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Philippe imagines God Friday, May 5, 2006 • read strip Viewing 89 comments:

Philippe's fear of Cod is so great.

He's a Cod-fearing man

The above comment needs some chubbies.

A comment left by straw was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, Thorfinn, Hipjiverobot, kenthegod, isunklower)

I know, I know... Catachresis' is pretty good as well.

Thanks a lot, now I look like an asshole.

Not even.

Right now his comment has 432 chubbies, you deserve at least 400 of those for setting him up. Making the "cod-fearing man" joke at that point was like shooting a rabbit nailed to a board with a shotgun.

But I'm gonna agree with dovey below and say that, while funny, catachresis' post is pretty overrated, chubby-wise.

A comment left by unquotable was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by littlecat, Professorbun, MrEctomy, Epicurus)

Holy shit 150 chubbies... that's gotta be some kind of record.

Nope. See the recent garfield strip which i am too lazy to link.

You sir, deserve FAR more chubbies than 170. And far less lames than 1

200 Chubbies well earned.

Holy shit, what? I mean, it's a decent comment, but why is everyone so apeshit over it?

I think everyone likes it one chubby's worth. And that's a lot of chubbies.

People on the internet really, really like fish puns.

While I realize fully that your avatar is actually Calvin in quite a state, I have chubbied your comment because it is exactly what Hobbes would say upon observing this thread.

Thanks Spider

Oh shit! This whole thread no longer makes any sense at all!

it STILL doesn't make sense!

Not to mention that the symbol of Christ is... a fish. Thus, it works on both a literal and symbolic level. Grand slam.

A comment left by the_hubs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by zcross00, aliiis, lordofring, Feste, MortisInvictus, Sleaw, fattypneumonia, mcjuicy, Epicurus, Fathington)

Good job repeating that joke, buddy!

Nice catch, buddy!

Perfect, just, perfect.



It would be great if we could get this to 500 chubbies. It would be a thing.

Truly, it makes me happy to give this comment the 500th chubby.

I am honored to award this comment it's 501st chubby. May you carry these five hundred and one chubbies with honor and dignity, into a new millennium where there is no darkness, forever and ever, may god have mercy on your soul.

We don't usually get such great Philippe characterization. This one's a classic.

I like how God's number comes on a free toothbrush. In heaven, dental hygiene is very important.

I personally enjoy how the Estes Comanche is "covered in more black paint," apparently to cover up the original, non-authentic movie prop black paint.

The Estes Comanche comes in orange. Also, I'm pretty sure most model rockets are wrapped in a printed label, not painted.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows what an Estes Commanche with a D engine is. Gotta do some rockets once the weather improves.

The attention to detail is quite wonderful. I suspect Onstad has certainly had his share of fuses break apart at inopportune times.

I take it as a reference to the black-painted styrofoam discs.

Cleanliness is next to godliness, they say

I can't believe we don't have one post here on the importance of dental hygiene from Lemming of the B.D.A.

Look at the drawing of the god. Look at the face of the god. god has a skullet for all that's sacred.

God is drawn in the style of Gary Larsen (the trademarked Far Side unibrow of wiseness.)


also wisdom


Stay off the beach, guys, keep away from the beach!

I was just thinking that, chubby for your observational skills

you have a peculiar grasp of the english grammar.

Australian Citizens.
Skullet = Mullet.
Why do these slang terms rhyme.
What is Gods greater purpose for this??

No way. A skullet and a mullet are totally two different things in Australian lingo. Gary Ablett, Snr had/has a skullet (Hulk Hogan style), Jason Gillespie has a full head of hair in a mullet.

Gillespie (mullet)

Ablett, Snr (skullet)
(best example I could find.)

Huh. Not really a skullet. Just balding.

The Hulkster, however....

Also, because I must...


I'll stop.

Education. That's pretty much what I'm here for... Nice.

when you Consult with god-with-a-skullet it is a religious experience. thats why you capitalize the "C"

But not the "G" in God?

Onstad, did you have to look up Estes Comanche or are you just that freakin cool

God looks like fat Hulk Hogan.

fat Hulk Hogan

Nowadays, the "fat" is redundant.


Just came to me. He looks like Peter Boyle in his final years. Who was, strangely, a monk once.

Damn. Hearing that makes Joe far creepier and Taxi Driver far funnier.

Hulk Hogan looks like fat Hulk Hogan

Comanche? Bah. The Mean Machine, now that would've been a missile. 6 feet of hell .

So THAT was the interface Ray couldn't navigate? The dude must have cod for brains.

They're probably six feet long!

In his defence, he was still probably a little stoned.

You gotta love how God is bald and has a unibrow.

Panel 15 sweetest thing ever

I am so proud of Philippe. At age five he already knows tough vocabulary words like "concern" and "precisely" and manages to use them both in a sentence spoken by God (naturally).

Being up on the spout of a whale, that high in the air, f-king terrifies me.


Not the first time Philippe Imagines Himself Into Death

I am now getting all my tooth brushes enscribed with my emergency phone numbers.

5'd for Gary Larson God

I love how whenever Phillipe thinks he's died, he's always so okay with it.

I was kind of like that as a little kid. One time, when I almost died at summer camp (true story!) my last thought before losing consciousness was, "Goddammit. Doesn't this just figure."

Not on par with Philippe's reactions, but it amuses me to this day that my reactions was mildly irritated resignation, rather than fear.

...as opposed to my reaction to my own uncorrectable typos, which usually involves cursing, desk-pounding, and the occasional keyboard flipping.

Thursday Blogs

Pat: I, for one, am GLAD gas costs so much these days!

Airwolf GUI = Amiga?

I can't believe no one's mentioned the alt text. That's what got me.

...bright lights, a wisened man in a white coat, a gas-induced comfortable feeling of peace...

Yeah, I can see how Phillipe would confuse Deity with Dentistry...

For a little bit I thought panel 6 was a narrator. Just because the bubbles aren't hooked to anything. But on second reading I think it's Teodor, right? Right?

Classically Fived.

Panel 10: I can actually imagine Phillipe as one of those prizes in the grappling hook game at an arcade.

That would be RAD.

I am currently Working on this.

You have flash skills? This pleases me.


O shit, that makes me want to cry.

God would really care a lot about brushing your teeth I mean we are created in his image and everyone likes having nice teeth

When rating strips, I try to judge them in perspective to every other Achewood I've read--in other words, I only give out 5's every once in a while. That being said, this strip deserves a 7 or so.

"That way I can Consult you!" The otter at least knows that he's supposed to capitalize SOMETHING in that sentence.

Going through the Achewood archives, I have noticed that a lot of people are saying that "" is the "golden age of Achewood". But really, it is 2006 that is the year of Achewood. Great Outdoor Fight, Airwolf and "STUPID CODS!" really are the greatest moments. All in the space of two months too!

Cue airwolf theme song frame 8.