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Lyle is not impressed with Todd's saxophone music Thursday, February 28, 2002 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

Todd's middle finger is classic.

He nods his head in solemn reverence toward his bird.

That's my new avatar. For sure.

Todd looks just like the two protesting sprinters at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. "Fuck you, World."
Tommie Smith, John Carlos.

and fuck you bbcode, for not showing the jpg.


A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, Mangtastic, philophobe, mashisoyo, AmonRunsAmok)

You don't understand much do you Green.

I like to critique musicians by heckling, "What do you think this is, the Pet Shop Boys?"

The Pet Shop Boys take it the hardest.

For the Pet Shop Boys, I use "What do you think this is, Bros? "

Lyle really has heard better music blown through pantyhose. In Tijuana.

lyle, blown through pantyhose, has heard better music


How a drug addict can even poorly render the nuances of the saxohone amazes me.

Yeah, usually junkies play the trumpet. (See: the entire history of Jazz.)

Uh, Charlie Parker?

What a bizarre comment to make. When has heavy drug addiction ever had anything more than a positive influence on artistic ability?

Saxophone is the exception. It is best served by being slightly tipsy on white wine spritzer.

So, I take it you do not like John Coltrane/music.

Blah blah blah obligatory Bill Hicks reference blah blah.

Lyle's A-game is present and correct once again - c'mon on guys, try to keep up.

i like his little saxophone

Is that a P-bass?

Nope. Just a generic bass.

it reminds me of a musicman stingray.

Could be, and I see what you're saying, but the cutaways on that bass are equal, the Stingray has an offset J-Bass style body.

I'm imagining this calm and normal conversation in screaming Philippe voices thanks to your avatars.

I agree. That's what I meant to say but I couldn't remember what type of bass.
It looks JUST like a Stingray.

no, it's a sea bass.

Alt text: "April, Come she will September Todd will fuck up with his saxophone"

That was the funniest part of this strip for me. I'm imagining Art Garfunkel suggesting it, and Paul Simon saying, "No, no, that doesn't work at all!"

An April Come She Will reference?! AHH! *splut*

The present-day Todd would shank a bitch with prejudice.

I don't get the pantyhose reference at all.

Pantyhose covers butts->Farts come out of butts->Fart joke.

OH I see.

Lyle has heard women's farts that sound better than Todd's playing.

Deh East End Boys N West End Goils!

Todd is a squirrel of many talents. Much like an onion, you peel back the layers to find and more things. Saxophone, van, I wonder what else he does?

Seems like he does just about anything that moves, and probably plenty of things that don't.