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Quail Bible Thursday, January 25, 2007 • read strip Viewing 96 comments:

Looking forward to seeing the reader submisions.

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by EM2, FishingBlues, NYU, milkpants, mystkmanat, executioneer, Kybard, DickLaurent)

A comment left by cryptfiend85 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NYU, shawnisrich, lateadopter)

Hah, who looks like an idiot NOW?

A comment left by mandi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Moolah, tibcoolbreeze, waitwhat, lint, thedudeabides85, Samuro, Kybard, Midget_Jones)

A comment left by mandi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shawnisrich, stndlitning, cailetshadow)


somebody did this for another post on another thread, and i will do it again here:

for those of you with lower lame thresholds, know that the above (1st) comment of mandi's has 37 chubbies...

pick up the receiver
ill make you a believer-er

Aww, cute!

A comment left by p-frank was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by windows_95, godfatherofsouls, fteldridge)

A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by RedMange, fuzzyshoo, logic)

A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by barfighting, RedMange, Scorpio_nadir, fuzzyshoo, logic)

A comment left by kybard was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, KRAK, keithcozz, Mastronaut)

Best one so far by far.

there is a typo in the quail bible (peice-->piece).
i'll still join the religion though.

Oh Holy Quail! My finger did slippeth and lames were bestowed, when chubbies were warranted.

I seek thy eternal forgiveness.

A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by RedMange, Scorpio_nadir, fuzzyshoo, logic)



anyone... is there a way to get my [IMGS ON]?

No, this is an administrative thing, not a setting we control.

I, too, am sorry to have missed the quail bibles.

A comment left by mikeleffel2 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by clantogw, MaxIsADinosaur, Robot_Satan, godfatherofsouls, thedudeabides85, Zem, Kybard, Wolfslice, Garyos, wehavemagnums)

A comment left by cashprizes was marked as spam and excluded. cashprizes: What a douche. (reported by Bacter, MrCreighton, wehavemagnums)




Jon looks so ashamed for messing that post up.

A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by RedMange, Scorpio_nadir, logic)

A comment left by pubdoggy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Connellingus, shepler99, lint, thunderbots, jrizzle)

Points for accuracy.

A comment left by greenkoolayd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JenH, RedMange, Scorpio_nadir, logic, TheGreatestCape)

A comment left by sageturk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by KRAK, lint, jrizzle, gkiyo)

A comment left by dollarbill was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, McGravin, binlaggin, lateadopter, wuukiee)

A comment left by dollarbill was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Connellingus, lint, TTAGXAMM, thedudeabides85, msucaba, jrizzle, gkiyo)

A comment left by wasteofwebspace was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shepler99, D2BaD, gkiyo)

Man, kudos to this one. I especially like panel 3

A comment left by mandi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by St_Elmos_Fire, pubdoggy, divot, Dipstikk, Unfun, Jesler729, tibcoolbreeze, BPMead, dumase, woodenteeth, caduceo, DigDugz, prettyrad, lint, thedudeabides85, Crater12, ZorbaTHut, magnificentpoof, Doc_Rostov, Wolfslice, ersatz, heatbag, wesyde78, echidnaboy, Mastronaut, wehavemagnums)

A comment left by hondaudio was marked as spam and excluded. hondaudio: What a douche. (reported by jstegall, caduceo, godfatherofsouls)


How do you say "don't eat me" in latin?

A comment left by lacrimus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by escpla, joeyramoney, Stevenc)



A comment left by bacter was marked as spam and excluded. bacter: What a douche. (reported by Sakana, jstegall, Garyos)

Non comedas me.

I believe we have our first relic

sorry for the inconvenience

A comment left by blarghamagarky was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, daidai, BPMead, milkpants, HolyQ, Damiel_Billiams)

plus it looks as if it was written on bread

Stamp tool? I was just trying to figure out what the Magic Eye image was.

"It's a dolphin!"

It's a sailboat!

It's a quail!

It's a schooner!

A comment left by bottla was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by escpla, thedice, Sakana, Connellingus, Bacter, thedudeabides85, shawnisrich)

That quail is hella judgemental.

It's still a little rough, but:

A comment left by snatch22 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, thermald, kenthegod, brenhan)

Haha heaps good


That is fantastic! Excellent work making the Quail Bible so small. :)

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sirhan_duran, joeyramoney, Zefiel)

cold adorable son

I just want to say that I ran out of chubbies for this page already. If I hadn't, you would definitely have one.

I can't believe how small you made this. Amazing.

for the win!

I wanted to write something about how I love your creativity and how cool this Bible is, but I'm too damn impressed to articulate my thoughts. So instead, I'll just shut my mouth and give you a chubby.

This is giving me a religious moment.

This has maybe half of the chubbs it deserves.

I don't know that I have ever seen so many chubbies, yet I still think this deserves more

holy quail 310 chubbies.

Who the hell would lame this?? I demand to know.

Oh man i tried to give this a chubby but this page already has got me chubbied out

hey i just wanted to say i like all your bibles.
i'm sorry if someone hit one of your pieces with a "lame". that is really poor form. those "critics" did not get hugged enough.

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Contrasoma, apocowarg, karljw, saddestking, ocarinak, hellofyellin, heccibiggs, sarmatron, StoatLad, EM2, sevenarts, plummet, wittyname, _cheesekayke, Tagrineth, Gumfish, pitseleh, decanter, atticusonline, sandswipe, prettyrad, ZedPower, Crater12, Boyd, ibetso, echidnaboy, nilehus, Dasuta)


A comment left by stevenc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, StoatLad, mercuri0us, Damiel_Billiams, dracer2, brenhan)

A comment left by stevenc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lint, we_eat_vitamins, rotinajanitor, anitrophaeron, brenhan)

Yout second post explains your first but does not make up for it.

A whole lot of people here used one of the first things that comes up when you Google Image Search for "quail."

I like how the cats assume that lesser animals like chimps, komodo dragons and quails should need to catch up on their religious mythologies, while they can just borrow the human ones.

The cats believe that Jesus was actually a cat inside a Hull.

Are Italians known for their love of quail-flesh? I was not of this knowledge.

They catch songbirds in nets, too.

At least Ray understands the proper use of a POST-IT.

I like that these two grown men are obsessing over how cute something would be

You don't?

Grown *cats*

Beef's response in the first panel is perfect

A comment left by possums was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JenH, lamboyster, Mangtastic, BionicVapourBoy, NYU, mercuri0us, jay_wish, milkpants, prettyrad, mystkmanat, TheGreatestCape, taiga81, excusemesenator, spicyponyhead)

You are a Negative Nancy, and I do not like you.

Who needs that flying spaghetti monster when we have The Inedible Quail?

This is basically the best comment section ever.

And oh how I just ruined it.

why does he need a calligraphy pen?

To create the required first letter in Old English font, of course!

oh, duh.

This strip is the Questionable Content of Achewood. And, yes, that sucks.