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Slim Jim Wednesday, January 22, 2003 • read strip Viewing 76 comments:

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, Connellingus, morbo)

I don't know how I missed it the first time I read this comic, but Showbiz is totally Doug from "Ghost World".


"I'm hungry enough to chew the crotch out of a rag doll."

I wonder if it was alright?

It was definitely not alright.

wrong again. I've been in Habib's possition of power. it is always alright.

Besides, the way that Biz accents "ALRIGHT" makes me think it wasn't really a question.

having been in Habib's position myself, it was never alright. i'm not cleaning that shit when it explodes, and you're damn sure still paying for it.

the wrapper might screw up the microwave

That is exactly the kind of nonsense a guy like Habib would spout.

damn man i'd take the slim jim anyday

well, no one ever said you had class

damn, man. you just went there!




Without protection

Oh man I hope he didn't get AIDS.

I wonder what happens when you microwave a Slim Jim. Anybody a brave enough fool to find out?

I would assume from their high fat content they they would just explode into a volley of greasy shrapnel. The real question is, how long to achive this?

Does he take the wrapper off, though?

53 seconds.

It took you eight months to work up the courage to try this?

have you?

I had just gotten to this strip after starting from the beginning. I just can't believe that I was the first to try it (or at least report it) after 8 months.

Oh, man. Would that I couldn't describe so many things as ending with a "volley of greasy shrapnel."

It's the kind of thing you'd expect to see in Kingdom of Loathing. It would fit in so incredibly well with the general "style" of the whole game. You'd not even realise it was from somewhere else.
However, I can't decide whether it would deal Hot damage (from the microwaveness) or Sleaze damage (from the greasiness). Maybe it could be a single-use combat item that deals both!

My goodness! Jick and Onstad should collaborate on their respective creations!

That is how I usually describe my inevitably untimely demise. Ballistic crator is a term also bandied about.

I'd be worried about the exposed Slim Jim hitting the microwave walls that have not been cleaned a singular time in the microwave's decades of existence .

Dude it's impossible for the inside of a microwave to have any sort of bacteria growing. Everything in there is constantly bombarded with microwaves.Relax, microwave a slim jim and when it explodes, go on and lick the microwave door. Trust me, you'll feel better.

That only kills the weak bacteria. The ones that remain were undead zombie bacteria to begin with, and now they're undead radioactive zombie bacteria. Undead radioactive zombie bacteria with a score to settle.

Oh man, I'm firing up MS Word. I think we have a Thing here.

Words cannot describe how much I am laughing.

A lot? A heap? One more than a bunch?

snd you will get laser vision, i promise.

I do not like this comment, every time I find it whilst perusing the archives it seems to me the comment of a crass man. The language used appears ersatz and the sentence structuring too pandering. I hope that now, nine months later I am a better man.

No, now you seem uppity. and ain't nothing worse than uppity.

Also, the contrast here is worth at least a 4 average.

I... Didn't feel it. I'm sorry. I should have, I know, but maybe... I'm just unreceptive today.

Microwaved Slim Jim, the perfect meal

i don't know about alot of people but i take pride in my low food tastes. i mean having duck all braised up or whatever is tasty but i get just as much enjoyment from eating a microwaved hotdog in a bun covered in mustard and tomato sauce. i am standing tall as a dude of low standards.

To this day, I still eat slices of whole wheat bread, folded and smeared with barbecue sauce.

I mean, I enjoy good food as much as the next man. An expensive meal is a delicious treat if it's at a decent place (some places just overcharge 'cause they know people will pay). But my general eating habits are a hell of a lot closer to Showbiz than Ray in this strip. And I'm okay with that.

yes. i will take that.

Class division in action...


Poor people tend to live in clusters.

This is a 5/5 for me. How can Ray and Showbiz both eat food in the same universe?

man, showbiz is from circumstances too

Twin cats got twin Circumstances

My french is really bad but, did Ray just order Turbo Manure?

he ordered a fish(turbot) in a butter sauce(meuniere butter)

* 1/4 c. unsalted butter
* 1 1/2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
* 1 tbsp. finely chopped Italian parsley
* 1/8 tsp. salt

I'm hungry.

No, andrew, I think evolume brings a valid point to the table

The guy just got two grand and he must have blown it already to be buying just a slim jim. He must really like his audio systems.

Maybe he just really likes them.


oh, i get it


That puts a whole nother spin on it. A spin which makes Showbiz seem worthy and having excellent priorities. After all, a turbot enjoyed and a slimjim ralphed both turn to shit in 12 hours, but a great audio system enriches the soul.

Therefore, in conclusion, your conclusion must be wrong. Showbiz is of low mind.


I post this only because it is why this strip is a 5 for me.

in that case, can you explain it to me?

never mind, i simply read below

I think the main quesion that needs adressing is why someone would microwave a slim jim in the first place.

This information is vital.

Why did you think of that though
Why would you think of that

God, I'm such a whore.

Best alt text evar.

I do not understand

Californee thinks they got one up on the resta thuh 50 Nifty jus 'cos they got Celebrity Governators n' such.

This, I think, is the very first instance of Ray acting the part of the rich connoisseur.

juxtaposition is awesome

so ray just doesn't even notice beef's absence apparently

The many Worlds of Ray.

So what's in bin 281? Since it's a California-positive strip, I'm gonna guess a big cab with some grippy tannins to cut the bordelaise. Ray's so high-end that I'll bet it's the BV Latour Private Reserve from like '70 or soemthing, just to give mad props to Andre Tchelistcheff. No d'Yquem for dessert?

I get a tingle of socialist rage over this strip. The gap between rich and poor, eh? Showbiz is a loser but Ray's fortune is mainly luck.

His fortune derives mainly from:

1) Vintage porn
2) Selling soul to Devil in exchange for phat piano skills
3) Inheritance; I've always assumed that Sondra came from money.

So, Ray's wealth derives mostly from venality and stupidity, not luck.

Sondra has never heard of any stores besides Neiman Marcus.

The Slim Jim sorta resembles a Wii.