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What Is Home Tuesday, March 30, 2010 • read strip Viewing 292 comments:

No, Philippe! Don't leave me!

Get the FUCK outta my house, you five year old cretin!

I'm just playing the Devil's advocate, also known as a Douchebag.

I'm sorry. I'm just being bitchy.

Had ze devil of morning, oui non?

If I am allowed to make a correction I would say "Had ze deveel of morning, oui non?"

In other words,

More like: (words)

I bet Philippe runs away from Christosaurus Rex.

Let's go ball,
Let's go clock,
Let's go, pair of smelly socks!

Let's go home,
Home to mum,
Let her know I'm still her son.

Goodbye Ray,
Goodbye Teadore,
I hope life without me won't be a bore.

On the bus,
Into the night,
Soon it all will be alright.

Je t'adore, Teadore.

You're just saying that stuff so he won't come back.

'No, I DON'T love you; I don't even LIKE you! Now get OUT of here!'

Then, after the door closes, you collapse.

Is Philippe the closest the bedsit guitarist will ever be to having a son?

Is... is that the saddest thing?

after philippe's tearful goodbye i'm sure an airport security guard will fatally shoot him for trying to bring a baseball larger than 3 ounces and a clock with metal parts aboard an airplane

Dr. Manflesh has mellowed out like the new, calmer Tom Green

yeah the philippe/security fanfic was a possibility, and he left it alone

Philippe looked up with a quivering lip at the burly security guard. The man's large, sweaty hands rested heavily on the young otter's shoulders.

"Sorry, kid." he grumbled, his thick mustache bristling slightly as he spoke. "No unaccompanied minors on the plane."

"Oh no!"

"UNLESS...you pay the extra fee."

Okay I have only now realized the folly of my actions

''Sorry Assetbar''

''Sorry parents''

''Sorry colle-'' oh, wait.

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Gumfish, surviveinc, diplomat76, LexSenthur, Methadone, QuietWyatt)


Are you kidding? This is better than Anaïs Nin!

Oh, like that's an accomplishment.


Going Rogue for Kids by Gladi8orrex

Going Rouge for the kids by Gladi8orrex.

Pretty good, but it lacks both scat and reminders of how bad the Star Trek franchise has become. Come back when it has Zachary Quinto finally acting on the fact that he constantly looks like a sex offender throughout the entirety of that deeply upsetting film.

Include Spock Prime for bonus points.

I enjoyed it quite a bit, for a summer-blockbuster type.

How is this the only time in my life that I've run out of lames?

8 chubbies and 3 lames. It's been said before, and I'll say it again: there is something DEEPLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY WRONG with Assetbar users as a group

It's cheaper than the NAMBLA support group.

Yes, but they get lots of tips .

gladi8orrex went there. everybody always implies, nobody ever goes there, but gladi8orrex went there. and put up a flag of sarkozy lookin silly .

Assetbar people like their chuckles rough.

personally, i like semi-rough chuckles but i don't like them to be anal-raping-the-most-innocent-5-year-old-ever rough chuckles.

I didn't even find this to be a particularly rough chuckle. More of an obvious chuckle. This is the sort of chuckle that just gets casually tossed around while walking down the street for me.

Then again, I also live in a place where the cumbrella is actually useful .

Be glad that images are off or he would have posted pictures.

5 is middle-aged for an otter.


God dammit , Belgand.

i can't believe i clicked that after the whole damn sentence leading up to it was an italicized warning about how gross the picture could be. And gross it was.

Not to mention the article explaining it. There are plenty of other pictures of the act in question, but I decided that if I was only going to link directly to one I'd best go with an action shot.

So does the security guard.

how do i get the lame allotment off!? oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooes

I love you.

Pity it's a bus ticket and not a plane ticket then isn't it?

Thanks alot, Bin Laden.

"Just joking! Blanks, see? Scraps is fine!"

Philippe won't be shot for carrying the luggage because he will be shipped inside the luggage.

Philippe will decide that now he is rich, he'd like to get back to his roots and find out what the life of a wild sea otter is like.
He will disappear off the Carmel coast, perhaps to be filmed by the BBC many years later, a greybeard otter patriarch with generations of descendants....still 5.

I think he'll just go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for the day and fall asleep in the car on the way home.

...and piss himself.

April fools! He's not leaving! Teodor told him to clean his room so he used a suitcase to store things in. He was just out of drawers. Thats it!

why do you have to ruin every surprise? do you like pissing on everyones happiness?

Cornelius needs to collect his wisdom in a moleskine for Philippe to take with him, and in a decade and a half he can return to Achewood to win the Badass Games.

Cornelius wouldn't be taken in by the faux-classic frippery of a moleskine. You'd finding him sporting this little number.

Those look all kinds of tacky and they cost an arm and a leg. Doesn't sound like Cornelius to me.

Cornelius makes his own chapbooks from a nice leaf of good writing paper that takes ink well. Any bookbinder can easily make a nice stack of 32 page octavos in four with good, stiff covers for very little indeed.

You've sold me. I now really want to make myself some notebooks.

I have instructions .

oh snap

SHIT just got REAL

Dude! (Na mas De)

Don't fret!

It'll be allright....It'll be allright....


and then brad pitt shoots kevin spacey in the head.

nah, brad pitt was one got shot n it wasn't kevin it was casey aflack

what movie are you thinking of? I was going for se7en.

jesse james bro its K i am pretty cinema otaku

No one should shoot a stranger in the head ever.

is anybody gonna go with the poor kid?

...To his mom's house?

You ask first, man.

Why can't he take a plane? He's a millionaire.

College gets more and more expensive every year. If Phillipe is still five after all this time, imagine how much it'll be if he finally hits eighteen

Maybe you don't understand what "Phillipe is five" means.

Phillipe will never be 18. Phillipe is five. Phillipe will never be 19. Phillipe is five. Phillipe will never be 20. Why is that?

Write your answer the space provided.

Because he'd most likely be dead. The male sea otter lives around 12-4 years, maximum around 23.


See me after class.

...but he feels like a walk-around bum (the name used to advertise "Walk-Around Butt" in the UK market)

I much prefer the "Walk-Around Fanny" personally. Usually quite a bit of fun.

Burning sensation available shortly.

Diflucan not included

Oh, cool! Free yogurt!

Recolonize, m'boys, recolonize.

If they were using the colon, it wouldn't have been a problem.

is there such a thing as "getting your white wings"?

If there is, I might have unknowingly inflicted it upon a very special person.

my condolences to your boyfriend.

When was a boyfriend implied?

look, i was just talkin shit.

It was my hub-bub. I'm not a lady of easy virtue.

not even when youre inebriated?

Sorry, we're being British today. Make that a yoghurt or we'll have to confiscate it.

Also, it's pronounced "yogg-urt", not " yo e-gert".

It's a cultured dairy product, not a Lovecraftian horror from beyond.

I think you'll find that these things are not mutually exclusive.

Two months behind the furnace and we'll find out!

So how will Philippe's mom react when Mini-Ray shows up?

That's a good point. I almost forgot that Phillipe was in his alternate duds.

A bus? Phillipe can't handle that scene, bums and mental defects and angry people ride the bus. And college kids. No offense to bus riders.

also beheadings occur

oh my god I forgot about that

The kid made it through the transfer station. He's tougher than he looks.

Billy Idol lives on

He's got wicked sack.

you had better believe it!

Taking a bus really isn't cheap anymore. It's not quite as bad as flying, but it's still pricey.

A one-way ticket from San Francisco to Columbus, OH purchased over 21 days in advance would require three transfers, over two days, and cost $108.

Trains aren't much better. They really should be though. True, we're a ludicrously large country, but there's no reason to use buses for long-distance travel that's only going to be following set routes anyway. Trains are faster and more efficient. Buses should only be used as a last-mile solution. Same thing goes for public transit in dense cities. Not to mention shipping goods (in these days of containerization the old arguments that loading and unloading made trains problematic no longer apply).

In some ways the Interstate was one of the worst things we ever did to this country.

Also the rivers can be used more, like I think there are still a few things that are cheaper to barge down the Mississip than all of the above. Though I guess then you run into pollution problems cuz it seems like every piece of the river shipping puzzle was made like sixty years before anyone cared about that...

When you said "rivers can be used more," the first image I got was that of the monopoly man roughly shoving Mr. Belgand into a cast for cement shoes, then throwing him into a river and driving off before the police arrive.

I have lived my life, and I don't have any regrets.

It really depends on what cities you are coming from and going to, and what dates you're travelling. It seems to me the farther away you are from your destination, the more air travel is more efficient. For instance, a flight from Portland to Detroit on 11/2 of this year is gonna cost like $185 and will take 4 hrs 19 mins. The Amtrak journey from Portland to Detroit will cost $180 and will take about 52 hours. Which choice is the more obvious, for most people?

Ve did it because der Fuhrer did it Furst!

An apt description of every bus everywhere, but you forgot the man in the back constantly swigging out of a paper bag and the old man in the front who hits on every rider, regardless of gender.

If you're on a bus and you're not either or both of those people, you're cheating yourself.

as sad him leaving makes me, i am incredibly impressed by the perfect trajectory of the items arcing into philippe's suitase. does he practice that?

No, THIS is the saddest thing.

Cornelius, you rascal.

Philippe leaving is sad. Cornelius being bitchy is excellent. ACHEWOOD LEAVES ME CONFLICTED

Warrant capitalization leaves me murderous and also slightly upset

So he leans less subtly political... Farewell my solace :-(

If there's anything political about thinking that Sarah Palin and Jack Chick are "Literary Pepsi," it says little for the Republicans. Cornelius ain't calling out P.J. O'Rourke or William F. Buckley Jr. here.

That is astoundingly unfair to Pepsi-Cola. I tend to view such things as being far more akin to RC.

I was kind of thinking this, too, but would've never said it. Thank you for voicing my lowbrow concerns about beverage-related metaphors for literature so I don't have to.

Fuck you. I like RC Cola.

I was thinking more like Dad's Root Beer ... or weird-ass Mexican soda that's flavored like fruit I've never heard of.

We need more fruit-flavored soda. Except for tamarind because tamarind everything tastes like crap.

Let us all agree that perhaps C&C Cola could have been used as well if it weren't so fucking regional these days. Faygo... we're not even going there.

Mainly because Faygo seems to have gone upmarket recently. They're pushing these nice, cane sugar sodas in glass bottles that are really quite nice. They're not longer high school Juggalos and have become hipsters.

RC Cola over Jarritos? Your mouth is a butthole.

jarritos is the hot stinky shit, dogg. i wept bitterly when they stopped stocking it in the machine at school.

Jarritos pineapple is all the reason I need for fluids to exist.

if i didnt already believe in Heaven and Jesus and stuff, that fine, fine mexican soda would make me a believer.

Interesting. I see things in the opposite manner. If something this beautiful and perfect can exist then there simply cannot be any possibility for a god because I cannot conceive that he could be any greater.

Jarritos: Better than god.

no matter what things we disagree about, we'll always have jarritos.

Puh-shaw! Moxie is the only soda for me!

You can't often find it around here. I usually just get store-brand Chutzpah.

I thought you distilled your own in the sink.
Belgand's Original Chutzpah in a Bottle
It's What, Not Good Enough For You?

I produce a similar, but subtly different beverage that is marketed as Scorn. Most local markets rarely carry anything other than Smug, but a lot of the taquerias and Latin markets will sell Huevos.

Do you mean to tell me that you think the average republican with intellect considers Palin & Chick worth reading, or even worth acknowledging at a party? They exist to appeal to the lowest rung of the Republican's social ladder, not to compose fine works.

I eagerly anticipate the next Chick/Palin collaboration.

I hope she gets with TWO Chicks this time


I believe the scene at the end had her with both Condi and Hillary actually.

There goes a special boy!

That reminds me - I need to patent singing condoms.

Of to read Jack Chick comics.


*Jack Off

*Jack Off to Chick's


I can see Jack in my mind now, just knowing that someone, somewhere is (somehow) using his shitty comics as a masturbatory aid, and let me say he is FURIOUS.

God says that you and I cannot have a Family.

Phillipe uses the same style of packing as I do. The "throw your shit into a case from wherever your belongings are" method.

Whatever doesn't make it in you probably don't need anyway.

I am ready for some parabola-shaped action. Put on your story-arc helmets, kids, 'cause it's gonna be a BUMPY RIDE!

what happens at the end of three men and a baby?

The infant's orifices are terribly distended and it must be disposed of properly in a biohazard bin.



Comment/Avicon synergy.

i'm going to step in and disagree here. I don't think an air-boning ray has anything to do with disgusted yelps.

I bet it does more often than you think

I think srikamaraja thought it was Ray heaving.

Close, but EEEEEEAAAUGH! is what Ray yells when he is not Careful on Judas Priest Friday!

And it's 6 days before the IRS/IDES of April, srik.

What day is today, boys n girls?

Kill this man.

Gonna listen to Freezepop's "Here Comes a Special Boy" and CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP.

Just kidding I'ma smoke a fatty and not take webcomics seriously.

Good night!

You have a heart of stone.

Sorry, "stoned".

I don't care if that was totally planned; you got me.

I will do both. I am a complex individual.

Complexity is overrated son.

Cornelius bitchy is a refreshing change of pace from the few previous comics.

(Does anyone else hear Stephen Fry when Cornelius speaks? Is it just me?)

That sounds like a serious condition, get it looked at by a professional

Although I suppose even some whackjob in back of alley behind Chinese takeout res-tau-rant could be called professional, as long as he is make money and consider it a job

I am afraid not. The three traditional professions clergyman, lawyer, or doctor. These days the term is used a little more loosely to cover accountants, dentists, architects and engineers, but the term is still restricted to those who have passed a single, industry wide process of examination, enjoy high status and high pay, and who are bound by a system of ethics.

[i] jeez man who asked you a thing

You forgot prostitutes.

Like professional golfers.

man you fulla shit dont chubby this fool. professional jus' means you make money at yo thang. professional hustler, professional hockey player. as in PROFESSION as in JOB. dont fuck around. we all know this shit

According to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, "professional" is defined as follows:

* must earn a salary of at least $455 per week or $23,660 annually

* Knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction

* Invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor

Oh thanks, now I have the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act telling me what my language means. :P


I got a whackjob in the back alley of a Chinese takeout res-tau-rant. From a Professional.

I personally hear a very stern/bored John Cleese.

I think Lyle will be the most upset by Philipe's leaving. Poor Lyle.

he will only notice when his next bowling attempt ends in all gutterballs

Deep down, he will hurt.

Deep down he will feel disconsolate because his youthful companion has left for astro-turfier grounds.

Cornelius, if he shouldn't be drawing life lessons from crabby old men, for fuck's sake, don't send him cross-country on a bus .

Philippe is still 5, I see.

Philippe's still to learn he can never truly go home.
His mum moved.
Anyway, I smell a road trip!

I smell Philippe's mum making hilariously arch-conservative decisions on what to do with her son's millions. This is, of course, assuming that Philippe Co.'s appeal wears off soon and that the bus ticket "home" cost the majority of aforesaid millions.
A wacky road trip/rescue mission by Téodor, Lyle and Mr. Bear would be fun, too.

Ray, of course, follows in Airwolf (this is because he owns it)

who's going to put together the nostalgic "it's ending now" retrospective slide show?

i'd guess beef and molly, as a team. they're a nice combination of computers and sentimental.

If you meant who in real life will do this then i don't want to think about that person.

Like every single retrospective since 1997 it will feature "Good Riddance". Nobody should be required to endure the pains of graduating high school since that song was released.

In my freshman year of college, on the day I moved into my dorm, my roommate listened to "Good Riddance" on repeat for forty-five minutes. I did not ask why, because I did not want to hear the answer.

Ans: It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

Um....what's bad about "Going Rogue for Kids"? I kind of wish someone had given me a book about going rogue before I spent two decades listening to my parents...

"I wish in the past I had tried more things 'cause now I know that being in trouble is a fake idea." - R. Smuckles

You're missing the reference here. "Going rogue" no longer means becoming a renegade, but becoming a Sarah Palin acolyte.

Teodor was actually just upset about the book and failed to pay close attention. Phillipe's mother had actually sent him "Going Rouge for Kids: A Boy's Own Guide to the Exciting World of Cosmetics!" from the Fancy Lad series of instructional books for young gentlemen.

Belgand always has time for foppery.

At least he has enough money to come back and visit whenever he wants.


peeps alla time twokin abot moisturizer dis, skin moister iser dat, but alla you really needa do is drink water. easily lik 4000-5000 ml a day n dat shitt'll moistin up neways keep dis in mind

you cannit drink too much water so jus drink up wit a jug o tap n enjoy healthier life n moisture skin.

i care abot yall n want u 2 b safe n healty dats all.


small jonts (toes, fingers) needa b rested. dont tryn work throuh sprain ankle cuz ankle is not a thigh. much smaller stuff n u work thru u fuck up more (not like a thigh) so jus remb. dat

you cannit drink too much water

water intoxication: headache, personality changes, changes in behavior, confusion, irritability, and drowsiness. These are sometimes followed by difficulty breathing during exertion, muscle weakness, twitching, or cramping, nasusea, vomiting, thirst, and a dulled ability to perceive and interpret sensory information. As the condition persists papillary and vital signs may result including bradycardia and widened pulse pressure. The cells in the brain may swell to the point where blood flow is interrupted resulting in cerebral edema. Swelled brain cells may also apply pressure to the brain stem causing central nervous system dysfunction. Both cerebral edema and interference with the central nervous system are dangerous and could result in seizures, brain damage, coma, or even death.

First off yes, drinking too much water can make you thirsty. While gladi's 4000-5000ml over a day probably won't cause severe problems in a healthy adult drinking that much in one go certainly can do, especially for those at higher risk (due to lower body mass, unhealthy kidneys, etc.). It is not recommended that anyone drink above 1 litre per hour. And 2 litres a day is sufficient for most people.

I love that you took gladi8orrex seriously.

Why wouldn't I? He's the most highly respected person here.

While that is undeniably true, it's less about him than it is about the state of this place right now. I hate people who say this, but assetbar really has seen better days.

I hate to admit it, but the [IMGS OFF] epidemic seems more than ever like an almost insurmountable blow to us a community. I think we'll survive and maybe eventually even thrive once more, but we're still learning how to adapt.

assetbar was shit when it had images. maybe at first assetbar was okay, but after a while it turned into a bunch of illiterate fags who only posted images.

Thanks for saving us from ourselves. How did this place ever function without the guiding hand of AIU? Those were dark days.

oh, this cunted circus never ends

let's have the females talk about inserting stuff into their vaginas for a change? Ladies, how 'bout it? What's the weirdest most exotic thing you've ever shoved up your cunt?

the bedpost-holders from my canopy, four-post bed (roughly six inches long, ornate, curvy). or maybe a Guinness bottle (12oz, on a dare, not fully inserted). Happy?

cool. that's pretty normal. we all should be more comfortable with these concepts.

So it is considered acceptable for your dares to involve people watching you insert foreign objects into your orifices? I clearly have the wrong group of friends.

oh man glad
oh man
you bought into...
The Dehydration Myth


water be lifefluid dont fuck around like yall ain't know this. but w/e, keep ya dry skins gettin' it artificially surface moistened instead of legitimately moistened via water intake. who gives a shit

this why peeps dont lend helpin' hands. ungrateful mother fuckers

Actually, dry skin is due to a lack of oil, which of course lets the outer layer get dry. But without more oil production, water won't help I don't think, but I'm no dermotologist..


thanks for your wild speculation ill stick with fax though

I dranks ma waters and ate better foods and ma skin got better! It cleared up and just looked healthier, gladi8orrex speaks truths. Thanks gladi8orrex!

keep it up dont ever stop.

Water should only be drink in small quantities, mixed with at least 50% single malt.

And the other 50% should (secretly) be single malt also

if the first 50 is single malt then you drink another 50 wouldn't that make it--

double malt?

the mathematics of getting slanty...

dont be racist im allabout azn peeps nah, so watch that shit.

dont sass me, you honky son of a bitch.

In The Green Man Kingsley Amis recommends a whisky which due to it's natural pale colour looks like it is more heavily diluted than it actually is. Every novel should give out practical advice like that.

No, I hate it.


To further speculations as to the plausibility of Philippe's leaving before Hitting the Bigtime [tm]: Since he's clearly extremely eager to go back, how come Ray didn't just spot him a six hundo? (sorry if this question has been brought up before)

Return of the "Flut".

I noticed this too, and it made me very happy.

I as well. THAT was my "shit got real" moment.

So who's manufacturing and shipping all those things Philippe sold? How much of that money is actually profit?

For every dollar sent in:
$0.15 goes to the Chinese manufacturer
$0.10 goes to container shipper
$0.13 goes to truckers
$0.12 goes to marketing
$0.03 goes to PayPal
Philippe get the other 50 cents. (Sorry I should have made this funnier.)

I like that the truckers get a larger share (although marketing I suppose is a smaller department, so the individual marketing man is probably still making more than the individual truckin' man. Too bad)

Hey Assetbar, can we all make a promise not to comment on every strip from now on

"Oh man, this looks like the end of achewood -- its been a crazy trip, my irish honkies!"

This has been going on with 8bit theater for like a fucking year and a half now. We have no reason to believe this is the end. Philippe is going nowhere. Nothing undermines the beauty of the closing moments of a story like farting around asking "OH GOD IS IT OVER" every time something new happens.

Also, this is your cue for the next person who is going to comment "is this the end?" as a reply to this.

Let's just end the arc with Roast Beef dying and call it a day.

The end! No moral.

If anything, TheFinalArc will end in everyone BUT Roast Beef dying. He will be alone, unconsoled, sans lamp, in a desolate wasteland, devoid of any human contact or companionship; and in this solitude he will find no solace.

Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why.


You both 'ave read your Cappeletti.

Let's be fair about 8Bit Theater; they think it's the end because the events of the comic correspond to the end of the game. It's a logic conclusion to make.

But yeah I agree let's not be crazy about Achewood

But 8Bit Theater is ending, Brian Clevinger told me so.

Cornelius is bitchy because he is conflicted by Phillipe's leaving.
Even a man like him can have emotions which are, like a badly served jalapeno, hella crazy.


You can never really go home... not after the incident. The neighbors all know, they give you funny looks, and the floorboards creak where you hid the bodies.

Cornelius has much cognacs at breakfast time.

Connie is also allowed to take the edge off with a nip of brandy after his devilish morning.

This, or he can steal some of Lyle's leafy growings, if he so pleases. Lyle might not complain because Cornelius is the biggest badass of the neighbourhood.

'Leafy growings' is an extremely contrived way to refer to reefer.

Cornelius ain't been stoned since the slow-pitch softball game unless I'm forgetting another time which is possible but the point is that basically isn't his vice.

Achewood will end with a single-panel drawing of Philippe blowing out six candles.

it is a shame that this is currently so far down on the bar, because it is a wonderful comment.

Yeah it is basically a true thing. I don't want Achewood to end but if it has to this better be the way.

Agreed. It was only by accident I scrolled this far into the dark forest of people who don't comment right when the new comic is released.
I may need to do so again, some time.

Well there's a good chance the current comic will be up for some time, so eventually the majority of Assetbar users will get depressed enough to scroll through the comments. I know I do!

(not that I care or anything)

(the joke being that I do in fact care very much about the thrill that comes from a much-chubbied comment, thanks guys)

You earned it out there, man. You earned it.

The End

BAM! It turns out one of the candles was a trick candle and re-ignites! what a twist indeed


First they came for the non-premium posters...
Oh, Assetbar, Assetbar...

...wherefore art thou, Assetbar?

... fade to black and then a link to a Jonathan Coulton song

"It is understood that Ray is allowed to not have used his vast fortune to send Philippe home years ago without a lot of authorial explanation."

"Phillipe wouldn't take Ray's charity. He wanted to go back to his mom on his own dime, to prove that he'd really made it in the world.

Also, I suspect Ray's wealth is mostly on paper, and what he does have he constantly has to spend on $600 apologies."

You know, the crazy thing is that I just wrote a paper about the issue of defining home in the Odyssey.

Yeah? Well if you had finished earlier than Phillipe wouldn't have to leave! Way to drop the ball on that one!

I know we were all thinking it, but did you have to say it.
Did you have to say it.

That is definitely crazy. I want to know. Is "home" with Nausicaa, with Circe or with Penelope? Or...?
I'm half being sarcastic, but half not. And how would you apply your thesis to Philippe? Where is his home? "Inquiring minds want to know." Now I'm only a quarter sarcastic.

That's way too many questions for a pink pig.

I think home is the place where you get to kill a bunch of dudes and engage in archery competitions. He never left it.

Basically, that was my conclusion, belgand.

The crux of the argument was that Odysseus's entire quest was to return home, right? But upon coming home to Ithaca, and setting his house in order, the dude has to go off and walk into the mainland with an oar on his shoulder until someone asks why he's carrying a winnowing fan. Then he builds a big ol' mound, sacrifices a hecatomb over it, and is able to die a gentle death, away from the sea, surrounded by a prosperous people.

Now, if that's the case, Ithaca can't be his home. So what is it? Everything in Odysseus's life is essentially transitory. And, really, he seems like he's most in his nature when he's out being a lying, murdering son of a bitch on the road.

Now, you compare that to the other heroes that made it home that you see in the Telemachy, like Menelaus, and Nestor. Both the guys don't have exactly the most healthy home-lives, but there is a sense of peace, and comfort in the self. Of self-recognition. Home, Homer seems to say, is that place where you recognize yourself.

So, Odysseus's home is within the state of travel. It's the state in which he is the most himself. That state may not be the healthiest, but I suppose that sort of betrays the general virtue of one's life. Menelaus and Nestor, and Odysseus are judged by the Gods, and their judgement becomes the home that they return to, from the Trojan War.


In the above context, Phillipe's home is being five.

Okay, very nice; I buy that. It's been too long already since I have been with people analyzing the Iliad and Odyssey to have any reason to pick bones. "What is home" is indeed something I see as one of the more important vague philosophical questions. Whose translations do you like best of the ancient epics? In my book it's Fagles. (I get the distinct feeling I've already asked this question before on Assetbar; it's like I crop up every few months these days and say something arcane or dumb; I should get back into things.)

Fagel is a good read. But he tends to interpret and extrapolate. I do love his Sophocles translations.

For Homer, I read Lattimore. Since Homer is so image driven, I think it's important to have a more literal translator to catch all that nuance that I didn't see in Fitzgerald or Fagel.

Don't you do philosophy at me goddammit!


So, what do we think Connie has there... red wine glass or Cognac balloon? Due to his surly nature I would defer to the Cognac theory.

Just a modest little Armagnac to help his lunch down.

He's been pouring red wine into that Cognac glass since like 10:30, figuring that no one else in the house would notice what at all was in it.

Rather than losing a character we are gaining one.
Everyone welcome Henry the Hungry Suitcase.

I can see Henry slowly developing as a character, appearing in more strips until he becomes one of the most significant and identifiable characters of the series; a bit like Roast Beef.

If Phillippe goes home, I will die.

this might be an exaggeration, but I wouldn't know. I've never exaggerated anything in the history of the world, ever.

I believe you.

In all of the recent story arcs, the conflict has been the impending threat of permanently losing a character. Even the relationship between Beef and Molly is on the chopping block. There's no joy left in creating or expanding -- for almost a year, Achewood's top priority has been preventing catastrophe, but there's no adventure to it, as there was when we thought Nice Pete was going to kill Philippe, or any given past arc. The writing contest was promising but Roast Beef's death got in the way. The recession arc was promising but now it's this bullshit.

The threat of losing a character creates high stakes, but to be continually bombarded by storylines about it is tiresome.

A comment left by ratacattt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by soup_alex, extortshorties, Scorpio_nadir)

who the fuck lamed this. come on. it might inspire the guy.

Is your icon a party toilet?

Granularsilica, I thought you might be interested to know that I just took a geology test online where I had to answer questions about silica, and used the "find" feature on my computer to find instances of that word in my text. After the test I opened up assetbar and was going to use the "find" function to see what gladd was up to, but I hit "enter" too soon and saw "4 matches" and thought "wtf who's writing about silica on assetbar", and now I understand just how intensely nerdy your username is.

Man that was a much more interesting story before I typed it out

No, it's a great story -- it's about me!!

Marcel Duchamp laughs at you.

But then again, Marcel Duchamp laughed at pretty much everyone...

Apparently Brian Eno smuggled in a tube of his piss to spray on it(well, one of the copies at least). I have to believe that Duchamp would have loved it.

Why not? They're both pretentious tossers.

God, I love Cornelius.

when the spring time winds--
begin to blow again
a joyous bolt it descends
it thrills me in the main
it troubles me though--
that my mood still depends,
so much on outside stimuli,
that i am happy when thing's wet--
yet angered when they dry,
I am worn: like an aged fret
on a beloved guitar.
the finger prints etched:
the song of beauty: from afar
upon closer inspection, however
one can muster only cheap remark:--
i shall use my guitar forever.

i been simply rappin' 2 long

chubs for stayin the freshest. its like you sleep in the crisper drawer man!

what the fuck that's like Shakespeare

yea and verily, ching chong wing wong.

Jesus, panel 5 Teodor, you look and speak so reasonabl(e/y).