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The Adult Film Industry Wednesday, May 5, 2004 • read strip Viewing 50 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by twntysevn27, UntilYouAreSoNude, masterofmetroid, zcross00, dangelder, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, Mangtastic, fourganger, TPman90, aargh, eatmorekix, Catachresis, JoeldeBunchastu, GeyserShitdick, dennycrane, bug, tdkg, equinn2006, NDCaesar, Semiquaver, JuanCarlos, Sargasm, atticusonline, Cracklewater, cellphonedick, pete, luckypyjamas, mistlethrush, fmercury, regrepsnefpoh, harry, choosebro, suprememongoose, nutmeg, TheSoulBear, Wite_Rabit, psykeres, yingkaixing, dropkickpikachu, Audhumla, heatbag, greyfield, stormagnet, afvbs)

A comment left by twntysevn27 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bunkzilla, goocifer, salvagebar, Mustakrakesh)

A comment left by mikeronomicon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mannequentin, riotdejaneiro, BPMead, salvagebar, Bex, fattypneumonia, thetimbrown, Panserbjorne, Satyr, Appers)

Obviously, he drives a convertible mustang.

Huge slam on newborns dropped head-first out of nowhere!

Chubbied for MST3K.


Asherdan knows what makes it funny.


I've done that sorta-laugh that T is doing in panel 5. It is represented perfectly.

I thought he was just nodding forlornly in agreement. But I'm of low mind.

It more looks like he`s shivering, imagining the hardship that Jenna is enduring.

I agree. Nodding.

I believe he's recalling the disaster that was his attempt to make Mickey Mouse pancakes for Philippe, and wondering if Jenna would have done any better.

It depends on whether or not you like fake tits.

Philippe does not; Philippe is a hugs man.

She's cooking Mickey Mouse pancakes......


what are they doing out there in that field? or is it just the guys chillin in the yard?

They gathered in the field for the sole purpose of discussing this topic. It is a very somber occasion.

that's why Beef is wearing a dress shirt and a tie

He obviously put a lot of thought into this beforehand.

ANY time Beef is wearing a dress shirt and tie is a reason for giving a 5. Just like I give a 5 for any strip with Ray blubbering, "A BLOO BLA BLOO BLOO BLOOOO! BLOO BLOOOO! A BLOO BLA BLOOO"

Beef really shines here

I have the feeling Beef could go off like this on any topic combined with economic issues and presented as an item of discussion.

The Coconut Derby: A stylish derby alternative designed for the penniless, the porn industry, or both.

Or for men with apples over their faces...

It just dawned on me. Beef can truly command a conversation!

Hang yo' heads.

when roast beef starts with his amazing detail, you know its ganna be good

I almost wish he didn't do that, 'cause before I started reading Achewood, I thought that my penchant for "this is the sad, detailed truth (that I just made up)" monologues was a cool thing about me. Now whenever I do it I think everybody's gonna think I'm so unoriginal and just stealin' my material from webcomics like some nerd, and they are all totally gonna call me on it.

I wish I could both chubby and lame this on the basis that I've been thinking the exact same thing, minus the "like some nerd." (Seriously, what is the point of even trying to deny that?)

I am suitably ashamed.

I know it's probably something I missed early on in the archives, but why does everyone hate this asherdan guy and lame the hell out of everything he posts?

Well, the majority of his comments are pretty dumb...

I think it's more that the majority of people who read his comments and lame them take Phillipe entirely too seriously.

Apres moi, le deluge.

Évidence, il n'ya pas assez pris en charge un sujet de votre mal informés des observations de commencer un déluge.


Ray exhibits terrible posture today.

He fears that with the adult film market being in a slump, people will turn to underground street dancing for their fix of cinematic sex and danger.

He's really depressed by the conversation. Posture is a giveaway.

Because of this strip, I am tempted to one day get a Mustang convertible, so that when I drive down the street, people will wonder if I am a porn star.

I am a terrible person.

All the best porn stars are terrible people. You'll do fine.

A really good porn star lamed you.

If it was Ivana Fuckalot, I'm so sorry, baby. I know you're a decent person. The fact that you only make porn with your steady boyfriend says a lot. That's class.

and she doesnt even videotape it or anything

I fucking hope you're not implying that people who videotape themselves fucking are not classy because my mother was a fucking saint.

the best kind of saint

The kind of saint you can see naked

I've always wanted to read an Asherdan comment but never get the chance to because it's lamed too much. It kind of pisses me off.

Oh, just drop the fake profile, Asherdan! We're on to you!

also, learn to use assetbar

...and now I know it is technically called a "Denver Boot". Thanks Onstad.