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Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline Wednesday, January 5, 2005 • read strip Viewing 63 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Tinhand, ezcmac, UntilYouAreSoNude, ishuta, TheSheezie, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, Thorfinn, Jesler729, NotGodot, sevenarts, DiamondMonster, NYU, Moguin, rascaldom, regrepnsnefpoh, Ebessan, NDCaesar, atticusonline, Baryonyx, d3athcann0n, Jeet, lk, therealsnazzle, ravindra108, suprememongoose, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, FinnS, joebot, Doc_Rostov, dropkickpikachu, heatbag, ibetso, Madoushi, motts, tragicone, afvbs)

Wait, so you're saying you would not 'do' the cat unless he was wearing the wig? I'm sorry, but thats just picky.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, tibcoolbreeze, Appers)

and a cartoon cat, no less

A comment left by jesler729 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cryztal, ealtdharkon, aHatOfPig)

hmmm....no, I don't think so.

sorry towel, but I think we're gonna have to have you put down.

In dead earnest.

A comment left by the_stoned_one was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ariamaki, robbingdog, RBK, empy, tragicone)

the breakfast of champions

Man, you don't know doodly-squat.

I love Asherdan.

And i would also do Roast Beef in that wig. And the real dead woman he is basically just representing.

A comment left by arcibi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by KilroyWasHere, rowboat, barfighting, davidbs, tragicone)

There is definitely a considerable demographic that these cats are dropping a dime on.

This is why I love Ray: Look how pumped he is in panel 3.

Look at him in panel 2: ladies wig, banana hammock, and cowboy boots.

Sounds like Vince Noir... :O

Careful, Rykan. That's how one earns disapproval around these parts.

God, Vince Noir is such a good looking man.

He is the upsetter.

I could take or leave this one except for the last panel which makes everything awesome.

alt text: This is more of a Loretta thing, but Beef really insisted on dressing like Patsy and being involved

Beef looks like Beck.

oh my god you're right and i'm surprised i didn't catch that myself. chubby for joo.

Strum ticka strum ticka strum

I really like that sound effect.

I'm pretty sure this is the rhythm guitar for every single Johnny Cash song ever recorded: Strum ticka*I shot a man in Reno*strum*just to watch him die*strum ticka*ring of fire*strum*my name is Sue!*ticka *I walk the line* strum.

(But I do like me some Johnny (strum ticka) Cash (strum) from time to time.

the strum ticka is what sold me on this one. very accurate representation of that olde tyme country gee-tar sound.

I love why they have country pride.

As someone who loves country music as much as I do, this strip was like pure bliss.

beef could play lynn too, they both came from cicrumstances


Nice one, F.Y.F.

Actually, this gif was made by chris himself, I believe. I remember downloading it from the main site way back.

You can still access it by clicking the non-AssetBar version of the comic.

Now whenever I think of this strip, I can see RB strumming that guitar in my head. Thanks for the visual :)

Plus he's a left-handed guitarist. I don't think Patsy did that.

Now Beef is playing along with whatever I listen to! Amazing.

unless it is Mathcore.

Beef does not play Mathcore.

"play" and "mathcore" are at opposite ends of the dictionary

yet sound alike.

I dont know how long it will take me to get the image of Ray in a Loretta Lynn wig, all crazy, yelling "LET'S DO THIS! LET'S DO THIS" out of my head.

If you look at Beef's Patsy Cline and let your eyes go out of focus, he suddenly becomes Nice Pete.

Thank you for letting me know I wasn't the only one who noticed that.

How long has Beef been left-handed?

As long as has been needed to fit it into the parameters of the strip, because Ray was on his right and they both had to face each other and the front.

Or, y'know, as long as he's been fake-playing that guitar. When you're just strumming wildly, you just go with whichever way you got it in your hands.

dang it!

Today's Blogs

Roast Beef: $
Teodor: Quiet around here
Mr. Bear: I do enjoy that Ray.
Little Nephew: ode fokez suqs teh kw0k

Mr. Bear's dialog is excellent here.

"I enjoy his honest company and the way he lays a dollar down to die"

it is odd that Beef would have a dollar sign as a blog title. it's something that you'd more expect from Ray.

Roast Beef looks like Nice Pete in panel four. Not a good look for Roast Beef.

Dear lord, somebody already mentioned this 6 months before me. If I could lame myself, I would. SHAMEFUL.

I love the way that Beef gets in a little jab at Ray in the third panel.

I love this strip because it is a good example of how awesome of friends Ray and Roast Beef are. Normal friends do not dress up like country music women from the 50s and 60s together. This is some kind of beautiful.

You know what? This is a really underrated strip.

"...the hair is great too..."

That is absolute gold, right there.

at least patsy and loretta had some soul. and patsy had the best voice of all time.

nowadays the country western singer girls are just slutty whores that are all flash and pop and *pfft* gone.

your last sentence is pretty super. a chubby.

strum ticka strum
beef is a solid guitar player

So... beef has reservations about imitating Jack White, but imitating Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline is fine in his book.

His psychological profile expands daily.

I like to imagine only Ray attempting to make his voice womanly, Beef's voice staying the same quiet depressed thing it is.

daddy sang bass
momma sang tenor...

I did something like this with my sister once