+52 -0
All the people who rated this less than 4 use OpenOffice and are just being dicks guaranteed
All the people who rated this less than 4 use OpenOffice and are just being dicks guaranteed
+10 -0
All running operating systems made by fat people, monitors all doing nothing when you type "start".
Seriously I'm a Linux nerd and I remember the first time I saw this strip I was like "what no, Word is terrible!" yet I have no problems with, for instance, enjoying the antics of a squirrel with a cocaine problem.
All running operating systems made by fat people, monitors all doing nothing when you type "start".
Seriously I'm a Linux nerd and I remember the first time I saw this strip I was like "what no, Word is terrible!" yet I have no problems with, for instance, enjoying the antics of a squirrel with a cocaine problem.
+6 -0
To be fair, I wouldn't say Todd's addiction is a "problem".
To be fair, I wouldn't say Todd's addiction is a "problem".
+6 -1
Is your avatar a sprite of a pig in a dinosaur costume?
Yes that is exactly what I am seeing here.
Is your avatar a sprite of a pig in a dinosaur costume?
Yes that is exactly what I am seeing here.
+0 -0
A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, teodor_orezscu, gorrioncita)
A comment left by stuart was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, teodor_orezscu, gorrioncita)
+4 -0
I am glad I don't know what any of these things are.
I am glad I don't know what any of these things are.
+11 -0
Then you have probably had sex.
Then you have probably had sex.
+0 -0
A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by prolefeed5, pwb, NeoNaoNeo, jezebel)
A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by prolefeed5, pwb, NeoNaoNeo, jezebel)
+1 -0
Truth. I'll admit, I had that impulse. Instead, recognizing my bias, I abstained from rating it entirely. But the cognitive dissonance lingers.
Truth. I'll admit, I had that impulse. Instead, recognizing my bias, I abstained from rating it entirely. But the cognitive dissonance lingers.
+1 -0
Much as in religion, geek holy wars cause adherents to lose all appreciation of irony.
Much as in religion, geek holy wars cause adherents to lose all appreciation of irony.
+0 -0
*hastily changes rating to a 5*
*hastily changes rating to a 5*
+0 -0
I use NeoOffice, but I still think it's hilarious when Beef says Macs basically got AIDS.
I use NeoOffice, but I still think it's hilarious when Beef says Macs basically got AIDS.
+18 -0
The panels with no action/word balloons are like little breaks for applause. I almost felt compelled to clap.
The panels with no action/word balloons are like little breaks for applause. I almost felt compelled to clap.
+12 -1
i once had a yellow rental xterra while my prius was in the shop. i was driving all over the neighborhood and also on some rocks let me tell you (sorry environment).
i once had a yellow rental xterra while my prius was in the shop. i was driving all over the neighborhood and also on some rocks let me tell you (sorry environment).
+0 -0
Roast Beef in a suit is great.
Roast Beef in a suit is great.
+3 -0
Achewood is a place where everything is so awkward it is beautiful. Somehow Onstad achieves timing with something that is read. Prose and poetry can barely aspire to achieve timing - comic form seems to pull it off pretty well. Three panels where almost nothing happens, yet they mean so much.
Also, as said before, []Roast Beef is the world's worst Vanna White.[/url]
Achewood is a place where everything is so awkward it is beautiful. Somehow Onstad achieves timing with something that is read. Prose and poetry can barely aspire to achieve timing - comic form seems to pull it off pretty well. Three panels where almost nothing happens, yet they mean so much.
Also, as said before, []Roast Beef is the world's worst Vanna White.[/url]
+5 -0
+1 -0
Chubbied for inventive use of language.
Chubbied for inventive use of language.
+3 -0
I don't know about you guys, but I personally like Notepad.
I don't know about you guys, but I personally like Notepad.
+1 -0
Between LaTeX, LilyPond, Gamefaqs, and just about any worthwhile coding you can do, nothing beats Notepad. But I still have Microsoft Word on my computer as a status symbol.
Between LaTeX, LilyPond, Gamefaqs, and just about any worthwhile coding you can do, nothing beats Notepad. But I still have Microsoft Word on my computer as a status symbol.
+1 -0
Wordpad is better if you're going to write something for school that is not fancy, or if you need to open something larger than a meg.
Wordpad is better if you're going to write something for school that is not fancy, or if you need to open something larger than a meg.
+0 -0
A comment left by plusigot125 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mattbeetee, farqussus, slalvation)
A comment left by plusigot125 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mattbeetee, farqussus, slalvation)
+8 -1
I spell it whichever way I god damn want and to hell with the critics!
I spell it whichever way I god damn want and to hell with the critics!
+6 -1
You get a chubby for not quoting Ray's Mom.
You get a chubby for not quoting Ray's Mom.
+7 -2
Euro-way? Because there are so many countries in Europe who speak English.
Wait a minute, the English! That's who spell grey with an e. Those silly English, whose language is called ENGLISH. I wonder where they get the notion they can choose how to spell words.
Euro-way? Because there are so many countries in Europe who speak English.
Wait a minute, the English! That's who spell grey with an e. Those silly English, whose language is called ENGLISH. I wonder where they get the notion they can choose how to spell words.
+0 -0
Probably from that old hymn that claims Jesus was there.
Probably from that old hymn that claims Jesus was there.
+2 -0
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England%u2019s mountains green
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England%u2019s pleasant pastures seen
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
---C. Hubert H. Parry (from William Blake), "Jerusalem"
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England%u2019s mountains green
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England%u2019s pleasant pastures seen
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
---C. Hubert H. Parry (from William Blake), "Jerusalem"
+0 -0
I have always wondered what those lyrics actually were, I could never quite understand them. Take your chubby.
I have always wondered what those lyrics actually were, I could never quite understand them. Take your chubby.
+0 -0
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold
Bring me my chariot of fire
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
'Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
(for the sake of completitude)
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold
Bring me my chariot of fire
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
'Til we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
(for the sake of completitude)
+0 -0
A comment left by hyetal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by usversusthem, Doc_Rostov, stormagnet)
A comment left by hyetal was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by usversusthem, Doc_Rostov, stormagnet)
+2 -0
As a former secretary I can tell you, Microsoft Word makes my sack twitch. In agony.
Corel WordPerfect, if you must use IBM-compatibles.
As a former secretary I can tell you, Microsoft Word makes my sack twitch. In agony.
Corel WordPerfect, if you must use IBM-compatibles.
+5 -0
Actually OpenOffice is pretty cute. It's small, opens quickly, does good file recovery, and doesn't bloat up your system. The way it manages pictures in a document is balls, but otherwise, it is highly preferable.
Actually OpenOffice is pretty cute. It's small, opens quickly, does good file recovery, and doesn't bloat up your system. The way it manages pictures in a document is balls, but otherwise, it is highly preferable.
+0 -0
Yeah. I'm not sure why people like Word so much %u2013 it's an enormous pain in the ass if you care about how a document looks. All that poorly conceived automation.
Yeah. I'm not sure why people like Word so much %u2013 it's an enormous pain in the ass if you care about how a document looks. All that poorly conceived automation.
+0 -0
Actually, I quite like the latest one. It's redesigned from the top down. I'm considering switching for intercompatibility with the school computers.
Actually, I quite like the latest one. It's redesigned from the top down. I'm considering switching for intercompatibility with the school computers.
+1 -0
In case anyone cares, I did switch, and it's pretty great. The new file extension is bullshit, but it's easy to work around.
In case anyone cares, I did switch, and it's pretty great. The new file extension is bullshit, but it's easy to work around.
+0 -0
The new default styles are horrible at everything and for every purpose.
The new default styles are horrible at everything and for every purpose.
+0 -0
I can only imagine that all these OpenOffice haters have never had to compose an essay (on a computer); Writer is essentially the same as Word, only not completely shit.
OpenOffice cocks up images, you say? Strange, I've found this area to be Writer's greatest improvement over Word (Writer assumes the user wants to "anchor" images to a page, paragraph, etc., but this can be corrected. I've often struggled for hours to position images within a Word doc, frustatedly ctrl-z'ing out of somehow losing the image between pages, to no avail. The only way to have any degree of control over the position of images in Word seems to be to dump them into separate text boxes: relocating the image itself seems to tell word "please fuck this image into oblivion, and rape all existing text formatting while you're at it".
I can only imagine that all these OpenOffice haters have never had to compose an essay (on a computer); Writer is essentially the same as Word, only not completely shit.
OpenOffice cocks up images, you say? Strange, I've found this area to be Writer's greatest improvement over Word (Writer assumes the user wants to "anchor" images to a page, paragraph, etc., but this can be corrected. I've often struggled for hours to position images within a Word doc, frustatedly ctrl-z'ing out of somehow losing the image between pages, to no avail. The only way to have any degree of control over the position of images in Word seems to be to dump them into separate text boxes: relocating the image itself seems to tell word "please fuck this image into oblivion, and rape all existing text formatting while you're at it".
+0 -0
I'm loving Ray's looking up before he goes on in Panel 4
I'm loving Ray's looking up before he goes on in Panel 4
+0 -0
Ray is wearing a jacket with notch lapels, I would have expected peak. Beef's appear to be shawl lapels, where I would have expected notch.
Ray is wearing a jacket with notch lapels, I would have expected peak. Beef's appear to be shawl lapels, where I would have expected notch.
+0 -0
V-Chub for lapel specificity
V-Chub for lapel specificity
+0 -0
Have an excellent time!
Have an excellent time!
+0 -0
God Bless Microsoft Words
God Bless Microsoft Words
+0 -0
Oh... shit.
Oh... shit.
+0 -0
microsoft orifice
microsoft orifice
+0 -0
No way, fuck Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word sucks. It sucks so bad. I genuinely want it dead.
No way, fuck Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word sucks. It sucks so bad. I genuinely want it dead.
A comment left by nsrdude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, chivalress, empy, dotacreepy)
who would wanna drive on brown/teal rocks
why did you think of that though
why would you think of that
A comment left by nsrdude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ShemmJacc, VictoriaW, dotacreepy)
An 18-year old boy should drive a Nissan XTerra in his town or just generally around.