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Animalicious on Acid Wednesday, October 8, 2003 • read strip Viewing 99 comments:

Beef is wanting to be Ray Manzarek, I think is part of the joke.

i don't think it is.

Beef is doing Devo.

He looks Devo but I feel like he is operating in reference to the pretentions of the Doors.

A comment left by sweetlips was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, twistedechoes, Ariamaki, Majuju, andrewthepig)

Jim morrison may have been a douchebag,but he's an awesome douchebag nonetheless.

Yeah, the Doors lived and died by Manzarek's left hand.

teodor is made out of pure rock

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt2, HSE, nutmeg)

He is working those good guitar notes right into the floor with that left foot, he is so into what is going on.

Lyle is so totally Cliff Burton. Don't even ever begin to try and deny it.

Misfits shirt and all.

Lyle's handlebar moustache always made me think of Lemmy from Motorhead (and HAWKWIND.)

Lemmy even has a Rick

Hmmm... it looked more like a slightly off Stingray to me. Considering it has the 3 1 tuning pegs and the layout of the knobs. The main problems are that it doesn't quite have the distinctive egg shaped pickguard of a Stingray and the horns are even instead of uneven.

Lyle is playing approximately a Sting Ray. It even has only one pick up.

always thought it was inspired by the guy from Husker Du.

ahhhhh balls.

GREAT call!

Greg Norton.

I'm a huge dork for Husker Du.

Lyle isn't dead. Don't even ever begin to try and deny it.

Aww damn Philippe just going crazy hitting those drums with his Batman shirt and Beef being supportive gets me every time

You just know the audience members are clapping their asses off for Phillipe's drum solo.

HUUUUUGS!*clap clap* HUUUUUUUGS! *clap clap*

All supportive of Phillipe.

"Maybe play it again a little later alright" slays me.

That and how he highlights that it was the third guitar note he played that was just perfect. Of course, I'm sure the others were good too, but that rose above even them. Kinda like this strip.

I just wanna know what note the third note is, if it's worth pointing out.

Five bucks says it's a G.

I reckon it's a B.
B stands for Bitchin. However, it's always the B string that will be a bitch about staying in tune.

Chubby for the Demetri Martin reference.

Thick bass steaks.

that sounds filthy.

"Stuffing your ears with thick bass steaks" sounds like it should be in a Beck song

Doing drive-bys with cheesecake shotguns
Stuffing your ears with thick bass steaks
No one ever said you'd never find your rhythm
And if anyone did, they ain't nothing but fakes

oh look out beck here comes another non-sensical singer-songwriter-producer all up in your grill

E-Pro is the pinnacle.

"Talking trash to the garbage around you."

This is really pretty fantastic, if more coherent than your average Beck couplet

I always pronounce "bass" in my head like the fish, which has never been more amusing than it is now.

Top five, maybe even top 3 of all time. The alt text really clinches it.

"Runner-up: ...and you will not see a picture of your father turn into an eraser and erase your ceiling fan"

Stay with me people.

that last line is the Five Factor for me.

I just love Ray/Beef's obsession with notes. See: May 10th, 2004. I also enjoy how Beef makes sure to support Philippe's emomtional state right before he talks about acid.

little philippe needs emotional support at his age

When Roast Beef is determined about something, he is a poet of the modern age, a Picasso that paints using the English language.

Here are your number 2 pencils.

I think about this strip all the time.

A comment left by elohssa was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, Semiquaver, thedudeabides85, nutmeg)

I laughed at every panel in this strip. So hard.

A comment left by zeroasalimit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, Zem, STUART, Darthemed)

For the longest time I thought FTW stood for "fuck the what." It perplexed me as to why people would say that. I guess they could have been angry existentialists. "Fuck the what! Long live why!"

roast beef's deadpan never ceases to amaze me

I think it's so important to note how happy pretty much anyone would be if they were at a show where a dude just played the riff from "Day Tripper" about 30 times, then just left and you were instantly assaulted by solo after solo. That would be infinitely excellent.

Philippe plays the drums the Keith moon way

all drunk out of his mind and stuffing the bass drum with explosives?

All driving cars into pools?

With a delighted expression that seems fairly fixed?

Puking on his kit, vomit all flying up off the snare drum like the retching version of the blue man group?

Although, Philippe doesn't actually have a snare drum. Or a hi-hat for that matter. But the little fella tries so dang hard.

People have been introducing the members of the band for decades. It took Beef to get it right.

Philippe's expression is spot-on.

My roommate first year of college told me his story of how he overdosed on acid over the Summer and had to escape from the shower which was trying to suffocate him. I think of him every time I read this.

My roommate took acid and turned into a starfish, and then turned into a tuba. We found him in a laundry hamper.

Why would a tuba be in a hamper?

Did you ask him that?

Perhaps he thought it was his carrying case. I think the underwear would have been a dead giveaway, but then I'm not a tuba and I've never tried acid.

I am a tuba

Goo goo g'joob.


pretty much

Am I the only one who thinks of Revenge of the Nerds?

Not at all!

My opinion here doesn't count, because I am always already thinking of Revenge of the Nerds.

'He stuffs your ears with his thick bass steaks ' is sort of delicious, sexual and repulsive all at once.

"Thick bass steaks" "Hit all those drums, Phillipe. Just Have a great old time." = instant classic

This was the first Achewood strip I ever read.

I was so confused.

I actually feel that T is playing pretty decently, but has had no real experience playing in a band so it is negated. Lyle couldn't be that bad either. Thick bass steaks.

If only someone had been supportive when Beef was five.


he is hitting some excellent guitar notes right now

You have proven you can process, remember, and re-type information.

Congratulations, don't_think, you are the
secretary of the month

Hey don't dog on it that's the first echelon of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

Now if he can only employ Creative Synthesis to prove his learning.

Listen to the man: he is a "dr"

I had also just finished my Diploma of Education at the time. Oh man don't get me fucking started.


he is hitting some excellent guitar notes right now

Also, I dig T's Elvis Costello/Strummer pigeontoed pose.

Beef is dressed so New Wave right now that it hurts.

So being on acid is a bit like Nightmare on Elm Street?

Never has a five year old had such support from such a crowd.

Outside of the 2000 Republican National Convention, that is.


Philippe is standing on it! He is standing on the drums! :D

Still in his jammies!

This has to be the second most punchlines per strip next to "sort of stoned"

Beef is hella channeling his Inner Devo.

When you wear an outfit like that punctuation is not necessary.

Oh man, Teodor's legs look hella tiny without his pantaloons. By the way, why pantaloons?

because.... pantaloons!

this may be one of the top 10 achewood strips ever.

Beef is so suprisingly in his element here. He's got confidence just oozing out from that thin black tie.

"thick bass steaks"

as a bassist, this strip is the creation myth of all my happiness.

this strip makes me delerious with joy.

Philippe is wearing a Batman shirt.

Lyle is a combination of every awesome bassist ever. fact.

I already decided this was a 5 by the third panel.