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Busking Skeletons Tuesday, May 24, 2005 • read strip Viewing 81 comments:

To this day, I occasionally get the image of Roast Beef with that makeup on and I laugh. Then I puke.

It's truly one of the funniest images. Personally, I think this one would be better if it ended with the second to last panel, but it's still great.

But - but he comepletely wants to use art! How can you not love that? Completely!

Motherfucking typo.

I love Ray's pure joy in the first panel. This whole story arc animates so well in my head. I think it's probably my favorite.

He's still buzzed enough to not be upset as he explains the power of the Volvo to Mr. Bear in the second panel.

your avatar scares me

If I change it to something else, it might get angry. And I sure as hell don't want that to happen again.

Bad taste and ill-advised male makeup: a weapon turned on the self; castrating and ostracizing.

Aint that Ray's tape though? The E's are his siganture, so Ray perhaps listens to the cure when noone else is around?!

I never thought I would ever see Beef in guyliner. The car has powerful juju.

He's presumably listening to The Cure as well.

Frankly, the tape is the most frightening of all three objects in the glove box.

Only liberals listen to the cure.

The surprising part is the label's in Ray's handwriting (look at the Es).

Ray has hell of secrets

Maybe he used it when he was trying to make amends with Teodor

A comment left by closefriend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Ebessan, Art-Vader, Dainbramage, Mastronaut, LRosetw8, morganization)

He applied it to his hair, and pulled his polish-covered hair over his eyes.

At least I hope so.

I think the shoe polish name is a reference to the old shoe-shine shops you use to get from the nineteenth to the early twentieth century.

"Yes, Sir!" is just the way someone who shines your shoes would probably address you. If it were "Yes, Suh!" it would arguably be racist, but not as it stands.

Ah. The name of the shoe polish is not phonetically racist.

Look at his avatar. He is obviously an authority on the subject.

There's also eyeliner in there, and panel 9 shows him applying it, not the shoe polish, to his eyes.

i thought of the military when i saw the 'yes sir' on the polish can. but then i remembered that the nowadays, as for military garb, desert boots dont need to be polished, and class a shoes are shiny on thier own.

This strip is brilliant for (among other things) the use of "unmitigated nincompoopery"

Ray looks downright pregnant in his strip.

Cornelius totally calls ray out in this strip for his carelessness towards Roast Beef and the Volvo of Despair

A comment left by nutmeg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, atom, AaronGStock)

Man... you can't just go adding something that came into existence AFTER both other things into the middle section of a Transitive Property statement... Well, I guess there's not a rule against it, but all the same, it just doesn't feel right. I mean, the strip already sets up the equation for us without the need for transitivity. The math teacher has spoken.

The term "equality" doesn't apply in general when discussing relational properties. The internet pedant has spoken :-)

Roast Beef wants what we all want.


I totally busted out laughing at this strip.

the last panel is one of my favorite achewood moments

Beef's depression just levelled up.

New Prestiege Class: Avatar of Despair
Requirements: Crippling Depression 15 Ranks, Cicumstances Feat, and Trent Reznor's Volvo of Despair (Artifact)

What base class would it be? ... Bard?

Bard or Ex-Paladin.

The class actually has -1D4 health degradation per level.

If rowboat were here, he'd say "y'all some nerds." But since he's not, I'll say it. Y'all some nerds.

there are no weapons more dangerous then these to a severely depressed person

All Beef needs now is a swishy cape and a ticket to Paris.

A comment left by yaegmenthor was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, kenthegod, cailetshadow)

Oh wait "busking" not "basking".
Man, I failed something fierce

There is no possible way you could fail if that was you who took the time to try to bring Beef's random thought to life.

Maybe I can add a banjo or drumset or something really fast, withouth messing with the picture. I like how it turned out, also I am lazy and do not want to start all over.

[url=https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/dndboy13/etchings/art-1b.png>Or maybe a Ukulele (oh god did I spell that right) and a bitchin top hat[/url]

Try it again

C'est magnifique. But really.

yes it is art. nicely done

What we need more of... is art.

Wow, you completely used art to convey the image of a skeleton busking in a subway system in post-apocalyptic Paris! And it looks awesome as well.


Hello new desktop!

Someone has lamed everyone who has vocalised their approval of this art. That's pretty dick.

It was Christo.

it was me

Ray's dumbfounded expression is the simplest drawing of him and for some reason one of the funniest. It's like Cornelius's explanation blew up all thought in his head.

A comment left by relaxing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, rowboat, cailetshadow)

The last panel is the biography of a lot people these days.

I'm sure that the last image has already been rendered perfectly by someone like Poppy Z Brite.

panel six is a winner

This is not the first time Roast Beef has been suddenly captivated by a skeleton musician .

Well damn it. https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua1Kz92N.

oh, dang. The Top . Onstad brought some serious pain for Robert Smith and those who love him. dang.

nah, The Top is an album that can be easily ridiculed, only a couple actual good songs on it, it's mainly Robert just tripping balls in the recording studio with a drummer. S'kinda fun to listen to but not particularly good at all.

I always wondered about those hooting sounds he kept making on that album(in Birdmad Girl, The Caterpillar, Bananafishbones, and Throw Your Foot even though it's a b-side ). Do 'shrooms do that to everybody, is that something weird with Robert, or what?

As far as I know, anything that comes out of the mouth of someone on shrooms is mainly babbling.
I do believe the songs Give Me It, and Bananafishbones are entirely products of weird trips.

However the hooting, is his thing of being poppy/psychedelic, I think it's probably like a trippy extension of Doo-wop. A bit of an expansion on the nonsense syllables in some Japanese Whispers songs, and, of course, of the Bowie inspired vocal grunts and things.

He was hooting because he wanted to be an owl.

This is also quite possible, oh the things shrooms will do to mostly good people
I also noticed that someone glanced at the above conversation and lamed its entirety and then I laughed.

He would've been better off if there was a loaded gun in there.

In this strip, Chris Onstad uses art to convey a tin of Old No. 12 "Yes, Sir!" Quality Shoe Polish in the glove compartment of Trent Reznor's car.

This is hell of funny to me; MY bootlegged Cure tape looked exactly the same, with the three horizontal slashes for the E and the ahnk and everything. I lost it on the bus a long time ago... I wonder if Onstad found it?

seriously? an Ankh on the Cure, man . . .
I always wonder who popularised that as a "Goth" symbol, I imagine it must have been either Anne Rice (in probly Queen of the Damned, though I have not read it) or Neil Gaiman (Death, the Sandman comics). Both good writers but that is following them too far.

Hey, guys! You'll notice that a lot of comments here have just one, seemingly very unnecessary lame. That is because some prick called "kenthegod" went and lamed everything, I assume giggling like a gnome and masturbating furiously as he did so. He has made almost no comments and received no chubbies or lames, but has gone around invisibly laming like his shitty little life depends on it. So I went to his profile, and found the one comment he has made, and lamed it out of principle. You may well think I am petty for doing this. Or you may wish to follow my example .

Chubby for being a better detective than me, and also "masturbating furiously."

To clarify, I approve of your humourous use of the phrase "masturbating furiously." Not the other, weirder thing.

I just thought it was your sign off, like for a letter or email:

Masturbating furiously,


You have done a good deed, miss, and I have fulfilled my obligation to your fine work. The world needs more people like you.

I pray to God I never cross you...

grow some balls