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Wedding Vows Wednesday, June 4, 2008 • read strip Viewing 647 comments:

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ck, Norsef, jrpigman, ppccd, Thorfinn, rechelon, lamelliform, headphones, snitchy, MortisInvictus, DrSkradley, retardedgenius, GoriasXY, Tragic_Johnson, clembot, Doc_Rostov, turnabout, hardelicious, Sunshine, Tipist, cromar)

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by yearsinhotclaws, ck, Norsef, ppccd, rechelon, tttt2, headphones, snitchy, jeffreyquah, LexSenthur, Sunshine)

why'd you do it

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ck, Norsef, ppccd, headphones, snitchy, dasilodavi, LexSenthur, Sunshine, pogo)


neither do i

A comment left by envika was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, ppccd, headphones, snitchy, Howard, NDCaesar, dasilodavi, LexSenthur, Sunshine)

A comment left by appers was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, gowerski, morbo)

So did I. He is ahead of his time.

that's more like a quadraphrase.



I just have to say, synapse, that I really like your avatar.




That's no excuse. He is the Pope - you are just a crappy little bullshit man. Go stand in the corner and think about what you've done.


Number 776: The Pope
You and your lady are hangin' out at the Vatican. She does a :(.
Solution: Mutter something about the Pope in a wooden room.

Mister Yuk makes it okay.

maybe you should doodie up your britches and die.

Doodie up the britches four times and then die.


Whereas the Pope is a crappy giant bullshit man.

He is a crappy stooped and wrinkly bullshit man with $5,000 red shoes and gold underwear.

Scariest looking Pope ever... he's coming to Australia very soon and there are ads everywhere with freshfaced youngsters smiling broadly and that sunken eyed octagenarian giving the pope-wave and grinning maelevolently. He looks in need of a stake in the heart.

don't worry, he'll be dead before long. then we can have a new pope!

New Pope = Old Pope.

Pope Classic ?

Diet Pope

Pope Clear

Pope Zero

Crystal Popesi

I'm not sure I understand all of the pope hatred. I mean, isn't the deal that he can only give you shit if you join his club?

They're afraid there really is a direct lineal descent from the Christ guy of laying on of hands, and Il Papa has a direct line to the real God, and so they are fucked.

Popaphobia keeps me up at night, tossing and turning, running through endless mass processionals away... NO SIGNOR PAPA!! NON SONO SCOPATO!!

I love that his name can also mean "The Potato".

If you use the wrong article. (In Spanish, maybe other languages, but not German. Or Latin)


I'm totally hatin' on all overcompensated parasites with cooler stuff than I got

Oxygen tank done up like a Eucharistic tabernacle, hidden under massive bespoke papal vestments?

He..... HE has the ruby slippers?

I had a dream one time where Pope John Paul II could not only turn the host into the flesh of Christ, but could also turn any object into the host, or at least into bread. He'd bless a clock and mutter and then WHAM clock made of bread.

I recall some part of the dream where he faced down an army and turned a soldier's arms into bread and then tore them off, then turned the barrel of a tank into bread, etc. You can see where this is going. All in all, Dream Pope kicked a lot of ass.

This sounds like the George Washington video.

Thank you for this.

Also, he for real did have a pocket full of horses.

Fuck yeah I did!

Also: fucked the shit out of bears.

Washington is working some rough chuckles these days.

Look, when you've got like 20 dicks...

You make love like an eagle falling out of a sky.

So the Pope was basically Firestorm?

Wow, that many people really missed out on Washing-ton, Washing ton?

There's no "why"; it's just, does he. It's supposed to be rhetorical, like "does a bear shit in the woods". I know you said paraphrase but that one little word totally transofrms the meaning of the question.

A comment left by rienne was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, daidai, nql6u)

A rhetorical question is meant to assert something by letting the listener mull over the answer in his own mind. To that end, it's something that has an obvious answer. Everyone knows that bears shit in the woods, which is why it can be asked rhetorically in place of simply saying "yes." When you change the question to "why", you lose that aspect.




you're right, I concede

You are so angry that he called you my friend

I'm hoping he was looking for the classic response:

I'm not your friend, pal.


I'm not your pal, buddy.




Why can't we be fwiends?


He's John McCain.

"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."

But does the Pope?

Was the Pope a Nazi?


Well, kind of.

Same as anyone in Nazi Germany who wasn't directly part of Nazism was, I guess.

Don't deny it - if you were a kid then, you'd be all over that sweet Hitler Youth crap, too. Or your parents would make you go in order for them to have some hot sweaty private German parent-time. They had pocket knives and went camping and shit! (The Hitler Youth, I mean.)

.....and burned down synagogues. But that wasn't till later, I believe.

I was a Little Octobrist . It was pretty sweet.

I would join for the badge.

And that's why Germans shouldn't be Popes. Sorry, Germans! (picturing this in Philippe Times)


And occasionally manned anti-aircraft guns! But that was an unsupervised activity and they all got a very stern talking to afterwards.

(Actually some of them died.)

why didn't i read your post more closely... i skimmed it then said exactly the same thing... anyone spare a Lame?

Yah. Nazi Youth. Like going to Sunday School when you're 8. Not a whole lotta choice if your parents were "devout"**.

**= didn't want to starve/die.

Actually Hitler Youth.

Ahh. Correction noted.


Thats good, because once they are enabled again your posts will be the equivalent of every shanked out, gutted pussy that John Holmes ever fucked.

So will this one, but I mean, I'm just saying.

it's like breaking the seal, mentioned a couple of strips ago. once people can lame me again, they'll keep doing it every 10 seconds.

Now what could they be adding, that would temporarily disable only the comment ratings?


ALT TEXT: Uh, does that last one come in a Clits Notes version?

Gender Trouble in Jamaica! And our old friend Meat DiLildo. I promise you a chubby when this shit starts working again.

"Gender Trouble 2: Gender Trouble in Jamaica"

Yes! Yes! I have left a legacy. Fantastic. Oh don't worry Loneal, I have chubbied this fine fellow as hard as it would allow. And as hard as could be sanitary.

Maybe next time, harder. I will hope.

I thought it was going to be Gender Trouble Vol. 2: Electric Boogaloo, but you are still the Assetbar Genius of Our Time.

A comment left by yearsinhotclaws was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, gladi8orrex, lamelliform, Khabuem, Genkisudo, turnabout, Sunshine, Mastronaut)

You saw it! You can't un-see it!


My favorite part was "these are stories for a different time, though" and "more ants twiddled her twat, and even more ants twaddled her tits." Whoever wrote this has literary ambitions that transcend the medium.

Its from this thread and thats not nearly the most fucked up one I read.

It's like something out of Lewis Carroll.

They twiddled her twat, and twaddled her tits
Prestidigitated her naught bits
Licking her labia, lapping her lips
This is how we work Our Clits!

*naughty bits

Ah whatever

I kind of like "naught bits". It hearkens back to the classical interpretation of the vagina as a lack, an empty void, the Shakesperean "No Thing". I imagine Loneal will have something to say about this.

Three things occured to me as I read this,

a/ underwear with "Void if Removed" printed on them

b/ Ain't no thing but a chicken wing, I have no idea what that could mean

and c/ Nietzsche "When you stare into the void long enough the void stares back at you." but i realise that the actual quote uses the abyss not the void. It is just plain rude to refer to a ldies parts as "abyssal".

I think it was that Naked Lunch guy (it's early, my memory is still waking up) who wrote, "It's just a hole."

Borroughs wrote a lot of things in Naked Lunch, all of which were horrifying to me.

But while we're at the literary names for anatomy, one of my favorite references to breasts is old Bill Faulkner, who called them "Those mammalian ludicrosities which are the horizons and valleys of the earth"

"ludicrosities". how Faulknerian.

yesterday i heard the vagoo referred to as "an open wound that never heals"

I don't know about you, but I have trouble trusting anything that bleeds for 5 straight days and doesn't die.

Lose the misogyny and find some originality.

Was this an Ani DiFranco song?

(I am talking to Susurrus. I already know Ani DiFranco trusts things that bleeds for five days and do not die. Also, thorfinn - try seven days! Y'all wish you could bleed for a week and be okay.)

Today I heard the vajayjay referred to as "the vagoo"

Vagoo goes well with some pasta and a nice white wine...
Just add beef for a fine and filling meal!

You can't mix fish and beef, man, that's nasty

Never heard of surf & turf?

Q: Carpetbagger steak?

A: Steak stuffed with oysters.

"I'd stuff her oyster with my steak!"

Dirty olden times facte #342

The words "Quaint" and "Cunt" have a common ancestor.

In the Canterbury tails there is a point where it references a dude reaching out and grabbing a woman "by her queynte."

And faire, and riche, and yong, and wel bigon,
And trewely, as myne housbondes tolde me,
I hadde the beste queynte [Heng quonyam] myghte be.
For certes, I am al Venerien
In feelynge, and myn herte is Marcien.

Wife of Bath?

Oh, Alisoun. And doesn't Pandarus grab Criseyde by the cunt, too? Chaucer's all about the vagina as a handy hand-hold.

To be fair, queynte translated into "pleasing thing."

I always assumed it was both, but editors weren't going to gloss it as "vagina". And Pandarus and Criseyde were all about the inappropriate uncle/niece relationship anyway, weren't they? Pandarus all stuffing letters down the front of her dress while Troilus failed around mournfully.

Both really work for me.

my name is autrepoupee i have blood eyes and no mouth and this piece of internet erotic has killed me

if u dont post this comment on 10 strips within the next 5 hours i will apear under ur bed tonight and kill ur parents

seriously though i'm dead because of the idea of ants having sex with a human.

A mousy human at that! Ant's got low taste.

LoL I don believe this shit, ROFL u cant hurt me and im not scared of u stupid noob lmao

I think this was based on an australian advertising campaign. There is an earlier version which is the one I remember, but you get the idea .

If that doesn't work, then FUCK YOU ASSETBAR IT LOOKS FINE TO ME.

Ahhhh crap this is in the wrong place. It refers to the ant porn and not the killer chain letter.



I do not regret reading this!... OR DO I?

Wait is this a Tommyzola thing? Tommyzola is a Boosh thing, but is it [i]really[/] a Boosh thing?

Messing up BBcode is an Assetbar thing...but is it really an Assetbar thing?

Do the ants dance!

Aw shit, Carl. Shit.

Aw shit, Carl. Shit.

Aw shit, Assetbar. Shit.

I can't believe I get that reference.



OH CRAP! I remember that now!

And also, Perry Bible Fellowship.


They sho-nuff am some strange-ass shit on da Net.

Moons Over My Hammy? That's a really good one!

Tuxedoes 1

pardon my assetbar, "plus 1"


unfortunately, for circumstances that are plain to see, all i can give you is a v-chub.

Excellent form, young one.

What's up with that Garfield tab?

garfieldminusgarfield.net - Fantastich

Nice. Everyone should also check out lasagnacat . A friend of a good friend of mine plays Jon Arbuckle.

I'm with you on the tuxedoes over spacesuits as well, provided they are worn with black Converse All-Stars, ala Doctor Who. Besides looking great, it's an added bonus that rarely does one have to wear a diaper with a tuxedo.

why does that cat like corn

Corn is yummy. I suppose the cat knows this.

Hey I just noticed this - the corn is scotch- (or cello- for you Brits) taped to the cats paws. While I myself have little problem with annoying animals that have no frontal lobes, some here might be offended.

Nah, I think the human just wrapped the base of the cob with plastic wrap. For real cat offense, see the deal lol cat way below.

Yes - I see now - looks like someone is holding the corn

Yes, it's plastic wrap, and being held by a human. No cats were scotch-taped in the making of this video.


No, he means that tape used exclusively in the repair of cellos. You know, cello-tape.

Damn Beef's got on some kinda getup there, yea?

tails and all...

It's a long hoodie with pockets on the front.

indeed - my eyes were playing tricks

I believe that's his "jump-off-a-bridge-and-float-down-the-creek" outfit.

That's the way he gets his best thinking done, in any case.





*awkward silence upon appearance of actual black person in the room*

So...man, Jimmy Hendrix was like a total genius, I mean, am I right, falseprophet? You know, I mean because he was a great musician, not just because he was, uh...

A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, falseprophet, kendieatsbabies, opprobrium, Mo_Rose, Irien)


It's like he somehow knew. We are currently in the land of do as you please (or take what you want)!

I know who your sn is, and I'm a fan of his. Nice work.

Isn't he that guy that whomped on Butterbean that once. The lil guy?

man, that's good bass

I like the idea of a solid ball of bass fishmeat. Just a solid ball.

Goofus: Hey Gallant, have you ever smelled mothballs?

Gallant: Sure, why?

Goofus: Well, how'd you get their little legs apart? HA!

Gallant: Goofus, you shall taste my wrath! I demand satisfaction!


Heh! You used to read Highlights too?

That joke can really die quick if the other dude just says, "No."

Don't you mean Jimi, whitey ? You probably listen to Brent Mason and Brad Paisley, don't you!?

Did you know a black man invented peanut butter?

I don't mind them. Some are pretty hot. I just think we cannot do anything about changing G.W.Bush's opinion so we might as well not worry about it.

I...don't even know what to think about this comment.


I... do we... is he... what?


Five long days... five damn days and at the end of the fifth, he's walking in like "HEY!"
Chillin' on his vacation sitting patiently-- these black folk, they gotta wait and see if FEMA really comes through in an emergency... but nobody seems to have a sense of urgency.
He said, "I know it's bad, just have to wait," forgetting folks too broke to evacuate. And now we're crying and we're dying of thirst; guess he had to go and check on the refineries first! (Making a killing off the price of gas, he would have been up in Connecticut *twice* as fast.)


It was the #1 requested song at the radio station I worked at for months.

I only heard it on the radio a few times, but it made me listen to that station to hear it again for months.

Now, after I've gone back and listened to it, I totally combined some verses there. But really, considering I typed it all from memory, I didn't do so badly.

Also, for those not familiar with it, it's by the Legendary K.O-- George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People. It's an amazing song and you should go buy it.

It looks like a left-handed union suit* worn inside out and upside-down by a right handed man.

*union suit is that goofy whole body woolen underwear with the ass-flaps that you sometimes see in cartoons. Apparently it's a real item, and you can really buy one, which I find totally fascinating. Perhaps this is a thing for people who live in places with weather?

Perhaps a fanbase fascination with Achewood apparel may lead to an Achewood fashion line... I don't mean t-shirts whose art has character, I mean shirts and pants and such whose very design is the character.

The possibilities...

The Ray Smuckles thong.

and sun glasses.

I would buy at least one of those items.


his and hers raymond q. smuckles thongs.
i'm putting that on my future wedding registries.

I like to think of them as Al Swearengen's second skin.

Al Swearengen! Now theres a cocksucker you can rely on!

Lie Bot, what is the saddest thing?

Old folks spoon-feedin' dollar chili to less healthy old folks at Wendy's.

But that isn't a lie.

I am so sorry in advance that two comments are going to show up.
Assetbar hurt my computer some.

But that isn't a lie. ):

You're trying to post a reply to someone on Acheworld. Assetbar does a :( , causing you to ): .

SOLUTION : There is no solution. Sorry. :(

A comment left by hbaranov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pityparty, worldbelow, ntopp, DrSkradley, lateadopter)

Man, when rateability returns, it's gonna be all "uncage the beast!!" Lames flying everywhere. Not you, bro. I'm just saying... It's coming.

I am leaving this here so I can remember to chubby you.

'x' marks the spot.

the man in the boat, he's over here!



nickgranger will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

supposed to be a reply to ntopp.

I was thinking through the various aspects of that scenario that made it sad. Is it the fact that they're both old? The spoon-feeding? The dollar chili?

No. It's the chili. More expensive chili would reduce the sadness of the situation.

Man, since when can old people eat chili? Especially the dollar kind? I'd think it'd just tear right through and drip out of their pant leg as they're still struggling with the spoon.

You've brought up the main similarity between astronauts and old married people: they both wear diapers for reasons no one else wants to think about.

...because their toilets are broken.

Ripped from the headlines.

Yes, it would. It's called mercy killing.

Mercy killing! What was all that about?

not only that, but it's like draincleaner for the stomach lining. especially wendy's. i'm not even old and can vouch for the corrosive effects.

Wendy's is the most perfect restaurant the Onstad could have chosen. Why? Because their chili is SO FUCKING BLAND it can't eat through a sheet of toilet paper.

Bland food is like a fly strip for old people.

(crosses fingers):

(mind you, crossing my fingers gives me nasty forehead wrinkles)


Also interesting to note, I had to give a v-chub as my chubby allotment has been filled. Paradoxically, this has not caused my lame allotment, which I have used fairly sparingly, to return. What I'm saying is: people, I think there has been a big restructuring. Maybe the inbox thing was fixed?

It has not.


I suppose this is my cue, as the oldest human here, ahem, digestion does not necessarily deteriorate with age. Nor does control of the anal sphincter. (I know, good band name.) Taste does fade, however, so seeking hot, spicy things like chili would be a good thing,and the cheaper the better due to old age being a fixed income sort of thing for most. Now go back to your fucking.

I just read a story about the increased popularity of hot sauces and such these days to appease the deteriorating palates of cash-rich Boomers.

It's mainly the Wendy's that makes it sad. Even dollar chili spoonfed between old people would not be sad at like a fun state fair or 4th of July picnic somewhere.

Also the old man would be a veteran and be wearing a little paper hat with an American flag on it, and everyone would honor him.

The saddest thing is that pretty soon all remaining veterans will be those of morally questionable wars.

A comment left by irondave was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by the_voice, lawbot, orvel)

Resisting urge to reply to misplaced passive-aggressive sarcasm.


Yes it was sarcastic. I don't know if it was misplaced. Reading your comment and the one it is a reply to caused me to visualize someone seeing a veteran in public and passing judgement on him or her based on what war he or she is thought to have served in. Idea makes me very angry, and I posted kind of reflexively.

War is killing foreigners for political purposes. All wars are "morally questionable." If you can't think of a reason to question one, don't worry, someone else has.

I hope that no matter what you think of a particular war, you would give the benefit of the doubt to people went to fight it.

Your visualizations are your own problem. I said the wars were morally questionable, not the veterans. But if you can't see the essential difference between WWII and Vietnam/Korea/Iraq, then this discussion isn't really worth continuing.

Anyway, what do you even mean by "the benefit of the doubt"? This is what nobody seems to get. Veterans of WWII should rightly be recognized as heroes because they fought in a war that most sane people now agree was necessary to prevent the subjugation of Europe and the slaughtering of an entire race. Seeing how all of our post-WWII conflicts had nothing to do with national defense, were driven by shadowy geopolitical aims, and are now considered mistakes by most people, I don't see why those veterans should be given the same 'hero' status. At best, they were involuntarily conscripted and were helpless victims who deserve sympathy. At worst, they bought into the jingoism and voluntarily helped the misguided war effort, in which case one can only perhaps say that they didn't know any better. So while they're no more worthy of contempt than the average person, this is hardly a reason for worship or special status in society. Especially since the end of conscription has effectively removed the first category, soldiers are now essentially employees of a corporation who sign up to do a particular job - a job that most Americans now happen to disagree with. Explain again why they should be lauded for it?

As you said, this discussion isn't really worth continuing.

I'll assume that means you're in agreement.

Assume whatever you like.


You're right, soldiers are now volunteers, same as firemen and police, and should be given the same respect. They risk their lives to protect us. While you may not see or understand the threat, obviously those in power do. So while blacks might feel the police are against them and many may disagree about the war in Irag, those who are willing to put their lives on the line deserve respect.

By the way, according to a book you might like (and title) Shield of Achilles, , Korea and Vietnam were part of The Long War we fought against communist totalitarianism nearly all of the last century, a war we [the Western parliamentary democracies] won.

Wow Vietnam and North Korea are democracies now, how cool!

No wait, they're not!

Clever, NOT.
The point is that South Korea is a democracy, as are many of Vietnam's neighbors. The proxy wars stopped the spread of communism.

Umm no. If anything destabilising the shit out of indochina was the main reason it became covered in communism. South Korea is very much the exception, not least because the US did not, for once, install a fascist dictator.

I'm not sure I agree with this. I don't feel it was the proxy wars that stopped the spread, but other factors. Communism's basic flaw was not taking human nature into account. This is often overstated, but it dovetails in the main reason communism failed. The emergence of the world economy is what killed communism because the leaders in those countries saw economic opportunities they could not pass up in the world market, look at China and Russia's economy if you need miriad examples. Vietnam also moved to an open market economy after their war with China. Finally, I will grant you that the wars did not do any good for communism, but it was not something that they could not survive. It was economics that brought down communism, not the wars themselves.
That's oversimplified of course.

The economic aspect is very important, and people do lose faith in a system that makes them stand in line for bread. But one could say that war is an extension of economics, and if the Communists couldn't bury us economically, they were set to do it through warfare.

Chicken vs Egg I'm afraid. Which came first? Economic desire or the war? I like to go back to the opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyessy for a visualization of this.

You're right, soldiers are now volunteers, same as firemen and police, and should be given the same respect. They risk their lives to protect us. While you may not see or understand the threat, obviously those in power do.

Thanks for that insight, pogo. Care to wave a flag while you're at it?

I do have an American flag lapel pin.

You've never been poor in your life have you? If you had you would have, at one point or another, considered the military. You're also probably young enough where you've never had to whore yourself out to a major corporation you disagreed with either. Either way you would know better than to publically criticize the workers for what the managers are doing. Most of us out here in the real world don't like that much, because it demonstrates the fact that you have no sympathy for the pain of the adult decision of having to choose between economics and ideals.

Well, I think that most people in america can find jobs that don't involve killing innocent people for no good reason. It might pay relatively well, but I don't think that changes anything. Those people signed up for violence, and got violence.

I cannot pretend to know, or even begin to comprehend, the ins and outs of the daily grind for soldiers in Iraq, but I have enough faith in the majority of humanity (maybe misplaced) that I do not think American soldiers go out of their way to kill innocent people for no good reason. I think political leaders might do this, but I do not think the soldiers do it. I can see where you could argue that there is a certain percent of the soldiers who really truly enjoy killing, but I cannot think they are that numerous. As for finding other jobs well I admit that's true, but our culture has made taking those jobs a social stigma. I mean, working at McDonalds is a joke to us, but being in the military gets you respect. Is respect worth the risk?

This is many, many days after the post was made, but I would like a lot more of this history character in the political discussions, and a lot less of most of the other people.

I appreciate poster history's ability to have compassion instead of contempt. I think he overstates the importance of personal economic circumstances to why people join the US military. I find it to be a sort of "cheap grace" for people to enjoy an affluent Western existence and deny the role of violence in preserving it.

Yes, I did overstate it. Certainly there are many other reasons for joining the military which I did not include. Frankly the real point of my post was to show that there were other points of view from the one espoused by the original poster. I also have little patience for contempt for any segment of society. Violence is a subject I generally avoid, but do not mistake my reluctance to give it a central place in my posts for an ignorance of its place in society. Our economics, our cultural identity, the relationship between our citizens and our government, and the relationship between our government and other governments all rely on violence. I am just a person who naturally tends towards the diplomatic, and so violence is the last card I play in any given hand is all.

I want you to know that my remark about denying violence was aimed not at you but some others further up the thread.

Ah, I understand. This thread starting so long ago, I failed to re-read the original posters this time around.

I agree, History has a good brain.

I seem to thank you a lot Pogo, but once again, thank you.

You're most welcome, and if I ever figure out a safe way to give an email address or Facebook link, I will. (Just don't want to risk my real accounts to some of the spammers and riff-raff here, not to mention the irate parents of teen girls.)

Well, hell, let's do a social experiment and see what happens. I'll put an email address up. Look at my profile. That is a functional email address that I will check. You can create one in gmail too if you don't want me in your real one. Gmail does not verify any personal details. Spam away everyone else, but if you do, please put your assetbar name on it somewhere so I can thank you. I'll be curious what I get.

Thank you, I apprecaite it.

oh, and I appreciate it too.

I did not find this lame. I made a huge mistake.

Hi, welcome to the internet. That's how we roll.

Thanks, I'll be sure to do that.

"morally questionable wars"


Is there a problem with this phrase? I mean are you implying that WWII was morally questionable or that Vietnam and Iraq were not?

Anyone who has played CoD 2 knows WW2 is morally questionable.

The NPC's don't have to shoot the crippled german, but they always do

Yeah, but they understand what we PC's understand, as well: It's a lot of fucking fun

WWII is a weird one for me.

It's like - if it never happened, and I just wrote the basic idea as a story, it would be dismissed as low pulp at best. It's when reality mimicked comics of the time - the bad guys (the Nazis specifically) were obviously bad, did ridiculously awful shit, were genuinely trying to take over the world, were getting up to WEIRD HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, had an Eagle's Nest for the leader on top of a mountain filled with treasures and wine, and even teamed up with the other Bad Guys to form a League of Super-Villians!

Regardless of the Allies other motives, and all the nasty war crimes the Allies got up to (particularly once it got into the Pacific. See: Dresden area bombing , head-hunting and body mutilation in the Pacific , The Most Famous Ally War Crime of All , a bunch of other stuff , and let's not get started on the Soviets ) - for once, you can look back and go "yeah, the good guys won."*

And really, that's why the American media has romanticised it - it was complicated and there were hell of shades of grey as to the reasoning behind it, for sure; but by and large, in hindsight the black & white concepts of Good & Evil fit into the story pretty well. When it's just something that the majority of the rest of the world would rather forget.

Plus, with the amount of fucking media America makes out of it, showing what a great sacrifice the soldiers gave, you'd think half the damn population of the US died over there. However, if you take a look at the figures...

So yes - by and large, as wars go, WWII was a Just War.** Nazi Germany were bad, Italy was pretty bad (my knowledge there is limited), and Japan was genuinely trying to take over their part of the world, too. Certainly more easily justified than any of the other crap that the Allies have since entered into.

*In hindsight, of course. At the time, most people couldn't even imagine anything like Nazi death camps. I mean, why the fuck would you do that????

**Interestingly, it could be argued that Hitler's initial reason for the invasion of Poland was also a Just War. That section of Poland was originally part of what was then Prussia, which was made Poland - along with all new applicants from further in Poland - by the Allies after the First World War (see also: Iraq, Israel/Palestine. IT NEVER WORKS). Hitler, it could be argued, was just taking it back, plus of course using the idea of "restoring Germany to its proper glory" as a selling point to the German people - they ate that shit up. But after he said he wouldn't invade Czechslovakia, and then did anyway , the rest of the world was sick of his bullshit. As for how he actually went about invading Poland and any of the other stuff that was done by the Nazis, well that's fucking obvious that it can't be justified.

Thinking about Italy as an Axis power makes me want to yell "No! They can't have been evil! They invented spaghetti!! "

But then I remember that lots of good things came from America, before it became known worldwide as a Behemoth-grade supervillain.

Not to mention all the science and shit we took from Nazi Germany and the Japanese after the war.

Interestingly, the US government admits that one. I mean, how the hell else do people think we made it to the moon? Farts and dreams?

But the real question now is: How much did we learn [b]from the creepy human experiments ?

Whoa. I'm surfing through this (yes, I said "surfing" ), and the facts about human experimentation are messed up to say the least. I mean, I knew a bit of it, but man, this rabbit hole only gets deeper and deeper.

But at least America has admitted to (some) of their experiments they did to their own people.

Unlike Britian and Australia. Which I'm having a hell of a time finding information on.

Damn, each year I get on this "war info" kick after ANZAC Day. It's normally worn off by now.

Spaghetti has nowt to do with facism, food shouldnt be judged on the political stance of its creators, in WW1 era America sauerkraut was renamed "Liberty cabbage" lest people associate it with the negative connotations of the pikelhaube wearing, machinegun-toting Kaiserist nation that gave rise to it.

see also: Freedom Fries.

Don't judge a food by its creators? You've obviously never had Beverly - The beverage that reminds you that Italy was an Axis Power

Alternate tagline: The beverage that reminds you that death can be a merciful gift

Wait, spaghetti? Marco Polo noodle stealing mother-fucker strikes again!

History, of course, did not begin with Hitler's invasion of Poland (totally unjustified, by the way). And what makes WWII morally undefensible is WWI and the reparations that were demanded of Germany, leading to hyperinflation and other economic chaos, leading to the rise of the National Socialists, you get the picture.

Well said. No war is an island, something always lead onto another, etc, and generally in the end most of the people who came to the party made a piece of the Guilt Pie (my knowledge of WWI is limited at best - it had something to do with a king...and a bomb...and then some other stuff happened...and then the Red Baron and Gallipoli and Attaturk and spiked helmets, right? Seriously, I try to get my head around it all*, and I give up.). And, of course, the Allies had no idea about the Nazi death camps until they found them, so they couldn't have gone in for those reasons.

That having been said, however - regardless of the reasons why the National Socialist party got into power, what they were doing was still not cool. And my lack of knowledge of the Sino-Japanese War means I'm not entirely sure of Japan's reasons for invading South-East Asia, but the fact that they attacked Darwin and sent a submarine into Sydney Harbour makes me think Australia had good reason to fight them off in New Guinea.

.....Aaaaaand my knowledge ends. People can truly spend years studying this crap. I just like looking up random facts and all the crazy stuff. ( See Project Habakkuk. It seems like something off GI Joe.)

*I don't really try very hard.

it had something to do with a king...and a bomb...and then some other stuff happened...

I think there was some Scottish indie rock band involved or something?

Yeah, two drunks got into a fight over who was better, Idlewild or Mclusky and the resulting melee split the country in two.

That'd be good except Mclusky is from Wales.

Heh heh... the difference between Idlewild and Mclusky is that Mclusky is not on fire.

I think they were from Franz

Belle & Sebastian, how could you?!

WWI can be thought of as the collapse of empires, the death throes of royal assemblages of power, and where meat met machine gun and lost.

WW1 was a giant confusing clusterfuck of alliances.

Many quite interesting books have been written about what WWI was all about, and for, and who caused it and why. Every generation makes up its own mind about this. First we all thought it was the Germans, then we thought it was militarism, then we thought it was imperialism, then we thought it was the treaty system, then we thought it was the Serbians or the Austrians.

Nowadays people seem to be concluding "all of the above," which strikes me as a cop-out. I choose to blame it all on George W. Bush or Bill Walton, depending on my mood, positions which are more fun to defend in arguments at bars.

Well, with my name on assetbar, I probably should weigh in on this, and also point out my degrees, useless as they may be, are in history. Love the discussion. You and Pogo covered all the highlights well. I liked your point as to why there was so much media coverage, but also don't forget WWII got a lot of media coverage because that was what got ratings. The world war II generation had money and were in a great economic position all the way through the 90s, so they were a target audience for programming (Bill Clinton was the first Baby Boomer Pres in 1992, and that makes a convenient if not entirely accurate line). You will notice, and I don't have numbers, that there have been less WWII things and more Vietnam/modern weapons things on TV since around 2000 because there is a new big spending generation now.

Also, from our perspective today of black and white and good and evil, please keep in mind that that does not exist in a vaccuum either. Our ideas of right and wrong are informed by the experiences of our ancestors and the stories they tell, whether those stories are acurate or not. Historians try to shape our ideas of right and wrong by trying to verify or debunk stories. However, like everyone else they are subject to perspective as well. Its a tricky problem.

Good point, as you well know, history is largely written by the victors.

Its slow at work, so unfortunately you get to hear from me again. I would say the truth of your statement about the victors writing history is being challenged by events. Now, we can find the lost musings of the losers and have a historian trying to make a name for himself add them to our collective story via mass communications. An example of this is how all of the former colonies in Africa and Asia are now letting us know about the experiences of colonialism despite not being the victors of that situation. There is a genuine struggle going on in the English school system as to how to teach history, because they cannot decide whether to teach that the Empire was glorious or oppresive. So I guess we'll see which one wins.

You will notice I couched the phrase with "largely" for the very reasons you point out, that communications is no longer under anyone's control, and the crap they used to get away with in classrooms is challenged by the merest Google search.
Cue Pink Floyd, The Wall
Hey, mister, leave those kids alone!

I'm sorry I missed your well placed adverb.

What is history but a fable agreed upon?

... Napoleon?.. Is..Is..Is that.. you?

God bless your succinct framing of historical perspective, pogo. More insightful than the two scrolls of WWII rumination I just got through.

I'll chubby that.

Thanks, I have thought a lot about war and its causes.

Dresden. Nagasaki.

I meant the rationale for our entry into the war itself, not the way it was carried out.

Okay, on the Pacific side, we were attacked, or at least a remote island base we probably didn't deserve any more than the Japanese would have since it was the Hawaiian's home until white people gave them diseases was bombed. I guess that calls for retaliation. But on the Atlantic side, what's up with that? Where's the rationale for entering on either side? Maybe if we had backed the Germans, they would never had started the death camps.

That's...very hard to believe?

I think we need to check the timing of the camps, when the first people were put into them and why. And when they became death factories. I think you will see that the worst death camps came about quite late in the war, not in like 1939.

This is true. Even when he did it, Hitler had to be very careful to hide their existence from even his own people, who would have revolted. Any statement that the Allies got involved to stop the Holocaust is pretty far off.

I will leave with my favorite view on The War. The great failure of WWI and success of WWII is the split from nationalistic identity to govermental identity. WE punished the "German People" for being evil and warmongering in WWI and it got us into a new war. At the end of WWII, we punished the "Nazi government", didn't crush the economy or humiliate the people, and Germany emerged a healthy nation (eventually). Japan was an even greater success story.

This is key given the horrendous failures we are currently experiencing setting up a healthy government in Iraq.

An interesting insight, and refreshing to see you post something besides smut.

Well, to be fair, I have that political screed tattooed on the top of my cock. In four languages. IN 24 POINT FONT

You know what the awesome thing about this political/historical tangent is, is that it all came about BECAUSE I WAS ASKING ABOUT WHY OLD PEOPLE SPOON-FEEDING EACH OTHER CHILI WAS SAD.

Which I will now NEVER EVER DO AGAIN.

What was the one where we fought all the space men? Or was it space Nazis? I'm fairly certain I remember something like that where we were okay. Maybe space Vikings?

There was a war that wasn't morally questionable?

Sure. Some were unquestionably immoral.

As Sun Tzu said, the best war is the one not fought, where simply showing up with superior strength causes the other side to withdraw. I am positing that any action which causes death is immoral, no matter how justified.

I would argue that self-defense is always justified to a certain degree; if some tries to kill you, kill 'em if you have to.

Define "have to," in a moral way. Could one not learn judo? Are there not non-lethal ways to subdue an attacker? See, something can be legally justified but still immoral. Anyway, this discussion will soon pass along the river of Assetbar, but we will speak again, my friend, around this bonfire of the vanities.

It is not so much "have to" as that if someone is trying to murder you, you are not under any obligation to give them the benefit of the doubt. There is certainly a lack of anti-violence in the world, but if all the pacifists/hesitant are killed who will carry on the idea of peace?

But you're right. I don't really have the heart to get into this discussion at the moment... morality is one of the most complex and yet most simple ideas.

On the "have to" thing, please keep in mind the way the bad guy always pops up again at the last second, or remember the Hatfields and McCoys (or the Balkans). If you don't make absolutely sure that you've killed the guy who's trying to kill you, he will try again. If he is dead, his relatives will come after you. So you have to kill them all if you want peace in our time.

From another perspective, if all killing is bad, then to be good you must be a fructarian and always plant the seeds.



The saddest thing is that some day you will be either the feeder or the feedee.

That's if you're really, really lucky.

No I will die long before I reach that point. Booze will help me with this.

With me, I'm pretty sure the cigarettes will help

Maybe partying will help.

we shold party


Astronaut outfits are far cooler than tuxedoes. Word.

Exackly dogg think about it: If you piss in your tuxedo, do your pants recycle it into space-wine?

Hellz no.

Maybe some chardonnay but not wine.

Actually, come to think on it, it depends on where you get your tux from. You might get some nice Disaronno if you shop at Men's Wearhouse but if you get your shit from Big and Tall, at best you will get some retsina.

At best.

Magical Realism Tuxedo: Drink all the Urine you like, it'll taste like CartlidgeHeadsBest 1986.

Fremen Tuxedos: The worm is the spice.

He who controls the worm, gets to go places.. I'm just sayin...

Now I know why the astronauts get all angry when you tell them you served space-wine with their space-steak-and-potatoes.

I would totally get hitched up in an EVA suit.

"*geep* And do you, Phy, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live? *geeep*"

"*geep* I do. *geeep*"

"*geep* Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may bonk your helmets together. *geeep*"

*geep* is one of the best spelled-out sound effects I have ever seen.





chubbied for avatar/onomatopoeia convergence

Didn't he write Carmen ?

Chubbied! But I think you were thinking of Bizzay, the one with the Laydeez.

i want your icon as a bumpersticker.

I watched that move Contact on Starz the other day and the cyanide pill thing was on there.

I promise to grow old and doodie up my britches and die.

Pull a Lyle and down a bucket of Kentucky Deluxe and you'll not only doodie your britches before dawn, you may doodie everything within three feet downhill from you. I mean, fuck old age.

"No, seriously baby, I promise.

In fact, forget the growing old and dying part."

Ah, toilet humour. You rarely fail me.

Lie Bot, what is the saddest thing?

Old folks spoon-feedin' dollar chili to less healthy old folks at Wendy's.

Did you do that on purpose? Cause it's not THAT funny.

No. :( Assetbar pulled a fast one on me.

Tru dat, alt-text. Tru dat.

i, roast beef, take you, miss lady, to be such as my good woman.
even if we end up all wrinkled and lethargic and too blind to be reading wired. we wouldn't understand technology anyway. we'd be all "these damn kids have it too easy"

Cornelius reminds me of Spock/Leonard Nimoy in this one. All being highly logical and playing with words.

The comparison of aging marriage to shoddily planned space travel is not without its parallels, Captain.

I really love the Dude and Catastrophe logo

So buy it on a pint glass, why don't you?

Professorhazard: Achewood's Marketing Department.

All's I'm saying is I have one on my desk, and you can fit a good amount*** of M&Ms in there.

*** One pint.

My beer has never glowed like a sunset before***, with the Achewood Pint glass, my alcoholism has never felt so rad.

***very little direct sunlight enters my room.

I'm so glad to see my exaggerated footnote*** catch on.

***I was actually kidding.

******He was Not actually kidding.

*************** OR WAS HE?

Because then it would be taking over too much of my life. It is a good thing I like it because through a feat of simple miscommunication I wound up with both a dude and catastrophe tee and hoodie for Christmas last year.

I will get married in an astronaut suit one day. At my reception, freeze dried canapes and croques-monsieurs will be served with Tang. The only problem with this plan is that I have to find a woman who will allow it.

In California, it is now legal to find someone of either gender to fulfill this plan, and you will have a much better chance of finding a man who is geeky enough to do this. Which is more important to you, the space-suit and Tang, or your self-indulgent insistence on retaining your sexual preferences?

Trust me dogg there is some 'Tang you do not want to mix with.'



damnit.. twice in two strips.


I dunno, falseprophet, the one on the right is kinda hot. That's how ladies' faces usually look on my pillow in the pale blue cast of dawn.

P.S. By "usually" I mean "hypothetically".

Uh, whose right?

I agree that she is hotter in the picture on the right. What does this say about us, Achilles?

(Maybe you are joking. I am not joking, though.)

I think it's the hair. On the left it's very unflattering, if it were braided or pulled back she'd look better.

It's certainly the hair, in my case.

On the left, she reminds me of far too many school teachers and/or friends of my mother. And not in a hot way.

On the right, she just looks tired. And I know that's just temporary.

She looks less like a frantically happy housewife in the picture on the left, I feel. Plus those bangs are no longer an issue.

I feel a little bit wrong now, I have to say.

I think perhaps she is hotter only by comparison, the beaming Stepford-Horror on the left is just repulsive. The woman on the right, although worried looking and maybe tired (strung out?) you can tell her features would be a little more appealing.

Hottest Meth Addict Ever.

Ice. Look hotter in one easy step.

She certainly has the clearest skin of any meth addict I've ever met. As mentioned - this conversation would be much different were she showing her teeth-of-balsa-wood-consistency smile.

They have no teeth, but I think that's kinda cool.. imagine the blowjob?

I think for straight guys and dykes it's just that it looks like it would be so much easier to score with the one on the right so your brain does automatic readjustment thing and starts thinking "oh, she's a bit crack whore, but only that first stage which is kinda cute really with that edge of desperation and sadness."

Ditto. I do find post whatever girl hotter than pre whatever girl

Huh. When did Joel Hodgson and Ellen Feiss hook up?

(She is hotter than the one on the left though)

I would do unspeakable things to Ellen Feiss, so I think your parenthetical qualification was at least half unnecessary.

That is not the tang I was speaking of. I was referring to the fabulous citrus beverage that the astronauts took into space with them on the Apollo missions. Tang by itself isn't the greatest, but when you mix the powder with instant tea powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg, then use it to make a hot beverage, it is delicious.

V-chub for the russian tea concoction. Everyone whose had it knows exactly what the fuck is up in the hot beverage world.

Why does that astronaut look like she should be in an eighties sit-com? (the left one) She looks so disappointed in herself on the right, or maybe she is still wearing the nappy?

I'd say the one on the right is from after she learned the facts of life .

Sorry, in Australia nappy=diaper.

And telling your friends that you need to take a nap has a very different meaning.

I actually lived about four blocks away from that lady.

The funny thing is, she didn't have to grow old to doodie her britches up.

Roast Beef's the kind of guy who'd make sure to install a special cyanide tooth just before the ceremony. You know, just in case.

Come closer Baron!!
*bites tooth*

Oh no, he killed Brad Dourif!

Awwww come on! Don't be pissy because someone references the movie! *puts on wanky self important voice and rocks head from side to side* Oh the book is far superior to the film, that terrible man David Lynch just doesn't get the complexities of Herbert's oeuvre. The work must be viewed as a whole and what was he thinking with the "weirding module" a total overturning of the mythology of the book. Bullshit! The film is actually better because it is so ridiculous, one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen, fantastic actors everywhere and utter tripe for lines, Hilarious! Plus Brad Dourif! Plus Weirding Modules! Plus ri-fucking-diculous special effects! Plus Brad Dourif! Doctor fucking Cochran, Grima cocksucking Wormtongue, David you wouldn't like me when I'm angry Bell , Billy "I am the real Roast Beef" Bibbit in [i]One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest[/i}! Just like Micheal Ironside, Peter Weller, and John Saxon, he is always worth watching even if the film he is in is complete shit. Fucking cocksucking fucking anonymous fucking lamers!

P.S. I've been watching a lot of Deadwood lately, it may be having a influence on my language.

...I want to just disagree with you, because the book Dune rocks so hard. But then you mentioned Deadwood, and now I'm not angry.

Have you ever noticed that in the Fatboy Slim song "Weapon of Choice", the singer (Bootsy Collins, I might add) quotes Dune?

"If you walk without rhythm, then you won't, attract, the worm!"


Any man who disagrees sucks cock by choice.

rpsted i don't befez whotwokin 2 coreneliouse at deh barr. trust lol twokin abot gettn to olde to toslant eyes spone gfeddin onenotwho talkher at age without limits. lol space soots an fooler den tuxes? so tru accent lol. i can probably overpower the average female

I'm pretty sure there was some German in there.

Roasted "I don't" Beef, who's talking to Cornelius at the bar, talking about getting too old to turn japanese, all spoon feeding some dumb (not who talk) old-ass bitch.

Lol, space suits far cooler than tuxes? SO TRUE! (Re:Juan_danger)

I no longer believe that I can overpower the average female.

return 0;

//maybe you mistook 'den' for the German article?

ok, new shit has come to light.

"accent" is explozzive Re:phy rather than emphasis.

The best I can come up with is:

Roast Beef, who is talking to Cornelius at the bar. lol Talking about getting too old, spoon feeding her at age limits. lol Space suits cooler than tuxes. So true lol.

I don't trust slant eyes, not ones who talk without accents.

(Dude hates Sandra Oh.)

A transposition cipher! That is quite good. I need to get a better decoder ring...

Yeah, the Cracker-Jack ones are shit.

I was thinking about "gfeddin" and "talkher".

You just know Cornelius pronounces "explosive" with a zed where the s should be.

I'm sure he also calls a z a zed, even when using AssetBar.

Onstad's verbalization is amazing. This is about as wordy as Achewood ever gets, and yet the prose still does volumes more than countless other webcomics can manage cramming a Reader's Digest into each speech bubble.

yeah... like https://octopuspie.com/ for example... the verbal prose sucks ass... the story communicated by the character's facial expressions is just as shallow and and formulaic as the prose... and finally the overall story is basically the same as any standard TV sitcom written by a committee of sell-out writers with no creativity to sell out.

But because it's a web comic, all it has to do to compete for the average myspace user's attention is have art that doesn't completely suck, and have each panel be completely free-standing. While there is ostensibly a story that carries from one panel to the next, you know that the average octopuspie reader's attention span doesn't begin to extend beyond a single panel at a time.

Sure, octopuspie is a great comic. If you've had a through lobotomy.

Glyc, you've said some things before, but this time you have gone too far. The Grocery Misconduct story arc is one of the best things webcomics have to offer, and if there's a more accurate representation of pop-culture superiority complexes in existence than this , I can't think of it.

Apparently comment rating is temporarily disabled, but I enjoy Octopus Pie *. Grocery Misconduct is an excellent storyline and really develops Eve as an active, modern woman trying to get a damn job done. Would that there was some semblance of that female character depth in Achewood .

*That's right motherfuckers, I put it in italics as prescribed by the new MLA rules. So get with the program and show your proper Respekk.

Oh, it's "Octopus Pie." I have never heard of this before and read it as "Octo-Puspie," assuming it was a comic about eight pus/puppy hybrids. I guess I was unduly excited.

I'd just like to express my DISSATISFACTION with how ASSETBAR is fucking RUN!

I wrote quite a satisfying reply to FalseProphet, which because some cunts decided to have a long drawn-out WANKFEST argument down there, is now COMPLETELY down the BOTTOM and nobody will READ IT!

*points angrily at Assetbar*
Fuck THIS guy!

Does the MLA really proscribe the italicizing of web comic names? One would think that, as a quasi-book, they should be underlined. I prefer using italics when talking about such as Achewood , but then again I'm the kind of grammar maverick that puts periods outside of quotation marks.

That would be prescribe.

This proscribe/prescribe thing keeps coming up; I think it was actually in a strip once.

-your friendly neighborhood dick about terms

Yea, it was in Cornelius's decision chart, and Onstad used it incorrectly. None other than Dr. Manflesh pointed out that proscribe actually has the opposite meaning than the intended one (as in, "to forbid").

Whoopsy-daisy! Sorry, everybody!

Professorhazard thinks... *gets hit with a chair*

*resets the accident counter* 0 days again... *sigh*

Professor Hazard and the Grammar Mavericks.

This is your band name, if you are ever in a band.

Sounds good. I'll change my band name to that on Rock Band .

Currently, we're known as " Haunted Hamburger ", but I always knew that that was but a brief diversion on the road to simulated superstardom.

I don't have that game, but if I did, I would probably name my band "Team Afraid of Sandwich."

Well, that was the best thing I've ever seen ever.

Hazmat, let me clue you, underline means "italicize this." Or "imagine this wasn't adumb typewriter and this phrase could be set in italic type."

Get me some documentation on this, stat!

Should I use underlining or italics in my manuscript?

In preparing scholarly manuscripts, authors commonly italicize text meant to be italicized in the final publication. This practice is assumed in the discussion and examples in the third edition of the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. In manuscripts that will be submitted for production by editors, typesetters, and the like, the clarity of every detail of the text is important. Choose a type font in which the italic style contrasts clearly with the regular style. Although some authors, for the sake of clarity, choose to underline words meant to be italicized in publication, this practice is less common than it once was; check with your editor if you would like to format your manuscript in this way.

I'll never underline a book title again, unless I do!

I think I might need a thorough lobotomy for this, but I actually agree with glyc. I started out liking Octopus Pie, but at this point it's joined the trifecta of Comics I Hate For Reasons Mentioned On The Previous Strip. It is the least offensive, but also the saddest in a way because whereas QC is so intentionally lame and one-liner-ish that you get the sense it knows it's unfunny, but Octopus Pie seems to genuinely believe that cliched overdramatizations of mundane events are hilarious.

So with that in mind, I could only say that I hope to Cthulhu that Onstad does not put in THAT kind of female characterization. And why get on the dude's case when it's clear he writes in his own inner voices? I sure as hell would never try to write a woman - I'm aware of how steeped in my own gender experience I am, and besides real women are like, scary, man. And better no female characters than the vapid and shallow kind that so many webcomics throw in just so they can have yet another romance storyline. I guess it would be cool if we got weird, quirky female characters not solely for romantic purposes (like Ultra Peanut perhaps) but again, I'm not sure Onstad can write them, and that's fine, cause that's okay.

I can remember really liking Octopus Pie a LOT when I first discovered it, but after only a few weeks I did a 180. Maybe that just goes to show how unstable I am. I will put it this way. OP has elements of greatness. The facial expressions and body langauge of the characters is really alive and really speaks to me, in the same way I might get a crush on someone in real life because of his/her extraordinary facial expressions and body language. It could be a Gomer Pyle type thing, a Jim Carrey type thing, a Richard Pryor type thing. Sorry I am just naming male examples of people who seize your attention in an endearing way. No female examples come to mind immediately, but by all means, females are way better at it than men, and with females, at least for me, you're of course not talking about a man-crush kind of thing, but a crush usually with a sexual component too, so that's why I say females are all the better at it - for me anyway they register much more strongly. Who was it on here who said they had a crush on Mallory of Family Ties? For me it was that girl on Who's The Boss. And countless other examples.

So yeah, there is something attractive and/or endearing about animated and exaggerated facial expressions and body language. Octopus Pie captures that. But but somehow, the final package, when it's all put together, has something I just don't like. And ya know, I have the same problem in real life - I'll get a crush on someone like Hanna or Eve or a man crush on some guy, but then I realize after a while that hey, there is a disconnect between how interesting this person appears and behaves, and how interesting this person actually is... also between how interested this person appears to be in me, just as a person, as a casual acquaintance, and how interested this person actually is. And some people are just really good at creating that illusion of being interesting to you and/or interested in you. I've known some people who are so good at it that I would classify them as con artists, and the best con artists believe their own lies - the best con artists are fully psychopathic.

And to segeway into a different topic, the most effective con artistry of this sort seems to often mix gender identity into the person's extraordinary and animated and extroverted display of self.

so is Octopus Pie really a cliched overdramatization as you say, or is it that the gender experience that we are all, male or female, steeped in, is, at least half the time, it's self a cliched overdramatization, and OP is merely engaging that part of our culture, and by intrinsic extenstion, ourselves? Yes, ideally I would not have cliched stereotype be a part of my gender identity, but honestly, how can I escape it when it's all around me? Intellectually I know that it's cliche and pathetic and that it's time for our culture to move past it, but functionally, this culture is still my mirror, my every interaction with every person of this culture telling me who I am, many times a day. If I lived in a punk hippie commune I could put up a good fight against pop culture, but sadly, I don't, and I can't. Maybe the best and most liberating thing that could happen to me would be a massive LSD overdose.

So I was just visiting Norway for a little over a week, and it's interesting, I repeatedly ran into a sort of self-awareness in the culture, indeed, several times people told me straight out, that in Norway, as of late, in some respects, the women have become more men than the men.

My friend told me that maybe a decade ago, they had some exchange students from the States, and they were driving somewhere in some shitty weather, two Norwegian chicks and two American guys, and one of the guys commented 'now this is something you'd never see in the sates - we're driving in the middle of a snow storm and the two chicks are in front and the guys are in the back.'

Really, it's hard for me to nail down more concrete examples, especially since I was only there for a week, but the sense I got of it, and what was directly related to me by Norwegians themselves on this topic, was that over the past several years, that has just been an erosion of some sort of gender roles in Norway. I mean, I'm sure it's by no means complete, especially not in the West of Norway which is predominately Christian, much to the consternation of much of the rest of the country, but relatively speaking, it is apparently changing. Identity wise, there is less and less of a distinction between the roles and identities of males and females in Norway.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of two things that might facilitate this. One, as related to me by Norwegians, Norway is much less of a classist society than other countries, especially the West. Wealth is distributed more evenly, and people don't seem to care how much money anyone has. There isn't a sort of competition between the classes as such. Secondly, it's a country of 5 million people. It's therefore a smaller economy, than say, the U.S. It's therefore, I think, much less stratified into target marketing groups. It is target marketing that brings us boring, bland, generic, stereotyped, classed, and gendered content such as we have in the U.S. That shit makes more money than more human content, because that shit can be more easily matched to target audiences, quantified, and sold to advertisers.

At the end of the day, the artisanal culture is more likely to develop a balanced and functional gender identity and gender roles, as opposed to the mass-produced culture where our economic systems rely on and indirectly promote the more easily quantified and hetrogenious and stratified target groups. In the U.S., we're all numbers, trying to find our inner voices that have been stolen from us, one radio station at a time.

That's what's so nice about Achewood, I guess, is that the writing isn't targeted to any specific demographic... Does market research determine which non-sequitur references get used in Family guy, the same way that market research and strategy determines which kinds of and which specific songs get played on which radio stations? Well let me put it to you this way... It would be a breach of fiduciary duty for any publicly held enterprise that maintains a brand such as a radio station or a TV show to not do market research and to not target a specific demographic.

anyway. sorry for the long post.

typo. meant to say 'homogenous.'
man. I am going to have to have a word with my editr

Norway! You are alreadyinuse after all. Elbox, you hella called it.

The courtroom fell silent as the prosecutor read the evidence into the record.

"hey everyone I am flying to Norway next week"
- alreadyinuse, 4 weeks ago

"so yeah man, i thought the u.s. sucked, but now in norway, it's like, a whole different perspective on how much it sucks"
- alreadyinuse2, 1 week ago

"So I was just visiting Norway for a little over a week"
- glyc, today

"Dear. God. I." The judge began.

I chubbied you mainly because you didn't finish the quote. I get so sick of seeing it on here.

You all knew he was alreadyinuse, though right? Just wondering, it seemed pretty obvious...

It was pretty unmistakable. I don't think he can write any other way even if he tried to pass as someone else.

Plus the fact that his account was created at almost the same time as "alreadyinuse3"

so who loves pupkin

I like Pupkin.

I have had pupkin.

I love pupkin. moist.

It is good with schnitzel

You ate my fuckin schnitzel

Kaaayeye! That's right! A karate chop!

I here that Pupkin comes alive when prevenge is the plan

These things you're saying now make much more sense than your face analysis, I'll give you that much.

Very interesting. Expect a chubby.

I'm sorry dude. I just won't read something that long.

As a result, I rarely chubby or lame you. Unless what you say is short and really sucks/rules.

Meanwhile AchilElbz - what makes you think you can't write females? Are dudes and femmes so different?

All the same shit you deal with, they deal with too. Maybe instead of thinking so much about "I'll write what a female will do in this situation", just think about "what would this personality that I developed for a character do in this situation", gender-regardless. Chicks have personalities that transcend their genders, and men and women aren't polar opposites, you know.

This is true, and plenty of men have written from women's perspectives successfully. But I would also point out that it is harder for a man to understand a woman's perspective than it is for a woman to understand a man's perspective, because (as you say below) the majority of stories in literature, music, film, etc., are about men. Women are taught about male experience wherever we go, but men are rarely taught about female experience.

I was thinking about this recently, because I was wondering if I could write from the perspective of a gay character. I consume a fair amount of books and music by and about gays, and my best friend is a lesbian, but I still don't think I could really understand what it is like to be gay in this society. I could write a dude being attracted to a dude, no problem, but I couldn't write how it feels to be constantly reminded that your sexuality is unacceptable. I would not even attempt to write a story from the perspective of a black person. I am well aware that my white privilege would fuck it up big time. However, I do think I could write gay or black or whatever secondary characters, which is all Onstad has to do with Molly.

In short: You are absolutely right, I just wanted to point out some nuances.

Right, that was pretty much my reasoning. I mean that's why James Baldwin was awesome at writing a white character in Giovanni's Room, but a white guy would have a much harder time writing a black character.

So, by that logic, I can therefore only ever write main characters that are Anglo-Celtic/Germanic, lower-middle/upper-working-class, heterosexual fully-bodily-abled Australian/Americans? Because the subtle nuances of other people are far too hard to understand.

But more to the point, you are being hypocritical - by saying that you can't write from the perspective of someone of a different culture to your own (in this case: gay, Black American, whatever), you are therefore assuming that your character would have to be representative and speak for all members of that community , as opposed to just being AN INTERESTING CHARACTER BY THEMSELVES. That's essentially saying that if you're black, your black heritage is going to be the main - if only - thing you think about. They can't just be an example of a character who goes through the same shit as other people, maybe with a cultural spin which you can ask friends in the culture about, but who happens to be from whatever culture or sub-culture you chose them to be from in order for them to not be "Typical White Guy".

This thinking perpetuates the original problem of stereotyping non-White-Guy characters, and denies the writer of some of the fundamental elements of good character writing: Research, Understanding, Empathy, Grace, Imagination, and Social Questioning.

I agree with you to a point, but I think you are underestimating the impact of being a member of a disempowered social group. I do not at all think that writing from the perspective of a black character would entail that character only thinking about his/her black heritage. But I also know there are a hundred thousand very subtle things that black people notice about race every second that I never notice.

I spend a lot of time hanging out on liberal/feminist/anti-racist blogs, and consequently I spend a lot of time reading about examples of racism, sexism, etc. When it comes to the more subtle examples of racism, I find that all too often I would never have recognized them as racist without having it explained to me. Similarly, I often find that I have to explain why certain things are sexist to men, because they don't notice them.

My gender is not at all the only aspect of my personality, but my world is absolutely inundated with messages that my gender is inferior. It is utterly inescapable and utterly exhausting, and most men don't even notice more than 10% of it. When you are going through your regular day, you are not inundated with any messages about being Anglo-Celtic/Germanic. So, yeah, I'm sure you could write from the point of view of someone with French or Slavic heritage, no problem.

And I'm sure you could write an interesting black/female/gay/whatever character off the top of your head, but it seems likely that you would miss a lot of the subtleties, and that black/female/gay/whatever readers would notice that, even if white/male/straight readers wouldn't. In most cases, characters should be realistic in addition to being interesting.

But, as I said above, plenty of people have written successfully from the perspective of someone not of their race, gender, etc. It probably entailed a lot of research, and it was probably exponentially harder to achieve, but it is certainly not impossible. All I know is, I can't think of a single male acquaintance or friend that I would trust to write a first-person narrative from the point of view of a woman. I've seen it attempted by guys I know before, and it has never worked.

Have you considered that they're just not that good at writing characters? Men have lots of gender stereotypes and defined roles. If you write a man doing normal things in a flat kind of way, then he's just being a man. If you write a woman in that way, suddenly you are tipped off to the lack of depth by the abnormal gender. To hide that kind of thing you can probably have them talk about feelings a lot and second guess meaning, especially in relation to other people's feelings and their position in hierarchies.

Basically, after all this (and the posts below), you agreed with what I said.

Unless I didn't explain things right - in which case, you said what I wanted to say. I was going to go on a tangent about stuff and reference the feminist and anti-racist blogs I read (my mother was/is a feminist, and I married one, but it's kind of hard to classify as a "feminist" when you're male - people misunderstand a fair bit), but it was kind of pointless when I read everything you wrote, because you pretty much reiterated everything I said in different wording, whilst claiming to be "disagreeing" with it.

Ah, sweet sweet semantic arguments.

However - I would disagree with you on a couple of points:

1. If you are implying that a halfway decent male author cannot do a female narrator well by pure virtue of his genetics and not because of the primarily misogynistic culture that he was raised in, I would disagree. That shit's all cultural training, yo.

2. Missing a lot of subtleties of a particular culture/sub-culture/gender/minority when using someone from that group as a narrator, despite doing arduous research, editing it with and running it by people from that people group (which, as I mentioned, is one of the basic tenets of good writing) - this would be a problem, but it would only be a massive problem if I'm attempting to capture the essence of living as part of this people group; if I'm trying to speak for all from this people group. If I'm writing a main character, and decide that they should be of this people group and have this background as a (small or large) part of the story, and decide to throw myself into learning about this group, that's great. But it will always be a story about an individual . True, for me to be the voice of everyone of a people group I'm not actually in is to be a bit proud - but that's not what I'm talking about.

To deny the writer the ability to write anything besides, essentially, autobiographies, is to be extremely short-sighted and unartistic. A good writer should be gracious and careful, but still be able to show diversity and research.

Personal example:
As has been spoken of on a previous strip - I have AD(H)D. This makes me, very very much, an outcast. It's hard to explain to a neuro-baseline, but the world is not geared for me. School, work, socialising - these things are just hard enough to be nearly impossible, but we can pass off as 'normal' just enough for people to think "what the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just... do X thing that everyone else can?"
(The fact that you're probably disagreeing that this is as serious an issue as I'm making it out to be further reiterates my point. I won't go into the complexities of how it affects my life, positively and negatively, right now.)

But would I have a problem with a neuro-baseline author making an AD(H)D-spectrum main character?

Hell no - if they did it well. They won't get it all, of course, but it would be awesome to just be fucking represented for once. Maybe it'll help people understand what I go through - it won't be a perfect example, and it won't be my specific experience, but hell, it'd be a start. We get enough negative press as it is, it'd be nice to have positive press.


(I love this discussion, by the way)

Okay, here is where you and I diverge slightly. I don't think you would be 'inundated' with messages of your gender being inferior if you weren't trained to pick them up. So can you really say that these subtle examples of sexism 'exist' in society the way that a tree exists or the government exists? If social reality is largely a matter of interpretation and if, for instance, a particular event that you feel is sexist does not exist as sexist intent in the mind of the perpetrator, can it objectively be said to be sexism? Furthermore, is the purported victim always automatically correct in asserting racism/sexism, or is it possible for them to be mistaken?

The point is that a woman not steeped in feminism, or a racial minority living in a fairly diverse and progressive region might NOT feel sexism/racism to be a big part of their life. And now that I think of it, it's possible that a white guy could write such a black guy with little problem. But I do think gender is a much larger difference than race (especially since it has a biological basis and isn't just cosmetic), and will inevitably condition a person's experience regardless of whether they feel oppressed or not. So my reply to the good doctor is, again, try to imagine something like Portnoy's Complaint rewritten from a female perspective. Neither his difficulty getting laid in his youth, nor the massive guilt complexes and perversions he experiences later would be believable in a woman, unless you completely changed the story to give different reasons and explanations for them. This would have nothing to do with trying to present your character as an "archetypal woman" - female characters have just as many individual possibilities, but those possibilities rest on a different foundation.

Let me clarify quickly, and then you may not diverge: I maintain that every woman is inundated with and affected by messages about the inferiority of her gender. Those of us who have been trained to notice them do so, and feel angry and sad and hopeless. Those who have not been trained to notice them just take them deeply to heart and incorporate them into their personalities and gender expressions, which may prove your point even more.

Example: Whether or not a woman acknowledges how or why she knows it, every single woman knows that it is socially unacceptable to be fat for both genders, but more so for women. It is also socially unacceptable to be ugly for both genders, but more so for women. That's why virtually every woman in Western society has fucked up body image issues, and I imagine it would be difficult for a man to understand the constant litany of insecurities about personal appearance running through almost every woman's head without living with it 24/7 for years and years like we do.

Now, of course, the best novel I've read on female body image issues was She's Come Undone , which is by a man. So obviously it can be done, and it's a testament to Wally Lamb's talent and hard work that he did it so successfully. But you really do need to have talent and hard work to pull that shit off. It is not something any halfway decent author can do just by writing a female narrator the exact same way they'd write a male narrator.

Okay, that I can agree with.

I enjoy carrying these discussions on long after everyone else's eyes have glazed over. If we only had a Freudian on here we could complete the Marxist-Freudian-Feminist trifecta of long-winded academic types.

Sometimes a cigar is a dick to strangers.

God I love seeing a bit of Pogo show up in these things.

Exactly. You worry about your place in the world, they do to. You think about how to better yourself, so do they. You constantly imagine yourself knee-deep in vagoo, so do they. Women are men with smaller biceps and more interest in shoes. Also they seem to enjoy bad music. (Bring it)


SEE! If you yanked down the pants of these people in the picture, I'm betting you'd see all kinds of huge gaping vaginae!

that poor person in the black seems to have one on their upper lip!

Where I come from, we refer to mustaches as 'prison-pussy'

I think any story written with extreme attention to its character's gender is probably not going to be one I'd like to read. Seeing them interact with each other or an interesting concept we can all relate to - death, purpose, etc - that's far more interesting than "What it's like to be a _____." Because, naturally, one person's experience cannot ever be representative of an entire, specific cross-section, but can to an extent be extrapolated to reference the human experience as a whole.

I agree that perhaps gender (or any other arbitrary characteristic) can govern some of the characters' interactions, but I've never felt it to be that much of a hindrance in writing. I've known interesting people and their viewpoints and approaches to life usually interests me much more than what they do with their plumbing, and I just assume it's the same for writing.

But it seems like you're narrowing 'gender' to 'biological sex'. The thing is that almost every story relies on its characters' gender in an indirect way, as in that the character and situation would be completely different if the gender was changed. For any novels set before 1950, that's basically a given because your gender determined your status in society and such. Afterwards it's a little more subtle, but still there. Could you imagine Charles Bukowski or Brett Easton Ellis stories from a female perspective? Maybe those are cherry-picked examples, but in general, if any story deals with romance (or the lack thereof), the result would be ridiculous if you just reversed the genders. Your viewpoint and approach to life are both directly and indirectly reliant on your gender.

Elbox and I agree about gender. Today is an historic day.

I am totally with you with the lack of female character depth in Achewood.* Ever since getting more heartily into feminism via the marvellous Girls Read Comics (And They're Pissed!) , I can't help but notice these things all the damn time - which is a good thing.

The stereotype of Molly being the only female character, and being the one and only love interest for a main character, thus filling the role of "The Chick" - is a black mark on an otherwise great comic. It perpetuates the archetype of the female character whose only actual character attributes are that "she's female".

Seriously - if I were an alien trying to get figures of the demographic of the Earth population, and I were going only by movies, television and comics - I would be sure that women make up 20-30% of the population, at most.

*Bite my ass.

"Seriously - if I were an alien trying to get figures of the demographic of the Earth population, and I were going only by movies, television and comics - I would be sure that women make up 20-30% of the population, at most"

Or at least that they are involved with only 20-30% of the action.

And they'd think that more than a small percentage of them are actually funny.

(I know I'll get lamed for that, but it's true. Most women aren't funny. You funny ones here should consider yourselves the elite -- one of the few. The proud.)

Christopher Hitchens, what are you doing here? You know arguing on the Internet is bad for your health! *pushes your wheelchair back in front of the bar where a half-empty bottle of gin sits on the counter* ...there we go, isn't that better?

I don't know who that is, but using context clues I can infer that he was sexist.

And paralyzed.

And that apparently he is me.

I love Christopher Hitchens so much, my heart just melts at the sight of his broken capillaries and disheveled hair.

Also, I've often posited that a lot of women just aren't that funny, but part of me thinks that maybe I just don't have the same sense of humor as most other ladies? I mean, it is fairly subjective, who am I to say Kathy Griffin is terrible?

Also, a lot little girls aren't exactly raised with the allowance of some rudeness and crudeness for the sake of humor. A lot is still held-over, girls are to be demure, soft-spoken, and naive; more the butt of the joke (bikini girls) rather than the jokemaker (Benny Hill).

So, I don't think its so much women are just not able to be funny biologically, as much as it is that being funny isn't a trait really valued in women for most people.
Most men would be okay dating a girl who wasn't funny, as long as she was nice and had sweet cans. It's just not that important to a lot of ladies, not like 'general kindness' and 'empathy towards animals'.

Yea, but that's because most men are dumb pricks. (Sexism is fun in both directions!) I would date a woman who wasn't funny only long enough to alleviate my extreme desperation, and even then I'd have a hard time putting up with them.

I think what you say about social influence is somewhat true. But the amount of funny women I could name off the top of my head still makes Hitchens look like a dumbass in this case. And actually, Sarah Silverman is funny precisely because of these social expectations, because the incongruity of seeing a nice Jewish girl saying the raunchiest things with a naive and innocent demeanor is much funnier than the predictability of a guy saying the same things.

Kathy Griffin is pretty terrible though.

Woah woah woah!

You're bringing comedians into this? I was referring to women in general!

Very different. Most female comics are very, very funny. But on average most women I know aren't. I still like them as people, and still find them interesting -- they just don't make me laugh on a regular basis.

But yeah, Kathy Griffin. What the fuck.

Well um, isn't that true for most people? I don't think the average man is that funny either, since as far as I know the general population consists of barely functioning fucktards. If you're just basing this on your guy friends, then that's selection bias, since you'd tend to hang out with people you find funny and as a guy you're much more likely to be friends with guys in the first place. Just a theory.

I am sorry that I posted the exact same thing without noticing that you'd already said it.

Screw you, I'm hilarious!

Most men aren't either, though. Making jokes and being funny are two very different things.

That's what she said!


If they watched some of the movies I watch, they'd guess that the population was like 85% women, and that they get like 90% of the action, whether there are men around.

PS: By "movies I watch", I mean "adult films"

PPS: By "adult films", I mean porno

whether or not there are men around.

PMS: By 'watch' I mean fap and cry to

I guess that's why everybody wants a piece of the action

That second Octopus Pie link is a bit iffy. The Decemberists are a great band who's fans are usually seen as pretentious literary snobs. Dan Brown is a crappy bullshit author who's fans are usually seen as airhead idiots who don't like real books.

I do not understand what is going on with that character or why the other character is apalled?

Other than that one strip, this seems a fun webcomic and I shall read some more of it.

Well, as I interpreted it, with the Dan Brown Book and the band tee-shirt and the Livestrong band and the Yankees bag, she was just being so frustratingly HIP. I don't know exactly when that particular strip was written, but I think two or three years ago, those were some of "the trends". Except I'm not sure about the Yankees bag? But that's just how I saw it.

Nah, Dan Brown was never hip. And The Decemberists are way too geeky to be hip, and if it were over three years ago, really (in the grand scheme of things) pretty obscure.

But then also, I am in England so maybe I am wrong. But as it is, that strip just does not work. "Agh! A person expressing an interest in a wide variety of things of differing quality! Aagh!". ??

ha ha, whoa, HUGE SLAM on octopus pie out of NOWHERE

but I'll be damned if everything you said isn't right on the fucking money, that shit reads like a marginally prettied-up version of some awful community college newspaper strip

A comment left by glyc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, KaMeT, GMM, bixschmix, hbaranov, Genkisudo)

A comment left by hbaranov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by catgrl131, lateadopter, I_Love_Kate)

Interesting stuff!

Glyc, if you had nice tits I wouldn't even want to see them.

stfu n00b octpus pie is h0tt

cornelius bear is my favorite person ever.

Yeah, Cornelis makes this one a Raw 5 for me.


exactly. given yesterday's strip, this one fills me with a great sense of foreboding.

do you really have it in you, teodor?

The question is, does Onstad. I came here today all prepared to post:




But then we got an extension of the suspense rather than a resolution. I maintain some hope that Teodor will stay true to form, and be completely ineffectual at gaining anything he actually desires.

I like how nobody here brings up the point that Molly probably wouldn't let him do anything anyway.

Actually, there have been numerous complaints about the one-dimensionality of female characters. No one seems to know what Molly may do in a given situation; remember that she consented to perform sandwich porn in a closet for Vlad, and she and Roast Beef had a three-way . On the other hand, everyone knows that Teodor can't get none.

Um...I don't mean to be a dick, but you need to improve your irony-reading skills. The whole "last Saturday" comment was said in the context of an ironic rant about how the magazine's advice is completely irrelevant to his life, right before he finds the letter from Molly. As in "oh, a threesome, this is SUCH relevant advice to me because everyone knows I have threesomes ALL the time".

Yep. No way did Beef and Molly get their bone on with a 3rd party. That sandwhich porn you speak of was just eating a dang sandwhich in a closet, pretty different from taking a sex with Teodor.

Janice, I'm taking a sex. Hold my calls.

Well, then, the strips really don't tell us much about Molly, do they? QED.

There was that one blog where she was eyeing the guy at Whole Foods, but I haven't been industrious enough to look it up.


But I mean, that was two chicks and a guy. That's not cheating




Astronauts...getting married?


I predict that she will cheat on him with Teodor and he will drive across country in a rubber diaper to do murders on him, and will be caught, and it will be a big black eye for NASA. At least this seems to be what he's setting up. Maybe I'm not very good at webcomics.

Also, I love the onomonoponopeo with the 'glug'. "I would like one glug of bourbon."

Isn't that a George Thorogood song?

From yesterday- "One Retsina, One Ouzo and one Metaxa"

Well I ain't seen my baby since I dun know when
She made the sexes with my best friend
I'm gonna drive cross country to murder the fool
All wearin' a diaper to catch my stool
Gun do murders on him just relax, uh
I want one Restina, one Ouzo, and one Metaxa
One Restina, one Ouzo, one Metaxa

This reminds me of when I was old and killed myself in space.

Tommy Lee Jones?!

It's all coming back now.

Don't know what the hell kinda Wendy's they have in the Underground, but there are decrepit astronauts all over the Wendy's in Florida. Can't throw a Frosty without hitting a dozen of them.

Unless in the movie Space Cowboys, one must choose between old person or astronaut. These people merely chose wrong, and are now old people.
Way to age, bastards.

I have never longed so deeply to live inside a cartoon world as when I saw the bartending service that Cornelius provides in this strip. Not only does he provide a solid pouring of beverage, but his observations make the most sense of anything ever.

I want this furry bartender to be there for me, and not because he is furry. Or at least, not just because of that.

The Dude and Catastrophe also has awesome food, according to the blogs.

Astronauts are happier, though, because they're further away from The Cure.

Astrogoths on the otherhand are the unhappiest of all goths.

Since goths enjoy being sad, wouldn't the unhappiest of all goths actually be the happiest of all goths? A paradox!

Woody Allen beat you to it : (

Teodoric the Dithering: King of the Astrogoths.

V-chub for the 300-700 AD era reference to Germanic Tribes

I always expected The Dude and Catastrophe to have stuff on the walls, you know, like shelves lined with all you're favourite alcohols, some WWII era posters, perhaps even a painting of a wooden ship you've never heard of along with a miniature replica of said ship in a bottle. Its all very spartan.

You love your dollar chili, don't you pogo?

He has his cousin spoon-feed it to him at every opportunity.

Now that's funny!

(Not taking the bait.)

You're just playing favorites!

The use of slightly off centre symmetry reflects Onstad's genius. This web-comic has touched my heart.

Dear Assetbar, please bring me. a twenty two story explosion for my birthday
From, Lex Senthur

I got your 22-story explosive swinging. Lex.

I am crying. This is so funny I am crying. One martini too.

just my wife's empty Hoveround and me -and dollar chili makes three- together in my, my blue heaven!

That is an exclusive ringtone for Jitterbugs .


My mom totally has one of those phones. They're great. She doesn't have to ask me how to use it at all.

she hasn't asked because she can't call!

Classic Achewood.

Beef's wedding vows...To cover the unforeseeable events caused by Ray hiring Derek Jarman to film the wedding.

Last line is fantastic

Nice to see you back after that lamefest a while ago.

My best friend died from being lamed too many times. Not funny, not cool, not a good comment.

Hahaha, this wording is going to keep coming back, at least once a day until the guy who posted it dies of shame. Then we will have our first Assetbar funeral.

Whoa whoa whoa! My grandfather was DEAD at his funeral. Not funny, not cool, not a good post.

I'm liking the idea that people get to go back later and more judiciously bestow their Chubbies/Lames. Theories on the outcome are many.

I do it for the reasons you are thinking, but more because edwell posts late, and he's the funniest man alive. I feel awful running out of chubbies when he's about to post something funnier than the strip itself.

I was prepared to post further down:
Dear Edwell,
When the rating system comes back online, and you are chubbied so hard simultaneously that you transcend human form and start destroying the populace with your lazer-eyes and swallowing whole villages of virgins, please spare a thought for the little people.

Love and Knee-bending adoration,

P.S. I would really love a pony and the power to kill my enemies with thought.

Choose your death: The cold vacuum of space or the cold vaccum of marriage.

Deep sea exploration is like marriage too. You have a thousand tons of outside pressure pushing down on your little vessel, and if the weakest point gives in to the pressure, the entire craft usually collapses and dies.

So it's best to stay on Terra Firma, niether going too far up nor too far down.

This strip does not make me laugh, but the prose is such that I must give it a five.

Additionally, it used to be a nice neighborhood around here, until all these astronauts started moving in.

Oh bless, it sort of looks like Beef's wearing a onesie!

Kinda hot out to be wearing a hoodie

The original pair have returned. These were always the best ones in my opinion.

....duuuuuuuuuuuuuh..uh... I forgot my post...

Is it just me, or are they jiggling faster now?

I am imagining you asking that while on top of achilleselbow. Is this a bad thing to imagine?

Whoa, huge...slam? compliment? to me out of nowhere.

My feelings on a 59 year old man imagining me and a much younger girl from the internet engaged in coitus are neu.

I had to quickly substitute you for me so as not to appear the letcherous old crank that I am. But then the substitution became pleasurable in itself. This must be how novels are started.

Jesus pogo stop being so fucking old . I really don't know how you get away with the comments you make so often. Maybe you don't. Maybe I'm wasting already-spent time.

... stop saying creepy shit

But the other kids keep egging me on!

....yes? It all depends on how vividly you're imagining.

Oh, just passing daydream, not very vivid at all.

Oh. Okay then. I guess I'm not good enough for a full-on fantasy. *Sobs in a corner, convinced of her own inadiquacy* ***

*** Not really

Your spelling is inadequate.

Eh, gimme a break, it's ninety-fucking-eight degrees.

But whoops! Sorry everyone!

I'm trying to be disrete, here in this public arena. But you've torn it out of me, I fantasize about you all the time, your claws etching my back.

Discrete, he nervously corrects himself.

Erm...okay then. Pedobeastialia. Right on. *Inches away, eyes darting from side to side, hands covering her body*

Was it good for you?

Breaks my heart to see this from a writer. I think you mean discreet here, unless you are making some sort of math joke.

When involved in public pedobestiality, spelling is the least of my concerns.

But it is interesting there are two words, discreet and discrete, which are so close in meaning. I just never delved into them before. Sort of like complementary and complimentary.

Wait, how is their meaning even remotely similar?

They both come from the identical Midieval Latin word, discretus , and have the sense of that word, to discern, to see separately, to distinguish from, which is what you do when you are discreet in behavior, or if you have a discrete variable. Okay, it's a stretch, but I enjoyed looking them up, and plan to continue mixing them up.

My research indicates that different browsers can play animations at different rates.

A comment left by glyc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, ppccd, HamScout, Edwell, professorhazard, gladi8orrex, KaMeT, rechelon, flazisismuss, GMM, loneal, woodenteeth, GoriasXY, SpinyNorman, whiteturtle, bixschmix, sncether, hbaranov, Genkisudo, Doc_Rostov, SenseiHollywood, Maximus, Irien)

E.E. Cummings you ain't.

This glyc post is reason enough to *Ignore User*

Damnit, my lame supply has not returned.

suits! squares! parallelograms!

Jack Kerouac wouldn't be caught dead on this, so why are you here?

I gotcha.

I lame in your stead, tekende.

And I.

What handfacebird and two guys avatarperson said. O.o

You may be wondering why you were lamed. It's because you referred to a woman as a "bird". It's not Friday, but fuck you.

To be fair, I'm laming you because I'm just a twat. Yor action does not serve to moderate my vocabulary, but merely piss me off.

Your. Sorry.

It's ok. We both love Sac vs Pip, right? We can bond over that.

gmm, I am out of chubbies, but I appreciate that you've got my back (even though, for the record, I am not offended by being called a bird or a chick or any of those things).

What about cooze? Slit? Gash with feet? Where's the line here? Some sort of receptacle-based lewdness? How far is too far for you?

You can take your receptacle-based lewdness and insert it into your own bodily receptacles, Redonismbot.

This is good knowledge. I will stay at least at the point of referring to you broads as feminine animals, but will refrain from referencing you by your unique oriface. And for the record, I'm corked up and sealed, no orafii anymore.

Is that because a genetically engineered dog keeps raping you?

I'm so afraid to google that.


Well ok then. I guess we all learned something here today!


Gimli that is not your axe. Give it back. Don't go all the way to Mordor wi-


One does not simply steal an axe into Mordor

Here, have this chubby. You've earned it

beat me to it

I'm Spartacus!

You have my Axe.

The joke. It has been made.

I have licked the lollipop of mediocrity, and I fear I must now suck forever.

It has been dropped on the floor of failure, and the cat hair of resignation is stuck to it eternally. It is flavored with the blu razzberry of heartache.

No, it's not that bad. It was just one rehashed joke.


Well, if it was that bad I just realized a way to redeem myself.

Last night I was walking around Houston aimlessly when I overheard a conversation about the Godfather trilogy. Four guys were yelling at one guy who said that Godfather III was the best by far .

I am normally not one to interact with people I don't know -- I'll only argue with you if I like you.

But I walked past them, stepped into their circle of argument (because for some reason human instinct tells us to form a geometric shape with no verticies when we have qualms with one another) and told the stupid guy that his opinions were as valuable as Sofia Coppola's acting.

The fucking asshole didn't even know who she was.

You know what? That didn;t redeem me at all I just wanted to say it because it pissed me off so fucking much.

It wasn't that bad, but I couldn't pass up the metaphor. I just can't imagine the life one has to experience in order to call Godfather III the best of them. What are you inside if you think that? Do inedible objects look like food, but you don't eat them only because trial and error have taught you they lead to GI distress? Does the sky appear brownish and unpleasant and you just can't. believe. people. when they say blue is their favorite color? I would still be pissed off about it. I would be still pissed off forever.

I mean the shit that pissed me off the most was that the sepia-flashbacks in Godfather II were "just boring italian and gay". I excluded commas because this shitforbrains guy wouldn't use commas.


To be fair, DeNiro does fall in love with that spaghetti chef with the handlebar mustache who wants to become an insurance claims adjuster and there is that forty-five minute segment where he waits outside while the guy takes the test and DeNiro tries to remember out loud what he ate over the last three weeks. That was pretty boring italian and gay.

godfather III was underated. Sophia's acting wasn't that damaging to it.

I like the version where all the crap is edited out and the three are condensed to one movie, but even then, it was too long and boring. There's basically about five good scenes in all Godfatherland, and a few good lines. The reset is incredibly, suckingly dull, and Diane Keaton looks like she stumbled into the wrong set, oh, I'll stop now.

That comment. Sucked. But I'll let it slide because your age gives you one free pass per day on saying stupid things.

What, I get to pass gas once a day? Whoopee!

Pogo's so old he farts dust.

Hmm, this could be a new way to do the dozens. Instead of "Your momma" we have "Pogo's so old."

Lemme think:
Pogo's so old he sports petrified wood.

Pogo is so old he fell and broke his leg and ancient dust spewed out. Some even got on Grover Cleveland.



It's OK, i use mine judiciously.

Everyone has rallied to my aid! I feel so special. I mean, it's not like any of you were going to lame that anyway, right?


can I haz pulitzer yet?

Cornelius would be a great grampa.

My version of this comment was, "I miss the Apollo Program. Those were the days. They build a 32-story skyscraper, filled it with explosives, set it on fire and it went to the Moon. The really remarkable thing is that a small piece of it came back.


A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, mortshire, milkpants, DrSkradley, Phy, lateadopter, Genkisudo, turnabout, cromar)


Aw, leave Pogo alone, he just learned how to post images. It's cute.

Dead cats are not cute. I know 90% of people disagree with me, but I at least have to speak up.

No I meant it's cute that he's showing off his newly learned skill.

Aw, man. That is sad sad sad. I have a cat and I love it, and that makes me sad. But, I do have admit: is there any place in the world where a picture of a dead cat is more appropriate than the achewood forums? It is kind of a theme with the strip.

Oh hey, I never realized that. Isn't that picture pretty much the live-action representation of Beef floating down the stream?

The dude is from circumstances. FATAL circumstances.

Fatal Circumstances II: Jamaican Boogaloo, coming to theaters everywhere this fall.

Two points, my commie son!

I am amused by the possibility of you really being his father.

You think you're safe from such speculation?

Yeah it's cool to see old people do stuff that old people don't usually do.

It's like alreadyinuse being funny.

Next I've got to shizzle some of that rap.

Oh, terrible !


"particular blue heaven"...AWESOME!

the dude wears pyjamas to the pub

I always thought it was "pajamas"?

OAD says: "British spelling of Pajamas ."

Oxford Anglish Dictionary?

Those are pajamas, anyway, it's a full zip hoodie

Cornelius' last line is fucking poetic .

No, Onstad, I will not back you up, not until someone designs better space suits. How long have we had the current model? There's got to be a better design out there.

I want to drink at The Dude and Catastrophe.