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Replacement Characters Tuesday, November 27, 2001 • read strip Viewing 57 comments:

More Usability Engineers are employed at Old Navy than any other firm.

Based on the bios, I have to assume that Onstad may have been a Usability Engineer in his pre-Achewood days. Another reason to be thankful for the dot-com bust.

I believe this has come up at least once in interviews with him.

Shortcakes is waving around his not arm.

this strip seems like its in response to something and i really wish i knew what

I think I used to drink with Steven. Nice guy.

i don't understand. but i laughed at the one-armed leprechaun.

Achewood contest: make a new character?
Chris this is gold here. You would barely have to work anymore.

In stark contrast to the cats we will one day know and love, Albert is a quadruped.

I think the implication here is that he is a real cat and not a stuffed one.

interesting theory
I'd always assumed the dirtiest dudes in town were real cats, but what you say makes me question my beliefs.

i think that they are real cats, as ray may or may not have been neutered, simply the fact that it was an issue implies that he was a real cat

i don't think anyone is concerned about a stuffed animal being neutered

There has never been a stuffed cat featured at any point in this comic. That's crazy talk.

They are real cats that Chris Onstad owns. Or rather, his wife does. I am convinced of this fact.

I don't feel proud of myself for knowing this, but there are no cats in the Onstad house.

there are dogs in the onstad house, but they never show them in the comic

this has always perplexed me

Blast. I am a fool.

They're all real cats. Remember that, at times, Ray and Pat have both demonstrated quadrupedal attributes. Generally they keep to their hind feet, but for all we know its simply a matter of preference.

It's hard to hold on to crispy Stellas when you're on four feet.

We have a photo of one, back from when the baby was born. I think. Something about how a dog's long ears allow them to hear and be hurt by non-production.

Of course we've seen Chris's dogs. They are literally disgusting.

Also, they're married.

Steven is one of the most memorable one-off jokes from when I first read the strip. I like to think that even if he won't ever get ahead in life, he is still a good person.

And still strong.

Muscles are so fucking funny. And the idea that muscles can help you get ahead in life is double funny.

steve is every friend i ever had except not that strong but really good at guitar notes

Leo Fontanette seems to be the anti-Steven. Successful, arrogant, and with rockin thighs rather than arms. Steven may not have had much goin for him, but at least his niceness meant that he didn't die in a cornfield.

Panels 2 and 4 are pure gold. (Plus, Lie Bot.) How is this strip a 3?

This strip was too nice to ever get ahead in life.

The sad thing is that, until you mentioned it, I didn't even realize that it was Lie Bot, and that's why we never see these guys again. Chubby.

"the one arm" hahaha

One sign of not getting ahead in life: you work at Denny's, where they serve the Moons Over My Hammy. And the people who eat there are the kind who will raise your tip for praising their good taste when they ORDER a Moons Over My Hammy. Oh, BTW, one order of Moons Over My Hammy has more cholesterol that the entire frickin' ACHEWOOD COOKBOOK!

Another sign: actually thinking that "Moons over my hammy" is funny or clever.

his arm is in his fucking shirt

Albert seems to have a 1920s cartoon thing going on there.

in the 1920s, they called this an uncle spinny durvish. really? no, i'm just bored.

A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, EM2, rowboat, jargonmaster, DorothyPoopBot)

totally. the strip's all downhill from this point on.

In this medium your sarcasm could almost be mistaken for actual opinion. Wait...don't tell me that's your actual opinion....you poor, poor children....

I hope you're kidding. Ray and Beef haven't even been introduced at this point.

how could anybody not know these two comments are jokes i mean SERIOUSLY what the HELL people

This is where ishuta jumped the shark

"Jumped the shark" is such a stupid phrase

This pier is where Henry Winkler jumped the shark.

lie bot actually lies again

these are not real characters

thank god.

chubby for avatar/comment synchronicity

onstads' first attempt at drawing cats was an exercise best not repeated.

Those are some wacky shoes Shortcakes is wearing.

My father knew a man in Greece with one arm who knew more languages than I have fingers. He was also functionally illiterate. Just throwin' that out there.

I only rated this a five because I left my computer on all night and when I woke up that fucking cat was staring me right in the face.
I lol'd.

If I see that fucking cat one more time...

man i love liebot

You have an awesome avatar. Is it supposed to line up so that it looks like Ray is singing your name?

Panel three: Platinum

Poor nice people. Never gonna get ahead in life.

I hope Steve found a girlfriend, I mean he was really getting depressing for awhile there.