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Ray plays Whac-A-Mole at life Thursday, January 18, 2007 • read strip Viewing 72 comments:

The measure of a man is whether or not he will go all pro ice when he is in a raw situation.

To go all pro ice in a raw situation is to be a coward who would desert a dying man.

To go all pro ice in a raw situation is the merciful thing to do, and favours all.
To finish off a dying man is the very opposite of deserting him.

I *must* find a place to use RB's last quote there. "We got the chessboard out, but you're playing Whac-a-mole." Hee.

A comment left by jamers was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, fancypants, scraggg, Darthemed)

A comment left by shmuckeles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, fancypants, prettyrad, scraggg, Darthemed)

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by edd36, RedGuy, d3athcann0n, sdskyle, ConnorMc)

Would have been better if you were more subtle about your pride in it.

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, daidai, riotdejaneiro, invidious, sevenarts, neaner, milkpants, MortisInvictus, Talbain, LordPretzel, RedGuy, d3athcann0n, sdskyle, ConnorMc, logic, eddylee)

Damnit zefiel, you only got a chubby off me because I'm reading all the strips in order and thought you had actually come up with that line yourself...

I shall be less liberal with chubbies in future.

Same. I feel betrayed.

V-lame. So hard.

How about this (actually predates the strip):

McCain: Whack-a-mole in Iraq

Sorry...Assetbar went and got the chessboard out on me, and I'll got is this little mallet...
McCain: Whack-a-Mole in Iraq

*all I got is...

ah fuck it, I'm typing like I've got altitude sickness today...

I'm just gonna go drink a Bullshit Sunrise and have some nachos...

Just piss off a serial murderer, then hope he gets hoist on his own murdering device petard! Simple!

I think Ray could have pulled off having a leg for a hat.

I think so too.

Good avatar/comment combo. It looks like Beef is just all reasonably agreeing with dirtyantaeus.

Totally misread that as "I think Ray could have pulled off a leg for a hat." Which kind of made sense as well.

completely the guy who could do it.

Beef's last line is like Achewood Haiku in its economy and effect. What brilliant comic writing this is.

Who lamed this comment
This man has nailed it on

That comment has zero lames, friend.

poor man don't know his numbers.
on an unrelated note, is that Hugh Laurie in your avatar?

Yeah, it's Hugh Laurie and it says "it's never lupus" at the bottom

I suspect that someone lamed that comment for no other reason than to make me look like a jackass. That or I broke my personal rule about not combining incredible amounts of alcohol and the Internet.

A classic, both visually (leghat) and literarily (chessboard Whac-a-Mole).

It's really appropriate that Nice Pete wears the Chuck Taylors, y'know.

I'd reference Kevin from Sin City, but Nice Pete has so much background that at this point he is his Own Thing

nice pete is totally his own thing

Also appropriate that Ray leaves them on. Shame to waste some Chucks.

Also, I like the detailin' in the shoes.

A little reminder, the iKnife is still hella stabbing passed out Nice Pete.

i respectfully disagree as there is no chorus of spluts

A comment left by wehavemagnums was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, purplehaze, equinn2006, shogun, nutmeg, echidnaboy, I_Love_Kate)

I totally want to wear a dismembered leg as a hat. I'm not sure what that says about my mental health, but it's probably not good.

I know what it says about your fashion sense.

hella retro

I mean, this one is definitely all kinds of funny, especially with the hat and roast beef all calling Ray out on not being pro-ice, but it always felt like a pretty contrived way to hold on to Nice Pete.

Surely they also remember how temporary death is in the Achewood universe. If they let Pete die, he would come after them sooner or later.

Pete's too dumb to make it out of the Friendly's bathroom.

He is of low mind

the walls have ears

Nice Pete is not a stupid, he is simply a dreamer whose thoughts were never fashioned to fit the locks of this world.

Nice Pete would find a way to murder the Friendly's bathroom.

connellingus makes a good point. This one had always bothered me because... Nice Pete's an escaped fugitive, isn't he? Who's going to say, "Why, Nice Pete hasn't come to work lately, I shall go to his house and see what the matter is!"

But yeah, you don't want to kill a guy that'll go Todd on you later.

Except you can just come back later.

This argument makes no sense.

I lack sleep.

panels 4-6 is a hilarious situation.

I wonder if Ray is waving or striking a karate pose.

Karate. Obviously.

Yeah, I didn't see that before, but now I like it better.

For some reason all I can think of is the cover of "Heroes"

And as we all know, Berlin-era Bowie leg-based headwear = at least 5.

I don't know, I think Ray could totally go pro-ice if Nice Pete was conscious. I mean, the dude stone-cold ripped a guy's jaw off. But beating on a defenseless person, that's just low.

the last panel is one of the greatest of all time

Absolutely. Just Grade-A Beef.


Killin' is a special thing

It's a special thing you do
when you want someone to die

How does Beef have such insight into Nice Pete's vocabulary?

it is the language of Circumstances...

A comment left by dasilodavi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by saddestking, Vondicus, hectik, loneal, TheBoneOrchard, Lumus, smilebuddha, Boredom_Man, nathanielperson, nilehus, Mastronaut, I_Love_Kate)

Anyone else imagining a slight creaking noise the rope/twine would make as Ray turns his head?
Or seeing the leg wobble a little bit?

Actually. In panel 5, it looks like the leg *is* wobbling a little bit. Look at the tip of the shoe and the bone on the other end.

D'oh. Lines denote movement.

i can not believe how much i love panels 4-6, that moment is just so perfect. that alone 5's this strip for me.

I seriously doubt anyone would bat an eyelash if a collector of curios like Ray suddenly started wearing a fresh leg hat. But that might just be me

yo man the leg hat that shit is HOTT on the streets, know what im sayin? straight-up TIZZITE.

Any reason why the T in take is capitalized in the last panel? Just curious.

because take, in this case, means to kill, and Nice Pete feels like that's a pretty special thing. Beef is just showing due respect.

roast beef would be right if they were talking about a normal dude. petes got southern ways, but not necesarily the good ones...

if nice pete dissappeared, would it really be a big deal? its not like he has family or loved ones in that community.... and ray can do whatever the hell he wants in his property, no one can see over the high-ass walls.

high ass-walls

now thats a whole 'nother topic right there......

To me the capitalization of seemingly random words in Achewood is a way to show the stressing of words and also their important.

"Doggie, we are having a Fun Time tonight!"