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Lyle's Vinegar Ablution Friday, February 9, 2007 • read strip Viewing 98 comments:

I could've lived my life without that image.

I find it has enriched my life in many ways, some of which are still being discovered to this day.

A comment left by a_dude was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, Overmedicated, totoro23, hikikomori, luckypyjamas, Darthemed)

he is a tiger

tigers and cats both belong to the family Felidae

This is extremely accurate, probably.

Lyle is not a cool Felidae.

totally. tigers cant roar.

No, but they are masterful fuffers.

This is not a porn reference.

you were not in danger of convincing me that was not a pornographic reference until you mentioned that it was not.

Doesn't make him any cooler

What a bringdown. I hope Teodor wasn't too attached to that bowl.

It isn't his, It belongs to Mr Bear. But he was quite attached to his Vinegar.

Knowing T, I'm thinking it's some high-end balsamic from Italy. There's probably like $8 worth of vinegar in that bowl.

Joke's on Lyle; balsamic vinegar is hell of sticky when it dries.

Eew. I'm going to stop thinking about that now.

balsamic is the best kind.

for douching?

No, Valu-Douche is the best kind for douching!

But it's not "vinegar"
I don't see no Salt 'n' Valu-Douche flavored potato chips on the supermarket shelf

sticky cat scrotum smelling like vinegar.

Now his vinegar is attached to Lyle's sack.

The music represented in the first strip is indeed the piano head of Dave Brubeck's "Take Five," one of my favorite jazz pieces.

And of course by "strip" I mean "panel."

That's what I assumed it was, yeah, it looks like it. Haha, people who listen to Dave Brubeck do NOT mix with people who wash their junk with vinegar.

Yeah and someone should really try that and tell us what it's like.

Can't be worse than doing it with acetone....

Or Listerine. Never try that ever.

Listerine kills germs that cause bad thoughts.

But does it agitate your free radicals?


I think by the time he got out of prison, Eugene Debs was totally in favor of Listerine.

If I may forever prove my terribleness by quoting 4chan:

"feels good man"

A comment left by rad_chillies was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pmoney187, GeyserShitdick, sandswipe, cailetshadow, sncether)

I'm confused as to why you started doubting the definition of "panel" all of a sudden. It's not really an arbitrary thing; this is a three-panel strip. There has been a consensus on this usage for nearly a century.

Yeah I probably should have gone to wikipedia right away.

it's cool dude, you thought of a panel as being a collection of people in a row behind a desk with political opinions, critical notoriety, or fine culinary taste. that's an easy mistake to make.

Though 99 percent of me immediately knew that you were wrong, rad_chillies, I admit that there was 1 percent of me which momentarily thought "Oh wow, I never knew this!"

It was over in seconds, but I don't think it speaks well of my intellectual constitution.

I'm really glad I'm not the only one who checked that. Take Five is hands down my fav jazz piece.

yes, but it's all the better when juxtaposed against an image of a tiger douching his tiger-junk. nothing like dave brubeck to remind you that there are some who would not make testicle-tea in your vinegar.

Testicle Tea- the worst name ever for a jazz song. Never to be confused with Popsicle Toes.

A comment left by mustconcentrate was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, atypicaloracle, acefalco)

Fuck do you care?

comparing take five to smells like teen spirit is a very silly thing to do. very very very silly.

Actually, Take Five was written by Paul Desmond. Sorry to be a party-pooper. You don't own a Real Book, I take it?

Well, sure, but Paul Desmond was Dave Brubeck's alto player, so there.

this piece is what got me into jazz in the first place. listening right now

it's not the head, the "head" of a tune is the melody. what's represented there is the intro. but it's still a great tune; it's one of my favorites as well.

Look at Teodor's arm-crossing sadness in that first panel, though. Doesn't it look like he's listening to Joy Division again? Guess the Brubeck takes a few minutes to work its magic.

The alt text is right!

Strip gets a 5 for the classic alt text.

I saw this strip and cried tears of black ichor.

Has anyone tried this? I mean, you never know

Wouldn't it hurt?

That's how you know it's becoming clean. Like Scrubbing Bubbles!


Maybe a little irritation of the urethra, or the anus.




It makes crabs go away. The little tiny kind. That you don't get from a toilet.

A comment left by djwhiterabbit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, Krea, Pseudochron, tttt2, _cheesekayke, lux, sncether, pulkbaby)


Lyle is a terrible man.




How come Todd can be a terrible man (not to mention a colleague of Ray's) but Lyle is stuck being a Tiger?

How come?

5 for "Dude . . . DUDE!" That's about how I'd react.

This was the strip I (accidentally) used to introduce my grandmother to Achewood.

She thought it was pretty damn funny, though.

how do you do that accidentally, may i ask?

Your grandmother is my new favorite person.

A comment left by henrythecad was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by c_dizzle, SuperLeahJane, cailetshadow)

I think the most disturbing thing is that he does it in what appears to be a communal area of the Achewood house. I mean, dude, baby living there!

What, Philippe a baby? He is Five.

I think he means Onstad's actual baby.

Oh god I am such a fool

We all do this on occasion. There comes a Time.

THAT is TOTALLY RANK, is what it is.

Not anymore... it's been douched...

A comment left by hcaz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by saddestking, waldo913, Semiquaver, molesticide, BrianNotBrian)


I believe that is the first time i have ever heard the term "man-douche"

Why does Lyle need to man-douche? Is this related to his job of making trannies feel comfortable in their new bodies?

See the "crabs" entry above. To remove parasites.

So, from the blogs I was reading it seems like Lyle's job mostly involves him having sex with these trannies. Is he basically a prostitute (with a heart of gold)?

lyle is all full of piss and vinegar

Yeah take five

from now on, that bowl will smell like farted-in vinegar. Unfortunately for Teodor, he has already experienced that particular smell.

maybe he's checking for warts

Admittedly, it is generous of me to assume this to be the case, and generous of me to think there's a chance he doesn't have HPV.

At least Lyle apologized. Give credit where it's due.

Oddly enough, this is most likely the only hygenic routine Lyle engages in that does not involve lukewarm congealed vomit and hobo urine. Thought provoking.

So, apparently this "man-douching" business is actually incredibly unpleasant when done in real life. How do I know this? Well, let me break it down for you.
not the good way

What is a douche? Is this an American thing or is it something that has passed over my innocent little head?

I'm pretty sure it's not just an American thing; the name is French so I would assume Europeans do it sometimes too? It is a pretty unpleasant notion. I will allow Dr. Wikipedia to explain.

Wouldn't...wouldn't soap and water work better?

This is one stuffed animal who isn't afraid to leave his shoes on while dipping his rad chillies into vinegar. Respec'.

Lyle is like every godawful drunken jerk roommate I have ever had. All crapping in a sweatshirt in the hallway, all passing out naked on my bedroom floor while I'm at work, all squatting in a bowl of vinegar in my living room to clean his hella nasty sack. And I'd still rather live with a Lyle than a Todd.





