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Pork Chops Wednesday, February 13, 2002 • read strip Viewing 86 comments:

A comment left by midgetlegs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by reburn, rmango, girlandagun)

That's good enough for me.

He screamed, as his eyes flew from his head.

Chubbied for old school Sesame Street.

Most of them are q's.

Also Peach, which appears to be Phillipe's (also P) natural fur colour. that or Magnolia, I suppose.

which is perfectly natural for an otter.

Philippe's mouth is probably not the best for eating with.

this one does pretty well in color

it makes sense if you are five

A comment left by nexus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pwb, Jesler729, Deusoma, Audhumla, saucy_jack, DeathwishJones)

Those porkchops are hell of rare.

Raw even. I question Teodore's ability to actually cook.

In the last two frames it looks like Philippe is eating Turkish Delight.

Meat should not resemble Turkish Delight.

Is eating pork chops with applesauce a common sort of thing? I ask this because I once heard someone say "pork chops and applesauce" and as a Jew-type person I am unfamiliar with what constitutes a proper pork chop condiment.

we ate it many times in my youth. I am mainly from the serria nevada desert regions. (Mojave, and Reno) it is good white-trash food, it would make Elvis proud

I admit to dipping a pchop in applesauce many a time. Delicious.

I'm from England and that's just what you have with pork of any kind.

i'm from england and i just threw up a little in my mouth

It's very traditional, stemming from the ancient idea that foods had certain "humours" that needed to be kept in balance for the sake of the health.

In our modern age of enlightenment, however, we can acknowledge that just because people have been eating foods a certain way for centuries doesn't mean that it doesn't taste terrible.

It read it as a Kraftwerk Thanksgiving-esque "I ate it many times in my mouth".

Applesauce is the standard German accompaniment to pork chops and also the standard here in the US, especially in the Northeast and Midwest. Homer Simpson's favorite dinner is pork chops and applesauce.

Applesauce is also a thing with lamb chops.

Dogg you trippin', mint sauce all the way.

I've never had mint sauce with lamb chops, but I should try it next time I get a chance. I understand that's more of a British thing, which I'll admit gives me pause, but I'll try just about anything once.

It is so unnecessary. Last time I had lamb chops I kept giving the mint sauce a chance, but I ain't know why. It was a slightly fancier sauce though, I can't remember exactly, like mint-lemon or something like that. It was largely nonsense, that's for sure.


yogurt-cucumber whitesauce with lamb. is this the same thing? i know there is traditionally some mint in the whitesauce, but i have never had lamb with just a 'mint sauce'

you're thinking of tzatziki i think. Mint sauce is just crushed leaves in vinegar.

Having sampled the options, I gotta go with the tzatziki. Achewood always makes me want Greek food.

Or mint jelly.

Why would you need any kind of sauce? If the lamb is made well, it should be absolutely delicious all on its own.



Typically when cooking pork bright acidic flavors are welcome. Accents like; Mustard, Lemon, White Wine (Reisling is good), spiced brines, and sometimes even savory fruit compotes will find their way in a pork dish. Applesauce would certainly fit that criteria. However I would probably be more likely to make a brine with apple cider than plate apple sauce, and instead plate with a tangy mustard sauce instead.


That was... amazingly knowledgeable.

yaotzin has mad pork chops.


A chubby for you sir.

It is six months later apparently and I find myself with two jars of applesauce in my ice box. I am contemplating some sort of filled pastry, details may be forthcoming.

I still am not fond of when foods on my plate intermingle and marry.

A comment left by totoro23 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, jamb23, Thorfinn, shutup_shutup, decagon, equinn2006, shoinan, killerlimpet, SPECTRE)

There is a profound difference between downs syndrome and autism, the disability had by the narrator in the book you reference.

Who mentioned Downs Syndrome??!

In correcting totoro for equating retardation and autism, carpetbag equated retardation and Down's Syndrome.


All of this has resulted in me thinking up the word "autarded." And that's terrible.

He was AUTISTIC, no retarded. He did calculus. Can you do calculus? Supply proof.

and provided a swell recap of the Monty Hall problem.

Man that thing kicked me in the balls when my discrete teacher showed it to us

I think we can all agree that after about 2 chapters of that book we all put it down and became very dissapointed with the taste of whoever recommended it.

Oh, pwnd. I actually liked that book.

I like to think that we bonded over some terrible insults, but that is an alright book. I'm sorry to betray you in this way.

No. Differing opinions are not lame worthy. Even if half of this Assetworld would believe otherwise. The premise of the book was great, but I had no sympathy for the main character, I found his "voice" started sounding too much like a normal person trying to sound like someone with a mental handicap.

The author was drawing on his experiences working with autistic people, but I imagine it is difficult to really write in that voice.

That said, I liked the book and am sorry you did not.


Color... strips... so... incongruous... AARGH!

Alt text: "Pork chops and applesauce voted unpopular in Phillipe's Mind."

I just have to say that this was my favorite strip for a long time. Anytime we peer into Phillipe's mind is a joy. This is at the top of that joy.

we've all been there... at first.

No Phillipe, you'll get tapeworm!

Holy friggin' shit.


those are some red-ass pork chops.

Phillipe's screaming too but he can't stop rockin' with the chops 'n sauce.

Pork with applesauce makes a heckuva lot more sense than mint with lamb. *shudder* Not...of...God.

I'm still trying to get over chocolate-covered pretzels. How can they taste so good?

How couldn't they?

Yogurt-covered is where it's at.


I can certainly tell the two foodstuff's universal distastes of each other by the screaming they are doing when they confront each other.

Good job! You comprehended the strip!

Teodor is the color of applesauce

That is not an appetising meal


Oddly enough, the color strips are some of the worst looking in my opinion, but also some of the funniest.

I stand by Phillipe in this.
Being sad over throwing away nasty, stained couches? Not so much.

Wish there were a five and a half, maybe with Beef's eyes all turning into vertical slits like when he freaks out, because this one, for me, was The One for so long. Maybe it still is.

I imagine pork chops and the apple sauce have tiny mouse-like sped up voices

i just had porkchops with applesauce.

all i could think was "nooo!"

Phillipe's mouth disgusts me. Good day sirs.

Reminds me of soon-to-be Lisa Simpson sitting at the dinner table, imagining the food falling from a living being onto her plate,
(including the hot dog made of rat tail, raccoon feet, pigeon head, and boot tongue)!

For some reason, seeing Philippe with apricot-coloured fur makes me uncomfortable

he looks freshly shaven. that's bad.


Sweet coloured Philippe! I love how he imagines that his food can talk. Now if we can make food that fun.

Philippe, your imagination is wrong.

this is delicious.

I must diagree with this assessment of pork chops and applesauce.

Ugh, I shame myself with my spelling.

Apple sauce and pork chop didn't want it to end this way.

i wonder if this has anything to do with philippe using the word applesauce as an expletive...