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Letters from the Earth Friday, August 9, 2002 • read strip Viewing 32 comments:

I wonder if frenching is like that.

Hella fun? Yes.

the fact that your avatar is vlad - amazing

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Gills131, clancine, Howard, profbobo, littlefatdog)

lol i have r.b.'s same problem
i got depression

You are the guy that sucks. ;D

plus, you got depression

also, you're the guy that sucks.

I think this is the assetbar approximation of a feedback loop.

plus, you got depression


These knives that I... boned?

That ain't cool, dude, I don't dig on jokes about my cutlery.


Someone say something about retractable cutlery?


I love how intensely Ray exclaims "It was hella fun!"

roast beef is cute in a space helmet.

I feel Beef.

confucious say: man wif hole in pocket feel cocky all day

Panel 4? Oh-oh my God! The perfect thing to say, EVER!

so, I could dress up a computer and become like a Venus Geek-Trap? Sweeetness.

It really is hella fun when your girl lets you french her. For real. It is.

"get me in front of my computer 'cause I really feel like programmin' it right about now" is such an underrated achewood line. 5 stars.

Picture this, my children. Your tongue is in her mouth, and your tool is in her shed, simultanous-like. Now that's hella fun!

Yes that is always good times.

i can't imagine the fun when i'm looking at that eye.

so she did French him.

Good Lord, I'm Roast Beef without a cool T-shirt collection or friends to steal a rocket from. Or programming skills. Dang. Maybe I should take classes.

You should definitely learn to program.

If I had to choose between frenching and coding, I'd take frenching, but coding would be like #2 on the list of things to bring to the desert island, dig?

Galaxy Nachos a la Beef: tortilla chips, olives, jalapenos, beef(guh), MOON DUST. Serve with salsa.

This strip makes me cry