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Vocation, or, a Calling from God. Wednesday, September 30, 2009 • read strip Viewing 696 comments:

A comment left by reesepbc was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, austinceltic, T-Pot, Norsef, CygnusX-1, expellens, apocowarg, erk070, daidai, mockereo, gladi8orrex, never_die, memnoch, Hipjiverobot, Mattsolo, Deusoma, Vice, philophobe, sprkfv39, CK421, edd36, mashisoyo, Bielebog, ShineALight, flazisismuss, falseprophet, cmjhogan, Fictions, scion, chivalress, headphones, Courtland, equinn2006, nerdinexile, Fermatprime, MortisInvictus, Sargasm, DougTheHead, johnald, Sleaw, thebaddoctor, LordPretzel, Firehawk, DrSkradley, Prine, Troy_Convers, thetrashman, luckypyjamas, vexingrupert, Magreaux_Dogg, Jeet, newspaperdrone, Gage, awksedperl, coldfrog, orrrderup, desert_donkey, cailetshadow, caddon, mrblank91, smilebuddha, marty, NotCool, emosexy, Madoushi, greyfield, colorlessness, fieryjack, Irien, ouroboros, Dallovich)

A comment left by shinealight was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, Norsef, gladi8orrex, Ctrl_Z, hurfdurf)

don't think man, just react.

actually don't. that's probably how you end up with "FRIST PSOT!1!!!111"


we learned in group today that thoughts always come before actions. there may be times that you're so conditioned that they happen so quickly you don't even finish your thought before you act.

ex: a car cuts you off.
you may become angry at that driver but you have to think something to make you angry. it does not just happen.

What group?
and yes, reactions are largely a choice based on sometimes subconscious emotions/thoughts/decisions.

It is a special group you go to

when you want someone to die .

Oh, I got it, the Charlie Sheen Ex-Wives and Girlfriends group.

yeah, we'll leave it at that.

Nicely summarised. In short: Slow Down and Pay More Fucking Attention.

that's what she said .

"Slow Down and Pay Fucking More Attention"

But if we all thought things through before acting assetbar would be much less entertaining.

It would cease to exist.

Oh. It's back now. I thought I had predicted its demise.

in the end you became the effective first post and your post sucks

Yeah I mean that's true. But I'll probably never again get to experience the thrill of being first post.

I prefer the thrill of not givin' a shit.

here is an amusing comment. I elect to bestow upon it my finest chubby.

In the vein of "not giving a shit," I'm surprised to see almost 200 comments on here and yet no one has pointed out that Todd is flicking his butts onto the table, blatantly avoiding the ashtray.

that would be like pointing out that in the 80s, mr t used to wear a denim vest made from a jean jacket with the sleeves cut off, to show off his substantial upper arm size/musculature. i mean, obviously ...


As for that about size or musculature of the bowl with respect to that suitable, of that, t of eighties bragging although you learn the best of the denim which you can do from the jacket of [jin] where the sleeve which is shut off in order to show has been attached it seems as in the person indication which is used. I mean, clearly%u2026

Tried to chub ya, but I have been too friendly already.

you bitch

See, now I want to do the same thing because it pisses so many people off.

"FRIST PSOT!1!!!111"

[yeah right]reesepbc, I apologise unreservedly for my last comment about your first post[/yeah right]

I hope this is what you wanted. (I am assuming that it actually is)

68 Lames.
There is a God.
Or 68.

i just made that 69.


to be fair, she would have been less of a bitch after a couple Jagers.

Who wouldn't?

im probably the only 300 pound dude who can say that hes less of a bitch after one yeager...

So you're probably not yeager to take that first shot, huh?
Eh? Eh? Guys?


You less of a bitch now?


crap... i just now realized...[[shakes head dissapointedly]]

Jaeger Jaeger Jaeger Jaeger Jaeger

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

rubberspoon rubberspoon rubberspoon

jets jets jets jets jets jets

b-b-b-benny! benny benny benny benny benny!



not gibin shit about ur cry cry face



The above ten comments read like Tom Green's thought processes.

plastic bag, plastic bag!

It both saddens and happens me that I know that you capitalized the correct buffaloes here.

I believe the correct term is "happify".

Aw, c'mon folks, there's a perfectly delightful English word out there, which has the added benefit of rhyming. Yes, it's "gladdens". An ACTUAL word, no longer just what John Madden calls his gall bladder.

Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs
(chubby for anyone that get the reference, nothing to to with a wascally wabbit)

im going to drown my self-dissapointment in some wylde terkee. who wants to join me?

probably not the turkey...

good sir, i find that to be an inspired witticism. you have a chubby and my respect.

And yet, the comment reflects no chubby.

Seems like maybe greenkoolayd misunderstands the concept, and has been tugging himself into a quite literal tumescence all these times.



Until you are so chubbied.

good lookin' out. my mind was somewhere else.

Were you thinking of me? *bats lashes* Nah, probably just math class. :P

I think that the author of this comment is worthy of a chubby.

Damn straight I am!


yeahhh! Lets get so drunk, we wake up in another country!

Actually, I know someone who woke up one afternoon on a beach where everyone was speaking Spanish. I can't recall exactly what they said happened.

Unleash the fury, hit the bourbon, hit the phone,
Let's start a rumour that we're married and heading for Rome...

A comment left by tetsujin was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by bunkzilla, philophobe, jamzz, aHatOfPig)

anything chuck yeager is automatic chubby.

and that fucker'd down a pint of yeager like mother's milk. he is the last of the great Americans.

the example you gave doesnt prove how great of an american he is. it just proves that he had built up in himself, a tolerance toward alcohol.

a tolerance of alcohol is a naturally occurring artifact found in all great Americans. it's implied .

I am a horrible person because I just considered making a joke about Helen Keller.


that's right. making jokes about animals detracts from their dignity.

Intriguing... Helen Keller and Old Yeller do kind of look the same.

Q: What was Helen Keller's favorite color?


Helen Keller is weird to say if you transpose "L" with "K"

Heken Lekker.

I probably won't be doing that then.

That means "delicious hake" in Dutch.
"Nice bit o' cod" might be a good English equivalent.

So you become a Great American by drinking a herbal alcoholic beverage made in Germany?

I suspect that a large number of Germans are unwitting Great Americans.

Inside every Kraut is a good American trying to get out.


wow Todd totally dropped the ball on that detective lie.

Let him slide. The economy really ain't so good.

Yeah, he's a real Phillip Marlowe.

Todd is like Joe Satriani in that he is so good, but nobody cares.

If he were the Yngwie Malmsteen of pissin' chicks off, on the other hand, he would be so good that it had literally sucked all the joy out of life.


i apologize in advance for my lack of:
1. photoshop skills
2. mastery of any BBcode

good enough is. a chub.

You know enough to have matched that font almost perfectly. And that, sir, is more than enough.

Suckin' dick paid for this surfboard

I shudder to think what paid for the lessons.

Sucking dick is its own lesson.

I thought it was its own reward.

depends on which side you're on, doesn't it?

Unfortunately for Todd, Samoleans are worthless.

Fortunately for Todd, the dollar-to-samolean conversion rate is closely approaching 1:1.

But Bison Dollars are still trading at 1:4 against British pounds.

Clams > Greenbacks, though, in this economy.

On the contrary, every Bison dollar will be worth five British pounds. That is the exchange rate the bank of England will set once I have kidnapped their queen.

Dude, Bison doesn't kidnap queens.

He's not a playa, he just psycho-crushes a lot.

My mistake, but at least I get chubbies for a non-gimmick account.

What about Vega dollars?

I hear they are a popular form of underground currency amongst gay men, but outside that social circle you probably won't get much for them.

Very good.

Alright listen to me. In a few hours, she'll probably be sane enough to work herself into some kind of towering Jesus-based rage at the hazy recollection of being seduced by some kind of cruel Samolean who fed her liquor and LSD, dragged her to a Vegas hotel room and then savagely penetrated every orifice in her little body with his throbbing, uncircumcised member.

I... I don't know what that means...

It's Fear and Loathing.

Goddamn bats.

We can't stop here. This is bat country .

How the heck does a Fear and Loathing reference earn me a lame? Someone's out to get me!

Perhaps because a certain terrible terrible band (which shall remain unnamed, but which has the abbreviate its name like an algebra equation) is more salient with the kids these days?


to be honest, my favorite line from that movie is the first one. the way Depp delivers it is just so juxtaposed to the subject matter.

we were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold.

god damn kids! stay out of my yard!

That's my line!

That's my line!

You've claimed it already! geez

I don't know who you are talking about. Is it Fall Out Boy? The Jonas Brothers? Pretty much anyone with three or more words in their name has a tendency to abbreviate.

You're busting my balls on this, 'They shall not be named' thing, but I was talking about Avenged Sevenfold, who have given themselves the completely obnoxious abbreviation A7X, which is what I was implying looked more like an algebra figure.

Apparently, though, what it looks like is a collection of non-threateningly gothy emo blowjobs who just stumbled across an uncle's copy of Ride the Lightning .

I got your back expellens

Thanks, pally.

Here's a wiki page dedicated to that most quoteable of screeds.

R U talkin bout Roman Polanski?

That's Ugh! Ugh! That's Ugh!

Maybe... Maybe I don't want to listen to you.

Maybe I think this fantasy comes across as having been thought out beforehand, each blunt word typed lovingly as a crusty sock is used to wick away the incipient drool from the corners of your mouth.

Didn't Samolean just get hit by a tsunami?

(I know this to be untrue)

If Todd is the Joe Satriani of pissing chicks off, does that mean he got bit by the eel while he was ..... surfing with the alien?

Todd was actually stunned by a three-foot electric catfish Malapterurus electricus during a coke-fueled butt orgy for squirrels just outside of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Thrusting too eagerly (for his true special power is f-f-f-fuckin'), Todd was catapulted out of the arboreal canopy, immediately into conductive range of the African siluriform terror that lurked below.
His unconscious body was later recovered via pool strainer by a biology major with an internship, more out of concern for the livestock than for Todd's sake.

Malapterurus electricus! What news from the North?

Upon nothing but the most cursory glance, I swear that Latin seems like it ought to translate to 'electric bad uterus.'

Carolus Linnaeus, you cad .

women used to not be allowed to study plant biology, that's how dirty Linnaeus' names were

This is absolutely bar-none the best awkward-rat-prostitution strip I have ever seen.

Todd is a squirrel.

And she's more of a BITCH!! Heyo!

Heh heh! Yeah!

squirrels are nothing more than rats with fuzzy tails.

Fuzzy tails and PR.

HUGE slam on squirrels out of nowhere!

You imply that rats are not well liked.

HUGE slam on the validity of my implication out of nowhere!

I love cross-webcomic references. I made this same one more than once. Conclusion: awesome.

<Memorable punchline from xkcd!>

There are punchlines in xkcd?


I thought that it was from MST3K: "Huge slam on anteaters out of nowhere!" -Crow T. Robot, 'Overdrawn at the Memory Bank'

I only saw it at pictures for sad children, but I don't know fo sho.

that rascal Crow T. Robot!

This is a Truth. It is from MST3K, but all the more reason to give internet respect knuckles to John Campbell.

I love your avatar!

The mystery (science theater) is solved!

Though it was never a mystery, just confusion.

i have the episode guide for that show...you'd think i'd've called it first. hmph.

Chubby for knowledge. Also, with the reference to Street Fighter: The Movie higher up in the comments, this makes two Raul Julia movies mentioned. He would be proud.

PFSC actually.

daidai with the crosscourt return volley for Match Point.


If a rat were to walk in here right now as I'm talking, would you treat it to a saucer of your delicious milk?

how much is she chargin?

Milk is fiddy bucks. If you want it from the saucer it's only twenny-five.

Oops, you get first.

Squirrels are just rats with better outfits

Squirrels are rats with fluffy tails.


Vocation, or, Todd goes out with a girl with a sporadically disappearing mustache.

Todd's gigolo name should be Rizzo.

Or Dicky Roxx.

his tagline is, "suckin dick bought my van and i have nuts in my cheeks."

def rizzo.

So true about Satch. A friend of mine's dad actually played with him once, and said he was a total bitch bitch bitchy bitch.

Speaking of Satch - (Armstrong, not JS) I had a patient who played with Pops and said he was the nicest guy around. Of course he didn't trust whitey and could smoke Willy under the table. That's a given .

I am the Tom Wopat of pissin' chicks off.

I am the Herman Goering of pissin' chicks off.
I am the Clara Bow of pissin' chicks off.
I am the Clive Anderson of pissin' chicks off.
I am the Cicero of pissin' chicks off.
I am the Germaine Greer of pissin' chicks off.

You're the Tiger Woods of driving a joke into the ground.

you gotta commit , son... you all over the place.

solid 5 for t-t-todd! 2nd in a week. atta boy onstad, old bean!

People are willing to pay to not spend time with Todd.

A reverse prostitute, if you will.

or the C.C. DeVille of entertaining women

Damn, just like a Cake concert. Roadies all lockin' the doors, making people pay to escape.

Todd's date was nervous about being recognized in the presence of a 'male escort'. That is why she came disguised as Fred from Scooby Doo.

aaaand that's the sound of "fancy-snatch" entering my regular vocabulary.

I've always been partial to "sugar snatch." There's also the less classy "honey cunt." Anyone who calls an unsuspecting lady such a term is a braver man than me, though.

A comment left by thegoblins was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by greatjob, Comrade_Tom, Omegatron)

If you film yourself having sex for long enough it's bound to happen eventually.


i'm not sure that the vagina and the cunt are equivalent

i think the cunt more accurately refers to the combination of the vulva and the vagina

any doctors out there? please, what's the medical definition of cunt ?

The OED claims it's "The female external genital organs. Cf. QUAINT n.". I'd never really thought of the female external genital organs as "quaint" before, but if the OED says it it must be true...

Additionally, apparently the term "cuntstruck" has been in use as an analogue to "lovestruck" since at least 1876. It seems rather apt.

During the middle ages, streets used to be named by the businesses that were found on them. Thus, there are many streets in England that were historically called Gropecunt Lane

Not so many left now, in the early modern period they were gentrified to "Grope lane" and then "Grape lane". So chances are if you walk down grape lane you tread in the footsteps of sexually frustrated men in doublets with more groats than sense.

"A Vagina? How quaint ." -Man from the Future

My cousin Leon told me it is "all that useless skin around the pussy. Otherwise known as a woman ."

Jesus, what a Sumbitch your cousin is.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard that ... I'd have about 30¢, I reckon.

only once? somebody's puttin on airs!

I wish to dine in your private honeycunt

Well now you've taken all the surprise out of it.

It'll just seem insincere now.

I'm not sure if that is the best or the worst personal ad ever, but either way you should run it in the back pages of the London Review of Books and see what happens.

regarding that c-word: see? its so disgusting that i hate to type it out. not even in a joking way. a lot of "intellectual" people have talked shit because i "take a word too seriously".... same thing with the n-word. [/sermon]

reading your post, I just invented a new word... wait for it...


guess what it means...

or cigger, but sounds like Tigger's cousin who smokes. Incidentally, Kanga is a bit of a cunt.

See I don't get that either. I see where you're coming with the n-word, it's racially charged and has a long, nasty history. Maybe I just never heard the history of cunt or something, but to me it's just a high-tier cuss word. Why does it bother you so much?

ive only encountered that word in instances of women being objectified. that is something that i abhor.


while there are notable exceptions, i mainly encounter it as a more severe usage of the idea of "bitch".

as in "this guy on the net is complaining a fictional squirrel's foul language - what a dumb cunt"

To quote the anti nowhere league:

And I've drunk that, I've drunk this,
I've spewed up on a pint of piss.
So what, so what.
I've had scank, I've had speed,
I've jacked up until I bleed.
So what, so what.
So what, so what, you boring little cunt.

I use it regularly, and I am a lady.
Well, if I'm saying cunt a lot, I guess I'm not much of a lady ...

If you want me to, I will.

Also, cuntstruck is sticking with me.

this may be the hardest I've ever chubbied something.

A comment left by thegoblins was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by greatjob, Comrade_Tom, Omegatron)

i wasnt fucking questioning you or what you want. i just posted what came to mind. i treat the forums i post in like my own personal stream of consciousness depositories.

Oh necessarily, the profound alienation of electronic communication a la assetbar is so dislocating as to barely seem like social interaction, I often visualise assetbas avitars as finger puppets cracking wise and bitching for ones own personal amusement.

Oh shit sorry dude meant to chubby you but lamed instead. That was lame of me, ironically.

chubbed it for you.

i chubbied the prior three posts on principles

lamed the prior 3 n attempt 4 douchebag BS like dat form happenin' again

TO PREVENT. I had to read that 4 times.

a bullet is more effective than a lame.

This comment is awesome. I mean it works in so many ways.

Hey folks, let's all go see The Vagina Monologues and then yell 'Cunt!' at everyone and giggle at our virginal transgression of linguistic taboo.

P.S. That is by far the worst of the monologues, and thus, naturally, the only one I can call to mind at the moment.

It wasn't only you. Not every thing I say is personally addressed to you, greenkoolayd.

In other news, huuuuugs!



i accept your hugs, but dont sass me again.

I weren't sassing you.

Kiss and make up, kids. And then get a room.

This comment makes me want your cunt even more

(am I taking this wish-fulfillment thing too far?)

Have you considered prostitution?

I don't think anyone is questioning your desire. But it is hella sad that you have never had your vagina referred to as a cunt. "Oh fuck yeah... I want to ram my huge cock into your vagina ."

Someone once called me a "beautiful cuntflower." Nicest compliment I ever received.

Was it...Pepe Le Pew?

No, and I don't want to know what you're implying.

Howl is a black cat who unfortunately got some white paint down her back?

I just immediately heard those words in his voice as I read them. That's all.

Get back here with that cunt of yours!

I've been locked out for a while. Possibly because of my cunt.

I've been locked out of cunts for a while. Possibly because of me.

Only you hold the key to cunts.

I seriously missed you, gobs. I even said so over at the OTHER place.

Other place? Now for some reason I can't view comments past this strip.

touamb.com. It's a phpbb type of bbs that is inhabited by some relatively boring achewood fans. unfortunately it lacks the spontaneity of the free achewood assetbar because a rigid structure is imposed upon the threads and too much screen real estate is taken up by information which is not user content; e.g. on a typical screen you can view at least 4 assetbar posts simultaneously, whereas in a phpbb setup you can view maybe 1, if even that.

on the subject of user interface, I tried using the non-free assetbar, but is sucks shit because it suffers from many of the interface shortcomings of the free assetbar, but in addition it also requires many more mouse clicks to make a post, and every time you post, you loose your place and have to scroll all the hell over the place to find your spot again, etc.

sorry that you can't view comments past this strip. a lot of us are having that problem. What happened is that after this strip, a revision was introduced into assetbar where people who don't have enough chubbies are essentially blacklisted. It's like a super-duper ignore list. If you find that you have been blacklisted, all you can do is log out and create a new account.

That's AIU btw. He's annoyed because TOUAMB ripped the pish out of him when he tried to troll it.

and that's another idiot who presumes to know what I'm feeling, when I'm feeling it, and why.


[does a bitch dance at AIU, while giggling]

Too late for chubbies, but you can reasonably expect to see this popping up from time to time when needed. If no one else does it, I will.

whats AIU?

AIU is a motherless dog. an abomination.

From now on it's the only name I'm gonna answer to

Panel five: the moment when one realizes that they do not want to hear the words the other is saying.

As depicted by eyeless squirrels.

So, if Todd, Lyle and Showbiz go to a bar on Ladies Night, does that make them the G3 of pissin' chicks off?

pat went with them once years ago but it just didn't feel right
and by pat I mean robert fripp

He was joyless and pedantic, no?

I met Joe Satriani at a Chickenfoot show I was brought to against my will.

Todd is far more polite.

When you say you were at a Chickenfoot show, it is unnecessary to qualify that you were there against your will.

Well I figured I'd clarify so as not to be lumped in with the unfortunate demographic of people who actually enjoy the gin-soaked antics of Fatty Hagar and whoever the fuck those other guys are

Well I figured I'd clarify so as not to be lumped in with the unfortunate demographic of people who actually enjoy the gin-soaked antics of Fatty Hagar and whoever the fuck those other guys are

Well I figured I'd clarify so as not to be lumped in with the unfortunate demographic of people who actually enjoy the gin-soaked antics of Fatty Hagar and whoever the fuck those other guys are

Well I figured I'd clarify so as not to be lumped in with the unfortunate demographic of people who actually enjoy the gin-soaked antics of Fatty Hagar and whoever the fuck those other guys are

What the FUCK just happened?! Jesus Christ!

I think you've done enough clarifying for one day

Not for Chickenfoot he hasn't!!

pwned by Fatty Hagar, apparently.

Who knew he was a h4x0r?

What the FUCK just happened?!

Gin-soaked antics is my guess.


A fat generation. Of dicks.

If said generation looks like a sweaty composite of Elayne Boosler and Burl Ives, then, yes.

Dude makes awesome slacks.

Is There F-f-f-uckin' in Space?

No but there sure are soulless guitar wankists

apparently so

A lady does not examine her fingernails by folding her fingers into her palm, but by extending them outwards and demurely turning her wrist.

Joe Satriani: Taps.

Todd the Squirrel: Has not tapped anything in years, if at all.

Oh my god you guys he can solve crimes WITH HIS EYES

It looks like Todd is trying to fuck the guy from Vampire Weekend.

Todd ain't no banana factory! Get a clue, jackass!

(Yeah that's right. I quote the previous strip. I'm demorising all over again.)

Don't you just put some boat shoes on the table and pop in Royal Tennenbaums for that?

Just when I thought there was no way Todd's head would really end up on a pike this year...

I tell you, if things pan out that way, I'm going to miss that faceless, stuttering rodent-whore like the dickens.

Well we don't know if he'll forget to hibernate again.

todd constantly dies, i'm sure he'll be fine in no time!

After reading this strip, I am instantly reminded of one of John Cleese's greatest quotes from Flying Circus :

"Shut up, you silly bitch. It's only a bit of fun."

I do not know if this applies to squirrels. Their laws and customs are strange indeed.

"Ooh! I wet 'em!"

I will never get tired of how charmingly distasteful Todd is.


Why on earth would a woman do that to herself

No on second thought don't tell me

It looks specifically designed to enhance labial and clitoral pleasure whilst using interlocking rings to completely bar actual penetration. The Victorians would go nuts.

it looks like someone trusts their tattoo person...

God DAMN it, man, a bit of a WARNING please.

Thanks man, your comment served as MY warning! I hesitantly clicked, like "Oh shit, this is gonna be bad", a luxury you didn't have.

That's what I'm here for. Incidentally, sober this doesn't terrify me as much as it did last night. Scientists are still trying to figure it out.

The text said "fancy-snatch". There was a link. This is the Achewood assetbar. I'm not sure how much more warning you need.


Shut up and fuck you and I love your avicon.

God DAMN it, man, a bit of a WARNING please!

God DAMN man, it's a bit of Warning; please!

~someone angry that someone else is angry over his choice to play a specific Green Day CD.

dude, if you have sex with her, you would get tetanus.

Where? I see rings, tattos, curves, oh yeah, there's a snatch in there somewhere.

I'm not at all certain that's the front . :(


Joe Satirani is the Steve Vai of being Joe Satriani.

James Spader would never be seen with you, Todd the Squirrel.

Panel four: My response to professors who ask what year of schooling I am in.

I am one of the few whose life can be summarily described by this Web Comic

5, onstadt

you are gaining my faith once more



in before nobody caring about my cry cry face

Chubbied to balance your account.

Thank you, thank you. I greatly appreciate your help and am indebted to you in the future.

A Bull dog. For the sake of plot consistency.

To Onstad and my Assetbar friends-


Here's to the many years of laughs, and those to come!

vomiting lyle is the best

Love the Todd progression.

do you think that it is cool to depict their decapitated heads lit on fire

I think that it is cool that only Philippe's head seems to on fire.

"be"! "be", dammit!

And stand up straight!

word. up.

I forgot to sign it: "Sincerely, hamscout" .
Now it looks like my parents named me after a fist bump.

There are worse names out there.

Speaking of which -- It has taken a year, but I finally realized the origin of "hamscout." (I feel so stupid).

Well, all's well that ends Ewell.

Boo who.


Crank up the Chubbymachine!

Jaegers for all!
Onstad's buying!

A guaranteed chub generator! Hey, who's that growing genitals over to the far right?

That's Teodor thanking you for reading his webcomic.

And now we need a woman to sit on it.

Pics please!

I'm only the MacFall of pissing chicks off. But that actually makes me think that I may be better than Joe Satriani at something.

achewood you aren't yet old enough to do it 'roman' style but i've waited 5 years before


Roman style is where the lady lies back and the man declaims on tacitus till both parties throw up.

Greek style is where the man is over here and the woman is over there in another room and there is a young boy in this room learning a lot of things very quickly.

Ancient Greece was a fascinating place, son.


Q: How did the ancient Greeks separate the men from the boys?

A: With a Crowbar.

Best Achewood in months.

Cried the eagle.

Tears of joy.

Nice synergy, possums. As usual.

Also Joe Satriani is the Joe Satriani of being an overrated cuntfagbitchass.

when you stick a bunch of swear words together like that it makes everything you say true cool to say out loud



And lame.

Joe Satriani is the Hindenburg of Joe Satrianis.

Keith Moon is the Ringo Starr of being John Malkovich.

And John Malkovich is the John Malkovich of Being John Malkovich .

Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich!

developers developers developers developers.

A comment left by null was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kaz, expellens, Troy_Convers)

I've never put much stock in going to breakfast restaurants at breakfast time.

unless it is very early breakfast time.

If you ain't never had a Grand Slam at 3am, then man, I don't wanna know you.

I think the kind of chick who has a sweater just for her neck wouldn't consider 3am "breakfast time".

Exactly. Bacon at 3am is more of a Todd or Lyle kind of thing.

Also possibly Nolan from the Internet.

so...those are the people you'd rather know instead of sweatergirl?

Thursday and Fall of Troy are coming tomorrow.
Lebowski on the telly.

blammin' slammin' oh man am i jammin'.

bitch don't run ihop @ 2am

not my kind of lady nuh uh

The male squirrel has trouble talking to the female squirrel.

I think she's the one having trouble.

a case of the Dignities.



your avatar is a mix of philippe and lyle.
or...vasquez vs onstad.

i know it's from a place, i just can't remember which one.

Phillipe jumping the shark.

Too many l's not enough p's. Easily distracted. Could do better. C *plus*.


oh YEAH!!


every time I doubt onstad, I am proven wrong by the results. Well played sir. Curses, you have foiled me again, etc.

Funniest Achewood in months

I think this is the first comic I've ever read with a Satriani joke. Congratulations sir. I mean i actually wrote a comic book called 'Man Joe Satriani is a Funny Dude' but even that didn't actually reference him in a strip.

Todd is a californian Mcnulty.


anyone else thing that in this strip and the last, todd looked really weird?

Not really... is there a more traditional method used to depict a solvent-addled squirrel in silhouette?

I'm guessing he picked up a nasty case of weiner measles from Mary the Scurvied Sinuefendo.

"Weiner measles" should be a band.

I noticed a bit of hm, but usually Todd is shown in relation to the other characters, who are much bigger. I don't recall ever seeing Todd depicted this large, so Onstad must've had to bust out the stylus and do up a toddcloseup.psd (or whatever).

I actually don't know his artistic process other than he has some/ many stock images, and I'm really interested in that process. I read the Calvin and Hobbes 10th Anniversary Treasury introduction many times and with great aplomb.

How does one read with great aplomb? Wearing a cravat and smoking jacket?

No, one generally smokes tobacco.

Oh, touCHAY.

I go like "Ooh! OH! Oh whee! OOH!"

K the assistance in my search was very good thx i was havin' sum troubes i fink i m onto it an belieb it to be executive outcomes who was teh team i was searchin for originally. i go now to complete my research thx yalls for helps

hey check it out g, there is a live performance of fur immer jung:

wow I didn't know they have Vegas in Germany
Karel Gott - Lady Carnival

That is totally the kind of show that Todd would take a lady to.

Todd all like 'oh yeah, with Jose Feliciano, ya got no complaints...'

Ich liebe die Maedchen.

That'll be fiddy simoleons.

he's the andrew dice clay of squirrels.

.. I have left sporting events under my own free will.

that is facking rad. so true. so rad. that $7.50 cup of beer seems cheap after the 5th one. by the 10th one, you are ALL part of the team.

I dunno who the she-squirrel is, but I like her. "I have left sporting events under my own free will." Classy!

Denny's . She's talking about Denny's. And that most drunk fucks like to go there somewhere around 2:30 in the am and ordered shitloads of stuff and act obnoxious as a wild boar.

i like it that he does NOT rule out the fact that she'll still be a bitch once she starts getting buzzed. She'll just be less of one.

Todd is not the most sensitive man.

Todd is not Mel Torme!

The Velvet Fugue?

That third panel is perfect evidence that when Onstad takes a breather from Ray & Roast Beef, magic can happen as much as when Mexican magical realism is bandied about.

Because he solves crimes with his eyes.

For your health!

the strip is making a pretty good recovery from the lash of thanatos arc. glad to be laughing again.

Hey, everybody, I just joined Twitter today (cringe, I know), but the one good thing about it is that I'm following Achewood. Yes. Redeemed.

Twitter is so '09.

See: cringe

see: yes

see: crimes solved with your eyes

see: chubbied

So, does anyone figure that Cornelious just got bored of the 'For Dummies' thing?

No, he seemed to be having a great time with it. All hella fonts.

I know I was.

No, I think the 'For Dummies' thing was just a plot device to launch into the Todd storyline.
And we know what happened the last time Cornelius J. Cannell got busy on the keyboard...

Some even got on the mayor!

The Decidedly Adequate British Hero ?

I don't think it was just a device. Onstad talks about how stories just happen, just sneak up on him. The grand old example is ChatSack -> GOF. Todd was also at the center of that.

I'd like to see where this goes. Last bout with Magical Realism ended flatly. This could be interesting.

What is Todd wearing, just a tie and collar with no shirt?

Straight from the Hanna-Barbera School of Fashion.


I love the cuffs more than anything but as a kid the collars annoyed me because their heads moved without any sign that their necks were too.

I think that was a cost-saving device.

If you play every HB short backwards, you can hear "cost-saving device" being said at least once per short.

A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, SupahLovah, milkpants, Llobstrosity)

A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, SupahLovah, milkpants, Llobstrosity)

A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, SupahLovah, milkpants, Llobstrosity)

you wanna...

All ye faithful?




With a rebel yell?

pletely unnecessary posts?

POTENT OBSERVATION: chris, onstad, the 'stad, et al SUCKS SHIT at female dialogue altogether

hey, it's the 'stadmeister! look at them handles!

the drawing of the female character was really good this time.

ur opinions. ur alls jus gibin' ur STUPID opinions. its BS how 'bouts u keep that shit 2 urselves

Hey, this is not so much related to the strip, but to Achewood in general. Has anyone had experience dealing with customer service? I ordered a pint glass from them and I got a notice that it was out of stock... I have since tried everything possible (Including emailing about 2 dozen times) and have only gotten one response on my first email, nothing definate. It's really unfair and all I want is the glass I PAID FOR. Has anyone had a similar experience? Did you get it resolved? If so, what did you do?

How did you pay? If they're out of stock and you used paypal, email them the conformation you received when you payed or something, and get your money back.

well, I'm not sure that you fully grasp the reality of the situation. If it's out of stock, then how can they ship it to you? "Out of stock" generally implies that they don't have physical possession of any copies of said item. I suppose that they might be able to pay their supplier lots of extra money to expedite their order or to overnight them a single copy for you, or maybe they could purchase a glass locally and pay a local printer a bunch of money to print it up with the Achewood art... Personally I'd rather that Chris utilizes his money for more productive ventures, such as drawing comic strips. When you say you've tried everything possible, maybe you're just not trying hard enough. Have you tried kidnapping his wife and kid, for example? That would probably get some results.

I wonder if the guy wanted to beat the wino up because he was angry at his behavior, as most of us would be, or if because the wino was stealing his urinal and beating him to the piss, as it were.


I see what you did there! You took something that was bland and uncreative, and pretended that it was of high quality! Oh, this will revolutionize comedy as we know it!

last thing we need is another fuckin' critic. shut teh fuck up i despise u assholes


With every post you make, I like you less.

[Looks around, squinting in the hot sun. Squats and grasps a handful of dark assetbar loam. Brings it to his nose, and breathes in the aroma. Crumbles the soil and watches it fall to the ground.



Cue Also Sprach Zarathustra

So I hope everyone made the most of their forced time away from the 'Bar. I rediscovered masturbation.

I just upped my frequency.

I just upped my lunch.

I made millions on the dog tracks, then blew it on savings and loan.

Try what I did. Only $10k up front.

I rediscovered maturation. But like masturbation, it came and went too quickly.


[Looks around, squinting in the hot sun. Squats and grasps a handful of dry assetbar dust. Brings it to her nose, and breathes in the aroma. Fans her fingers, watches the terracotta-toned baked earth fall to the ground.

Shakes her head.]

[Starts eating dirt because everyone else is doing it and he wants to fit in.]

Pica! Pica! Pica!

As the denizens slowly begin to return to their AssetBarrio, signs of life return to the barren streets. A drop of dirty water trickles down the side of a tenement as the first of many window units resumes its slow rumbling. Rodents begin to sniff at the edges of empty bottles of Tequila. Slowly, surely, the familiar stench of wetness regains dominance over the biting aridity of the encroaching desert.

I just pissed myself, that's all.

[Breaks rock in the hot hot sun. He fought the law and the law won.]

Seriously I just assumed that someone in Newslimited IT checked my web usage and nuked assetbar. I haven't had time to try logging in at home.

Why did I assume I'd somehow be told that Assetbar is back up? Oh well, at least we're back. I missed ya'll. How long was it down?

Its only sorta-kinda back

welcome back assetbar

welcome ass backetbar

(a single gong sounds, and assetbar posters from around this Dimension heed the call & return to the arena)

Cue Benny Hill theme.

Yakkity Sax*









Comment/Avatar synergy yada yada yada...


Somewhere on this website lurks the October strips. I'm going out to find them again, I may be a while...
#dons his arctic gear again and disappears into the snowstorm#

You fool! They're gone, just let them go!

If the newer posts stay offlimits, then assetbar is mostly a place for assetbarians to drum their fingers before eventually not being assetbarians.

I still have 2 months of 'pay' assetbar, but you don't buy that for the discussion component - far too civilised. And in my opinion it's only good for the first week when you're reading the backlog. Get one month every year or so maybe.

So goodbye. I love you all!*

* (that was only a 'TGH goodbye'. I'll still be refreshing a few times a day no doubt)

Ooh, ooh, give us a TGH anti-religion argument now!

And so we huddle here in our post-apocalyptic crater, gnawing on old hamscout photoshops, telling tall tales of theguitarhero and his Great Quest Away from Assetbar, a saga long in the telling but short on the Leaving.

Oh god nice-on-water, how did it come to this?

Well, I will tell you...

Gather round childers Ill tell yous a story tis about this place we live - the assetbar.

They do says one time longback all stips was commented. People done go inta ever asset and make they opinions known. Then it happen no one know it zaktly but was a terbel happenin. Stad himsel came down on the assetbar to kil and hurt all the childers of the bar. So the assetbar was brought down and humble and never did come the same again. Then onward no-one assertbarian ever did could make they opinions onto any new stip that did appear. Not even those as had the true knowin of the Bee Bee Code.

SO Think on before yous any of you say a bad thing on the Stad for done it before and he will hurt us all again no doubt.

At least we still have glad. He makes us feel better despite/because of his ways. He's the curate to our Narrator From War of the Worlds.

I bet he's really been working out since assetbar went down.

Then we all might be in a bit more of a spot then I thought.

I've been doing some thinking while assetbar was down.

Thinking about how all my unused chubbies are going to waste.

So I'm gonna go through the archives, and chubby glad until I can chubby no more. I figure 1600 odd strips, a max of about 10 chubs per strip, glad is gonna be a chubbdillionaire.

That is the day in which chubbies will officially mean less than nothing.

As opposed to that day when they were so strong against the Euro?

No - as opposed to the day in which chubbies mean exactly nothing, which is everyday.

Ahhh, I read ya now.

I seriously hope this becomes Canon.


It's actually "I am just going outside and may be some time..." as said by Laurence Oates just after he recorded "Rich Girl" with Darryl Hall.

You're a bitch, girl.

Assetbar baby oh thank God I thought I'd lost you I swear I'll never take you for granted again I love you so much

Damn it, and I was just starting to get work done.

Man, shuck this jive. ::kicks assetbar over, puts on sunglasses, skateboards away::

Funny story though, I actually bought a month's subscription to the PrEmIuM Fanflow about three days after this debacle began. I then realized what a horrible life I have.

Good lord, so did I...YESTERDAY. We wuz robbed.

Mine expired just before the downtime and I don't get paid until tomorrow. It's like crashing your car, then the insurance company gives you a loaner the day you're meant to pick up your car from the panel beaters.

When I blacked out, I had a vision that Assetbar had been down for a week.

I had been outside, discovering the wonders of nature, enjoying the smell of air fresh with freedom.
The sun no longer stung my saucer-sized pupils, dilated from staring too long at a monitor in a dark room.
I had an overwhelming feeling of peace, and fitness.

I was coming into the house to get my gear for a pickup volleyball game, when I heard the computer running.
As I glanced at the screen to power it down, something caught my eye on the browser window.
It said: "Assetbar is now back up, new strip Tuesday night!"

My hands went limp, and my knees buckled, and I fell into my chair as the knee pads fell to the floor.
My back, which had grown straight and strong from many long hikes, now bent into a too-familiar slouch in the chair.
And my eyes began to glaze as I clicked 'discuss', and basked in Assetbar's warm, glowing, warming glow.

What happened in your Flash Forward?

i pooped

I wanna cum.

I came. No, no I didn't. False alarm. :(

Dear lord, why am i automatically translating this post into gladi8orrex's "jive-style" voice and then re-translating it back into english as I'm reading it?

Is this what a week of no assetbar has done to me?

oh, and i almost signed up for FanFlow, but instead I started re-reading the strips from the old Phillipe, Tac@dor, and Mr. Bear era after Paypal timed out.

>Assetbar's warm, glowing, warming glow

It was so warm he had to tell us twice.

ditto for the glowing.

It's a Homer Simpson quote.

What a world we live in, where we must be reminded of such a thing.

What happened in my Flash Forward?
I dreamt I was a cheese-wedge of spite.


I just noticed - I'm not breathing and I never get hungry now. Everything looks like the saturation is turned down.

Are you filled with the urge to groan "braiiiiiinsss"?


14th of October - Barn in Package.


( spoochfch'a! )

Aww, go piss up a rope.


Too late, sorry. Your mother was second. I should know, I was there.

Todd's urine is a healing, combining force.

It just had to fall back on the Magical Realism, didn't it.

Okay, that was a plot twist I wasn't expecting...

Deep down, I am having trouble accepting the closure of the Karma Machine arc and have been secretly hoping that story isn't actually over. And so I am rooting for Korea to East this shit up a notch.

this might be the last strip with an assetbar, ever

Methinks we should set up a PRIVATE FAN FORUM.
You know, just sowing seeds...
Whether or not they'll take root...

hmm.. it needs to be more specific. there are all kinds of achewood fans, and I doubt they would all get along in the same forum.

I for one would want only high brow achewood fans in any forum I frequent

I would never join a board that would have someone like me as a member.

Would you join a club to hit far over the head with it?

Like some sort if Official Unofficial Achewood Message Board?

haven't seen YOU there, octafish...

You won't. Anyplace Asherdan is a respected member isn't for me.

Hmmm...he seems nice there. Must research here to see the problem.

Aw, it's just a knee-jerk reaction. I don't really care about the guy one way or the other, but his actual posts never quite live up to his reputation.

Like maybe with a secret handshake (password(handshake)) or something?

What happened ?

somebody shut up us the assetbar

All our chubbies are belong to you..?

You have no chance to chubby make your post.

What you post !?

Ha Ha Ha Ha...

We're all gonna run out of chubbies soon.

well they banned me on TOUAMB. i could create new accounts, but it'd be too much effort for not enough reward. they kinda suck over there. I don't blame the people, I blame the interface. TOUAMB is like air conditioning... Everyone gets A/C in their homes and then their cars, and pretty soon it becomes so easy to insulate yourself from your neighbors and the world at large. no more sitting out on a porch in the hot summer, driving around with your windows rolled overhearing and sharing in the world of your neighbors. that's TOUAMB, the anti-thesis to assetbar.


They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot,
A big hotel, a boutique,
And a swinging hot spot.
Don't it always go to show
You'll never know what you got till it's gone?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot. They took all the trees, they put 'em in a tree museum.
They charged the people
A dollar and a half just to see 'em.
Don't it always go to show
You'll never know what you got till it's gone?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.

Hey, farmer, farmer, put away that D.D.T.!
Give me spots on my apples
But leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Don't it always go to show You'll never know what you got till it's gone?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.

Late last night I heard my screen door slam.
A big yellow bulldozer took away the house and the land.
Don't it always go to show
You'll never know what you got till it's gone?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.

Dude, it's fucking assetbar. WORST case scenario is that we all start going outside more.

Dylan is covering Joni Mitchell now? Jesus how the mighty have fallen.

Dylan covering Joni covering Mingus covering Bird covering Old Negro Spiritual covering Moses covering...

youre over-intellectualizing it. they banned you because you dont know how to e-socialize properly.

So I'm assuming the 'bars been down for another day or so again and that I'm the first back.

::shouts down empty tunnel, echo bellows back::

I'm checking back here most days. It makes me pathetically happy when assetbar temporarily exists again and I can see new yellow posts.

I even went to touamb yesterday, to make a level-headed assessment the haps. I suppose I could make a home there, but assetbar seems more creative and funny.

I saw the spoor of rowboat on the 'assetbar down' thread, and he's representing the One True Board nicely, even in the face of occasional snideness.

It's actually been slightly educational, as asherdan has revealed the source of some of his hurt, betrayal and deep inner sadness - the reason he made such a bad start as assetbar. Apparently he used to post on an old Achewood board, then it went away and he's still pouty (or has daddy issues) about it.

On tuoamb, there are repeated predictions that this outage is the END of assetbar, that Onstad is about to up stakes and abandon we semi-legitimate offspring.

Maybe in the future, everyone will be asherdan for 15 minutes.

Do we have to be Asherdan?


Dibs on Chatbot.

We're all unique and beautiful snowflakes with equally valid opinions! Can't we all just get along, Toumbies and AssetBarbies alike?

I love all ya' guys!

P.S. I'm a cat! Meow!

Those bastards. I've been there; never signed in or posted, but it just look so dull . I don't apologize to any touambers if they're here, spying, infiltrating. Assetbar doesn't need defending there.

Hi guys I'm glad to be here! Looking forward to participating in the thriving discussion for years to come!

get lost creep

i'm over Assetbar. also my probation states i can't hang. you guys're fun. i'll miss you, like i have in these days without. just...um..call me sometime. facebook me. or whatever.




you guys

this is all an extended metaphor for North Korea!

We are citizens, stuck in the past (glorious past), held back in Better Times by a singular leader with which we have little day-to-day dealings with, who beams down at us with embiggening benevolence, and brings to us the multiple joys of Theodore Squirrel and Friends.

When bloggers look to see us here, they see only sadness and unfortunate movements, but they do not see our fun! C'mon gang, let's show them that North Korea is totally PLUS~~!

Comrade, I would give you a chubby but these tough times, they take away all our chubbies, even glorious leader must do without

You tell a funny joke, friend, about our Glorious Leader suffering for want of a chubby, though we know this to be an impossiblity, friend, it's a funny joke but a dangerous one, friend.

i just wish that glorious leader would FUCKING UPDATE THE STRIP ONCE IN A WHI-

Comrade. These new Chubbies, formed from finest concrete-dust-residue are filling and nutritious.

Do you contest this?

I'm getting more of a 17th century European settler-type vibe. Here we are in our country of origin. Everything is fucked. Population density out the ass. More civil wars and plagues and shit than you can shake a stick at. We turn our weary eyes Westward and we see a New World. TOUAMB! A new beginning! Freedom from oppression and oblivion! A spacious, peaceful home! We can build a whole new culture! On our terms!

I've staked out my territory. I don't necessarily want to abandon this place, but I'm starting to wonder if there's anything left for me here. TOUAMB is a little dull, but if the right ones of us make the jump we could fix that in no time. I'll just have to see what happens. For better or worse, it seems that I now need at least one message board in my life. If this one is kaputt, I can't see any better options than this New World.

meh, not touamb. make our own board.

Ah! You want to settle the moon!

I can do this, maybe. Or anyone who owns a domain...it's pretty easy, actually.

im not happy abot dis. so craze i m tweet abot shit

ya know what? fuck it ima just post in dis 1 strip til cows come home FUCK it i don give a SHIT

You ought to think that one through, glad. Soon as the cows come home, what do they do but piss in your foyer, shit on your carpet, I mean huge piles of shit- and get straw and slobber on your sofa.

Talking about the hard day they had on Wall Street...

I'd dance with the cows till you came home, glad.

Is this what it feels like to be old and waiting to die? I mean technically you can still move around and stuff, but none of it means anything, and it's all REALLY slow-moving, and you never know if tomorrow it'll all be gone. And yet, you know that it doesn't matter if all of this disappears, because you're ready to move on to whatever awaits you on the other side. A strange feeling of peace...


Let's All Remain Positive In Order To Show Respect to the Ultimate Draughtsman.


I will not go without a fight!
Even if my historical references are mixed!

I like that the ham is flipping the bird.

He won't even deign to look at those tanks.

Vitual Chubby to you, Hamscout.

Holy fucking shit. Your avataricon says "HAM".

Truly, until now, I have been blind. I thought it was a face with one of those scribbly angry mouths.

Just noticed that too.

My eyes have been opened to a new way.

Hamming it up, as usual.


We're alive at least I think I am but Assetbar is dead and we're all vultures picking at the corpse or maybe Assetbar's just in like a coma and we're talking comments into its ear because I heard that can help when someone's in a vegetative state or it's like a funeral where the preserved corpse of your grandpa is on display and your parents make you sit in his cold dead lap one last time while the vicar operates his arm with a system of pulleys to ruffle your hair and I'm not sure where I was going with this

Someone ( Read: a photoshop expert like you, echidnaboy or hamscout) needs to shop the strip of Todd piloting the Good AirShip Assetbar, explaining the f-f-frickin turbulence to the passengers...



Normally I would chubby this in a millisecond, but you know how it is. Times are tough. We may need to make our few remaining chubbies last a lifetime. Ah fuck it.

(NB: Options should be F4 - F1 is Help)

You make me proud, son. You make me proud.

We should all have one last shot at hastily photoshopped buggery, even though we know in our hearts there are no chubs to be found. Once more into the filters, my friends, once more.

But I have no way of knowing what photoshop is, ever!

Photoshop is an elf that lives inside your skull.

How about some old Paints that I don't remember the significance of?


Aw, schweet!

Yes, you're dead, now hush.

I'm sure I'm alive, but... why?

I have no idea what's happening, but I'm gonna go ahead and start combing through the archives, saving the best 'shops and things. I fear the worst.

I picture us as a small group of wildcat strikers, outside a brightly lit and wholly operational factory. The happy souls in fanflow are going about their business, ignoring the cold, lonely figures outside. We are warming our hands at a brazier, which represents history.


Tattered banners flap in the biting wind, someone tries to play "ass in your pants" on a battered fiddle, but all the strikers feel their backs broken by the crushing weight of "progress".

important: SafeSearch: Off %u25BC for those who want to know what a young Peter North looks like.

I know what a young Peter North looks like, holmes.

I know what a young Holmes looks like.


For a minute there I thought you were gonna show dat guy with the big pipe.

No points.

My Achewood experience is a pale, ghostly imitation of its former hale self. If I have no where to point out the dark splotch in the raw infrared footage of Todd that indicates his empty skull cavity, did I, in fact, notice it? I am a tree falling in the woods, and I make no sound.



"From the desk of Chris Onstad

Hi, this is Chris. I fixed everything, and I want to explain how.

We've all seen it, and we've all been confused. The world is changing so quickly that only nine year-old boys with "Wiis" in both pockets actually know what is true any more. I'm 31, and most days, I care so little about what "del.icio.us" is that I can barely get out of bed. But this is different.

This is Achewood's answer to that confusing glut of inscrutable text messages, video game blogs about RSS feed ringtones, and pictures of a kitten saying "IM ON UR HOTDOG EATING UR MUSTARD." In only a few months' time, this paragraph will mean nothing. There has never been a better time to put your money on information decay. Or to hedge against properly structured English-language paragraphs.

Come deeper into Achewood. Talk amongst yourselves. See a picture of a cute girl from Nova Scotia, or a boy named Hellos4Hubert. Send messages to one another. For almost six years we've been flat, but now there's a basement. I want you to go there, and I want you to have an information party. Because that's what the Internet was supposed to be, before money and Paris Hilton fucked the whole thing up.

In short, come in and enjoy Achewood in a slightly new, slightly different way. The old way is still there, but this way has more girls. (Girls, I'm counting on you.)

The Finest Things to us All,

Chris Onstad

PS: Yes, we are actively developing new features, and requesting your feedback. Here's what's in store:

* ALT tags for strips will be included in Acheworld.

* The Achewood blogs will be incorporated into the interactive content, so you can say what you think about what Ray thinks.

* Much, much more."

Yes, yes, very nice Chris but WILL I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT?

Two possibilities for your consideration:

1) All the anti-fanflow types are correct. This Assetbar "malfunction" is just Onstad's plan to force you to pay $3 per month to be able to put forth your own opinions about his work for other strangers to read.

2) The disruption of Assetbar services is due to a planetary alignment occurring on the eighth anniversary of Achewood. The archives are arranged in calendar format, and like the Mayan calendar, the lack of any entries after September 2009 signals the end of history. That is, drskradley and scorpio_nadir are right: we are dead, we just haven't figured it out yet.

Either way, have a nice life.

I choose option 1.
Now, if I can just fund my heartbeat...

Where did you find that? It's a hoax, right?


Except that Onstad says 6 years whilst Achewood has been running for 8 years. My guess was this FAQ was about the original introduction of subscriber content.

Not to mention the "Alt text will be enabled in Acheworld" thing, which came to pass several years ago.

Yeah, that's probably what's up. Good eye(s). But what threw me, what made me think he was talking about something new, was the "Achewood blogs will be incorporated into the interactive content" thing. Am I misunderstanding that or is it just something that never happened?

I think pretty much that entire write-up never happened.

i think i saw a girl once

me too. i think it was stereo when he was feeling brave and pretty.

yo autre, guess what i've been reading instead-- ulillillia's site. apparently i have an extremely large attention span when it comes to useless information about other people's uneventful lives and fear of sitting in chairs. and i've started practicing doing mind games myself. it's pretty hard actually. meditation might help as a concentration aid.

Do this. It is most basic hygiene. Your depression will fade away in time to a faint memory if you do this.
All these kids on psychotropic meds or depressed...or both.
Is truly saddest thing.

But killing makes my depressions fade away, right away.

that's not helpful

ulillillia is top dog, I love that guy. Mind games really are a bit of a challenge, I get pretty distracted by thinking about autism after awhile.

Then the game turns much, much darker.

...or indeed find it...

ppccd, you should try reading with your eyes open before you perpetrate a serial laming. You seem to have lumped me in with troy_convers, whom you lamed five or six times in a row (1); or you thought I was unaware of how old the FAQ was (2). I was merely responding to the last message on the page.

I thought the "you are dead, have a nice life" part would clue people in to my intent, but some people refuse to allow clue into their lives.

(1) I have consistently argued that Onstad should do what he wants with his work, and no one should complain about receiving some of it for free, but I don't really care either way about the complainers.

(2) I pointed out the existence of the FAQ to others on this site two years ago, though I can't find my comment to link to it right now. The text of the FAQ has not changed since then.

Oh, the poor blog girl! All that work!

For almost six years we've been flat, but our boobies are rising like an angry yeast revolt.

Worst simile ever, folks?


everyone should e-mail chris and ask him what the fuck is going on

I found his e-mail address here:


Do this.

sorry... I forgot about the bug in assetbarista there that encourages you to post blank posts.

Hello, new poster! Welcome to our recently deceased message board!

Now you know what it feels like to post a blank space. This is good. Now simply change your avatar to a picture of a person (real or fictional) who is famous for being silent. Before our message board died, this sort of post would garner you "chubbies," which are better than true love and smack. Unfortunately, our supply of these little pieces of sexy magic has dwindled to almost nothing.

Our message board is dead.

Have fun!

Damn my plan didn't work. Wanted to see if I could hack into the newer strips using a puppet identity.
Onstad you c#ck-gobbling mofo, your fans deserve better than this!
shakes fist vigorously in air at sky

the new strips use IP blocking to keep people like you out

No that's not it, because it was tried on a completely different computer, so I doubt there is a discussion option on the newer strips.
Just thought I'd relate that to 'people like you'...

it sounds like you may have the concept of IP and MAC address confused. If indeed you did try it on a different IP address, then you probably logged in under your old account first, thus the different IP became associated with the blocked account. duh!

This is a puppet account I created on an old IP address and thus of no use. So, I tried setting up a new account on completely new computer and connection, did not log into my old account and still nothing on October strips.

maybe by chance on your new connection the ISP's DHCP gave you the same IP as you had on the old connection.


what's up, all.

makin' my foray into this place..
been around for a time, and now i'm really here.

hope to have some good times with youse.

Shitty timing.

*twirls finger in gesture indicating that you should turn around*

*flicks finger in gesture indicating that you should leave*

::door slams shut::

It's strangely fitting that Hamscout's "Happy eighth birthday Achewood" animation was probably the last post that will ever get just massive chubbies

Kim Jong-Il is hilariously lame, yet lethally psychotic. I bet he's a huge Jimmy Buffet fan.

I tend to think of him more in terms of "Eraserhead" than "Parrot Head".

The worst part about AssetBar's demise is how solid the last few strips have been.

I want to talk about them.

But I may not.


you're just trying to flatter Onstad in the hopes that he'll open assetbar back up to everyone again. But Onstad knows damn well that the moment he does that I'll go right back to inciting everyone to kidnap and murder his wife and kid in retaliation for his slow and sporadic production schedule.

As If yoU matter.....

Is THis a GLaddI8 ThInG?

By mentioning the most recent strips, you have gone beyond the limits of what our Thriving Discussion Board can accept. You must now retire to the Distant Town. And when you are in the Distant Town, the only action available to you is listening to Asherdan.

If he throw himself on the leniency of the court, would you lessen that to fluffing your hog? That would be much more palatable, even in a country with no indoor plumbing.

guys i think this whole achewood thing is over

i think it's time to go home now.

Everybody knows it ended because of you. You won in the end.



Dang... I won...

I'm like, all sad and stuff, that I was away at college when my brother with that terminal disease since he was a child finally kicked in, and died temporarily, but was brought back only to be in a vegetative state, with labored breathing...the silence before we pull the plug, counting our blessings, hoping he'll pull through, but knowing in our hearts that there is no special design for him, or anyone else. When he is gone, he is gone, and we have to make out of it what we will. I never told him I loved him. I never told you guys I love you. I love you guys so much *breaks down sobbing*

Oh, and, like, add me on Facebook and shizznit. I can create an IRC channel especially for us, if you'd be interested (because #achewood is laaaame), and I can even, dare I suggest, set up a phpBB forum, if you guys don't want to go to TOUAMB. How does assetbar.raptorswithhats.com sound? Or achewood.raptorswithhats.com? Hey, I didn't choose the domain.

you idiot! can you read my above post? phpbb sucks ass! if we set something up it needs to have an interface similar to assetbar, where you can have a free flowing discussion, not some shit where everyone can have a signature that takes up have the screen of every post so 80% of the CPU time used by the BBS ends up being to serve up the same old shit eating signatures of people over and over again.

I mean fucks sakes if you want a phpbb style bbs go to touamb.com. just because there's a few fags there shouldn't ruin the experience. it has an ignore function so just ignore ashedern and whoever else is all faggy and you're set. there is like no one there. the place gets like 5 posts a day. you all could go take it over no problem.

Ha! What an IDIOT! Ha Ha Ha!

I'm an idiot for trying to offer up a solution? Excuse me for being unable to design a site exactly like Assetbar. Or design a site at all.

You can disable signatures too, genius.

i bet twenty five dollar that if any one of you make a bbs message board that you would not be not idiot enough to disable the signature. oh, wait, what is this https://touamb.com/ oh is proff that i am correct! thank you twentyfive dollar now please


Who are you?

you might be the only person on earth who has wrong opinions.

Imagine if AIU were to set up a discussion forum for us all on his website. Imagine it.

*has faraway look in eyes and slowly salutes to lone military-style drummer*

Already In Use
Master Baiter
Posts: 2764
Chubbies: 99999997

And so, the least of them shall become their greatest hero...

Editors note: After I posted this 'p-shop, Assetbar came back up.

Just sayin'.

The Gods are satisfied at your offering, hamscout. The natives all mumble reverent thanks to you.

You will be cooked and eaten, and this day forever sanctified.

Split pea soup yes please

I submit that the best of Achewood has been when Roast Beef goes on a journey. Examples:
- Beef in Heaven (various)
- Beef on the Moon
- Great Outdoor Fight
- Ray and Beef on a Road Trip
- Ray Goes to Hell, Beef Goes to Get Him
- Beef Travels Through the Karma Wheel (preceded by meandering)


I agree, but some of my favorite strips were the ones at the end of last year, about Beef's childhood, or the one from April 20th this year, where Beef did open mic.

So maybe there's some connection between all these strips?

I love me some Beef, but I have to say a pretty hefty percentage of my favorite strips are Ray-centric. I know people don't like this answer. I can't help it. He's an extremely interesting character.


Well, if assetbar is really getting ready to do the old Yugoslavia routine, there are a few of you who still haven't joined the assetbar group on facebook .

Who I'd like to see there if this place is to be no more (not strictly in any particular order....but kind of):
....probably a few other good eggs I forgot.

What up, people? You too cool for facebook?

Till then, I'll just be in the corner strummin' that one Green Day song people always play whenever a high school kid dies or some shit.

I HOPE you had the TIIIIIME of your


Till then, I'll just be in the corner strummin' that one Green Day song people always play whenever a high school kid dies or some shit.

That song is entitled " Good Riddance ," so I laugh whenever I hear it used as a heartfelt farewell.

Most people know about this, but listen very closely to the beginning, when he messes up.

Another turnip on a fork stuck in the road?


though i do want to be friends with autrepoupee, the undisputed queen of assetbar. i bow down to her snappy showtunes and consistent lack of blogginess. she is the role model that every little girl over at the dove self-esteem workshops need, but do not get.

everybody wants a piece of the autrepie ah heh heh heh

((I'd be all of your friends, but I'd have to start an alternative facebook account or something, because I've got a lot of people on my other one who would totally deride me for having an abundance of internet friends, but give me time and I'll make a covert one. do you still need to be a member of a 'network'? that was lame. ending parentheses-based communicae))

Now that traditional assetbar appears to be back though, I think we can all rest easy, knowing there will be snarky upstart iGenerationers and AIU accounts for years to come. :0)

Do these people who would deride you for having internet friends really... know you?

Thank you. That is always nice to hear.

I'm kinda too cool for facebook, in that I only joined earlier this year after much protestation.

Also, I'm still part of the old school internet guard, the one that has problems with giving out too much personal info. When I switched, for a time, to using an email address that had my actual name in it on my old assetbar-type distraction, a certain music-related mailing list, I thought I was being totally dangerous.

I'm still amazed at what kind of info the kids today put out there, willy nilly. I don't want you guys seeing photos of me at a wedding I went to a few weeks ago and apparently got so drunk that I challenged people to "judo or tai chi or something" and vigorously and vociferously defended "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen (it wasn't even on the jukebox, god).

Also, I would be tempted to totally stalk autrepoupee. You know, unless there was a good movie on or something.

I'm too Old School, but you guys knew that. My sisters are on it just to keep up on their (and my) kids' lives.
I'll be goddamned if I stoop to that kind of snoop, dogg.

I actually am too cool for facebook, sorry, there is nothing the doctors can do...

I was actually already a member of I Have Died, but because my heart is so full from having been mentioned here, I actually have to join the Oh-Fish group now.

This does indeed mean that I am not cool and use Facebook. Baaaaaaah.

i wonder if there is some people out there their brains automatially reverse the negative of negative pictures

Man assetbar is starting to feel like Saigon after the last helicopter left the american embassy, talk about a sense of confusion and dread!

I for one can readily envision mobs of ill-mannered hippies celebrating as the Achewood community is ushered into the Glorious Killing Fields of the People's Movement of September 30th.

"Everything is fine in the Distant Town," they will say.

ill-mannered hippies

That's one from the department of redundancy department.

ill-mannered hippies

thanks for the flashback, maaaannnnn.....

"Wait. I've seen this. This is it. This is the end. Yes. You were laying right there, just like that. And I. . . I... I stand here, right here, and I'm supposed to say something. I say:
"Everything that has a beginning has an end..."

Isn't this where...

cool! assetbar is back in business on the new strips!


You were right, Troy Convers. You're always right. It was inevitable.

Ugh, I need a shower .

Hey, I made a temporary forum until Assetbar comes back: [url]achewood.raptorswithhats.com[/url]

you douched up the link
here, I fix:


No, actually that is a link to a Rick Astley music video.
This is the correct one.




Wow, we got a bit morbid when we thought Assetbar had died.
Never take it for granted again...

or at least for a week, whichever expires first....

Seriously. We kind of overreacted, as a community.

Not surprised, though, as this is the same group that had a bunch of people saying that the comic was over after that "achewood machine breaking down" strip a year or two ago. We expected a guy who has been constantly missing deadlines and generally bad at communication with the freeloaders to be direct and timely with us about the assetbar situation?

For the record, I never resorted to doom-prophesies myself.

Yeah, I kind of went all girly up there. Aaaaaand now that it's back I already hardly give a shit about it again. How odd it is to be me!

If I could, I'd deactivate my assetbar account, just like I deactivated Facebook the other week.

For kicks. For fun.

Ha, I just realized that this is same comic where you talked about the Facebook assetbar group. I guess I am too cool for Facebook.