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Jared Is Not Tough Friday, January 17, 2003 • read strip Viewing 75 comments:

Hell, i'd start buying from subway if they had ads like that.

This was written by a man who knows what hard looks like.

Green beret rape Jared's face. He rape Jared's hand. Does Jared cry? Yes.

This one is classic vlad.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Moolah, thetrashman, HollyBones, Darthemed)

or into a biscuit.

that would be symbolic of his triumph

No, he craps JARED into a biscuit

and they're still flaming

Vlad comes from hard times. He has no respect for the weak or soft among us.

Vlad comes from cyber-gulag in former Soviet Republic of Dreckistan. He was made from surplus T-47 Tankski.

I enjoy the use of "wiener" as an adjective.

I love Teodor's indignant look in 1 and 2.

Yes, but what's with his arms in the first two panels? Pre-Subway yoga? Homage to Chuck Norris?

Ohhh. Now I see. He's covering his vitals 'cause the fire .

OK, so "sex appeal of biscuit with two shits inside" makes me laugh in a gross snorty way at work. Noted.

This strip is basically a 3 with the exception of that line. Which is a five. THOUSAND.

I absolutely agree

I read that line and voted five before I even thought about voting.

A comment left by judahnielsen was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ImitationCrab, gormster, Connellingus, farqussus, Nessotron, scramblesthedog)

"Biscuit with two shits inside"

Otherwise known as "Limp Bizkit"

You called?

You can tell he's going to let that Falmik Sub burn out and sell it to Philippe anyway.

What? WHAT?

The homo says what two times, dear foetus_punch?


In case you're generally confused, I kindly redirect you to this strip

(generally = genuinely)

oh my fucking GOD I love this one. I keep imagining the green beret punching him in the heart and he crumples down clutching his chest, coughs up blood, and moans for like twenty seconds before he dies. It is really, really funny and now I look insane.

"it is really, really funny" always improves a story that may or may not be funny.


I was gonna say. I can't be the only person here who can find himself cracking up just more and more and more at a strip the more comments I read.

I keep imagining the R.L. Jared being shown this strip by a "friend".

OH, I forgot: It takes Jared about 20 seconds of agony to die. These 20 seconds are spent in a very slow extreme close-up of his contorted face. No music plays as he grunts and gasps his last.

Just as he shudders and stills, the subway logo pops up. Subway!

Eat fresh!

i agree classic vlad

In the last panel, Teodor seriously considers this proposition.

I good punch to the heart is pretty hard to beat. But you can't always tell that its a punch to the heart, so jared would have to scream AUUGH MY HEAAART


I almost peed my pants. I laughed so hard that I died.

A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Badganjil, ohmygooses, fmercury, Wulvaine, I_Love_Kate)

aw mannnnn

Good God. I wish I could see the commercial come to be. That would make me so happy.

Your avatar makes that comment hilarious...it also makes Phillipe seem bloodthirsty. Disturbingly cute.

On the subject of Achewood borrowings, I frequently describe bad things that I encounter as being like "a biscuit with two shits inside".

Girls would rather sleep with a biscuit with two shits inside than with Jared.

Agreed, he's hella terrible. I always thought Jared was rogering Clay the Fireman from that one 'real people' Subway commercial until I saw where he got married...to a girl.

Clay Henry slides down the firepole as his jingle plays in the backgrownd.

His name is Henry
Clay Henry
He's a fireman and a Jared fan
From Subway

He got real big on burgers and fries
Now he's down to a smaller size
Gets his might from his veggie delight
Great taste each day from his local Subway

He's Henry
Clay Henry

Jokes filtered through Choppy Russian Dialect gain 40-80% hilarity.

In Soviet Russia, hilarious jokes gain 40-80% Russian dialect.

In Soviet Russia, a chubby has you!


Through reading Achewood I have realised that Eastern European English is far more hilarious than any poorly translated Japanese.

i would like to be that green beret

A comment left by johnmatrix was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by orvel, TonyHighwind, farqussus, theplaidknight, aparrish)

I too enjoy taking jokes and trimming off the excess funny.
Seriously, what the hell, man?

A comment left by johnmatrix was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by orvel, TonyHighwind, farqussus)

Dude, two shits in a biscuit will never roll off the tongue nicely.

I knew someone would say that.

Proof that the lack of a delete button works!

It sounds better in Russian. 2 %u0434%u0435%u0440%u044C%u043C%u0430 %u0432 %u043F%u0435%u0447%u0435%u043D%u044C%u0435

so does "get 'er done." Are you that guy?

I love biscuts.

Still? you're a far better person than I.

yo, could 'Flamink' be perhaps a Jared slam or..a wish?

One day I'm gonna wipe my ass with the thickest slices of the freshest-baked bread. But 'til then I guess I'll just keep shittin' in these biscuits.

All squattin' over the griddle, servin' 'em up like this:

That picture has driven me to drink.

I mean, I was drinking already, but, you know.

You, too? Cheers.

McDonald's, where "growing your brand" means actually branding the fucking food with a hot iron "M".

The thing I like is the animate lines around the sandwich in 2nd panel, as if Vlad's hand is shaking in eagerness for teodor to take it.

Teodor's defensive posture arms win.

This was the strip my roommate sent me the link to that was my introduction to Achewood. I voted this strip a five only because I couldn't give it a fifty. That last line is the greatest.

Oh God. Vlad. Classic Vlad. I so love this guy. So love.

I laff because I am a cruel cold hearted bastard. I wonder if Vlad spent anytime in a Stalinist workcamp...

I just laughed so hard milk duds came out my nose and all over my monitor. Good thing I'm at work.

Yet another Achewood phrase absorbed into my vernacular. I now refer to Steve Buscemi as having the sex appeal of a biscuit with two shits inside.

Damn that sandwich is gonna be burned all to hell by the time anyone gets around to eating it.