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Beef Finds Ray in Hell Tuesday, December 16, 2003 • read strip Viewing 61 comments:

It speaks to Ray's character that so many of his sins were him attempting to do a good deed but failing due to a complete lack of basic empathy.

It also says that Ray is the shit.

A comment left by heatbag was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, greatwhitehope7, Rygaud, goocifer, HSE, Kleptonis, NDCaesar, MortisInvictus, DHCJohn, FinnS, TheGreatestCape, Doc_Rostov, yingkaixing)

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wittyname, Hinducow28, dinner, Ihmgard, stormagnet)

yeah - this is awesome. I think if you saw someone say it in real life it would be one of those things you would remember until you die... or until you forgot.

why would anyone ever lame this comment?!

Ray is the kind of guy who has to follow up everything he says with "Hey, lighten up"

Ray is Rodney Dangerfield?

A comment left by blarghamagarky was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, dismas, TheQuietYou)

A comment left by blarghamagarky was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, apricotta, hellofditties, Doc_Rostov, TheQuietYou)

A comment left by blarghamagarky was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, hellofditties, Doc_Rostov, TheQuietYou)

I'm sure some of your admirers will see this and do your princely bidding soon enough, don't worry.

A comment left by blarghamagarky was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dismas, hellofditties, TheQuietYou)

If it makes you feel any better, I did check out the link later that day when I got home. I can honestly say this: I had never seen that before. I'll always like the guy, but damn if that didn't upset me...and this is a guy who would still defend Back to School.

it is one of the best things I have seen on youtube

I am sorely tempted to agree with you. So I will.
Chubby for amusing linkage, go!

Saw it a few months ago, it changed my life. Sorry for not commenting on it sooner.

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation." meh.

I guess this is what I get for waiting a year to finally follow up on it.

tambien, mang. es no fair.

It was just a corny Rodney Dangerfield music video from the 80's, if I remember it right. It really wasn't anything special. I think it's ok to say this now, blarghamagarky is probably gone. '

Unless she has a "saint"-like resurrection.

"Saint-like" except that someone would probably care. Because she's hot. And saint isn't.

the dancing is pretty tight

That is upsetting.

it's been removed from youtube. What was the video? I could probably find it by typing in a keyword

Also: Ray is only in hell because he sold his soul. He's not necessarily a bad guy.

Beef on the other hand just went to Hell..I'm not sure why, maybe puking on an electrical socket counts as suicide.

I think it just counts as vandalism.

Wait wait wait.... you can go to hell for vandalism?! HELL?!

You can go to hell for eating the wrong animals or turning doorknobs on the wrong days. You have to be careful with all that sin stuff. Which I say "fuck it".

Dude you can go to hell for wearing clothing made of mixed fibers. Poly-cotton blend is hella sinful.

probably went to hell for the suicide, yeah

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

It's paved with hellbricks. I've seen them, they're not very exciting.

that's kind of a letdown

The hellbricks are made from Jimmy Hoffa.


That's what he said.

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, Jesler729, Connellingus, Zem, MrPoopytime)

Being taken out for ice-cream by Nice Pete can do that to a kid.

Ray knows that a real homeboy ALWAYS has access to gravy.

I you've got you gravy, everything else is gra... Oh, wait.

And now is the time that I go to KFC.

The breakfast resturaunt has to be Denny's

"bucket of Colonel and a pint of dippin' gravy" and "some ice machine on Tilt" are about as Ray as it gets.

Beef answers his own question in panel 1.

In heaven, it might have been a KFC/Taco Bell hybrid store because then you could put crispy colonel's strips in a 7 Layer Burrito and eating it is like being in Heaven.

I am slapping a twenty on your table
"Hey, kid -

It would be like treasure.

Hee all in a Taco Bell with some treasure

A comment left by hendetta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tomsonlocal, THE_GREGREH, hellofditties)

Assuming that is a reply to the previous comment, that is pretty funny.

It isn't. It was posted first.


I wish I'd noticed this before commenting.

Well, at least your intentions were good.

Interesting that in the Achewood vision of hell, bad actions committed with good intentions are counted as sins. Unless the shame felt by Ray because of his misdemeanor is simply the punishment for one of his other sins?

I never noticed before, how just that one panel is in colour. Nice touch...

Karl Marx was right.

This is probably stupid of me to notice this NOW, but all the scenes with Ray in the hall are in color, and everything else is monochrome.

"You slapped a twenty on my table and I ate it, Ray, in my innocence."

Every time I read this strip, I read slowly, praying my guts out that the last line was somehow changed.

Have you noticed that "Ray's car" sounds like "racecar"? COINCIDENCE?