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TIM SIMMONS Wednesday, February 4, 2004 • read strip Viewing 61 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, mikeronomicon, Catachresis, GeyserShitdick, atticusonline, lk, chatterjee, yingkaixing)

What is it?

I think someone got it right down thread where the dance move is referenced and the alt text link provided.

It means no worries
for the rest of your days

I got a manatee burn from sitting on my couch during back to back VH1 reality tv marathons.


Certainly one of the all-timers.

Replying near the top to tell the world that the original strip linked to this: This

My "The Dude Has Got No Mercy" shirt played a critical role in getting a girl to go out with me once.

It didn't work out but that is not the shirt's fault.

Aye, the shirt can only go so far...

I want to give you some sort of meta-chubby, that encompasses the combined effect of both chubby-worthy comments. It is more than the sum of its parts (which would be, by my math, two chubbies put together).

To chubbies put together is just jousting. Not really even equal to the sum of the parts. Just pointless.

Er... TWO chubbies.

I don't know, "to chubby" could be the infintive of a marvelous new verb. Oh, wait...

i have seen several comments about shirts helping people getting luck. sounds like i should make an investment.

have you just not been wearing them? that works for some dudes but basically none of them are on the internet

i want to call more attention to ^ that comment ^

What you needed more of is Chemistry?

what does the fact that your second comment received more chubby than your first comment say about this community?

oh yes. this is classic, classic achewood.

can anyone posit a theory about just what a 'dolphin burn' is? is this a real thing or just an Onstadism?

maybe something like rugs burns resulting from doing a move such as "the worm."


hahahaha, oh my god. oh no.

A comment left by kylemcjuicy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by greymantledwolf, katsura, cdl146)

Oh God, everyone in the early nineties tried that dance move where you jump over your own leg.

Is the Dolphin that move where you get down flat on your chest and undulate; flipping along the floor?

no, that's the worm.

i picture the dolphin as basically being a significantly more intense version of the worm, one in which the dancer actually hops along the ground, such as would a curious dolphin in the wake of a sailboat.

See Section 7

You killed my computer... =(

A computer can't be killed. It must have been... murdered.

I didn't realize that the Kid n Play was such a raw move. I was so raw in 1988 and i totally didn't know it ... [i]yet[i/]

A comment left by tttt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by envika, achewife, plusigot125)

I would guess you could check out the website in the alt-text to see the move that results in said "dolphin burns."


durr, i confused this with the search function

And yet, you still got a chubby.

What the hell were you searching for?


0 results.

I see Ray's paw pad!!

Oh man. Chubbed.

If only for the CO camaraderie.

referred by matt rorie. great strip. i may start reading it regularly.

Why is Ray wearing his Phone Jacket?

Well, as I understand, the implication only goes one way. If Ray is on the phone, then Ray is wearing the jacket, but if Ray is not on the phone, it does not follow that Ray is not wearing his jacket.

Man this gets a 5 just for the name Tim Simmons

i know a guy named tim simmons.

Are you sure that's his real name?

Here we have one of very few occasions where Ray is depicted without his glasses. Are they censored for his protection, or for ours?

Man, I couldn't even remember where I got the phrase (aside from that it was an Achewood-ism), but I fairly regularly bust out 'The dude has got no mercy' on my friends when they're being hell of rad.

Rock on, Onstad.

I was sure to tune in tomorrow... yesterday.

Ray got off lucky. Some of his peers in the underground street dancing circuit are now raw and bloody tomato men, the top layers of skin wore away by friction.

"Dude Has Got No Mercy" I need to change my shirt.

Here goes nothing



What in the name of... wow. This is my new best thing ever.



Ray has all the mercy of a 13th-century mongol warlord.