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Téodor's birthday presents Tuesday, October 2, 2001 • read strip Viewing 95 comments:

I've always wondered what Mr. Bear's gift was.


(now at https://www.achewoodshop.com/1010.html)


A comment left by nyu was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Nurdbot, farqussus, mrn, jmmfgd, I_Love_Kate)

what's a stomper?

A Construction Vehicle.

But maybe it was some stream of consciousness from the last strip via this: https://www.lysator.liu.se/~zap/stomper/index2.html

This strip is historic for more than just being the first actually funny strip; it is also the first appearance of the phrase "a momentary diversion on the road to the grave."

Yeah, rereading these, it is surprising how early the phrase shows up.

You realize this is the second strip right

You realise that this is the only instance in which this phrase appears right.

You realize that everyone you know someday will die right

SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. they.. can't die... nonono ..

You realize that the sun doesn't go down, it's just an illusion caused by the earth spinning round, right?

I love that two strips in, we have a pretty clear idea of Phillipe's role in the Onstad household.

Why does Cornelius have a toy truck?

Cornelius is OLD SCHOOL.

Damn, man! Yes!
Yes! Old School!
Old School!

Old school; new school; even in-between school...

What are you going to do when you get out of law school?

Connie is pre-Ray Ray...

He may keep it for the same reason as he keeps [kept] his childhood drum. Or it may not matter since this is still kind of proto-Cornelius as we know him now.

Because of a problem?

Because of a problem? Haha. I love Phillipe

i used to regift other people's stuff all the time as a kid...oh, philippe, you make me regret my wasted childhood and resent your perpetual one.

A comment left by the_jon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ImitationCrab, mikeronomicon, Jesler729, Deusoma, eric, equinn2006, Sargasm, DirtyAntaeus, PohlHoud, Jeef, sncether, alejandroadam, Epicurus, turnabout, holly_golightly, mrn, dj)

dood it's a comic strip. the medium give it that nature.

Personally I started at the beginning as well, but the difference is that I will admit the first ones are not nearly as "good" as the later ones (on average) instead of using a weird analogy and spelling a word with zeroes.

Cornelius Bear has changed since this strip. the change has been Capital!

this makes me laugh despite still not knowing what the hell phillipes "problem" is

It makes me laugh because I don't know what the problem is.

or what sort of problem it could be.

Phillipe's little flipperarm in the first two panels is just adorable.

I think his arms are supposed to be behind his back, as he hides his gift (and his problem) from view.

Such the good answer to that question. I see that. Mmmmmhmmm.

A grim, meat-hook philosophy. Brutal, apt, oddly touching. Words we can all live by...

"Because of a . . . problem?" is a good (and possibly the best) answer to any "why" question.

"Because of a reason" is also a good reply.

I've used it =)

Except when the question is directed at your boss and is, "Why didn't I get my paycheck?" That was the answer I got, and I will tell you that I was not amused. Well, maybe a little.

But only because of the awesome Achewood reference? ;)

I find myself having to ask "Why is it wet?" Altogether more than I would like

I always thought it wasn't so vague. I figured it Philippe is incontinent; we learn later that he has a bed wetting problem, so I think it fits?

That reminds me of a "wet" story I know...

At Bonnaroo my friend was obviously doing drugs and she had a wet blanket wrapped all around her body as we walked through a tightly packed crowd. The following is the conversation that happened when she bumped into a woman, touching her with the soggy blanket:

"What are you wet with??"
"Yeah well, what is IT wet with?"

The middle frame is the key here. Not merely because of the seminal phrase uttered by Mr Bear, but also because it speaks to the ultimate and enduring relationship that he and the otter share to this day.

God, i love this strip... i first started reading the archives at The Party,so i missed out on the dada-ist humor of the first few strips.

Can someone help me? Why is "momentary diversion on the road to the grave" such a famous line? I mean i love achewood, and i've read it in its entirety at least 3 times, and there are many other hilarious lines. why is this so famous?

Because it's on a t-shirt?

Because of a problem?

Yes. That problem is mortality.

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

I never ever thought I would find anyone else quoting this freely. Yet here you are, singing in a back-up chorus for The Man with a Sock on his Cock.

Well, it's actually a Louis Armstrong quote, but I ain't sayin' I never owned Blood Sugar Sex Magik, 'cause I did, indeed.

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FVVS, EM2, rowboat, catgrl131, morypcaina, Tagrineth, MarkRowe)

"Because of a problem?" is hilarious.

Yes! And so "is a momentary diversion on the road to the grave."

Funny because it's true.

I don't know why the first strip is rated higher than this one. Nostalgia and sentiment is interfering with your objectivity, people!

y'know, i shied away from achewood at first because i found the art too simplistic, and the humor... dumb... but then, i stuck with it for a while and grew to love it. i find when i go back and read the earlier strips, i "get" it better somehow. part of it is because i know the characters so well, but the other part of it illudes me. i have the feeling that this is similar to a lot of readers, so i don't think it's just nostalgia.

no one cares, dude. Really. No one.

It is just some dudes who are living their life, that is always good to see. Unless their lives are shit, aka: Pat. What am I saying, I love reading about Pat.

Would be a 3, but Cornelius's "Just a momentary diversion" comment bumps it to a 4

This was the first strip i saw, it's had me hooked ever since

Oh, I get it, boots! It's your awesome idea to post this exact sentence on every single strip! Dude, that is so funny! You're totally getting inside my head!

Which reminds me: who does a guy have to blow to get spam-marking privileges around here? I think I've earned them by now. Meanwhile, those of you who do have them, go to work on this phony account, please. It is a waste of space. Thanks.

This is one of my all-time favorites. I truly don't understand why it isn't rated higher.

I agree with the hell out of you. The second panel rules, and "because of a problem?" is one of my favorite achewood lines ever.

Why don't people like this one more? It's got 2 brilliant one-liners.

Wow, like 900 strips later I was reading Philippe's blog and "because of a problem" reappeared. Then I remembered it from this comic. Now I am telling everyone about it.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by diggydow, dj_insomniac, tellumo)

Cornelius is way too sophisticated for the underground.

Phillipe doesn't know why the stomper is wet, either

The childhood drum, at least, was not covered in problem.

You guys are reading into this [i]way[i] too much. The problem is that he got the stomper wet.

I guess I [i]don't[i] know how to use BBcode.

this is the first achewood strip i saw, it had me hooked ever since

When I was a child, I could only hope to be as cute as Phillipe. But I wasn't.

Come to think of it, I probably never will be either, but then again, I don't think I want to be a perpetually 5 year old river otter either. Wait a minute.............

Oh Philippe. you are so silly.

This was my first Achewood comic ever!


this stripe embodies what i love about achewood

Hot . . . Wet . . . Otter!


test 1


freedom of speech

otters have paws. i dont get why philippe has flippers, instead....

because of a problem?

it is unpleasant to think of such a young otter with such an extreme problem....

I lot of otters his age have problems. I think its time we as a species accepted that otters are pleauged with problems. That happy, playful exterior isn't fooling anyone.

im going to pretend that otters cold have dream-lives full of happiness and food and sex. consider your supposed reality rejected.

No need to pretend... it is the truth.

so does that mean that taskmaster is lying, or what?

Maybe I've just met some bad otters, man. You know- otters with "troubles". Maybe they've seen some freaky shit. Who knows if an otter could cope?

im going to indulge the realistic parts of my sensibilities and agree with you.

LOL. This was funny in ways I never noticed my first time through.

For the first two panels it looks like Phillipe only has the one arm, folks!