step to the right
and a step to the right
+0 -0
There. I did it
There. I did it
+1 -0
whoa, I wonder if Philippe has been working on NaNoWriMo?
whoa, I wonder if Philippe has been working on NaNoWriMo?
+4 -0
+0 -0
Given the way he runs away from the typewriter once he's done, I'd think so
Given the way he runs away from the typewriter once he's done, I'd think so
+0 -0
He is doing the special five-year-old version in which instead of 50,000 words to win you only need 500.
He beat me, by the way. I still have a week left.
He is doing the special five-year-old version in which instead of 50,000 words to win you only need 500.
He beat me, by the way. I still have a week left.
+0 -0
Well, the 50,000 words would be for a novella. 500 words for a short story is adequate, I would say.
Well, the 50,000 words would be for a novella. 500 words for a short story is adequate, I would say.
+0 -0
Yes, a novella. NaNoWriMo recognizes this, but doesn't care.
That is a really short story, I would say, though.
Yes, a novella. NaNoWriMo recognizes this, but doesn't care.
That is a really short story, I would say, though.
+0 -0
I saw this somewhere as "the shortest story," but I can't remember whose it was. I want to say Steinbeck.
For Sale. Baby shoes. Never Used.
I saw this somewhere as "the shortest story," but I can't remember whose it was. I want to say Steinbeck.
For Sale. Baby shoes. Never Used.
+0 -0
Hemingway. He described it as "the best short story ever written".
Hemingway. He described it as "the best short story ever written".
+0 -0
Yeah, Hemingway.
I've always loved the story too. Much better than Islands in the Stream .
Yeah, Hemingway.
I've always loved the story too. Much better than Islands in the Stream .
+1 -0
Yeah, Hemingway would describe his own story as "the best short story ever written". One of my least favorite authors, sorry.
Faulkner > Hemingway, all the way
Yeah, Hemingway would describe his own story as "the best short story ever written". One of my least favorite authors, sorry.
Faulkner > Hemingway, all the way
+0 -0
I agree.
I agree.
+0 -0
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
+0 -0
I wish there were a way to delete your posts on here.
I wish there were a way to delete your posts on here.
+1 -0
I wish there were a way to delete your posts on here.
I wish there were a way to delete your posts on here.
+1 -0
I never got what was so great about that. Okay, so the lady had an abortion or a miscarriage. Big whoop.
I never got what was so great about that. Okay, so the lady had an abortion or a miscarriage. Big whoop.
+0 -0
Amen to that .
Amen to that .
+3 -0
Or a constantly bare-footed baby. Or a baby with numerous pairs of shoes, and they never wore this particular pair. Or the mother steals baby shoes from stores and sells 'em outta the home for fun and profit.
Maybe it's the greatest short story because there are so many possibilities
Or a constantly bare-footed baby. Or a baby with numerous pairs of shoes, and they never wore this particular pair. Or the mother steals baby shoes from stores and sells 'em outta the home for fun and profit.
Maybe it's the greatest short story because there are so many possibilities
+0 -0
Or someone just has a baby shoe fettish and buys and sells baby shoes all the time just to smell them, but never wear them.
Or someone just has a baby shoe fettish and buys and sells baby shoes all the time just to smell them, but never wear them.
+0 -0
Or they ordered a pair of shoes from a wholesaler and they turned out to be about 20 sizes smaller than expected.
Or they ordered a pair of shoes from a wholesaler and they turned out to be about 20 sizes smaller than expected.
+0 -0
If you order shoes for a Newborn and they are twenty sizes smaller than expected, then are they actually embryo shoes?
If you order shoes for a Newborn and they are twenty sizes smaller than expected, then are they actually embryo shoes?
+1 -0
Exquisitely insensitive of you. Perhaps a better story would be, "For sale: dick, handled only slightly."
I never got what was so great about that. Okay, so the lady had an abortion or a miscarriage. Big whoop.
Exquisitely insensitive of you. Perhaps a better story would be, "For sale: dick, handled only slightly."
+0 -0
I think what achilleselbow meant (forgive me if I'm putting words in your mouth here, mr. elbow) is not that an abortion or a miscarriage isn't a grave event, but more that just because a story includes such an event, that doesn't automatically make it "the best short story ever written."
I think what achilleselbow meant (forgive me if I'm putting words in your mouth here, mr. elbow) is not that an abortion or a miscarriage isn't a grave event, but more that just because a story includes such an event, that doesn't automatically make it "the best short story ever written."
+0 -0
Kinda. I think mostly what I meant was that the surrounding story is so easy to instantly figure out that there's nothing really evocative or mysterious about it.
Donald Barthelme had a pretty famous essay about "perfect sentences" which tell a story in and of themselves. I think this might have been included, but the other examples were infinitely better. For example:
"Leopards break into the temple and drink to the dregs what is in the sacrificial pitchers; this is repeated over and over again; finally it can be calculated in advance, and it becomes part of the ceremony."
Kinda. I think mostly what I meant was that the surrounding story is so easy to instantly figure out that there's nothing really evocative or mysterious about it.
Donald Barthelme had a pretty famous essay about "perfect sentences" which tell a story in and of themselves. I think this might have been included, but the other examples were infinitely better. For example:
"Leopards break into the temple and drink to the dregs what is in the sacrificial pitchers; this is repeated over and over again; finally it can be calculated in advance, and it becomes part of the ceremony."
+0 -0
Well shucks, sorry for kind of misinterpreting your comment. I agree with your point here; that's one of my main complaints about the story, too.
Well shucks, sorry for kind of misinterpreting your comment. I agree with your point here; that's one of my main complaints about the story, too.
+0 -0
Please link to this famous essay.
Please link to this famous essay.
+0 -1
miscarriage usually isn't a grave event. Technically (and I'm speaking Science here), half of all pregnancies end in abortions. But I guess that the zygote usually doesn't stick to the uteral (word?) wall.
miscarriage usually isn't a grave event. Technically (and I'm speaking Science here), half of all pregnancies end in abortions. But I guess that the zygote usually doesn't stick to the uteral (word?) wall.
+6 -0
Far be it for I to be the female perspective here.. or the historian for that fact: but here we are. I speak from understanding, and not from actual experience in these matters. This is in response to Achilles and SJEs comments:
A: Losing a baby, be it intentional or unintentional, is a huge blow to a woman's psyche. Often it results in lifelong feelings of inadequacy, especially if she's unable to have a child after said event.
B: Previous to todays fantastic, overobsessive health care (ya know, Hemingways time period), many many pregnancies resulted in "miscarriage" - perhaps some of them being intentional. If a woman aborted a baby, she was generally socially shunned if her peers learned of it. Abortions were not that common, or not spoken about if they did happen- in fact, they were illegal and often quite risky to the womans health.
So basically what I'm trying to say is that abortions and miscarriage are big whoops. In Hemingways timeframe, (and I haven't read the story you all are referring to) these would be extremely taboo subjects.
Far be it for I to be the female perspective here.. or the historian for that fact: but here we are. I speak from understanding, and not from actual experience in these matters. This is in response to Achilles and SJEs comments:
Okay, so the lady had an abortion or a miscarriage. Big whoop.
SJE:miscarriage usually isn't a grave event. Technically (and I'm speaking Science here), half of all pregnancies end in abortions. But I guess that the zygote usually doesn't stick to the uteral (word?) wall.
Okay, so the lady had an abortion or a miscarriage. Big whoop.
SJE:miscarriage usually isn't a grave event. Technically (and I'm speaking Science here), half of all pregnancies end in abortions. But I guess that the zygote usually doesn't stick to the uteral (word?) wall.
A: Losing a baby, be it intentional or unintentional, is a huge blow to a woman's psyche. Often it results in lifelong feelings of inadequacy, especially if she's unable to have a child after said event.
B: Previous to todays fantastic, overobsessive health care (ya know, Hemingways time period), many many pregnancies resulted in "miscarriage" - perhaps some of them being intentional. If a woman aborted a baby, she was generally socially shunned if her peers learned of it. Abortions were not that common, or not spoken about if they did happen- in fact, they were illegal and often quite risky to the womans health.
So basically what I'm trying to say is that abortions and miscarriage are big whoops. In Hemingways timeframe, (and I haven't read the story you all are referring to) these would be extremely taboo subjects.
+0 -0
Yeah, well if they baby was in there long enough in order for them to have bought shoes, then it probably is a huge blow.
I assure you you've read the story. I promise you this.
Yeah, well if they baby was in there long enough in order for them to have bought shoes, then it probably is a huge blow.
I assure you you've read the story. I promise you this.
+0 -0
That's fucked up man.
That's fucked up man.
+0 -0
What is?
[You read the story because the story is only six words long.]
What is?
[You read the story because the story is only six words long.]
+0 -0
It's not about a miscarriage or abortion. A child doesn't even walk until they're a year old or so. No one buys shoes that far in advance.
It is truly the saddest thing. A little otter will never do the cracked-crab dance. Go cry now.
It's not about a miscarriage or abortion. A child doesn't even walk until they're a year old or so. No one buys shoes that far in advance.
It is truly the saddest thing. A little otter will never do the cracked-crab dance. Go cry now.
+1 -0
uh... how long's it been since you've been to a baby shower? people buy the mom things for the first few years of a kid's life. i mean, i don't know how it was back then, but i'm pretty sure people were just as psycho about births as they are now. maybe even more so.
uh... how long's it been since you've been to a baby shower? people buy the mom things for the first few years of a kid's life. i mean, i don't know how it was back then, but i'm pretty sure people were just as psycho about births as they are now. maybe even more so.
+0 -0
uh, not in the 1930's-1950's, no, whenever he came up with that. Baby showers were yet to be invented.
People had just come out of the Great Depression. Wanna guess why it was called that?
They had nothing. Also, Hemingway lived in Cuba. A lot. No baby showers there either. Oh well, maybe a gourd and a chicken.
Unless you mean the other Hemingway?????
uh, not in the 1930's-1950's, no, whenever he came up with that. Baby showers were yet to be invented.
People had just come out of the Great Depression. Wanna guess why it was called that?
They had nothing. Also, Hemingway lived in Cuba. A lot. No baby showers there either. Oh well, maybe a gourd and a chicken.
Unless you mean the other Hemingway?????
+0 -0
The other Hemingway was so awesome he wrote Fight Club.
The other Hemingway was so awesome he wrote Fight Club.
+0 -0
i hear the other hemingway also dated angelina jolie for a while. after a small south american country elected him president. but he turned them down.
i hear the other hemingway also dated angelina jolie for a while. after a small south american country elected him president. but he turned them down.
+0 -0
I would not date that scary-looking woman. She is frightening beyond normal belief. The horrible lips are certainly a part of it, but they are not all of it.
I would not respect anyone who would date her. It's a good thing I've always been sort of on the line about Brad Pitt. He has taken on some really good, interesting roles that would suggest that he is definitely not such as Tom Cruise, but at the same time he goes and does things like this. I regard him as a fez man might.
Perhaps because I am a man who wears a fez.
I would not date that scary-looking woman. She is frightening beyond normal belief. The horrible lips are certainly a part of it, but they are not all of it.
I would not respect anyone who would date her. It's a good thing I've always been sort of on the line about Brad Pitt. He has taken on some really good, interesting roles that would suggest that he is definitely not such as Tom Cruise, but at the same time he goes and does things like this. I regard him as a fez man might.
Perhaps because I am a man who wears a fez.
+0 -0
I think Brad Pitt and I could hang out, if I was cooler. Of course by "think" I mean "dream that"
I think Brad Pitt and I could hang out, if I was cooler. Of course by "think" I mean "dream that"
+0 -0
All you have to do is quit your job and move to New Orleans to volunteer with rebuilding.
Friend of mine ran into him all the time a few years back, and he's really committed to it.
All you have to do is quit your job and move to New Orleans to volunteer with rebuilding.
Friend of mine ran into him all the time a few years back, and he's really committed to it.
+0 -0
Wow. Someone who agrees with me about Jolie. I never met another one.
We meet on Wednesdays at 9.
Wow. Someone who agrees with me about Jolie. I never met another one.
We meet on Wednesdays at 9.
+0 -0
Hmm... I might need to multi-task that with my "Halle Barry is also fundamentally unattractive" group.
Hmm... I might need to multi-task that with my "Halle Barry is also fundamentally unattractive" group.
+0 -0
She looks good!
I think I am odd in that I find Asian girls attractive. But only if they are in their teens/early twenties. After a certain age they get less cute.
She looks good!
I think I am odd in that I find Asian girls attractive. But only if they are in their teens/early twenties. After a certain age they get less cute.
+0 -0
Yes. You alone find Asian girls in their teens and early twenties attractive. Everyone else does not care for young Asian women. What kind of sick sex-pervert are you?!?
Yes. You alone find Asian girls in their teens and early twenties attractive. Everyone else does not care for young Asian women. What kind of sick sex-pervert are you?!?
+0 -0
Oh and after a certain age they're less cute? Do you want to help encourage the amazing social pressure on young Japanese women to find a husband before they become a "Christmas cake" at 25?
Oh and after a certain age they're less cute? Do you want to help encourage the amazing social pressure on young Japanese women to find a husband before they become a "Christmas cake" at 25?
+0 -0
+0 -0
a thorough search of the internet has come up with NO porn sites for young asian girls. we need to alert the guys who write the DSM.
a thorough search of the internet has come up with NO porn sites for young asian girls. we need to alert the guys who write the DSM.
+0 -0
I know. Thailand has experienced a massive drop in it's GDP because young Asian girls are a total non-starter for sex. I mean, at least they've got the young boys, but I've heard that they're starting to discourage that.
Way to go sje, you've destroyed the economy of Thailand. Got any ideas for the sequel?
I know. Thailand has experienced a massive drop in it's GDP because young Asian girls are a total non-starter for sex. I mean, at least they've got the young boys, but I've heard that they're starting to discourage that.
Way to go sje, you've destroyed the economy of Thailand. Got any ideas for the sequel?
+0 -0
Don't worry man, I have the yellow fever also. I have Malaria. I have made this joke before.
Don't worry man, I have the yellow fever also. I have Malaria. I have made this joke before.
+0 -0
Asian Man Has Thing For Asian Women
May 2, 2001
TOKYO%u2013Shoji Furukawa, a 33-year-old Tokyo man, confessed Monday to a fetish for Asian women. "For some reason, as long as I can remember, I've always been into Asian chicks," Furukawa said. "I don't know what it is about them, but they just totally do it for me." Furukawa said the preference may be a familial trait, noting, "My dad was really into Asian girls, too."
Shamelessly reposted from the Onion because it was short enough that linking seemed like a waste.
Asian Man Has Thing For Asian Women
May 2, 2001
TOKYO%u2013Shoji Furukawa, a 33-year-old Tokyo man, confessed Monday to a fetish for Asian women. "For some reason, as long as I can remember, I've always been into Asian chicks," Furukawa said. "I don't know what it is about them, but they just totally do it for me." Furukawa said the preference may be a familial trait, noting, "My dad was really into Asian girls, too."
Shamelessly reposted from the Onion because it was short enough that linking seemed like a waste.
+0 -0
Uh...that is not odd at all. That is extremely common.
Uh...that is not odd at all. That is extremely common.
+0 -0
They're just so .. . .cute.
They're just so .. . .cute.
+0 -0
Yeah, I don't get why people think Halle Berry is so hot. I think she's kind of ugly.
Yeah, I don't get why people think Halle Berry is so hot. I think she's kind of ugly.
+0 -0
Belgand ain't down with the DSL, apparently. Shame.
...scary-looking woman...The horrible lips...
Belgand ain't down with the DSL, apparently. Shame.
+0 -0
I find it to be far more about the tongue, throat, and general suction abilities. Lips don't rate at all.
I find it to be far more about the tongue, throat, and general suction abilities. Lips don't rate at all.
+0 -0
Throat? Oh, you're one of those. I never understood how watery gagging or choking noises were supposed to be in some way hot. That seems like a pretty major thing to a lot of people. It's always been a first-rate boner-killer for me.
And now you know all about my boner.
Throat? Oh, you're one of those. I never understood how watery gagging or choking noises were supposed to be in some way hot. That seems like a pretty major thing to a lot of people. It's always been a first-rate boner-killer for me.
And now you know all about my boner.
+0 -0
eh, only the inexperienced ones make those noises.
eh, only the inexperienced ones make those noises.
+0 -0
Yeah, the noises, they are not hot. It is the musculature that is hot. Swallow right now. SWALLOW DAMMIT! Pay attention to your muscles and how your throat moves. You might need to do it again now, it's OK, I'll wait. Now imagine that happening to your Johnson. That would be pleasurable, no?
But I'm with you on the gagging and unpleasantness. I do not understand people who are specifically into that.
Yeah, the noises, they are not hot. It is the musculature that is hot. Swallow right now. SWALLOW DAMMIT! Pay attention to your muscles and how your throat moves. You might need to do it again now, it's OK, I'll wait. Now imagine that happening to your Johnson. That would be pleasurable, no?
But I'm with you on the gagging and unpleasantness. I do not understand people who are specifically into that.
+0 -0
oh, THAT depression!
cause i thought there were still some rich people back then. but then, i guess rich people wouldn't sell baby shoes.
my bad.
oh, THAT depression!
cause i thought there were still some rich people back then. but then, i guess rich people wouldn't sell baby shoes.
my bad.
+0 -0
There is a solid chance that if you miscarry, especially if this happens more than once, and then bring a child to term you will smother that child terribly. Especially when they are an only child.
There is a solid chance that if you miscarry, especially if this happens more than once, and then bring a child to term you will smother that child terribly. Especially when they are an only child.
+0 -0
thanks for speaking for people who DO feel the loss of children (or advanced fetuses).
thanks for speaking for people who DO feel the loss of children (or advanced fetuses).
+0 -0
Add in stillbirths, infanticide and wild dingoes and you've got many tragic outcomes.
Add in stillbirths, infanticide and wild dingoes and you've got many tragic outcomes.
+0 -0
+1 -0
Okay, while what you are saying is strictly correct,the type of spontaneous abortion you are describing occurs within 72 hours of conception, so that the woman would not even know she was pregnant. Miscarriage as most people think of it is a physically significant and possibly traumatic event.
Okay, while what you are saying is strictly correct,the type of spontaneous abortion you are describing occurs within 72 hours of conception, so that the woman would not even know she was pregnant. Miscarriage as most people think of it is a physically significant and possibly traumatic event.
+0 -1
Yes, usually. Some women probably don't care, or may be happy, but I totally agree with you.
Yes, usually. Some women probably don't care, or may be happy, but I totally agree with you.
+1 -0
C'mon, 'some women will be happy with miscarriages', what is a situation where a woman is going to be happy about that? I can pretty much assure you that if a woman is aware of her miscarriage (that is to say, the fetus is far enough into development for there to be noticeable hemorrhaging) she is definitely going to be unhappy. At least with the pain, and probably with the fact that she just lost a baby, too. If she didn't want the child, she would've gotten an abortion, not waited for nature to may or may not take its course. Is this something men just can't really relate to?
C'mon, 'some women will be happy with miscarriages', what is a situation where a woman is going to be happy about that? I can pretty much assure you that if a woman is aware of her miscarriage (that is to say, the fetus is far enough into development for there to be noticeable hemorrhaging) she is definitely going to be unhappy. At least with the pain, and probably with the fact that she just lost a baby, too. If she didn't want the child, she would've gotten an abortion, not waited for nature to may or may not take its course. Is this something men just can't really relate to?
+0 -0
Christian women don't have abortions.
I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything. Most women will be devastated. I'm just trying not to make a blanket statement.
Christian women don't have abortions.
I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything. Most women will be devastated. I'm just trying not to make a blanket statement.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Christian women who believe abortion is wrong don't have abortions.
How stupid my comment was.
Christian women who believe abortion is wrong don't have abortions.
How stupid my comment was.
+0 -0
GOD how dumb that was. I meant like a person who really couldn't care about the baby, but refuses to have an abortion for another reason, namely, religion.
GOD how dumb that was. I meant like a person who really couldn't care about the baby, but refuses to have an abortion for another reason, namely, religion.
+0 -0
Oookay, see, the thing is, maybe some people might be ambivalent towards having a child, so that finding out they are not having one would be somewhat of a relief to them. I mean, I would buy that, where it not for the fact that miscarriages are supposed to be such physically damaging events that I find it hard to imagine someone actually feeling alright about it afterwards. At best, they would have mixed feelings about losing the baby. Your uterus wouldn't let you just shrug off all that wasted effort!
Oookay, see, the thing is, maybe some people might be ambivalent towards having a child, so that finding out they are not having one would be somewhat of a relief to them. I mean, I would buy that, where it not for the fact that miscarriages are supposed to be such physically damaging events that I find it hard to imagine someone actually feeling alright about it afterwards. At best, they would have mixed feelings about losing the baby. Your uterus wouldn't let you just shrug off all that wasted effort!
+0 -0
Physically damaging, I guess. But I'm still not sure guilt would be necessarily involved.
Physically damaging, I guess. But I'm still not sure guilt would be necessarily involved.
+2 -0
I will venture to say that every woman I've ever known to have an abortion was a Christian.
I will venture to say that every woman I've ever known to have an abortion was a Christian.
+0 -0
Most people are Christians. Some people are different denominations, and some believe in hell, some don't, and some thinking a fetus is life and some not. Either way, if someone truly believed in hell, they wouldn't have had an abortion. They'd just wish really hard for a miscarriage. I'm sure not everyone who believes that abortion is wrong and is punishable by hell actually wants to have a baby. Some well go through the few minutes or hours of physical pain (I don't know how long the pain from a miscarriage lasts) rather than 9 months of carrying it, and then the pain of childbirth, and then at least 18 years of labor and stress to raise it.
Not all fundamentalists are necessarily good people.
Most people are Christians. Some people are different denominations, and some believe in hell, some don't, and some thinking a fetus is life and some not. Either way, if someone truly believed in hell, they wouldn't have had an abortion. They'd just wish really hard for a miscarriage. I'm sure not everyone who believes that abortion is wrong and is punishable by hell actually wants to have a baby. Some well go through the few minutes or hours of physical pain (I don't know how long the pain from a miscarriage lasts) rather than 9 months of carrying it, and then the pain of childbirth, and then at least 18 years of labor and stress to raise it.
Not all fundamentalists are necessarily good people.
+0 -0
Most, of course, will probably feel to guilty to wish for a miscarriage, of course.
Most, of course, will probably feel to guilty to wish for a miscarriage, of course.
+0 -0
Religions that believe in Christian Hell and support a womans right to choose:
Religions that believe in Christian Hell and support a womans right to choose:
Mainline Protestants, such as Episcopalians, Methodists, United Reformed, Quakers, those in the United Church of Christ, and Presbyterians are generally pro-choice, as are Unitarian Universalists.
+0 -0
That's why I mentioned different denominations. People believe in different things. What I am trying to say is that some women believe in things and act in a way that is inconsistent (that is, they do bad and they know they are) or they just want the baby to die, even though they believe it's a soul.
That's why I mentioned different denominations. People believe in different things. What I am trying to say is that some women believe in things and act in a way that is inconsistent (that is, they do bad and they know they are) or they just want the baby to die, even though they believe it's a soul.
+0 -0
Unitarians support your right to do just about everything. Episcopalians basically support your right to do most things as long as there's coffee afterwards.
My parents were Episcopal. It's basically Catholicism without the religion. It's the American branch of the Church of England. The correct stereotype would be to classify it as very WASPy. One joke states that they believe they are the only ones god trusts enough to take summers off. This is largely true. My parent's church takes (or at least, used to) a very relaxed attitude towards services in the summer and more casual attire is acceptable during the summer months. In the fall services are over in time for football.
It is basically very simple to switch to atheism. You just stop attending church.
Unitarians support your right to do just about everything. Episcopalians basically support your right to do most things as long as there's coffee afterwards.
My parents were Episcopal. It's basically Catholicism without the religion. It's the American branch of the Church of England. The correct stereotype would be to classify it as very WASPy. One joke states that they believe they are the only ones god trusts enough to take summers off. This is largely true. My parent's church takes (or at least, used to) a very relaxed attitude towards services in the summer and more casual attire is acceptable during the summer months. In the fall services are over in time for football.
It is basically very simple to switch to atheism. You just stop attending church.
+0 -0
I thought you had to perform a ritual to be a real atheist.
I thought you had to perform a ritual to be a real atheist.
+0 -0
SHH!! Don't let the secret out!
SHH!! Don't let the secret out!
+0 -0
I also meant specifically in regards to the Episcopal church. I have heard stories from friends about how hard it was for them to leave the church and such. I don't think I've ever heard another Episcopalian say that. Not to disparage the denomination too much, but it really is very liberal most of the time.
I also meant specifically in regards to the Episcopal church. I have heard stories from friends about how hard it was for them to leave the church and such. I don't think I've ever heard another Episcopalian say that. Not to disparage the denomination too much, but it really is very liberal most of the time.
+0 -0
For example the priest was divorced and had a child. The assistant pastor was female. None of this was even remotely controversial.
For example the priest was divorced and had a child. The assistant pastor was female. None of this was even remotely controversial.
+1 -0
I spent most of my life thinking this, the idea being that if someone actually believes in religion, the only sensible thing is to be a hardcore fundamentalist. I mean if you actually believed that you could suffer for all eternity, wouldn't you take every step to avoid it?
But people's minds don't work that way, which is to say that there are always huge gaps between what we subconsciously believe, what we consciously state we believe, what we think we believe, and what we actually do. For example, I logically believe that I am far behind on my work and will suffer grave consequences for it, yet I am still on assetbar instead of doing it.
I was talking to a Christian friend about this, asking him if he actually believes there's a hell, and that people who don't believe in Christ will go there. His reply was "I believe that for myself, but I don't feel comfortable believing it for others." It is easy to dismiss this as completely illogical, which it is (it also violates the Kantian principle). But I would say deep down everyone can find some contradictory beliefs like this - it's just that religion is much more obvious. For example, I have some weird views about sex that I still haven't fully worked through. It's like there's a mental wall that goes up when you try to analyze something, and at the same time you're thinking a thought, another part of you is contradicting it, and this goes on in an endless back-and-forth. Most people don't have the time or the energy for this kind of process, so they just decide to stop it at either one or the other point and wall it off so that the rest of their mind can function normally - that's called compartmentalization.
Anyway, I think everyone should stop piling on you with their moral outrage. There are 6 billion people on earth and billions more who have lived throughout history. Considering the weird shit you read on the news every day, I'm sure that there has been at least ONE case out of all of those where a woman for SOME reason was happy to have a miscarriage. Can we move the fuck on now?
Either way, if someone truly believed in hell, they wouldn't have had an abortion.
I spent most of my life thinking this, the idea being that if someone actually believes in religion, the only sensible thing is to be a hardcore fundamentalist. I mean if you actually believed that you could suffer for all eternity, wouldn't you take every step to avoid it?
But people's minds don't work that way, which is to say that there are always huge gaps between what we subconsciously believe, what we consciously state we believe, what we think we believe, and what we actually do. For example, I logically believe that I am far behind on my work and will suffer grave consequences for it, yet I am still on assetbar instead of doing it.
I was talking to a Christian friend about this, asking him if he actually believes there's a hell, and that people who don't believe in Christ will go there. His reply was "I believe that for myself, but I don't feel comfortable believing it for others." It is easy to dismiss this as completely illogical, which it is (it also violates the Kantian principle). But I would say deep down everyone can find some contradictory beliefs like this - it's just that religion is much more obvious. For example, I have some weird views about sex that I still haven't fully worked through. It's like there's a mental wall that goes up when you try to analyze something, and at the same time you're thinking a thought, another part of you is contradicting it, and this goes on in an endless back-and-forth. Most people don't have the time or the energy for this kind of process, so they just decide to stop it at either one or the other point and wall it off so that the rest of their mind can function normally - that's called compartmentalization.
Anyway, I think everyone should stop piling on you with their moral outrage. There are 6 billion people on earth and billions more who have lived throughout history. Considering the weird shit you read on the news every day, I'm sure that there has been at least ONE case out of all of those where a woman for SOME reason was happy to have a miscarriage. Can we move the fuck on now?
+0 -0
Thank you. Yeah, you make a good point about contradictory ideas . .. I always sorta thought this too. I always thought that there is no way that creationists really believe what they claim to believe; they just want to believe it, like how I was with Santa. But now I do actually think most of them (the really religious ones) do believe it. I don't know.
Thank you for that last paragraph. That was really all I was trying to say. We should move on.
That weird view on sex stuff. I wonder what that is? Because I have some weird views on it that I haven't worked through either. More like weird attitudes, actually.
Thank you. Yeah, you make a good point about contradictory ideas . .. I always sorta thought this too. I always thought that there is no way that creationists really believe what they claim to believe; they just want to believe it, like how I was with Santa. But now I do actually think most of them (the really religious ones) do believe it. I don't know.
Thank you for that last paragraph. That was really all I was trying to say. We should move on.
That weird view on sex stuff. I wonder what that is? Because I have some weird views on it that I haven't worked through either. More like weird attitudes, actually.
+0 -0
I wouldn't be surprised if, given the way modern society functions, most people could find themselves having weird attitudes about sex if they dug deep enough. I'm just more self-conscious and obsessive about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if, given the way modern society functions, most people could find themselves having weird attitudes about sex if they dug deep enough. I'm just more self-conscious and obsessive about it.
+0 -0
Self conscious and obsessive. That's me.
Self conscious and obsessive. That's me.
+0 -0
Don't think too hard about it because sex itself is pretty weird and disgusting when you get down to it.
Does not everyone have that brief post-coitus moment where they think "What in the hell did I just do? Why would I have wanted to do that so badly?" The magic is gone and it is just very strange and somewhat unpleasant.
Don't think too hard about it because sex itself is pretty weird and disgusting when you get down to it.
Does not everyone have that brief post-coitus moment where they think "What in the hell did I just do? Why would I have wanted to do that so badly?" The magic is gone and it is just very strange and somewhat unpleasant.
+0 -0
The moment when you realize your hands/mouth are now basically 2 or fewer degrees of separation from someone's ass. How clean is that ass? Suddenly it becomes important. A lot of things are transferred by touch, and there can be nasty stuff growing down there.
The moment when you realize your hands/mouth are now basically 2 or fewer degrees of separation from someone's ass. How clean is that ass? Suddenly it becomes important. A lot of things are transferred by touch, and there can be nasty stuff growing down there.
+0 -0
I took pathogenic microbiology. I know far too well exactly what is there, what it does, and what it looks like. I will never fully understand rimjobs.
At the same time this is a bit like the question of bacon. It is bad for me, but can I give it up? Who can say no to bacon or buggery? As long as my mouth isn't on any assess I think I'll be OK.
"Don't worry, those haven't been in asses."
I took pathogenic microbiology. I know far too well exactly what is there, what it does, and what it looks like. I will never fully understand rimjobs.
At the same time this is a bit like the question of bacon. It is bad for me, but can I give it up? Who can say no to bacon or buggery? As long as my mouth isn't on any assess I think I'll be OK.
"Don't worry, those haven't been in asses."
+0 -0
Also, how disgusting is kissing? It is so disgusting. It is amazingly freaky and weird. I curse society for instilling it in us to desire to do so.
Oralingus is freaky. Why does nobody else acknowledge this?
Oh and on an unrelated topic I would still be totally into Soylent Green. Heston is just being a reactionary little crybaby. It's not like they're forcing people into it. They want to die. I'd rather get it fresh rather than processed to hell though. That's probably the only part that would really bother me.
Also, how disgusting is kissing? It is so disgusting. It is amazingly freaky and weird. I curse society for instilling it in us to desire to do so.
Oralingus is freaky. Why does nobody else acknowledge this?
Oh and on an unrelated topic I would still be totally into Soylent Green. Heston is just being a reactionary little crybaby. It's not like they're forcing people into it. They want to die. I'd rather get it fresh rather than processed to hell though. That's probably the only part that would really bother me.
+0 -0
I've had plenty of moments where I've been like "Shit, did we just have sex or something?" post-coitus. This is mainly because usually after sex I am rushing to class. She gets to rest of course.
I've had plenty of moments where I've been like "Shit, did we just have sex or something?" post-coitus. This is mainly because usually after sex I am rushing to class. She gets to rest of course.
+0 -0
I have skipped class a few times to have sex. I had to lie to her that I did not have class then because otherwise she would not have been into it. That is not the way one is normally expected to lie to women in order to have sex, but it was still not awesome. I should get credit for choosing her over class, not be castigated by the occasional lapse. It's not like I would skip something important.
I have skipped class a few times to have sex. I had to lie to her that I did not have class then because otherwise she would not have been into it. That is not the way one is normally expected to lie to women in order to have sex, but it was still not awesome. I should get credit for choosing her over class, not be castigated by the occasional lapse. It's not like I would skip something important.
+0 -0
Only after I bone your mom.
Only after I bone your mom.
+0 -0
Everybody, Eet's time for Pogo to Mom-bones!
Everybody, Eet's time for Pogo to Mom-bones!
+0 -0
No. No, they don't. They see constellations whirling, laugh, hug, giggle, smooch. Curse the ringing phone, then realize it's the ringing in their ears.
But, then, most people aren't brains suspended in jars.
No. No, they don't. They see constellations whirling, laugh, hug, giggle, smooch. Curse the ringing phone, then realize it's the ringing in their ears.
But, then, most people aren't brains suspended in jars.
+0 -0
Many Americans are Christian. I'd have to check the statistics, but I don't think that most people are Christian.
Many Americans are Christian. I'd have to check the statistics, but I don't think that most people are Christian.
+0 -0
Maybe it follows that people who aren't American aren't . . .people?
Excuse my accidental americocentrism. (word?)
Maybe it follows that people who aren't American aren't . . .people?
Excuse my accidental americocentrism. (word?)
+0 -0
Wait. *confused* Are you sying that you don't think most Americans are Christian, or most humans?
I think Christianity is the most popular religion, but definitely not most people are Christian. The majority of American are.
Wait. *confused* Are you sying that you don't think most Americans are Christian, or most humans?
I think Christianity is the most popular religion, but definitely not most people are Christian. The majority of American are.
+3 -0
Many Americans are Christian (or, at least, think of themselves as such), but Americans do not make up the majority of the world.
According to the first site I found on Google Christianity is #1 at 2.1 billion adherents followed by Islam with 1.5 billion and atheism with 1.1 billion. There are also apparently more Rastafarians (600 thousand) than Scientologists (500 thousand). This is probably a good thing.
I would also contend that perhaps the LDS are not entirely Christian as they seem to have splintered off pretty hard and added quite a bit more to the canon. They are playing with an expansion set and everyone else is still just using the main rules (Islam has added an entirely new campaign setting and Judaism is still playing First Edition).
Many Americans are Christian (or, at least, think of themselves as such), but Americans do not make up the majority of the world.
According to the first site I found on Google Christianity is #1 at 2.1 billion adherents followed by Islam with 1.5 billion and atheism with 1.1 billion. There are also apparently more Rastafarians (600 thousand) than Scientologists (500 thousand). This is probably a good thing.
I would also contend that perhaps the LDS are not entirely Christian as they seem to have splintered off pretty hard and added quite a bit more to the canon. They are playing with an expansion set and everyone else is still just using the main rules (Islam has added an entirely new campaign setting and Judaism is still playing First Edition).
+0 -0
Okay. Yeah, so it was the second thing.
And most people aren't Christian. Exactly what I thought.
Okay. Yeah, so it was the second thing.
And most people aren't Christian. Exactly what I thought.
+0 -0
Oh, sje. You have so much to learn about stuff. :0)
Oh, sje. You have so much to learn about stuff. :0)
+0 -0
Like what? I knew that this was going to turn into a big argument. I'm not really making too little sense. Some wome may also want a miscarriage because of the social stigmatization of an abortion.
Like what? I knew that this was going to turn into a big argument. I'm not really making too little sense. Some wome may also want a miscarriage because of the social stigmatization of an abortion.
+0 -0
OKAY, guys, I strongly suggest this stop here. Religious arguments rarely go anywhere positive.
OKAY, guys, I strongly suggest this stop here. Religious arguments rarely go anywhere positive.
+0 -0
Yeah we've been through this a million times already.
Sje, I really appreciate you and think you are awesome, but stick to pop culture stuff and being 5, 'kay buddy?
Yeah we've been through this a million times already.
Sje, I really appreciate you and think you are awesome, but stick to pop culture stuff and being 5, 'kay buddy?
+0 -0
I wasn't even going to discuss religion. I wasn't going to make a claim about if a certain religion is right or wrong or ethical or not. All I'm trying to say is what Elbox said. there has to be at least one woman who was glad she had an abortion. THATS ABOUT IT. It's just that whenever anyone even mentions anything relating to abortion or anything feminists jump down your throat even though you agree with 99% of what believe. All I was saying is that not all women are devastated by a miscarriage. That is a generalization that is not true. Maybe 95% are. Maybe 99.99% are. I'm just saying don't make a blanket statement. It was one little throwaway commen that shouldn't have escalated into a huge thread.
Please don't patronize me. I am a better philosopher than most people, you know. I can have a real discussion, and I am knowledgable in a large variety of things.
Also, I can't stand most pop culture.
I wasn't even going to discuss religion. I wasn't going to make a claim about if a certain religion is right or wrong or ethical or not. All I'm trying to say is what Elbox said. there has to be at least one woman who was glad she had an abortion. THATS ABOUT IT. It's just that whenever anyone even mentions anything relating to abortion or anything feminists jump down your throat even though you agree with 99% of what believe. All I was saying is that not all women are devastated by a miscarriage. That is a generalization that is not true. Maybe 95% are. Maybe 99.99% are. I'm just saying don't make a blanket statement. It was one little throwaway commen that shouldn't have escalated into a huge thread.
Please don't patronize me. I am a better philosopher than most people, you know. I can have a real discussion, and I am knowledgable in a large variety of things.
Also, I can't stand most pop culture.
+0 -0
I wasn't trying to patronize you I was just saying I like it better when you aren't on your soap box.
I wasn't trying to patronize you I was just saying I like it better when you aren't on your soap box.
+0 -0
I'm not really on a soapbox either. I'm just defending myself is all. I still like you though. I just kinda wish I don't have to be 5 all the time. Why can't I be myself here? I like debates and stuff.
I'm not really on a soapbox either. I'm just defending myself is all. I still like you though. I just kinda wish I don't have to be 5 all the time. Why can't I be myself here? I like debates and stuff.
+0 -0
It's more a matter of how you see things in such black and white terms and are at times very narrow sighted--things can only fit into this narrow view of how you see the world.
It's more a matter of how you see things in such black and white terms and are at times very narrow sighted--things can only fit into this narrow view of how you see the world.
+0 -0
I don't think this is true though. I don't think I see things in black and white terms.
I don't think this is true though. I don't think I see things in black and white terms.
+0 -0
You basically said throughout most of this thread that some or most women would be ok with a miscarriage because they would not be having a baby, without really giving much thought to the other side of the coin, or even to the fact that there could be females on this very forum who could have suffered through a miscarriage. I have a friend who had two and it ruined her.
I understand what you were trying to say but I think you went about it in a very hamfisted sort of way.
You basically said throughout most of this thread that some or most women would be ok with a miscarriage because they would not be having a baby, without really giving much thought to the other side of the coin, or even to the fact that there could be females on this very forum who could have suffered through a miscarriage. I have a friend who had two and it ruined her.
I understand what you were trying to say but I think you went about it in a very hamfisted sort of way.
+1 -0
You didn't understand me at all!
That is not what I said. I said most would not be okay. I thought I made this clear. I did say that would not be having a baby; in fact, I made no claims at all whether a fetus is a baby that deserves to live. Look closer. Please.
I said that people suffer through miscarriage. I acknowledged this. All that I'm saying is that it is not necessarily true that a woman actually suffers through a miscarriage, and that a woman could welcome it. Not that most will; most definitely will NOT.
I have not said anything offensive, really. If someone here had one, I feel bad for her. I'm sure it is devastating to most people. Some people, however, are terrible people, and don't grieve when they have a miscarriage. Some people don't care when their own parents die. Whether a fetus is a person or not is irrelevant to the discussion.
Please, try to understand me. I'm not trying to say anything offensive.
You didn't understand me at all!
That is not what I said. I said most would not be okay. I thought I made this clear. I did say that would not be having a baby; in fact, I made no claims at all whether a fetus is a baby that deserves to live. Look closer. Please.
I said that people suffer through miscarriage. I acknowledged this. All that I'm saying is that it is not necessarily true that a woman actually suffers through a miscarriage, and that a woman could welcome it. Not that most will; most definitely will NOT.
I have not said anything offensive, really. If someone here had one, I feel bad for her. I'm sure it is devastating to most people. Some people, however, are terrible people, and don't grieve when they have a miscarriage. Some people don't care when their own parents die. Whether a fetus is a person or not is irrelevant to the discussion.
Please, try to understand me. I'm not trying to say anything offensive.
+1 -0
I understand, for sure, and I agree. There are some pretty bad people in the world, who don't care about all manner of things. It's definitely possible that some woman, in the history of pregnancy, was happy with her miscarriage. I'm just not sure why you brought that up in this discussion.
Some things we just have to accept as general truths, you know? You don't always have to introduce the contrary point of view. You're not wrong, it just didn't wasn't...necessary?
I understand you don't want to be treated to the naive gimmick always, so I apologize for saying what I did about you 'learning stuff'. I was really trying to just make a joke, I acknowledge that you're a worthwhile and mature contributor to this discussion; I just don't understand what point you're trying to make right here, by bringing up the apathy/cruelty people are capable of.
I understand, for sure, and I agree. There are some pretty bad people in the world, who don't care about all manner of things. It's definitely possible that some woman, in the history of pregnancy, was happy with her miscarriage. I'm just not sure why you brought that up in this discussion.
Some things we just have to accept as general truths, you know? You don't always have to introduce the contrary point of view. You're not wrong, it just didn't wasn't...necessary?
I understand you don't want to be treated to the naive gimmick always, so I apologize for saying what I did about you 'learning stuff'. I was really trying to just make a joke, I acknowledge that you're a worthwhile and mature contributor to this discussion; I just don't understand what point you're trying to make right here, by bringing up the apathy/cruelty people are capable of.
+0 -0
I wasn't trying to make a point. It was just a comment I said, a throwaway comment like 70% of them. I guess I just don't like blanky statements. Or something. I dunno. It definitely shouldn't have evolved into this huge thread.
By the way, I'm sure that it's more than one woman who was happy with it. Definitely more than that.
Thank you.
I wasn't trying to make a point. It was just a comment I said, a throwaway comment like 70% of them. I guess I just don't like blanky statements. Or something. I dunno. It definitely shouldn't have evolved into this huge thread.
By the way, I'm sure that it's more than one woman who was happy with it. Definitely more than that.
Thank you.
+0 -0
Of course you don't, you're too young to actually have any idea of how you appear to others, or even to yourself. But we still love your process of becoming.
I don't think I see things in black and white terms.
Of course you don't, you're too young to actually have any idea of how you appear to others, or even to yourself. But we still love your process of becoming.
+0 -0
It's fine in its own right, but I wouldn't say I love the process.
It's fine in its own right, but I wouldn't say I love the process.
+0 -0
It's not even religious though. I kinda thought it was turning into a feminist argument. But I am getting annoyed at repeating myself.
It's not even religious though. I kinda thought it was turning into a feminist argument. But I am getting annoyed at repeating myself.
+0 -0
Let me show you some of my abortions.
Pick out one you like, and we'll have a fry-up. Plenty of taters for everyone.
Let me show you some of my abortions.
Pick out one you like, and we'll have a fry-up. Plenty of taters for everyone.
+0 -0
these are some of their fetuses.
these are some of their fetuses.
+2 -0
Sje, you started a discussion about religion and abortion on assetbar.
How come?
Sje, you started a discussion about religion and abortion on assetbar.
How come?
+0 -0
+0 -0
Even though assetbarista clarifies which comment you're replying to, this statement pretty much applies any time sje makes a comment directly above yours.
Even though assetbarista clarifies which comment you're replying to, this statement pretty much applies any time sje makes a comment directly above yours.
+1 -1
A man understands the crushing grief. Maybe that's one of the ways you'll know the difference between a man and a man-boy.
You're taking sje's fetus of a thought and expanding that to include the entire set of men.
A man understands the crushing grief. Maybe that's one of the ways you'll know the difference between a man and a man-boy.
You're taking sje's fetus of a thought and expanding that to include the entire set of men.
+0 -0
I'll just set this out for anyone to look at next time I make a sweeping, generalized statement: pretend that I said "some" before the sentence. I always just assume people know that I don't mean all when I give a general noun, but really, there is no way of everyone knowing that is what I mean.
So, yeah, I know not all men don't relate or understand, that would be crazy for me to think.
I'll just set this out for anyone to look at next time I make a sweeping, generalized statement: pretend that I said "some" before the sentence. I always just assume people know that I don't mean all when I give a general noun, but really, there is no way of everyone knowing that is what I mean.
So, yeah, I know not all men don't relate or understand, that would be crazy for me to think.
+0 -0
Understand what? Not all women are nurturing life givers. There are sociopathic women too. Women who don't want to be punished and don't really care either.
Understand what? Not all women are nurturing life givers. There are sociopathic women too. Women who don't want to be punished and don't really care either.
+0 -0
If a woman allows a pregnancy to get to the point where it is considered a miscarriage and not an involuntary abortion and isn't a nurturing life giver is fucked in the head.
I really don't think you understand things sje, but I don't think it is your fault.
If a woman allows a pregnancy to get to the point where it is considered a miscarriage and not an involuntary abortion and isn't a nurturing life giver is fucked in the head.
I really don't think you understand things sje, but I don't think it is your fault.
+0 -0
Involuntary abortion? You mean someone like ties her down and just aborts her with a clothes hanger?
If you mean what I think you're saying, an involuntary abortion is synonymous with miscarriage.
And yes, if someone truly believes that it is wrong to have an abortion but wishes for the baby to die anyway is messed up in the head. Basically that person is just trying to act in a way to get what that person wants (no kid and no hell) at the expense of the kid's life (because the person does believe the kid has a soul, etc). If a woman truly believes that the kid has a soul and a right to live and still has the abortion, that woman is kinda a jerk to. Of course all of this depends on what the woman believes, not what is true. I'm not saying abortion is wrong or right.
Point? I said most woman don't do this, not all. Yes, it's effed up.
Involuntary abortion? You mean someone like ties her down and just aborts her with a clothes hanger?
If you mean what I think you're saying, an involuntary abortion is synonymous with miscarriage.
And yes, if someone truly believes that it is wrong to have an abortion but wishes for the baby to die anyway is messed up in the head. Basically that person is just trying to act in a way to get what that person wants (no kid and no hell) at the expense of the kid's life (because the person does believe the kid has a soul, etc). If a woman truly believes that the kid has a soul and a right to live and still has the abortion, that woman is kinda a jerk to. Of course all of this depends on what the woman believes, not what is true. I'm not saying abortion is wrong or right.
Point? I said most woman don't do this, not all. Yes, it's effed up.
+0 -0
Are you mostly done crapping and puking on this subject now, Lyle?
Are you mostly done crapping and puking on this subject now, Lyle?
+0 -0
Stop cosmic slapping me!
(yes, I'm done)
Stop cosmic slapping me!
(yes, I'm done)
+0 -0
Okay. I know you didn't intend to be callous or offensive, but that's how it always begins.
You must know that if you really want to seriously study psychology, you have to start becoming aware of your own thought-processing, inner dialog, that stuff that bubbles up, on and on, how much of it is subconscious imprinting, etc.
Very much Buddhist awareness training.
Oh, and may I use this quote as a Sig line somewhere? It's positively precious and Philippe-ian; brilliant even-
Okay. I know you didn't intend to be callous or offensive, but that's how it always begins.
You must know that if you really want to seriously study psychology, you have to start becoming aware of your own thought-processing, inner dialog, that stuff that bubbles up, on and on, how much of it is subconscious imprinting, etc.
Very much Buddhist awareness training.
Oh, and may I use this quote as a Sig line somewhere? It's positively precious and Philippe-ian; brilliant even-
Please don't patronize me. I am a better philosopher than most people, you know. I can have a real discussion, and I am knowledgable in a large variety of things
+0 -0
You mean unconscious imprinting?
I am pretty well aware of my own thought processes. Or, pretty good for someone my own age and education. I don't mean to sound full of myself, but there are a lot of people out there deluding themselves, and I try to prevent that.
I'm not sure I want to say yes about the whole sigging thing.
You mean unconscious imprinting?
I am pretty well aware of my own thought processes. Or, pretty good for someone my own age and education. I don't mean to sound full of myself, but there are a lot of people out there deluding themselves, and I try to prevent that.
I'm not sure I want to say yes about the whole sigging thing.
+0 -0
There are a lot of dumbasses around, autre. You'll get used to it.
Is this something men just can't really relate to?
There are a lot of dumbasses around, autre. You'll get used to it.
+1 -0
Fuck it, stop this. If the only thing people are disagreeing about anymore is the reason the argument in question started and its relevance, that's pretty much enough reason to cut the argument off. I kind of get the impression that a couple of people here just want to get the last word, so here.
Next on AssetBar - I Love Kate mentions offhand that in some cultures rape is an act of love and gets raped to death by an emu.
Fuck it, stop this. If the only thing people are disagreeing about anymore is the reason the argument in question started and its relevance, that's pretty much enough reason to cut the argument off. I kind of get the impression that a couple of people here just want to get the last word, so here.
Next on AssetBar - I Love Kate mentions offhand that in some cultures rape is an act of love and gets raped to death by an emu.
+0 -0
And in the tv movie of i_love_kate's life, we will find that ironic.
And in the tv movie of i_love_kate's life, we will find that ironic.
+0 -0
Great! You got the last word. What do I do now?
Great! You got the last word. What do I do now?
+0 -0
Dude, even *I* stayed out of this one. When have I not thrown myself with wild abandon into an Assetbar melee?
Now, now is the time for the telling of tales.
Dude, even *I* stayed out of this one. When have I not thrown myself with wild abandon into an Assetbar melee?
Now, now is the time for the telling of tales.
+0 -0
that emu loved you, but you never answered its text messages. couldn't wait forever.
that emu loved you, but you never answered its text messages. couldn't wait forever.
+1 -0
Never make emus wait for death-sex.
Never make emus wait for death-sex.
+0 -0
EmUSoFine:I M hrony 4 U. 1 2 4celuv?
God... that made me feel so dirty. Emu rape I can deal with, but not that terrible mangling of language.
I'm not a fan of text messaging and even when I do it I insist on proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation at all times. I will use a period at the end of a single sentence in a text message. It is the proper way to write.
EmUSoFine:I M hrony 4 U. 1 2 4celuv?
God... that made me feel so dirty. Emu rape I can deal with, but not that terrible mangling of language.
I'm not a fan of text messaging and even when I do it I insist on proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation at all times. I will use a period at the end of a single sentence in a text message. It is the proper way to write.
+0 -0
Imagine the text messages I get, just try to guess.
Imagine the text messages I get, just try to guess.
+0 -0
R U brnig 2? I R creus. U give me 2 the crap mebe?
The presumable sexual partner has sent a message in which they are experiencing a painful burning sensation during urination and wish to determine whether you may have experienced the same symptoms. They suspect that you may have infected them with Chlamydia. Their poor spelling and general disdain for language and usage implies that maybe they are aroused or perhaps they think that you have given them diarrhea.
I suspect you also get blurry self-shot close-ups of various erogenous zones intended to arouse you and imply that the sender wishes to engage in coitus. Perhaps these are sent to multiple parties as the sender does not realize that this will be visible due to an unfamiliarity with working the device. Perhaps they do not care. Perhaps they wish it to be a race and derive personal satisfaction from that.
Ultimately I have no idea. I basically only started sending them recently and then only to friends when they are at work or such and would not be in a position to take a phone call, even a short one.
R U brnig 2? I R creus. U give me 2 the crap mebe?
The presumable sexual partner has sent a message in which they are experiencing a painful burning sensation during urination and wish to determine whether you may have experienced the same symptoms. They suspect that you may have infected them with Chlamydia. Their poor spelling and general disdain for language and usage implies that maybe they are aroused or perhaps they think that you have given them diarrhea.
I suspect you also get blurry self-shot close-ups of various erogenous zones intended to arouse you and imply that the sender wishes to engage in coitus. Perhaps these are sent to multiple parties as the sender does not realize that this will be visible due to an unfamiliarity with working the device. Perhaps they do not care. Perhaps they wish it to be a race and derive personal satisfaction from that.
Ultimately I have no idea. I basically only started sending them recently and then only to friends when they are at work or such and would not be in a position to take a phone call, even a short one.
+0 -0
Oh fuck, diarrhea is infectious?
Oh fuck, diarrhea is infectious?
+1 -0
I think if you eat the diarrhea, you get it too.
I think if you eat the diarrhea, you get it too.
+0 -0
+0 -0
If you get bitten by diarrhea you are then fated to become it.
If you get bitten by diarrhea you are then fated to become it.
+0 -0
If you get diarrhea in the game you get diarrhea for real.
If you get diarrhea in the game you get diarrhea for real.
+0 -0
Actually no, you were a little off. I did ask for you to imagine however and you did that wonderfully.
I just get many texts without punctuation, because skanks don't have a very firm grasp on the any language.
Also I have a funny story about Chlamydia, where three dudes bone this chick within a week and I was the only one who didn't get it.
Actually no, you were a little off. I did ask for you to imagine however and you did that wonderfully.
I just get many texts without punctuation, because skanks don't have a very firm grasp on the any language.
Also I have a funny story about Chlamydia, where three dudes bone this chick within a week and I was the only one who didn't get it.
+0 -0
So do people actually use "1 2"=="want to" or "creus" == "serious"? I am just trying to guess what a diseased mind with no grasp of spelling or desire to write out actual words might do.
So do people actually use "1 2"=="want to" or "creus" == "serious"? I am just trying to guess what a diseased mind with no grasp of spelling or desire to write out actual words might do.
+0 -0
hey baby i want u so bad. think u r in my house and we r alone and i am bringing my nails down yor back and kiss your neck. u can have me 4 the hole night okay baby it would be hot. i am so hot and want you here right now.
Fucking, serious. I dated this girl for just under a month. The sex was fun, the kids were cool, but she was a boring couch potato. Anyway I had a pretty sweet response to her advances.
hey baby i want u so bad. think u r in my house and we r alone and i am bringing my nails down yor back and kiss your neck. u can have me 4 the hole night okay baby it would be hot. i am so hot and want you here right now.
Fucking, serious. I dated this girl for just under a month. The sex was fun, the kids were cool, but she was a boring couch potato. Anyway I had a pretty sweet response to her advances.
+0 -0
"That would be hell of sexy... were your grammar not so atrocious."
"That would be hell of sexy... were your grammar not so atrocious."
+0 -0
I would still like to, at one point in my life, have a lady try to express similar feelings to me.
I would still like to, at one point in my life, have a lady try to express similar feelings to me.
+0 -0
But the story doesn't include that event at all... it implies it.
But the story doesn't include that event at all... it implies it.
+0 -0
I always interpreted it as a tragedy that occurred after the child was born, but before it reached the shoe-wearing stage.
I loathe children basically as hard as anyone can, but even I found it affecting and a bit sad.
Perhaps the lady is so poor that she now needs to sell the shoes where a wealthier person would hold onto them as a reminder of the child or perhaps in anticipation of another child. She is not. Those little shoes are for sale.
Also a good reason not to buy shoes for a child in case they might be horribly mutilated or killed before they have a chance to wear them.
The way you can tell it is Hemingway and not Steinbeck is twofold 1)Hemingway was notable for his short, terse prose and Steinbeck, I would say, was not 2)It doesn't suck. Steinbeck is basically distilled suck. Fuck him and his populist bullshit.
I always interpreted it as a tragedy that occurred after the child was born, but before it reached the shoe-wearing stage.
I loathe children basically as hard as anyone can, but even I found it affecting and a bit sad.
Perhaps the lady is so poor that she now needs to sell the shoes where a wealthier person would hold onto them as a reminder of the child or perhaps in anticipation of another child. She is not. Those little shoes are for sale.
Also a good reason not to buy shoes for a child in case they might be horribly mutilated or killed before they have a chance to wear them.
The way you can tell it is Hemingway and not Steinbeck is twofold 1)Hemingway was notable for his short, terse prose and Steinbeck, I would say, was not 2)It doesn't suck. Steinbeck is basically distilled suck. Fuck him and his populist bullshit.
+0 -0
It was collected in [a href=""]this book[/a]. I intended to buy it at a Chapters some months ago, but left it to sit on the shelf. I did, however, flip through the book, and in my flipping, discovered that little gem. It has stayed with me since then.
It was collected in [a href=""]this book[/a]. I intended to buy it at a Chapters some months ago, but left it to sit on the shelf. I did, however, flip through the book, and in my flipping, discovered that little gem. It has stayed with me since then.
+0 -0
Thanks, Ass etbar. Thank you so much. I really was hoping to look like a complete douche right there.
I swear that works on every other site.
Thanks, Ass etbar. Thank you so much. I really was hoping to look like a complete douche right there.
I swear that works on every other site.
+0 -0
Assetbar made a lady of you.
Assetbar made a lady of you.
+0 -0
How can you be three times a lady? It sounds like someone scored a hat trick on her first time out on the ice and her teammate is being really creepy about it.
How can you be three times a lady? It sounds like someone scored a hat trick on her first time out on the ice and her teammate is being really creepy about it.
+0 -0
This isn't my first time out by any means, sir brain. My first post contained a picture, and it was received quite well.
The skates are rusty, though, and I fear I have them on the wrong feet. That is to say, they should not be on my feet at all.
This isn't my first time out by any means, sir brain. My first post contained a picture, and it was received quite well.
The skates are rusty, though, and I fear I have them on the wrong feet. That is to say, they should not be on my feet at all.
+0 -0
I'm not trying to imply anything about you personally, but that song is just totally creepy.
Also it now just reminds me of Election so it makes me think about a somewhat naive Reese Witherspoon getting boned. Man, she was cool in that film, why did she have to become terrible?
I'm not trying to imply anything about you personally, but that song is just totally creepy.
Also it now just reminds me of Election so it makes me think about a somewhat naive Reese Witherspoon getting boned. Man, she was cool in that film, why did she have to become terrible?
+0 -0
Such a polite way to say I've been made someone's bitch. Thank you kindly.
Such a polite way to say I've been made someone's bitch. Thank you kindly.
+0 -0
Assetbar makes a bitch of all of us and that is beautiful.
Assetbar makes a bitch of all of us and that is beautiful.
+0 -0
Everyone posts frustrated and sad and that is beautiful.
Everyone posts frustrated and sad and that is beautiful.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I am worried that not only did I correctly identify the reference and respond in kind, but that perhaps I tapped into something deeper with that. I am having purgatorya cares about this now.
I am worried that not only did I correctly identify the reference and respond in kind, but that perhaps I tapped into something deeper with that. I am having purgatorya cares about this now.
+0 -0
Don't don't don't let's post
I've got a weak wit
And I don't get chubbies like you get chubbies
Don't don't don't let's post
I've got a weak wit
And I don't get chubbies like you get chubbies
+0 -0
I love that this happens. Every single time that I have vaguely hinted at some TMBG song here throughout the last year, it has never taken more than a day for a couple of people to hop right in on it.
That's 'cause y'all some...I dunno. Y'all are just a certain type of people.....can't put my finger on it.
I love that this happens. Every single time that I have vaguely hinted at some TMBG song here throughout the last year, it has never taken more than a day for a couple of people to hop right in on it.
That's 'cause y'all some...I dunno. Y'all are just a certain type of people.....can't put my finger on it.
+0 -0
Y'all some MUSIC FANS.
Y'all some MUSIC FANS.
+0 -0
They are popular among geeks, this is a geek environment, it is to be expected.
I believe I related the time that a vague mention of something relating to it was enough to spark an impromptu sing-a-long of "Kiss Me, Son of God" during a role-playing session? Not the sexual kind though, that might have been even more awesome.
They are popular among geeks, this is a geek environment, it is to be expected.
I believe I related the time that a vague mention of something relating to it was enough to spark an impromptu sing-a-long of "Kiss Me, Son of God" during a role-playing session? Not the sexual kind though, that might have been even more awesome.
+0 -0
"Novella" is a slack, boneless, affected word that we do not need to describe anything.
"Novella" is a slack, boneless, affected word that we do not need to describe anything.
+0 -0
Well, it sounds a lot less intimidating to write than a novel, so I always thought of it as the sort of thing you'd write if you were a bit lazy.
Well, it sounds a lot less intimidating to write than a novel, so I always thought of it as the sort of thing you'd write if you were a bit lazy.
+0 -0
So no buffer zone between novel and short story?
So no buffer zone between novel and short story?
+0 -0
Except Steven King's "The Body"
Except Steven King's "The Body"
+0 -0
Anyway, I thought the cutoff was 40,000 words make a real novel. Or has the requirement gone up since computers were invented?
Anyway, I thought the cutoff was 40,000 words make a real novel. Or has the requirement gone up since computers were invented?
+0 -0
I just heard someone speak of this event and say that they had to write a "novella."
I just heard someone speak of this event and say that they had to write a "novella."
+0 -0
Sounds like they're planning to fail. Just my two cents. [unread]
Sounds like they're planning to fail. Just my two cents. [unread]
+0 -0
+4 -0
I love the idea that Phillipe just has these ideas and runs as quickly as he can to the typewriter to get them down on paper
And then he just leaves his story there for whoever uses it next to find
I love the idea that Phillipe just has these ideas and runs as quickly as he can to the typewriter to get them down on paper
And then he just leaves his story there for whoever uses it next to find
+0 -0
This is what I would do if I were a Writer like Phillipe.
This is what I would do if I were a Writer like Phillipe.
+0 -0
There was an "origin strip" where this haste was introduced, but I can't take the time to look it up right now at work.
There was an "origin strip" where this haste was introduced, but I can't take the time to look it up right now at work.
+0 -0
The pilot microphone gave Philippe the most trouble.
The pilot microphone gave Philippe the most trouble.
+0 -0
in my experiences, ethnic children often have vomitorial difficulties. it is good to know the skies do not change this.
in my experiences, ethnic children often have vomitorial difficulties. it is good to know the skies do not change this.
+6 -0
I used to be ethnic.
I used to be ethnic.
+2 -0
But then you got better.
But then you got better.
+0 -0
Oh dude not cool
Oh dude not cool
+0 -0
I used to be conceited. Now I'm perfect.
I used to be conceited. Now I'm perfect.
+1 -0
Of course the instronyxtions for landing an airplane would be in the fabric!
Of course the instronyxtions for landing an airplane would be in the fabric!
+0 -0
There is more time after the climax than before. Good for him. Challenging our perceptions of what s a "good" novel.
There is more time after the climax than before. Good for him. Challenging our perceptions of what s a "good" novel.
+0 -0
And by novel I mean action-suspense behavior lesson.
Gosh, I love you, Philippe.
And by novel I mean action-suspense behavior lesson.
Gosh, I love you, Philippe.
+1 -0
The Kid who saved an Airplane: a Tragicomedy in one act?
The Kid who saved an Airplane: a Tragicomedy in one act?
+6 -0
E. We should land.
V. We can't land.
E. Why not?
V. We're waiting for Phillipe.
E. We should land.
V. We can't land.
E. Why not?
V. We're waiting for Phillipe.
+0 -0
Are you not done torturing me with your accursed Phillipe??
Are you not done torturing me with your accursed Phillipe??
+0 -0
That's just like man, blaming his shoes for the faults of his Phillipe.
That's just like man, blaming his shoes for the faults of his Phillipe.
+0 -0
Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Phillipe and Phillipe of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine Phillipe divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose Phillipe flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm which even though intermittent is better than nothing but not so fast and considering what is more that as a result of the labors left unfinished crowned by the Acacacacademy of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of Phillipe and Phillipe it is established beyond all doubt all other doubt than that which clings to the labors of men that as a result of the labors unfinished of Testew and Cunnard it is established as hereinafter but not so Phillipe
Given the existence as uttered forth in the public works of Phillipe and Phillipe of a personal God quaquaquaqua with white beard quaquaquaqua outside time without extension who from the heights of divine apathia divine Phillipe divine aphasia loves us dearly with some exceptions for reasons unknown but time will tell and suffers like the divine Miranda with those who for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose Phillipe flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire the firmament that is to say blast hell to heaven so blue still and calm so calm with a calm which even though intermittent is better than nothing but not so fast and considering what is more that as a result of the labors left unfinished crowned by the Acacacacademy of Anthropopopometry of Essy-in-Possy of Phillipe and Phillipe it is established beyond all doubt all other doubt than that which clings to the labors of men that as a result of the labors unfinished of Testew and Cunnard it is established as hereinafter but not so Phillipe
+2 -0
You work for Philippe?
Yes Sir.
What do you do?
I mind the goats, Sir.
Is he good to you?
No Sir.
He doesn't hug you?
No Sir, not me.
Whom does he hug?
He hugs my brother, Sir.
You work for Philippe?
Yes Sir.
What do you do?
I mind the goats, Sir.
Is he good to you?
No Sir.
He doesn't hug you?
No Sir, not me.
Whom does he hug?
He hugs my brother, Sir.
+2 -0
Chris Onstad 2 days ago: Phillipe told me to tell you he won't come this evening but surely tomorrow.
Chris Onstad 2 days ago: Phillipe told me to tell you he won't come this evening but surely tomorrow.
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
What are you talking about? This whole thread confounds me.
What are you talking about? This whole thread confounds me.
+0 -0
There's a manual for it.
We have nothing left to reference.
There's a manual for it.
We have nothing left to reference.
+5 -0
Are you saying this thread has kicked the Beckett?
Are you saying this thread has kicked the Beckett?
+0 -0
+0 -0 are a golden God, my friend. A Golden GOD! are a golden God, my friend. A Golden GOD!
+0 -0
I want to keep the thread of references going, but instead I'm just gonna tell you to read Waiting for Godot and thank us later.
I want to keep the thread of references going, but instead I'm just gonna tell you to read Waiting for Godot and thank us later.
+0 -0
Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts
Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts
+0 -0
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
+0 -0
I'm sorry, what?
I'm sorry, what?
+0 -0
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
+0 -0
+0 -0
It is rather sureal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
It is rather sureal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
+0 -0
I'm just not getting it.
I'm just not getting it.
+0 -0
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
+0 -0
Once more?
Once more?
+0 -0
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
It is rather surreal, if you like achewood's brand of humor, you will very likely get a kick out of 'godot'
What do we do now?
Yes, but while waiting.
What about hanging ourselves?
Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
(highly excited). An erection!
With all that follows. Where it falls mandrakes grow. That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that?
Let's hang ourselves immediately!
+2 -0
OHHHHHHHHH. Why didn't you say so?
OHHHHHHHHH. Why didn't you say so?
+0 -0
What the hell... so weird by browser crashed mid submit, but why would it quad post? I guess i've just got the assetbar blues.
What the hell... so weird by browser crashed mid submit, but why would it quad post? I guess i've just got the assetbar blues.
+0 -0
Nothing to be done.
Nothing to be done.
+0 -0
There doesn't seem to be any way to delete the dupes... I guess throw some lames at the copies to make them go away.
There doesn't seem to be any way to delete the dupes... I guess throw some lames at the copies to make them go away.
+0 -0
I am so sorry everyone for the clutter, I will try harder next time. =[
I am so sorry everyone for the clutter, I will try harder next time. =[
+0 -0
I don't think it's that big of a deal. We still love you.
I don't think it's that big of a deal. We still love you.
+0 -0
I...I could mark them as spam if you want. I just got got my spam marking privileges, but I am afraid to use my new powers in a way that might hurt others.
I...I could mark them as spam if you want. I just got got my spam marking privileges, but I am afraid to use my new powers in a way that might hurt others.
+0 -0
I tried to mark them myself, but it wouldn't let me.
I tried to mark them myself, but it wouldn't let me.
+0 -0
How did you manage that? Do you have to rate a lot of strips?
How did you manage that? Do you have to rate a lot of strips?
+0 -0
Oh looks like I can't after all. I thought I had it just a few strips ago - did I lose it?
Oh looks like I can't after all. I thought I had it just a few strips ago - did I lose it?
+0 -0
Is that possible?
Is that possible?
+0 -0
You had hybris about your spam marking powers, achilleselbow, and the power was taken away HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING
You had hybris about your spam marking powers, achilleselbow, and the power was taken away HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING
+3 -0
Is the Hybris the car that runs on one's own sense of self worth?
Is the Hybris the car that runs on one's own sense of self worth?
+0 -0
Much like the Chutzpah.
Much like the Chutzpah.
+0 -0
It was just me being a prick and using the original Greek spelling (thus the italics), which is pronounced like "hubris."
rat a tat tat
just like pat
i did that
It was just me being a prick and using the original Greek spelling (thus the italics), which is pronounced like "hubris."
rat a tat tat
just like pat
i did that
+0 -0
A cock about terms
In hell shall you squirms;
Kind with your words
You shall fly with the birds
A cock about terms
In hell shall you squirms;
Kind with your words
You shall fly with the birds
+0 -0
Partly that, partly an overinflated bag of hot air that sputters many words, signifying nothing.
I kid, kid, I kid.
Partly that, partly an overinflated bag of hot air that sputters many words, signifying nothing.
I kid, kid, I kid.
+0 -0
I flew too close to the sun on golden wings of spam.
I flew too close to the sun on golden wings of spam.
+0 -0
Easily done.
Easily done.
+0 -0
You only say that because you lost your spamming ability.
You only say that because you lost your spamming ability.
+0 -0
They let you fly in the sun?!
They let you fly in the sun?!
+0 -0
Wait, how did you get and then lose spam privileges, achilles? What am I missing, here?
Wait, how did you get and then lose spam privileges, achilles? What am I missing, here?
+0 -0
Sorry. I don't know, I've been on this image-as-response bend for a while now.

Sorry. I don't know, I've been on this image-as-response bend for a while now.
+0 -0
bought me this van.
bought me this van.
+0 -0
>"Wait how did you get and then lose spam privileges, achilles?"
>"Suckin' dick"
>"Wait how did you get and then lose spam privileges, achilles?"
>"Suckin' dick"
+0 -0
You forgot to insist that nothing like this has ever happened to you before.
You forgot to insist that nothing like this has ever happened to you before.
+0 -0
Dear Penthouse Magazine:
Dear Penthouse Magazine:
+0 -0
I am a student at a large Midwestern University...
I am a student at a large Midwestern University...
+0 -0
I thought everyone had that. I have it.
I thought everyone had that. I have it.
+0 -0
+0 -0
No, my girlfriend had to give away her gecko a while back. Never get a nocturnal pet that doesn't want to be touched. It's not a good relationship.
No, my girlfriend had to give away her gecko a while back. Never get a nocturnal pet that doesn't want to be touched. It's not a good relationship.
+0 -0
You're lucky I don't have the spamination power, because I just tested it on your post.
You're lucky I don't have the spamination power, because I just tested it on your post.
+0 -0
I don't know if this should make me laugh so hard I shoot chocolate milk out my nose, or cry...
(YES pending)
I don't know if this should make me laugh so hard I shoot chocolate milk out my nose, or cry...
(YES pending)
+0 -0
HOLY SHIT I just read it now thinking of Vladimir as Vlad, of Achewood fame.
HOLY SHIT I just read it now thinking of Vladimir as Vlad, of Achewood fame.
+0 -0
Is Inevitable.
Is Inevitable.
+0 -0
Is perhaps most basic idea.
Is perhaps most basic idea.
+0 -0
I was thinking of Vladimir in the Didi form, of course.
I was thinking of Vladimir in the Didi form, of course.
+0 -0
I thought that was what he was supposed to be.
I'll read teh play later NOT RIGHT NOW OKAY?!?!?
I thought that was what he was supposed to be.
I'll read teh play later NOT RIGHT NOW OKAY?!?!?
+0 -0
You could read it in an hour or so and get back to us. It's only 2:00 by me, I don't have class till 10:25.
You could read it in an hour or so and get back to us. It's only 2:00 by me, I don't have class till 10:25.
+0 -0
I really REALLY have to write my three page paper I haven't started yet. You know: priorities.
I really REALLY have to write my three page paper I haven't started yet. You know: priorities.
+0 -0
I have a thing due at 3:40 that I had like 2 weeks to do that I'm starting now and I'm actually going to bed right now, putting this off even more.
I have a thing due at 3:40 that I had like 2 weeks to do that I'm starting now and I'm actually going to bed right now, putting this off even more.
+1 -0
Oh, to return to the undergraduate days when "three page paper" was not an oxymoron.
Oh, to return to the undergraduate days when "three page paper" was not an oxymoron.
+0 -0
In many ways, it still is and I'm only a sophomore.
In many ways, it still is and I'm only a sophomore.
+0 -0
I had to write a 15 page paper senior year of high school. That wasn't fun.
But yeah. This is basically my only paper of the semester.
I had to write a 15 page paper senior year of high school. That wasn't fun.
But yeah. This is basically my only paper of the semester.
+0 -0
That is why you do science. You basically never have to write papers. When you do they're lab reports and while they can swell to a dozen or so pages the majority of that is presenting tables of data or discussing the data directly. It really basically writes itself most of the time.
The problem is that the analytical component is not something you can bullshit. You need to know what you're talking about and have paid attention throughout all of your classes in order to make intelligent and reasoned observations based on your experiments.
That is why you do science. You basically never have to write papers. When you do they're lab reports and while they can swell to a dozen or so pages the majority of that is presenting tables of data or discussing the data directly. It really basically writes itself most of the time.
The problem is that the analytical component is not something you can bullshit. You need to know what you're talking about and have paid attention throughout all of your classes in order to make intelligent and reasoned observations based on your experiments.
+0 -0
I'm majoring in psych.
I'm majoring in psych.
+0 -1
So you have basically nothing at all to do with science in any possible way then?
I really enjoyed biological psychology because it was based on actual facts. I find regular psychology amusing and interesting, but let's face it, it's not a real science.
So you have basically nothing at all to do with science in any possible way then?
I really enjoyed biological psychology because it was based on actual facts. I find regular psychology amusing and interesting, but let's face it, it's not a real science.
+0 -0
Anything where you do an experiment in order to gain knowledge is a science. There are soft sciences and hard sciences. The fact it that there are a lot of people out there who need mental help, and psychologists are there to help them. I know you didn't say that psychologists are worthless (like sociologists are); I just wanted to throw that out there.
Psych is a science, just a soft science. I can't stand hard science most of the time. I don't see how so many people can in biology and chemistry. We need those majors; I just can't see why that many people enjoy them that much.
Anything where you do an experiment in order to gain knowledge is a science. There are soft sciences and hard sciences. The fact it that there are a lot of people out there who need mental help, and psychologists are there to help them. I know you didn't say that psychologists are worthless (like sociologists are); I just wanted to throw that out there.
Psych is a science, just a soft science. I can't stand hard science most of the time. I don't see how so many people can in biology and chemistry. We need those majors; I just can't see why that many people enjoy them that much.
+1 -0
I actually started out as a psych major, then switched to English when I realized it was a science, or at least too much so for my tastes.
I actually started out as a psych major, then switched to English when I realized it was a science, or at least too much so for my tastes.
+0 -0
I was thinking about English too. I like to read and write and such. But the thing is that I am generally a lazy reader. It takes me a month to read a 300 page book. And I hate writing essays.
I was thinking about English too. I like to read and write and such. But the thing is that I am generally a lazy reader. It takes me a month to read a 300 page book. And I hate writing essays.
+0 -0
I am stuck on things I can quantify. I don't dislike English professors, I just can't understand the criteria so my marks are basically a mystery to me. At least with a physics assignment, I know when I fucked up big time and can be ready for the poor grade.
Plus I am basically not a fan of saying the same thing different ways, which in my eyes is what the majority of English essays amounts to. First you say it in the introduction, then you say it again at the start of each paragraph, then you say it a couple more times in the body of the paragraph, then you quote some old geezer who said it, then you say it again to sum up the paragraph, wash, rinse, repeat. Conclude by stating the same thing again. Maybe this is why I never go wall-of-text on you guys.
I am stuck on things I can quantify. I don't dislike English professors, I just can't understand the criteria so my marks are basically a mystery to me. At least with a physics assignment, I know when I fucked up big time and can be ready for the poor grade.
Plus I am basically not a fan of saying the same thing different ways, which in my eyes is what the majority of English essays amounts to. First you say it in the introduction, then you say it again at the start of each paragraph, then you say it a couple more times in the body of the paragraph, then you quote some old geezer who said it, then you say it again to sum up the paragraph, wash, rinse, repeat. Conclude by stating the same thing again. Maybe this is why I never go wall-of-text on you guys.
+0 -0
I hate that too, although my English professor discouraged that. He said that he doesn't want to see a introduction or conclusion out of us.
I hate that too, although my English professor discouraged that. He said that he doesn't want to see a introduction or conclusion out of us.
+0 -0
It is possible to write good English papers without saying the same thing over and over again. You just have to find a position and argue it using multiple pieces of evidence (the most effective ones)until you reach the page limit. If you have room you can devote a paragraph to discussing an opposing argument and why you think it is wrong.
Literature is about interpretation.
It is possible to write good English papers without saying the same thing over and over again. You just have to find a position and argue it using multiple pieces of evidence (the most effective ones)until you reach the page limit. If you have room you can devote a paragraph to discussing an opposing argument and why you think it is wrong.
Literature is about interpretation.
+0 -0
And this is why my 10 page essays usually turn into 7 pagers. I can't stand repeating myself, and when I do just to make my paper longer, I'll get notes like "EVIDENCE??? EXAMPLES??? YOU HAVE GREAT IDEAS BUT NO SUPPORT LOLZ." Then when you add more quotes to give evidence: "TOO MANY QUOTES NOT ENOUGH OF YOUR OWN GREAT IDEAS." Then when you take away the quotes and state your own ideas, you get the evidence bit again. English is a blessing and a curse.
And this is why my 10 page essays usually turn into 7 pagers. I can't stand repeating myself, and when I do just to make my paper longer, I'll get notes like "EVIDENCE??? EXAMPLES??? YOU HAVE GREAT IDEAS BUT NO SUPPORT LOLZ." Then when you add more quotes to give evidence: "TOO MANY QUOTES NOT ENOUGH OF YOUR OWN GREAT IDEAS." Then when you take away the quotes and state your own ideas, you get the evidence bit again. English is a blessing and a curse.
+0 -0
You had Mr. McComber too?
Good teacher, just tried to connect too much with us. I mean, people really don't say LOLZ as much as he thinks.
You had Mr. McComber too?
Good teacher, just tried to connect too much with us. I mean, people really don't say LOLZ as much as he thinks.
+0 -0
+0 -0
You are my hero. No sarcasm intended.
You are my hero. No sarcasm intended.
+0 -0
Sorry, partially it's just very hard to resist going after the soft sciences. You guys get so adorably angry and it requires so little effort.
Sorry, partially it's just very hard to resist going after the soft sciences. You guys get so adorably angry and it requires so little effort.
+0 -0
Maybe we are just unsure about our career opportunities after we graduate.
Maybe we are just unsure about our career opportunities after we graduate.
+0 -0
We don't do much better...
Maybe this is what it's like *sniffle*... when doves CRY!
We don't do much better...
Maybe this is what it's like *sniffle*... when doves CRY!
+0 -0
I gotta say, it helps that there are courses at University about literature I find interesting . All through high school, the texts were rather transparent and there's only so much you can say about Shakespeare that hasn't already been said. I'm not necessarily saying One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has more scholastic value than Life of Pi but it's more the kind of thing I can read 3 or 4 times and not be done absorbing it.
I gotta say, it helps that there are courses at University about literature I find interesting . All through high school, the texts were rather transparent and there's only so much you can say about Shakespeare that hasn't already been said. I'm not necessarily saying One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest has more scholastic value than Life of Pi but it's more the kind of thing I can read 3 or 4 times and not be done absorbing it.
+0 -0
Yeah. I love Animal Farm with a fiery passion, but there is basically only one thing you can say about it. It depends on how exhaustive and detailed you want to be, but there is basically one thing to say. If you want to go much further you need to start getting political and taking sides and then you've moved past the text.
Yeah. I love Animal Farm with a fiery passion, but there is basically only one thing you can say about it. It depends on how exhaustive and detailed you want to be, but there is basically one thing to say. If you want to go much further you need to start getting political and taking sides and then you've moved past the text.
+0 -0
I am doing a Science, and I still choose to take the hippie paper-writing classes whenever I can because I find it easier than doing Science and it gives me a nice break. Unrelenting Science is a bleak prospect.
I am doing a Science, and I still choose to take the hippie paper-writing classes whenever I can because I find it easier than doing Science and it gives me a nice break. Unrelenting Science is a bleak prospect.
+0 -0
Last time I did a Science Report, it took 80 pages. Shit was hell of concise, too.
Last time I did a Science Report, it took 80 pages. Shit was hell of concise, too.
+0 -0
I can't write 80 pages of anything unless I'm told to write a story without any parameters or limits of any kind.
I can't write 80 pages of anything unless I'm told to write a story without any parameters or limits of any kind.
+0 -0
The majority of it was diagrams and tables, of course. Even with LaTeX's generous margins, it was only 9 pages of actual discussion.
The majority of it was diagrams and tables, of course. Even with LaTeX's generous margins, it was only 9 pages of actual discussion.
+0 -0
Yeah. That is definitely the way of it. There's also usually a good length to be had in explaining exactly how you did everything and all the equipment you used and exactly how it was calibrated.
My flow be rigorous bitches.
Yeah. That is definitely the way of it. There's also usually a good length to be had in explaining exactly how you did everything and all the equipment you used and exactly how it was calibrated.
My flow be rigorous bitches.
+0 -0
I don't want to know about your menstruation.
I don't want to know about your menstruation.
+0 -0
Running joke with me and my girlfriend when she is on her period: "Is your vagina still bleeding? Do you want me to yell at it? VAGINA STOP IT RIGHT NOW! STOP BLEEDING."
Running joke with me and my girlfriend when she is on her period: "Is your vagina still bleeding? Do you want me to yell at it? VAGINA STOP IT RIGHT NOW! STOP BLEEDING."
+0 -0
Ha ha, whoa.
Ha ha, whoa.
+0 -0
I rock rough chuckles in my relationship.
I rock rough chuckles in my relationship.
+0 -0
I could have sworn you were sitting around single last month... I have been wrong before.
I could have sworn you were sitting around single last month... I have been wrong before.
+0 -0
I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.
I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.
+0 -0
We have been together for three months...
We have been together for three months...
+0 -0
and I shall be wrong again.
and I shall be wrong again.
+0 -0
It's ok.
It's ok.
+0 -0
Weird. I majored in Biology and Microbiology (and really, it was molecular genetics but that wasn't a degree option) and took a minor in Computer Science.
I mean, I took humanities courses from time to time, but I never took anything to a high enough level that I would have to write papers longer than maybe five pages or so. I simply can't imagine writing longer papers than that and I'm a rather loquacious fellow.
Science, as long as they're not making me just outright memorize things (which I cannot do) was always fairly easy for me. Sadly being good at analysis does not necessarily translate into better grades when your ability to memorize things basically doesn't work (JUSTIN BAILEY) even though it's the part that's actually important to doing real work. Then again, I hate writing. I'd much rather spend a few hours in the lab than have to write for that same period of time.
Weird. I majored in Biology and Microbiology (and really, it was molecular genetics but that wasn't a degree option) and took a minor in Computer Science.
I mean, I took humanities courses from time to time, but I never took anything to a high enough level that I would have to write papers longer than maybe five pages or so. I simply can't imagine writing longer papers than that and I'm a rather loquacious fellow.
Science, as long as they're not making me just outright memorize things (which I cannot do) was always fairly easy for me. Sadly being good at analysis does not necessarily translate into better grades when your ability to memorize things basically doesn't work (JUSTIN BAILEY) even though it's the part that's actually important to doing real work. Then again, I hate writing. I'd much rather spend a few hours in the lab than have to write for that same period of time.
+0 -0
It's hard to do science if you can't. As an English major, I'd rather write 15 page theses than do labs because I can't do any kind of science that involves anything more than a thermometer.
It's hard to do science if you can't. As an English major, I'd rather write 15 page theses than do labs because I can't do any kind of science that involves anything more than a thermometer.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Dude, have you seen the new Poof?
Dude, have you seen the new Poof?
+0 -0
His name is Gary!
His name is Gary!
+0 -0
I like how Philippe is constantly in suspense when he's writing. He doesn't know what's about to happen - he's one step ahead of his own brain.
I like how Philippe is constantly in suspense when he's writing. He doesn't know what's about to happen - he's one step ahead of his own brain.
+0 -0
Whenever I write my face matches the emotions the characters feel. It helps me empathize with them better, or something.
Whenever I write my face matches the emotions the characters feel. It helps me empathize with them better, or something.
+0 -0
I get the feeling that Philippe writes in real time. Do you have that ability?
(Answer: I wouldn't call it an ability; it's just something I can do).
I get the feeling that Philippe writes in real time. Do you have that ability?
(Answer: I wouldn't call it an ability; it's just something I can do).
+0 -0
OS it takes you as long as it takes to land an airplane to write what Philippe wrote in panel six?
OS it takes you as long as it takes to land an airplane to write what Philippe wrote in panel six?
+0 -0
Charles Dickens used to act out his character's facial expressions in the mirror whilst writing. Philippe would no doubt approve but there would be no collaboration - CD had hell of ego.
Charles Dickens used to act out his character's facial expressions in the mirror whilst writing. Philippe would no doubt approve but there would be no collaboration - CD had hell of ego.
+1 -0
As I've stated before, Dickens entire career is predicated on getting the highest amount of money from the most amount of people. He is made of Ego.
As I've stated before, Dickens entire career is predicated on getting the highest amount of money from the most amount of people. He is made of Ego.
+0 -0
Doesn't sound like the worst career goal. I bet being a starving artist sucked especially in Dickens' time.
Doesn't sound like the worst career goal. I bet being a starving artist sucked especially in Dickens' time.
+0 -0
Yeah, but you got consumption so it was at least romantic.
Also, La Boheme was eventually ripped off into Rent while basically nobody has ever written anything about how awesome it is to be Dickens. Even his works are reduced to either over-saturated Christmas performances and knock-off TV specials or are forced on teens in 9th grade and used, at best, as parodic material for the French Revolution.
Essentially both suck, but being a starving artist proves to be romantic and cool and will make high school students think you're really profound as long as you're too poor to actually do anything they're likely to read or that will be perceived as popular.
Yeah, but you got consumption so it was at least romantic.
Also, La Boheme was eventually ripped off into Rent while basically nobody has ever written anything about how awesome it is to be Dickens. Even his works are reduced to either over-saturated Christmas performances and knock-off TV specials or are forced on teens in 9th grade and used, at best, as parodic material for the French Revolution.
Essentially both suck, but being a starving artist proves to be romantic and cool and will make high school students think you're really profound as long as you're too poor to actually do anything they're likely to read or that will be perceived as popular.
+2 -0
This is the method Stephen King uses.
This is the method Stephen King uses.
+0 -0
I visualize you wrinkling your forehead and pushing your lip out with your tongue as you write this.
I am doing that now to get the exact emotional ambience right.
I visualize you wrinkling your forehead and pushing your lip out with your tongue as you write this.
I am doing that now to get the exact emotional ambience right.
+0 -0
Philippe types fastest when he's refusing to be rewarded or acting like what he did was no big deal.
Philippe types fastest when he's refusing to be rewarded or acting like what he did was no big deal.
+0 -0
Not bad considering he doesn't seem to have fingers
Not bad considering he doesn't seem to have fingers
+1 -0
How do you type with boxing gloves on?
How do you type with boxing gloves on?
+0 -0
Take off your mask.
Take off your mask.
+7 -0
I'm constantly impressed with Phillipe's flawless grammar, spelling and punctuation given that he's five, working on a type writer, an otter, and doesn't have fingers.
I'm constantly impressed with Phillipe's flawless grammar, spelling and punctuation given that he's five, working on a type writer, an otter, and doesn't have fingers.
+0 -0
And an Alive Stuffed Animal.
And an Alive Stuffed Animal.
+0 -0
Holy Christ.
Holy Christ.
+0 -0
The only explanation is that Phillipe is magic.
The only explanation is that Phillipe is magic.
+10 -0
I wouldn't be so sure it's Phillipe's fault. The obvious answer is that it's a mexican typewriter that doesn't write what you type but rather what you want to type.
I wouldn't be so sure it's Phillipe's fault. The obvious answer is that it's a mexican typewriter that doesn't write what you type but rather what you want to type.
+1 -0
That actually makes a lot of sense.
I would chubby you for thoughtfulness but I've already given out too many and assetbar won't let me give out any more.
I'M ALL CHUBBIED OUT! How could this happen? Perhaps someone else will be so kind as to give you a chubby on my behalf.
That actually makes a lot of sense.
I would chubby you for thoughtfulness but I've already given out too many and assetbar won't let me give out any more.
I'M ALL CHUBBIED OUT! How could this happen? Perhaps someone else will be so kind as to give you a chubby on my behalf.
+0 -0
I chubbied you because I figure only a good person can be all chubbied out. Phillipe for example would most likely be all chubbied out within 3 minutes of discovering assetbar.
I chubbied you because I figure only a good person can be all chubbied out. Phillipe for example would most likely be all chubbied out within 3 minutes of discovering assetbar.
+1 -0
I hear your three minutes, and raise you to 30 seconds.
I hear your three minutes, and raise you to 30 seconds.
+2 -0
Damn that refractory period. Give it some time though. It will come back.
>You see an attractive lady.
Bugger that lady
>You cannot as you are not chubby
Make it chubby
>It does not get chubby. The lady asks you in a low, sultry voice to please bugger her. She desires it greatly.
Damn that refractory period. Give it some time though. It will come back.
>You see an attractive lady.
Bugger that lady
>You cannot as you are not chubby
Make it chubby
>It does not get chubby. The lady asks you in a low, sultry voice to please bugger her. She desires it greatly.
+2 -0
A truly great write always sprints to and away from his typewriter.
A truly great write always sprints to and away from his typewriter.
+0 -0
Great Write Shark?
Great Write Shark?
+1 -0
No, Phillipe is just a write for now; he'll become a writer once he's published.
No, Phillipe is just a write for now; he'll become a writer once he's published.
+1 -0
I see. He fully suffixiates when he goes pro.
I see. He fully suffixiates when he goes pro.
+3 -0
Like Weird Al's parents!
Like Weird Al's parents!
+0 -0
+0 -0
Dang, chubbied for cold-blooded laughs.
Dang, chubbied for cold-blooded laughs.
+0 -0
oh my god, i did not wake up today planning on laughing at Weird Al at all--much as I wake up everyday.
Until I read this. god bless you
oh my god, i did not wake up today planning on laughing at Weird Al at all--much as I wake up everyday.
Until I read this. god bless you
+0 -0
I must be dumb- I admit this- but I need to be walked through this joke. Why else would I respond "Garfield?"
I must be dumb- I admit this- but I need to be walked through this joke. Why else would I respond "Garfield?"
+0 -0
Weird Al's parents died from carbon poisoning (suffocating) after he 'went pro'.
Weird Al's parents died from carbon poisoning (suffocating) after he 'went pro'.
+0 -0
I think I knew that but I won't lie and say I know that I knew that.
I think I knew that but I won't lie and say I know that I knew that.
+0 -0
I spent some time yesterday having to imagine Weird Al receiving a blowjob from Alanis Morissette in a theater. This is especially terrible because I really dislike Morissette.
The entire exchange is based on Weird Al making a reference to the line in "You Oughta Know" that it was always fun going to movies with her. He is totally the sort of guy you do not want to make a joke about getting head. She is totally a scary, unpleasant sort of person you do not want to imagine giving head. It was entirely awful.
I spent some time yesterday having to imagine Weird Al receiving a blowjob from Alanis Morissette in a theater. This is especially terrible because I really dislike Morissette.
The entire exchange is based on Weird Al making a reference to the line in "You Oughta Know" that it was always fun going to movies with her. He is totally the sort of guy you do not want to make a joke about getting head. She is totally a scary, unpleasant sort of person you do not want to imagine giving head. It was entirely awful.
+0 -0
It's less her giving you head, more her taking your head.
It's less her giving you head, more her taking your head.
+0 -0
Not as awful as this .
Not as awful as this .
+0 -0
Hey now... Mad TV is just uncalled for. That's just wrong.
Hey now... Mad TV is just uncalled for. That's just wrong.
+0 -0
why is Philippe immortal again?
why is Philippe immortal again?
+0 -0
He is Five.
He is Five.
+0 -1
Sorry, to bring this party plane crashing down, but Phillipe is always five because he died when he was five years old. What we're seeing is Phillipe's ghost.
Sorry, to bring this party plane crashing down, but Phillipe is always five because he died when he was five years old. What we're seeing is Phillipe's ghost.
+0 -0
Bruce Willis? He's dead. He's been dead the entire movie.
Bruce Willis? He's dead. He's been dead the entire movie.
+0 -1
He's been dead his whole career.
He's been dead his whole career.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I actually like Bruce Willis, but I hated Die Hard 4. I think 16 Blocks was a better DH4 and fit the tone of the previous movies.
I actually like Bruce Willis, but I hated Die Hard 4. I think 16 Blocks was a better DH4 and fit the tone of the previous movies.
+0 -0
I love Bruce Willis. To anyone who dislikes Bruce Willis I shall say one short word to sway you.
I love Bruce Willis. To anyone who dislikes Bruce Willis I shall say one short word to sway you.
+0 -0
oh no bbcode
oh no bbcode
+0 -0
I think we should replace complaints about bbcode with complaints that Assetbar makes no provision for user edits. BBCode isn't that bad, it's just the lack of an edit feature that is so dumb.
I think we should replace complaints about bbcode with complaints that Assetbar makes no provision for user edits. BBCode isn't that bad, it's just the lack of an edit feature that is so dumb.
+0 -0
The premium version (or whatever it's called) has a preview function, but no edit feature.
The premium version (or whatever it's called) has a preview function, but no edit feature.
+0 -0
It does now. After previewing your comment you can either post or edit. You cannot, however, get BBCode italics to work. Go figure.
It does now. After previewing your comment you can either post or edit. You cannot, however, get BBCode italics to work. Go figure.
+1 -0
Agreed. But all I could think of after that messy code was Hudson Hawk and Moonlighting.
Agreed. But all I could think of after that messy code was Hudson Hawk and Moonlighting.
+0 -0
Fuck you, Hudson Hawk is terriblawesome!
As for Moonlighting, I ask you look up "Atomic Shakespeare".
Fuck you, Hudson Hawk is terriblawesome!
As for Moonlighting, I ask you look up "Atomic Shakespeare".
+1 -0
I had no idea it could be so terrible.
Was Baron Harkonnen always in that show?
I had no idea it could be so terrible.
Was Baron Harkonnen always in that show?
+0 -0
No, just that episode, I believe.
Maddie and David tripped out on some melange and accidentally set him up with Agnes DiPesto. This did not end well.
I loved the camp in that episode, though. My guilty pleasure, I guess.
No, just that episode, I believe.
Maddie and David tripped out on some melange and accidentally set him up with Agnes DiPesto. This did not end well.
I loved the camp in that episode, though. My guilty pleasure, I guess.
+0 -0
Because Bruce Willis is five Bruce Willis is always five .
Because Bruce Willis is five Bruce Willis is always five .
+0 -0

+0 -0
What a twist!
What a twist!
+2 -0
+0 -0
Oh, dang, dogg. Oh, DAANNNGGG.
Oh, dang, dogg. Oh, DAANNNGGG.

+0 -0
What about Rosebud, what was that all about?
What about Rosebud, what was that all about?
+0 -0
It was what Dumbledore's wand was made from when he died...
It was what Dumbledore's wand was made from when he died...
+0 -0
+0 -0
Dumbledore is very interested in your rosebud. Pucker up and get ready to try out his wand.
Dumbledore is very interested in your rosebud. Pucker up and get ready to try out his wand.
+1 -0
Because he is five . Philippe is always five.
Because he is five . Philippe is always five.
+0 -0
Five is always Philippe, "I can get that to you in 3-Philippe business days."
Five is always Philippe, "I can get that to you in 3-Philippe business days."
+1 -0
or, rather, the transitive property of Philippe
Philippe is five
Philippe is standing on it
' '
five is standing on it.
or, rather, the transitive property of Philippe
Philippe is five
Philippe is standing on it
' '
five is standing on it.
+1 -1
Give it up guys - Phillipe will get that scholarship. He is growing up now.
Give it up guys - Phillipe will get that scholarship. He is growing up now.
+0 -0
+0 -1
Give it up guys - Phillipe will get that scholarship. He is growing up now.
Give it up guys - Phillipe will get that scholarship. He is growing up now.
+0 -0
+1 -0
The little man has heart.I can see that.
Come with me, little other. We have good things to do. The stuff of legends !!!
The little man has heart.I can see that.
Come with me, little other. We have good things to do. The stuff of legends !!!
+0 -0
Boo is Philippe's spirit beast.
Boo is Philippe's spirit beast.
+0 -0
Glad you understood the reference
Glad you understood the reference
+1 -0
I'm glad there [i]was[i] a reference, because that first comment.... that could've gone a bad way.
I'm glad there [i]was[i] a reference, because that first comment.... that could've gone a bad way.
+0 -0
*throws dish at wall*
*throws dish at wall*
+0 -0
I was going to type that then realized where I got it from.
I was going to type that then realized where I got it from.
+8 -0

+0 -0
I don't understand this but I want to.
Also I'm kind of bummed that wolfentsi's comment was a reference, because just having no context as I originally thought made it super hilarious.
I don't understand this but I want to.
Also I'm kind of bummed that wolfentsi's comment was a reference, because just having no context as I originally thought made it super hilarious.
+0 -0
It's from pictures for sad children. Dumase's throwing of the dish at the wall reminded me of this.
It's from pictures for sad children. Dumase's throwing of the dish at the wall reminded me of this.
+0 -0
Since reading this comment I have been slowly making my way through the archives of pictures for sad children, and just reached the comic where this happens.
Since reading this comment I have been slowly making my way through the archives of pictures for sad children, and just reached the comic where this happens.
+0 -0
Wolfentsi's comment is in character for his avatar "Minsk" a simple minded evil crushing wilderness man from the Role Playing Game "Baldur's Gate". Minsk has brain damage and his best friend since the incident is a hamster that a big-city con-man convinced him was a miniature giant space hamster, "boo" is his name. philippe and minsk share similar mental capacity, and would likely be fast friends.
Wolfentsi's comment is in character for his avatar "Minsk" a simple minded evil crushing wilderness man from the Role Playing Game "Baldur's Gate". Minsk has brain damage and his best friend since the incident is a hamster that a big-city con-man convinced him was a miniature giant space hamster, "boo" is his name. philippe and minsk share similar mental capacity, and would likely be fast friends.
+0 -0
What do you think ! i'm a somewhat decent man !
What do you think ! i'm a somewhat decent man !
+0 -0
are you... nice? are you Nice, Wolfensti?
are you... nice? are you Nice, Wolfensti?
+0 -0
I sure am ! The first one to say otherwise will feel the sting of steel on their tender,dangly parts.
I sure am ! The first one to say otherwise will feel the sting of steel on their tender,dangly parts.
+0 -0
He must drink a lot of water.
He must drink a lot of water.
+0 -0
+1 -0
+0 -0
A comment left by daidai was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tad-, HNimrod, stopdropand)
A comment left by daidai was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Tad-, HNimrod, stopdropand)
+1 -0
Yes, that line came off poorly, the CG was deep in the uncanny valley, and my eyes were accosted by the bare ass of Anthony Hopkins. But all that aside, the movie still wasn't that bad, largely to the credit of Neil Gaiman, who wrote the screenplay. He does well taking advantage of the interoperability of oral myth, not unlike what Michael Chrichton did with eaters of the dead. I'm not saying rush out and rent it, but it's really not all that bad.
Yes, that line came off poorly, the CG was deep in the uncanny valley, and my eyes were accosted by the bare ass of Anthony Hopkins. But all that aside, the movie still wasn't that bad, largely to the credit of Neil Gaiman, who wrote the screenplay. He does well taking advantage of the interoperability of oral myth, not unlike what Michael Chrichton did with eaters of the dead. I'm not saying rush out and rent it, but it's really not all that bad.
+0 -0
There was a little-known film version of Beowulf made in Iceland and released in 2005 that was actually quite good and had kind of an artsy Scandinavian film vibe to it. It's called Beowulf & Grendel and it starred that guy from 300 before his face was an Internet meme.
The 1999 post-apocalyptic version with the guy from Highlander was excruciating, however.
There was a little-known film version of Beowulf made in Iceland and released in 2005 that was actually quite good and had kind of an artsy Scandinavian film vibe to it. It's called Beowulf & Grendel and it starred that guy from 300 before his face was an Internet meme.
The 1999 post-apocalyptic version with the guy from Highlander was excruciating, however.
+0 -0
Yes I actually liked Beowulf & Grendel . I feel it is a grossly misunderstood movie. It makes me want to read Grendel by John Gardner.
Yes I actually liked Beowulf & Grendel . I feel it is a grossly misunderstood movie. It makes me want to read Grendel by John Gardner.
+0 -0
That is a good book.
That is a good book.
+0 -0
Dai, we got to start a syndicate.
Me, you, possibly some nachos. It's on NOW
Dai, we got to start a syndicate.
Me, you, possibly some nachos. It's on NOW
+0 -0
Aaaaaaaand.... GO!
Aaaaaaaand.... GO!
+3 -0
+0 -0
I agree with you. Putting the punctuation inside the quotes never makes any sense. You would do that if it was punctuation that referred to the quote, but if it's the end of the sentence without respect to the quote being there it shouldn't go inside. That would fail to demarcate the end of the sentence.
It's just very stupid and wrong. Come with me and we shall fight the power and keep our infinitives from splitting because you cannot do that in Latin!
I agree with you. Putting the punctuation inside the quotes never makes any sense. You would do that if it was punctuation that referred to the quote, but if it's the end of the sentence without respect to the quote being there it shouldn't go inside. That would fail to demarcate the end of the sentence.
It's just very stupid and wrong. Come with me and we shall fight the power and keep our infinitives from splitting because you cannot do that in Latin!
+0 -0
How did I miss this?
I am passionate about the subject! It is so dumb to be put the period inside. I refuse to. I will always refuse to. I will become a world-famous author, and I will still refuse to change my ways.
How did I miss this?
I am passionate about the subject! It is so dumb to be put the period inside. I refuse to. I will always refuse to. I will become a world-famous author, and I will still refuse to change my ways.
+0 -0
I don't "do it."
Not ever.
And that's terrible.
I don't "do it."
Not ever.
And that's terrible.
+0 -0
Have you decided to boldly fight against split infinitives, then?
Have you decided to boldly fight against split infinitives, then?
+0 -0
That doesn't seem like that important of a rule. So is not having two preps in a row, or ending with a preposition. Pointless rules, pretty much.
That doesn't seem like that important of a rule. So is not having two preps in a row, or ending with a preposition. Pointless rules, pretty much.
+0 -0
Split infinitives are important! You can't do it in Latin so you better not do it in English! I will hold onto this because it is the right thing to do.
Split infinitives are important! You can't do it in Latin so you better not do it in English! I will hold onto this because it is the right thing to do.
+0 -0
I prefer to fight boldly against them actually.
I prefer to fight boldly against them actually.
+0 -0
+2 -0
ce n'est pas un foret

ce n'est pas un foret
+0 -0
Wait... will Philippe not accept the ride because HE'S watching or... does Philippe believe there's somebody INSIDE him?
Is it... is it Jesus?
Wait... will Philippe not accept the ride because HE'S watching or... does Philippe believe there's somebody INSIDE him?
Is it... is it Jesus?
+0 -0
It IS a Sunday morning, after all. Perhaps it is his Sunday School lesson to us.
It IS a Sunday morning, after all. Perhaps it is his Sunday School lesson to us.
+1 -0
Does Jesus disapprove of car rides? If so... America is Fucked
Does Jesus disapprove of car rides? If so... America is Fucked
+4 -0
No, you're thinking of the Amish.
Jesus didn't explicitly condemn car rides, he just didn't bring them up for fear of BLOWING his disciples' MINDS.
No, you're thinking of the Amish.
Jesus didn't explicitly condemn car rides, he just didn't bring them up for fear of BLOWING his disciples' MINDS.
+0 -0
hurm, then why does he refuse the ride? has Jesus told him not to take rides home with Special Men? Bonus Question: what vehicles would the various disciples choose after recover from the massive mind blow?
hurm, then why does he refuse the ride? has Jesus told him not to take rides home with Special Men? Bonus Question: what vehicles would the various disciples choose after recover from the massive mind blow?
+0 -0
+0 -0
WWJD What Would Judas Drive?
WWJD What Would Judas Drive?
+1 -0
A red Jeep Wrangler. Thing handles like a damn keg.
A red Jeep Wrangler. Thing handles like a damn keg.
+0 -0
1982 Subaru Brat with Spinners. Doh!
1982 Subaru Brat with Spinners. Doh!
+28 -0
They would drive a Honda, for Acts tells us they were all in one accord.
They would drive a Honda, for Acts tells us they were all in one accord.
+0 -0
+0 -0
jesus is up there smiling right now
jesus is up there smiling right now
+1 -0
In His Escalade.
In His Escalade.
+12 -0
His Father preferred classic Detroit iron:
"He drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in His Fury."
His Father preferred classic Detroit iron:
"He drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in His Fury."
+0 -0
I am inexplicably out of chubbies, and I feel a deep impotence.
I am inexplicably out of chubbies, and I feel a deep impotence.
+0 -0
Don't worry, it happens to a lot of guys.
Don't worry, it happens to a lot of guys.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I just got back from church and we went over that Exact passage. Acts chapter three or something, innit.
I just got back from church and we went over that Exact passage. Acts chapter three or something, innit.
+1 -0
...and boy are your arms tired!
...and boy are your arms tired!
+7 -0
{:-{ = Philippe's face in panel 3
{:-{ = Philippe's face in panel 3
+0 -0
He looks like he has a heart attack too!
He looks like he has a heart attack too!
+1 -0
Philippe's rocking a Kantian mindset here.
Philippe's rocking a Kantian mindset here.
+1 -0
oh god oh god jesus what have i done i've brought up philosophy on Assetbar I CAN'T TALK ABOUT PHILOSOPHY I KNOW NOTHING
oh god oh god jesus what have i done i've brought up philosophy on Assetbar I CAN'T TALK ABOUT PHILOSOPHY I KNOW NOTHING
+9 -0
Well, immanuel can't either
Well, immanuel can't either
+0 -0
+0 -0
That doesn't look like a FBY approved Yes.
I'm keeping this going, people.
That doesn't look like a FBY approved Yes.
I'm keeping this going, people.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I get it.
I get it.
+0 -0
It's a Canadian import. Don't hassle him about it. It's totally legit. The only problem is that sometimes you get an "Eh!" instead of a "Yes" and it can take a bit longer to get them, but they're cheaper and federally subsidized.
It's a Canadian import. Don't hassle him about it. It's totally legit. The only problem is that sometimes you get an "Eh!" instead of a "Yes" and it can take a bit longer to get them, but they're cheaper and federally subsidized.
+0 -0
In these tough financial times, I think Canadian Yeses are legit.
In these tough financial times, I think Canadian Yeses are legit.
+0 -0
I will venture to say that a Canadian "Eh" is not a yes, persay. It's often punctuation, a question, and can also be an expression of mood.
I will venture to say that a Canadian "Eh" is not a yes, persay. It's often punctuation, a question, and can also be an expression of mood.
+0 -0
That's much of the problem. They just don't run a tight enough ship up there all the time. I mean, yeah, they produce a comparable product, but it's not going to take off with the majority of Americans for a variety of reasons (most Americans will certainly not be happy using repurposed surplus Yeses originally intended for hockey). It's not that they're lax, but they also have problems because they have to handle a significant number of "Oui!"s as well. Not to mention having to deal with demand for " mais oui "s and even the niche market for an occasional " bien sur " along with all the American "OH YEAH!"s that come across the border. How could they not be overworked?
I'd say we should consider the potential admission of a Candadian "Yes", but not to be too hasty until we see how they integrate into the current market.
Are we still going to ship the "Yes!" with the optional fist-pump or is that considered to be too much of a luxury good for government providence?
That's much of the problem. They just don't run a tight enough ship up there all the time. I mean, yeah, they produce a comparable product, but it's not going to take off with the majority of Americans for a variety of reasons (most Americans will certainly not be happy using repurposed surplus Yeses originally intended for hockey). It's not that they're lax, but they also have problems because they have to handle a significant number of "Oui!"s as well. Not to mention having to deal with demand for " mais oui "s and even the niche market for an occasional " bien sur " along with all the American "OH YEAH!"s that come across the border. How could they not be overworked?
I'd say we should consider the potential admission of a Candadian "Yes", but not to be too hasty until we see how they integrate into the current market.
Are we still going to ship the "Yes!" with the optional fist-pump or is that considered to be too much of a luxury good for government providence?
+0 -0
+0 -0
How much is an acknowledging eyebrow motion worth? Whether it be "both eyebrows move upwards in silent acknowledgment" or "one eyebrow raised to indicate a hesitant yes", they both have a value to people who do not like to talk.
How much is an acknowledging eyebrow motion worth? Whether it be "both eyebrows move upwards in silent acknowledgment" or "one eyebrow raised to indicate a hesitant yes", they both have a value to people who do not like to talk.
+0 -0
If signs of respect and accord, they are worth as much as 10 Yeses. The Yes is a bit weak these days.
If signs of respect and accord, they are worth as much as 10 Yeses. The Yes is a bit weak these days.
+0 -0
ATTN: Canadian Ehs acceptable only with English Yeses attached and Yes pumps will for now remain in American hands.
ATTN: Canadian Ehs acceptable only with English Yeses attached and Yes pumps will for now remain in American hands.
+0 -0
Emmanuelle can, and will .
(i'm bringin it full circle fyi all the intellectual talk will scare off crumb-bums)
Emmanuelle can, and will .
(i'm bringin it full circle fyi all the intellectual talk will scare off crumb-bums)
+0 -0
Emmanuelle's Cunt: The Cockegorical Imperative
Emmanuelle's Cunt 2: A Gang-bang of Pure Ecstasy
Emmanuelle's Cunt: The Cockegorical Imperative
Emmanuelle's Cunt 2: A Gang-bang of Pure Ecstasy
+0 -0
Either? I hardly know her!
Either? I hardly know her!
+0 -0
heh, Immanule Kant either
heh, Immanule Kant either
+0 -0
+0 -1
R.I.P. Philippe. 2001-2008 -.
He saved an Airplane.
He rocked a Kantian mindset.
He walked home and was hit by a bus.
He was only 5.
R.I.P. Philippe. 2001-2008 -.
He saved an Airplane.
He rocked a Kantian mindset.
He walked home and was hit by a bus.
He was only 5.
+1 -0
Why you got to do a thing.
Why you got to do a thing.
+0 -1
Because he's the guy who sucks.
Because he's the guy who sucks.
+0 -0
Gonna have to pull logic on you here: he can't be forever five and hit by a bus.
Gonna have to pull logic on you here: he can't be forever five and hit by a bus.
+1 -0

+0 -0
Ah but see, he is still hoping that his modesty will ultimately lead to an even greater reward.
Ah but see, he is still hoping that his modesty will ultimately lead to an even greater reward.
+0 -0
Though we also see that he holds the value of education higher than he does of trifling trinkets.
Though we also see that he holds the value of education higher than he does of trifling trinkets.
+0 -0
Philippe never gets old, and neither do his stories.
Philippe never gets old, and neither do his stories.
+1 -0
Philippe is five; I wish everyone were five. Also, it would be nice if everyone wore hats with detailed job descriptions. Philippe is ahead of his time, of course.
Philippe is five; I wish everyone were five. Also, it would be nice if everyone wore hats with detailed job descriptions. Philippe is ahead of his time, of course.
+4 -1
5 year old Assetbar:
This comic made me laugh but there was one part where I didn't like it because it was a little mean but good effort Chris!
We should all be grateful that Chris has been trying so hard! Let's say a prayer!
Hail Mary, full of grace, hallowed be thy name. Thy will be done, thy kingdom come, on amber waves of grain. Amen.
What fun!
5 year old Assetbar:
This comic made me laugh but there was one part where I didn't like it because it was a little mean but good effort Chris!
We should all be grateful that Chris has been trying so hard! Let's say a prayer!
Hail Mary, full of grace, hallowed be thy name. Thy will be done, thy kingdom come, on amber waves of grain. Amen.
What fun!
+9 -0
I don't understand caves
HELP I did a 2 but wanted to do a 1 (Hurry)
Hedonismbot take off my pants "tee-hee"
I don't understand caves
HELP I did a 2 but wanted to do a 1 (Hurry)
Hedonismbot take off my pants "tee-hee"
+3 -0
This is pretty much how I thought the universe worked when I was a kid. You always refuse the rewards that are offered to you so you can get the better mystery one later. Having an ego and desires are not wrong, but they do not get you to heaven faster.
Eventually I realized this logic only applied to certain video games and that girls would not date me just because I perform cunnilingus without asking for a blowjob in return.
Now I go to parties with no less than three (3) condoms - one for bonin, one for re-bonin, and one in case one of the others breaks.
This is the way of falseprophet
This is pretty much how I thought the universe worked when I was a kid. You always refuse the rewards that are offered to you so you can get the better mystery one later. Having an ego and desires are not wrong, but they do not get you to heaven faster.
Eventually I realized this logic only applied to certain video games and that girls would not date me just because I perform cunnilingus without asking for a blowjob in return.
Now I go to parties with no less than three (3) condoms - one for bonin, one for re-bonin, and one in case one of the others breaks.
This is the way of falseprophet
+1 -0
This is fine, Siddhartha. You have plenty of time yet to maybe discover that Life Is a video game.
This is fine, Siddhartha. You have plenty of time yet to maybe discover that Life Is a video game.
+1 -0
No, Life is a Board Game. You're thinking of Super Grand Mario Ultra Sonic Attack >3
No, Life is a Board Game. You're thinking of Super Grand Mario Ultra Sonic Attack >3
+0 -0
Life is a Video game! I am talking about Life , not Life.
Life is a Video game! I am talking about Life , not Life.
+0 -0
We are nothing more than sprites at the beck and call of our button mashing overlord, we are characters in a video game! If I am lieing, may I be struck down by the powers that be!
We are nothing more than sprites at the beck and call of our button mashing overlord, we are characters in a video game! If I am lieing, may I be struck down by the powers that be!
+0 -0
+0 -0
You are a kind soul! Please take this with my thanks.
You are a kind soul! Please take this with my thanks.
+0 -0
Or lying. Whatever.
Or lying. Whatever.
+0 -0
Whatever, I choose whatever.
Whatever, I choose whatever.
+0 -0
They won't??
re: paragraph 2
They won't??
re: paragraph 2
+1 -0
falseprophet DEMANDS a blowjob post-cunnilingus.
falseprophet DEMANDS a blowjob post-cunnilingus.
+0 -0
The amusing thing is that neither of these actions require a condom. Unless you're planning to dispense some icing for cakes while you're doing them.
The amusing thing is that neither of these actions require a condom. Unless you're planning to dispense some icing for cakes while you're doing them.
+1 -0
You're obviously confusing this for pre-9/11 oral sex.
You're obviously confusing this for pre-9/11 oral sex.
+1 -0
Hey if we start using condoms and dental dams for oral sex, the terrorists win .
Hey if we start using condoms and dental dams for oral sex, the terrorists win .
+0 -0
The terrorists always win. How could you lose when fighting 'merica?
The terrorists always win. How could you lose when fighting 'merica?
+0 -1
Panel three (sans text) will be reused in 2052 when Philippe is a claims adjuster with a 4 pack a day Tums habit and a recently finalized divorce.
Panel three (sans text) will be reused in 2052 when Philippe is a claims adjuster with a 4 pack a day Tums habit and a recently finalized divorce.
+0 -1
or maybe just when he is constipated from too many grilled cheeses and tater tots
or maybe just when he is constipated from too many grilled cheeses and tater tots
+0 -0
Late comic is late.
Late comic is late.
+0 -0
cubone is calling you out.
cubone is calling you out.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Is your avatar a living Pokemon?
Because I think it is.
Is your avatar a living Pokemon?
Because I think it is.
+0 -0
Cubone! I choose you!
" Keewww-bonnah! "
*takes off mother's skull, crosses himself, and, crying, stabs bone through his eye, killing himself*
Cubone! I choose you!
" Keewww-bonnah! "
*takes off mother's skull, crosses himself, and, crying, stabs bone through his eye, killing himself*
+0 -0
RIP Cubone.
(Now how will I win against the Elite Four?!?!)
RIP Cubone.
(Now how will I win against the Elite Four?!?!)
+0 -0
Obviously with a level 9 Nidoran that lives in the grass right in front of the coliseum.
Obviously with a level 9 Nidoran that lives in the grass right in front of the coliseum.
+0 -0
Metapod used Harden
Magikarp used Splash... but it failed
Oddish used Acid... Oddish became confused
Metapod used Harden
Magikarp used Splash... but it failed
Oddish used Acid... Oddish became confused
+0 -0
ZUBAT used Leech! Sucked the life from BULBASAUR! It's not very effective...
ZUBAT used Leech! Sucked the life from BULBASAUR! It's not very effective...
+0 -0
oh snap! their names are in CAPS aren't they, I feel i've failed my inner kid,
oh snap! their names are in CAPS aren't they, I feel i've failed my inner kid,
+0 -0
+0 -0
NICE-ON-WATER used Water! It's super effective! WOODJAY is nice!
NICE-ON-WATER used Water! It's super effective! WOODJAY is nice!
+0 -0
SJE46 Used Hug! Critical hit! It's not very effective.
SJE46 Used Hug! Critical hit! It's not very effective.
+0 -0
NICE-ON-WATER used Cynicism! SJE46 fainted!
NICE-ON-WATER used Cynicism! SJE46 fainted!
+0 -0
VENONAT used BUGGER on a wild PHILIPPE, but it misses
VENONAT used BUGGER on a wild PHILIPPE, but it misses
+0 -0
::scamper scamper:: Got away safely!
::scamper scamper:: Got away safely!
+0 -0
A wild HEDONISMBOT appears ! ! !
A wild HEDONISMBOT appears ! ! !
+0 -0
No escape!
No escape!
+0 -0
Well you're going to Viridian, talking to the bug guy, putting your MASTER BALL in slot six, flying to Cinnabar Isalnd and then you're going to catch Zapdos. Then you are going to kill them all.
Well you're going to Viridian, talking to the bug guy, putting your MASTER BALL in slot six, flying to Cinnabar Isalnd and then you're going to catch Zapdos. Then you are going to kill them all.
+0 -0
+0 -0
FFX: Gotta Catch 'em All!
FFX: Gotta Catch 'em All!
+0 -0
fucking puroburos... spent way too much trying to get those for auron's ultmate.
fucking puroburos... spent way too much trying to get those for auron's ultmate.
+0 -0
though, really, FFX taught me to hate seagulls and butterflies more than just about anything
though, really, FFX taught me to hate seagulls and butterflies more than just about anything
+0 -0
If FFX taught me anything, it is that voice acting is fucking the worst thing ever. I already know what you have to say, this is my sixth playthrough, just let me hit X.
If FFX taught me anything, it is that voice acting is fucking the worst thing ever. I already know what you have to say, this is my sixth playthrough, just let me hit X.
+0 -0
Man... memories of that terrible, terrible "laughter" that precedes the Mi'hen Highroad fills me with bile.
Man... memories of that terrible, terrible "laughter" that precedes the Mi'hen Highroad fills me with bile.
+0 -0
HA HA HAAAAaaa myfatherneverlovedm
HA HA HAAAAaaa myfatherneverlovedm
+0 -0
I was almost sure that the guy who voiced Seymour was the same one who does Ignignokt.
I was almost sure that the guy who voiced Seymour was the same one who does Ignignokt.
+0 -0
he always reminded me of winnie the pooh, but now i can totally hear that mooninite as well
he always reminded me of winnie the pooh, but now i can totally hear that mooninite as well
+0 -0
+0 -0
I caught two level 100 snorlax's using that trick.
I caught two level 100 snorlax's using that trick.
+0 -0
Shit was so Ash.
Shit was so Ash.
+0 -0
I remember doing that. Unfortunately Snorlax was a pretty useless critter.
I remember doing that. Unfortunately Snorlax was a pretty useless critter.
+0 -0
Not with a hyper beam you can basically kill all the dragons ever in the whole game and make that type of pokemans extinct.
Not with a hyper beam you can basically kill all the dragons ever in the whole game and make that type of pokemans extinct.
+0 -0
I can do that shit with a Pidgeot.
I can do that shit with a Pidgeot.
+0 -0
a monster defined by it's laziness should not be able to generate a hyper beam
a monster defined by it's laziness should not be able to generate a hyper beam
+0 -0
He is defined by his love of sleep. There is a difference.
He is defined by his love of sleep. There is a difference.
+0 -0
Snore, Relax. He is fucking lazy and I don't ever use him.
Maybe I should start...
Snore, Relax. He is fucking lazy and I don't ever use him.
Maybe I should start...
+0 -0
poke'dex entry: Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.
poke'dex entry: Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.
+0 -0
WTF? it can breed with bulbasaur? that just seems so wrong.
WTF? it can breed with bulbasaur? that just seems so wrong.
+0 -0
Scecies can interbreed? Since when?
Scecies can interbreed? Since when?
+0 -0
hurm, t looks like later on they added another slot to the daycare, ... if you left a male and female pokemon of ... i dunno, didn't look too deep into this, but it looks like there are 'egg groups' or something that if you leave them alone they'll bump uglies. and it looks like ditto can get it on with everyone.
hurm, t looks like later on they added another slot to the daycare, ... if you left a male and female pokemon of ... i dunno, didn't look too deep into this, but it looks like there are 'egg groups' or something that if you leave them alone they'll bump uglies. and it looks like ditto can get it on with everyone.
+0 -0
Ditto just crawls in their brain, assimilates their synapses' and then divides into two pokemons.
Ditto just crawls in their brain, assimilates their synapses' and then divides into two pokemons.
+0 -0
I just want to say, this post is hilarious and I wish I had a chubby for it.
hurm, t looks like later on they added another slot to the daycare, ... if you left a male and female pokemon of ... i dunno, didn't look too deep into this, but it looks like there are 'egg groups' or something that if you leave them alone they'll bump uglies. and it looks like ditto can get it on with everyone.
I just want to say, this post is hilarious and I wish I had a chubby for it.
+1 -0
In a heart attack is a location, not a condition.
In a heart attack is a location, not a condition.
+0 -0
The other morning, I was curled up in an indigestion.
The other morning, I was curled up in an indigestion.
+12 -1
I really appreciate a late comic once in a while, because it says to me "Hi I'm Chris Onstad and sometimes I don't get things done on time, just like you! "
I really appreciate a late comic once in a while, because it says to me "Hi I'm Chris Onstad and sometimes I don't get things done on time, just like you! "

+0 -0
Thank you. That is Sense, and that is Rare.
Thank you. That is Sense, and that is Rare.
+0 -0
I...I accedentally lamed you. I did not mean to lame you. Consider it a chubby with bad hand-coordination.
I'm sorry.
I...I accedentally lamed you. I did not mean to lame you. Consider it a chubby with bad hand-coordination.
I'm sorry.
+0 -0
Ho ho ho! How... DELIGHTFUL.
Ho ho ho! How... DELIGHTFUL.
+0 -0
That word does not sound correct coming from Conan. Take it back.
That word does not sound correct coming from Conan. Take it back.
+0 -0
Obviously what he meant was:
Obviously what he meant was:

+1 -0
+0 -0
NOOOO! Say some shit about Crom or something! You muft be your avatar!
NOOOO! Say some shit about Crom or something! You muft be your avatar!
+0 -0
You see what I'm saying!? It seriously hurts!
You see what I'm saying!? It seriously hurts!
+0 -0
My parents are ....
I can't go through with this, Oh God it feels so hollow...
My parents are ....
I can't go through with this, Oh God it feels so hollow...
+0 -0
+0 -0
DON'T GIVE A [radio edit] IF I CUT MY ARM [MTV edit]!
DON'T GIVE A [radio edit] IF I CUT MY ARM [MTV edit]!
+0 -0
I was going more for Last Resort Fighting but I guess the thing you did is Correct as well...
I was going more for Last Resort Fighting but I guess the thing you did is Correct as well...
+0 -0
The thing he did was reference a terrible, awful, no good, very bad song. He did amusing reference the edits, but that's no consolation. FAIL.
The thing he did was reference a terrible, awful, no good, very bad song. He did amusing reference the edits, but that's no consolation. FAIL.
+0 -0
I knew what he was referencing I've listened to the radio before goddamnit.
I knew what he was referencing I've listened to the radio before goddamnit.
+0 -0
I'm not implying that you failed to get the reference. I'm chastising you for calling it "Correct".
Falseprophet is the one who has FAILed because of his referencing something that ought never to be referenced so much as destroyed from human consciousness and banished from history.
I'm not implying that you failed to get the reference. I'm chastising you for calling it "Correct".
Falseprophet is the one who has FAILed because of his referencing something that ought never to be referenced so much as destroyed from human consciousness and banished from history.
+0 -0
I merely said that it would also be a correct choice in the matter, the fact you are being a douche today is making me sad...
I merely said that it would also be a correct choice in the matter, the fact you are being a douche today is making me sad...
+0 -0
I'm not being a douche. You just sprayed your used douching liquid all over the page with your damn "not yet read" unpleasantness everywhere and perhaps that has made me a bit more snippy than usual, but it might also be a great than usual degree of Awfulness showing up in various places.
I'm not being a douche. You just sprayed your used douching liquid all over the page with your damn "not yet read" unpleasantness everywhere and perhaps that has made me a bit more snippy than usual, but it might also be a great than usual degree of Awfulness showing up in various places.
+0 -0
It was just a joke, it kinda frustrates me now too because I have to wade through it, but I don't understand why you are so pissed off about it. I didn't spam the page and it's not like I just posted it in big letters everywhere.
It was just a joke, it kinda frustrates me now too because I have to wade through it, but I don't understand why you are so pissed off about it. I didn't spam the page and it's not like I just posted it in big letters everywhere.
+0 -0
you know you can just search for the word "unread" with square brackets around it and the douchery is completely avoided, right?
you know you can just search for the word "unread" with square brackets around it and the douchery is completely avoided, right?
+0 -0
STOP CALLING IT DOUCHERY. It's not like i went around posting pictures of half naked men wishing you to have a sexy weekend or also posting my latest star trek/family matters slashfic.
It was just a good natured joke and I did not intend to offend anyone BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I'M SORRY. What do you want me to do, commit seppuku because i shamed my family?
STOP CALLING IT DOUCHERY. It's not like i went around posting pictures of half naked men wishing you to have a sexy weekend or also posting my latest star trek/family matters slashfic.
It was just a good natured joke and I did not intend to offend anyone BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I'M SORRY. What do you want me to do, commit seppuku because i shamed my family?
+0 -0
He actually wants you to commit seppuku because you shamed Assetbar.
Also, I seem to have missed the terrible thing you have done. Was it posting "unread"?
Because posting "unread" really isn't a big deal. I mean, if saying "unread" is a problem for a person, then that person should just relax,
He actually wants you to commit seppuku because you shamed Assetbar.
Also, I seem to have missed the terrible thing you have done. Was it posting "unread"?
Because posting "unread" really isn't a big deal. I mean, if saying "unread" is a problem for a person, then that person should just relax,
+0 -0
True, but it normally isn't necessary to do that unless people are actively trying to derail you. It was this intent to deceive that was my main issue with it. If it just came up in casual conversation I'd have ignored it.
True, but it normally isn't necessary to do that unless people are actively trying to derail you. It was this intent to deceive that was my main issue with it. If it just came up in casual conversation I'd have ignored it.
+0 -0
why are you so frustrated with us having fun?
AKA sorry for partying, dude.
why are you so frustrated with us having fun?
AKA sorry for partying, dude.
+0 -0
Man, you need to party harder.
Man, you need to party harder.
+0 -0
Don't you have like, a million girls to have sex with? GO.
Don't you have like, a million girls to have sex with? GO.
+0 -0
They can wait, I'm busy. I am busy trying to get you to come party with me and these girls.
They can wait, I'm busy. I am busy trying to get you to come party with me and these girls.
+0 -0
Zapatos buries the hatchet so you can bury your ratchet.
Zapatos buries the hatchet so you can bury your ratchet.
+0 -0
I will agree to this conclusion.
All "Any Way You Want It" coming from nowhere, drinks flowing from unexplored sources, attractive persons of your preferred types totally down for orgy times.
We will party away our differences.
I will agree to this conclusion.
All "Any Way You Want It" coming from nowhere, drinks flowing from unexplored sources, attractive persons of your preferred types totally down for orgy times.
We will party away our differences.
+0 -0
Where the fuck are you people? I am so alone this turkey day...
Where the fuck are you people? I am so alone this turkey day...
+0 -0
I will not leave you alone, but I doubt that my theoretical presence is enough.
I will not leave you alone, but I doubt that my theoretical presence is enough.
+0 -0
It will be enough.
It will be enough.
+0 -0
It was amazing.
It was amazing.
+0 -0
Sounds way too good.
Sounds way too good.
+0 -0
Well, it's like one of those cases where you think it'll be a fun joke, but it gets a little out of hand and starts to be a pain in the ass to people and you can't just easily clean it up.
It was, from the beginning, intended to annoy and frustrate people. That's why it's douchey. I would have preferred half-naked men or slashfic. They might have been amusing and regardless of whether they were or not I'd only have to see them once.
Well, it's like one of those cases where you think it'll be a fun joke, but it gets a little out of hand and starts to be a pain in the ass to people and you can't just easily clean it up.
It was, from the beginning, intended to annoy and frustrate people. That's why it's douchey. I would have preferred half-naked men or slashfic. They might have been amusing and regardless of whether they were or not I'd only have to see them once.
+1 -0
I wish I had [unread] your bit on psychology not being a science.
I wish I had [unread] your bit on photography not being an art.
But I am glad I didn't [unread] your bit on being annoyed with the [unread] joke, because I think the [unread] joke is kind of funny, and your reaction to the [unread] joke is really funny.
I wish I had [unread] your bit on psychology not being a science.
I wish I had [unread] your bit on photography not being an art.
But I am glad I didn't [unread] your bit on being annoyed with the [unread] joke, because I think the [unread] joke is kind of funny, and your reaction to the [unread] joke is really funny.
+2 -0
I thought belgand was like totally cool with everything, and then this.
I thought belgand was like totally cool with everything, and then this.
+0 -0
I never said that photography isn't an art (other people have totally said that though, I think there was just something on Kottke about it the other day), I just said that a lot of award-winning photographs have been a case of right place, right time. Many times the photographers themselves say this. It doesn't make them less awesome, but they are certainly caused by a great deal of luck.
I never said that photography isn't an art (other people have totally said that though, I think there was just something on Kottke about it the other day), I just said that a lot of award-winning photographs have been a case of right place, right time. Many times the photographers themselves say this. It doesn't make them less awesome, but they are certainly caused by a great deal of luck.
+0 -0
You just captured me!
You just captured me!
+0 -0
You just captured me!
You just captured me!
+0 -0
sorry, I was just going with parallelism with belgand's post. I didn't even know you were posting unread everywhere.
sorry, I was just going with parallelism with belgand's post. I didn't even know you were posting unread everywhere.
+0 -0

+0 -0
Oh man, please don't bring that movie back up. It was so painful. Has Mel Brooks even made anything since then or did it just totally kill his career as a writer/director of amusing films?
Oh man, please don't bring that movie back up. It was so painful. Has Mel Brooks even made anything since then or did it just totally kill his career as a writer/director of amusing films?
+0 -0
+0 -0
That is a completely reasonable solution. Thank you.
That is a completely reasonable solution. Thank you.
+0 -0
Belgand, can we talk a minute buddy?
You kind of are being a douche. Not sayin' I care much one way or the other, but you seem unclear on this and I just think you should know.
Belgand, can we talk a minute buddy?
You kind of are being a douche. Not sayin' I care much one way or the other, but you seem unclear on this and I just think you should know.
+0 -0
You're all douches!
You're all douches!
+0 -0
Bum bum BUM!
Bum bum BUM!
+0 -0
IF I [Sweden edit] TONIGHT
IF I [Sweden edit] TONIGHT
+0 -0
+0 -0
I remember this song. :)
Cut my life in to (two?) pieces, this is my last resort.
I remember this song. :)
Cut my life in to (two?) pieces, this is my last resort.
+0 -0
The thing that pissed me off most about that song is that it almost tricked me into liking it for a few seconds the first time I heard it, as the riff was almost entirely lifted from Iron Maiden's "Hallowed Be Thy Name".
The thing that pissed me off most about that song is that it almost tricked me into liking it for a few seconds the first time I heard it, as the riff was almost entirely lifted from Iron Maiden's "Hallowed Be Thy Name".
+0 -0
There's a song by Avril Lavigne that sounds exactly like old-school Metallica for all of 8 seconds. Disappointment soon follows.
There's a song by Avril Lavigne that sounds exactly like old-school Metallica for all of 8 seconds. Disappointment soon follows.
+0 -0
+0 -0
I'm not a fan or anything, but I heard that Slash ain't on it. Is that true? Why would they call themselves Guns N' Roses without Slash being there? Don't they realize that that isn't OK?
I'm not a fan or anything, but I heard that Slash ain't on it. Is that true? Why would they call themselves Guns N' Roses without Slash being there? Don't they realize that that isn't OK?
+0 -0
Pretty much the only original member of Guns N' Roses is Axl Rose. The band existed for like two months before Slash joined.
By the way, just FYI -- I am not really a fan of Guns N' Roses. I have one song called "My Michelle" because I found out that Capcom basically stole it and made it the background music in a level in Rockman X3 and nobody cared or suspected a thing.
Nobody ever suspects the weeaboo.
Pretty much the only original member of Guns N' Roses is Axl Rose. The band existed for like two months before Slash joined.
By the way, just FYI -- I am not really a fan of Guns N' Roses. I have one song called "My Michelle" because I found out that Capcom basically stole it and made it the background music in a level in Rockman X3 and nobody cared or suspected a thing.
Nobody ever suspects the weeaboo.
+0 -0
"Nightrain", "November Rain", and "Don't Cry" are pretty much the only really worthwhile ones I've heard. If you like "My Michelle", the AFI cover might be interesting to you. Or not.
"Nightrain", "November Rain", and "Don't Cry" are pretty much the only really worthwhile ones I've heard. If you like "My Michelle", the AFI cover might be interesting to you. Or not.
+0 -0
I could throw in Civil War and Patience, maybe Sweet Child O' Mine. They also did a few decent covers. (Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Live and Let Die)
I could throw in Civil War and Patience, maybe Sweet Child O' Mine. They also did a few decent covers. (Knockin' on Heaven's Door, Live and Let Die)
+0 -0
"Sweet Child O' Mine" is just so damn good. SO good. Is best song, played on most rockink guitar.
"Sweet Child O' Mine" is just so damn good. SO good. Is best song, played on most rockink guitar.
+0 -0
The entirety of Appetite for Destruction is excellent. Rocket Queen, for christssakes!
Lies is pretty awesome. Really, just skip Chinese Democracy and most of the Spaghetti Incidentses.
The entirety of Appetite for Destruction is excellent. Rocket Queen, for christssakes!
Lies is pretty awesome. Really, just skip Chinese Democracy and most of the Spaghetti Incidentses.
+0 -0
More proof that autrepoupee is a 35 year old man.
She's right, though. Appetite and Lies. Anything past that is pretty bad. With songs like Paradise City and Patience, they showed how to make an epic, rock song the right way. They lost it with bloated, Meatloaf-style toss offs like November Rain and Don't Cry.
More proof that autrepoupee is a 35 year old man.
She's right, though. Appetite and Lies. Anything past that is pretty bad. With songs like Paradise City and Patience, they showed how to make an epic, rock song the right way. They lost it with bloated, Meatloaf-style toss offs like November Rain and Don't Cry.
+0 -0
Paradise City? Yeah, brah, that song totally rocks! I totally make devil horns and bang my head in an exaggerated manner while sticking my tongue out and closing my eyes every time it comes on the juke down at the campus bar!
I think I've recently figured out that I don't like music whose general effect and animating purpose seem to about having a Good Time. That explains my choice of Guns N' Roses songs quite well I think.
Paradise City? Yeah, brah, that song totally rocks! I totally make devil horns and bang my head in an exaggerated manner while sticking my tongue out and closing my eyes every time it comes on the juke down at the campus bar!
I think I've recently figured out that I don't like music whose general effect and animating purpose seem to about having a Good Time. That explains my choice of Guns N' Roses songs quite well I think.
+0 -0
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seriously trying to portray Paradise City as the only Guns n' Roses song that bros "rock out" to? I know you were only 6 or so when Use You Illusion came out, but I know you're knot that naive.
Guns n' Roses is staple music for assholes, we all know and accept this, but they also made some good music. We disagree which is which, but please don't act like November Rain and Don't Cry actually have some kind of "cred," for fuck's sake.
And, though I don't recommend ever "analyzing" GNR lyrics, I don't think Paradise City is about having a Good Time. In fact, I doubt any song on Appetite is (well, maybe in a "get fucked up in a semi-tragic way"). We all know that the bros out there PUMPING FISTS only care about the chorus, but that's not the best way to judge the atmosphere of a song.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seriously trying to portray Paradise City as the only Guns n' Roses song that bros "rock out" to? I know you were only 6 or so when Use You Illusion came out, but I know you're knot that naive.
Guns n' Roses is staple music for assholes, we all know and accept this, but they also made some good music. We disagree which is which, but please don't act like November Rain and Don't Cry actually have some kind of "cred," for fuck's sake.
And, though I don't recommend ever "analyzing" GNR lyrics, I don't think Paradise City is about having a Good Time. In fact, I doubt any song on Appetite is (well, maybe in a "get fucked up in a semi-tragic way"). We all know that the bros out there PUMPING FISTS only care about the chorus, but that's not the best way to judge the atmosphere of a song.
+0 -0
My girlfriend, who otherwise has little to no interest in music, likes Paradise City. I have found, through careful application, that she seems to rather like Guns and Roses in general. This is unexpected. She has, in the past, said positive things about John Denver. This is just totally not her sort of thing. Don't shit on that please.
My girlfriend, who otherwise has little to no interest in music, likes Paradise City. I have found, through careful application, that she seems to rather like Guns and Roses in general. This is unexpected. She has, in the past, said positive things about John Denver. This is just totally not her sort of thing. Don't shit on that please.
+0 -0
Hey, November Rain has a moment in the video where Slash is all "Don't want to mess up your wedding dude, but I totally have an awesome guitar solo to shoot outside with an amazingly unnecessary helicopter shot." I don't see how you can be against that.
Then again, if we acknowledge that he takes it way too far I also can enjoy Meat Loaf.
Hey, November Rain has a moment in the video where Slash is all "Don't want to mess up your wedding dude, but I totally have an awesome guitar solo to shoot outside with an amazingly unnecessary helicopter shot." I don't see how you can be against that.
Then again, if we acknowledge that he takes it way too far I also can enjoy Meat Loaf.
+0 -0
That shot was discussed in depth on Assetbar.
The conclusions were:
1) Slash has a hole in the crotch of his jeans
2) The church is bigger on the inside
That shot was discussed in depth on Assetbar.
The conclusions were:
1) Slash has a hole in the crotch of his jeans
2) The church is bigger on the inside
+0 -0
They are not back. "Shackler's Revenge" is amazingly bad. I'll admit I was predisposed to dislike it, but it is not good.
Zeitgeist was kind of the same thing, but Corgan didn't spend 15 years making it. He just realized that all of his other post-Pumpkins projects that he kept dragging Chamberlain along in weren't doing very well and if he brought back the famous name and tried to work a bit more consciously in that sound he might be relevant again. I do not feel that it worked, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as Chinese Democracy .
They are not back. "Shackler's Revenge" is amazingly bad. I'll admit I was predisposed to dislike it, but it is not good.
Zeitgeist was kind of the same thing, but Corgan didn't spend 15 years making it. He just realized that all of his other post-Pumpkins projects that he kept dragging Chamberlain along in weren't doing very well and if he brought back the famous name and tried to work a bit more consciously in that sound he might be relevant again. I do not feel that it worked, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as Chinese Democracy .
+0 -0
I never noticed that before and I hope I never do. I fucking love "Hallowed Be Thy Name". I don't want anything to sully it.
I never noticed that before and I hope I never do. I fucking love "Hallowed Be Thy Name". I don't want anything to sully it.
+0 -0
Also, "Between Angels and Insects" was ripped off from "Prowler".
Also, "Between Angels and Insects" was ripped off from "Prowler".
+0 -0
Philippe is also the name of Maurice and Belle's horse in Beauty and the Beast.
Philippe is also the name of Maurice and Belle's horse in Beauty and the Beast.
+0 -0
It is also the name of the savior of Verdun.
It is also the name of the savior of Verdun.
+0 -0
Based on people's strips viewed, this appears to be the 1500th Achewood strip. Congratulations on the milestone!
Based on people's strips viewed, this appears to be the 1500th Achewood strip. Congratulations on the milestone!
+0 -0
Nice catch!
Nice catch!
+1 -0
Phillipe puts his commas inside the quotation marks just like a good boy. Seeing this tiny, punctuation-based request for validation just makes my heart break. But the second you praise a kid for an appropriately placed comma, you've just lost them. Next stop, Doucheville.
Phillipe puts his commas inside the quotation marks just like a good boy. Seeing this tiny, punctuation-based request for validation just makes my heart break. But the second you praise a kid for an appropriately placed comma, you've just lost them. Next stop, Doucheville.
+0 -0
They will never have to pay out that scholarship. Clever old bastards..
They will never have to pay out that scholarship. Clever old bastards..
+0 -0
Phillipe is the J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bureau of Yes with that 6th panel.
Phillipe is the J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bureau of Yes with that 6th panel.
+2 -2
Happy 1500th strip!
For celebratory purposes, I give you:
Hot firey girls!
Happy 1500th strip!
For celebratory purposes, I give you:
Hot firey girls!

+0 -0
Why aren't they naked.
And where are those pictures from that crazy party you went to last night?
Why aren't they naked.
And where are those pictures from that crazy party you went to last night?
+0 -0
Unless this is the crazy party you went to last night.
Unless this is the crazy party you went to last night.
+0 -0
This would be the pictures from the crazy party I went to last night.
This would be the pictures from the crazy party I went to last night.
+0 -0
Wanna go to a crazy party tonight?
in my pants
Wanna go to a crazy party tonight?
in my pants
+0 -0
...Are...are you a burner , kamet? 'Cause I got pictures and friends like those as well.
...Are...are you a burner , kamet? 'Cause I got pictures and friends like those as well.
+0 -0
You could probably say that. I didn't know that slang previously.. and after looking it up on urban dictionary, I match at least two of the definitions listed. So.. ya.
You could probably say that. I didn't know that slang previously.. and after looking it up on urban dictionary, I match at least two of the definitions listed. So.. ya.
+0 -0
Oh is that what this is. I used to go to these loft parties that these "art collectives" (read: bunch of hipsters living together) would throw around here, and there would always be some chick doing that spinning fire hoop thing. The invites would always wax poetic about this month's theme, but somehow they always managed to work in the burning hoop, whether it was Steampunk or Cabaret.
Oh is that what this is. I used to go to these loft parties that these "art collectives" (read: bunch of hipsters living together) would throw around here, and there would always be some chick doing that spinning fire hoop thing. The invites would always wax poetic about this month's theme, but somehow they always managed to work in the burning hoop, whether it was Steampunk or Cabaret.
+0 -0
It's often just a subset of Poi in some way or another. A friend of mine was/is into it. It strikes me as kinda like devil sticks, but for this decade and not quite as widespread.
If you are practicing it on Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park people will totally come up to you and talk to you about it because they are also into it. A good number of them are homeless because they more or less choose to be and just sort of travel around.
If you are a guy you will totally slam one of them into your sack. This is inevitable. It hurts a lot.
It's often just a subset of Poi in some way or another. A friend of mine was/is into it. It strikes me as kinda like devil sticks, but for this decade and not quite as widespread.
If you are practicing it on Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park people will totally come up to you and talk to you about it because they are also into it. A good number of them are homeless because they more or less choose to be and just sort of travel around.
If you are a guy you will totally slam one of them into your sack. This is inevitable. It hurts a lot.
+0 -0
I'll throw one of mine into the mix for the Grand 1500th Viewed Strip :
I'll throw one of mine into the mix for the Grand 1500th Viewed Strip :
+1 -0
Ach, I gamble I lose. Maybe once more?
Ach, I gamble I lose. Maybe once more?

+0 -0
+0 -0
Everything on fire in that picture was obviously okayed to be on fire. The verdict: Party was not so crazy.
Everything on fire in that picture was obviously okayed to be on fire. The verdict: Party was not so crazy.
+0 -0
And HEY- you're 5. No nakkey pictures for you.
And HEY- you're 5. No nakkey pictures for you.
+0 -0
I'm only five mentally.
I am also 19.
I'm only five mentally.
I am also 19.
+0 -0
There are two kinds of 19 year-olds: the kind who are getting so much naked all the damn time and the ones who are getting absolutely none. There are, of course, some who are getting the occasional naked, but these definitely seem to be the minority.
There are two kinds of 19 year-olds: the kind who are getting so much naked all the damn time and the ones who are getting absolutely none. There are, of course, some who are getting the occasional naked, but these definitely seem to be the minority.
+0 -0
I don't ever see naked girls. :(
I don't ever see naked girls. :(
+0 -0
But there are millions of them living inside your computer!
But there are millions of them living inside your computer!
+0 -0
How did they get in there? Moreso, how do they survive!
How did they get in there? Moreso, how do they survive!
+0 -0
$15.95/mo and all the answers will be yours!
$15.95/mo and all the answers will be yours!
+0 -0
+0 -0
Only naked girls live inside your computer.
Only naked girls live inside your computer.
+0 -0
Nice work with the slow shutter.
Nice work with the slow shutter.
+0 -0
Thanks! I have a "thing" for motion photography.
Thanks! I have a "thing" for motion photography.
+0 -0
Goooood Tiiiits
Goooood Tiiiits
+0 -0
fuck i actually said that.
Here is an apology: I am so damn sorry that I am a douchebag.
fuck i actually said that.
Here is an apology: I am so damn sorry that I am a douchebag.
+0 -0
Nah, both Salma and I have good tits. I'll take the compliment sans douchebaggu.
Nah, both Salma and I have good tits. I'll take the compliment sans douchebaggu.
+0 -0
Your fire is also very hot.
Your fire is also very hot.
+0 -0
oh dude there are other fire spinners on the asset bar? This is a good day.
oh dude there are other fire spinners on the asset bar? This is a good day.
+1 -0
I imagine this scene as being accompanied by The Typewriter Music .
I imagine this scene as being accompanied by The Typewriter Music .
+0 -0
Man the way those 78s fly around the table.
Man the way those 78s fly around the table.
+0 -0
the saddest thing is that phillipe will never be eighteen.
the saddest thing is that phillipe will never be eighteen.
+0 -0
I AM 19.
I AM 19.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Please don't kick me into that hole. It's looks deep and dark. :(
Please don't kick me into that hole. It's looks deep and dark. :(
+0 -0
I was going more for THIS IS A HOMEBOY rather than THIS IS SPARTA actually.
That's what I've been doing all along but people keep getting confused.
I was going more for THIS IS A HOMEBOY rather than THIS IS SPARTA actually.
That's what I've been doing all along but people keep getting confused.
+0 -0
+0 -0
And you call yourself a fan!
And you call yourself a fan!
+0 -0
That strip was gross, so I didn't finish. :(
That strip was gross, so I didn't finish. :(
+0 -0
Well sorry.
Well sorry.
+0 -0
It's okay. I should be so easy to be disgusted.
It's okay. I should be so easy to be disgusted.
+0 -0
+0 -0
how could you do that to him, theguitarhero
is that your defiling hat? i think it is your defiling hat.
how could you do that to him, theguitarhero
is that your defiling hat? i think it is your defiling hat.
+0 -0
I am in favor of perky titties, not fat. Even the phrasing is deprecated as many people have legitimately fat breasts and those are saggy and disgusting. I have known people who like to think that they are "big" and thus desirable, but they are wrong. When you have gained weight and, as a result, your breasts are enlarged with some of your fat they are not awesome. They are just fat.
I do have to wonder where I would find someone wearing those shorts though. Basically her entire ass is out. Not that I have anything against that (well, she does look like an unpleasant skank and I'm neither partial to asses nor to that type of ass), but that's seriously a lot of ass to be showing off. I don't think I've seen that much in places where showing of the ass is largely considered acceptable.
I am in favor of perky titties, not fat. Even the phrasing is deprecated as many people have legitimately fat breasts and those are saggy and disgusting. I have known people who like to think that they are "big" and thus desirable, but they are wrong. When you have gained weight and, as a result, your breasts are enlarged with some of your fat they are not awesome. They are just fat.
I do have to wonder where I would find someone wearing those shorts though. Basically her entire ass is out. Not that I have anything against that (well, she does look like an unpleasant skank and I'm neither partial to asses nor to that type of ass), but that's seriously a lot of ass to be showing off. I don't think I've seen that much in places where showing of the ass is largely considered acceptable.
+0 -0
This is the most perfect thing I've ever read. I have tears in my eyes.
This is the most perfect thing I've ever read. I have tears in my eyes.
+0 -0
I don't think those are tears...
I don't think those are tears...
+0 -0
Don't you dare ruin this moment I have.
Don't you dare ruin this moment I have.
+0 -0
Just like how the basketball team ruined your girlfriend?
aka it's too late turk the plan is in place.
Just like how the basketball team ruined your girlfriend?
aka it's too late turk the plan is in place.
+0 -0
+0 -0
daidai wanders off into the sunset, carrying his satchel over his shoulder. Today was not his day, but tomorrow is yet to come.
daidai wanders off into the sunset, carrying his satchel over his shoulder. Today was not his day, but tomorrow is yet to come.
+0 -0
And my axe.
And my axe.
+0 -0
Something I just realized:
Instead of scrolling down the entire page, keeping your eyes wide open for a flash of yellow, sctolling up if you see a black box (have those been fixed? I haven't seen one in a while), etc, you can just type in [ unread ] in "find".
Something I just realized:
Instead of scrolling down the entire page, keeping your eyes wide open for a flash of yellow, sctolling up if you see a black box (have those been fixed? I haven't seen one in a while), etc, you can just type in [ unread ] in "find".
+0 -0
Only if you use Assetbarista though.
Only if you use Assetbarista though.
+0 -0
But I do!
But I do!
+0 -0
Others don't though.
Others don't though.
+0 -0
It's also a listed feature of Assetbarista. If you did not know to use it, you didn't even read about the paltry four or five features it provides.
It's also a listed feature of Assetbarista. If you did not know to use it, you didn't even read about the paltry four or five features it provides.
+0 -0
I read it, actually. I just forgot it said that.
I read it, actually. I just forgot it said that.
+0 -0
You realize that was the whole reason he added the "unread" tag, right?
You realize that was the whole reason he added the "unread" tag, right?
+0 -0
When I read the definition on the site that said that, that was when I realized it.
When I read the definition on the site that said that, that was when I realized it.
+0 -0
I also just realized that, similarly to our baryonyx meme, you could annoy pretty much everyone by sticking the word "unread" into every one of your posts.
Why would you think of that though.
I also just realized that, similarly to our baryonyx meme, you could annoy pretty much everyone by sticking the word "unread" into every one of your posts.
Why would you think of that though.
+0 -1
I think just to show people the essential deficiencies of using "unread" as the tag.
I think just to show people the essential deficiencies of using "unread" as the tag.
+0 -0
I already changed the script to output something that's quicker to type. The only way you can get to me is to take the piss out of my avataricon.
I already changed the script to output something that's quicker to type. The only way you can get to me is to take the piss out of my avataricon.
+0 -0
It's a hack to fix a broken system though. It's better than nothing.
It's a hack to fix a broken system though. It's better than nothing.
+0 -0
Intentionally trying to annoy people? Not a good thing. I would politely suggest against it.
Intentionally trying to annoy people? Not a good thing. I would politely suggest against it.
+0 -0
Phillipe pauses for a moment to figure out if he's proud of himself. Such an Awwwww moment.
Phillipe pauses for a moment to figure out if he's proud of himself. Such an Awwwww moment.
+0 -0
Finally read all the strips. 1500!
Finally read all the strips. 1500!
+0 -0
Congratulations to Onstad on strip #1500!
Congratulations to Onstad on strip #1500!
+0 -0
Alright comrade .
Alright comrade .
+0 -0
The sarcasm is nullified by your hat.
The sarcasm is nullified by your hat.
+0 -0
Who say anytheeng 'bout sarcasm, comrade?
Who say anytheeng 'bout sarcasm, comrade?
+0 -0
In soviet Russia, joke can't think of me!
In soviet Russia, joke can't think of me!
+0 -0
His sarc-node is fully muffled.
His sarc-node is fully muffled.
+0 -0
So, do I have to be the first person to point out that this isn't really the 1500th strip? I'm willing to count the "strips" from the baby-being-born period as strips because technically, they're "new" material, but the numerous holiday time reruns and zine previews don't really count as strips, do they?
Man, I sound like one of those guys in 1999 who always argued that 2001 was really the beginning of the new millenia: no matter how right I may be, no one gives a shit.
So, do I have to be the first person to point out that this isn't really the 1500th strip? I'm willing to count the "strips" from the baby-being-born period as strips because technically, they're "new" material, but the numerous holiday time reruns and zine previews don't really count as strips, do they?
Man, I sound like one of those guys in 1999 who always argued that 2001 was really the beginning of the new millenia: no matter how right I may be, no one gives a shit.
+6 -0
+4 -0
I think it says that at the top of the screen, Larry
I think it says that at the top of the screen, Larry
+4 -0
+0 -0
oh did you guys plan this OFF-SITE?
oh did you guys plan this OFF-SITE?
+0 -0
Stop being so creepy.
Creep .
Stop being so creepy.
Creep .
+0 -0
Phillipe knows that real writers sprint to and from their typewriters. Hemingway never dillydallied.
Phillipe knows that real writers sprint to and from their typewriters. Hemingway never dillydallied.
+0 -0
Dude, everyone in the keys dillydallies.
Dude, everyone in the keys dillydallies.
+0 -0
So does mean Philippe has to write standing in the nude?
So does mean Philippe has to write standing in the nude?
+0 -0
I need to print out instructions for doing my job and stick them under my hat. Just in case, you know?
I need to print out instructions for doing my job and stick them under my hat. Just in case, you know?
+0 -0
"An ethnic lady who was helping her kid throw up" is my favorite line.
"An ethnic lady who was helping her kid throw up" is my favorite line.
+1 -0
A white lady would never do that. She would just give him a time out.
A white lady would never do that. She would just give him a time out.
+1 -0
It comes of confusing affluence with effluence. Your children will not respect you.
It comes of confusing affluence with effluence. Your children will not respect you.
+0 -0
I like that Phillipe is as excited to write his story as he is finishing his story and going on to his next littleboy activity.
I like that Phillipe is as excited to write his story as he is finishing his story and going on to his next littleboy activity.
+0 -0
Noooooooooooooooooooo comment
Noooooooooooooooooooo comment
+0 -0
A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, nice-on-water, Scorpio_nadir, foolishsparrow, hausea, RedPhillip)
A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, nice-on-water, Scorpio_nadir, foolishsparrow, hausea, RedPhillip)
+0 -0
"Irate Sack"
"Irate Sack"
+0 -0
I think you had some trouble scanning in your avatar, Grandpa
I think you had some trouble scanning in your avatar, Grandpa
+0 -0
You have ageist sack, saul.
You have ageist sack, saul.
+0 -0
Seriously, what's the deal with your avatar? It looks like you scanned in both sides of a two-page magazine spread and rounded off the corners in the Windows 3.1 version of MS Paint
Seriously, what's the deal with your avatar? It looks like you scanned in both sides of a two-page magazine spread and rounded off the corners in the Windows 3.1 version of MS Paint
+1 -0
I always like to imagine it's a flip book of some sort, and eventually she'll start to talk to me. What can I say, I'm a dreamer.
I always like to imagine it's a flip book of some sort, and eventually she'll start to talk to me. What can I say, I'm a dreamer.
+1 -0
You're not the only one.
You're not the only one.
+0 -0

+0 -0
Haha... That's... scary.
Haha... That's... scary.
+0 -0
+0 -0
you guys have been pranked
i'm the real chris onstad, and i am lolling at all of you for talkin about words, nerds
you guys have been pranked
i'm the real chris onstad, and i am lolling at all of you for talkin about words, nerds
+0 -0
I'm Spartacus.
I'm Spartacus.
+0 -0
You are wrong, Chris Onstad was Keyser Soze and dead the entire time.
You are wrong, Chris Onstad was Keyser Soze and dead the entire time.
+0 -0
it all makes sense
it all makes sense
+0 -0
i really liked this one.
probably because i teach kids and most of their stories are just like this. he really captured kidspeak today.
i really liked this one.
probably because i teach kids and most of their stories are just like this. he really captured kidspeak today.
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
as a stella.
as a stella.
+1 -0
im so inpress wit myself
ma performance today is top shelf.
i can see a troublem brewing
u start 2 take this job into ur own hands
grabbin' an pulln wile shoutin demands
dis woz and pome abot me giben a BJ
im so inpress wit myself
ma performance today is top shelf.
i can see a troublem brewing
u start 2 take this job into ur own hands
grabbin' an pulln wile shoutin demands
dis woz and pome abot me giben a BJ
+0 -0
You're gay?
You're gay?
+0 -0
lol u black?
lol u black?
+0 -0
lol only 1/8th
lol only 1/8th
+0 -0
wanan know sumfink?
wanan know sumfink?
+0 -0
Wut gladdi, wut?!?!?!
Wut gladdi, wut?!?!?!
+0 -0
he dun lak sandra oh.
he dun lak sandra oh.
+0 -0
kevin sorbo... i wish is career ad worked bettah man he is talentd (n hansom!)
kevin sorbo... i wish is career ad worked bettah man he is talentd (n hansom!)
+0 -0
Nonesense. He should be proud of his legacy as Farscape and Conan Lite.
Nonesense. He should be proud of his legacy as Farscape and Conan Lite.
+0 -0
I totally agree man. He is a homeboy, for sure.
I totally agree man. He is a homeboy, for sure.
+0 -0
I wish there had been more episodes of Andromeda. It was the only thing he did that could actually be enjoyed unironically.
I wish there had been more episodes of Andromeda. It was the only thing he did that could actually be enjoyed unironically.
+0 -0
I think I saw one episode and it filled me with a great and terrible pain.
Not as bad as Earth: Final Conflict, but close. So very close.
I think I saw one episode and it filled me with a great and terrible pain.
Not as bad as Earth: Final Conflict, but close. So very close.
+0 -0
LOL at this lame strip having a >4 average rating. People must seriously rate every strip a 5.
LOL at this lame strip having a >4 average rating. People must seriously rate every strip a 5.
+1 -0
+0 -0
I jusr rated it a 5 OUT OF SPITE.
I jusr rated it a 5 OUT OF SPITE.
+0 -0
+0 -0 modesty childish, or is it an innate virtue that we piddle away? modesty childish, or is it an innate virtue that we piddle away?
+0 -0
Innate. Even today I refuse to be proud of my work, although that might be because of my Depression.
Innate. Even today I refuse to be proud of my work, although that might be because of my Depression.
+6 -0
I am my own worst critic while secretly hoping everyone thinks I am a genius but secretly fearing everyone thinks I am crap. As a result I don't actually do anything that anyone might be able to acclaim or deride.
I am my own worst critic while secretly hoping everyone thinks I am a genius but secretly fearing everyone thinks I am crap. As a result I don't actually do anything that anyone might be able to acclaim or deride.
+1 -0
farqussus cold tells the truth for 31 year old males on assetbar.
god damn you
farqussus cold tells the truth for 31 year old males on assetbar.
god damn you
+0 -0
bloo bloo bloo bloo
... well I have done stuff for people to deride and acclaim and they have done both, so those fears remain entrenched.
Should we start a group?
bloo bloo bloo bloo
... well I have done stuff for people to deride and acclaim and they have done both, so those fears remain entrenched.
Should we start a group?
+0 -0
Naw. The point is to remain stoic and fatalistic. Hell, farqussus'ss comment was akin to an emotional breakdown you broke the code farqussus YOU BROKE THE CODE
Naw. The point is to remain stoic and fatalistic. Hell, farqussus'ss comment was akin to an emotional breakdown you broke the code farqussus YOU BROKE THE CODE
+0 -0
secretly though, someone give farq another chubby ...
secretly though, someone give farq another chubby ...
+0 -0
That's fuck-all to do with it, my friend. Now here's your bottle of scotch - set to it. Tears fall onto the bar after you're drunk enough to think nobody's looking. We'll be right over here if you have any questions.
That's fuck-all to do with it, my friend. Now here's your bottle of scotch - set to it. Tears fall onto the bar after you're drunk enough to think nobody's looking. We'll be right over here if you have any questions.
+0 -0
This isn't helping! This is making me feel BETTER!
This isn't helping! This is making me feel BETTER!
+0 -0
(feeling bad now?)
(feeling bad now?)
+0 -0
Not really. I'm kinda rad really and only suck at not exceeding my current status.
Damn, look at that response, sometimes I wish I hadn't studied psych.
Not really. I'm kinda rad really and only suck at not exceeding my current status.
Damn, look at that response, sometimes I wish I hadn't studied psych.
+0 -0
Are there any mental diseases that result in excessive love of schadenfreud to the point you start causing accidents just so you can experience it?
Are there any mental diseases that result in excessive love of schadenfreud to the point you start causing accidents just so you can experience it?
+0 -0
+0 -0
Oh, oh! I wanna join the "30-and-over-on-assetbar" group! I can tell you all about my achin' back and my mortgage and you'll all understand.
Oh, oh! I wanna join the "30-and-over-on-assetbar" group! I can tell you all about my achin' back and my mortgage and you'll all understand.
+0 -0
Mortgage? That's for growed-ups.
Mortgage? That's for growed-ups.
+0 -0
I don't believe I said anything 30, you little brat. You have to be into your 30's before you feel this melancholia.
31 is the new least, that's how I explain 2 of my friends dating people closer to that age than to 30 (and they're both older than me).
I don't believe I said anything 30, you little brat. You have to be into your 30's before you feel this melancholia.
31 is the new least, that's how I explain 2 of my friends dating people closer to that age than to 30 (and they're both older than me).
+0 -0
Ahhh yes, what is known as the "crossfade." One of the perks to being 31 if you are the kind of dude who ladies like is that younger and younger ladies seem to think of you as attractive and sexually viable. It is a Mystery.
Ahhh yes, what is known as the "crossfade." One of the perks to being 31 if you are the kind of dude who ladies like is that younger and younger ladies seem to think of you as attractive and sexually viable. It is a Mystery.
+0 -0
excellent. Fucking excellent.
excellent. Fucking excellent.
+0 -0
I can strongly attest to this phenomena. It is both a problem and a blessing.
I can strongly attest to this phenomena. It is both a problem and a blessing.
+0 -0
Tell me it lasts into your 32s, woodenteeth, cuz my birthday is coming up and I got Plans.
Tell me it lasts into your 32s, woodenteeth, cuz my birthday is coming up and I got Plans.
+0 -0
It lasts for as long as you're charismatic. You don't even have to be sexy. Charisma is saying stuff people don't expect and then not explaining it properly.
It lasts for as long as you're charismatic. You don't even have to be sexy. Charisma is saying stuff people don't expect and then not explaining it properly.
+0 -0
Charisma is saying stuff people don't expect and then not explaining it properly.
+0 -0
Oh hell, farqussus. I think you're mostly a Goddamn Genius, Gump! ,okay? and I've barely read any of your achewood compendium.
Relax. Smoke a cigar.
Seriously. Is not worth 2 shits in day-old biscuit what 'everyone' thinks.
Oh hell, farqussus. I think you're mostly a Goddamn Genius, Gump! ,okay? and I've barely read any of your achewood compendium.
Relax. Smoke a cigar.
Seriously. Is not worth 2 shits in day-old biscuit what 'everyone' thinks.
+0 -0
I've been telling my brain that for about 22 of my years. It won't listen.
Also, I'm only 31. Cigars? Blecchy
I've been telling my brain that for about 22 of my years. It won't listen.
Also, I'm only 31. Cigars? Blecchy
+0 -0
My head says yes but my body says "don't even try, it will disturb everyone around you and you will be a social outcast forever"
I even feel uncomfortable doing my thing on the internet, because I know people are seeing it. This just amplifies in person and I basically sneak around trying not to get noticed.
My head says yes but my body says "don't even try, it will disturb everyone around you and you will be a social outcast forever"
I even feel uncomfortable doing my thing on the internet, because I know people are seeing it. This just amplifies in person and I basically sneak around trying not to get noticed.
+0 -0
You should check out this Korean movie I recommended to Daedala- 3-Iron.
You should check out this Korean movie I recommended to Daedala- 3-Iron.
+0 -0
That was a metaphorical cigar. I can't stand them either.
Also, your brain doesn't really think you mean business.
I'll send you a bill.
That was a metaphorical cigar. I can't stand them either.
Also, your brain doesn't really think you mean business.
I'll send you a bill.
+0 -0
I can't think of a single child I know or have known who was modest.
I can't think of a single child I know or have known who was modest.
+0 -0
Modesty is basically a thing you pretend you have so people will think you are modest. It only works because modesty is excluded from the set of traits which you must try to avoid displaying.
Modesty is basically a thing you pretend you have so people will think you are modest. It only works because modesty is excluded from the set of traits which you must try to avoid displaying.
+0 -0
+0 -1
So, uh, any here like Kanye West? I'm truly enjoying the new album.
So, uh, any here like Kanye West? I'm truly enjoying the new album.
+0 -0
I only like 3 of the songs.
I only like 3 of the songs.
+0 -0
I just finished listen to all of it. I really actually enjoyed it, but anyone who is a fan of mainstream hip hop will probably not enjoy it, not saying that applies to you qingofchina.
I just finished listen to all of it. I really actually enjoyed it, but anyone who is a fan of mainstream hip hop will probably not enjoy it, not saying that applies to you qingofchina.
+0 -0
Fun fact: China was named after Qing.
Fun fact: China was named after Qing.
+0 -0
if I recall correctly.
if I recall correctly.
+0 -0
Fun fact: YOUR MOM was named after Qing.
Fun fact: YOUR MOM was named after Qing.
+0 -0
if I recall correctly.
if I recall correctly.
+0 -0
It's true though!
It's true though!
+0 -0
I am waiting for it to start. It's like twelve three minute intros to songs you never hear.
I am waiting for it to start. It's like twelve three minute intros to songs you never hear.
+0 -0
huh, that's kinda what I liked about it.
To each his own.
huh, that's kinda what I liked about it.
To each his own.
+1 -0
That sounds to me like a very Ray review.
Teodor walks by Ray's house and sees a bunch of albums that Ray has purchased in his trash bin.
TEODOR: Hey, Ray. What gives? You're just throwing all these out?
RAY: Man I put em on the turntable and let the needle down low but as far as I'm concerned those albums just never got started man.
TEODOR: You're throwing out a first generation iPod too?
RAY: Yeah I had a bunch of mp3s on my computer that I got sick of waiting for them to start so I just put them all on there and am lettin the hobos investigate.
TEODOR: Don't you know how to delete them?
RAY: I ain't got no time to be dragging stuff to the trash bin. I'm a busy man and I was just trying to get all the problems away. Deal.
I am waiting for it to start
That sounds to me like a very Ray review.
Teodor walks by Ray's house and sees a bunch of albums that Ray has purchased in his trash bin.
TEODOR: Hey, Ray. What gives? You're just throwing all these out?

RAY: Man I put em on the turntable and let the needle down low but as far as I'm concerned those albums just never got started man.
TEODOR: You're throwing out a first generation iPod too?
RAY: Yeah I had a bunch of mp3s on my computer that I got sick of waiting for them to start so I just put them all on there and am lettin the hobos investigate.
TEODOR: Don't you know how to delete them?
RAY: I ain't got no time to be dragging stuff to the trash bin. I'm a busy man and I was just trying to get all the problems away. Deal.
+0 -0
I still use a second generation iPod. I really wish I had one of the cool newer ones with actual features and the ability to use all the peripherals that everyone else has been using since 2003, but I've never had the money and well... even if it's a bit low on space and rather physically large (hey, the 20 gig model was the biggest they had at the time!), in monochrome and with no ability to make playlists on-the-fly, rate songs, or do a hell of a lot of other things it does still play music just like it did when I first got it.
I don't get the iPhone though. Or, for that matter, the Nano. Only 8 gig? How in the hell do you put anything on there? The iPhone seems nice, but it's not a convergence device for me until it can actually support enough space that I can replace my iPod with it.
I still use a second generation iPod. I really wish I had one of the cool newer ones with actual features and the ability to use all the peripherals that everyone else has been using since 2003, but I've never had the money and well... even if it's a bit low on space and rather physically large (hey, the 20 gig model was the biggest they had at the time!), in monochrome and with no ability to make playlists on-the-fly, rate songs, or do a hell of a lot of other things it does still play music just like it did when I first got it.
I don't get the iPhone though. Or, for that matter, the Nano. Only 8 gig? How in the hell do you put anything on there? The iPhone seems nice, but it's not a convergence device for me until it can actually support enough space that I can replace my iPod with it.
+0 -0
My boss just gave me a 3rdGen iPod so I can put some pop dross on it for his daughter. I took it home to find it was slightly lacking in space. Turns out he's bought a 500MB USB stick inside an iPod case.
My boss just gave me a 3rdGen iPod so I can put some pop dross on it for his daughter. I took it home to find it was slightly lacking in space. Turns out he's bought a 500MB USB stick inside an iPod case.
+0 -0
Did he hit the roof when you told him?
Did he hit the roof when you told him?
+0 -0
Turns out he only paid 20 quid for it, but that's still 19 quid too much.
Turns out he only paid 20 quid for it, but that's still 19 quid too much.
+0 -0
This exactly my feeling on the iPhone. Until they come up with one that holds at least 30 gigs, I'm not buying one.
This exactly my feeling on the iPhone. Until they come up with one that holds at least 30 gigs, I'm not buying one.
+0 -0
I'm also an old fan of Palm OS. I think this whole locked-down, proprietary, company-run app store thing where they seemingly want to charge you for everything is not the best of ways.
Also, how does it sync calendar data to Windows/Linux? I haven't been able to find a single decent desktop calender program that uses the .cal format. Nobody these days supports Palm format either which totally blows. There's no way in hell that I would ever use Outlook.
I'm also an old fan of Palm OS. I think this whole locked-down, proprietary, company-run app store thing where they seemingly want to charge you for everything is not the best of ways.
Also, how does it sync calendar data to Windows/Linux? I haven't been able to find a single decent desktop calender program that uses the .cal format. Nobody these days supports Palm format either which totally blows. There's no way in hell that I would ever use Outlook.
+0 -0
Uh. Why are you asking me? I have no idea.
Uh. Why are you asking me? I have no idea.
+0 -0
but you are a Guy on the Internet you are supposed to know EVERYTHING about Computers.
but you are a Guy on the Internet you are supposed to know EVERYTHING about Computers.
+0 -0
It was an angry rhetorical question.
It was an angry rhetorical question.
+0 -0
That was angry?
That was angry?
+0 -0
Peeved. Ranty.
Peeved. Ranty.
+0 -0
Haha. One chubby left, cracked-crab dance!
Haha. One chubby left, cracked-crab dance!
+0 -0
I hate Kanye West. He's a whiny, arrogant douchebag who has absolutely no reason to be proud of himself yet thinks the rest of the world should bow down and kiss his feet.
In short, Fuck this guy!
I hate Kanye West. He's a whiny, arrogant douchebag who has absolutely no reason to be proud of himself yet thinks the rest of the world should bow down and kiss his feet.
In short, Fuck this guy!
+0 -0
I don't agree.
I don't agree.
+0 -0
Well then you should definitely listen to the new album, he basically recants all that.
Well then you should definitely listen to the new album, he basically recants all that.
+0 -0
Well, another thing is that it is extremely rare for me to like rap or hip-hop so I highly doubt that I would like it.
Well, another thing is that it is extremely rare for me to like rap or hip-hop so I highly doubt that I would like it.
+0 -0
He doesn't rap much in it. I think it'd be a fairly decent bridge to his other works, unless you also don't like Autotune vocals.
He doesn't rap much in it. I think it'd be a fairly decent bridge to his other works, unless you also don't like Autotune vocals.
+0 -0
Isn't that, well, everyone ? Who likes Autotune vocals?
Isn't that, well, everyone ? Who likes Autotune vocals?
+0 -0
Tekende doesn't care about black people!
Tekende doesn't care about black people!
+0 -0
Shut up.
Shut up.
+0 -0
+0 -0
This comment did verily Get my Goat earlier. I'm not quite sure why anymore, but I stand by it nonetheless.
This comment did verily Get my Goat earlier. I'm not quite sure why anymore, but I stand by it nonetheless.
+0 -0
You, um, know it was a reference, right? To what Kanye said about Bush after Katrina? I'm just asking because I know you're British, so it would make sense if you didn't know. Or did you just think that line was played out?
You, um, know it was a reference, right? To what Kanye said about Bush after Katrina? I'm just asking because I know you're British, so it would make sense if you didn't know. Or did you just think that line was played out?
+0 -0
Kanye? Bush? Katrina? I'm sorry, I don't watch many of the American sitcoms on E4.
Kanye? Bush? Katrina? I'm sorry, I don't watch many of the American sitcoms on E4.
+0 -0
It took me a few seconds to understand that reference. And Mike Myers reaction? Priceless.
It took me a few seconds to understand that reference. And Mike Myers reaction? Priceless.
+0 -0
Oh man yeah. So great. All like "I'm not saying this oh my god I have nothing to do with this hey um who is this guy where am I"
Oh man yeah. So great. All like "I'm not saying this oh my god I have nothing to do with this hey um who is this guy where am I"
+0 -0
Fuck those guys anyway!
Fuck those guys anyway!
+0 -0
Just bought it yesterday, I've still got Q-Tip's The Renaissance in and I can't take it out.. it's AWESOME.
Just bought it yesterday, I've still got Q-Tip's The Renaissance in and I can't take it out.. it's AWESOME.
+0 -0
Ok, Kanyes new album is better then Q-Tips. But Q-Tips is pretty awesome too.
Ok, Kanyes new album is better then Q-Tips. But Q-Tips is pretty awesome too.
+0 -0
I really love Philippe's expression in panel 3. That is all.
I really love Philippe's expression in panel 3. That is all.
+0 -0
Oh, Phillippe. How I've missed you and those little "I am thinking" eyebrows of yours.
Oh, Phillippe. How I've missed you and those little "I am thinking" eyebrows of yours.
+0 -0
while we're asking about things we enjoy;
agree/agree to what degree
while we're asking about things we enjoy;
agree/agree to what degree
+0 -0
I never was able to get into the Shield, mainly because I got FX in my room (and therefore could watch it without the parental prying) about halfway through the shows run.
Much like The Wire, I'll probably eventually pick it up on DVD.
I never was able to get into the Shield, mainly because I got FX in my room (and therefore could watch it without the parental prying) about halfway through the shows run.
Much like The Wire, I'll probably eventually pick it up on DVD.
+0 -0
I had my own TV in my own TV room (as a child I had a ludicrously huge walk-in close large enough to be it's own, somewhat narrow room... not including my toy room) as a child and have never really watched TV with my parents. It seems odd to have done so. Even now if I happen to be home or such it would feel weird to watch Futurama or something when my parents were around. I just feel very self-conscious about watching TV around them. It is weird.
I had my own TV in my own TV room (as a child I had a ludicrously huge walk-in close large enough to be it's own, somewhat narrow room... not including my toy room) as a child and have never really watched TV with my parents. It seems odd to have done so. Even now if I happen to be home or such it would feel weird to watch Futurama or something when my parents were around. I just feel very self-conscious about watching TV around them. It is weird.
+0 -0
If you didn't watch T.V. with them, you didn't really know them.
If you didn't watch T.V. with them, you didn't really know them.
+1 -0
You really get to know a family member by seeing their reaction to events on a screen.
Interesting sidenote: I've never seen a movie with my grandmother that didn't include full-frontal.
You really get to know a family member by seeing their reaction to events on a screen.
Interesting sidenote: I've never seen a movie with my grandmother that didn't include full-frontal.
+0 -0
Then you knew her best of all.
Then you knew her best of all.
+0 -0
Good. I don't really want to know them.
Good. I don't really want to know them.
+0 -0
not including my toy room

+0 -0
That explains everything! belgand is The Comic Book Guy.
That explains everything! belgand is The Comic Book Guy.
+0 -0
You mean, Jeff Albertson?
I do have a hefty stack of comics, but no, I am not like him.
You mean, Jeff Albertson?
I do have a hefty stack of comics, but no, I am not like him.
+0 -0
Yeah, it has taken some time for me to realize that I was apparently somewhat spoiled as a child. I was an only child in an upper-middle class suburb and my mother was (and is) amazingly protective and clingy to the point that I moved as far away as I possibly could while still being in the same country partially just to get away from her.
I didn't whine and beg as a kid though so it took a while for me to figure it out. I was basically like most of the other kids I knew.
Yeah, it has taken some time for me to realize that I was apparently somewhat spoiled as a child. I was an only child in an upper-middle class suburb and my mother was (and is) amazingly protective and clingy to the point that I moved as far away as I possibly could while still being in the same country partially just to get away from her.
I didn't whine and beg as a kid though so it took a while for me to figure it out. I was basically like most of the other kids I knew.
+0 -0
I believe you misspelled Arrested Development back there. Perhaps you were trying to spell Firefly, but it got weirdly auto-corrected?
Is it time to start a big argument about Father Ted/Spaced/Black Books again? I love them all so damn much. The IT Crowd, however... it does nothing for me. It feels like decade-old stereotypes wrapped up in a big load of "not very funny, not funny at all".
I believe you misspelled Arrested Development back there. Perhaps you were trying to spell Firefly, but it got weirdly auto-corrected?
Is it time to start a big argument about Father Ted/Spaced/Black Books again? I love them all so damn much. The IT Crowd, however... it does nothing for me. It feels like decade-old stereotypes wrapped up in a big load of "not very funny, not funny at all".
+0 -0
That's kinda how I felt about ... well hell, I can't think of any shows I like. Mythbusters got boring after I realized I already know the truth. Firefly is disturbingly transparent, and Arrested Development makes me cry tears of anger.
That's kinda how I felt about ... well hell, I can't think of any shows I like. Mythbusters got boring after I realized I already know the truth. Firefly is disturbingly transparent, and Arrested Development makes me cry tears of anger.
+0 -0
I still watched them all, because it's basically culturally unavoidable. I just wish I didn't have to watch this kind of shit just so I would understand half the words comin outta kids mouths.
I still watched them all, because it's basically culturally unavoidable. I just wish I didn't have to watch this kind of shit just so I would understand half the words comin outta kids mouths.
+0 -0
We disagree, but I will agree to do so politely.
We disagree, but I will agree to do so politely.
+0 -0
Fuck that. Someone can say Arrested Development is not their thing, or that they don't really get what makes it funny (because, like Achewood, you really do have to get to know the characters). But to say you HATE it? Ridiculous. Then again, he said he doesn't like 'moving pictures' in general, which I'm still trying to process.
Fuck that. Someone can say Arrested Development is not their thing, or that they don't really get what makes it funny (because, like Achewood, you really do have to get to know the characters). But to say you HATE it? Ridiculous. Then again, he said he doesn't like 'moving pictures' in general, which I'm still trying to process.
+0 -0
People hate a lot of things here.
People hate a lot of things here.
+0 -0
I understand what "makes it funny" (oh look our characters are all unbelievably stupid and continually ruin everything to their stupidity) hey wait, isn't that familiar? Oh right, Friends already did that. Come on. How many magic tricks is G.O.B. going to screw up? Will Oscar get arrested? Is George Michael going to be completely socially awkward? Find out on next week's show! (The answer is yes)
I understand what "makes it funny" (oh look our characters are all unbelievably stupid and continually ruin everything to their stupidity) hey wait, isn't that familiar? Oh right, Friends already did that. Come on. How many magic tricks is G.O.B. going to screw up? Will Oscar get arrested? Is George Michael going to be completely socially awkward? Find out on next week's show! (The answer is yes)
+0 -0
Your opinion on AD doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Your opinion on AD doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
+0 -0
Sorry. I meant beads .
Sorry. I meant beads .
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
tekende is not on board.
tekende is not on board.
+0 -0
+0 -0
If it means anything, I'm a big fan of the show meself.
If it means anything, I'm a big fan of the show meself.
+0 -0
That means everything, man.
That means everything, man.
+0 -0
I was respecting your opinion on this matter until you likened AD to Friends. That was the moment at which I stopped respecting you opinion. Not that it matters.
I was respecting your opinion on this matter until you likened AD to Friends. That was the moment at which I stopped respecting you opinion. Not that it matters.
+0 -0
That is basically a fundamental sin against the universe, yes.
That is basically a fundamental sin against the universe, yes.
+0 -0
Hehe, he quoted GOB in his post disliking the show.
Come ON!
Hehe, he quoted GOB in his post disliking the show.
Come ON!
+0 -0
I was getting a lot of ire for coming down on things and people saying things I disagreed with. I was trying to incur less wrath. Apparently this was not right?
I was getting a lot of ire for coming down on things and people saying things I disagreed with. I was trying to incur less wrath. Apparently this was not right?
+0 -0
Dude you just flat HATE on stuff other people like, don't you?
Dude you just flat HATE on stuff other people like, don't you?
+0 -0
Moving pictures: hell of overrated.
Moving pictures: hell of overrated.
+0 -0
I like to imagine you are talking about the seminal Rush album here. I don't know why, I like that album. But it's still funny to me.
I like to imagine you are talking about the seminal Rush album here. I don't know why, I like that album. But it's still funny to me.
+0 -0
I love that album. It's the only one I've listened to so far but still.
anyway, it's just funny because you said a while back (stereo did) that you don't understand why people hate popular things (in regards to Nickelback) yet you hate movies, Arrested Development, and basically anything else most normal people like.
I love that album. It's the only one I've listened to so far but still.
anyway, it's just funny because you said a while back (stereo did) that you don't understand why people hate popular things (in regards to Nickelback) yet you hate movies, Arrested Development, and basically anything else most normal people like.
+0 -0
The thing is, Nickelback isn't trying to be funny, or thought provoking, or educational. They're just making sounds, some with their mouths, some with vibrating pieces of metal, some by means of electronic signal processing. I happen to like some of those sounds. So I listen to them.
Arrested Development isn't all bad, it's just ridiculously unsuitable for syndication. The only way most of it makes sense is if you're watching the shows consecutively, and how often will you get that from random TV broadcast?
I never learned how to watch movies when I was a kid, so now I struggle to maintain interest in them. Probably my problem, I'm not saying they're inherently bad, I just can't get anything from most movies. I'd rather read a description of a movie than to see the movie in itself, "the pictures in my head are always better than reality". If I know the story, the movie is a disappointment. If I don't know the story, I struggle to tell the difference between movies. At one point I would have said this means I like them equally, but then I found out about silent movies, enjoyed them a lot more than any talkie I've seen, and decided instead that I do not like movies.
I still think popularity is a pretty arbitrary measure of how "good" something is. I don't find any contradiction in agreeing with some popular stuff and disagreeing about others. I just seem to run across more people who are outspoken about music they hate, I am trying to balance that out by hating television and movies because frankly I'm bored of people talking about how terrible (West Kenya? I don't know) is.
The thing is, Nickelback isn't trying to be funny, or thought provoking, or educational. They're just making sounds, some with their mouths, some with vibrating pieces of metal, some by means of electronic signal processing. I happen to like some of those sounds. So I listen to them.
Arrested Development isn't all bad, it's just ridiculously unsuitable for syndication. The only way most of it makes sense is if you're watching the shows consecutively, and how often will you get that from random TV broadcast?
I never learned how to watch movies when I was a kid, so now I struggle to maintain interest in them. Probably my problem, I'm not saying they're inherently bad, I just can't get anything from most movies. I'd rather read a description of a movie than to see the movie in itself, "the pictures in my head are always better than reality". If I know the story, the movie is a disappointment. If I don't know the story, I struggle to tell the difference between movies. At one point I would have said this means I like them equally, but then I found out about silent movies, enjoyed them a lot more than any talkie I've seen, and decided instead that I do not like movies.
I still think popularity is a pretty arbitrary measure of how "good" something is. I don't find any contradiction in agreeing with some popular stuff and disagreeing about others. I just seem to run across more people who are outspoken about music they hate, I am trying to balance that out by hating television and movies because frankly I'm bored of people talking about how terrible (West Kenya? I don't know) is.
+0 -0
I think because music defines us more than movies or television does. I have friends that don't like the same music I do but still enjoy the indie movies that I do.
I'm not trying to say that you are a bad person or anything for not liking movies, there are plenty of movies I wish didn't exist and that I hate, but I just kind of found it funny that you railed on people not liking popular things.
And I will admit that when I bought the first Spiderman Soundtrack I listened the hell out of that song by Chad Kroger.
I think because music defines us more than movies or television does. I have friends that don't like the same music I do but still enjoy the indie movies that I do.
I'm not trying to say that you are a bad person or anything for not liking movies, there are plenty of movies I wish didn't exist and that I hate, but I just kind of found it funny that you railed on people not liking popular things.
And I will admit that when I bought the first Spiderman Soundtrack I listened the hell out of that song by Chad Kroger.
+0 -0
What if they don't listen to music, they only watch television and movies? Eh, what then?
I think because music defines us more than movies or television does.
What if they don't listen to music, they only watch television and movies? Eh, what then?
+0 -0
You are exposed to music in some shape or form in your every day life, even television and movies.
You are exposed to music in some shape or form in your every day life, even television and movies.
+0 -0
Listen to music. Not being exposed to music, but listening to it and being active in which you listen to. How can you be defined thusly?
Listen to music. Not being exposed to music, but listening to it and being active in which you listen to. How can you be defined thusly?
+0 -0
I don't know man, because I don't know anyone who doesn't listen to music.
I don't know man, because I don't know anyone who doesn't listen to music.
+0 -0
Brett Spiner doesn't like Music. (or color, or sarcasm)
Brett Spiner doesn't like Music. (or color, or sarcasm)
+0 -0
If you meant Brent Spiner, that is untrue. He once recorded an album called Ol' Yellow-Eyes Is Back . I believe Jonathan Frakes may have been involved as well, but I'm not certain. I do not have a copy but boy would I like to find one someday. I'm sure it'd be hilarious.
If you meant Brent Spiner, that is untrue. He once recorded an album called Ol' Yellow-Eyes Is Back . I believe Jonathan Frakes may have been involved as well, but I'm not certain. I do not have a copy but boy would I like to find one someday. I'm sure it'd be hilarious.
+0 -0
I know some, they are lame.
I know some, they are lame.
+0 -0
I only started a year ago. I used to hate music a lot.
I only started a year ago. I used to hate music a lot.
+0 -0
"Hey, dude. like music?"
"No. I hate music."
"Hey, dude. like music?"
"No. I hate music."
+0 -0
Is true.
And I'm not trying to sound like some kinda legend or anything.
Is true.
And I'm not trying to sound like some kinda legend or anything.
+0 -0
The Legend of the Boy Who Hated Music
The Legend of the Boy Who Hated Music
+0 -0
GOF reference.
GOF reference.
+0 -0
Not trying to be funny, Stereo, but it sounds like there is something wrong with your brain. No-one else 'learned how' to watch movies as a kid, I didn't watch a film til i was about fifteen. It's called suspension of disbelief. If you're incapable of it, you're missing something like a synapse link. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you or that. Maybe it's just how you worded it.
Not trying to be funny, Stereo, but it sounds like there is something wrong with your brain. No-one else 'learned how' to watch movies as a kid, I didn't watch a film til i was about fifteen. It's called suspension of disbelief. If you're incapable of it, you're missing something like a synapse link. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you or that. Maybe it's just how you worded it.
+0 -0
No I really think there is something wrong with Stereo.
No I really think there is something wrong with Stereo.
+0 -0
Not really what I meant. I don't have trouble following fictional plots or characters, just presentation of them as a movie. Something about the pacing doesn't work for me, and I have trouble picking up the details that are important to me. I generally need to watch a movie several times to fully understand what goes on, cause things will pass me by.
Maybe it's cause I mostly watch Tarantino movies...
I dunno about something wrong with my brain, I do things differently than most people but I have been under the impression that it is normal for an adolescent to feel like they are unique and nobody understands them. I don't really want to come off like it's true, but 3rd party confirmation is nice.
Does wanting to use statistical tools to analyze plot devices and recurring themes in stories make me different? Cause I'm seriously considering looking at the frequency of appearance of certain symbols within Watchmen, along with the appearance of characters, to see if I can find some unexpected links and maybe get a deeper understanding of how Moore put this stuff together. I've been told nothing is an accident - maybe if I study the graffiti I can find some parallels with the characters.
Not really what I meant. I don't have trouble following fictional plots or characters, just presentation of them as a movie. Something about the pacing doesn't work for me, and I have trouble picking up the details that are important to me. I generally need to watch a movie several times to fully understand what goes on, cause things will pass me by.
Maybe it's cause I mostly watch Tarantino movies...
I dunno about something wrong with my brain, I do things differently than most people but I have been under the impression that it is normal for an adolescent to feel like they are unique and nobody understands them. I don't really want to come off like it's true, but 3rd party confirmation is nice.
Does wanting to use statistical tools to analyze plot devices and recurring themes in stories make me different? Cause I'm seriously considering looking at the frequency of appearance of certain symbols within Watchmen, along with the appearance of characters, to see if I can find some unexpected links and maybe get a deeper understanding of how Moore put this stuff together. I've been told nothing is an accident - maybe if I study the graffiti I can find some parallels with the characters.
+0 -0
yeah that's what I assumed you meant.
It sounds like you have a deeply ingrained penchant for Science. Especially the part of Science most people find incomparably boring. You will probably get a very high paying job.
yeah that's what I assumed you meant.
It sounds like you have a deeply ingrained penchant for Science. Especially the part of Science most people find incomparably boring. You will probably get a very high paying job.
+0 -0
Sounds more like he's on the road to becoming an actuary. I believe that is still a punishment in some countries.
Sounds more like he's on the road to becoming an actuary. I believe that is still a punishment in some countries.
+0 -0
If these things do not make you happy in some way, you should stop watching them. I've never seen a one. People talk about them and I usually have read about them enough to know they exist, and you can pick up whatever you need to understand (almost nothing) from the context. It's real easy.
If these things do not make you happy in some way, you should stop watching them. I've never seen a one. People talk about them and I usually have read about them enough to know they exist, and you can pick up whatever you need to understand (almost nothing) from the context. It's real easy.
+0 -0
The IT Crowd is very much a not funny show.
Not everything English people touch turns to gold; they have a lot of shitty ideas about comedy, something that a lot of people try and dispute. For instance, they air reruns of Friends pretty much all day.
Arrested Development: best comedy.
The Shield: Goddamningest best drama.
The IT Crowd is very much a not funny show.
Not everything English people touch turns to gold; they have a lot of shitty ideas about comedy, something that a lot of people try and dispute. For instance, they air reruns of Friends pretty much all day.
Arrested Development: best comedy.
The Shield: Goddamningest best drama.
+0 -0
oh i almost forgot in terms of bad British comedy programming
see also: The Mighty Boosh
or better yet, dont
oh i almost forgot in terms of bad British comedy programming
see also: The Mighty Boosh
or better yet, dont
+0 -0
Simon Amstell pretty much hit the nail on the head when making fun of the Boosh's nonsense humour on NMtB that time. That said, they do actually have occasions of genuine hilarity. The only one I can think of right now is Breakfast Bob, but I'm relatively sure there were others.
You want to talk about bad British comedy? Talk about Little Britain/The Catherine Tate Show.
And Peep Show is still the best comedy. I only watch drama set in hospitals, so I feel ill-prepared to comment.
Simon Amstell pretty much hit the nail on the head when making fun of the Boosh's nonsense humour on NMtB that time. That said, they do actually have occasions of genuine hilarity. The only one I can think of right now is Breakfast Bob, but I'm relatively sure there were others.
You want to talk about bad British comedy? Talk about Little Britain/The Catherine Tate Show.
And Peep Show is still the best comedy. I only watch drama set in hospitals, so I feel ill-prepared to comment.
+0 -0
With you on AD, but I'll have to put in a vote for Mad Men in the latter category.
With you on AD, but I'll have to put in a vote for Mad Men in the latter category.
+0 -0
As far as a literal DRAMA, something dramatic and with that kind of flair, you are dead on with Mad Men. As far as an ACTION DRAMA though, which I think autopoopy is trying to refer to, The Shield is basically the only game in town right now. Or was.
As far as a literal DRAMA, something dramatic and with that kind of flair, you are dead on with Mad Men. As far as an ACTION DRAMA though, which I think autopoopy is trying to refer to, The Shield is basically the only game in town right now. Or was.
+0 -0
You got my gist! I've never seen Mad Men, but I know I'd dig it, if only just for the costuming. All men should be required to wear classic era business suits at all times, except for when they're doin business
You got my gist! I've never seen Mad Men, but I know I'd dig it, if only just for the costuming. All men should be required to wear classic era business suits at all times, except for when they're doin business
+0 -0
I've only seen the second season premiere of Mad Men and thought it was good, but I was watching ALOT of TV at the time and didn't really have time for a new show.
I've only seen the second season premiere of Mad Men and thought it was good, but I was watching ALOT of TV at the time and didn't really have time for a new show.
+0 -0
What about this The Wire business? Even better than that?
What about this The Wire business? Even better than that?
+0 -0
Well The Wire ended, I was counting shows that were on recently. Now all we have left is fucking CBS' block of cop procedurals.
Well The Wire ended, I was counting shows that were on recently. Now all we have left is fucking CBS' block of cop procedurals.
+0 -0
Yeah, what people don't seem to realize is that a large portion (maybe even the majority) of Monty Python's output was utter crap that would not produce a chuckle or guffaw from even a watcher with the lowest standards. They just remember the movies and the ex-parrot and so forth.
Yeah, what people don't seem to realize is that a large portion (maybe even the majority) of Monty Python's output was utter crap that would not produce a chuckle or guffaw from even a watcher with the lowest standards. They just remember the movies and the ex-parrot and so forth.
+0 -0
That is it, Tekende. We are NO LONGER COOL.
That is it, Tekende. We are NO LONGER COOL.
+0 -0
And I didn't consider the Parrot sketch that awesome.
And I didn't consider the Parrot sketch that awesome.
+0 -0
It was the first funny sketch that came to mind. Not necessarily what I'd consider their best, but it's good.
It was the first funny sketch that came to mind. Not necessarily what I'd consider their best, but it's good.
+0 -0
Actually, it's a pretty good pick for the "best sketch." Not that it's my favorite, either, but, when I lived in England, that was always the sketch referred to when talking about Monty Python (even more so that the "Ni" sketch from Holy Grail) in the media and popular culture in general.
Actually, it's a pretty good pick for the "best sketch." Not that it's my favorite, either, but, when I lived in England, that was always the sketch referred to when talking about Monty Python (even more so that the "Ni" sketch from Holy Grail) in the media and popular culture in general.
+0 -0
Oh, I agree that it's definitely one of their more well-known and universally acclaimed ones, it just wasn't one of my personal top ten. I think the Labour party referenced it in one of their publicity campaigns.
Oh, I agree that it's definitely one of their more well-known and universally acclaimed ones, it just wasn't one of my personal top ten. I think the Labour party referenced it in one of their publicity campaigns.
+0 -0
Agreed. I own the box set of the show (the old one that takes up like a whole damn shelf) along with all the movies and while the last season really clanged a lot of the time it was generally pretty awesome.
Agreed. I own the box set of the show (the old one that takes up like a whole damn shelf) along with all the movies and while the last season really clanged a lot of the time it was generally pretty awesome.
+0 -0
Even if you're talking about the movies, Life of Brian was utter shit.
Even if you're talking about the movies, Life of Brian was utter shit.
+0 -0
Hell, man! Jesus! What's going on?!
Hell, man! Jesus! What's going on?!
+0 -0
It's like that Twilight Zone episode when the guy wakes up and he's the same but everyone else is different!
It's like that Twilight Zone episode when the guy wakes up and he's the same but everyone else is different!
+0 -0
Wait a minute...
Wait a minute...
+0 -0
Isn't that all of them?
(Ok, my comedic timing will be lost to anyone who sees this more than an hour from now. Know that these posts came 1 minute apart.)
Isn't that all of them?
(Ok, my comedic timing will be lost to anyone who sees this more than an hour from now. Know that these posts came 1 minute apart.)
+0 -0
Don't worry, the important peole are here.
Or the terribly unimportant people. I'm not sure yet.
Don't worry, the important peole are here.
Or the terribly unimportant people. I'm not sure yet.
+0 -0
You know that one strip where music-haired Nice Pete threatens to cut Lyle to rags and "feed his salted dick to a dog," all while up in his face?
That's kind of how I feel right now, achilleselbow.
But, christ, we're bad enough as it is, let's not turn this into some Monty Python fan-boy fight (despite my tl;dr-worthy comment above).
You know that one strip where music-haired Nice Pete threatens to cut Lyle to rags and "feed his salted dick to a dog," all while up in his face?
That's kind of how I feel right now, achilleselbow.
But, christ, we're bad enough as it is, let's not turn this into some Monty Python fan-boy fight (despite my tl;dr-worthy comment above).
+0 -0
Wow. It's my favorite Python picture.
Wow. It's my favorite Python picture.
+0 -0
Mmm, no, Life of Brian's really good.
Holy Grail, though...okay, there's the really, really funny parts everyone knows and loves. Which amounts to, what...maybe half an hour. The rest of it? Boring, not funny. IN MY OPINION.
The Meaning of Life is the best one though, I think.
Mmm, no, Life of Brian's really good.
Holy Grail, though...okay, there's the really, really funny parts everyone knows and loves. Which amounts to, what...maybe half an hour. The rest of it? Boring, not funny. IN MY OPINION.
The Meaning of Life is the best one though, I think.
+0 -0
The Meaning of Life is hilarious and disgusting. And also a great thing to watch with orthodox Christian friends during the new year.
The Meaning of Life is hilarious and disgusting. And also a great thing to watch with orthodox Christian friends during the new year.
+0 -0
The only problem with Holy Grail is that after they cross the Bridge of Death it kind of loses focus and isn't really funny anymore. They didn't really seem to know how to end it and it was definitely more of a loose collection of sketches than a coherent film. Still, IIRC it's a fairly accurate parody of another film about The Matter of Britain.
The only problem with Holy Grail is that after they cross the Bridge of Death it kind of loses focus and isn't really funny anymore. They didn't really seem to know how to end it and it was definitely more of a loose collection of sketches than a coherent film. Still, IIRC it's a fairly accurate parody of another film about The Matter of Britain.
+0 -0
I don't know, watching King Arthur carried away in cop car never ceases to amuse me.
I don't know, watching King Arthur carried away in cop car never ceases to amuse me.
+0 -0
Well, to be fair, the ending is absolutely hilarious.
Well, to be fair, the ending is absolutely hilarious.
+0 -1
honestly, didn't like it that much. I thought it would have been better if it actually ended with them getting the Grail and being like "...What now?"
I guess I just don't "get" Monty Python though, plus everyone hyped the movie up so much for me.
honestly, didn't like it that much. I thought it would have been better if it actually ended with them getting the Grail and being like "...What now?"
I guess I just don't "get" Monty Python though, plus everyone hyped the movie up so much for me.
+0 -0
I don't know how that movie could have received any hype, because I saw it when I was six (or something).
Also I lamed you. I lamed you hero.
I don't know how that movie could have received any hype, because I saw it when I was six (or something).
Also I lamed you. I lamed you hero.
+0 -0
It was hyped AFTER it was out for a while and on DVD and shit, and all the nerds who weren't cool enough to hang with the scene kids would quote it, and this was when I was in-between social classes at school so I had it shoved in my face like I was Jenna Jameson in a gangbang porno.
It was hyped AFTER it was out for a while and on DVD and shit, and all the nerds who weren't cool enough to hang with the scene kids would quote it, and this was when I was in-between social classes at school so I had it shoved in my face like I was Jenna Jameson in a gangbang porno.
+0 -0
I don't think she's ever done one of those, to my knowledge.
I don't think she's ever done one of those, to my knowledge.
+0 -0
I am saying you are lame sir, because you didn't see it before it had a chance to by hyped. How could you miss such a gem...
I am saying you are lame sir, because you didn't see it before it had a chance to by hyped. How could you miss such a gem...
+0 -0
[quote]plus everyone hyped the movie up so much for me. [/quote
This is a problem EVERYONE has when they see the movie for the first time. Unfortunately, science has yet to come up with a solution.
[quote]plus everyone hyped the movie up so much for me. [/quote
This is a problem EVERYONE has when they see the movie for the first time. Unfortunately, science has yet to come up with a solution.
+0 -0
It already did, watch it when you are six and the only person you have ever talked to for more than five minutes is your dad.
My father hyped Meaning of Life. Actually it was far better than he was trying to make it out to be.
It already did, watch it when you are six and the only person you have ever talked to for more than five minutes is your dad.
My father hyped Meaning of Life. Actually it was far better than he was trying to make it out to be.
+0 -0
Yes, I too saw it when I was young. I also read Hitchiker's Guide before having ever heard of it and got into a number of other things before they were hyped and ruined for me. That is not to say that a lot of things were not ruined for me due to hype. Thankfully they were just not generally things that I would be sorely upset at having not appreciated.
Yes, I too saw it when I was young. I also read Hitchiker's Guide before having ever heard of it and got into a number of other things before they were hyped and ruined for me. That is not to say that a lot of things were not ruined for me due to hype. Thankfully they were just not generally things that I would be sorely upset at having not appreciated.
+0 -0
I just finished that book.
I just finished that book.
+0 -0
final fantasy seven.
Played it after ten had been out a year.
VI and IX are the winners.
final fantasy seven.
Played it after ten had been out a year.
VI and IX are the winners.
+0 -0
There's a good number of unmemorable sketches in the Flying Circus, but, as someone who has watched them many times over the last 20 years, I can't agree with the "utter crap" sentiment. The last few times I've gone through the Monty Python "Archives," as it were, I've watched it realizing that I shouldn't take it for granted that everything they touched was gold; so, you could say I was kind of looking to be disappointed...but I wasn't. There's a decent amount of shitty sketches, and a lot of gold, but there's a huge bell curve of just decent/good material. The kind of stuff that 14 year olds never quote, and doesn't stick in the brain, but when you watch it, you get a laugh and think, at least, "that was pretty clever" or "that was well-performed."
In short, I think you watched a Family Guy episode where they slammed the "lesser" Monty Python stuff and you've taken it to heart. Remember, a Family Guy writer accusing Monty Python of having a lot of sub-par filler material should be considered punishable by death for outright FUCKING HYPOCRISY.
There's a good number of unmemorable sketches in the Flying Circus, but, as someone who has watched them many times over the last 20 years, I can't agree with the "utter crap" sentiment. The last few times I've gone through the Monty Python "Archives," as it were, I've watched it realizing that I shouldn't take it for granted that everything they touched was gold; so, you could say I was kind of looking to be disappointed...but I wasn't. There's a decent amount of shitty sketches, and a lot of gold, but there's a huge bell curve of just decent/good material. The kind of stuff that 14 year olds never quote, and doesn't stick in the brain, but when you watch it, you get a laugh and think, at least, "that was pretty clever" or "that was well-performed."
In short, I think you watched a Family Guy episode where they slammed the "lesser" Monty Python stuff and you've taken it to heart. Remember, a Family Guy writer accusing Monty Python of having a lot of sub-par filler material should be considered punishable by death for outright FUCKING HYPOCRISY.
+0 -0
Supporting capital punishment should be the only crime punishable by death.
Supporting capital punishment should be the only crime punishable by death.
+0 -0
Hmm... I can't agree with that. Nice trap you've created though.
Hmm... I can't agree with that. Nice trap you've created though.
+0 -0
You guys are doing a bang-up job of asking for an Onstadt intervention......but
You guys are doing a bang-up job of asking for an Onstadt intervention......but
+0 -0
Yeah, no, I don't get my opinions from Family Guy, thanks. I've watched a decent amount of Flying Circus and found much of it to be quite wanting.
I'm not saying all of it is, and maybe not even a majority, I haven't seen every episode.
Yeah, no, I don't get my opinions from Family Guy, thanks. I've watched a decent amount of Flying Circus and found much of it to be quite wanting.
I'm not saying all of it is, and maybe not even a majority, I haven't seen every episode.
+0 -0
Awww man if you had said you found it rather shallow and pedantic I woulda TOTALLY had you.
(I didn't really think you got that idea from Family Guy.)
Awww man if you had said you found it rather shallow and pedantic I woulda TOTALLY had you.
(I didn't really think you got that idea from Family Guy.)
+0 -0
Okay cool.
Okay cool.
+0 -0
I keep hearing how people say good things about The IT Crowd, but it just... it feels like reheated Dilbert or so some sort of lame joke by someone in middle management based on geek stereotypes, but not written by someone who knows what they're talking about. Even if it may be written with some input by people who know what they're talking about it has catered to a mainstream view of things. It's more like they're trying to pretend that they have credibility by dropping in things that actual geeks really do like, but they don't get them themselves. Is middle-aged man trying to be "fresh" and "jive" to children in late-80s sitcom, yes?
I've watched bits of The Shield, but currently I have no opinion. I know that the second episode or so, with the churro vendor? Totally made me want a churro.
I keep hearing how people say good things about The IT Crowd, but it just... it feels like reheated Dilbert or so some sort of lame joke by someone in middle management based on geek stereotypes, but not written by someone who knows what they're talking about. Even if it may be written with some input by people who know what they're talking about it has catered to a mainstream view of things. It's more like they're trying to pretend that they have credibility by dropping in things that actual geeks really do like, but they don't get them themselves. Is middle-aged man trying to be "fresh" and "jive" to children in late-80s sitcom, yes?
I've watched bits of The Shield, but currently I have no opinion. I know that the second episode or so, with the churro vendor? Totally made me want a churro.
+6 -2
Hey, remember when this comic actually came out on a fairly frequent basis, and the creator didn't see the need to make and then break self-imposed deadlines nearly every day? How about when said comics were consistently very, very good?
It wouldn't even be comment-worthy if Onstad decided to just refrain from updating without a mention, but if someone says he's going to do something, generally people will expect him to do it.
What happened, Chris? Did signing titties and having overweight, neckbearded, bespectacled white guys sweat copiously at the sight of you trigger your latent rock-star mentality, whereby it's now okay to rest on your admittedly impressive archives, churn out the indie webcomic equivalent of Garfield once a week, and treat admirers of your work with disregard, if not outright contempt?
Hey, remember when this comic actually came out on a fairly frequent basis, and the creator didn't see the need to make and then break self-imposed deadlines nearly every day? How about when said comics were consistently very, very good?
It wouldn't even be comment-worthy if Onstad decided to just refrain from updating without a mention, but if someone says he's going to do something, generally people will expect him to do it.
What happened, Chris? Did signing titties and having overweight, neckbearded, bespectacled white guys sweat copiously at the sight of you trigger your latent rock-star mentality, whereby it's now okay to rest on your admittedly impressive archives, churn out the indie webcomic equivalent of Garfield once a week, and treat admirers of your work with disregard, if not outright contempt?
+0 -0
Are you paying for this service?
Are you paying for this service?
+2 -0
Okay, fine. I've bought books and apparel, and I attended a signing, now am I entitled to complain?
To further choke the analogy, if, say, The Liars (replace the band name as necessary) had been putting out great material gratis for years on end, then said they were going to release a free album Tuesday evening, and not only does it not show up until Wednesday afternoon, it's also a trite retread of old material, wouldn't you be disappointed?
I bought the merchandise I did because I enjoyed the comics immensely and wanted to support the artist's future endeavors. Now that the work isn't as good, is the solution me spending even more money for something I once enjoyed for free, and now enjoy considerably less? Should I now be content with sporadic, mediocre comics that don't even show up "on time"?
I'd write more about supporting artists who are producing work nowhere near the calibre of their previous achievements, but I'm buying tickets to Aerosmith as we speak DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY YAK-YAK-YAK-YOOOOW!!!
Okay, fine. I've bought books and apparel, and I attended a signing, now am I entitled to complain?
To further choke the analogy, if, say, The Liars (replace the band name as necessary) had been putting out great material gratis for years on end, then said they were going to release a free album Tuesday evening, and not only does it not show up until Wednesday afternoon, it's also a trite retread of old material, wouldn't you be disappointed?
I bought the merchandise I did because I enjoyed the comics immensely and wanted to support the artist's future endeavors. Now that the work isn't as good, is the solution me spending even more money for something I once enjoyed for free, and now enjoy considerably less? Should I now be content with sporadic, mediocre comics that don't even show up "on time"?
I'd write more about supporting artists who are producing work nowhere near the calibre of their previous achievements, but I'm buying tickets to Aerosmith as we speak DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY YAK-YAK-YAK-YOOOOW!!!
+1 -0
you fellow, you get a chubby for saying what we're all thinking; Aerosmith absolutely blows now, and has been on a steady blowcline since Toys in the Attic
you fellow, you get a chubby for saying what we're all thinking; Aerosmith absolutely blows now, and has been on a steady blowcline since Toys in the Attic
+0 -0
I thought Janie's Got A Gun was the last straw for Aerosmith. You mean people still care?
I thought Janie's Got A Gun was the last straw for Aerosmith. You mean people still care?
+0 -0
In the attic!
Great song. What's Aerosmith?
In the attic!
Great song. What's Aerosmith?
+0 -0
Nine Lives had a some good on it, I have to say. Check out "Full Circle".
Nine Lives had a some good on it, I have to say. Check out "Full Circle".
+0 -0
A free turd on a plate is still a crappy dinner.
Not that I'd rank the comic THAT low, with floaters like megatokyo raking in vast amounts of money, but the general quality has really gone downhill as of late. Which is indeed why I'm hesitant to shell out for the paid stuff - a year ago, dear Onstad would have gotten whatever he cared to charge from me for the extra content.
I'd personally prefer
A free turd on a plate is still a crappy dinner.
Not that I'd rank the comic THAT low, with floaters like megatokyo raking in vast amounts of money, but the general quality has really gone downhill as of late. Which is indeed why I'm hesitant to shell out for the paid stuff - a year ago, dear Onstad would have gotten whatever he cared to charge from me for the extra content.
I'd personally prefer
+3 -1

+0 -0
--Psst, khailautomatic = Veruca Salt, pass it on.--
--Psst, khailautomatic = Veruca Salt, pass it on.--
+0 -0
A comment left by khailautomatic was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Stereo, KaMeT, rowboat, Belgand)
A comment left by khailautomatic was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Stereo, KaMeT, rowboat, Belgand)
+4 -0
That's only for premium subscribers.
That's only for premium subscribers.
+0 -0
Hah. 1
Hah. 1
+0 -0
Screw you, man. That was a decent observation and the perfect reference to illustrate it.
Screw you, man. That was a decent observation and the perfect reference to illustrate it.
+0 -0
"Screw you man." Why, I never.
"Screw you man." Why, I never.
+0 -0
Wake me when the "fuck along now" reference shows up.
Wake me when the "fuck along now" reference shows up.
+0 -0
Just how am I supposed to take care of bitchy, entitled threads like khailautomatic's with a mere one lame allotted to me per day? What the fuck am I supposed to do? Why isn't anyone else taking care of this? This is what lames were invented for.
Just how am I supposed to take care of bitchy, entitled threads like khailautomatic's with a mere one lame allotted to me per day? What the fuck am I supposed to do? Why isn't anyone else taking care of this? This is what lames were invented for.
+0 -0
Vote on more strips!
Vote on more strips!
+0 -2
It's worth mentioning that I have no idea if this will actually increase your lame allotment or not, but at least you'll have something better to do than froth at the mouth with e-rage, pal.
Hold on! Someone's posting an opinion contrary to the ones I hold? What the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm only... I'm only one man! I can't police this board alone! How am I supposed to take care of this thread? Why isn't anyone else standing up for truth, justice, and the Assetbarrian way? Fuck!
It's worth mentioning that I have no idea if this will actually increase your lame allotment or not, but at least you'll have something better to do than froth at the mouth with e-rage, pal.
Hold on! Someone's posting an opinion contrary to the ones I hold? What the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm only... I'm only one man! I can't police this board alone! How am I supposed to take care of this thread? Why isn't anyone else standing up for truth, justice, and the Assetbarrian way? Fuck!
+0 -0
Man, I have voted on every strip! Or at least most of them. I don't think that helps much.
And it's not that your opinion is contrary to mine. It's that this opinion has been expressed ad nauseam here over the past few months. I think the best way to express your dissatisfaction at this point is by going someplace else.
Man, I have voted on every strip! Or at least most of them. I don't think that helps much.
And it's not that your opinion is contrary to mine. It's that this opinion has been expressed ad nauseam here over the past few months. I think the best way to express your dissatisfaction at this point is by going someplace else.
+0 -0
Thankfully I had some extra lames.
Thankfully I had some extra lames.
+0 -0
get lamed less. the less you're lamed, the more you can.
get lamed less. the less you're lamed, the more you can.
+0 -0
That is a good system.
That is a good system.
+0 -0
This would explain a lot about how I'm almost never able to hand out lames. AKA: The Case of the Man Who Was Rather Rude About XKCD a Number of Times.
This would explain a lot about how I'm almost never able to hand out lames. AKA: The Case of the Man Who Was Rather Rude About XKCD a Number of Times.
+0 -0
I wonder what she looks like now...
I wonder what she looks like now...
+0 -0
I'll give her a golden goose AMIRITE.
I'll give her a golden goose AMIRITE.
+0 -0
Gillian Anderson did not age very well. She also has no business hosting Masterpiece Theatre. She is not British enough and she is not classy enough. I don't care if she did a British production of Bleak House. That is not enough on its own.
Gillian Anderson did not age very well. She also has no business hosting Masterpiece Theatre. She is not British enough and she is not classy enough. I don't care if she did a British production of Bleak House. That is not enough on its own.
+0 -0
Sadly, I must agree.
Sadly, I must agree.
+1 -0
You know, I can't help but sympathize with khailautomatic here.
This whiny, fan-boy attitude is asinine and unnecessary, though: what, do you think that, even if Onstad reads your comment, he'd suddenly change his creative mode because of you criticism? Fans bitching about "work going downhill," when it gets to the creator(s), tends to just breed more contempt for the fans.
It's alright to feel that the work isn't as good anymore, and it's find to write about it here (though you're going to get lames, welcome to assetbar), but try not to make it sound like an impotent lover's parting shot at his ex.
Let's face it, as fans of this guy's work, it's a little frustrating that he's posted so few comics over the last few months. I mean, shit, we're gonna have 7 for the whole month of November. Onstad averaged about 15-18 a month for most of this comic's run, but it's closer to 9-10 over the last few months, and they are constantly late...something people would bitch less about if he didn't set these deadlines and constantly break them. Pathetic it maybe, but it's pretty obvious that's going to annoy people if you do it again and again. I don't live my life around Achewood updates, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't refesh this shit a lot while I'm having slow days at work.
I try not to complain that much, though, because I just can't imagine that it's going to do any good. Onstad is going to do what he's going to do, he apparently has other projects in the pipeline, and your just going to have to live with it.
You know, I can't help but sympathize with khailautomatic here.
This whiny, fan-boy attitude is asinine and unnecessary, though: what, do you think that, even if Onstad reads your comment, he'd suddenly change his creative mode because of you criticism? Fans bitching about "work going downhill," when it gets to the creator(s), tends to just breed more contempt for the fans.
It's alright to feel that the work isn't as good anymore, and it's find to write about it here (though you're going to get lames, welcome to assetbar), but try not to make it sound like an impotent lover's parting shot at his ex.
Let's face it, as fans of this guy's work, it's a little frustrating that he's posted so few comics over the last few months. I mean, shit, we're gonna have 7 for the whole month of November. Onstad averaged about 15-18 a month for most of this comic's run, but it's closer to 9-10 over the last few months, and they are constantly late...something people would bitch less about if he didn't set these deadlines and constantly break them. Pathetic it maybe, but it's pretty obvious that's going to annoy people if you do it again and again. I don't live my life around Achewood updates, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't refesh this shit a lot while I'm having slow days at work.
I try not to complain that much, though, because I just can't imagine that it's going to do any good. Onstad is going to do what he's going to do, he apparently has other projects in the pipeline, and your just going to have to live with it.
+0 -0
Sure, but rational, patient people on the internet are largely ignored, mainly because they're boring. Commenting on Assetbar provides the momentary diversion from scholastic matters that the comic used to, and with the number of detailed discourses on abstruse, pedantic texts I've got to write, it's a joy to be able to type the word "titties" and get away with it.
Sure, but rational, patient people on the internet are largely ignored, mainly because they're boring. Commenting on Assetbar provides the momentary diversion from scholastic matters that the comic used to, and with the number of detailed discourses on abstruse, pedantic texts I've got to write, it's a joy to be able to type the word "titties" and get away with it.
+0 -0
Oh man, despite everything else you've said you warmed the cockles of my pedantic little heart for properly using "abstruse". So many people would have incorrectly used "obtuse", but you did it the right way. Damn. That almost makes up for a lot.
Oh man, despite everything else you've said you warmed the cockles of my pedantic little heart for properly using "abstruse". So many people would have incorrectly used "obtuse", but you did it the right way. Damn. That almost makes up for a lot.
+0 -0
Phillipe's last writing endeavor took place on a plane as well. Clearly, the boy likes planes.
Phillipe's last writing endeavor took place on a plane as well. Clearly, the boy likes planes.
+1 -0
I was excited for thanksgiving, then my parents went to Sodona AZ and my friends went to Reno. Looks like I'm going to be hanging out with my vegan roomate and his animal cruelty zealot girlfriend. Wee!
I was excited for thanksgiving, then my parents went to Sodona AZ and my friends went to Reno. Looks like I'm going to be hanging out with my vegan roomate and his animal cruelty zealot girlfriend. Wee!

+0 -0
+0 -0
Damn that suckssssss. I'll save some turkey for you.
Damn that suckssssss. I'll save some turkey for you.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Thank you Tekende, you are awesome.
Thank you Tekende, you are awesome.
+0 -0
Dude, tofurkey is extremely awesome.
Dude, tofurkey is extremely awesome.
+0 -0
I'll have to ask my girlfriend, she always makes Tofurkey sandwichs in her dorm. It's really weird because I'm an uber-omnivore and she's kind of a lax vegetarian but she REFUSES to eat meat at all.
I'll have to ask my girlfriend, she always makes Tofurkey sandwichs in her dorm. It's really weird because I'm an uber-omnivore and she's kind of a lax vegetarian but she REFUSES to eat meat at all.
+0 -0
I believe that's the definition of a vegetarian.
I believe that's the definition of a vegetarian.
+0 -0
I know that but she eats eggs and stuff. She eats hell of eggs.
I know that but she eats eggs and stuff. She eats hell of eggs.
+0 -0
Vegans are the ones who won't eat any animal product. Vegetarians only refuse to eat dead animals (even fish and fowl are ok for some vegetarians).
Vegans are the ones who won't eat any animal product. Vegetarians only refuse to eat dead animals (even fish and fowl are ok for some vegetarians).
+0 -0
She won't eat chicken.
She won't eat chicken.
+0 -0
I mean, yes I understand the concepts of vegetarianism, it's just funny because we are the opposites in that aspect.
I mean, yes I understand the concepts of vegetarianism, it's just funny because we are the opposites in that aspect.
+0 -0
Hurr hur.. won't eat cock. hur .
Hurr hur.. won't eat cock. hur .
+0 -0
But, it is said, she sure likes the bone.
But, it is said, she sure likes the bone.
+0 -0
I have never even eaten tofu. As far as I can tell, the British vegetarian scene is pretty much dominated by brand-name substitutes. I'm not a vegetarian, but I am into their thing.
I have never even eaten tofu. As far as I can tell, the British vegetarian scene is pretty much dominated by brand-name substitutes. I'm not a vegetarian, but I am into their thing.
+0 -0
Yeah, I believe David Mirkin was making this point on the commentary for the "Lisa the Vegetarian" episode of the Simpsons. Essentially a lot of stuff is just fake substitutes for meat.
I feel super-bad for animals and totally don't want to kill them, but I cannot give up on eating meat. It is so good and so awesome and so necessary to the majority of cooking. I kind of understand though. I often have similar problems trying to keep alcohol out of cooking. One cause at a time though I guess.
I was talking to my girlfriend yesterday when shopping about how free-range, organic, all-natural, cruelty-free is basically the expression of liberal guilt over eating animals. We feel bad because of it, but we're not willing to change our ways so we try to placate ourselves as much as possible with this sort of thing. I recall (but do not support) something making a - I believe largely satirical - point about how it's worse to have free range meats. Factory farmed animals are more likely to be miserable and long for death, but instead we're taking happy animals frolicking in the fields and then killing them.
I just know that we ended up buying a free range turkey and then picked up a pound of organic, grass-fed, free range ground beef instead of the regular stuff even though it was three times as much. We were going to buy the slightly cheaper stuff too, but then somehow we went with the expensive guilt-assuaging type.
Tofu is pretty decent. It basically doesn't taste like anything, but it's dirt cheap and good for Chinese and Japanese cooking most of the time.
Indian/Pakistani is the way to go with vegetarianism though. They've been rocking that for a long time and know how to make it work. Even Anthony Bourdain is down with that.
Yeah, I believe David Mirkin was making this point on the commentary for the "Lisa the Vegetarian" episode of the Simpsons. Essentially a lot of stuff is just fake substitutes for meat.
I feel super-bad for animals and totally don't want to kill them, but I cannot give up on eating meat. It is so good and so awesome and so necessary to the majority of cooking. I kind of understand though. I often have similar problems trying to keep alcohol out of cooking. One cause at a time though I guess.
I was talking to my girlfriend yesterday when shopping about how free-range, organic, all-natural, cruelty-free is basically the expression of liberal guilt over eating animals. We feel bad because of it, but we're not willing to change our ways so we try to placate ourselves as much as possible with this sort of thing. I recall (but do not support) something making a - I believe largely satirical - point about how it's worse to have free range meats. Factory farmed animals are more likely to be miserable and long for death, but instead we're taking happy animals frolicking in the fields and then killing them.
I just know that we ended up buying a free range turkey and then picked up a pound of organic, grass-fed, free range ground beef instead of the regular stuff even though it was three times as much. We were going to buy the slightly cheaper stuff too, but then somehow we went with the expensive guilt-assuaging type.
Tofu is pretty decent. It basically doesn't taste like anything, but it's dirt cheap and good for Chinese and Japanese cooking most of the time.
Indian/Pakistani is the way to go with vegetarianism though. They've been rocking that for a long time and know how to make it work. Even Anthony Bourdain is down with that.
+0 -0
Organic and all-natural are fine with me. I don't know how you can claim "cruelty free" on anything that's not a vegetable, though. (hey, can they breed braindead cows? That would be ideal)
I'm not down with "meat substitutes". If I want to be a vegetarian, I'll stop eating meat.
Organic and all-natural are fine with me. I don't know how you can claim "cruelty free" on anything that's not a vegetable, though. (hey, can they breed braindead cows? That would be ideal)
I'm not down with "meat substitutes". If I want to be a vegetarian, I'll stop eating meat.
+0 -0
Fuck that, murder is the best spice.
Fuck that, murder is the best spice.
+0 -0
I did on some Tofu, it has a nice time in my belly.
I did on some Tofu, it has a nice time in my belly.
+0 -0
dig. i dig on some tofu.
i did not ejactulate on tofu and then eat it and love it.
dig. i dig on some tofu.
i did not ejactulate on tofu and then eat it and love it.
+0 -0
Ejaculate would be an improvement on what I assumed you befouled that lump of soy protein with.
Ejaculate would be an improvement on what I assumed you befouled that lump of soy protein with.
+0 -0
To ejactulate on something is to rub your post-shot cock on it, giving it some of juice from the depths of your testes. When I think of ejaculate, I think of shooting it twelve feet in the air.
To ejactulate on something is to rub your post-shot cock on it, giving it some of juice from the depths of your testes. When I think of ejaculate, I think of shooting it twelve feet in the air.
+0 -0
Is like Duck Hunt, no? You blow wad on smirking dog, yes? He think he is so hot, but he is not. Now he is covered in your semen. HA HA HA! Who is to have been laughing now mocking canine oppressor?
Is like Duck Hunt, no? You blow wad on smirking dog, yes? He think he is so hot, but he is not. Now he is covered in your semen. HA HA HA! Who is to have been laughing now mocking canine oppressor?
+0 -0
I'm going to a friend's place, and I just checked the invite again, and all of a sudden it turns out that terrible-theater-girl-who-wouldn't-let-me-bone-her will be in attendance.
God damn it she waited until right after I confirmed on Facebook, then decided to go just to spite me and make me endure her presence!
I'm going to a friend's place, and I just checked the invite again, and all of a sudden it turns out that terrible-theater-girl-who-wouldn't-let-me-bone-her will be in attendance.
God damn it she waited until right after I confirmed on Facebook, then decided to go just to spite me and make me endure her presence!
+0 -0
Just do her man, like Nike says.
Just do her man, like Nike says.
+0 -0
You want to get back at her? Jack off on her food and make her it eat, right in front of everybody.
That's as good as boning her.
You want to get back at her? Jack off on her food and make her it eat, right in front of everybody.
That's as good as boning her.
+0 -0
Or just do something different than what you did last time and maybe you can bone her? Is she cute?
Or just do something different than what you did last time and maybe you can bone her? Is she cute?
+0 -0
Yes, we should get a picture. Assetbar will determine if she is cute enough to be concerned with your status re:boning her.
Yes, we should get a picture. Assetbar will determine if she is cute enough to be concerned with your status re:boning her.
+0 -0
I would say it is not anywhere near as good as boning her. Unless you are one who enjoys a different sort of boning. The type where you you have to check out the "Special Appeal" areas.
I would say it is not anywhere near as good as boning her. Unless you are one who enjoys a different sort of boning. The type where you you have to check out the "Special Appeal" areas.
+0 -0
Going home for the weekend. Have a great thanksgiving, fellow Americans!
Going home for the weekend. Have a great thanksgiving, fellow Americans!
+0 -0
I'm going to have a terrible one now, thanks.
I'm going to have a terrible one now, thanks.
+0 -0
+0 -0
He is...Canuckistani. They are....above us.
Besides, they already did their Thanksgiving like 6 weeks ago? Columbus Day?
He is...Canuckistani. They are....above us.
Besides, they already did their Thanksgiving like 6 weeks ago? Columbus Day?
+0 -0
Something like that, I dunno. I don't live there.
Something like that, I dunno. I don't live there.
+0 -0
No, this country is totally insane.
No, this country is totally insane.
+1 -0
essentially a rehash of several old strips that we had to wait like a week for
essentially a rehash of several old strips that we had to wait like a week for
+0 -0
The service here is pretty shitty. I basically only tip 10% most of the time.
The service here is pretty shitty. I basically only tip 10% most of the time.
+0 -0
Shit was so rehash.
Shit was so rehash.
+0 -0
philippe running away when he finishes is the best part.
philippe running away when he finishes is the best part.
+0 -0
man, panel 3
man, panel 3
+0 -0
Whoa whoa whoa what are you people doing talking about the strip ??
Whoa whoa whoa what are you people doing talking about the strip ??
+0 -0
its giving me a heart attack.
its giving me a heart attack.
+0 -0
these...these knives?
these...these knives?
+0 -0
I love that he runs away from the typewriter when he is done writing. He is also a very good writer, for being only five .
I love that he runs away from the typewriter when he is done writing. He is also a very good writer, for being only five .
+0 -0
How very Kantian of you Phillipe. How very Kantian indeed.
How very Kantian of you Phillipe. How very Kantian indeed.
+0 -0
Shame he will never turn eighteen...
Shame he will never turn eighteen...
+0 -0
23.18:33 CAM [Sound of mechanical GPWS "Pull up" voice starts and continues through end of recording]
23.18:38 HOT-1 I...HAVE...A HEART ATTACK!
23.18:44 HOT-1 [Sound of microphone being bumped]
23.18:33 CAM [Sound of mechanical GPWS "Pull up" voice starts and continues through end of recording]
23.18:38 HOT-1 I...HAVE...A HEART ATTACK!
23.18:44 HOT-1 [Sound of microphone being bumped]
Philippe is a modest boy.
Philippe does not understand how heart attacks work.
A comment left by ashemon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Cycerin, mattbeetee, powderfinger, 7th_shot, twohundredninety, Lainestin, nobodyhome, hemp_fandango, ReNeilssance, cmjhogan, baabaa, GMM, ajg, quaga, ActualTaunt, fancypants, Cracklewater, xndrew, all-star951, Aaron_Haynes, ConnorMc, billypooter, G-money, Kybard, Frankreich, morbo)
A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Sweetlips, Lumus, cmr, clembot, G-money, NumberKillinger, motts)
I don't think he does appreciate it. I think he is being sarcastic and thinks you're a cock.
*hugs all*
your hugs are creepy
Yeah, I'm going to have to pass.
All 420 pixels wide
All weed in his hat
i gotta ask how you figured this out. i mean, to even consider a look at the image's properties.
creepy amount of genius here.
What we need more of is real life roomba cinema.
Now THAT is a sign that life is awesome.
Some cats travel in style
All we need are hugs!
All we need are hugs!
All we need are HUGS! Hugs!
Hugs are all we need!
She loves you, yeah yeah.
All is full of hugs
This is what I think of when I see Philippe typing,
and I finally got around to trying my hand at animation!
(Sorry, household chores!)
For all you youngsters, or anyone who didn't watch a lot of 80s TV, here's the reference...
Bravo, sir.
Philippe's typing always reminds me of Murder, She Wrote[/url and [url=]Darkplace .
"I'm Philippe. Author. Dream-weaver. Visionary. Plus kid!"
God damn it, AssetBar, you relentless cunt.
OK, I see what your intent was, but thinking about it a bit more but wouldn't a relentless cunt go on forever and be tight and unyielding? How is that not awesome? I suspect I would very much like to have sexual intercourse with such an orifice.
Relentless Cunt. Perpetual Cock.
oh utopian society...
Cock of the Infinte?
It's a 3 Priapus of Perpetuity.
Plus 3...
Four chubbies in seventeen minutes. Let such a rate of reward continue for at least a year.
Sit sje, sit. Good asset.
Hamscout made this!
Bad hedonismbot!
That's some bad hat, echidnaboy!
Oh come on! Not only is this (and the production company name) a reference to Jaws (terrible movie, really astoundingly terrible, I will never get what people see in it), but the production logo in question is from the 00s which is definitely not the 80s.
80s production logos ONLY.
Where can I find a free version of MEaning of Life?
Monty Python's? It was for free up on Hulu a while back. I own the DVD so I never cared.
Use Google. Not Monty Python. Sometimes a replying comment actually follows from the comment it is referring to.
I am completely confused. Maybe Assetbarista isn't working correctly, but I can't for the life of me tell what comment you're replying to or what it means. I'm deeply confused.
He's replying to the comment DIRECTLY above him, the one you posted. Idk about the MEaning of Life thing, google may have answers?
That's what I thought, but it didn't make any sense. I was hoping maybe he was replying to something else and Assetbarista screwed up so it would maybe make some sense.
Maybe it was about typing "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" into Google? That's kind of an old trick though. Still amusing.
Don Hertzfeldt
Also Everything is Going to be Okay looks awesome as well.
No! No! I'm sorry! None of these terms mean anything to me!
That's because you're too lazy to use Google.
Oh, OK... you had me there for a minute since I had no idea that was the aspect you were referring to. In that case: no idea. I think that he does not like people doing that sort of thing and if that is the case then I would not inform you of that information even if I was in possession of it which I would not be.
Belgand follows the law. He wants people who intentionally go a few miles over the speed limit to be dragged from their cars and beaten viciously on the side of the road. He is also a pacifist, but speeding is totally not cool.
I love that first paragraph. So ambiguous.
Welcome back sje.
That dog would be so much more adorable could I not quite plainly see it's phallus.
I love the fact that THAT'S what is wrong with you.
You ass, you ruined that picture for me. Now I'll always see the dog's wiener.
We were all looking at it anyway.
Not 80s so it doesn't really fit with Hamscout's original.
Yeah, why you gotta be such a [url= Entertainment]DiC[/url]?
Why you gotta be a DiC to me, assetbar??
It's pronounced dic .
It's pronounced dic *giggle* . To be pedantic.
You mean pudenda mantic?
Oh, belgand. Every now and then, you crack me up. V chub.
I shall endeavor to do this far more often. Making people laugh is basically one of my most favorite things to do.
Stephen J. Cannell or something, the guy who wrote A-Team, right?
Nobody wrote The A-Team. It was a reenactment of historical events. Nobody could have written something with that much raw power. Trying to imagine that degree of pure, to-the-max Radical would just make your head explode.
Who the everloving fuck lamed this
Why come no one is waging peace? Are we family or something?
Well it does seem that half the early comments are somebody stating a blatantly obvious fact, such as "The Cat did X with the other Cat" or something else you'd say when you're five. Let Phillipe say thing that people would say when they're five, because (everybody now) Phillipe is five.
Being five doesn't just mean you talk like a little kid. Being five means you're remarkably egocentric, are still in the preoperational stage and can't think non-concretely (expressions like "followed them to a T", "not with this guy watchin'") and don't have a confident and fully-formed theory of mind, if they have one at all ("He thinks I said the right thing"). Yeah yeah he's a special boy, but Chris only demonstrates that he knows how five-year-olds talk, not think.
Philippe isn't being humble, he's writing himself to act as he thinks humble people act. I know a lot of kids with "good" parents who have that kind of mindset. "Wouldn't it be great if everybody knew how good and humble I am?"
I'm probably the most modest person ever.
Isn't modesty basically the same as being terribly self-unaware? I mean really.
I think it's exactly the opposite - confident braggadocio is a lack of self-awareness.
You completely just made this word up.
A quick Google causes me to say
Ah, shit.
Even I knew that.
Oh no, my ego is acting up again.
We are so ashamed of you.
It's also a font, and a silly one at that.
I hope that in the future, "a quick google" becomes a sexual reference.
I'm Feeling Lucky
Safesearch is OFF
A Quick Google While He's Away.
I don't know why you didn't have a chubby for this before now, maybe other assetbarbarians don't appreciate a good song reference joke, but sir i do, i do indeed
I definitely approve of this. Henceforth, this is now a Thing for me.
An unread thing?
Right, it was based on a character in some opera.
Even if you didn't know the word, you should still have recognized it from this .
"Magic gravy" should makes us all snigger at the dinner table this Thursday.
*gasp* Pogo! You can't say that word anymore! Not after the election!
Chubbied for making a comment referring to a thing I have just recently read and enjoyed. THE MOST INCIDENTAL AND TANGENTIAL CHUBBY AWARD
ELBOW: gasp* Pogo! You can't say that word anymore! Not after the election!
Oh don't be so niggardly in your use of perfectly good English words!
Perfectly good English coon?
Who else likes dark meat? I don't really like white meat, it's too dry. I like dark meat.
I am totally there with you. Not with women though. It has been established that I prefer my women pale to the point of translucence.
I as well.
Gotta chase 'em off the porch with a broom n shit.
Private reserve chubby for reusing a word that has been largely deprecated due to unintentional and wholly unrelated similarity to a derogatory term.
i think mr. bear even says it to phillipe at one point. something about the braggadocio of a rap persona or some such.
Nobody could make up a word that awesome. If he had made it up he would be entirely correct to use it in reference to himself.
That's rather assumacious of you to just decide all the great words are already created.
Some great words have been left unread.
Well, I'm not so much saying he couldn't do it, but that the probability is incredibly low. My "nobody" is a hyperbolic phrasing rather than one with literal intent. I do say that anyone who creates a word as awesome as "braggadocio" is fully entitled to a good deal of braggadocio themself.
I approve this asset. "braggadocio" is a Some-a Spicy Meat-a-Ball!
Maybe it could be both.
your screen name and this joke work along the same line of humor, but i can't think of exactly how to describe it... self-referential? somebody smarter than me help me out and tell me what i'm trying to say here
Paradox? Strange loop?
A logical fallacy or yes, a self-referential paradox.
We're left to believe that Philippe is a precocious otter.
I guess I will be the one to state the obvious then: Phillipe is older than 5 now. 5-year-olds do not sit down at a typewriter and hammer out a story with perfect spelling and grammar. First they go to school for a few years - then they might do such a thing. Only they are not 5; they are 7, 8, or 9.
There will be no mention of disregard for canon.
Otters don't either. It's ok; we've accepted this.
Philippe is a very special five-year-old.
child psychology on a comic book? now this old dog has heard everything!
child psychology on a comic book? now this old dog has heard everything!
He's old, he forgets
You can teach an old dog new tricks every day if he has Alzheimers
In the 1980s, a cool anti-establishment character could still be used to sell coca cola without any irony.
I doubt that. Coca-cola is chock-full of irony. A single 12 oz. can emphatically, yet ironically supplies the minimum RDA.
Pregnant women and those on anti-depressants: Check with your local satirist for possible side-effects.
You talk like you think the recipe hasn't changed.
We all thought The New Coke would be around forever.
Heh heh heh.
Or at least outlive Crystal Pepsi.
Right now... I need a Crystal Pepsi.
Also, didn't it taste absolutely terrible? I seem to recall that it did. I would have been happy to have just an uncolored, clear Pepsi, but it wasn't. It was some terribly flavored drink that tasted nothing like Pepsi.
I don't remember exactly what it tasted like, but I distinctly remember hating it when I was a kid. I was very indiscriminate with my sugary swill back then, so I have to assume that it was total dog shit.
Crystal Pepsi, when mixed with cheap vodka, tasted a lot like NyQuil. The green kind.
This is why the legal drinking age is 21 in the US. Teenagers can't be trusted to mix a decent drink.
Yeah, when I was eighteen had a pretty long Everclear and Mountain Dew phase. I had no idea what I was doing. Often spent the night doubled over in the corner.
On the other hand, when I was around twenty-two I once planned an entire night around Jim Beam and milk 'cause a book I had read (an actual bartender's guide, mind you) called that a "Cowboy" and said it would be OK. It was not OK.
So I guess some people take longer than others to grasp certain things.
P.S. I can now, in my old age, make myself a perfect White Russian when I want to. That's about as far as I got, but it's a start. I guess my legal drinking age should have been about twenty-eight.
I liked Heroin Girl for about a week. Then I was filled with hate.
Is that a cocktail?
No, farqussus is actually Kurt Cobain speaking to us from the grave.
What news from Purgatorio, farKurtqussus?
Iiiiiiiii dooooon't knoooOOOwwwwww, I dooooooooon't haaaaaaaaaave a faaaAAAAaaace
What do Kurt Cobains ashes smell like?
Teen Spirit.
(also accepted: Gunpowder)
In an unrelated but also completely related note, everyone hear needs to read the comic series Preacher right fucking now. It's awesome. Go pick up the tradepaperbacks or something IDC.
It's awesome.
(When you read it you'll get the connection.)
I spent most of my childhood at the bottom of a lake, in a trunk, with and airhose. I felt like that kid in Frailty when his dad locked him in the root cellar.
V.C. Andrews, table for one!
Preacher is, in fact, awesome.
Everyone else has already read Preacher. We did it at least a decade ago or so. The series ended in '00 so there have been at least eight years to read it in full. You don't have to tell people about it now or you come across as a high school kid who just discovered something that everyone else has already known about for forever, but you think is totally awesome and unique and people need to be told about. We do not need to be told about it.
I did
Belgand why do you hate me so much? Did I kill your family or something?
And I'm in college.
sorry for trying to share something I am interested in now. I didn't think EVERY SINGLE PERSON HERE had heard of it.
I had not heard of it, and graphic novels are something that I'm into... Sandman and Transmetropolitan are also the shit.
I have not heard of it. Some of us take a while to catch up on your American culture.
Hey, have you guys heard of Metallica? They're pretty cool!
I assume this comment was made in 1986. I've got some bad news kid....
What are these "Beach boys" everyone is so fond of?
That was my ghost voice? In case people didn't get that. Not just my 'trying to enunciate through the gaping hole that was my face' voice.
I heartily endorse this statment with a whole hearted concurrance. Kudos madam!
Wha.....You mean there's no longer 50 grains of coca tincture in every bottle?...Wha...why wasn't I notified of this?
I find that as someone in his twenties living in a major city I have great need for irony than most people. Is "slamming" a Mountain Dew in a self-consciously "extreme" fashion likely to fulfill my daily irony needs? I'm usually qualified to assess my satirical needs, but the nearest local satirist was already busy subtly mocking another customer when I arrived and from the customer's foibles, general air of mass market consumption, and what I believe was their SUV parked out front I presumed that he would be busy for quite some time.
We are running a huge irony deficit. It has been outsourced, ironically, to places like East Sardonica, who as we all know, craft irony with substandard controls.
That leaves us in a straight-faced recession of superficiality and papier-mache' demeanors.
Which, I might add superfluously, sucks.
I love satirical work. Alas, most satire has been left unread by me. I did a project on Johnathon Swift one time though.
Oh, tell us more Sherrif Mittens!
Yes, Onstad really needs to take a cue from The Family Circus. Now there's a comic that understands how children think. Those panels with the dotted lines showing Billy's long, circuitous routes taken whilst running what should be a short errand are a real hoot!
Non-canon, but still.
Kinda takes the fun out of some of the strips, though...
Sorry about the long image--this wouldn't work in a stacked format...
The scrolling heightens the comic timing.
Definitely. I can see the THUD at the side, but I have no idea what caused it and as I scroll the terrible secret is revealed.
Way to turn a broken commenting system into an asset.
That pun wasn't intended, but I'm not certain how I feel about it. I'll let it stay... for now.
It's like Donnie Darko.
Kind of.
It is , it really is . We'd know for sure if a creepy rabbit walking upright were somewhere in the scene.
(PS to Onstad. Acheworld could totally use a creepy live stuffed animal rabbit in the cast. Maybe as a strange accomplice to Nice Pete?)
Rabbits have already been demonstrated as one of the species that have not achieved conciousness, about the same level as dog but for their uncanny ambulance driving abilities and, ostensibly, their health care system.
Well we need to start somewhere.
Go read the early alt texts, vorrishnikov. Not a justification, just an explanation.
But he does understand how egos work!
Philippe understands Exactly how Special heart attacks work.
He has read about First Aid for Special Heart Attacks.
However, Philippe understands the fuck out of writing fiction - run at the typewriter, connect emotionally with your characters, hammer out the first and (if you have his skills) final draft, complete with edifying moral aspect; then speed away.
I love the fact that he discovers the story as it flows forth from his flippers and can be surprised and excited about the various plot twists. The old chestnut about fictional characters taking on a life of their own as they're being written...
I wish I had Philippe's literature chops.
Philippe is French.
Wasn't her Mom from some state in the US ?
his mom
your mom
You've been hitting home runs with the your mom jokes, there, fella.
Sometimes you have to get back to the basics.
I agree with a knowing nod and pursed lips. And half-squinted eyes.
Yeah, thats what your mom looked like last night.
She always does that.
Is so hot.
So that's the accent a goomba has...
No, Genus, actually. I can't tell if you are being pissy or not but I was going for Genusist but that didn't look right.
No, I know it was Genus; I was pretending to have messed up and called you a genius which would be the wrong thing, but you ruined the joke. Incidentally, what's with the ever-changing avicons?
Um i just changed it to a picture of me wearing this make-believe beaverskin hat. IDK I like changing my avatar.
I guess I ruin everything!
You are so arrogant!
Seriously. I only changed my icon because I realized that I actually had a proper square image that I could use. Otherwise I don't change it anywhere on the Internet. This is basically the only image and name I use to represent myself everywhere.
Why split hairs? Lets have a Guiness.
But, unfortunately, since a Goomba is an animated mushroom person I was correct. You are discriminating against someone from a different Kingdom. Anything phylogenically lower than that doesn't really matter.
from the... 'mushroom' kingdom?
No. Fungi.
I thought a Goomba was a legbreaker from the kingdom of New Jersey. Which is probably also be phylogenically lower also, so it's moot goomba!
Everybody, eet's time to MAMBO!
You are right. This is also a goomba.
No this is a goomba.
That , as well as this
No. He is a douchelord. The ranking system clearly goes: douchebag
Do not even try to make this about Pokemon though. That would be unwise.
You did it first, and I'm going to be renaming my charmander.
he can be lord of my douche anyday ... does that even work?
He can rule over your feminine cleaning products.
I think the file name is informing me that you have made slight misidentification and are actually dealing with the closely related guido . A common mistake.
Same thing SAME THING.
is SO nude.
I, on the other hand, have just been hitting home runs with your mom
Why so sad that your mom plays baseball with other boys?
It's no surprise she's the league leader in home runs, slugging, on-base and even VORP, but that doesn't make me feel better.
Oh shit dude he just got straight-up sabremetric on yo momma's ass
And also it was my own momma so :(:(
I just got magic gravy on yo momma's ass
This gave me a chubbie so I chubbied this.
Not knowing anything about sports I'm assuming that VORP is somehow like GORP, but I'm not certain how this makes any sense.
His mother likes trail mix?
Value over Replacement Player, if I'm not mistaken. It's one of those newfangled baseball stats that are like 100000% accurate and crazy like that.
I didn't want to know that. I don't want to know anything about sports and I want to know even less about sports statistics. Sports are basically the worst thing ever.
This is an eminently reasonable statement with which I am compelled to agree.
I never understood the big attraction with sports. The only one I really like is women's croquet.
Wow! I was really, seriously just about to bust in here and start telling all of you why you should like sports, but then I realized (just in the nic of time!) that that's something you can't even tell a person!
It would've been funny if I hadn't caught myself.
You should like sports because those men and women on the field have worked very hard to get their skills at throwing or kicking a ball around up to snuff.
Is that it?
Sports make America strong as HELL, basically. Sports make America beautiful as SHIT, too.
I play sports and I lift weights. It does wonders in the battle against depression.
Clearly those fellows prefer depression.
I don't have any depression. Perhaps because I have wisely avoided sports?
Maybe lack of sports causes depression as a withdrawal symptom?
People really underestimate the curative power of endorphins.
Sports are the pulsing blue vein in America's hard, hard cock.
Oh that really attracts me ... NOT.
Tom Cruise: BE. The Cock!
I think that may be a statement that both sides can agree on, but for different reasons. Way to go. Late-game chubby just for you.
I would disagree with you by claiming the exact opposite is true. I suspect that there will never be any agreement here, however.
This is one of the persistent cultural wars in America. I will be happy as long as we can agree to split up into Blue and Red America at least. I can maybe learn to live with the pro-sports types as long as they don't make it too much of a big deal and avoid spending my taxes on new amazingly expensive stadiums.
What if we can hold concerts there too? We will invite the bands you like and only sex sixteen tickets.
I don't like much more than baseball but I can't see why people hate sports with a blazing passion. It's just there; dumb people watch it, sure, but it surely doesn't make the list of Worst Things Ever. Keep in mind I say this as a very lax sports fan who can't name more than 3 players on the Giants (football), which I found out two days ago.
Ball and bat based games are the only ones I watch, play or enjoy at all. But I have a burning passion for those sports. That's why nerds think I'm a jock and jocks think I'm a nerd.
The great thing about following spectator sports is that if you pick the right teams, you can guarantee a lifetime of disappointment, ensuring that the external universe matches exactly your expectations. Getting emotionally invested in, and perpetually disappointed and enraged by my various favorite teams has done wonders to make me the bitter, cynical person I am. I never have to worry about the emptiness that accompanies a success you did nothing to earn.
Plus, some sports are fun to play. It's certainly more amusing that going to a gym.
Well yea, I thought we were talking about spectator sports. In terms of stuff you can actually do, I enjoy skiing and tennis, which is funny because that implies a class upbringing which is almost completely opposite from mine.
I am afraid of skiing. The lifts just plain frighten me. I'm not a afraid of heights, but I am very afraid of falling. I try to avoid putting myself in any sort of precarious position where falling might be more likely. Sort of like how I vigilantly worry about having glasses too close to the edge of tables or anything placed in a position where it might be knocked over or fall off or that if the lid is not on the toilet at all times things will almost certainly fall in there. I do not understand for a moment people who would leave the lid up. They scare me a little bit too. It just seems dirty not to close it as well.
I am afraid of people that ski. They make my working-class sensor go off and I get nervous that I'm about to be Party Boyed by blond guys from Newport or New Canaan named Chad.
My best friend /lil brother is a hella rockin' ass Ski Man, he is awesome.
I kinda feel that way about people who have their own gear, and it's not from 1980 and used. When I go skiing I rock rental skis and trashy rental poles.
You got hell of Character, then, man. Incidentally, I place way too much value in shitty things because they have character. For example, I find Saab 900s (preferably late 80s) to have more character and therefore worth than, say, any kind of new, sleek Lamborghini or Mercedes, etc., even though I know they're shitty cars. I just like how horrifically ugly they are. Something is wrong with me for this, I know.
And no, I am not calling you shitty.
I've noticed that Americans have this association, which is unfortunate. Basically, where I was born, almost everyone learned to ski from age five, and you didn't have to go to a resort, since there was plenty of snow on the hill behind the elementary school from November to April. There were also great forest paths for cross country. I also used to know how to ice skate, since the lake was frozen solid every year, but I'm afraid I've mostly forgotten.
I lived in a generally urban area for most of life, and recently moved to the suburbs, in a temperate zone (not much snow), in a family with a barely middle-class income. So I wouldn't call it an American thing that I don't ski, just the results of my circumstances, because I know people that do.
But you also people who don't. Americans who don't.
That doesn't make it un-American or non-American.
When once I went to a ski resort relatively near LA, and there were a lot of spanish speaking young people skiing (well mostly snow boarding). So there you go. I propose that that is somehow meaningful with respect to class/Americanicity/wintersports.
My garbled comment just made me imagine Yoda 'catching some wicked air' on a 'board.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you live on the north side of Chicago.
No, I live in Southern California. But I've managed to pick a geographically diverse slate of teams in both college and professional sports to follow that have no shot of ever winning a championship in my lifetimes. I didn't set out to do this. It just happened that way. At least Chicagoans have a memory of the Bulls teams of the 90s.
nice-on-water's mom runs GURPS campaigns, pass it on!
If that was an insult, I resent it.
His mom actually runs Shadowrun campaigns
Eww... that new 4th Ed. crap where they decided to basically totally fuck up decking by making everything wireless? I mean, yeah, I see the idea, but they really just did it because they're dicks who hate decking.
Man, why did every decent RPG company have to fold (White Wolf doesn't count, see "decent" above)? TSR got bought up by WotC who, as predicted, completely destroyed D&D. Fasa died out and various people scavenged up the corpse and often fucked up their properties (though from what I hear the new Battletech is actually pretty boss). West End Games folded and we ended up with another weird new version of Paranoia that apparently isn't very good and WotC bought out the Star Wars license. Palladium just kept on being completely crazy more or less all the damn time and releasing more and more Rifts supplements that totally overpower all the previous ones and reprint a lot of material (but never a 2nd edition even when it's desperately needed).
I guess you could say that Chaosium and Steve Jackson Games are still some of the only old-school companies still around and still producing the games that made them famous. A real shame.
Did you ever play any Planescape belgand?
I avoiding playing it, but I was playing AD&D when the setting came out and I was also subscribing to Dragon at the time so I read a lot about it. It wasn't until I played (and I still really need to finish) Planescape: Torment that I started to regret never getting into it and realized that it actually had some potential.
It did, however, feel a bit too much like something that would have made a better stand-alone game than something sort of shoehorned into AD&D (unless you did a lot of planar travel; see also Spelljammer), but TSR didn't want to launch other games because they never really did well and they knew AD&D would sell.
But I'm sure it's nothing like YAC
She lives in Iowa, but they're originally from Bordeaux