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Cornelius's Mensa Gig Friday, June 30, 2006 • read strip Viewing 58 comments:

Hell, I thought I'd gone through all the strips and used them up, but there's this little pocket I've missed. They're so good... like the chips in the bottom of the bag.

I been reading this since day 1 and I sometime still find the odd one or two I missed because of some daft reason.

The avatar match-up here is not a little unsettling.


Sorry to ruin it with my bananas guys.

Is that what those are...

ted0phile: Master of avatar awareness.

I love how he would not like to release that statement for use in their official literature.

Also it is so amazing how he shakes a little when the guy asks him to actually say the synonyms for sad.

you can actually see the indignation exuding from him

I'd also like to point out that rather than going with "unhappy" or "depressed", Cornelius picked two of the most badass synonyms for "sad" possible.

Cornelius is some hell of a candy-ass word-style hero.

Oh god damn if that wasn't pat that ramses said that to

I am disconsolate and I apologize

I just feel bad that Cornelious Bear has to keep selling out like this. Remember how he was writing subtitles for the Spice Channel? The man won the fucking Badass Games, he deserves so much more.

In a way, though, nothing is more badass than shamelessly hustling.

Are you ever entirely honest about yourself, unfun?

Place a shameless huckster in a room with a stout man of deeds, and rest assured you will learn what is what!

I can't not imagine this being spoken in a Klaus Kinski voice.

Dude, Cornelius is so badass he's getting people to PAY to listen to him talk about DIRT. That's not just raw, that's raw fugu.

Hey, wise up. Wouldn't we all like to be paid by the Smart Club just for being smart?

Mensa pays Cornelius Bear to participate in a lecture circuit? How the hell did any of the other guys think they stood a chance against Cornelius in the Badass Games? What were they thinking?

Because they have badder asses than Lisa Simpson and Comic Book Guy?

I dunno, man. Comic Book Guy's ass is pretty bad. Horrible, even.


Comic Book Guy's ass is so horrible, he requires prescription pants.

Cripes, do I hate Mensa.
Their ads alone are pretentious.

There are others who are disappointed with what Mensa has and has not become. At a 1996 convention celebrating the 50th anniversary of Mensa's founding, Dr. Ware (now 81 years old) voiced hope "that Mensa will have a role in society when it gets through the ages of infancy and adolescence ... but at least it has satisfied its members." Dr. Ware seemed disheartened by the Mensans' seeming inability to focus beyond self-gratifying pursuits and apply their collective brain-power to problems facing the world today. "I do get disappointed that so many members spend so much time solving puzzles," Ware said. "It's a form of mental masturbation. Nothing comes of it."

"It's a form of mental masturbation. Nothing comes of it."
What a huge and worthy pun on satisfied its members
If Mensans did not get that, they should be drummed out Immediately!

True, but Dali's "Lugubrious Game" is one wicked example of his obsessions.

Raymond Smuckles, "PhDtm"

I want to give it a 5, but the image of Ray in panel three coulda been more... ironic, maybe. Like so.

You're too used to seeing him. Try seeing him like someone who has never read Achewood would see him: An upright cat, with glasses and a giant medallion around his neck, wearing a thong and nothing else.

When I describe Ray (in pretty much those words) to people outside the Achewood community, they get a kind of scared look on their faces, and I can tell they are not coming to grips with what they hear.

Yeah, anyone I know who knows only a little bit about Achewood but not much else refer to the comic as, "That webcomic with the cat in the thong."

I like that Cornelius quivers very slightly with indignation and then discreetly turns his back before saying his synonyms.

Morose. Downcast. Joyless.

Poor Cornelius, he tries so hard to be a man of principle, but always has to sell out to the man.

Onstad lives in Palo Alto, as did I. He's letting them off soooooo easy.

I'd release that quote for use in their official literature. I have lots of other ones too.

i cannot for the life of me tell who is being played here.

A comment left by falseprophet was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, kenthegod, Scorpio_nadir, scraggg)

I think you got three lames for joking about Lincoln's assassination.

Too soon.

That's Cornelius. I know him.

I know Cornelius.

five for the alt text, i am thinking

I know it's kinda part of the joke, but I can't help feeling there's this huge misunderstanding about Mensa being propagated, here... So just as a sidenote, Mensa is about cognitive abilities, not trivia. You could qualify for Mensa even if you never read a book in your life; The only education you need is being able to count.

Soil. The next word is soil.

...sand. SAND. SAND. ...soil. SOIL. SOIL.

[poetry]E. E. Cummings[/philosophy]

O sweet spontaneous
earth how often have

fingers of
purient philosophers pinched

,has the naughty thumb
of science prodded

beauty .how
oftn have religions taken
thee upon their scraggy knees
squeezing and

buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive

to the incomparable
couch of death thy

thou answerest

them only with


Hm, [url=https://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/945.html]it seems one can't trust assetbar with spatial poetry. Oh, well,[/u]

My composure slips a bit

Grrr. Coooooon!!!

Huh, to someone with only a passing knowledge of either, ee cummings poems look an awful lot like javascript.

If you code it into your web page Digital Barbara Hershey will have sex with you.


I mean:

I want that Ray scene on a t-shirt.

Mensa, for all their pretense, are actually men of low minds.
I think that is the message of this strip


I like how later in the comic Cornelius gets alot more mellow and less "old man"ish. He scolds less, and instead he's a straight-up casanova.

I was a Mensa member for a little over a year. Went to all of one of their get-togethers. Let my membership lapse when I realized I was paying $57 annually to be told I was smart. I am now richer in dollars, if poorer in ego. I am pleased with this trade-off.

I honestly don't think Ray is actually smart enough to me a member of MENSA. He seems more like the kinda guy who would get an IQ quiz completely right by just guessing.