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Téodor has met a girl! Friday, November 16, 2001 • read strip Viewing 27 comments:

Yes! Yes! I love how he puts his hand on his heart. That is so good. So, so good.

maybe it's pants_come_off

A comment left by jdhenry105 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt, cmjhogan, miaou)


Everything makes so much more sense now!

Ah, wistful Teodor. So very wistful.

another one i think about regularly!

i can relate.

I also love how Lyle has no idea what is going through Teoder's mind. He's just sitting there, blankly.

The boy don't even have a cheek yet, he don't have no faculties for expression.

These are okay, but I really can't wait for the "good" achewoods to start appearing. I can only enjoy these for nostalgia's sake for so long, you know?

The concept of thinking about someone in your private moments has become a go to joke, so much so I'd forgotten it originated from Achewood. Who knows what else I only know because of Onstad.

Uh, I have to imagine that the concept originated a little earlier - maybe when monkeys began walking on two legs - but yes, it is nice.

"I think about her in my private moments" -- yeah, I was nonstarter with the ladies once.

Is anyone else alarmed at how much Teodor's shoes look like ears? Assuming those are his shoes, of course. Otherwise, we're looking at a VERY different strip here.

Especially in panels 1 and 4 where he's looking down.

Actually, they do kinda look like cat ears.
Well, I guess Ray had to pay him back sometime.

Except that Ray has round ears. And the two have most likely not met, yet.

(I am sorry that I have the compulsion to point these things out, Catgrl. I still think you are rad.)

What they look like are Felix the Cat's ears.

Felix the Cat in

Stag Night!

In which Felix gets the clap from a toilet-stall rim job before waking up ten feet inside the Antactic circle.

I hate comments that I don't remember making.

Also, *antarctic.

She looks just like a model from the FAO Schwarz catalogue.

Onstad really knew how to turn a phrase back then.

Have you heard about the lonesome loser?

I have been the subject of that sentence before. Yay for entering vernacular, boo for creeping me out.

ugh. internet love is stupid.