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Rod and Pat at the Diner Thursday, April 12, 2007 • read strip Viewing 76 comments:

My question is: will Nice Pete feel weirdo jealousy?

A comment left by vampilehunter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, Norsef, riotdejaneiro, Spoon, 7th_shot, n00b, farqussus, habnabit, likeiwassaying, ravindra108, Lokiamis, Doc_Rostov)

Do you not remember Nice Pete appointing Ray God for saving him?

And besides... since when has death actually finished off an Achewood character?

Molly was dead for several centuries then came back to life again.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, Spoon, perhapsmaybe, morbo, SotiCoto)

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by greatwhitehope7, riotdejaneiro, sarmatron, Hayzeus, Jhunter, Connellingus, atypicaloracle, farqussus, atticusonline, Towel, ravindra108, fpage, Doc_Rostov, echidnaboy, tellumo)

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, poot, perhapsmaybe)

Even if it was an appropriate reference to the words of Ray?

I think Nice Pete was spared, due to the counsel of Roast Beef. How come I can remember that but I can't remember to do my essays?

If it wasn't for Raost Beef, Ray would have gone all pro ice on Nice Pete.

In Ray's defense, he was in a raw situation.

A comment left by mrphaethon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Jesler729, fmercury, STUART)

pfff - pat is clearly a jerk in this

They're both rude, but Pat is an idiot. Therefore Rod has the upper hand.

Pat is a dick.
Not the same thing.

While Pat is being a jerk, it's only because he is continuing to exist, and he is a jerk. But chubbies for recognizing that vegulons got a raw deal.

Vegulons? This seems strange to me.


Not the response I was looking for. Come on, Assetbar. You can do this. Restore my faith in humanity.

I'm ... I'm sorry?

Why isn't Rod Huggins wearing a shirt? Or is that integral to the essence of The Huggins?

he just came out of the shower

A comment left by katal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, pityparty, riotdejaneiro, Carpetbag, ESwrathwright, shammack, Semiquaver, dropkickpikachu, Audhumla, niggar, lizjones, wehavemagnums)

I agree about puns, but somehow, it WORKS here. It's so perfect.

What happened to this storyline.

One of the Phillipe Phridays clears things up to a certain degree i.e. can-rocking.

I hereby decree that all dude-on-dude sex havings will now be referred to as "Can-rocking"

"Jim totally can-rocked Phil"

"I am a horny gay fellow and could do with a can-rocking"

"The wife let me can-rock her on friday"

The last one only works if your wife is a dude though, right?

One time I was going to IHOP with some friends and one of them said he would buy my dinner, as I was light on funds. He joked that I was going to put out, to which I responded that I would rock his can. A horrified expression slowly took shape on his face.

is...is that a squirrel outline on Pat's head? What did I miss there?!?

Male pattern baldness.

Yes, I know that makes no sense. shut up

More like.. male-pattern.. crop circles.

In some alien tongue, that particular sign on the back of Pat's head means "hey look this guy is a total dick ".

Hey, it looks kind of like a pinned-on yarmulke!


after 4/10's brilliance, i'm a little let down.

I doubt the cheddar available there would have much cheese in it at all, actually.

A comment left by retardo was marked as spam and excluded. retardo: What a douche. (reported by equinn2006, mistlethrush, davidadam)

A comment left by leon_sumbitches was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, tekende, madnes, seven47, phthoggos, daidai, Overmedicated, tttt2, GeyserShitdick, bug, equinn2006, aesop_punk, davidadam, mugi, YossarianLives, turnabout, echidnaboy)

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Nurdbot, goatmasterflash, Overmedicated, foolio, TTAGXAMM, mugi, YossarianLives, SeanBad, echidnaboy, vincentkv, aperson)

Boor/bore cleverness almost saves it. Still, this arc leaves me colder than a crispy Brahma.

man, to each his own, but this arc made me laugh so much.

Wait a tic, is Rod still naked?

to be fair, roast beef has almost always been naked, and until he got neutered ray was always naked, which by the way is probably why he got fat and started wearing the thong, and till the pool party pat has been naked...

i read this comic too much...

oh well, can't wait till the new strip!!!

Y'know, I never thought about it that way, Ray getting fat and wearing the thong because he got neutered. Chubby for the deep thought.


He can still sport wood!


Please sir what is your avatar. It looks like live action Sailor Scouts which I would need to see.

Yeah, it's that mixed with a commercial about making your dick big.

Man, I just said that. I feel like I'm about to go into post traumatic shock.

Look up Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon on youtube, if nothing has changed someone has all of the episodes uploaded...it is...madness.

Milton Bradley Games presents Twister: An artifical system that creates needless suffering!

Two people in a relationship who view each other as projects is the real artifical system that creates needless suffering.

The twister line and the florist line make this one for me. I'd love to see Rod Huggins and Beef in a sass-off.

I originally read that as "ass-off". It was utterly horrifying.

we are all boors

I really like Rod Huggins' character here. Topless dining aside, that is, because I just consider that the height of bad grace.

Imagine Solomon Burke (or thus the Blue Brothers) performing Everybody Needs A Project...

I must say...I'm not a fan of puns.

Well, puns told me that they don't like you either.

Yeah, well I'm gonna fucking kill puns.

Woah, woah, that went to a bad place. Puns probably has a family and (the rest of this comment has been removed due to extreme ridiculousness).

Too bad.

this is just a brilliantly executed comic

nothing else to say

I have to agree with catachresis up there, and say that the bore/boor thoughts are so cleverly executed, it makes me want to punch a baby

I too have recently come upon describing things others would simply deem "good" with unecessary violent imagery.

For example, "God damn! That bacon cheeseburgers so good I'm gonna strangle a kitten!"

So Pat's a dick. Oh well,
everyone needs a project.

It almost seems like I'm the only one here who was amused by the idea of 'Rhubarb Loins' as a nickname.

i don't get it. is the cheddar melted on top of the cobbler?

this for some reason is very interesting to me and i wish to try it sometime.

i can seriously see this thing as being really good.

It's wonderful.

People eat apple pie with cheese on top, and that would be a pretty similar thing. I'm not a fan, but other people like it.

If you were to unwrap the pattern of Pat's hair, it would look like a silhouette of a raw butchered chicken, complete with the guts-hole and that bone that sticks up in the middle of it.

This strip has one of the most sitcom-y punchlines, but I like it. It shows Onstad's range.

so basically, they have nothing in common except for a gay boner for each other? talk about shallow...

... Is Rod still naked from the waist up at the restaurant?

He totally is. This seems unusual to me. I wonder if he's still wearing the towel under the table.

Rod isn't wearing a shirt... is he?