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Philippe and the Hole to China Thursday, July 21, 2005 • read strip Viewing 78 comments:

Liebot and Philippe, always good for yuks.

It is hard to have thousands of deaths from inaction draped on your shoulders when you are a young man.

Think this one out, kid.

This is quite the ethical conundrum. I believe that the Otter And the Robot was one of Aesop's fables.

Same violence. Same dubious moral lessons.

Wait, what's dubious about Aesop's moral lessons? He made a lot of great interjections.

The punishment often far outweighed the crime, and almost always came from an external source to the child's rationale.

Oh, I understand what you mean then. Chubby for a good point.

It's a falcon, and yes.

A comment left by hastooo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, tekende, apocowarg, zcross00, hellofyellin, riotdejaneiro, atom, Projectyl, StoatLad, Thorfinn, fourganger, Jesler729, Pseudochron, Leon_Sumbitches, Moraiat, regrepnsnefpoh, Ebessan, Art-Vader, Axhoola, BrianNotBrian, fmercury, RBisme, aesop_punk, Fcannon, brotherbrian, zaer, Boredom_Man, Xaxx, holly_golightly, w_t_f, Pigs)

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Pan-Optic, smugairle, Zoltan)

John Rocker does it better. He has that impression down .

Are you... Are you talking about me?

hah. sorry for the confusion, jay

People do that because it used to be that you could not see the alt text in the archives, or whatever. It was helpful, I assume.

I deeply dread a future day when blog entries suddenly appear in a nice side panel on AssetBar. I have nought but sympathy for the early alt-texters.

Well until then, bravo. It has revolutionized the way I peruse.

Heartily seconded.




Otis Redding or Aretha Franklin?


xiaomimi once thought that assetbar would, in the future, have more options.


It was a different time then, before the fall.

Liebot lays it out for Philippe

A comment left by dracer2 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by GSurge, mysterymeat, Darthemed)

Nobody should ga-rontee unless they can cook like Justin Wilson. That is rare.

That you know this is a good thing the children should gather at your feet and learn. The cajun ga-ron-tee is the sacred ga-ron-tee that making and breaking, LieBot ga-ron-tees himself a place in the dissolving sludgepits of everlasting RecycleBotHell.

I read ga-ron-tee in a robot voice, and it's hilarious.

Like, Ga. Ron. Tee.

Surely he could visit Ultra Peanut?

I was under the impression she was Japanese?


Pretty sure she is Chinese.

If only the whole world could convert to Americanism.

But then who would we invade?

We could always invade your ass.

pogo's working some rough chuckles!

I will just warn you, you WILL find chemical weapons there.

Then the whole world would be dead.

Digging a hole to China is marvelous.

i was listening to lastfm radio and the song that came on when i got here was from an album called Dig Your Own Hole. baha

Just so you know, assuming it was in any way possible to dig straight through the entire Earth, you'd actually come out about five hundred miles south-east of Madagascar.
If you wanted to come out in Sichuan, you'd need to start in Chile.

you mean lie bot was not telling the truth ????

I wanted to chubby this, but apparently I'm at the limit :(. I'm sorry.

So where would you have to start to come out five hundred miles off the coast of Madagascar?

I'm fairly sure if I dug my way from here I'd come out just off the coast of New Zealand.


Well, I know how I'm going to be wasting the next few hours!

Besides... they'd just close their shores.

These sorts of comments is the reason why without the comments section, Achewood could not be as entertaining. Its entertainment value would be multiplied by 0.75.
Chubbied because this is awesome.

"Just use the Find-Your-Opposite tool link in the sidebar! In some places it's almost impossible. Mine, for example, is in the Indian Ocean.(notes)- As I lay this bread on the ground, I know my job ain't done. It leaves the Earth open-faced and overexposed to the sun...but if the earth were a sandwich..."

what's the voice that Liebot is using when he 'ga-ron-tees' it? I'm thinking a used car salesman from the South with a cowboy hat and those weird Texan neckties that look like shoelaces. But i might be wrong. Any suggestions?

i just hope it's not Gambit from the X-Men cartoon

It most closely resembles the Cajun dialect. This is the way Louisiana swamp people talk.

You're all wrong (except rowboat).

It's what Leatherhead from TMNT used to say all the time. You know, the alligator guy.

Also, for anyone here old enough to remember the 80's (I know there are a few of you out there), this pronunciation of the word "guarantee" was popularized by Justin Wilson, the Cajun Cook. I happen to be at that special in-between age which allows me to have intimate knowledge both of 80's cooking shows and the Ninja Turtles.

Lucky me.

Everyone except rowboat needs to take a lap for not knowing the majesty of Justin Wilson .


Oh, thank God, I wasn't the only one, mon ami.

its called a bolo tie, inspector doofie.

we tried this once
it kept raining and filling in the hole

Wednesday Blogs

Teodor: Weird call from Ray

that's the way people who shop in supermarkets near where I live offer testimonials. Sound something like "Gair-uhn-tea" scary stuff.

Aside: If it was meant for more than one tooth, it would be called teethpaste.

Lie Bot presents Philippe with an ethical dilemma that doesn't actually exist

I am officially sick of Lie Bot, no lie.

Why Pogo? Do you not find his schtick amusing anymore? Do you tire of him?

Hmm, that was two months ago, and I haven't seen Liebot since. I guess I feel that character is too predictable, and I also don't like lies.

[insert meta-discussion re: lies and fiction]

How do you not like lies ? I can understand not liking people , but you're basically saying, "I don't like samsara." How you gonna pull that one off?

so the first 2 or 3 times i read this strip, i read it as "an important yet violent doctor." funny in a completely different way.

I originally read it as "an impotent but violent dictator." Well, yeah, naturally he'd be a little upset....

If Liebot had even one iota of mercy in his dealings with Philippe, my head would explode from not being able to deal with it.

Phillipe hasn't aged one iota. How does he do it?

Stem cells.

I have this theory that Pat invented Lie Bot for the sole purpose of making his friends' lives even more difficult for when he can't be there.

Oh Phillippe.

The otter child serves as a metaphorical hackeysack for the deceitful tin bastard.

There should be a children's book titled The Otter Child and the Deceitful Tin Bastard Play Hackeysack

How is it that I know those shoes are reddish brown and white even though they aren't colored in?

A life of basic slavery. It's not that bad