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The dirtiest dudes in town Thursday, January 10, 2002 • read strip Viewing 91 comments:

A comment left by ssc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chagment, reverendsam, Cymoro, hellofditties)

A comment left by reverendsam was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, diggydow, starrtennis)

sup revsam long time

A comment left by doc_rostov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by RedMad, glorify, novacaine, ProfessorRiffs, mattylite, unsentletter)


Fucking brilliant.

Avatar only serves to enhance. I imagine you took a bat to your computer immediately after the final edit.

I must admit, at first I merely chuckled. Then you mentioned the avatar enhancement, and I subsequently lol'd

Oh my, this is an excellent post

It's like art that I don't have to pay to see, either in cash money or time spent sifting through crappy anime personas.

Who the hell lamed this?

11 months later, I just accidentally lamed you. FUCK.

Everything about this post is perfect.

the birth of a dynasty!

Ray has gained some serious weight since this.

he's got no thong!

he's got no dong!

Hell YES he can still sport wood!

That is So Wrong!

Not to mention nipples and a belly button.

Pat has become as serious dick since this.

and something tells me the second blotted out word is "anus"... just a hunch.

I think the first one is "shivering"...

The more I think about this, the more I am sure Teodor is saying "shivering anus". I don't know whether this adds to or detracts from the strip.

It HAS to be "shivering anus!"

A comment left by wittyname was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, NeoNaoNeo, teluxe, crumpetsandtea, littlefatdog, blarghamagarky)

Too obvious, and therefore too easy to consider without really contemplating . Anuses shit, it is what anuses do.

"Shivering," however, is unexpected and forces an unusual and unwelcome image into the brain in a way that would be impossible to escape, unless you've spent many hours desensitizing and acclimatizing to the concept. And who likes to spend Saturday afternoons doing that?

He's got a point - anuses do indeed shit.

no they don't... they let shit slide, but they do not actively shit... preposterous!

Excellent comment/avatar synergy combustache. Excellent.

Achewood Vol 2 confirms: "Shivering Anus!" it is.

I came here just to say that, but you beat me to it.

OTOH, maybe Onstad read 'shivering anus' here in the comments section and was inspired. He seems to be taking the piss when revealing what Teodor says in the other strip with blacked out cusses.

Shame. I would have gone for Shivving Anus.
Cos what is more dirty than smuggling in a blade up your own sh!tter?

Those dudes are rude .

This shit is historical .

from... history?

Those dudes are NUDE

They are so nude.

Look at Pat, smoking like a sinner and using poor people's grammar to boot!

VH1's "Rise and Rise Of" starts here

It's Pat! Sort of.

A comment left by m3funkyb was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, madnes, Six_Times, GeyserShitdick, equinn2006, Sargasm, differentdog, dinner, luckypyjamas, chaesar, RicNine, AtlanticCity, Wolfslice, tokyogirl119)

Ray... No thong.

a_dude... no post.

it's always the guy in the Pantaloons that takes things too far...

A comment left by hellaedgar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dezufnocosem, Six_Times, Deusoma, AtlanticCity)

The cats cruise into town in dirrrrrty style. word.

And thus achewood begins the steep downfall to becoming the greatest webcomic on the internet.

can someone who knows computers run some program to figure out what the blacked out text is in these ones

Actually, no, no one can. The black bars in the images are just solid black pixels.

You can still tell the name behind "Only President to have been killed by the CIA" is "have name blacked out" in America: the Book.

ALT TEXT: "The main idea is that the cats are standing on their hind legs."

I totally love this alt text.

For some reason I envisage Pat speaking an Irish accent, "We be talkin' dirty." For some reason, he just can't cut a straight down and dirty American talk, even at this point.

Roast beef's face, panel 5.

I thought the same thing. You have to be dirty to make a dude from Circumstances cringe.

I gave this stip a 5 for that very reason. Beef seems to have arrived fully formed.

Ray's eyebrows in panel 5 made it for me.

Teodor has obvious pride in his workmanship. Look at him, absorbing the praise.

A comment left by estutius was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, rhymesforkids, crumpetsandtea, DerSquirrel, unsentletter)

these are some ruuude kitties

virtual chubby

Man, Teodor was dirty (with italix).

"Pussyking cunt!"

The first word kind of looks like, 'distended'.

Hail Beef and Ray!

Pat I'm indifferent about.

He's an asshole.

When I was younger, I like the assholes.

Maybe they change, maybe I change. I dunno.

I dont think anybody likes pat, but I do like gay pat better than straight pat

drgetz, I know this comment is two years too late, and that you have probably forgotten all about Achewood.

But your avatar is a beautiful beautiful thing.

In the beginning, there was Achewood, and Onstad saw that it was good. Then Onstad created Raymond Quentin Smuckles and Cassandra "Roast Beef" Kazenzakis, and saw that it was awesome, and the world did rejoice and did hell of partake of such as moussaka.

Ray is paunch-less as of now. He packed on a good 15 or so pounds in gut-fat in two days.

The arms came out as a result of the extreme dirtiness . . .

This was one of the first strips I ever saw, and I would like to say that aside from the "first appearance" aspect, it's actually just really funny. It helped sell me on Achewood before I even knew who those cats were.

I will forever hear Ray as having a slight Alabamian accent that becomes pronounced in times of shock, as per my 3rd grade teacher.

I like the expression on beef's face as he recoils from the raw power of the Deplorable Words.

Nothin' like dirty #%$*&@ to make a bear feel alive!

Back when this was a gang of RAW dudes...

I really hate Teodor's pantaloons. It looks like they have varicose veins.

It's so weird to see the two stars of the strip, and the token asshole, introduced so casually. Reminds me of what Berkley Breathed said about Opus...the best characters aren't ones you plan, they're the ones that just kind of wander in from the cold. The cartoonist's job is to know which ones to invite in, clean up, and give a room to.

Or something like that, anyway. The man said many things.


In the last panel they are actually very disappointed in Teodores language. They don't want no black belt level cussing in a house with their favourite five year old otter in it. They know that kid needs encouragement at his age.


While Teodor is saying the dirtiest thing, his eyebrows give him this appearance of earnestness that is unexpected in such a circumstance.

Another watershed in makind's history

Pat has no reaction in panel five. Perhaps a harbinger of pathologies to come?


OMIGOD YAAAAAAAAY Its Ray and Roast Beef! and also Pat...

man,ray and beef were effected, pat did not flinch.

The start of a dynasty.
(this used to be the first comment on this strip. but Assetbar wipes off comments older than 2 years old

Both speech bubbles in panel 6 remind me of Pootie Tang's sidekick, Trucky, wadatah or whatever