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Roast Beef's I Got Problems website Monday, July 18, 2005 • read strip Viewing 69 comments:



Not there.

try what i did. only $10k up front.

My cousin sued over that

i got azn peeps

Have you tried shooting them?

Let me know how shooting the azn peeps works out, TTYL

My azn peeps are about to get shot. How to say goodbye!?!



problem number two sounds like a Pat problem.

So I got on the bus and felt in my pocket for change. I brought out what I ASSUMED was 90 cents, but which was in actuality 50 cents and a button. A GOD DAMNED BUTTON! The bus driver looked at me like I was a fool. I gave him the correct change and sat down, but the journey was spoiled, and the rest of my day was tainted. Arrrrgh! FUCK!

Even the spambot is concerned when dogs might be being mistreated.

I love how the replaced the 'i' with an '*.' As though fucking is way out of line, whereas fuck*ng is perfectly acceptable.

I didn't even notice that before I looked again.

Neither did I. I think we're all jaded.

Of course, I've always thought fucking was perfectly acceptable, and that f*cking wasn't fooling anybody.

After chubbying this, I realised I did so to bring more Chubby-Green to the places where I thought it was deserved (as opposed to piling more Chubbys atop others mounds). N.B.: I have a four-chubby greenifying threshold.

woodenteeth: a community service for four-chubby greenifying threshold Acheworldians and their carers.

I do this too. Have a chubby.

I started doing this yesterday.

I manifest a certain amount of OCD in that I like to round off chubby counts. If a good comment is at the nine threshold, I am incapable of not chubbying. I may have brain issues.

I have the same problem, if an asset has a perfectly rounded number such as 100, I do not mar it by chubby-ing.

Fucking OCD.

Oh, oh! I do that, too! And once I bookmarked a comment I really liked, and kept checking it until someone else had ruined the 100 chubby count. As soon as it was at 101, I could chubby it.

I am completely demented. Sigh.

Weird how much this reminds me of Ask Metafilter.

Has anyone else noticed that the more text a strip has, the lower the rating will be? This is perfectly funny and should at least have a solid four. It's like some people see that there's text, vote 3, click next.

You just lamed that because it had too many words and you couldn't read it all

Your avatar dances perfectly to Les Savy Fav's "Rage in the Plague Age!"

your avatar scares the shit out of me

Your avatar looks like a cross between Iqbal Theba and Danny Pudi (yes, because the Nadirs).

how is this not even a 4.5? i just don't understand.

Of course only Roast Beef would feel obligated to read through all the posts on the website he made!

I think it's like watching videos of rally cars just plowing into crowds. Once he starts he can't tear himself away from the horrors.

does this website exist? I think it is a genuinely profitable idea


Sounds akin to Yahoo Answers to me.

Fmylife.com is what I immediately thought of.

Same. Though LiveJournal etc. all come pretty close. But FML is *designed* specifically for you to whine about your problems.

This exists. I am so happy.

https://grouphug.us ?


Ahahahaha, I came across the funniest thing ever on that site.

Come one now! What you seeing you are gettings! I am so fucki excite I can hardly tipe of this!!!

So this is the new thing. Yes so many time of away can use the internet caffe but I coudnt be bother for writing this at these times. I have for this to say. England is RAIN RAIN RAIN all the fucking day all the fucking ngith all the fucking times. I think I like to sit down and having pint yes - come on join us sit down. You looking out of window - sky is pissing. One year later sky is pissing. Two years later sky is pissing. Three years later sky is pissing. Fucking stop cant you? Some one say when thunder is GOD move furniture. WHAT? I sick of stupid fuck head -TAKE YOUR HEAD FOR A SHIT.

Then buy umbrolla
You make vote and I promise me clipon will do the things you is asking I am not one for makeing up a lie ok


TAKE YOUR HEAD FOR A SHIT is totally entering my vernacular.

But to sit down and having pint while looking out of window at pissing sky is the very essence of being English! It's what we do! What's he complaining about?

I am so fucki confuse I can hardly tipe of this!!!

That was pretty damn hilarious!

5 for "have you tried shooting them"

I love the implication that shooting them as an effective measure could quite easily have failed.

Well, you might miss.

Not if you shoot them.

Alt text is fantastic!

"Let me know how shooting the dogs worked out, TTYL"

Why we are not using this thread as the Acheworld problem dump I am not too sure

I think we are all waiting for somebody else to start the ball rolling.

I'm worried that I'm incapable of love.

Your name tells me otherwise.

Oh yeah! Reassuring.

God dammit, I've been here two hours and fry still hasn't bitten that damn pineapple.

You have to wait three hours.
It's a long gif.

Aagh, I blinked!

Toll booth operators are overpaid.

a barber was a cock to a stranger

I think the part that makes it is "How old too old for bus?"

Is the spam-bot claiming to solve these problems for 10,000 dollars? Because I don't feel that that amount deserves the qualifier "only".

I like how, by the last panel, Beef has presumably read through the first one thousand, one hundred and sixteen problems. If it were only physically possible, I imagine he would read all two hundred and fifty million. This kind of thing holds a morbid fascination for him.

1115.= Pat's next door neighbor.

You need s slash there, Beef.

So now there's this: https://fmylife.com

There's an app for this.

I didn't buy it.

Did Onstad predict the existence of fmylife.com?

The way Beef gets with this site is the same way I get with fmylife.com. I just get sucked into it for ages and at first I'm like, this is funny, but after a while I start getting super depressed about all the horrible things that are happening to these poor people, like some kid finding out his mother is having an affair or people realising their college money has been gambled away or a girl getting dumped by her boyfriend because he's decided he needs to be with someone "pure" and she's not a virgin because she lost it to him two years ago. It gets all too much after a while.

Oh, if only she had come down with Grafton's non-repeating kalymerase. WHY GOD WHY