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The Jeeps take the field Tuesday, March 21, 2006 • read strip Viewing 58 comments:


Ray's form is flawless.

somewhere Nolan Ryan both winces and applauds

How can I top this comment? I can't. This is all to be said.

Beef is afraid that Ray is going to get drunk in the face of adversity. His fear is totally founded.

There is no other option but for the middle vehicle to pull a wheelie. Ought else is basest heresy.

chucking a SUPRISED wheelie!



this is what the A-Team Movie would kinda be like

I DO love it when a plan comes together.

We'll find out this summer, I guess.

Notice Ray has tied his Molotov in the less-popular "ETA Basque-knot" in consideration of the composition and availability of flammables. Ray riots with his brain.

To notice the knot used to tie a rag on a Molotov is raw . Way to dig the science of the Fight.

Last panel absolutely makes it.

A comment left by tinhand was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, Belgand, helikaon, mattylite, STUART, dr_sexlove)

I'm listening to Such Great Heights by the Postal Service right now and I just don't know what to think.

Reading through I've been listening to a mess of mostly obscure, mostly old thrash tracks, and they are at least as good as an eleven dollar bottle of brandy.

I'm thinking Dark Angel's 'Darkness Descends' sure would go right nice to these last few action strips of the story arc.


Blues at sunrise. Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Dragula by Rob Zombie.

Stockholm Syndrome by Muse for me. Not my usual thing but it fits the Great Outdoor Fight.

Oh my goodness it certainly does.

An orchestral score of some kind would fit better, I think.

Those Jeeps are saying to Beef and Ray, "come down now". But they will stay.

Chubby for Give Up.

I've got R.E.M.'s Leave, and it feels pretty good.

fuck you, i won't do what you told me.

Rated 5 for the simple fact of Jeep doing a wheelie

Is that a skull or a pelvis strapped to the front of that middle jeep?

I'm not really sure how you could even make a Jeep do a wheelie.

You must not be a breast man, then.

No need to point out the weaknesses of a weak man now, fineoakstructure. No need at all.

This is intense. and the premise for an Achewood movie?

The premise for a film as it exists in deancain's mind:

"A jeep does a wheelie and gets a molotov cocktail thrown at it."

"...Philippe is NOT standing on it."

This is pretty much the best thing ever produced by humanity.

alt txt won this one

serf, you are quite incorrect in that assessment.

Reminds me of that scene from The Warriors.


You seeee what you get Warriors? You seeee what you get when you mess with the Orphans? We're gunna rain on you, Warriors!

A comment left by onepapertiger was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, kenthegod, atypicaloracle, Lumus, Satyr)

Regardless of anyone's opinion of the movie, I think we can all agree it was silly to make a tie-in videogame 26 years later.

Yeah, I appreciate what it was doing and all, I appreciate the concept, but the movie itself is just not really that entertaining or anything.

I watched it on ODB's mention.
I listened to a wet-head.

ODB? Wet-head? I'm not sure what to think of this comment.


A throw for the ages

This was the first achewood strip I ever read, and even without a scrap of context, I loved it. I think that fact has a lot to do with my current obsession.

And now I'm wandering through the archives, found this strip, and thought "hey! This was my first strip! I should make that obligatory comment." Apparently my memory for strips is far better than my memory for comments (especially ones I've made).

This strip is Ray standing up for his friend, in a way.

I always wanted to take out a jeep that way! Go Ray!

Man, Onstad got a lot of mileage out of "pouf!" and variations thereof in the Fight arc.

It just occurred to me how incredibly epic panel 8 is.

It would make an awesome wallpaper.

It's probably unintentional on Onstad's part, but note how both Ramses and Ray use alcoholic beverages and their containers to their advantage during the Fight.


I love beef's omega tetris look in the last panel lol

Last panel is one of my all-time favorite panels.

Wow, Onstad put my exact thoughts on the 7th panel in the alt text.